Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 27, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Oreton HUttfleil
city Hill Tfftptm
Medford Mail Tribune
" M-.
V 1
Fair nmf. vnnwi-M ftOt
Mtu 5; (I JIhiii a.
Dally HuvunUi Vnnr.
NO. 134
Postal Officials Snltl !o Hnvo Fan ml
Evlilcnco Incrlmlnatlnn Her Now
Certain That Lounslicrry Hnil a
Hnml In Robbery at Yoncnlla
HiiiUrinil Hint the hnvo ennni-clcd
Well Louiitdiurry, tint Itoguo Hlvcr
nichurdUt seriously wounded while
holding up 11 train IiinI week III
I.tiwieuec, Kaunas, intl tvlin Inter
cnnl'i'swcil to Hut robbery if a triilu
lit Itcdtllng IiihI n in t -, wild (ho
robbery iif a train sit Yimii'iiIIii, .liini'
Ml, Hill, tliv government officers
uliii liuvn been iiivcMllguling tint ense
have turned their iitli'iitimi to his
unknown nccnmplictt iiiul urn now
I'llilcitviii'ing to leu in wild tilt person
w'iim wlui unlisted lilin on tint Ynu
cnlln job. Meanwhile sliicn Sunday
tin lniiniHrry Ihiiiu' hit been In
charge Hi' Htrntton1 a neighbor.
Wlllllt llltt poHtlll illNpeClOIS, win
leTt Mfdfnnl Momlnv evening to ic
purl to ilmlr superior tifllcers nl
I'm Hand, with very reticent in t lit
mutter, it U known, Iiowewr, t It it t
they ii n working iipm tin tln'ory Hint
.Mm, l,oiinttbirryv,iihmtcil lnr bus.
IiiuiiI in robbing lint train nt Youculhi.
They won reluctant to accept ibis
Ibiory preferring o think (but
l,ninbcriy was induced to nib
(ruin liecuut.c lie wixlicil to give bis
wife nit nduttdmice if Hut luxuries
of lifV. It h known, however, (but
they accepted tin1 theory Hint Mrs.
I.ounberry was her bushmiil'
complice nfer tin' limine luiil been
rmisuckcd t'ntiii top to hollom in
search of efldelicc.
IMlllMIIO I'oiintl
It Is reported Hint tin1 officer
foiiinl certain gnnncnls wiinilnr (o
lliimo dexcrihed by lln innil elciki
iin worn ly tin) robber shortly niter
tin' Yoiii'iilln robbery. In udihli.iii
to this MHiirnl Hiin in tlu tlcm'tip.
liftl but n Miijtlv gun, did not speak,
ninl wbd nppcnied tn ho very tier
vous corresponds In n grcnt degree
willi tlm appearance of Mrs, Lniius
berry. Tli only place (be !
hcriiilliniH ib not cnrrcoud j in
regit nl to tbo weight. While .Mr.
bmiixliorry wax a Miinll woman it in
pointed out Hint u woman dressed
In men's cldlbcM wdiibl uatunilly
appear to bit iiiueli Iteavier tbnii "b"
ii'iilly U. It U fitrlbor known tint
Mp. IiininliPrry lias Iiimmi uiiib'r
cdiiHtniit xuncillaiii'u hitu-o kIiu loft
I'orlluiiil anil ber a next is lielieveil
to In' iitiiniiiunt. Sim jh NiipiMixi'tl to
bnvi' lent'lieil Topukn, liniHiih wImti
ber bii-bmitl U, tmlay.
Wbilu Ibu two iiispentorrt wbti
worked on HiU end of tbo (unit weio
--vry t'uuur to explain to nil with
wlnuii I bey lalked Hint tliey did not
Mihiii'ct iMi-H, l.oinlslMiiry, their pro-
tuHtalbiiiK in HiIh regard wen,' too
volublu to bo Hiiii'orit and wlienever
tint pnrly they wtr tiilkinj: with
HiipKPHlcil I bin t henry they iminedi
nlely laiiKbed nt it ami niter di
oiiKHin tho 1'iihi) in other rexpeeU
would ncnin load up to .Mr. ,ouiu
berry in n t'oiimlnboiit way. They
1 1' pea I I'd ly ipuvdidui'd parties who
wtiro iicipiaiuteil with .Mih. I,nuim
berry iih In all of her charat'tcriNrh'H.
