Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 26, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MEDFOfoP MJjt;'TRrDUyfE't MEDFORD,' OlkGOtf. MONDAY,' AUGUST 2if. 11)12
Medford Hail tribune
PfrrjKD rjUN'TJNO 06"
l1Pjt.1'"V."1''.1,,c. "Elmos, Tho Men ford
m! u-"'" i'i"ni a riniine, Tiie Mouth
cm OrfsnnlRti. Tlio Aa)ilnnd Tribune
Oftlen MhII trrllmno Ilulldlnc, S5-S7.S9'
North .Kir treet; p)ion, Main soait
Horns 75i
QWOItOH PUTMAM. K.Utor na ManaRer
UK nocAnil.nlnna maMar !
Oreirnit. iimlnr th
March 3t. 1878,
0f.M. FAor of o.Clty of Medford.
Official J'opcr of Jackson County.
tstnutc&iraox jlatxi.
"nejrear, by mall.......... IK.OO
One month, by tntttl..,.,.., .60
lrr W!' m-ered 'V carrier tn
Mpi'f'rtl. Jacksonville, anil Cen
tral Point .................. .. SO
SjturjUy -wly, by mall, per year.. soo
Weekly, pir year i.eo
'. vVy aver(?i rtr eleven months end
Ing November 30, 1911, 2731.
Tail XitaaeA 71r TTnlUA rtM
.. Dispatches.
The Mall Tribune la on sale at the
rrrjr News Stand. San Francisco.
Portland Hotel New Stand, Portland.
5?wi"" Nowa Ca. Portland. Or.
W. O. Whitney, Seattle Wash.
.Nocthorn California, and the fastest-
KinwinR ctiy in urcpon.
Population U. S. rensui 110 8S40;
atltnatpd. 191110.000.
i-F'Vo hundred thousand dollar Gravity
nn-r Djjipm cninpioica. Riving rinest
(Bunply puro mountain water, and 17.1
,.... .-r, oi HirveiH paved
Postofflca receipts for year endln
November 30, 1911, show Increase of 1
lKr cent.
Pantier fruit city In Oregon Togue
, Nfr n'tfnborK apples won avreep-
.nnn iiriso nun uwe or
"Apple Kin of the World"
J 'ho National Apple, Show, Spokane,
3909, and n car of Newtowns iron
rim JTUn In 1910
Ml Canndlan International Apsis Show,
(Vancouver. B. C.
Tlrrt JPrise la 1911
nt Spnkano National Apple Show won
iy carload of Netvtowns.
Ttoguo Itlvor pears brought highest
Onrlcen In nil markets of the world dur
ing the past six yearn
Wrllo Commercial Club, Inclosing 8
cents for postago for the finest comrau
nlty pamphlet ever published.
FOR a great, newspaper, the Orogoninu .is often exeeeil
incly small, lis treatment of Senator .Bourne, is u lair
cxnmploof the depths to which it descends. F6r years
it has misrepresented, slandered and falsified in order to
belittle and discredit Oregon's senior senator. ISvon its
news dispatches tire colored to suit its policy, particularly
its "Washington correspondence,. The following from
Saturdays Oregouian is an instance:
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. As the sunihy civil bill was agreed upon In
Congress today It appropriates $50,000 for startlnK construction of tlio
Oovornniont road tu Crater Lake National Park, laid last year by Army
engineers. This Is halt the amount provided by tho original Chamberlain
amendment and It was only utter great difficulty that Konresontnttva
Hnwlcy nnd Senator Chamberlain woro able to hold this amount In the bill.
uhe congressional record shows that Homme's hill
for $100,000 appropriation for Orator Lake was twice
stricken out by the House after having passed the senate.
If Mr. Hawley had had any influence, this would not have
been the case.
The record also shows that after the civil sundry bill
was returned a second time from the house, an amendment
was inserted by Senator Bourne calling for $100,000 for
Crater Lake. It again passed the senate committee and
was endorsed by the senate conferees. The house eon-
Jerecs again objected and tried to eliminate the Bourne
amendment, but the senate stood pat and a compromise
was reached with the house conferees wherebv tlio appro
priation was cut to $50,000. In its amended form the bill
"was accepted by both houses.
