city Hail os ff Medford Mail Tribune MM SECOND EDITION WEATHER Cloudy, cool Max 7S( Mh 8I Rcl HHm4f. Knrly.aftfnnd Yrr. MEDFORD. ORrXJQN, WKPNKHUAY, -AUGUST 28, 1912 NO. 135 i inn v ii -llflvrnlli Ycnr. m l!UL.-,iJ WEST SELECTS E EVA BOOTH ON WAY TO ATTEND FATHER'S FUNERAL T T SAYS PENROS MLLOWNERS N NEGRO SPURNS FIRST SOLDIERS AMERICAN BAR SENT NICARAGUA WORD AS AGEN BLACKMAILER DYNAMITE PLU m , - Former Sheriff Named by Governor as Special Agent In Cleaning. Up Portland Demands Speedy An swer From Evans as to Acceptance POUTLANl), Or., Aug. !!H. (lutor nor Went stated lulu tltm afternoon Unit hu would give Waller II, Evans III rod or four days in which to make ii fiuiil ducishtii as to whether ho would accept (ho governor's appoint ment to succeed District Attorney Cameron, Tho governor slated that ii full investigation of circumstuiicoH hint convinced lilttt tliut Kviiiih was justified hi not making a tlc'iinu ut iti-ciit mill ho would glvu him more time. Word HmtIiiI Agent Evans unlit thin afternoon ho could not uinkfl a riunl decision (III his filler, United Mates District Attor ney MmCourt, arrived horn on hid re turn (rum hli vacation, probably to night. Governor Went today appointed Tom Word, democratic cnudldnto for sheriff of .Multiiomnh comity an po rlnl Htuto itKcut. Ho gave Word full authority to gather evidence iiKnlntt all law breakers in tho enmity. Governor Wont a I no Mated hn would appoint W. II. FltKgorald, re puhllcnii cnudldnto for sheriff, ntnta AKeiit alto U Fltignrald wished. Word would not suy thin after noon whether or not ho would ac cept Went' appointment. flmtul Jury lit Hnmloii Tho grand jury mot today but bo Iuk In douht n to tho legality of Any aetloii It tnko during tho pros out legal tanglo, adjourned after n )iort smlot! District Attorney Cameron de clared today ho wait still dlntrlct at torney dotfjdto Weal's action Jo ro niovInK nlm. Ho cited k supremo court doclston to how that a dlitrlct attorney In Oregon, ovon though ro moved from office, U still dlntrlct at torney legally till hln successor duly ilunllflcN. Ha thoroforo signed sov eral grand jury Indlclmont of minor Importnuco returned slnco ho wan re moved. SAVES HELLO GIRL F VANCOUVER, l. ('.. Aug. 28. Mini Ollvo Matoy, n telephono opera tor In the employ of tho Hrltlnh Co lumbia Telephone Company, attempt ed Niilcldo lant ovcnliiK nnortly after 7 o'clock, when alio sprang ovor -tho rnllliiK of tho high passenger plat form at the outer end or tho Grand Trunk Pacific wharf and dropped fuel to tho wntors below. Tho annul Trunk Pacific Bteamor Ituport wbh .JiiBt arriving from Prlnco Ituport at tno time and Third Officer Hnrry John AiiRiiatluo Jumpod ovor tho nldo to tho rcscuo of tho girl, who had dhtuppottrod Into tho depths. Tho excitement whh Intento for a few momentH, for when tho two ro appeared tno erased young woman at tempted to flKhl off her returner, and ho thoroforo Qxporloncod difficulty In plachiK around her tho ropu tliut wan thrown him. HEAVY DEALINGS IN STEEL ON EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Aug. US-lleuvy deal ings in Hteol mid Heading wero up punmfpiiroiit today at tho oputilnt? of tlio utottk uinrkot, TIichu (hmioh hIiowciI ('motional lulvnncen, niitl neilily all tho leadorH, oxoept Ainal jinnmteil Copper, were bllhtly uhovo yoHtonlny'H lliWil fiiruroij. Later, under pienHiiui, Huvenil lendota Hold off from linlf to tlirve-cpiurlera lielow yoHtenlity'H ciloHin. Ciiuiuliuu l'liolfio nnil Hvmlinu' wore in koimI ilvmiuul uiiil LouiHvillo mid Nifwlivlllu mviih up two, HOMIO, Aug, 28, A now Amorlcan cardinal of tho Human Cuthollo church; ho will roulrdo 1 Home, Is about to he appointed