NVIj;hlHirH went iiIhii cloiely ipien
tioneil iih to ier uiovitnieutH bill tin
tbn I.ihiii'hIioit.vh led a morn or lehH
Hi'i'linled life thoy wero nhlo to throw
hut lit Hit liKJit on the Hiibjiiet.
rontlniiod on piiBo""a.)
American Bar Association Amused
by Governor McGovcrn's Spcicli
Ncro Barrister to Be Admitted to
Membership Over Protests
.MII.WArKKi:, Aiij:. '27.- flover
nor MeUoverii of WiHeonxin in wl
t'Oitnnu Hut iiieuiherM of lln; American
Har AHoeiation here today diMfiitfxed
the reejill of judKtw. The ndiirnot
, , , ".Many feel tluil there i fnreo 3d
Wol.eit (I. Smllli ivor of (,,. areuineiit that thu reeall of
Vn, wliowill make mi netoe cri. , juiI-h would Impair the importance
...n-, i,. ,.,.,,-, in ii, in i -nu,r-Milium ,,r jiuii-H. in a fuel, however,
HHiiifi in niiiKn. I Unit Hie. indupt'iulmiee r Hie jndi-
eiary an lienil uioic in dimmer fnun
Hie very men nppooiiii; the reeall thiiu
Ihure now in from the recall itoll.
The idea of tbo km all iw not revolu
tionary niinply u nuw npplieatlon of
an obi piiiteiple.
"rndernlnnd mi"" the jovernor
added, "I urn not ailvocaliu the
Governor MeUoverii' remnrkN
brought loud uuffuwH from the a-
Hemhled !elealeH.
Attoriio)' Cnuorat Wlukornliam an
iioiiiitud Hint hu hud oiioiikIi pledKen
alriwiily to liiKiiri) tho olectlon of A
Hlntnnt Attoruoy (Jonerul Wllllum
I.ewlK, n llottou Neitro, to niombor
Hlilp, ii;aliiMt whom Bdiithern mem
Intm arc wiikIiik n littler flslit.
The recall of JiuIkck, It wan anld,
would ho (I I hc ii Med nt IciikHi UurliiR
tlm roiivitntloii and It wan considered
prolialdu that the nBHorlntlon would
oppose lint recall In nn'y form.
Tho executive rouimltteo returned
ItH report proposing that threo Ne
ItroeH tut admitted to tnemUcrdhlp.
The Nefcrrien mvtitloued were Wllltnm
I.owIh. an itt(Uttiiit United Htulea at
torney Runurnl; Hiiller Wilson of
MnHHacliiiMfttri and Wllllnm MorrlH of
Former Bocretary of War Jacob M.
Dlcklnnon wnR recoKiiUcd and pro
Hitiitod a resolution providing that
herenfter nil npiillcatlons for mem-
hemhlp by Negroes in tint state plain
ly tlmt tho applicants Arc colored.
Attorney General Wlckersham was
then recognized. It had been ex
pect od that ho would utnlco n hot
speech In fnvor of Negroes, but In
stend ho snltl that ho favored Dickin
son's resolution. Tho resolution was
then declnrcd carried among much
Kplitrt W Kiullli mayor of (Jrantii
I'iikh, ami olio of the best known ut
lorneyH la Houtliern Oregon who wan
nominated for Coiikichs la April on
tho Democratic ticket, has niiiioiiiirod !
that he will make, ail active ctiuipalKu
for the phire. Mr. Hinltli's health has
been poor for hoiiki limit and frlentls
feared that lit.- could not mako tint
Mr. Hiultli was a candldiito two
years no but was dufented. Ho
polled a Krutlfylui: vote however and
won many friends who will una In ac
tively support him,
Ni:V YOUIC, AilR. 27. Detective
Wllllnm J. Hums announced hern
thin afternoon tliut ho had been on
KiiKed by John I). Itnckefellur Junior,
lo drive from tho Rockefeller estate
tit I'oranlleo Hills, icrlalu ineiubeni
of tho Italian lllnck Hand Society
who have been terrorizing Rockefel
ler's wntchuinii by threatening to
burn buildings.