There was no Chamberlain amendment, hut Hip
Oregonian, to belittle Bourne, deliberately changes the
accord to make it appear that Senator Chamberlain
offered tlio amendment.
Senator Chamberlain worked as hard for Crater Lake
as did Senator Bourne, but it was mutually agreed for
pouncai reasons mat bourne should introduce the original
um ana iarncr. tne amenamcut winch he did, vet the
Oregonian never mentions Bourne.
Representative Hawley also worked for the measure,
but the fact that Jie is totally without influence was shown
by the repeated defeats of tlio measure in the house, and
i lie lact mar it passed linaily as due cntirelv to Oregon's
As a matter of fact, the various appropriations Oregon
has received in the past few years, for the Columbia and
lllamette, for the Oregon City locks, and for other
iiuruor improvements, have all been secured bv the sena
tors, after the house had defeated them.
Two years ago. Senator Chamberlain introduced an
ameuameiit calling tor .o,000 for a survev of Crater Lake.
Uns was defeated in the house, but cut to $15,000 and
reinserted by the senate conferees, and the house forced
to accept it. And Congressman Hawlev claimed the credit
for it, as he has claimed the credit for everything the
senators have done, which hp couldn't do, and his claims
have been supported by the Oregonian's falsified reports,
S,.naVlalf its readers really believe that Oregon has
efficient representation in the house and none in the
senate, whereas the reverse is the fact.
ihe uregoman has not yet outgrown the pussilani
r r,1.- : . F,aL nm-iuin it whs Eiiougnt necessary
Roosevelt a Demagogue
lly K. li McCluro
"Arnmneddon, thu place of n groat
battlo to bo fought, on the groat day
of Clod betweon tho powers of good
and evil" that l tho slogan of
HoobcvoH. lto Is tho most astute
politician In the world; and makes
nrdatlo uro ot supcistltlon and emo
tion as his principal roll mice. In placo
gf hound economic and statesman
ship, to get votes to elect him presi
dent for a third term,
Tho church still toaches that
there Is a coiutuunl strife between
good nnd evil, after philosophy has
demonstrated tho fallacy of thu
theory. There Is no ovll nil Is
good. What, wo think Is ovll hn$
been created by Ignornneo or vicious
human selection of error for truth;
nnd when common knowledgo grasps
the problem of life, Ignornneo will
disappear with uutvernnl Intelligence
in tho essentials of lite.
Koosevelt's Armagodden lends to
the culilesac ot all political parties,
without tho Invisible government Is
destroyed that rules our visible gov
ernment. Ha merely proclaims his
good Intentions; and It has been said
that hell Is .paved with good inton
tlona. There will be no progress af
ter n campaign of abuse and recrimi
nation, If Iho country continues to bo
ruled, by money power nnd tho vis
ible government is powerless to con
trol It.
The gold standard gives tlnanclors
power to control the circulation ot
money, nnd thero Is no power that
can tnko It from them while gold Is
the standard of vahio; It Is an In
vincible power that rules all gov
ernments. Sclonttftc money will de
stroy money power and establish per
petual prosperity; but Itoosovelt Ig
nores tho remedy, which has been
repeatedly presented to him. Ho
hns no substitute, and will be as
powerless to opposo financial dicta
tion as .bo was during his previous
KonsuvQlt knows thu 'political gniuo
to porfvetlou, nnd there seems In bo
no hounds to his popularity, lie
touches, tlio popular nulsu nnd striken
the right chord with unerring preci
sion, to arouse popular euthuslndm
ot, all who nro dlssitltlod with ex
IbUpk doucts in petition! govern-
incut, Tho other presidential can
didates, are no nmtch for Itoosovelt
In tlio political i;n mo, and nro wholly
deficient In a remedy for tho evil
that all promise to correct,
T,ho concentration of wealth was
more rapid under lloosovell'o ad
ministration than ever before, nnd
his nbject surrender to tho money
power In the panic of 1007 Ispositlvo
evidence of his Ignorance and III
competency to remedy the defect tu
our mojtntnry system Tho third
torru 'doctrine will ho abolished by
his eloqtlon, and If ho Is Indlspons-
able for president now, whnt will It
bo. at the mid of his third Urm, when
he, will havq 90 maily "my policies"
pending that there will he ten thous
and reasons, thu to one now. for his re
election; then, the veneration and
distinction of the greatest executive
lu the world's hlstury will exalt him
above comparison wth other ntntes
mop, and ho, will bulk so big that nil
othor candidates would ho plgmys be
bide Tlioodorc'tlto (treat, and his elec
tion woutd be assured tor life.
