Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 02, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    if4 nft7wvrt'jHft virs. f v!J7JiT7
raais a?imwix
(My K. L Mi-Cluiu)
Tim Onupin ilini U MiiiiiiyiiioiiH
villi pnnjicHnlvo In lih'til popular pn.
Illi'M, It Iiiih iihkIu Orvon I'iiiihmih
llnoiii-Imiit dm (lulled Slnlc, mill tho
Krunl ptilllicnl pmlloA liiivn liccn none
plllltlll Id pllllllllllll pIlifrrilHHlVU priu-
Med foul would IjiHMtiiii) initio I'll
iiiiiiih Hum llu mImUi of Orison If it
liiiiujjuiiilt'd a uiiiiili'lpiil cxpii'hH to
pluli up mill tlclivur ut ri'iculur po
lindlu interval nil (In indole for
ilnlUoi-y in Afrill'uiil mid iiiljai't'iil
rural mien,
TIlU iM I'll I'll I'll IIIUIlll'Ipill tllll'HH
would I'iimiUIi mi oxhlhil of u prac
tical ilt'llvt'i'V ylMii, from all to all,
at (lit maximum of couvniilciicc nnd
in tt tint nut of cxpciiHi', which cuulil ul
In; excelled nii'i'iil hy a piu'iiinalic
luliii (Miiiuecliiiif uu'i-y liuuxe with a
ceill nil flnliou, The .Mi'ilford plan
Mould olu tlm c,xprinH ptohleia like
Hie Oiecilli piail linn hiIviuI the po
lltieal prohlem, and euiixe the Iiiiiujjii
ration of Dm United HIuIch pimMil
e.vpicHH, placing all producer in dl
ici't enntact with imhimuiiii'Ik lliuniyli.
ml the United Htaten.
Tim IiIkIi eowt of living i'ihimi'iI Jin
lack of facllltleK to coiuiecl supply
and demand wasten nime than in
eouhtirjii'd, The piopict'd oxpri'
b.VKleiu wpulil tpp (he wiikIo by din.
tiiliilliiiir II, and li'diii'c the nod of
living, hh well iih five all the people
aeci'M o the liel in the mm kef.
I, nek of n.vMem Iuin made Hie mini
mum ctprecN rale hi high that tt line
pndiiliiteil ti va-t latent biisiu, -eeediiii.'
all pro nil ex prc tralfie,
that would develop immedialelv under
lolv mli'H, The fcHlvitt would dim
iiialn all lepelitiou cut new and iiu
lieeexBiirv ulerleal lahor, make hut
one Crip for all over the territory for
each iM'riodie delivery, which would
pay tin" coot of operation hy I'litling
the 'J.Wiwit rale o 'J rent-.
The eot of delivery for mu ill
shipper would he the name a for
lurp' bhippiw, hecilUHn there would
he no wiiNtn of energy in waiting' for
hiiHiiioMH, advorticinir or uuueeehxary
trip, All the elerieal lahor of iiiak
Ink' mil wayhilU and iu1ilrihh!ii ir
IIcIch would lie pvrformud liv (he
hhipper; the cxprenK nervier Mimlt
intr only in picking up the ailiclcn,
eiirryiut; them to dfdlimlioo and tie
liveriuur to the. nddret: there would
lie no morn riM. proMii(iouiilidy, for
Due, or it hundred, Hhipmciith liy the
.nmit Miron, nud would uivo a per
feelly dcpuinlnhle ervlee lo all.
The cilv officiaU should iuvivU
pit ti the kind and coht of vehicle
Mi'iinHHiiry for tho explexn heniee,
prepare lite, fiiniin ami IdaukH, rule"
and instruction hook, and proxpectii,
for pnlilic iiifoiinaliou and eiilieinm.
Thu ciilerprihii would do more jjmiI
for th public than any other of the
many project now being promoted
liv thu cntcipriiul; t,pitiu of .Mod
ford, Wettest August Since 1847.
POItTI.ANI), Hoil. 2. Thu, wet
lent AtiKUHt lii Hlxty-two yearn, ralu
fall lieliiK :t . Ti 7 liielum. Tim ururcxt
approttcli w'iih In IK'JS whuu It.lKI
InehoH full. TIiIh Ih hIiowh by the.
recordd nt Vnucoiivcr, Wii., thu olduHt
In the count.