Attoriicv general n' ih I mted
Slatch win cbaiiitui'ied Hie ndmi
Kiou of nejro lawyei- ,i the Ameri
can Har iiMieiation.
Olslnct Attorney of Multnomah,
County Removed Becau.t of Re-,
fusal to Cooperate In .Plans fcrl
Cleaninjj-up Metropolis ;
V? P VIH rWl
Penrose Collecting Evidence to Sub-
stantiate Charges Against Progres
sive Candidate Who Will Be Given
Hearing September 30
YIKKN'A, Auk. 27.--A Sofia don
paleh reporfn Hie death nt Tornovu,
MulKniia, of a peasiiu womiiii nuiued
Miuie l'alanioff, at Ibo ne of IHrt
.VeaiH. Slut has heeii u widow for
75 years mid nil or her fourteen
children died Ioiik hki She left
nearly J 00 liviiiK dchcendimt.
Transport Sinks
SHANGHAI, All". a"--Tlm Trniw
Kirt liiseiuu while uuilergoiiiK re pa Iih
Hunk nlougrtidt) a wharf here today
in d'J feet of water. The vchucI'm
ernw mid tho workmen escaped with
out injury. Kffort will ho uiuilit ut
once lo rniMt tint vchscI.
LONDON, Aug. 27.Kngllsh then-ter-goors
nro utlll gnsplug today over
th porforinnnco of Onby Deslys, the
dancer nnd formor fnvorlto of ex
iting Manuel of I'ortugul, nt tbo
Pnlnco Thenter hero, during which
she disrobed on tho stngo nioro uinnz-
lugly near tho limit thnn Iwih ovor
been seen In n London theater.
Tho disrobing act followed n wild
dniico In which slio Indulged with
her Aniorlcnn pnrtnur, Hurry Pllcor
It Is predicted that hor perform
nnoo may bo Interfered with by tho
Knglluh Anthony Comstncks,
VANCOl'VKU. . (' Aug 27
"I look ff r uiiother mdienval in
I'lilim," r.sld rommoilorn ('. J. Kyres.
It. N., now on his wny from Hong
Kong to Kiiglniidhiid who wan for
merly comiuandor of tho Ilrltlsh
squadron nt ilongKoug.
"The reciuit resolution." ho con
tinued, "there v;uu apparently suc
cessful, but the iitjji' regime will not
Inst long. There will be trouble
t!icr0 before long, and I believe
(hero will bo a renewed outbreak
"The Idea Boenis to prevail over
hero that everything la now lovely
In China, hut tho 'reverse Is the case.
I belle vo there will bo another out
break there before long, nnd thu
present government will bo over
thrown." . y -
KALKM, Ore., Am,'. 27.-Oovor-
...... itf.., .,.... , . ... j
..w, iicoi itiu.i rvimivuu ironi Olltce
Dlitrlot Attorney Cameron of Port
land and appolntod as bis successor
Wnltor II. Kviuis. assistant United
Ctntes dlstlct attorney. Tbo re-mo-al
wan rnndo under tho stnul
providing that whenever a district at-
i il it '
""""' ,",", l" urinsu ino governor ( ncoUHVt n Sertor
wua n compioto statement of facts i
In a paidon case the governor may M.slt , t,,(. , ,.,, ,,Mc
removo mm. it is not known which '
pardon case Governor UWt will rlt
.... . . - ... ..-. (
inn action or uovoroor West Is
the result of District Attorney Cam
eron's refusal to allow Evans to net
as special prosecutor and carry out
(Jovernor West's reform plnns.
Governor West shortly nftor re
moving Cameron from offl o left for
Iioorftv elt's I'cniMUtnnm leader
Viiroe cf ha-
: tt. t ... .. .. A-t ,it. tti ..
I iiifT iiliurii in y. v .-iteiu,ijtiif lor II
POltTLAND, Ore.. Aug, 27. In
formed that ho had been removed
from office by Governor West, Dis
trict Attorney Cameron stated today
tbat ho did net think Governor
West had tho power to removo him
and that ho would fight any at
tempt on tho governor's part to do
so. Cameron said he would take no
action till ho had been officially In
formed of Governor West's action.