Heroes havo over substituted tholr
own Ideals for tho popular Ideals
that raised thorn to pTJwer, and thero
is little hopo for any correction of
tho vvlls that progressive Rtntosuio.n
have been fighting to abolish, should
Itoosovelt hu elected for n third term.
Another colorless administration by
Tuft or Wilson, with no other object
but to "take orders" and distribute
tue spoils, would give more hope
that tho real remedy would bo np
P 'ed nt the next presidential olec-
H. H,
Walxhi Inline on nnwlx,
dlnlrliM.No, fi.J.une, UM3...
nniy, KMlrr. labor on ioroh,
iimi'ioi no. o, .ium, ivukim
C. 1. ,Mtliison. labor, on roads,
district No. ft, ,1,iiih. 1 tIU ..... .
Km 11k tlilnes, survoylitir limil iw
lltlonrd for by lioudlimt Con-
Dor ttti t
W .tflmttoii, vltnvrr imitl no
immuMi itr ny ihhuihhii ron
lit' I ! HM H H
(Ooutluued 011 Tngo H.)
The Grouchy Face
JlV Ij? ATt . d S I
, PORTLAND, Aug. 26. Receipts
tor the -week havo been cattle,
1551; calves, CS; hogs, 1244; sheep,
2(10, and horses and mules, S2.
Thcro has been no let-up In the
strength ot tho market In any line.
Steers that would havo lirought Jiot
to exceed 6 .cents a year ago sold
xeauuy lor t cents, uows ana neit- . A, n. , ,im-. 1 " vit
urs sold exceptionally high,, one lot of
jBpayed heifers Bojd for JC.70,
Tho hog market was strong swlth
tops at $9.25. An Unusual feat uro
of tho hog receipts -was tho arrival
camp in westom Washington- that I J0 ra'Su3' in order to discredit a political ciieiuv and it
iiau neon Blop lea until they were o ictiuucu xotiriie as OI1C ever Since he rpfnspfl in Annv
1 1 i1.?1 t,,e -W) Jaek-pot raised and expended in
behalf of the election of its late editor to the senate.
own benefit.
It would, however, be a pleasure
to mo It by tho successful demonstra
tion of my wolt trap I could bo of
nny scrvlco to tho cattlemen In tho
stwto of Oregon. '
201 X Ivy street.
qbout tho desired weight and then
finished on a short feed of corn.
Thoy were as good hogs as have
been seen on this market.
Lambs sold at $5.35 and there
wns an upward tendency throuhout
the sheep market.
Manager Franklo Edwards of tbo
Bedford Athletic club has secured
Frankie, Smith of Oakland, Calif,,
and Jim Horner of San Francisco,
us the main event attraction to box
ton rounds before the local club on
Lnbor day, Monday. September 2.
Manager Edwards Tor somo tlmo
past has been figuring on a series of
elimination contests among the light
weight division with tho view; pi
vccdlng out a suitable opponent .for
Hud Andersou, who nt the present
tlmo Is the kingpin of .tue local divi
sion of boxers and as much a local
Idol ns Mexican Joe Rivers is to Lop
An a starter ot tho elimination
series Jim Horner nnd Franklo Spilth
phould .put, up a corking good bout,
tho latter especially Is rated as u
high class boy, having only last Fri
day night scored a dcclsivo win over
t.eno West In two rounds In tho main
evont bout at one of San Frnnelsto'sl
boxing clubs. Two years ugo this
Sin I til boy was boxing along with the
best of them and looked upon as a
rotulng chnmplon. llognn, McCar
thy, Lugrnve and Low Powell are a
fow of the classy boxers Smith has
Plot. That Smith has signalized his
return to good form wuh ovlncod by
his oiisy win tho othor night,
fore tho Mcdford public mly having
bo rightly termed ns tho 'hard luck
boxer," he having been matched on
two dlffoiont pccnslons to appear be
fore tho Medford public only hnv-ngJ
to ducluro tho jnutclicn off. due to
his opponents drawing out ot tho
engagements, they realizing that
thero aro it lot of eablor boys to beat
than Jim Hornor und conscijucntly
nftor thlnklpg H over doclded to
dodgo tho Issue.