by tho Popo, uccQrdliiii to voports In circulation hpro today, U MNG Roosevelt Declares That Pennsylva nia Senator Is on a Par With the Grafters In New York Police Force Loch to Testify OYBTHIl HAY, N. Y Aug. 28. That Monntor IJoIho I'nnroMO of Penn sylvania wiin guilty Of hlnckmnll when ho declared to John I). Arcnhold In 1004 that tho Standard Oil Company had bettor make an additional contri bution lo tho republican campalK fund If It wished to avoid difficul ties "In cortoln quarter" ns tho de claration hero today of Colonel Theo dore lloosovolt. "What's tho dlfforonco," naked Colonel JtooMivclt. "hetwoen Pen rose's Htutumout and tho statements of tho police In Now Ynrk'n Kraft caudal? If 1'enrono actually mado such a statement mid It waa testified that hn did hn should be oustod from tho senate." Colonel Roosevelt's letter to Son ator Moioh :, Clapp contradicting tho tcstlmou Archbold gavo before tho Bciiuto ciimpnlKU contribution) In vestigating commllteo will bo mailed Hundny. Referring to his former sec rotary, William Ioeb, Junior, Colonel Roosevelt thin afternoon said: "Until Loob camo neru tho other day on Ills own Initiative I had not soon or communicated with him for nix month. Hut when Penrose and Archbold attacked mo, Loob felt that It wan hlit duty to conio and moo me. He will lake tho stand, toll tho exact truth and domonnlrato that I did nothing to my discredit." WALDO DENOUNCED FOR WIND GRAFT NKW YOHK., Aiii. H8. Hitler lo uuiieiatiou of Police C'oimnihhloner Uhiiietiindor Wnltlo whh voiced today hy DUtriel Attonioy CliurleK A. Wliit miin, wlio rliiirveil thai ofl'ieinl with having ptihliHhcd tho iiauie.s of ownciH of New York (,'iimliliiit; plaeoK on the police Minpcet lint to becloud the iHHiie of the Itoseutlml murder Menu dal nnil to tuiiko the. various iuvchti Kiitioim us mild iih possihle. Whitmiin will ko to Milhrook, K. Y., tonight to eoufor with dustieo doff, who Iiiih been nhhlneil liy Goveruou Dix to conduct tho stalo'iaft prohu outioiiri'. Coinniirthiouer Waldo refiiHed to iniHwer Whitmnii'H ciiurui'H, lint ui- iiouueert that Inter in the day he would make puhlio uuolher Int of niinU'H of owners of disordeily plueen. GENERAL HOMER LEA TO RETURN TO CHINA LOS ANGKLKS. Col., Aujj. '.8. General Homer Lea, Los" .(Angeles ol dier of fortune, who uided in the recent fiuhl of, the (liiueso republi eanH to overthrow the Mnnchu dymihty, will return to Cliiuu to aid the iiifmit rcpulilio.sThis was General Lou'h Htutcmuiit today, following the deereo of bin attending pliyhleiaiis tliut bo will recover from an illueH which compelled his return to Ameri on. Leu in couvaleHoiim in Ocean Park. lie Mated that he will return to China iih hood as bo is able to travel. REFERENDUM MAINTAINS . LOS ANGELES FREE LUNCH LOS ANCIKIjES, Cab, Auj?. 128. -Patrons of tho fro lunch in Lok AiiKoJurf uro joyous today tin tho result of tho findings of tho city council that a referendum petition designed o force u vote on uu ordi nance doinu uwiiY witli the lunch, lit valid. Tho petition hud 27,000 hIkuuvh IMH) boluir women. Tho fate of the fvoo. lunch will bo deetded nt ii Konurnl eleetiou about u year hentie. Teonwliilo tho Juneli will bo ponnittod to lluivo, PRESIDENT TAFT OFF FOR OHIO CENTENNIAL NORTON. Auir. 