m w v w M&mwjm&r,! Hry ? il!WWIvl''i" " -.,( " i" '" -"V"' J v! ntnl fomi MT3DFORP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKCJON, AVEDNES1UY, AUGUST 28, .1012 r .. ' Ft , V. i.X 1.' Pill 4' ft eta? "t'.v (? ' ;v r r.J rV l'' -n t.w 11- v IS? I . ? 'i iCAL AND PERSONAL . A. Hlldreth of Butte Falla spent i( 'WfHiawtdsy At Medford on business. Mr, Hlldreth reports Dulte Falls flOHrlafcliig at the present time. Mr. and Mm, W. A. Williams and M(m Hulah Jones ot Forest Grove ar visiting friends In Medfordj We will pay $2.R0 per tier for wood In trade, 106 N. Front street, the cheapest Btore In the west. 136 Mr. and Mrs. 8. Myers ot Lnrn weko, Yukon, aro In Medtord for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of Wellen spent Tuesday at Medford on a short business trip. More bargains than ever at 106 N. Front street. Better have a look. 136 Paul S. Seely wno managed Gover nor Wilson's primary campaign In Oregon and who has been hero for some weeks attending to business tnatterB expects to leave at the first of the month to take a place In tho Wilson state headquarters. Ho will devote his time from now until elec tion to tho Wilson cause In this state. 8. A. Newell. ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. A H. bids;. L. H. Wllletts of the Consolidated Mines Company Is In Medtord on snort bHStes trip. Ho recently re turned from the east. Henry J. Cole ot WUliams. Ore., la Jr Medford for a short visit with friends. Oak and hardwood 14.50 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smlthson of Roseburg are In Medford en route to Crater Lake; They report a splendid trip so far and anticipate no trouble in reaching the lake. Mrs. Lotetta Young left-Tuesday evening tor Boise, Idaho, where she will visit several weeks with her parents. Berlin Tailoring and French Dry Cleaning Company, 109 West Main street, wish to announco that they are prepared to do first class clean ing and pressing, also hats blocked and trimmed. Ladles' and Gents' suits made to order. Give us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Pacific 5362. Artnur Wlthlngton of San Francis co is In Medford on a short business trip. He was formerly a resident ot the Griffin Creek section. This be lng; hte first visit la nine years he is greatly surprised by the development la .the valley. Arthur Toner of Grants Pass Is in Medford for a short visit with his parents. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County Bank. Cnester Gault of this city has left for Chlco, Cal., where he has se cured employment A large number of local hunters arc planning to leave at the end ot the week for Klamath county in order to take advantage of the opening ot the duck season, September 1. 'Re ports from the lakes are to tne ef fect that ducks wero nover so plenti ful as this season. Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. j Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Edwards ot Phoenix wero recent visitors in Med ford. Mrs. Laura Long has returned from a snort visit witn menus at Trail. Her daughter Nellie who has been vis iting there for some time returned with ner. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store. Miss Gladys Owens of Portland is spending a few days lu Medford on business. Frank Brown and James Owens, county commissioners wero In Med ford Tuesday on a short business trip. Soda Fountain at DeVoe's. " S. B, Holmes of Eagle Point spent Tuesday In Medford on a short busi ness trip. Miss lone Flynn is spending a few days at Ashland with friends. Carkln Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Charles E. Reynolds of Salem Is In Medford visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. A. Waring on IN'ortu Central. .James Nott ot Sardine Creek Is In Medford for a short visit with frleuds. Money to loan on country proper ty. Carkln ft Taylor, Jackson Coun ty Bank Bldg., Medford. Miss Flora Gray has returned from San Francisco uud will open ner studio for tho soason this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Rukes und sou or Kansas City are guests of Mr. and Mra. h. Rukes of Medford. They will make their home In Medford. Charles S. Lobo returned Tuesday evening from nn eastern trip. Ho left for Sn Francisco Wednesday and will bo gono a week. Harry Pcllctt of Ashland has been spending a few days In Medford. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher!!, negatives mado any tlmo or place by appointment Phono M. 1471 J. R. Harvey returned to Grants Pass Wednesday. Arthur Geary returned Wednesday from a visit at Seaside. Mrs. W. W, Usher was thrown from n cnrrlago on tho Central Point road Tuesday night and was quite "painfully, but not seriously Injured. Tho carrlngo wns standing lu front or tne liotigo ranch homo, wiicn a carriage driven by a local milkman ran Into it throwing Mrs. Usher to tho road. The milkman cxplalucd that he was asleep at 'tne reins. Hay for 6.1I0. W. H. Evorhard. Phono 6671. J. M. Potter, first editor ot tho old Medford Tribune, and well known here, was brought to Ashland Thurs day and taken to the hospital, to un dergo an operation for strangulated hernia. He was taken suddenly ill at his home In Weed, wncrc ho Is cashier of the First National Bank. Ho was accompanied by hia family, his half brother, Mr. Nolton of Mon tague, and Dr. F. E. Tcbbo of Weed. Mrs. Jesse Battenbcrger and her sister. Miss Gladys Redden, who have been visiting Medtord relations, re turned Wednesday to their nome In Fresno, Cal. For sale, 150 hogs weighing 75 pounds and upwards in good condi tion. Prices are right if taken at once. Must havo more room tor our thoroughbred Berkshlrcs. Wo havo for sale, also, a few. choice Berkshire boars and gelds, prize winners, nt $10 and upwards. AVhy continue to raise scrubs when you can buy tho roughbreds at such reasonable prices? R. R. V. Canal Co.. Main 1111. 133 Mrs. George Gllmore, of Wlllston, N. D., arrived In Medford Tuesday and will spend the winter here. Mrs. Gllmore has friends and acquaint ances here and her coming at this time is to givo her children tno bene fit of Medford's school. A grass tire was responsible for an alarm Tuesday afternoon. No damage was done. Get Mrs. Reynolds home made bread at DoVoe's. Alfred Myers of Buncom is In Med ford on a short business trip. Boudlnot Conner of Table Rock spent Wednesday In Medford on busi ness. Get It at DeVoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Chambers of Los Angeles are in Medford for a visit with friends. They are charmed with tho valley and may return to remain here. i Mrs. A. E. Hoffman uett Tuesday evening for a visit with friends at Portland. All wool blue serge suits to your measure at $16.50; no use wearing a hand-me-down, at Eltert, the- Tailor. 154- Tne macadam road at tho end of west Main street which is maintained by the city Is very badly iorn and needs repair. The top dressing of fine rock has disappeared leaving tho road very rough. D. E. Masters of Pendleton ar rived with a party of friends today having motored through Central Ore gon, by way or crater lane 10 aieu ford. Mr. Masters Is enjoying an outing and incidentally boosting tho Pendleton round-up. Fall and winter goods are on dis play at a very low figure and a tit guaranteed, by Elfert, the Tailor. 154 Mr. and Mrs. Cnarles Stephens of Portland reached Medford today by auto en route to Crater Lake. They are guests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mil ler while here. Miss Alice Allen of Roseburg Is In Medford for a short visit with friends. Tho ladles ot tho Cnrlstlan church will servie Ice cream and cake Fri day afternoon and evening August 30, at the city park. 136 garden. Grants BENCH WM I OUT FOR WITNESS N 1 LING Off and Litton wont out nntl killed another rattier. Tho first cmo meas ured four feet and had 10 rattles and tho other three feet nnd had sovou rnttles. Inat year Litton also killed u IiIk- oiio In Puna Courier. tho Medtord Printing company carry a hill Una of legal blanks. ' A bench warrant was Issued l J ml so Calkins of thu Circuit court Tuesday afternoon for the apprehen sion of Laura White, otherwise known as Viola Miller, who figured In the Wo Lee-Jim Ling stabbing af fray nt n local Chinese laundry In this city sometlmo ago. The woman Is n material witness