Ts tfrcqnn Hltitoflcal oeley City Hall O' Medford Mail Tribune ed SECOND EDITION Cnrty-imediul Yar. Dully Hevmith Vntr. JtiEDFORD, OUICOON, 'f'UKHUA V.'SKPTICMRIOR ?, 1012 NO. MO I1 at .4 1 t f J V 11 P l" ks jr-lfe E FACES RECALL E Jutllio Gnllowny Holds That the Re call Amendment Is Sclf-Exccutlnn mill That Petition Aunlnst District Attorney Is Valid Official Chnrnrd With Uslnn Office in Furtherance of His Own Ends nnil Failed to Enforce Laws KAI.I3.M, Ore, Kept. .- Tlml lln nclhities of llio week in (.Inventor WcHt'g irtiMititt against vice arc likely In center around I In1 li(iior inteie-d VWIM llllllllfcrtlcil tllllliy wllt'll tlllf gOV crimr, before leaving hero fur Purl land wilt ii tcipicst l County Judge Hilhhc.v lit lewiko llii' license of ii nullum oiKTiilinu i irn r N'owherg mi tin' gnmml it l a public iiiusiiuco. (Invrruor West received nnsurnnce finm District Attorney Hrown of Douglas County Hint ni'tliin would .e begun immediately to revoke tho ilnirir of tlm Rnsehurg blew cry ami fri' company, willed the chief oxcoul lvi allege uliips liiii(ir into dry territory. HALE.M, Ore, Sept. .1 George Cameron, district attorney of Mult iHiiuuli county, aniens ho can delay liy appealing lii) supremo court, iniiMt fni'o recall proceedings, for Judge Onllowoy In u ilcclnloit rend ered thin morning IioIiIn that tlm re call amendment to ttiit roiiitllliitloii In ho If executing mill that tho recall petition (Hod asking for tliu recall of Cameron In valid. Tlio petition wnn flkul with Dim itccrelary, , of Main a iiumbur of month ago ami contained nearly 1000 tinmen. Cameron Immediately began proceeding to restrain tlio necrctnry of state trout railing tut election. Cameron contended that the ro call amendment to tlio couvlltulloo wnn not solf-cxecutlng, but Judge (allow ay hold ugnlnst, and nlso n number of minor contentloiiH rained. Cameron In chnrKod In tlio poll tlon with using the offlco In further auco of litft own ends and with al lowing othom to no hko It. It U alleged that ho allowed a detective agency to us It a It pleased and that no railed to ouforro tlio law-H ngulunt thi iialoon, and In fact protected them. HOSRHURO, On., Kvpt. n.(luv cmor Wt'Ht Iiiih opciiod war on the lnmvory iptuumtH at RoM'liur cliiir;; iui that tlio hrowrry iu that oily in iiiuuul'uetul'iui; Ikkm' liiHtead of "near limr." Itn Iiiih hout mi outor to the (lixtiict atlornuy of DoiiIuh count v, diu'DlIm; him to forfeit I In Hiowlnj; I'onipniiy'H chnrlcr iim n eorporallon from tlm Hlale. Tlio Htii whh tnkou by tlm ovoi. nor iu (MiuniHitinii with tlio opuuiiiK of hiH iHiiiimin liKiiiiint "lillnd pi'rt'' iiiut illoK"! liiiuoi hi'llofrf. Thn o or itur hu,vh lie Iiiih avidenee Unit tlm hiowoiy whii'h opeialcrt in "dry" tiiri!tory,k Iiiih Ihhhi iimniil'iuiliiiiiiK Jxmi' iiiHlmul of "ii(ir"lKMir. Tlio nation of (ho uovuruor followH I ho vuturii of indmtnu'iilH acmthiiiK Ohoiu' Kllukc, piirpoitcil iuiiiiiikoi' of tlm lirowory, uinl JoHoph Ileidoiiriok, (lellvorvinuii, with violittiiit; tlm local option Iiiwh, A i'ow days following thlH procicdiiiK otlitir iiidiolinonlH woto letuiuiul by tlio unmrt jury eliiUKiujr thn ilinuiloiH of I ho iiiNtitu tlon with it Hhiiilnr offonoo. Of tliu (liieotofH immod ill tlm iinliclnuMitrt woro Cliuul Canon, Dr. A. C, Rooloy, l' (I. aliiiolll niul Ityinun WollonhoiK, of KuHubiu'ft mid Mr. Sykt'H of Drain. A thh'il iiidiidnumt ('hm'KCil tlio HoBuhiirtf HiowIiik & li'o ooniimny, n enrpornttuu, will) t(i) unlawful walo of illtoxtnutinu; ll(ioi'H. " i Ohio inliiQH moro cnnl ly inuohln ory, In proportion to Its production, than nny othoi atnto ami Kentucky rmiltH a oloao uccoiul, AM NOW EN WEST OPENS WAR AT 1 ON BREWING COMPANY CALIFORNIA MAN IS TENNIS CHAMPION rastHv ''$?