As rt matter of fact little Homer
hi ovt'U now a littlo fkeptlcal as to
whether he will get tho chunco to
ahoAY his prowess boforo the Medford
huh, being afraid that Smith muy u a
Horner's othor two opponents havo,
yt mi attack of lcy-foqt. Manager
Fi'HMklo Edwards has nssured Horner
kt he om havo no fears, ns Smith
will Ui on deck to nutertaln tho skep-UU."Wa-d-lUiik
Simple Rules to Prevent Consump
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. The As
sociation for the Prevention of Tub
erculosis has Just Issued a one-syllable
compilation of rule3 for health.
Primarily, tbo rules aro to be used
la connection with a campaign against
the White Plague, but they cover
slrnplo precautionary measures
against all diseases. Tho list will
shortly be printed on cards and dis
tributed through tenement districts.
The "Health Rules" aro as fol-l
Iqws: ,
Good Air Avoid badly ventilated,
badly lighted, dusty, dirty, over
heated or damp Tooms.
Avoid Houso Dust Rrcatbing
dust, notably houso dust, often
causes diseases. Havo no tacked
downcarpets and mattings. Havo
loose .pieces or rugs, and clean them
frequently outdoors. Ueo n hair
broom for your floors and keep low
er sashes closed while swooping or
dusting. Open upper cashes, Is pos
sible. .Never sweep rooms with a
broom that raises dust.
Puro Water Brink pure water.
Avoid water from shallow and unpro
tected wells, and from ponds nnd
or, Avpld public drinking cups.
Safe Milk Tuberculosis, typhoid
fever, and othor diseases are often
caused hy drinking raw milk and
xaw cream. Get jallk properly pas-
tourized, or home pasteurize It. or
simply cald It. All cream, Including)
Hint used lor Ice cream and butter,
should bo properly pasteurized to bo
Kpcp Clean Take a bath or
Bjiongo daily, and a warm bath, fol
lowed by a cpld splash, plungo, or
shower, onco or twico a veok or of-i
topor. Uso soap freely. Wash your)
ttflfwla linFnr.. l.n .1 .1 1 1,, t tri Fin..'1
put fingers, monoy, paper, or pencils
In your mouth. Don't blto your
fingernails, Clean your tooth morn
ing and evening.
Food 'Don't eat raw food that1
was exposed to flics or dust, or
touched by unclean hands. Fruit or
vegetables so exposed chould first bo
rlusod or washed thoiouglily, Chow
your food well. r
Sleep Got enough sleep, Sleep
with windows open, or .hotter .stlllj
Head Up Sit una taia eroct.
Practice deep breathing. Breathe
through your noBe.
Exercise Take plenty of outdoor
exercise, hut avoid excess in athletics
It may .cause heart trouble.
Liquor and Tobacco Avoid liquor
and tobacco. They arc especially In
jurious to tho young.
Don't Neglect Colds Don't ne
glect coughs or colds. -If you do not
get well soon, go to a doctor or dis
pensary for treatment. Novor cough,
sneezo, or brcatho Into another's face.
Don't spit on floors and sidewalks.
