'' PAGE TWO MEDFORD MXTTJ TRIBUNE, MDffORD, OKIWON. THSKDAY. AlT(UTKT 27, 1012 M ! H it,. Iv l ft r If & t & SgaTanp 1 John 13. Gallon of HosoburR Is In Medford on n short business trip. Mr. nrnl Mrs. Plait havo returned from an outing at Untte Kails. Tho .placo to got tlio beat Kvor green sweet corn Is nt tho market, mmmmMmmmmmmaaess. Knuio. m W., W Usher has announced that Mrs- Stnnton nrirfls has left for a he wllPrnn a Independent cnndldato vl9'1 w" relatives In New York, for coroner. Ho hiw been connected 0ot ll nl OeVoe's. with tho" Pacific Tolephono Company m J3S, Chauncoy and sister In tho "contract and Installation do- plora nre vlsUlnR fr,el,l,! at partmcntBr fot tho past year and has ,loc,f. awlde ncctnalntattceflhlp In tho conn- Kor Pn,' ir, ho weighing 76 ly v. ' 4 pounds and upwards In Reed condl- ' . . ,,,, ., ,, , . tlon. Prices? nre right If taken at Fred Williams tho well known at- nnri, , Mllalnv ,- r, .,. ,- .vr,"Vrw , . . i ''""TMthomuKhbred llerkshlres. Wo have ntodford bn a shorHbuslness trip. L. sa,e a fjw cJi0,ct nofU8ro C. R. Evans of Weed was n re-jbonr8 ttmi Beldgt ,,rUo wjMll0r8. nt cent vlBltor in Mcdford on business. , $l0 and u,,wnrdB. Why continue to IJetor M. Korshaw spent Tuesday I raise scrubs when you can buy tho at Central Point on business. jroughbredtvat such reasonable prices? VvVwlfl pay $2,50 per tier for " V. Canal Co., Main 1111. 13 wood In trade, 106 N. Front street, M - Krlckson left Tuesday for n tho'cheapost Btore In tho west. 136 short Inspection trip In different parts Harry Adama of Applegate spent ' the Crater National forest. Tuesday with Mpdford friends. Get Mrs. Reynolds homo made Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Galloway ot oread at UoVoo's. Grants Pass spent Tuesday with rs, uunno or Sacramento Mcdford friends. s 'n Medfdrd for a short visit with Moro bargains than ever at 106 friends. K.' Front street. Better havo a Navajo and other small ruga joolc. : ' 136 cleaucd. Tentorium. 134 Mrs7K. S. Watklns left Monday af- Mrs. Ralph Woodford Is spending tcr'rloon for a visit with friends at ' days with friends nt Grants Sari'Franclsco, Pfts- ' B. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th Chrysanthemum Circle S4, W. O. floorM. F. & H. blrtg. "., will hoia their regular meeting A1. D. Samuels left Monday for Tuesday August 27, at S p. m. 134 Portland fin a shbrt business trip. Mrs. D. B. Nowles left Tuesday for James Lewis of Union snent Tues- n extended visit with friends at IB m El YET BV GRAND JURY Although It lias been In session slneo Monday morning tho grand Jury had not returned an Indictment up until' 2 o'clock this afternoon, hut It Is expected that Kevoral Indictments will bo returned before night. Tho grand Jury has considered a number of cases which lurludo the W. C. Daley assault case, an Ashland bur glary case and a number of minor crlmea. SUSPECT LOUNSBERRY'S WIFE iny; of nnv lnlUij-n'o,.' A number of the uoililnirs i f Loiinshorrv on ,Moiulv placed at tachments mi tH-k and properly nlmiit the place. It lui developed Hint Lomujlierry was hmlly in debt In lim neighbors and ntlui'lniieiilH very taken nut by them for proU'ctlon, Tim postal uutliontu's have lenip ovnrilv Hbaiidoiii'd the -omvh nt this end of Ihe line uilil are now eoueeii I rut iii; their effort at Topoku. JJYLPH WINS MUT0RB0AT CONTEST AT ASTORIA (Continued from pago 1.) day' with Mcdford friends. Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Kay Realty Co., Slkth"ad Fjr. WIlUpi Ulrlch spent Tuesday at thp connly eat on business. Berlin Tailoring and French Dry Cleaning Company, 109 West Main street, wish' to announce that they are prepared to do first class clean ing:' and pressing, also bats blocked and trimmed. Ladles' and Gents' suits made to order. Givo us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Pacific 53C2. Allen Powers has returned from a short business trip to Portland. He has made arrangements for tho dis posal of considerable timber land in the Big Butte district. See R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County Bank. Dr. J. F. Reddy Is at Tfrega. and other northern California points on business. Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth .and Fir. . George Vallls is planning to leave In the sear future for Corvatlls wnero he wlllattend O. A. C. during the next year. Mrs. J. K. Balttlo has left for a visit with friends at Vancouver, Wash, Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store. Misses Mary and Bessie Ponninger will leave soon for a visit with frieads at Eugene and Salem. . Hats cleaned, blocked and re trimmed. Pantorlum. 134 E. K. Calvin vice president of the Southern Pacific railroad company passed through Mcdford on Number 1C Monday evening. Soda Fountain at DoVoe's. Mrs. Charles Isaacs is visiting her mother, Aire. Stancliff of Phoenix. Carkls & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. 'Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. W. D. Wilson of Willow Springs is in Medford on a short business trip. Money to loan on country proper ty. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson Coun ty Bank Bldg., Medford. W. S. Brown of Klrby wap a re cent 'visitor In Medford on business. Street and party gowns cleaned by tho inoBt modern process. Pantor lum.' 134 Mrs. E. C. Gaddes has returned from a camping trip in tho Butte Falls district. ' Ladles let us rellno and alter your fall suit to sujt ypu. Our repairing department Is complete. Pantorlum 134 P. L. Karl of Ashland spent Mori day at Medford on business, Wo c)ean thoso portiers and couch covers, bo' they will like new. Pan torlum. 134 W. J. 1 uino of Sacramento is In Medford fur a short visit with friends. B. p, Weston, commercial photog rapherp, negatives rnado apy timo or place by appointment Phone M. 1471 Mr. and Mr. Floyd J, Andrews of Setlttje uro In Mcdford on a short uusmest trip. Ou'r Biapkef (machine Is ready for bualuoss. Try U, thpy will look like new, Pantorlum. 134 W. E. Van Vejior of Stockton, Cal., is in Medford for n short visit with friends. Hay for sale, W. H. Evorhard. Phono CG7. Colorado Springs. She was accom panied by her daughter Miss Blanche. Try us and bo convinced ot the superior quality of our work. Wo guarantee every article wo handle. Pantorlum. 134 Mrs. W. I. Vawter has returned from a short visit at San Francisco. All wool blue serge suits to your measure at $16.50; no use wearing a hand-me-down, at Ettert, tho Tailor. 154 Mr. and Mrs. Householder have returned home from California after a two weeks visit with friends. Fall and winter goods aro on dis play at a very low figure and a fit guaranteed, by Elfert, the Tailor. 154 James McDowell spent Sunday at the Free Methodist camp meeting at Ashland. The nursery business formerly conducted by L. E. Hoover & Son vlll be continued by C. C. Hoover and all outstanding bills may bo paid to him. Mr. Hoover has contracted for 100,000 trees from tho Yakima Independent Nursery Co., and 125, 000 trees from the Milwaukee, Ore., company. All trees are Inspected and guaranteed to bo first class in evory particular at time of delivery. ' 134 L. L. Austin has returned from a visit to Ashland. Tho Misses Edith and Cecil Emer son are visiting friends at Gold Hill. Jack Grlbble of the Forestry serv Ico was thrown from a horse on south Oakdale Monday afternoon and 'pain fully injured. He will bo confined to his home for several days. Rev. L. M. Idleman of Alhambra, Cal., formerly rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church ot this city stopped off a few hours Tuesday en route from Portland to Los Angeles. He was greatly surprised and pleased at the wonderful growth of Medford during the past eight years. J. J. Burns of Eagle Point spent Tuesday in Medford with friends. Mrs. A. D. Brownell of Trail is in Medford for a short vjslt with friends. Mrs. Herman Bowers of Roseburg Is In Medford with a party of friends en route to Crater Lake. Mrs. Bow ers drives the auto. No men accom pany them. William Glass of Beagle was a re cent visitor in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Evanston left Monday evening for a visit with friends at Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Walters left Tuesday for an automobile trip to Crescent City. SAY YOUNG MURDERER IS "INCURABLE PARANOIAC" i -r - i V", 'K . ' SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl:, Aujf. 27 Sworn testimony Hint Charles IJon ucr who Hhnt nml killed Ilcrnice Goilaire, the 38 year old high ehnol Kirl, while in u fith of jeuloux rnjje, is nn "incurable piirmioiae," was miulu in the pro'rehK of the tri.il hero today by Dr. Chnileh A. Dosor, for years resident physician nt the Nn pa