Walter II. Evans when told ho had
been appointed district attorney to
take tho place of Cameron, said he
could not say today whether he would
accept. Ho stated hc would make a
defliilto statement tomorrow, follow
ing the return to Portland of his
chief, United States District Attorney
McCourt. with whom ho wished to
SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 27. The
government probe of tho so-called re
tail lumber trust of tho middle west
began here this morning. If. B. Hew
itt of the Tye Lumber Company of
Ilaqulam was the first witness called.
He admitted that ho hesitated to sell
to retail lumbermen not Included In
the alleged syndicate for fear of be
ing blacklisted by the trust.
Ho told of correspondence that en
sued between him and the publishers
of the Mississippi Lumberman, a
lumber Journal In sup)ort of tho
trust, In which is was hinted that ho
must refrain from selling in tho
Mississippi Valley and neighboring
territory to any retailers except those
In the syndicate. In answer to
jjudgo Milton D. Purdy, for tho de-
consult before finally ncceptlng or de-, fonS4t Uowllt b,nntly M,d that he
dining West's appointment. f would havo continued to sell to a cer-
COLUMIIUS, Ohio. Aug. 27.1IUII
dredH or women marching In tho suf
frage parntlu featured tho Ohio con
tennliil colouration today, Dutter
mllk and saudwIcliOH wore Hold along
tho linn of nmroli to ralso funilH with
which to pay thu txpoiiflim of a cam
paign to Houuro tho adoption nt tho
election Hoplombor 3 of mi eipml
Hiirfrago amondiuunt to thu constitu
tion, Dr. Allco Llttlojohn, womon'n phy
Hlntl Instructor ut Ohio Statu Univer
sity, wax grand mnmhnl of tho parade.
Tho marchers Included lColn LnKol
lotto, daughter of Senator LuKollutto;
Dr, Anna Howard Bhaw, MIsb Amy
Harriot, Taylor Upton and Harriott
Stanton ninob,
Tho delegation of school teaoliors,
cnrrlod ft bunnor rending! "Wo
tench votorH, but cannot vote,"
That tho onstorn brook fry planted
In Applegate and Dig lluttu will
grow In tho Itogtio Klver to a aUo
exceeding that of tho Hteulhead la
tho prediction of Henry O'Mulloy.
superintendent of government hatch
erics, who Iiiih boon in Medford look
ing after preparations to talto fish
uggH tho coining Honson.
"Tint onstorn brook, In ItH native
unbltnt, tho cold brooks and Htreaius
of Now England, rarely attain n bUo
exceeding a pound, though In lakes
thoy frequently reach a slxo of C to 0
pounds. Tho mimo fish, transplanted
lo Colorado, nttalna a slzo of from
JO to 20 pouintH mid I bnllovo Hint
with tho abundant food and warmer
water of tho ltogito, this trout will
exceed this hIsco and equal in gnmor
uohh tlio Bteolliead,"
Mr, O'Mulloy Is planning to hutch,
in collection with tlm state bonrd, a
quarter million custom brook oggs
from Colorado ut tho Elk Crook
hatohory, which will bo llboratod In
tlio ndjacfliit streams as flngeiilugs.
Ilo hopes to tnko ten million salmon
eggs, nnd threo million stool head
trout oggH tho coming season, which
will bo hatched at Elk Creol and
liberated. In anticipation of secur
ing a modification of tho closed riv
er law, Hod Mncleny, who purchased
tho Hiimo Interests, will operate tho
hatchery on tho lower river this sea
no n,
Salmon will bo taken this year at
tho Anient dam, Instead of bolow
GrantH Pans or ut Krldlay'H eddy as
formerly. Hocks will bo put In tho
rltflo bolow 11)0 dam and at tho Hall
ways, vnro lining taken not to Inter
fere with tho ascent of Btcolhcnds,
Although formal notlco was sorved
on tho California-Oregon Power Com
pany to boglu construction of another
flshwny nt Gold Hay, nothing ban
been dpuo, nnd thousands of fish
nro roportod ntt hold-up by tho dam,
whoro thoy batter their heads In of
forts to find tho present flshwny,
VINLANl). X. .1.. Auk. 27. -Ad-milting
licit be killed hi- father V..