Sunshine Admit .plenty of sun
shine Into your houses and Into your
lives. Cultivate cheerfulness and
kindliness; It will help you to resist
disease. Your mind acts on your
lie It rumembcrcil thftt iv rofrular term
of tho county court or Jackxon county,
tnto of Orojrori, btgun and hold at
the court liounu in Jacksonville. In nad
county nml ntntr. -on Wolnrailny, the
5tl lny of July, IBIS, the tlmo flxod by
law for the lioldlneoC old court. whm
were present, lion 'J. 1L Nell, cotmty
JtiilRc: Jnmes Owens, county commis
sioner; J. K. HroWn. county cotninl-
ftlOnor. V II. fnlmun tf.lj.rlr n...l W
A. June. Hherlff. When the following Inmates of county Jail . .. . .
Mils worn audited: Cul.-Ore. Power Co., llRht for
j an ........ .... ........
Cat -Ore. Power Co , pnwor for
cnurthoimn pump ..
Cal.-Orr, Power Co., Ilglit for
Win von tier Hollcn. mo vine Mr.
Ilal.lwln front Hokiic HIvit In
Talent. Indigent 10.00
Mr J. KuttlK. euro of JIIkk Met-
calf. Indigent ....... ... 1S.0O
Nincy HUemorc. reKUlar liull
Kent, allotvunce 15.00
Strphcn Carpenter, rcKUlnr Indl-
Hent ullownitco 10.00
Mr, iv C. Dartl. earn of Miller
fit nil I y. Indigent .. G.Q0
Albert Johiulon, rcRttlnr luttl-
Rent iill.iwuneo B.nO
H O. Cttlldreth. coal for convict
curnr iDl
NIcIioIr MNtt Market, beef for
convict camp S.SS
CIm. Ilrown & 4oti, mtpplleM for
convict camp .2:7 77
Leon 1U I lank Inn. convict ex
fienne. oe poop farm. 11.50;
ndlKcnt. iZW 4 70
Ulrlch lire., Mupptles for Jail,
June, 1912 ,. COO
Mr. M. Thoinpnnn. board of prU-
oner. June, let: ..,.,-..,. ItO.f.O
Taylor-WIIIUtriN Co., rtuppllex for
Is ropcllnnt rattier than nttrnrtlvp.
Ulit sometimes It Is the bad condi
tion of tho tooth that contorts tho
face mid disfigures It. Or It may
tin that an aching tooth or neuralgia
spoils the npponrancu. Don't suffer
with aching or ugly tooth when wo
can mnko them look bright, clean
mid regular, nt u very reiiRoiiablo rest,
Lady Attendant
Over Daniels for Duds. Paaltle
Phono yr.UH. Home Phoun 3C2-IC
Thu only thoiitor In tho t'lty vhoin
you can sou ilgli cIiinh vaudovlllo nnd
HcotiHcd iiiqIIoii plcttiies,
Oiwhlng Bunilny jiintliieu for I nlghtu
Koatili'o singing nml musical net.
A rave iipiulcul trout.
Sunday and Moudny.
cntirthotiNe and tail
T. T. Khnw, dental jiervlcc for
I. J. O'Oaru, fruit ijnupector'jt I
salary, July, J913 ... .1116.68
. A. Jones, alierltf's suUry.
July. 1913 333.3S
V. It. Columan. county clerk's
salary, July, 1913 ., 250 00
Fred U Colvlfr. county record
eri salary, July. 1912 2I1.C
J. It. Nell, county JudKe's ralnry,
July, 191: ... 150.00
J. Percy Wells, county school su
perintendent ssutry, July,
1913 . 15000
O. W. Alter, school sunervlsor's
salary. July, 1912 120.00
u. u. iienry, scnool supervisors
salary. July, 1912 120.00
W T. arlcve. county nssessor
. snlnry. July. 19IS 125.00
James it. Cronemlller, county
treasurer's salary. July, 1912. 100.00
J. W Wilson, Janitor's salary,
July. 1912 60.00
John Uluess, ferryman's-salary,
July. 1912 16.60
J. N. I'aoe, superintendent poor
farm, salary, July, 1912 ..... 100.00
Dr. Win. W. I5 Holt, county phy
sician's salary. July. 1912. .. 10.00
H. K. Morrison, county lust ltd of
ficer's salary. April, Muy and
June, J912 103.78
Itoy Ashpolc extra deputy hire.
shorlff. Anrll. May and Juno.
A Trap for Wolves.