asylum for the insane. The r defense rested with Dr. Dozier's testi mony. The prosecution expects to complete their case this afternoon iiiid the ease given to tho jury late today. Dc-rriptlmi Similar The ile-eriptioii of .Mrs. ,ounlherry nnd the -nuOler of the two train rubber. at Youenlln niv the miiiio in M'verol rcsneots iMiitiouhulv in re- jpird to the face. Wearins; apparel xiniilur to that described bv the mail clerks was found in the house, but about their discoveries the inspectors were very reticent. However, they would admit unthiin; in regard to the house even deiiyiin; the removal ot certain jewelry until thev saw that further dental wn useless as some of Mrs. Stratum's jewelry left by her at the house while eleaninir it was anions; that which they removed. When confronted with this they merely smiled and admitted that they had taken certain jewelry but nothing else, ami that they had returned Mrs. Strutton's property. There no lunger remains n doubt but that I.onnsberry was the man who conducted the Voncalla robbery. Not only does his description coin cide with that of the larger of the two robbers but his actions on his return to the valley aNo bear this out. He returned two days after the Yoncalla robbery going through ns far as Talent, having overslept on the afternoon train, according to his story, lie left the train nt Central Point and started to walk out home, a distance of about two miles. Shortly after he left Central Point he was overtaken by Charles Howell who has worked for him a number of times. Jlr. Howell offered to carry his suit case in his buggy but Lounsberry declined the offer. He went home mid then returned to Victor Ilurscll's place carrying the suitcase mvny from the house. Hut-sell's Story "Mr. Ijonn.sbcrry reached the house just nt dark," .states Mr. Hurseil, "and after telephoning to Medford to his wife who was there to meet him remnined to June .something to ent with us. We mentioned the Yoncalla robbery but he stated Hint he knew nothing of it. This is how avo remembered hii retain from the north at that time, two days after the oncalla job. During the meal the door slammed shut and he n men red to be very badly fright ened. "'Who's that he exefaimed, W if somebody U there.' "We laughed nt Ifim and after looking in the kitchen told him it .was only a door blowing shut. Later Mrs. Lounsberry came out and they went home. "Whether Mrs. Lounsberry was gone nt the time or not, we do not know. We do not remember seeing her, but sometimes for a week at a time we would not notice whether they were home or not." A story to the effect Unit Frank Miller, a Central Point carpenter, had built a concealed closet in the house )in theattio which has been circulating in Medford for the past day, proved to be without foundation. "I have worked on the house a number of times," stated Mr. Miller ut Central Point this morning, "but there is nothing in the attic as far ns I know. I did most of the finish ing work in the hoiie, building much of tho panel work and the like. This work was all solid. The house has been -worked over a great deal ami is badly patched in) but 1 know notli- ASTORIA, Or,' Aug. Ui.-Wily leading the other entrant, tho Cliur maleo No J, tile Sl.ph won t(u motovhnat race between Portland4 mid Astoria today in three hours. tweiUy six minute's. The diMniieo was lilt miles', Tho rai'6 whs Ihe opening event' of the three days regatta at Astoria, FIFTY-F0UR DIVORCE CASES ONE DAY'S RECORD OF JUDGE l.OS ANflKI.KS, Cal, Aug. U". Piisslng upon .! divlueo ut'tinns in one iluv is the record which .Judge Monroe today is icgaidiiig with mixed leoliug. Aliiny ot in eases wera sol for hearing, while in olio or two instances the court made earnest effort to splice broken mar tial ties, His ealeiulni' for today also showed u startling number of divorce discs, CONGRESSMEN HASTEN TO LEAVE WASHINGTON WASlliNOTO.V, AKg. a7.