&" 9R MAURI Maurice K MeUmuhl ii, of Kan 1'rnii cluco, l the iOiiiik'ter who ilefetile Wallacu C, Join iii after a l.rllllnii itriiK'uleiiiid I Ihe holder of the nation n law ii lennln iluiiiipliiiitlilp Ihe tin tenlM were playid at .Newpurt ami lh Cillfurulun n'u u xIioiik fatorltu with ll'e iiiiw'il a lili ptut M.'rfiirumiiL,e made him look IMe (he loulial wlmiei M-itbout an) ipieitlou AT Livr.iii'onu s'pt. :t iriiinieii Jy llitriet AUoniry Wliltniiiii of New ork iih the most iiupnrlaut l tliu eye witiH"hei to tlio tdnyiuj; of (Iniuldur llennan UoKentlial, ThomnH Coiik, forumr uicht clerk nt the Klk' t'luli iu N'mv York, wiik taken to police hi'iittqunrlcr by deteclives up on bin arrival hero today on thn Htcamer I.UHilnuia. Whitman Iiiih admitted that if Coupe could not ho r.woru as a wit ness the staler) vnt-u would be weak ened, as bo in the only man who Iiiih identified pielurcHv of tint noeuHed iniiiiluieiH iih the men ho hiiw do tlio Hbootiu. Coupe was not arrested, and wnub not have boon taken to head(iwulers heio if bo had inrfUtcd njjniiiHt htieh notion. Tlio polieo, bowoor, udvihcd him to return to N'ow York and testi fy in tlio rnc, and Conpo Keoins dis IMiHi'd to act on thi advice. When ipicstioiied, Coupe htated that bo loll Now Yoik on tbo mhico of his futbor, who warned him that the uotoiietv hu had nieoivoil fioin Iiih connection with tlio minder eao would probably make it impnsHihlo to secure another position, unit that ho eame to Mnyland iu hcnroh of woik. Conpo utso asHoitoit that ho hiul loeo'tved letlurn of a throatoninu nn tuie, but lel'uscd to divulge tbo idont ty of tbo Kciulers. His father, lio wait), feared (hat fiiouds of tbo Hiispeelod muidororri would nttempt to injtiio him and this also figured, bo bttid, iu bin flight from Now York. CE UM?LOUCiaiW" era witness MS H FISHERMEN LOST FOR 36 HOURS IN STORM ' THAT RAGED SATURDAY AT CRATER LAKE Much exolloinont wna caitRod at) Orator Lake Krtday and Saturday by tho dlHapponrauco In n utorm of two vlallorn whllo flshtug In a sklft anil tho uubRuqtiant dlHnpponranco of tholr two reBuuura. Friday aftornoon a Mr, fltowart, ml oldorly ronldont of Klamath Falls, aceompaulod by Dr. llorg, a young phylclan of tho muno city, woro flahlut; off WIzzard Ialaud when a doimo fo Ruttlod ovor tho lako, aceompaulod by Btrong wind, Tho fog Boon changed to ruin. Tlio uugloi'fl lout tholr hearings and tho wind drovo thorn aci'OBS tho lako. Tho lako hucomo.too rough for tholr skiff and they offootod a landing noar tho Wluo kIiibu." Uy this tlino it; wna night, Tho boat wiih dmwn anboro, mid turnoil ovor us a Bholtor from thn ralu, a flro built mid tho fish tukon coolcod. Katiy Saturday mornlug A. L. ParHbumt, tnaniiKor of tho Crntor Lake GQinpany and tho compnny ou Klnoor loft on tbo motor boat to find tho lout fUhoriuon. Tho atom HEAVY VOTING IN PRIMARIES VERMONTTODAY Relative Strcnijtli of Republican and Piojjrcsslve Parlies Vlll Be Shown In ResultBull Mooscis ami Demo crats In Combine Roosevelt Supporters Ccnfltlcnl That the Election of Tnft Adherent is Blocked by Combination WOODBTOCK, VI.. Kepi. a.Flrt returiiH from tlm Hlatn election glvn tlio repulillcaii leKlnlntlvo candidate 338 voten; tlio pronrefHhe 131, and tlio domorrntA 4. TIioho rottirns coiiHtlttlto thn vote III WooilNtock. MONTPmiCIt, Vt.. Hpt. 31. Tin) relatlvo ntroUKth of the repuh- llcnn and proKrcHHlvu mrtlen In Vor mont Ih under tho "acid" tent today In tho first utato election hold slnco tliu birth of tho now parly headed by Colonel Theodoro Hoonovult of Now York nnd (iinernor lllnnn Johnson of California. Tho onrly xitliiK wbh tho heaviest In tbH blntory of tho mate. At noon It wan eHt limited that 75,000 voter A 