To tho Editer:
In connection with tho article In a
recent Issuo headed 'Oregon TImbor
Wolf is a -Wiso Old Doy' I bog to
call your attontlop to tho fact that I
have devised a wolf trap If ono may
Jf In doubt, JioII tho jwat-lso call it from tho fact that oven a
man would not take it for being a
trap unless ho was 'put wise which,
I am sure, would bo most deadly to
tho wolves and most welcome to tho
cattlemen hero in Oregon
However, having Just arrived hero
from tho east, whoro thoy aro not
troubled with this pest, I hayo had
no opportunity to domonstruto to my
own satisfaction how tho trap works,
although I once thought of taking a
trip to Michigan, where, at that tlmo,
tho stato granted u reward of 120
for each wolf caught or killed, but1
my business affairs prevented mo
from going.
As I am now going to make my
permanent rcsldonco In this stato, 1
should bo glad, to got an opportunity
to demonstrate my dovlco provided
somo ono Interested would bo willing
to stand tho oxpenso of its try-out,
which, by the way, would bo very!
alight. '
My reason for holding buck the,
working Idea of my trap is simply
hecaiiBo I havo learned from ox,-1
lioilouco that somo ppopln lllto to
take advautngo of u schomo and
claim it ob their own and for their
1912 ' 1B.00
II. a. Blieartir. extra denuty hire.
snerui, June, iviz H.oui
W. A. Jones, fuller for June.
J 1 ......................... .9 DO,
oenie ji, j on en, extra .lepuiy
hire, sheriff's office. June. 191 72.00!
.....' .... . -".- . '
neme i. -i nompsnn, extra dep
uty hire, sheriff office, June,
lla ... ... J . ' mm. .-mm a . 73.1.0
J. K Thornton, extra deputy
lilre, sheriff, June. 1912 (1.00
UliMrles I'rlm, deputy hire,
clerk's office, June, 1912 51.00
Mlnnlo Kelly, deputy hire clerk's
office. June, 1912 20.00
Frank 1 Colcmun, deputy hire, '
Clerk's office. Juno. 1912 .,.. 43.00
James M. Cronnmlllnr, deputy ,
nire, treasurers ornco, June,
" .........................
Frel L. CoIvIk. deputy hire, re
corder's office
Mayn Ji. Wells, work In school
superintendent's office, June,
11. ..... .,.....,..........
Katie M. Orleve, deputy hire, as
sensor's office, June. 1912.,...
W. W. Trimx. leputy hire, ns-
)i'Hora office. May and June,
I. M. Jiinnny, deputy hire, iih-
svssors ornce. June, ivn
linn. K. Hun
112 50, other tint)
Cliitn, K. Dunford, ron.t drnytiKC,
yKe. J9.00. ..
i: 11. Oman, supplies for court-
9 20
2 5iT
As exclusive agents for
L. E. Waterman & Co
We are always very glad
to adjust And clean
your pen free-
. Tho Kalem Co. prononU
. Mr. Cnrlylo Illnckvvoll In
Till: (ll'N SMIHKU.KItK
A drama of the Moxlvaii nibolllbn',
with a strong plot and somo lively
A rtunniittc plctpru of tho Krcnt-.h
rovulutloii, showing sconos of pitlnt'o
life nnd of life In tho underworld of
tho Parisian mIuiiih.
A "Iteol" coinudy
Mr, Marc McDermott plays tho heavy
it ml upholds tho best understood tra
ditions of whnt real nt'tom do, and
how they art, when no ono ran bo
Induced to ptty real money to mco thorn
Matinees Halurdity nnd Sunday 2 p.m.
Miitluoo prices f,o and 10c
I.vonlng pcrformituco ?;!I0 p. hi.
Saturday and Sunday nlghtu ? p.'m.
Admission ovenlitin 10c and Joe
house, eurrent exnenso
Medfonl Kurnlturo A. llardwnre
Co., supplies for Jackson en . .