'J8. Aceomnanlod by Jrnjm lihoudn, bin militury uide, nnd AaiHlaiit Seorotnry Fobtor, I'i-ohU dout Tuft nutomobllod hero UiIh morn- ins; from Wovorly and bonrded a twin for ColumbliH Iq attend tho Ohio cen tennial celebration. The nrcHidont expects to rotunt to JJovorly Friday OYonlnjy, Full Confession Obtained From Mil- llonalrc Who Admitted Complicity and Killed Himself Because Matter Was Probed by Officials IKJBTON, Auk. 28, Tho flat charjto that Now Kocland mlll-owncrn connplred to "plant" dynamite In tho ntrlko of LnWrcnco textile workora n few monthit iiro to dlncredlt unlonUU waa mado horo today by Dlntrlct At torney Polletlor, who announced bin determination to pronccuto ovory mill owner Involved lit tho alleged con piracy. Pellollor admitted that Hrnent Plttman, of tho V. W. Plttmun, ono of tho larRcnt textile mill construc tion companion In cwyUnKlnnd, who committed nulcldo yenterday, bad conferred with him earlier In the day. The olice udmittcd this afternoon Hint u full confcHMon had been ob tained from Pittmaii and they hud in vent in led the detail. It wan naid that l'ittmau ended hix life because the dislriet attorney ignored Iiih plea to drop the probe. It wan htntcd by the olice that Pittmnti admitted tliut lie and three other prominent millmcu decided to "plant" dynamite, l'ittman is xaid to have bought tlie explohivcs and i;uve them to John Hrren to take to Lawrence where tho dynamite wiih exploded. FOREST FIRE SWEEPS LOS ANGELES RESERVE PASADKNA. Cul.. Auc 28. At lloon. today tho report was received boro from tho army of men fighting flro In Dovlt'a Canyon, that ono arm of tno conflagration, fanned by a brink breoze, had Jumped tho flro break at Pine Plata and Is rapidly eating It way Into tho Tcjuuga dis trict This In the most norloXis phaso tho tiro has yet taken, as tho Los Angolea water supply cornea from the Dig and Llttlo Tcjungnn, and unless tho flames arc soon controlled this will bo of Irreparable damage For est Bliporvlsor Charlton Is at Sierra Mndro directing tho work of sending rolntorcemouts to tho flro lines, nnd Is Improving ovory avallnulo man. TO DEATH IN MID-AIR PARIS, Aug. 28. His clothe catching firo when flames from the petrol (auk of bit aeroplane enveloped tho machine, Lieutenant Louin Cliun denlou of tho nnny nviiiliun corps, was burned to death today whilo flying from Douai to CIiuIoiih. TIiq nctxipbmu fell to earth nnd tho body of Gbandonior was found among tho tangled wrecknge, AVIATOR FRUITLESS SEARCH IS MADE OE LQUNSBERRY HOME Every concolvablo hiding placo In and about tho Lounsborry homo on the JaokHonvlllo-Contral Point road was searched for tho second tlmo to day for evidence which would throw n light on tho operations of "Wolls Lounsborry, aolf confessed train rou bor. Nothing of Importance- was found Tho aosroh was mado by Constable AugiiBt D. Slnglor who ovor lookod no poBulblo hiding placo. Tho houso, tho barn, feod houuos. Rrannrles, ovon well, lined with brick waa outorod and a biding placo far loot sought, Tho search was futile and llttlo doubt re mains but that Lounshorry dostroyed ovory scrap of paper, ovory portion of his loot ho could not convort into caBh. Tno first sgarch of tho promises was not us thorough as tho ono to day owing to durkuess coming on but It was lu groat monsuro barron of result according to tho two govorn- moot Inspectors who uourchod tho placo. That tho found certain ov- donco and removed It Is known but thov failed to find any ovldonoo such as a portion of tho loot, dlscardedon volopes and tho like. All examination of ho Lpunsborry 1 1. i jUEZmmmmMm J W 4ymMMMMMMMMmMMMm wJJ'M9UBmMx " ,t':MMMMMMm lW'-JAMmuMmM'' - :imMMMMMm 74 BOOTJd.. SOUTHAMPTON, Knland. Au. !!8. When Ktn Hotb, daughter of the latu General William Hooth, head of tlie Salvation Anny. renchex hprc tomorrow from Saw York, xho will bo met hy a upceiul t'riiiu and rushed immctlialciv to London. Commander Hooth Iiojmjh to rencb IahuIoii in time to attend the funeral of her father. BRITAIN file::; t L IN CANAL BILL I VASHINGTONr,tug. SfU-Taklng exception to the provision granting