4 P1GE TWG MEDFORD MTAILi TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER a. 1012 i oi. i V h i i i i i u i ALAND 'KKmU llERSONAl Col. Frank II. Hay reached Now Yerk today from an extended Kuro tiean tour. 'Ho la expected In thin City this rail. C. O, Dickey, Harry Helms and a party "bf friends havo returned from an outing) a Cinnabar. They report a npktmilii time, , .MIm Flora Gray, piano instruc tlo5Htudo, 144 Central avenue, 8oHthv .Phone pacific U. KcbI doBc 116 Geneva avenue, phono 7941. Calling hour 3 to 4 dally at etudlo. . M Hacl Enyart and Miss Kuth Merrick -Tirora guests of Miss Alma Ketlla l the William Nellls estate ner Peyton, a few days of last week. A sorrel Shetlnnd pony for salo, cheap. Weight 550 pounds, very gentle and used to children, also bug tnr If wnnted. D. J. Palmer. S2C outti' Central are., phono, 4681, 139 " Mr. and Mr. N. Scholr of North Central avenue are leaving Thurs day for tho Flounce Rock ranch nenr Peyton, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam M. XelllR Jfor a fortnight. ladles bring us your fall suit we will clean and alter It to suit you. Pantoriaw. H2 Miss Flora Gray, who has recently returned from San Francisco where 6k. has been coaching In piano atHdy nd quiring advanced aieth es.t of, .UstrHctlon, entertained her cIms pf tmvlc pupils st her home J I (5., Geneva, .avenue, yesterday after noon .Games aaA. music, were en joyed and light refreshments served. , 8. A. Novell, ladles' tailor. th floor M. F. &. bldg. . . ,Th Pythian Sisters will hold Uilr,.regular Aeetlng at K. P. Hall Wednesday evening, Sept. 4. All aenbers are .urged to be j) resent. ..Overcoats, repaired, now velvet collars pt, en x&d put in shape for yen ata small cost. Pantorium.142 , Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00 per or. Geld Kay Realty Co.. Sixth vand Fir. .Ctareace ilearaes has returned tremja. short trip to Roseburg. .Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00 peneord. Gold Jtay Realty . Co.. Sixth, and Fir. h.R. Kerr and A. Jordan have re turned from an outing on tha Far rell ranch south of the city. We , re-llae jackets, pHt. on new caffs and collars. Pantorium.. 142 .Mr. an Mm. W. H. Baro'. Ralph Weodferd and. Lou Warner motored to the Applegate Sunday. .See X. A, Holmes, The Insurance Mmm w TaalrasiB fVtuBtv Vtanlr. Rex..vW. -T. Geulder left Tuesday foritorthud attend conference. Mr. .and Mrs. J. S. Rodgers of Eileen are in Medford on business. Furs, have as put your furs in shape, for cold weather, Pantorium. 142 Lieut. E. T. Fobs returned Mon day Irom Portland, where he tarried a. few days on hU return from tbo eaoaBsfiment at Fort Stevens. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphers, negatives made any time or place, by appointment Phone M. 1471 ...Waker. Merrick is at Seattle on a short business trip. .BlaBketa cleaned and recorded, they. will look .better than now. Pan terlunu 142 The Medford public schools set-' tied down to the new year's work in earnest today after the summer's va cation. .The enrollment was greatly Increased today and will exceed 1300. Hay for sale. W. If. Everhard. Phone oCTl. vTha work of cxacavating for curb and gutters on west Eleventh street was resumed by the Clark & Henery Construction company today. Cut down the. high cost of Hying by having lis clean, alter and repair your clothing. Pantorium. 