111 decide between tlio flvo candl d.ttcH In tho race for governor. Am Colonel liooHevult, JikIko Hen Mud noy of Dunvor nnd former Senator Mbort J. DtivnrldKO or Indiana thnr oui'hly canvaHned tho atato for tho piorcniilvo nomlniv), tho outcome of tho voting Is awaited with kooti In tercut. Chairman Williams of tho repub lican ntnto commltteo clalnm a clear majority for tbo republican uomlnoo, but 1J,V. (JlbBon, iirogrwifdvo enm imlgn manager, dlsputea this claim. Ho mnlntalns that tho combined pro f rsclvo and democratic vote will prevent tbo republican nominee from securing tho majority ticcefxuiry for election. Tho progressives admit that Vermont la normally republican and 'vhllp they do not predict vic tory for tho progressive nominee, tl'oy assort that tho democratic and progiosnlvo xoto will bo sufficient to Olock the election of tho Taft repub lican. PORTLAND. Oio., Sept. :i. Ci-ops iu tho Pneifio Noilhwcst tmlav mi' Horionwly damaged by tbo lieavy ruins fallug almost eoutiuuotisly for many hours. Kstiuiateh are that tbo bop orop of Western Oregon i damaged 15 per rent. Tho wheat eiop in sovornl hootioiih of Oregon and Washington in diuniiged from 10 to lo por eont. Tho oat and bailey erops generally nro bndly hurt, Tho prima orop in Western Oropin is repotted iu bud condition. Conditinnn upniKnitly nio little better in ICastern Oregon and Idaho. had Increased In fury nnd no skiff could havo kept afloat on tho lako. In making tho clrclo of tho shoro, tho lout woro found, and tho motor boat beached with difficulty. So high woro tho broahorfl, that It was ImposBlblo to relaunch tho vessel un til tho storm attbaldod curly Sunday morning wnou mo outiro party re turned, worn out by futlguo and ox- poBitro. Tho dlBappouraiico of tho mon cntiBOd groat upxloty uiuoiik tholr frlomlB mid relatives, Hugo liou fltca woro kept going all night nlong tbo rim of tho lako and at tho fool or tho trull, hut tho clouds prevented any Hlgnuln being soon. Hot coffee and provisions woro kopt in roadl iiohb for tbo lost, Bhould they return, whllo Superintendent Arant prepared two Boarcblng pnrtloB to go overland a round tho lako, undor tbo supposi tion that tbo mon, unublo to roturn by vntor, bad cllmbod tho Orators rim to roturn ovotiaml, and become lost. R A ) N DAMAGES N COPS CUMMINS FOR ROOSEVELT, NOT Iowa Senator Says He Prefers Teddy to Taft as Latter Has Net Madt Good, and His, Nomination Waj Fraudulently Secured Protests New Parly From Platform but For State Ticket and Dlssenli Bolts Taft 1 l)i: MOINi:SIowa, Sopt. L'.I'rc- ferrliiK TheodoroltooBevnlt for prenl- dent over William II i4 Taft. Senator Albert 11. Cummins of lowu an- IPS uoiinred today thai ulthoiiKh hu was not iu sympathy rwlth tho new pro greKshe party muHllssentH from sonic of tho doctrlnoR In IU platform ho would vote for Colonel Ilooeclt be cause 'the Taft administration had not mado good." Cummins ulno 'announced his op position to tbo nomination of a third tlckvt In Iowa, wlijch Is expected to bo put In tho Hold when the progren hIvm statu convention tneetx bcro to morrow, ItooKeveft Is Jo address the delegates and la expected to urge the nomination of a third state ticket Cummins Announcement In announcing Ids determination to vote for Uoosevelt, Cummins said: "It must be understood that I do so protesting against the organlza tin of a now party jlut dissenting from Dunn) of the 4 doctrines con tained iu tho platform. Hut the republicans of thin country arc op posed to President; jhft because his administration hajnot,. donot the things which thV-peoplo boflero should havo been done " Open charges that tho republican national committee "stole" delegates from Arizona, California, Washing ton and Texas