freo tolls to American vessels en gaged In coatstwlso trade, England through Mitchell Innes, tho British charg d' affaires here, today filed a formal protest to tho Panama Canal bill. Tho note, wnlcu advised that a moro detailed objection would bo filed Inter, announced that England Intends to take tho matter beforo Tho llagtio tribunal, alleging that tho bill violates tho Hay-Pauncefoto treaty. TO E TAKUIKH. Aug. 28. Kmitxnriw sent by Colonel iMaugin, commander of tlio French forces hero to nego tiate with Klhihi, lender of the Mbruccoim troops, for the rccnno of tho nine French officers held s prisoners, jelurned today and re ported Hint the Moroccoau cbicftuu rufiiRcd to freo I lie cnpliu, The Moroceonn leader, tho French officers declared, notified them tliut hu will kill tho Ficncb prisoners if Colonel Muugiii becomes too aggres sive. homo and tho outbuildings tends to show that Mrs. Lounsborry was not a partner with her husband lu crime, although1 she might lmvo known of It. Rather It Is to bo bolleved that sho waa moro or less oxtravngant and thus led Lounsborry to hold up trains In ordor to glvo hor tho luxuries sho evidently craved. Not ulouo Is tho homo ologantly furulshod but lu nn ndjacont storehouse Is to bo found discarded tiirnltura and fixtures which could easily graco the homo of any well to do porson. Stored horo nro oxponslvo blunkots and hod cov erings, luco curtains and tho Bcores of oddB nnd onds which ordlnarllj nro found In a storeroom. Tho dlf foronco horo Is, nowovor, that tho goods otorod away are. uoarly nov nnd had cost coiuddornblo money. Tho Lounsborry placo has for somo Unto- boon noglocted, A largo roso garden jtoar tho houso as woll started but n'awJs dying of nogtoct. A lawn was atartod and at ono tlmo was In excellent condition. It Is now doad for want of care. Tho samq govern! appoaranco prevail about th.e ranch, Evldontly tho Lounsberrys Avoro not rajhrs by ?holco, or Uiey f,ound HA PROTEST MA mm ORDERS MODIFIED FOR LETTER BOXES WASHINGTON, Aug. 28.Ordors have been ishued today by pot office officials slightly relaxing the onginal order preventing Sunday delivery of mini in fin,t and second class post offices, as provided in the rider to the post offico appropriation bill pnsbcd by congress nt the last ses sion. The carrier and window deliveries arc Kt ill forbidden, but lock-box holders will he permitted access to their mail. New railway mail cr viec arrangements lmvo been mado providing fbr special sorting while enruute of nil hotel nnd ucvspaxjr mail in order to facilitate Sunday delivery in sueh places. Postmaster Hitchcock said today Hint the relaxed orders mean prac tically no inconvenience (o business or the gcuerul public, but will result merely in the closing of (he general delivery windows. Ho further slutod that the law greatly benefits tlie postal employes, particularly distrih ntors, who were formerly held for Sunday work. STEAMER NOT THREATENED BY REBELS AT ANY TIME CAN 1MF.GO, Cut.. Aug. 28. Tho big steamer Heuito Juuroz, reported the other day captured by Mexican rebels, arrived hem today. Captain Miranda said tlio liner had not beun threatened bv rebels nt any time. that they did not enro for tho Ufa artor trying It, Insldo tho houso, howavor, It Is entirely different. Horo great caro has been exercised not alono In se lecting tho furnishings but lu tho caro of tho houso. Mrs. Lounsborry was evidently considerably Interested In noedlowork for not only are speci mens of her work found In profusion but a library on Neodlccratt has ovl dontly been used considerably by her. A peculiar fact In connection with tho library Is tho absenco of any bookH rotating to