142 Thoelty council will meet In regu lar session this evening. Get Mrs. Reynolds home made bread at.DeVoo'a. 4 Us (Mae ,Ferren returned Thurs day vfjron a pjeasant outing among relatives at Seablde. Evening gowns, street dresses and all other wearing apperal cleaned to your "satisfaction. Pantorium, J42 ftB, 'E, Storpr has returned from a short business trjp to San Francisco. SJ, D. Anderson of Trail Creek spent Tuesday at Mcdfprd on business, ,The)adies of tbq Coast Side Circle of the M. E. church, north, will serve Ice cream and cake In the tent Vf)dufday evening. Everybody In YUed. 140 Mr. and Mrs. H. 1). Pattoron and daughter haye returned from a trip te Orator Lake, yAllvwool hlup sorgo Bulls to your weaaurn at JlCpO; no use wearing a hMa4-jis-pwn, at Elfort, tho Tailor. A heavy snow storm raged Monday at Crater Lake, following an Ideal sunny day Sunday. This Is tho third snow Rtorm at tho lako tills jmmihou. fho,Bnow, inots almost naoou as It falls. , Tho nursery business formerly conducted by I K. Hoover nnd Son will ho continued by C. C. Homer, and nil outstanding hills may he paid to him. Mr. Hoover has con tracted tor 100,000 trees from the Yakima Independent, Nursery Co.. nnd 12f,00 trees from tho Milwau kee, Ore., company. .All trees art Inspected nud guaranteed (o bo first class In every particular nt time of delivery. , 134 Tho Crater Lake stage, which has boon iHakiiiff Bemi'Wei'ktv trliis to 1r I the lako will for tho rest of tho sa- M W PROBES 1 VICE IN PORTLAND rSsflkGwrnCo. r- nj9 JHT'isivrAJsjiJUS , . iit t'-'. -i. '! Pef i r, v, wiw M7i M Yf" ! 'Mi i'j ii"i "r son, only mako.one trip a week. Kodak finishing, the beat at Wea ton', opposite book store. , " Louis l. McGee of Dig Hutte spent Monday in Medford or business. Charles Et Nefr pf Portland Is In Medford on a short business trip. ,E. C. Caddies and Vulney Dixon, who have, been as (at vast as 'New York and Washington upon business. are expected homo this week. u. u. u ileum t ot sams valley was In Medford Tuesday on business. Get Jt, at DeVoe's. Phlpps Dro.8. orchardlsts, recent ly completed a large packing house at their orchards north and east from Medford. These geutlemen expect to have thirty or more .carloads of ap ples this fall. ,F. E. and Seldon Redden and their families visited friends In the Apple gate country Sunday, .Fall and winter goods are on dis play at a very low figure and a fit guaranteed, by Eifert, the Tailor. 1G4 Miss Luclle Gooding of Portland is in Medford visiting Miss Edith Brown. Several Boclety events are being planned In her honor. D. . Sampson of Crescent City Is in Medford on a short business trip. William Mutter, T. E. Daniels and friends are expected to return soon from a shooting trip to the Klamath Lakes. Soda Fountain at DcVoe's. Brooks Spencer ot Wellen spent Tuesday with Medford friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doollttlc of Roseburg spent Tuesday with friends at Medford. F. E. Merrick and J. E. Enyart havo planned an automobile trip to Crater Lake and will leave when the weather clears. The Sisters of the Holy Names re open St. Mary's Academy, Medford, September 2nd. Departments Pre paratory. Grammar and High School, Art and Music. Andrew W. Clemens of Ashland spent Tuesday in Medford visiting with his brother Charles of this city. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilson have re turned from a business trip to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Hutchason have returned from an outing on tho coast. Mr. Hutchason combined business with pleasure and wrote a large number of life insurance poli cies while absent from the city. E. J. Brownell left Tuesday morn ing for a short business trip to Portland. The rain of the -past two days has delayed pear packing to some extent but orchardUts say that the rain has been a help, not a detriment. B. W. Ilarrls left Tuesday for a short business trip to San Francisco. ChleJf of Police glover at Portland has advised District Attornenyn Mul key that ho has Viola Miller in cus tody. She will be returned to Med ford ns a witness in the Jim Ling case. Carkln & Taylor (John IT. Carktn. Glenn p. Taylor), attorneys-at-Iaw, orer Jackson County, Bank Building. Medford. D. F. Dunne of Ashland Is in Medford on a short business trip. u . Burke of .Sacramento Is In Medford visiting friends, Stanton Grirfls spent Tuesday In Medford with friends. C. W. Martin; assistant superin tendent of the Southern Pacific was a recent Medford visitor. Tarn Hon ley pf Grants Pass, well known at Medford pw:r.g to his gen ial nature, was a rccentvlsltor in this city. Less than one-tenth of an inch of rain has fallen during the present storm although showers ure predicted for tonight and Wednesday. Tho rain has provtnl a benefit as it will height en the color in tho red fruit. POHTLAXI), Oiv., Sept. 11 Wliilf CJovernor WV1 enjoyed nt Snloiu brief respite from his. nrduous liilmrs m -the up crutnite, )io Siploiuh4r UPUHl jury, tho lioilv before wliu'U will be prvscntoil nil tho Ovtileueo pothered by the vernni, llciilon nuts, wtiR ilruwn hero todny, The moral etunpnin, viis vsiRU'tetl to he in full swiii;; tomorrow. H. f. lcrjy, sH'i'iul prolocutor for the Htntc, nniiouneeu today that fhe would o before Judge McGinn in the oirrttit emirt lute UiiMtifte,nioon or tomorrow and nk him to iustrtrt the dew j;rsuid jury vpeeifienlly thnt ho (Ksdvrly) hw the right tooonduet the deUberntioiiri nt thai lody. Judge M"eflinn wns oxK'etod to Nmjo tho e instructions us he hud preymnsly decided Im1i Ktcrly and Ois-triot AUoruov Cumeroi) shoiiM lm,ve the right to npHar n prosoojitin orfi eer?J ueforo the Krnud jury. HU Wllf.UN i K Pf If POLLS NOMD UNCOI.X, Xebr., Sept. 3. - Xn third imrty ticket will npenr in Nebraska, neeordim; tn n definite stutenient ixued before the oiH'iiiiifr of tiio n'iiililicaii .slittc convention here today. All but two of the pre-i-dcntiul electors ure for Itoosevell. The conxention will only udopt n platform, numo two men to oppose the Tnft eleclois., nud then endnrx the remnindor of the republican ticket. Governor Jolm-ou of Ciilifoniiu will nddre-s the convention. Governor Johnson wn the sitiest of honor nt u non-partisan luncheon. A hundred guest, itieludim; William J. Bryan and Governor Chester Aid rich of Nehrnskn were present. Great entluiia-in was nnu-ed thi afternoon by the announcement (hut D. L. Love hud resigned ns treasurer of the Tnft state committee nud had come out for Iloot-cvclt. RATE DECISION BEARS II RAILROAD NEW YORK, Sept. 3. Transcon tinental railways weak in the stock market today as a result of the Inter-state commerce commission ruling against higher freight rates. Other railway