for President Taft was also voiced by the Iowa senat6r. "Tho delegates seated from theso states," Ciimmjns, continued, "had absolutely no title to their scats. If tho convention had changed tho old system of nominating In obedience to tho popular demand, leaders of tho now movement might havo had pat ience and waited, but, as though wanting to furnish every reason for a revolt, they attempted to fasten tho old system more firmly upon us. if this were nil, we would bo amply Justified In overthrowing tho system and refusing to accept tho nominee of tho convention, but this is not all." Abolish (ho Ssteiu Cummins asserted that tho only way to make sure that tho 8)stom omployed In Chicago would bo abolished was to make It plain that tho candidate, tho product of such a system, cannot bo elected. "Uecauso I cannot support Presi dent Tart," declared Cummins, "it docs not necessarily follow that I nm not n republican. I consider that I am a bettor republican than ovor, for it is clear to mo that tho exis tence of tho party depends upon a quick mid emphatic condemnation of tho wrongs I havo mentioned. The reason the republicans nro so largoly against President Tnft Is that thoy profoundly bollovo that ho Is not progressive and does not bollovo, iu tho proper sense, that tho pooplo should rule. Tho fact that this Is tho nttltudo of tho vast majority proves to mo that n now party Is not a necessity, but untimely mid uu forunnto. I fear It will retard rath er than haston tho necessary rofornis. Appeals 1 0 iiepuoiicaiiH "I shall vote for Hoosovolt bo- causo I bollovo ho desires to promoto common welfare. It does not Indi cate-, howevor, that I look upon tho now party as a wlso nnd ondurtng movomont. "My chief concern Iu tho present rnnipnlgn will bo that tho republican party In Iowa olect tho candidates nominated In tho Jutio primaries. Theso candidates woro honestly nominated, mid I appeal to all re publicans to support thorn." LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE MADE PUBLIC NKW YOKK, Sent, a, Chairman Chiules I), I lilies of tbo republican national connnitteo, announced today that, ho would mnko n- publio a coni ploto list of tho contributions to tlio republican oniupnijjii oh October 15, THIRD PART! WILL PROTECT AMERICANS IN NICARAGUA. Vrr ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlTft- 't'i'f:'" ''i" itSBBBBBBSBaEwHBBBBBcX WVJ ,GpIrc7 .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV ' r. ft - BBBBBBBBBBBnwHBBBBBBBBBBX V V jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW !" V'TT "JwtBisBK 1 lKMMiKuik 9bbbHT,bK v mEBn&ffi" ''BlsBBBBBVPiBBBBBBmX I IBS3BmTnM'.t'. V.V" HbBbbW'"'' i"'SWBBBBB lmmJZLiJM dlmt - 'WfflPr ' bbbH 1 BBBBBBBBBBHBIWBBaBW0MBBBBBBBBBS& tifiHSSBBmSi '''IbBBBBBBBb1 mKSSSSM PBBBBBfl mWmaBMBmmm1mWmmm9m.i ' : SmWI I IIbbbbbbbwmBkhBIIHbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbsbbsih2l ' iJBBBBBBBBTl iHRRlmKilHffliBBBBBBBBB'BBBBBBBBfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH'f ' ""BBBBbW 1 HmaffiSEKSflmBpBBBBBWBBBBBBBBBHBBBH ''KHBBBBBf 1 NB H&XkKciZwA GzZttTE. Colonel Henry A. Greene. coiutaandlUK the Tenth Cnlted States Infantry, now on the Pan-American Canal .ouc. b uu.tfing himself In readiness to pro ceed to Nicaragua to protect Americana there Iu the eieut of continued out rage now rejiorted in that country. W GUILTY IS PLEA MED BY nOSTON. Sept. 3.