fruitgrowing or ranch Hfo. Evidently Lounsberry had never mado a closo study of hor ticulture although ho was dovoloplng a C7 aero orchard. Tho two boys which Mrs. Louns borry took oast with hor whoso ages woro given n't C and 3 years woro found today to bo agod ton and sevon, A family Dlblo nt tho place gtvos Philip's birthday as Novombor 27, 1902 und George's as March 27, 100G. Tho fact that tho 'boys woro old enough to lonvo alono at homo In raso Mrs. Lounsborry was her husband's companion at Yoncalla last summer Is copsldorod Jiuportnilti One of the Three Blacks Elected by the National Association Resigns Expect Other to Follow Keller Praises New Nationalism of People MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 28. The new nationalism Is the symbol of tho evolution of tho American peo ple part of a world movement to liberal democracy according to tho belief expressed to the American Bar Association today by Frank II. Kel logg, tho prosecutor, who "trust busted" tho Standard Oil Company, and a leading Roosevelt supporter. ' Kellogg's address was a minute re view of the world'a unrest. Condi tions In America, He said, bavo here tofore favored tho economic philo sophy of Lalsscz Feres, but recent years had produced a demand for more direct Individual participation in government. Ureal I It Dangerous A report by a special committee, In which tho recall of Judges legisla tion was referred to as "dangerous and objectionable and subversive to good government" was presented to the convention of tho American Bar Association here today. It was er pected that the report would be adopted. William Morris, one of tbo three Negroes to whoso membership In the association strong objections baa been made by Southern members sent In his resignation to tbo execu tive committee, so worded as to com pel the association to go on record on tho negro question. Tho resigna tion of the other two negroes, But ler Wilson of Massachusetts and Wil liam Lewis, attorney general Wick ersham's assistant, probably will fol low that of Morris. j A resolution, presented by J. H Mer,rill,qt,eorgla,, aeceptlBg the re signation was unanimously adopted by tho convention. It commended the "fine spirit" Morris showed. To Abolish Life Tenure J. Hamilton Lewis of Chicago, for merly congressman froia Washing ton, has prepared a resolution do mandlng abolition of life tenure for all United States judges except mem bers of tho supreme court of tho United States. Tho resolution pro vides that federal district Judges Bhall be elected by tho people of tho district lu which they nro to serve, and that justices of tho supreme court shall bo appointed too life, sub ject to the approval of tbo senate. It Is also provided In tho resolution that a majority vote of tho houso of representatives shall bo sufficient to recall and remove all United States judges. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 28. Warrants aro out today for soven al leged Industrial Workers of tho World, arrested recently at San Diego on suspicion of having designs of vlolonco on butldtngs thoro. Tho warrants were Issued by an assistant In tho United States district attor ney's office here and will be sent to San Diego to bring the men to Los Angeles. A federal grand jury will dotor- mlno next week whether turthor in vestigation will bo -made Into the activities of tho Industrialists here and at San Diego, APPOINTS REPRESENTATIVE FOR BOOTH'S FUNERAL LONDON, Aug. 28. Cnptuln Philip Iluntoke, groom in waiting to tho king, has been doMguuted by King George and Queen Mtiry to represent them ut the service-, to be held tonight in Olympia over the body of the late General William