I!. Garten, n rich lioremau, Henry
(lurtoii surrendered to tlio police here
today, fim'rtiiiK that lie commitU'd
the deed to prevent the murder of In-
Gallon declared that his father had
been drinking and after a hitter
tpiarrel with Hie mother shortly after
midnight, M'izcd a butcher knife mid
threatened to kill her. Young Gnrton
grappled with bin father' grubbin;:
the knife nt the Mime time and
plunged it into the hitler's throat
LINCOLN, Neb, Aug. 27. The
managers of President Tatt'a cam
paign in Nebraska hnvo decided to
demand that tho six Hoosovelt elec
tors named as republicans In tho
statewide primary election last April
resign In favor of tho Tuft electors.
If thoy refiibe, tho Taf tiles plan to
fllo a suit In tho supremo court simi
lar to that which was filed recently
tu Kansas to enjoin tho secrotary of
state, from certifying to tho county
clerks ballot containing tho names
of tho Hoosovelt electors.
District Attorney Cameron said ho
thought the old statute under which
the governor removed him was re
pealed by the amendment to tho con
stitution passed In 1911 providing
that criminal proceedings might be
Instituted against a district attorney
not doing his duty.
As a consequence of Governor
West's action In removing District
Attornoy George Cameron, Multno
mah county this afternoon was with
out nn official prosecutor. Being
doubtful of his legnl right to conduct
tho grand Jury. District Attorney
Cameron dismissed that bod).
tain house except for this fear.
lltiltMX. Auk. 27. -Tlmt iho knl
sor "must tnko a cmnnlelo rcht for
pouiu nine, wiih me iiiiiiouiiecmeiii
hero today of Count tiutouborg, of
thu imperial household. Fears are
oiitorlnined that Hie German vn!or
in in u moVo serious condition than
thu physiuiiiiiH will admit.
Tlio current belief ia Hint Kaiser
YVilhohn is sulTorinK from u serious
throat affection, to tho official
minouueeincnt of Hut court physi
oiiuiH Hint (lie i-yuiploms "sugKOst
Tlio kaiser's father Huuuiunbed .lo
onni'or of Iho throat.
LOS ANGELES, Ciil., Aug. 27.
The trial of Clarence Harrow on a
charge of bribing Itobcrt F. Rain, n
McXntnnrn. juror was set today by
Judge Willis, presidiiiK judge of tlio
Lo?, Angeles county suierior court
for October 21. Judge Willis an
nounced thai within tho next few
days lie will imino the judge who will
sit on the cae.
NEW YOniv, Auk- 27. Prison
bars are no hindrance to the making
of wealth, accordiiiK to the report
current here today that Joseph G.
Hobin, confined in the Tombs nivmt
ing sentence for nuid larceny m
connection with the wreekinK of the
Northern bank has made another
fortune through speculation carried
on whilo n prisoner.
Hobin wns not sentenced after his
conviction, owuik to the belief tlmt
be could give valuable information
nKinst former City Chamberlain
Hyde, whose case i pending,
VICTORIA. IJ. C, Auk. .27. John
Hose, n painter, hanged himself with
a clothes line in a woodshed yester
day. I lis false arrest some months
ago for indecent behavior towards a
school girl had preyed upon his mind
WASHINGTON, An. 27,-Ctd-oncl
Theodore Hoosovelt wllf'fife.
given nn opportunity September SO
to nnswer (he charges made nfrnin.1t
him by United Stntes Senator Hoift "
I'cnroso of Pennsylvania nnd Jofm
I). Archbold, president of tho Stnrid
urd Oil company, before tho eenhto
campaign contrihtitioni investiKnt
injr committee. Chairman Moses K.
Clapp of Minnesota announced hero
today that the members of the eom
mitttec hnd reached n Kenernt undcr
stnndine i resume the probo on that
Under the terms of thcc Penroso
resolution, ns adopted by the senntp
yesterday, the Clapp committeo Is
authorized to probo the following
(mints :
AVhat Will !,. Probcil
"The stntemeut of Senator Pen
rose in the senate conccrninj; Stnnd
nrd Oil company contributions.
"Finnncinl trnnsnetions nnd cor
reondeiico relating thereto be
tween Jolm I). Archbold nnd the
members of the senate nnd liouse.
"Finnifcial transactions nnd cor
resondence relating thereto between
George W. Perkins, former partner
of J. Pierpont Morgan, Colonel The-
odore RooseVelt nnd memhV'rs of tho
senate and the house."