Mrs, Jane Johnston, -wnshlns;
lilankets, 11.10, wniltlnsr tow
els 11.30 , 15 70
Jan. M Cronemlller, stamps for
county 120.00
The Merrlvold Shop, supplies for
assessor's office .. ........... S.90
M K Abbott, supplies for Jack
son county 3.50
Tho Medfonl Sun. prlntluK
county court proccctllnKs June,
1912 06.82
D. C Henry, expenses of school
supervisor oriice. April, Jtnty
nnd June, 1912
Mcdford Hook Htore, nupplles for
county officials
Ashland TldlnRS, supplies for as
sessor's office
W. T. Grieve, express on office
supplies ,
J. Percy Wells, express on offlcn
supplies. June, 1912
Jacksonville Post, printing for
county officials, June. 1912 .
The Merrlvold Hhop. supplies for
(xmniy juiikki mi no ,..
J J. H. Hock, deputy lilru. assess
or's office, June, 1912.
F. D AVitKiier, deputy hire, as
sessor's office, June, 1912 ...
"W. W. Whteler, deputy hire, as
sessor's office, June,' 1912....
Win. If. Johnson, deputy hire,
nssessors office, June. 1912...
J. C. Godlove, deputy hire, as
sessor's office, Juno, 1912.,..
Mildred M Nell, (Input hire, ts-
sessor's office, Juno, 1912....
ij A. Oardner, deputy assessor
hire, June, 1912
V. T. Ouyer, beef for poor fnrm
Hubbard llros, supplies for poor
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., tolupliono
lilll for poor farm .....
A. Johnson, suppllos for poor
farm ,.,.,.
It. J,. Hurdle Co.. mdse. und uro-
unrlos for poor farm , 168,93
It, I, llurrllo Co,, supplied for
pour farm 178.53
J. A
Marsh, eourtbousn oxneiiMo
C. M Ituch, supplies for Vm..
IIOKwardt, Indigent ..........
Olmslead & Illbbard. supplies for
Indigents, Juno, 1912
i'ulont Mercantile Co. supplies
lor mrs. j . comer, iiiuitfeni
11 05
r, 00
3 60
210 30
The Merrlvold 8bop. printing and
stipnlle for Jnckson roimty .
Tlio Ainrrlvold -Hhop, stationary
for sheriff's off Ire ,,, , , ...
ItoKun Klvor Valley Itallwuy fo..
road frelKht 117.50, courlhouso
freight 12.N0 .
Ashland Uncord, supplies fur as
sessor's office ,. . .......
Pacific Tel Tel. Co., telephone
bill for county
Central Point Herald, printing
for assessor's off loo . . , . ,
Mcdford Printing Co., prlntliiK
for Jackson county .........
Mcdford Mall Tribune, printing
for Jackson county ..........
O In us i. J'rudlioinmo Co., supplies
for nssessor's off Ice .........
The Tropical Oil Co., supplies for
Jackson county . .
W A. Jones, teliicrmns. casli ad
vanced, etc . . . 1 1.21
Prank Derrick, work on rnnils. 7.00
J, I). Adams & Co,, road machin
ery ................. 52,00
Mcdford Concrete Construction
Co., pine for roads ,., 7.(10
Homer II, Nonl, -wood roads 202.60
J. I), Adams fc Co., repairs for
road machinery 37.60
Alfred H. Tee. -superintendent
Cuntruli Point, salary,
June, 1912 125.00
Uuffiilo Hteum Jtollor Co., sup
plies nnd repairs on county
machinery 190.25
C (Jrlpps. ,workon muds, Central
Point road , 65.00
Joo Kltto. wood for roads , 1.00
Frank Clrlscz, surveying road.po
tltloned for by A. M. Denver
et- al, , . , . , 9.00
U, O. Palmer, work on Cllngor
Creek hill road ,.,. 12.25
Frank Ward, labor on roads, .1Ih
Irlot No. 6, June, ID12,...,,. 117,00
li W. Wolfonl, labor on .roads,
dlstilct No 5. Jno. 1912....1.. 72:00
II. Itonndiitreo. labor on roiids.
illstrlet No. 6. June, 1012,.... 72.00
J, It. Abbott, labor cm roads, dis
trict No. 6, Juno, 1912 t 67,60
It, Uoundtrno, uhor on roads,
district No. 5, June 1012 (man
With tmtrn) .. ,. ,. J 10 25
Five Widoly-Difforont
Easy-Soiling Magazines
Want a Represontativo
To Cover Local Torritory
Thuro is IHk -Monoy for
tho right porMon. Man
or woman, youne or
old, If you want work
for ono hour or 8
bourn n day, wrtto at
onco to
The Butterick Publishing Co
llutturlck llullilliifc Now York
CO ncrcB, nix miles from Medford,
Reed graded road crosses tho tract,
all frco soli, nt G0 pur acre. 11000
will handlo, cany torms on balance.