Hooth, bead of tbo Salvation Army, according to an nouncement hero today. CHICAGO CHILD DIES FROM BITE OF MAD DOG CHICAGO, Aug. 28. Kitten by u mud dog, August 3, litllo Esther Cannon, aged ), died here today of rabies. Tlie child was rushed to tho Pastuer Instil uto when symptoms of hydrophobia developed, but too late ip stvve her lifvt WMIflS T F R m DEGO sums Tenth Infantry, Ordered ti Manafw Is' First Insfarae of TrM Sftt ' to Central American RepuWTcaris and Inaugurate a Precedent WASHINGTON, Aug. 28,-At the request of the statu department. President Taft, from his summer borne at Beverly, Mass,, ordered today tho Tenth Infantry, stationed at Pana ma, to sail Immediately for Corlnto, Nicaragua. This Is tho first time In years that United States soldiers have beqa seat to Central America to quell a rebel lion. Five hundred marine are now In Nicaragua. When tho Tenth Infantry with Colonel Green commanding, ar rives the American forde there will total 2,000 men. Tho state department's request that soldiers be pent to Nicaragua sets nn important precedent in America's relations with the Latin republics. Early in July Nicaragua confessed inability to cope with General Menu, commander of the revolutionary forces, and asked America's assist ance in maintaining peace, hence tlie "invasion." ThiV, diplomats here suy, docs not constitute an unfriendly act. The Tenth Infantry will sail for Corinto either tonight or 'early to morrow aboard a Pacific Mail steamer. Landing at Corinto, tbo troops will be placed at the disposal ot United States Minister Weitzcl. The state department this after noon termed the tacties employed byr General Mcnn, the Nicaraguan revo-' lutionary leader, in his campaign as barbarous. ,Beforc, going to Panasia, the Tentk Regiment was stationed at tke'Pre- flidio in San Franpfceo., Jftk Regiment is jfrWedYorwSfi JtmAk in Nicaragua, the beventeenth In fantry Avill be sent to Panama for duty on tho Isthmus. The order sending; the troops lo Nicaragua was sent out by Major; General Leonard Wood, who oosi poncd a trip be bad planned to Massachusetts fearing that his pres ence would bo needed in Washington. ., .. .j -j i. VOTES IN CM LONDON, Aug. 28. Because he re fused to promise to Introduce legis lation for women suffrage In the Can adian parliament, London militant suffragettes were bitter la their de nunciation here tonight of Robert L. Borden, premier of Canada. Sarlier In tho day a delegation of suffra gettes called on Borden, and leaving" declared that he hod ''dodged the Issue." "So far as Canada Is concerned," said Premier Borden hero tonight, "tho question of giving the ballot to women Is ono for the provincial leg-' Islatures to decide. Anyway, Cana dian women are beet able to decide themselves as to what they want." The Women's Social Political Union, It as reported. Is considering extending a militant campaign to Canada and may undertake to keep prospective Immigrants away from Canada, sending them to Australia and Now Zealand Instead. LONDON, Aug. 28 More than 3,000 families are homeless through out England today, the almost unla terruptod downpours for the last'two months causing freshet which have swopt away thousands of bulldlnse and caused damage to crone alone es timated at 110,000,000, Norwlcn is practieaily cut off from the outside world. Seore ot towns' are Inundated and railroad" t raffle U at a standstill, A largo sum of money wee ew trlbuted here today fer the fleed vte- tlms, who are suffering a'ule(y frew hunger and exposure. It (a predletal that It will require week te repteee the bridge and repel? eOter week,-' puts, WOMEN REFUSED EUD SUFFERS EKSR1 00D t i,W ' M ' i il j 1 J V i