-,l' outgoing trains were' cruwiicfl Willi outgoing senator, ami congressmen off for a vacation. As the result, of adjournment ") congress hniulreds of clerks nml annual stenographers arc oat of jobs to day. ICE CREAM i PUR6 and WHOLESOME AT TUN limitT PRION In carton, tin cuiitn por tpiurt, HC cunts extra for imcUctH ot tiny nUo up to one willon. Any order over one gallon nt $1 per gallon, Deliveries of packers (o any part of tho ulty, ice cream survod nt tho uroituutry at a cents per dUb, Medford Crcnm & Butter Co. "' BRICK AND DRAIN TILE Made from tho beat material in tho county li . aMm'luno nmcle insuring uniformity in size and shape See the? goods and got our prices before placing your order JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE COMPANY Live Stock Wanted WANTED TO BUY All kinds of live stock, large, or small quantities. Will pay best mar ket price. M. .1. SKVLKK, eloUnion Meal Co. APPLES APPLES APPLES Do You Vfant to Soil? , What Horta and, quuntltlfH, and what iii'lee? Wo nre not tend orhiK for nuyhody'rt fruit. Do you want to couhIku and ehniico tho umrlietT Commit im and wo will kIvo you tpiotatlo:iH I evorv cane wo hoik! tho moIIcih nlo not. N Now York wo umu our own halo nolo, and do not havo applcH sold hy auction. H. N. WHITE & CO. 7(1 Park Place Now York Nearly a quartor of acentury under tlio same management; THE County Jackson Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Bank Established 1S7S Incorporated 1!04 FRUIT D. CROSSLEY & SONS Commission Merchants 20 1 Franklin St., New York Our Specialty APPLES and PEARS Wo havo our own Iiouiim Jn nkw vonic, Livi-ati'ooii, i.on'dox ,xi niasaow Direct consignments solicited or seo our Hopue Illver representative. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon Soundnoss of principlo Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawter President CI. U. Lindley, Vice Pros. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier Now in the Garnett-Corey Building Vapor Baths and Scientific Massage Advice in Dietetics, Medical (lynmastics and Hydrotherapy Lady Attendant Examination and Consultation bVec We make a specialty of chronic diseases DR. R. J, LOCKWOOD, Chiroproctor Nerve Specialist Phenes: Office, 145; Res. Home IGblv, Del 1i)K Rooms 203-204-205 Garnett-Corey Building GET YOUR BOXES AND Pac. 5621. CRATES for Poaches and Cantaloupes from ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. Medford, Oregon Home 307 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY .T r-l p.- WctKs&McGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS JftfM VHosmi r. w. Woki 071 4, s. orr,, WM A A$jr AMfUTAlTX. FOR SALI2 8 acres, garden, poul try and fruit. All under cultiva tion, 5 room good house. Plenty of water, 1 V6 mllea from Baglo Point, Oregon, known as Juck place Owner on place during tho next week. Small payment down, Easy terms, cheap. Address I. II. Clark, Eaglo Point, Oregon. 134 MmWi Lt j r H r VQ SALE phoap, six, jdato stcql range, only used six lnoptlia. Ad dress P, V. Cooper, caro Cullfornla Orogon Powor Co. 135 Health Is tho foundation of all good look. Tho vJBO woman rcallzoo this and takes precautions to preserve- her health and strength through tho pe riod of child bearing. Sho romalns a pretty mother hy avoiding as far ao possible tho suffering and dangers of such occasions. This every woman may do through tho ubo of Mother'a rnena. 'rnis ja a mcdlclno for extornal application and so penetrating In Us nature ns to thoroughly lubrlcato every muscle, norvo and tendon In. yolved during tho porlod beforo baby comes. It nlds naturo by expanding tho skin and tissues, relieves tender ness and soreness, and perfectly pro pares thoyatora for natural and CuLTiifUMA safo motherhood. ''jyMViq Mother's Prlond YJJtlH Is sold at drug JylW stores. Write fpr freo hook for ok. pectant rnpthors, which contains much valuaujo Information The Best tmwmU For All PEIIil Motors kKS9 ; r v Jr f; f Vr yQ CARBON I BkJ Oiiiiiiiv T'or Ka, I'Verywliero Siflpr STANDARD OIL COMPANY l'' (Incorporated) t t t i HaMMa S. as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (& Storage Co. TTTT" f T ? T T T ! t T T T t T T T T f T ? zww$tziiix "Not For Rent" "Wo havo a new, modern bungalow just rinislied. Several new people just c(ining tq Mcdford have offered uh $35.00 a month rent for this swell little homo. This bungalow was built for a "homo" a permanent and lasting home. Best location on paved street, four blocks from Medford Hotel. For Sale very cheap. There is nothing in Medford today like it for fho price. A real bargain don't last long. Look at it to day before it is gone. H. E.. GATES, Owner 23 Rose Avonuo ll vNil)iaiaiaiHiaiaiaiaiaiaiaWA' fflf It T T T f T T t T T t T ? T T f T T T s moritis'SuTO co., Aiiw.. c . 't:;t;;t5'.;x;..;., "o