Perched IiIkIi iiIhivii tho Kokum
upon the HwlnitliiK foot Iii'IiIko at Hold
lllll, a lono fUliriiiiiiii hooliud, fonnlit
and Miirci.'MHfully luiiilcit a twonty
lioiinil (million on Hiiturday iiftaruoon
IiimI, tin) content ImmUiik for over an
hour ami oiiiIIiik only when tho
anuler had lomplutoly miiIi-JiikmIciI
Hid I.Ik chlnooli, IiiiiiIIiik him In hand
over liaiiil to thu tiwoyliiK flooring
of tho IiiIiIkc .1 mil why tho flidior
mnii, who had iiiIIck and mllox of per
liiituenl river hank ami iIiiiiuIiik iHUch
to ehooHo from, hIioiiIi! havo elected
to ciml lil m lino from tho wire uottliiK
of Out lirlilco In n (loliiitcalilo prob
Icin, but at any rato ho made kooiI -
and without riiiinln any rink or thu
provorhlitl Ill-luck to which tho
Kimtlu art ot uiikIIiik Ih liable.
1M BlmtuoiiH, who watched the Ioiik
rlKht, nlirouilH tho affair la ni)ntcry
by MlatliiK that tho wliiK-brlilK) f IhIi-
ernuiii wna n nt ranker to (told lllll,
and con Jim: tu i en from tho cano with
which tho unknown ucKutlatod tho
HWiiylUR roothourdrt or I lie lirlilKe ami
hunted In tils cupturo Hint namo cap
tain or (ho far off (HouriiHtar Heel Ih
now traveling IiicokiiUo throiiKb the
vnlluy, makliirt flmtlmuit coniinirlHoiiH
between thu IioucIchx cod of IiIh iiii
Hvii nlioicH and the fluhtliiK milnioii
or thu ureal 1'nclllc.
THE EMP6S ? CCrTAiN O '"-"'fit;,"-.ft.
Outward IwmimiI. with THO unnoimer tilionnl. Hip Imnrrux nf itrti.i,, ,.
t ot the luiKMrtt mill Uncut or the Cnnudlati Pacific uteiunnhlpr;. lilt Hie llclreiln. a
rower niiiiUHiiip. at a pollil Icil ihihm went or (tieM,vf culling lu-r hi two
The miller wink Immediately, rripilrlnx ipilil; norlt lo ne lier .rew. Tbc
bow of Hie Kniprio wiim Kimmhcd In nud her forepcak iltli'tl with water, hut
iliu wim able lo cicep b.ick lo nudity.
On tho flrttt lap of their Journey
nroiiml tho world a font attompteil
on a tandem motorcycle with u J10,
000 purne iih nil Incentive for tho trip
Harry lluinplirlcH nud It Ih wife, ar
rived In Mcdford Kunday from I.oh
AiikuIch, tho Mtiirtluit point or thu
itlnbe circling Journey.
In nil thoro U flt'.OOfi mlleii lo bu
rovoiotl by thn travolcrn nnd accord
Iiik to tho tlmu limit of 1000 ilayn
they itiiiHt rovor or. ihIIck n day to win
tho wnRcr which Iiiih been iiindo bu
tween Mrn. lIiimphrleH nud Oncnr
HftiiiuHirntcIn, thu well known thea
trical mnRimto.
Tho cotiplu will Hpeud thu day In
Med ford and will appear at, thu Stnr
Theater tonluht.
Governor's Son to Be Married.
M:yilUllY. Vt., Sept. 2. Many
prominent kucaU from out of town
are expected ho re. .Monday for thu
weddltiR of MUh Kathcrliut Cobb,
dttURlitor of Mr. nud Mrn, I'redorlc U.
Cobb, and Noble l-'ona, non or tho
governor or MtiMacliiiHuttii nud Mm.
Kiikuiio N I''ohk. Tho iisiurliiKv will
take place In thu ovcnltiK In tho Flrat
CoiiRruRiitlonnl church.
Edmonton Ready for Royal Visitor.
KDMONTON, Alta., Oopt. 2. Kil
inoutoti Ik docked out In Kala nttlru
In autlclpntloii or tho v 1 m 1 1 or tho
Dukn or CoiinntiKlit and his party.
Thu dlHtliiKiilnhcd vUltorH will arrive
hero tomorrow inornliiK and romuln
for two diiyu. Many apluitdld feat
ureH ot cnturtnliimont Iihvu been nr-rntiKUd.
V. V bright of Tolo Iiiih a jiood
ttlory nni'iil I lie killiiiK of n line
foiked horn buck in the erv center
of poptihitioii of Hint hamlcl. Mr.