In tho case. She ts snld to be at Portland at present and an effort will bo mado to apprchcud her and return her to Jacksonville to testify In the caao ot tho state vs. Jim Ling tor an assault wltn a deadly weapon. It Jim Ling Is not convicted It wilt not be tho fault ot the local colony of Chinese who aro said to bo lined up solidly against him and who have spent time and money In an endeavor to show tho authorities his past record. Local Chinese say that ho la a white slaver, a joint keeper and an altogether underslrable cltUcu. Some tlmo ago they started nn investiga tion to incriminate him and are said to havo been partially successful. Jim Ling Is tho Chinaman who Is accused ot having stabbed and robbed Wo Leo in a local laundry somo tlmo ago. In the developments which fol lowed a discovery was mado of a white slave den In tho basement ot tho laundry and a white gjrl taken from there. An effort was made to reform tho girl which apparently failed. She Is now said to bo living In a Chinese den nt Portland, being a confirmed opium slave. Tho Jim Ling case will probably co mo to trial next week. iKalnbllshed 187S FRUIT Incorporated 1804 5S)i PURIFIES BAD BLOOD D. GROSSLEY & SONS Commission Merchants l!Ot Franklin St., New York Our Specialty APPLES and PEARS Wo have our own houses In NKW YORK, MVKUPOOL, LONDON AND GLASGOW Direct consignments solicited or seo our Regno Itlvor roprosontntlvo. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon Bad blood la responsible for most of our ailments, nntl when from any oauro it becomes Infected with impurltlcn, humors or poisons, trouble In some form Li sure to follow. Muddy, sallow complexions, eruptions, pimple, eto,, show that tho blood la Infected with unhealthy humors which ha.ro oliansMl , It from a puro, fresh stream to n sour, norld fluid, whloh foroos out tin impurities through tho pores nnd stands ot the skin. A very oommoa evi I donee ot bad blond is sores nnd uloers, whloh break out on tho flesh, often from n very Innlcnlflonnt bruise, or oven aoratah or nbrnslnn. if thu htuml was healthy tho plaae would hew! at onootbut being infected with impurities whloh aro dlsoharaod Into tho wound, irritation nnd inflammation are sot up, tho fibres nnd tissues nre broken, nnd tjio sore continues until the blood is purltlnd ot tho cause. 8. B. B, is Natures blood-purlfler and tonjo, mado entirely from roots, hcrbn and barks. It row down into the olronU tlou nnd removes ovsrv nnrtlolo of lmnurltv. hunfur or uolann. ran !. . .. ... ... .- . . ... - V .. .: , " --------, --.r.. .wn I vitality, aim nienuuy tonos up tno entire system. H.H.8. neutralises any fAvvoa U4 mviu nt wu muuu, iiunauf 11. (inin, wunu mill flt9llUY. Mill 1 iimuHm niitMd Vntaius AntiM TfM Hulk llt,kitt,i Vtlt ...! -... crup Nearly a quarter of a century uudor tho Bamo management Jackson And Grants Pass Is Dry V. D. Litton, living a short distanco from the county home, on. Monday heard the dog barklng.in the garden and making nn unusual fuss. On In vestigation tho causo ot tho commo tion Litton found a big rattlesnake. A short tlmo later tho same kind of a racket emlnated from tho garden THE County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W.I. Vnvrtcr .President G. R. Lindley, Vieo pres. C. W. MePonald, Cashier oa 01 nom in mo uioou, niuKing ic pure, iresn anti nesuny, and pcrmn ly cures Kozoma, Aono, Tetter, Salt Kumini, Holts, and all other skin Uon or (Useaao, Book on the blood and Any medloat advloe free. THJt, SWIFT 8PI0IFIC CO., ATLAMTA, OA. ICjli Decide Yourself The Opportunity l Here, Racked by Medford Testimony Don't take our word for it. Don't depend on a stranger's state ment. Read Medford endorsement. Read tho statements of Medford citizens. 1 And dccldo for yourself. Here Is one case of It: A Detz, 130 Front St., Medford, Ore., says: "I am just as willing to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to day aa,I was In September 1907 when I publicly told of my experience with them. I suffered from kidney trou ble for at least tivo years and as tlmo passed. I grew worse. Sharp pains darted through tho small ot ray back and sometimes tho attacks wero so severo that I could hardly stoop. At night my back ached Intensely and sound sleep was out Of tho ques tion. Being told to try Doan's Kid ney Pills, I got a supply and thoy soon gavo mo relief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Uuffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Romembcr tho name Doan's and take no other. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY GET YOUR BOXES as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all ' . kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice 2h Storage Co. 11 uii'j.a AND CRATES for Peaches and Cantaloupes from ' KOOUI RIVER COMMISSION CO. Medford, Oregon Pac. 5621. Home 307 Floiir? Coffee? . Tea? OR WHAT? Anything you buy from us in the Gro." eery line will be right. Our Bakery Dt- artment is a source of pride to u nvestigate. Allen Grocery Co. fr WWWWH " i k ill STREET CAR E IfflIC KED Weeti&MtfowanCo. UNDERTAKERS JFseX 4t vVBpV i SPJI f ss f Went IfkMMMi , W, WMka fm evK . ttf Medford will have u motor ttreel cur Hue in the near future, (pviu Hervtce over the principal KtreuU every fifteen minutes if the plaiw of J, A. WeHterltind do ,not miHcarry. He ih now organism;,' u company, capitalized ut .f-0,0 00 to pift on four motor cni'H to make regular tnpH. Mr. Westerlund bus koiio carefully into the tmbject uud Iiuh received encouragement from (lie butdiicgH men of tlio city whom he has consulted. WANTED Lady who Is employed to share good homo with lady and child. Moderate rental. 017 8. Holly street. 137 WANTED Poaltlon by competent lady stenographer. Several years experience. Box S. V, Tribune. 137 FOR RENT Modern 5 room fur nished bungalow, paved street, close In. Reasonable. Inqulro 017 S. Holly street. 137 NEW CONTROLLER NAMED FOR PANAMA EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO, Oil., Aufr 28 Allan I'olook, who ltus huuii comp troller of tho I'iiiiuimi Pacific Expo sition since lust September, hn? tend ered hi repitfiintioit today effective September 1 nex. It. S. Durkee Iiuh FOR SALE Modern nix room bun galow, well built and furnished, (Ireplaco, sleeping porch, wood Hhed, lot 50x100, tllcoly Improved, 7 minutes walk from Medford Hotel, 521 Hamilton W. Pnono Bell 24GS. 140 1 t t t t T T t f 7 t KKm.X"K "REAL" Real Estate Bargains There is a GOOD reason for me to sell you GOOD real estate. fur below its market value Moving to Wyoming and the health of my family demands that I mdve quick to a higher altitude. Wo sold one bungalow iil six lots this week. Things are moving. Wo have left one new, modern bungalow home, just finished, and (lie price will interest anyone desiring one of tho best built homes in the city in a desir able location. Also two fine building lots 50 x 1-J0 feet. Not a corner. I will sell these , .two lots for less money than i paid for one of these lots this Spring as clump' as you can buy a lot in Talent. These lots are on Rose avenue, one of the seluut rfiesidence district a paved street four blocks from tho Medford Hotel. y H. E. GATES, ROSE AVE. ..,.,.. WANTED I am from tho east and have been hero somo tlmo and havo seen tho slip shod way of some ranch foremen. Would like to superintend ranch whero re sults are wanted. I am practical In all my work and will get results, Box R. R., Tribune. 140 Draperies Wo carry a very complete line of draperies, lace curlalna, rlvturea, etc., and do all claques of upholnterlntr. A peci&i man to iook arior una woric f;ivo as gooa o get In even exclusively and will uorvlce as Is noaslblo the largest cities. Weeks k McGowan Oo. T - 0 s j'SlrS' fi 7 r 7 r t t T r t f 7 T T 7 t 7 , X ft.. . V i MRnFnpn npTianxr ... wl t t .t. Ih an UP-TO-DATE school where you learn PRACTICAL things in a BUSINESS-LIKE wtfyrv . Our training enables young men and women to earn good sularies at pleasant work, ,.$ ; . 'Liioroiigli courses m BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING and PREPARATORY ! byHtematiq drills in filing and office work. -Call yerm opens Tuesday,' September 3. Write, (full or tolephono for full informatiou. PP" hocj named 14s iig successor, f "l i nit ii Tiii i u I nni HI ii A )