Part Is crook bottom land, suitable
for nlfalfa. Sovcrnl springs on tho
placo. TImbor onotinh to pay for tho
trnct. No buildings, In tho Griffin
crook tllittrict.
W. T. York & Co.
Undor dlroctlon Tooplu'e Anuromont
Tho plncu whoro you gut your molt
vy'a worth on bulb mIiIoh of thu 1II1110.
Hut 111k llrlKht IVitturo
Ot)( IYW of Cliissy I'll 111
Steam and Hot Wator
All Work aunrantocd
I'rlceii IlcaxonithU
39 Howard Block, Eatranc on th It
pacifio aoai. Komi am.
Cokor Butte, Orchards
loi'incrly Adiuris Bros.
Pacific 591-J-8 '
lloxy Ann Road
powerful western drama
thrlllliiK uplsodou
A country romnnco
UlKr.or, hotter, brighter
Kunnlcst over
Al Kiitlicr In llhiNtratttl noiiu lilt
flood nitiHlo nnd rnnllstlo offectn by
Tho "Woolwortlm" nro novor
1'owor," a two rool Hpoclnl, Hopt.
L'O- 27. NAT GOODWIN In "Oliver
Twist" coiiiplqto In 5 rools, aiu!
"Within tho Walls ot an Ohio Peni
tentiary" lu 3 iooIh.
Kdwnrd Itmnnd, Indlnmit, . , .
IMioenlx Mcrtuntllo Co., suppllos
for Mrs, 1:. Kimball, Jndljrent
Tuylor-Wllllams Co.. sunnlles for
iPKUiur iniiiKOius ............ 4U.uu
Wurner, Wortman & Core, sup
pllos for Mrs. J. Ij, Alairrijy,
Indigent ,, 8.00
Warner. Wortmun & Ooro, sup.
piles for Mrs, Maroy pnd Mis. I
lirown. lmllRciitHr ,,. 1"00.
KnmiMl Kourt Kusplln), care n I
, Mrs, O. Ilelr. IndlKent ..... 38,66i
Iindo & Co,, supplies for Win.
I.eadluu'ton, liidltEplU, ,Mn' nnd
June, IH'i ,,,.,i .1. 8.90
Crater Lake
Auto Line
Car will leave Hotel JUcdfprd, for
Crator Lake at 8 a. m, Tuosdays and
Saturday. Return Mondays and
Spend. Sunday at Crator(Lake, ,
Itoeorvutlons made at ' Medford
Uotel office.
Wo carry a very cnmnloto llrin of
draperies, (aro ourptlnH, t Ivturas, ato ,
nnd do nil olnnin of ujiliolstdrlnif. A
Hperlnl mun to look uflnr thin work
exclusively and will ulvo us Reed
scrvlco us la posiilblo to vat In oven
tho tarifcHt cities,
Weeks & McGtowan Co.
AnSilfJHlON 10 ccfiU1
'OIllfiimKX, B cclifs.
Watch Our..,
Addition Grpw
Jackson and Summit
Medford Realty and u ,
Improvement Company
M. F. ft H. Co, Hldg..
Clark fie Wright
Public Land Mntters: rlnnl Proof,
Dosort LnndB, Contest and Mining
Cases, Scrip.
. 8 " I. . ,-i-l, f . ft IF, .-4-i
Money on hand at all times
to loan on improvod ritnchoB
and city proporty Ut lowowt
rates with "pn or beforo
privilege." , M
Phone 323 32oa.-aBldg,
.T . K k-A 4 .
-. M-'l L-.J?iS' 4kU
M U '
'.-,. , J