Efforts today to leant from Sen
ntor Clapp whether tho election of
Senator Penroo would be probed If
E. A. Van VnlkenburK, editor of .tbo
North American, could prove his as
sertion that Penrose's election wn
brought about by frand, were, futile.
In addition to- Colonel Roosevelt.
it is exacted that ther witnesses to
be called before the convention willw
include- Willmm R. Hearj-t, George
Porkins, George R.- Cortelyou,
William Loeb, Jr., Secretary of State
P. C. Knox, William Flinn of Penn
sylvania and n number, of senators
nnd congressmen.
Keep T. It. la Wot Water
Promising to keep Roosevelt "in
hot water" Senator Penrose loft
Washington today to secure more ma
terial evidence In his fight against
tho former president. Ho carried
with him a bulky package which was
labeled "documents regarding Roose
velt." "I am going to Philadelphia,"
said Penrose," to see some people
thoro and refresh my roomory- re
garding certain affairs. "I will
compel the owners of tho Phlladcl- .
phla North American to discharge
Editor E. A. Van Vnlkenbure by tho
disclosures I will make."
Asked regarding the tight William
Fltnn of Pittsburg proposed to mako
against him, Penrose said;
"Oh, he's easy. I havo witnesses
to an offer Flinn made mo of $1
000.000 for a seat In the United
States senate,"
Penrose promised to causo "some
moro explosive utterances and echoes ,
to come from tho vicinity of Oyster
Bay." , - -
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Au. 27.
Defense of Cornelius IT. Hauford fif
Seattle, who resigned as United
States judge for the western district
of Washington in the midst of n
congressional investigation by which
impeachment proceedings were n.
tended, wns voieed. hero today b.
Stephen Gregory of Chicago, prosi.
dent of Hie American Rar Associa
tion, in opening, tho niiuual conven
tion of Hint organization. Gregory
after ouching briefly on lirbitrntion
treaties and Iho recall of judges1 nt
forred to the Wnuford case.
"Whilo I venture to express van
opinion in tho caso of Judge- Hau
ford," said Grogory, "it mny bo out
of place. Rut it seems to "Ino tmt
tho matter sought to ho proved was,
for (ho most part, of the most triv
ial nature. It seems to mo that it
fell far short of such high crimes
mid misdemeanors ns to warrant
impeachment of a fe,doral judge.
"Wo should not, however, condone
tho shortcomings of tho boneh.
There hns been altogether too much
effort on the jvnrl of jawyers o do
this in oilier to stand well with tho
HoforriiiK to tho action of Justice
Daniel Thew Wright of tho supremo
court of tho District of Coluuihia, in
tho contempt cases upiiust Samuel
(lumpers, John Mitchell and Frank
Morrison of the American Federa
tion of Labor, Gregory said:
'Mho notion in this caso, wns
clearly mi abuse of power."
Touching briefly on tho recall of
judges, Gregory said;
"As to electing judges for short
terms, the idea is preposterous. I
am opposed to it in any form and in
any eiroiuustnnees."
Gregory then advocated woman
It is difficult," he said, "to seo
how wo can consistently, with the
principle that nil men arc entitled
to self government, under which lies
tho foundation of American institu
tions, deny women iho sauiit political
rights ceorded to men."
WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. Appro
priations secured for Oregon during
tho scsion of congress just closed
were :
Hivor nud harbor improvements, '
with recognition of n 30 foot channel,
and 'Nehalcm nud' Oregon 'sjbugh
projocts .f2,:i07,000 nud fmrt of
$300,000 for preliminary mirveys.
Crater Luko road system, ifSOOOO '
nud maintenance of park, $3,000; !"
Indian agencies nud Settlements.
Part of forest sorvlco appropria
tions, $100,000 for roads nnd trails,
and $330,000 for fighting fires' and
for emergencies, 30 per cent of i
roncilltu frnm fiwaaiu lout ....'-
equalling tlio $17,000 additional for
roads and trnils, tld $1D3,(H0, for
maintenance of Oregon fort w
In addition, the sedate pAMed dh
appropriation for settlement with the
state for isbtg vohiHtttwM iln'rldg
the Civil was of $103,540 wkieli wa
rejected by thu house,
' K