- William Wood, mllllonalro prosldcnt of American Woolen Company, M. the who from his Hostoii' fflce is said to have directed tho fight against tho I;.1W- renco textile operatives, pleaded not guilty today to a grand Jury indict ment which charged him with im plication Iu a conspiracy to "plant" dynamite. .Tlio indictment con tained . six counts. Wood pleaded not guilty to each. Uall in $5,000, which he furnished at tho time of his arrest, was continued by tho court. Tho date of the trial was not set. At tho time of his nrrest, AVood stamped tho charges against him as "absurd and ridiculous," but Pelle tlor followed up this statement with tho prediction that ho would "not only convict Wood, but several other millionaires as well. Previous doubt as to tho Identity of tho third man indicted with Wood was dispelled today when Frederick Attcnux, president of n company fur nishing tho La wren co mills with sup plies and accessories, appeared and pleaded not guilty He nlso "was re leased on $5,000 ball. E MILWAUKEE!, Wis., Sopt. 3. With Ciovernor McGovern uuonpoted for re-noKiluntlon In tho republican camp, chief Interest in tlo primaries today Is In tho fight between J. C. Kurel and A. J. Schmidt for tho demo cratic gubernatorial nomination. Tho socialists mid prohibitionists mq also nominating candidates. MILLIONAIRE WOOD NO TURKEY TROT OR ANGLE-WORM WIGGLE FOR THE STURDY RANCHERS OF UPPER ROGUE No turkey trot, no angleworm wiggle, no Te.ns Tommy, no bunny hug, in brief none of your fancy, painful in their vulgar suggestivo uOss, ragtiino dances for tlio sturdy fanners of tbo upper Hoguo livor country. Such was tho ultimatum dolivoiod to the belles and beaux of ModfoiiVs youngor society bet nt n lecent house party attended by a seoie or two of tlio village, elite. The gatheiing wns a mi.ed nffo'ir at first, nnd rmtohois and country lasses mingled" hinnioniously with tbo towns people in Viiginia reels, lances and old fashioned round dances, Then eitnio tbo turkey trot mid other up-to-date toipslehoieaii contm lions unknown to our puiifmi ancestors. Tho country folk iluiw aside nnil lined tho walls uf. tbo diineo IB i mm BOURSE ! ON CANAL BILL STILL UNDECIDED LONDON, Sept. n.Coiiniclinj; xtatements from Qie t'nreign office etmeeniin Hie' miion Great Hrilain intends inking iu tbo Panama five toils' nuofitioi! was-1 he jjcncraP topic of discussion in diplomatic circles here today. It was announced '-.ferday tbt Knglmid'.s demand for arbitration of tbo elausc nrovidinjr free tolls for American vessels engaged in Mte coastwise traffic wns on it way ?o the state department nt Washington. Today it was denied tiint n fonnul prote-t iind been sent. As Kugbinil believes thnt Ihe free tolls e)nuo is nn ocn violation of the Hnv- Pauneeforto treaty, a majority of the diplomats here regard tbo former statement as correct, the theory beinr thnt the foreign offie does not want the facts made known until the demands nre fonnnlly pre sented. Tbo exnet status of the case, howoter, is known only to a few officials, nnd they refuse to go into details. It i generally believed that it has been decided to fake tbo free tolls clause to tbo Hague tribunal for final settlement. NEW YORK. Sept. 3. Concerning the announcement mado by Congress man Uurleson of Texas that Gover nor Wilson would make n long cam paign tour, tho democratic presiden tial nominee said teday: "Thnt is what thoy would like mo to do, hut as yet I am not deter mined. I don't Intend to mnko any tours, and shall only tako occasional trips iu tho intoiest of my campaign. bnll, looking on its if at a vnudovillo performance. After n few Munitions first intro ducetl by tbo Apaches of tho slums, tho swelling indignation of tbo far mers found winds, Declining that thoy could not pounit their families to witness such exhibitions, they de manded tho cukes, that they bad brought for lofioshnients, baolc, mid loft tbo city dancers alone iu their ragtime glory. , A few weeks boforo, nt a publio danco nt Trail, two sooiety belles who hail attempted to give mi exhi