shares ere heavy In sym pathy. Copper stocks opened strong bnt fell back before noon to their lowest. Canadian Pacific dropped more than four points. Union Paci fic, Northern Pacific, Reading and some other active Issues yielded a point or more. Tho market closed weak. Bonds were Irregular. Author of Hiawatha Dead LONDON, Sejit. .1. Samuel Coler-idge-Tuylor, author of the Ming "Iliuwuthn," which made a grentJiit Home years ngo, is dend hero today, lie whk 7.'J yenrK of age. The Massachusetts legislature has enacted u law regulating the hours of labpr of street railway pmployes after January 1, 1013. Regular trainmen -will be limited to nine hours regular work, to bo performed within twelve cpnsecijtlvo hours. For sub stitutes eight hours must clnpso be tween the close of ope day's labor nnd the beginning pf the next. Two new Brltjah battleships will be fitted with' anti-rolling tanks, the first war craft so equipped. Oregon Agricultural College This great Institution opens Its doors for the fall semester on Sep tember 20th. Courses ot Instruction include: Generat .Agriculture. Agron omy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus bandry, Bacteriology. Botany and Plant Pathology, Poultry, Husbandry, Horticulture. Kntomoiogy, veterinary Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineer ing, Mining Engineering, Highway Engineering, Domestic Science, Do mestic Art, Commerce, Forestry, Pharmacy. Zoology. Chemistry. Phy sics, Mathematics, English Langungo and Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Languages, History. Art, Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Education, Military Science and Tactics, and Music. Catalogue and Illustrated lltera turo mailed froo on application. Ad dress: Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvnllls, Oregon. School Year Opens Septemlwr SOtli THE MOST ACCURATE,. 22 CAUKR Repeating iifte ta tiw WMID.) Madojn twp inodeli; poo tor .-a puuri u. i', car-t tridges tho other for .22 Long jtuio it, r. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NOA70. S&'fiWA'& VTOv'I VtTTLwftT m UST PMCE' .oo i W J )wn Handled 15 .99 Short and IB 91 lanit rifln cnrtrlil(rc Send for linnilsoniclv illustrated Itiflu fjitn. loirand ''How toluxit VfisVZr Order Steves Rifhw Plstalsand Shotnuis from your Dealer, J.,RTRVRl:S,'AnAfB &T00lTC0AIPANY, 'PfO.BoxS04,' CHtCOI'BE FAIX9, MAflfl. CLEVELAND, Ohio. Sept. H.--ltp. duuntoA by n heavy downpour, Cleve land suffragettes, "tvnt to tho skin," worked at tho pulling station all May long1 'today, and won ninny converts to tlj.ti churo. Tho vhters of tho atutV are'bnllotlng on t pMiponod clinngiia In tlio constitution, one uf which would give tho ballot to women. Sec rotary Uongwor of the burd of elec tions declared this afternoon thlit hu never saw an old purti' orguuUntloti oporato so olfoellu'ly tm tjio women hero VorKcd today Congw"orlHUld they deserved to win. , In addition to. wuiutui suffrage, somo of tho most Important questions to be decided nro the Initiative nud roforeiHtum, good roads, taxation, the minimum wngo nud a chanuo.ln tlie Judicial system.. f MUTIN6AM0NGC0NVICTS IN MINNESOTA QUELLED JACKSON', Mloh , Sept, 'A. Mutiny among tho 2,000 convicts In tho stnto puiiltoutlitry imni which Htiuled over tho (inullty and unioiiiit of food auppllod jirlHoners, Ik ru- ported to ho miccoKsfully iuelml to day following the tlogglnK " mW lug by tho thuiulm of tho rliutU'iuier. l-'lftv men were will Into nolltaiy confinement, while th olh'in. locked In llmlr coIIh, contliuied huiiiiuoiliiK on tlio dooi's In protoat EDITOR GARRETS0N OF JUDGE PASSES AWAY N'i:v yohk. Sept. :i.