Weyhrihl, who i employed u elec
trician by the power company, jrrti
eiiillv joiioi Hilt hoys at lite fcclioii
hottxe for the ctcniiu; meal, and il
wan while eii(aed in Hie detruotio:i
of IhipjiaekM (hut he glanced out
of Hie hack door nud beheld the buck
pninciiiL' down the avenue. A iptiek
mu for (he rifle and n Miap Ul
atldcd vejiiMin lo the ineiiii. The luu I;
won a hit fellow or hix poiuth and
in fino condition. I'reHumnbly liv
luif been driven lioui the hilln hy
Exhibition nt SlurbrooKc.
HIlL'ltimOOKK, Quo., Sept. 2.
Canada' oiutcrn exhibition wah op
ened hero today and -will bo contin
ued throiiKh tho comltiK week. In
the number nud variety or Itn at
tractions thu exhibition HiIh year
ccllpKCK nil or tin prodecoro. Suvoral
largo building nru rilled to over
flowing with nttrnctlVu dlsplaya or
iitanufacturi.'H, frultn nnd flowcrn, iir
rlculturnl producti nud llvu Htock.
Aoroplntio fllnhtK nnd an excellent
rnclni; program are unioiid tho added
attraction for the vlultorn.
Postoftlcc Clerks in Session.
IIOSTON, Mass., Sept. 2.Severnl
hundred di:leKate, repreBuntlni; u to
ut mombcrahlp or 25,000. wore prea
iint here today nt tho opening or tho
anuiml convention or tho United Na
tional AHKOClnllou or Poitorflco
Clerks. Tho gathering will remain
In kohmIoii through tho week. Sulnr
leri, hoitrn nnd condltloiiB or labor nnd
other nmttorn of Importnncfl to tho
clurkii In tho poatul, service uro to bo
New Commander at West Point.
WEST POINT, N. Y.. Sept. 2.
Colonel C. P. TowiiKloy, recently In
command of tho Portland (Mo.) ar
tillery district, today nasuniud tho
dutlcH of Riipcrlntundeut or thu Unit
ed States Military academy. Colonel
TowtiBloy HiicceedH Major General
Thomas II. Harry, who was recently
nsKlgnod to thu command of tho cant
em division, with headquarters In
Sew York. s
TACOMA, Wnsji.. Sept. 2. In a
city Jail cell, fclgnliiK lusanlty, tear
ing IiIk hair and talking In unknown
tongue U J. J. Daly, aged 22, bur
glnr caught while, at work In n room
In tho Arlington Hotel early yester
day morning. Kenriiig ho will kill
uliiMulf tho police have stripped him
or clothing. When Duly was caught
In tho room Ills pocketB wero tilled
with stlckpiiiH, Jewelry and emnll
"Toggery lllll" Isaacs ot MoiUoril
has risen In tho short period or nltia
yearn from tho proverbial "pack" to
the proprietorship of one or tlie-most
modern gonU' rurnlihlng Bhops In
southern Oregon. "Jllll" Is only an
affectionate nickname that the boys
havo conform! on William K. Isaacs
In recognition or his genial nnd
whole-souled attitude toward them,
and, In fact, toward all whom ho
moots. '"Dill's" success and tho sue
cchh ot his toggery Is duo to IiIh
warm, friendly nature, combined
with honesty and efficiency In all IiIh
dealings. In tho occasion or tho re
cent convention or tho Oregon He
tall Merchants' association "Toggery
lllll" contributed much toward en
tcrtnlulng tho delegates.
No ono who had Jhe Reed fortune
to meet him nt that tlmo would
doubt that his winning personality
was a considerable factor In tho suc
cess ho has now won. Oregon Mcr
chauta' Magazine.
Pleads for Simplicity.
MILWAUKEE. Sept. 2. A pica
ror Hlmpllcity In tho language or
Judgo Tolfry. was made today btforo
thu American Institute or Criminal
Law by Charles A. Oecourcey of Bos
ton, who favored tho uso by Judces
of words known ns tho "language or
tho street." That That homicides
should bu tried Immediately utter tho
crime was committed wits tho argu
ment or Judgo 11. Kiisscll or Oklahoma.
It Is said that Hablltzcl nnd Mit
chell, or tho Cincinnati Iteds, hopo to
ho traded to the lloston Braves.
That'H a horrlblo wish!
Thin evening thosu Interested
in tho boxing gamo which after an
absence of several menths: owing 'o
tho warm weather will seo the be
ginning of tho winter mrlos or hoe
ing contests.
For tho opening event Hut Medford
Athletic club starts thn ball rolling
with a ten round main ovent bout
with Prankln Smith and Jimmy Hor
ner, a couple or California llgut-
weights us tho principals.
Both boys are well known nnd
well rated to followers of tho boxing'
game. They havo had contests with'
some or tho borfl known lightweights
In tho country, nnd In their workouts
nt the local gym they have verified
nil thu good things Hint havo been
mild about them.