bition of tbo turkey-trot woio ordered off tho floor by tho manngor, who doclaietl such exhibitions unmoral This time, however, tho rnggors yveio iu tho majority and kepi it up until tliu veo sum' hours. COURT ORDERS PLEA ENTERED Justice Goff Overrules All Motions for Delay and Sets Trial of Police Lieutenant for September 12 With "Not Guilty" Plea After His ffame No Immunity for Men Who Have Turned State's Evidence, Rules Goff, Who Reverses Preee&rrt NEW YORK. Sept. .tFeremp torlly denying all motlona of counsel for the defense, Justice Goff twre today ordered a plea of not guilty en tered In behalf of Police Lieutenant Charles Decker, charged with tho murder of Gambler Herman Rosen thal, and set September 12 as tho dato for tho trial to begin. Justice Goff, who was appointed by Governor Dix to investigate for the state tho Rosenthal murder anw tho charges of graft and corruption which is alleged to permeate tho entire po lice department, indicated by his Btand today that he is to rule with an iron hand during the investiga tion. Repeated attempts by 'coun sel for Decker to securo delay on technical and other grounds were abruptly over-ruled by tho court. When tho attorneys persisted' Jus tlco Goff ordered the clerk to enter a plea of not guilty, and directed that tho prisoner be returned to tho Tombs. Xo ImmHiitty Promised Attorneys for tbe mien in the case! who havo turned state evi dence including- Sam Schepps, Harry Vallon and Jack Rose, were hit bard today when Justice Goff served" not Ico on District Attorney Whitman that the rule where heretofore) granted immunity to participants in a crime when they turned state's, evi dence would not apply In tho Rosen thal probe. Justice Goff believes that tho corruption which has con taminated certain city departments, has reached the fountalnhead and ho hopes to securo conviction from In dependent outside sourcae, so that in dictment and punishment for all tho guilty persons shall bo made certain. Sheep From Goats Justice Goff, after examining Dis trict Attorney Whitman's list of of ficial witnesses, was dissatisfied and ordered certain police officials elimi nated. He asserted that unless it was shown that these men have clean skirts they shall not be called. In accordance with this mandate, Whit man ordered his chief assistant. Frank Moss, to examine carefully all avallablo evidence and to separate tho sheep from tho goats. Among the first witnesses to bo called, R was learned todoy, will la Mayor Gaynor and Police Commis sioner Waldo. WEST BLAMES OFEICETJS ONLY FOR DISOBEDIENCE SALEM, Ore., Sept. 3.Aftor looking Into tho ovldonco abduced from tho offlcors and men of tho Second Dattnlion, Third Roglment, National Guard, who were accused of disobedience of marching orders, Governor West today announced that he had recommended to the gonoral staff that tho order mado disband ing tho battalion bo modified bo as to apply only to tho officers which number 13 Iu all. His statomont on tho subject was aa follows; "Dollovlng that tho officers of tbo second battalion woro the ones di rectly reaponslhlo for Its failure to promptly oboy certain orders of the regimental commander during the re-, cent maneuvers near (late City, Wash,, It is recommended that the ordor of tho general staff discharg ing from the service pertain officers and enlisted men be modified bo us to apply only to such officers." ' ' i '"i "' Turkoy has prohibited the Impor tation of fireworks containing pow der, enltpoter and eertalH etsMKr specified exptolyB. FOR BECKER -l ivl i.n ri j tell it 1 i 4 i tt ii, '1 M m v Si tf ! I."l 4 W'S X u1 t-.. "H a. ', V .' v : - ! f " V- nit i v ' ir ;vw v "m4 . ttT.ii., lk i V . . jui. ,- v BBBBBBMBSBBIi tk.vii ib I