-riuiitii flnrretMtn, editor tif Judge ! dend here today from injuries iveeiyed when he wiii Ihrowu from Iti- lio'ie Muv 10 Just. Prior to hi- connection willi Judgt, Gnrrctou wii mi the' editorial MnlT of the New York lven imr (Hebo -nnd l.ilii'- Weekly, lie formerly puhliVhed miiiiII ptipeiv on the I'mdfit Const. Just u bii of itiutiUou ol ovtM'vtuw aununtM toilut lujlpn you nuiKl 1m (louph- iiitoro.stiul m TALOUM Tftlcums -easily the most popular of toilet powders. Wo carry all tho lending brands any kind you want any odor any lint nuyN price. FACE LOTION You need face lotions, too --mighty desirable for tnn, freckles, and wlndburn a Mtcatlon necessity. Wo lmvo nil sorts tho best one. We mnku Witch llaxol llenxoln Crenm, COLD CREAM TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE I will sell an equity f $800 in n modern furnished house, cheap for cash. W. l, Mall Tri bune. Ill for Indies and bnhlos, for laddlca and lassies, for Morybody Cold Cream. All tho popular kinds and j a fluo special mado by our- ' netves, PUt Theatrical t Crenm. ! MEDFORD PHARMACY .Neur l'oxtofflro ' Watch Our Addition Grow Jackson nnd Summit Medford Roalty nnd Improvement Company lM. I A !!. Co. Wtlg. ul-:i .' Wo are compelled to pay cash for our school books with practically no profit in handling, so wo will positively not charge school supplies to anyone; There will bo no exception to this rulo. MEDFORD BOOK STORE School Hosiery Boys or J- n Sim Girls XJV JTO-ll 5to9'a "! Just in our new lino of School I lose, lite )xsi wearing hoso in MotU'ord. Two weights, a fine ribbed for tfU'ls. and heavy weigh! for boys. Stridly fast blaek, a 25e (iiality most plaees, here in sizes to D'o, a pair ...., .-..-. ! 15 BOYS' BLOUSE .WAISTS A new line just in, a 75c value, in light and dark colors, also black satteeu,oach . ..501 lAVo are closing out several odd Junes ol ti ir., l or. i...... tiJUhu, -ir ii j in ocv i aini; RIBBONS ' Just In LlfW'K- Mini tnn 1ntimr rv.. it t nr.M.l "" "." "'" "r woe hu jv.s aisfs.RBout price jmir ...50cJ closing .out price .25I 2 pair for 75c Boys,)raud blisses KnitJpOne lot Ladies' JTose in Uiiderwaists, each, lSSblack or tan, pair .lOrf 1v mi,! Alir' TUnv-WOnC 1()( blisses' flist .j.u. W ' ....JM. -. ''at, a pair .15? Afe havo jusl received 2 jair lor .too a m,w Iine (,r all Hi. nn(l Ijiulics' J'Miie Imported satin ribbons in all flose, 50 and 75c values, witlili fn.in r2c to l.r0 .... .- - . -- areth Knit Underwaists all sizes, each 25 Boys' and blisses' NaJc areth Waist Union Suits1 3 irarinents in one special closing out price 2 Suits for75tf. black, ribbed Hose, in sizes 7 to 91J., pair,...10d One lot Men's Heamlt'ss values. Colors, black, white, pink, blue, red, etc, the biggest values ever offered in Medford, salo price, a vard 10 - 15 - 25 I000 yards Linen, Tor chon, Val and CJIiiny L . 1... 1.1... 1. ,...1... ny -i, .muck r urn, a . 