They nr neat, clever and willing
workers, posses n good punch nnd
unllko some of the boxer wo have
r-ccn In action they show Judgment or
dlslnnco nnd plenty ot "ring generaK
Hhlp," tho Inlter being most essential
to nil successful ring men and u
thing that sorno of the boxers we
linvo seen, sadly lack. I
Neither Smith or Horner aro or
can bo accused ot being world
champions, but they aro a pair or
shirty boy who can give any one In
their Inches a tough argument nnd
It Is tho writer's opinion that the
winner or tho Ilorncr-Smlth boat
wou'd prove an Ideal opponent ror
Bud Anderson and would niako the
Vancouver prldo extend hlmseir ns
ho has never been extended bcrore.
But, gentle reader, writing, de
scribing or reading about the good
or bail merits ot a Iwxer does not
make a boxing contort, fo we nil had
hotter turn out tomorrow night and
Judge ror ourselves as to who's who
in tho local colon) of tho boxing
Thcro will be a four-round prelim
inary to precede tho main event, nnd
the management of tho Athletic club
assures tho denr public that proceed
ings will start at 8:30 prompt, so tho
tied down folks can inform tho better
hair that they will be homo from
lodgo" meeting by ten o'clock.
Frnnktc Edwards will officiate ns
refer"o nnd dcclnro who should bo
crowned with tho winner's wreath.
Genial Bob Tclfcr wfll hold tho watch
and will sco that tho boys slumber
not longer than tho usual ten.
General admission will bo $1.00
Reserved scats on salo Hotel Nash.
Not only It provon ability to onto, but Its nbsoluto saiuty a ft rwnmty,
linnmodo 0.8. 8. tho most extensively used of all medicine lu thn tnmt
mont of Contagious Blood Poison. Unllko tho Btrong mineral mixture,
which temporarily remove tho outward symptoms nnd shut tho dueae up
In tho syatorn, thoro to carry on Us dostruotlvo worlc on tho del(cU and
vital organs, S. 8. 8. utrlkoo directly at tho root, nnd by purifying thn blood
or overy trnoo or tho virus, completely nnd pormanontly curaa tho trouble.
8. 8. 8, Is Nature's blood purifier, harmIos3 in Its action and certain m its
Reed results. It la made from a combination of root nnd herbs, each of
which has n definite nnd specific notion in purifying tho blood. Yearn wcro
iipcnt In selecting nnd proportioning tho different ingrodlcnt. but, when
8. 8. 8. vn perfected It coon demonstrated It superiority over nil othf
blood medicines, nnd now, after 40 years, it is still tho ono and only certain
euro for Contagious Blood Poison. Vlillo driving out tho poison from tho
circulation 8. 8. 8. build up and strongthons tho systom by itaflno vofMlabkt
tonic offects. If you are suffering with Contagious Blood Poison S. S, 8. ta
your most certain reliance, and bocnuso of it freedom from mercury,
potash or any other mineral, it is absolutely eafo for every one. Home
treatment book with valuable suggestions and any medical advice sent frw
to all who writo. jhe SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAUtA, G.A.
Pac. 5621.
for Peaches and Cantaloupes from
Medford, Oregon
Home 307
Actuaries Meet at Amsterdam.
AMSTERDAM, Sept. 2. The sev
enth International Congress of Act
uaries, which brings together onco
overy thrco years tho most noted In
surance experts o( the world, had
Its formal opening In Amsterdam to
day. Japan, Australia and N'cw
Zealand uro represented at the cqn-
gress, In addition to the United
States and tho leading countries of
Oregon State Fair Opens.
SALEM, Ore., Sept. 2. Tho Ore
gon State Fair, ono ot tho greatest
agricultural exhibitions or tho year In
tho northwest, opened its gates to
day ror n week's business. Tho man
ugement has added many free attrac
tions this year and a record-breaking
attendance Is expected.
Seneca Cameras
They aro uncqiiated In simplicity of operation, In durability and
In results. Have many marked Improvements not found on any
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Made on Honor Sold on Merit Not in the Trust
Our lino is exceptionally complcto, consisting of many styles
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Just tho Camera they want. SENECA CAMERAS will please your
customers, and pay you a good profit.
SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO., Rochester. N. Y.
Largest Independent Camera Manufacturers in tho World.
T r
A "'
TONIGHT, 8:30 p. m. Sharp, Medford Athletic Club
One Four-Round Preliminary
GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 Reserved Seats on Sale at Nash Hotel
'' i'l
, f
y '-i1. 2tr-r t!T "' !.. . w,". JvyAfS