11Rei.tiolIS jJcnd. juiw ,, ,, , ,. ...jLuy . , , ' r jn s et sale price a Mens Seamless Jast h ' ' ' r. Colored Hose, black or .vm'(1 V 5l"' ,wil1 (.M,twwir nn: Sanitary Drinking Cups l2oc hose in town aU iV)r ,ho0l, 10 in seal.Ml ijc-llsntes, a )air 15c , ' K , w il w ax Miuwuig uin ui ,q. . ..;..v im(,klR0 5 Ladies', Misses' andl0no ' J Fmu,y 25 in pa.dcage, 10 Boys' Hosiery in Med-JjRoeks, 25c and 35c Elding A 1 u ni i n u in fnvA a vv.in u Jravalues, closing out prico . , . ,., . t ford. A complete lino ja .)nj ,. h qa Drinking Cups, largo just received. 2 pair for 35c size, each 10 We are going to give to ovvvy hoy or girl making a purchase, of school supplies during tho balance of this week a present free. Remember, wo carry a complete line of tablets, pencils, ink, paste, etc. Our prices are always right. Special this week, the largest pencil tablet in Medford ....'.. J-2 for 5 New Swejl Line of Post Cards, 1 HUSSEY'S Post Cards for Hand Coloring, 1 oach STERLING SILVER WEPDING GIFTS Wc have on display in our show rooms a largo, assortment of STERLING SILVER FLATWARE AND HOLLOW-WARE PIECES ' ; fhtjtablc for aU occasions such asj Tea SotH, Coffo'o SoIh, DeHBort Satfl, Almond Botu, Ico Croutn Sola, Lupuli Cantor Hetu, Horry Sotu, Biitfur and Cream SotB, 'andlcHtlclcB, Sandwich Trayu, Ureact Trnya, Cako 'fiaya, lion lion DIhIiuh, , Cnnijiort Mullen, llolluh 'pishcH, Marmalado Jura, Water I'ltchora, Flowor Vasca, I'rlsso Gujih. Nenr Iun(rrici MARTIN J. REDDY, The Jowelr Me.Ifonl, OreKon WHEKK TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE Tho place whuro yun Kt your iiion ey'H worth on hotli tililtm of tlio tlltiio. i ii i i m l i INiy Nte4'hl attention (o our imtlo mill effeiiH n itMi iMioroi'iavK n Tin: iitniiT .it Tin: MU,wl An Aiiierlenn Wontiini tlrainii "TWO WO.MK.V AM ONI! .MAN" A Hiverful Koelely ilininu (HANTS or KTHni." Intel entliiK M'uiilo "iinuAM iniivnN" l.lnlit loiiiedyMlriimn ' Tin: nkiv i,oiji:i:man, A eumeily with it moral t Dinrr "Ihmii II) the Ohl Mill Ht ream" WIIIIK iy Al Hit I htR.it ml It. I. I'ltrimt It. I). I'nrre! ttml II. U Wonlunrlli I'lauo Hraiiiii ami elfiu'tn. Miitturett Dally COMINO "Mfe In mi Ohio lVitllru- llnry, Kept, llllt mill Itllli, mill NAT (iOOOWlN In "Ollu-r Twlt", Hrpt. lilth nml Mill ADMISSION 10 renin. ClllhDItUN, H rrutN. ISIS VAUDKvmu:. IMIOTO I'l.AYH. IIUNTCK .lltr.NTKH Itiiflneil cuiuedy nlii;lii;, talking ami ilancliiR .riintophty jl'rxKrmui, TIIU I'AHSKIMtV Drnmit TIIU INDIAN IDVd All ludhiii ruiunuro Till: WIDOW UAKICV'H ItimUtN Ouuil t'tenii comedy , GOOD MUSIC Matlnenn Sat unlay and Sunday 2 p.m. Mntlnou lirlctui Co and lOn KvenliiK pcrformanco 7:110 p. in. Saturday und Kuuduy iiIrIiK 7 p in. AdmlHaluu ovenlnen luo and 15u U tki Orlxtaal ami BwHilr.o HORLIGK'S MALTED MILK TIFt.rfriAkfar,AUAcM. ForInfant$,InYlkl,andGrowinRdi3den. PurcNulrkIon,upbulklInB the wlicJobody. Inviaoralct the nurtin g mother and Ihc aged. 3l2 m'h, mailed grain, tn powder form, A (pick hwch pr$futi fa a mimkt. Take MWtktrt. AskHOMJCK'S. Not In Any Milk Trim MORTGAGE LOANS Monoy on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and city property at Jowest rates with "on or boforn privilege," JAMES CAMP3ELL ' Phone 3231 H20 G -X BIdg. AUTO EXPRESS QUICK DELIVERY Call mi up for nil IcIiuIh of Kxpresii work(iuluk delivery our upoclijity, PAUL & LAWRENCE IMioiio J'nclflo 4731 HUnd nt NmIi Clark & Wright .LAWYERS WAHllINGTOIf, I), c. 1'uhllo Land MutterB: ifiuai pro0f, llOHort LnndB. Contoit'nnii uinin. CaBon, Scrip, -4kfr 4 A ' -, ... VtV.,U.iA.