Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 22, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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medford mait; tribune; mkdford, 0iiFiA0NiwRSimvAuausT22,,mt2
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Arch Dcon Chambers ot tho Ore
Ken Kpltcorml dtosene arrived from
Portland thin morning for a short
vtalt at Bedford.
N,Th& valley looks hotter nt th
present time than I havo ever eon
It" declared President Kowcll of tho
Stale Horticultural Bocltjr, who has
been visiting Iho valloy on business.
Mr. Newell visited many of tho largo
orchards 'while hero. lie resides at
Fall and winter goods are on dla
nlay at a Very low figure and a fit
guaranteed, by Etfert, tho Tailor.
J. W. Casey traveling freight agoat
of tho Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget
Sound railroad Is In Mcdtord on a
short business trip.
Arthur Falloway ot Anderson
Creek Is in Medford on a short busi
ness trip. Ho Is one of tho moat suc
cessful hog ralsors of tho valley.
Last year he shipped soven carloads
of flno porkers for which ho received
top prices.
Automobllo for sale, 1200, good
condition. Room 422, M. F. & H.
nilg. 132
Mr.' and Mrs. E. D. Henderson ot
Elk Creek are In Mcdrord oh a short
bustn'eos trip.
James Cotton of Eaglo Point was
a recent visitor la Medtord.
8. A. Newell, tadtoT tailor. 4th
floor M. F. H. bid.
James GalUpy' of Eaglo Point
spent Wednesday la Mcdford on busl
E. E. Wormstortf or Eaglo Point
was a recent visitor In Mcdford.
Oak and hardwood f 4.50 and J5.00
per cord. Odd Ray Realty Co.
Sixth and Fir.
Jack Harvey a well known mining
man of Grants Is spending several
days In Medford on business.
Mrs. Ownoy Patton and friends
havo returned from a short automo
bllo trip to Crater Lake.
Hammocks, sporting goods, blue
flaxne, ordorless oil stoves, refrigera
tors', etc Prices right. BhapleJgn
Hardware Co., 28 South Central.
' Airs. A. B. Cunningham has re
turned to Medford after a visit with
friends at Everett, Wash.
Mrs. Hannah Elnkopt has left for
a visit -with trlends'and relatives
at Mitchell. South Dakota. She
will be absent two or three months.
Oak and hardwood 94.50 and $5.00
per cord. Gold Ray Realty -;Co.,
Sixth and Fir.
J. E. Holton of Roseburg Is in
Medford on a short bubslnes trip.
He Is accompanied 'by E. Hamilton.
Mrs. Edith Whipple has returned
from a. visit -with friends and rela
tives at Dunsmulr, California.
Peaches 30 and 40 cents per box,
delivered. Home phone 13-55. 130
Charles S. Barton circulation mana
ger of the Portland. Oregonlan, spent
Wednesday in Medford on business.
Ho was entertained 'while here by W.
Tyler Smith who was formerly asso
ciated with him on tho Oregonlan.
E. A. McKneaney of the Producers
Fruit company is at Grants Pass on a
short business trip.
Berlin Tailoring and French Dry
Cleaning Company, 109 West Main
street, wish to announce that they
are prepared to do first class clean
ing and pressing, also bats blocked
and trimmed. Ladles' and Gents'
suits made to order. Give us a
trial. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone Pacific 5362.
John Balllnger has added to the
zoo at the Central Flro station by
contributing a thoroughbred southern
Oregon crow. Tho boys havo set
about training him to answer fire
Dr. J. F. Rcddy left Wednesday
evening for Portland.
See R, A. Holmes, The insurance
Man, over Jackson County Bank.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell havo
returned from an outing at Pelican
bay. They report a most enjoyable
D. E. Thomason of Griffin Creek
spent Thursday in Medford with
Bluo Is a strong favorite color for
fall. Ahrens.
Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, who lias
been visiting her parents at Everett,
Wash., has roturned to Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Moo nro nt
Crater Lake
Miss Catherine Dunham ot Rose
burg, Ib here to take up duties as a
school teacher.
Kodak finishing, the best at Wes
ton's, opposite book store.
E. Pierson manager of the First
International bank of South Bend,
WsbIi., is hero vloltlng John Arnell,
an old friend. Mr. Pierson is de
lighted with the valley and may ln
vest here.
-juurr ammvav
U ja ff"W!
Attorney II. D. Norton of Grants
rass, 'well known In this city, has
purchased the Slltcs ranch, located
Just above tho town of Williams In
tho Williams valley. This In ono ot
tho cholco farms of Iho district, well
Improved, and hnvlng good bullndgn.
It comprises about 200 acres, Henry
Vorton, son of tho attorney, has al
ready donned the Jumper and over
alls, and Ib tn full authority on tho
farm, which ho .proposes to run on
up-to-dato lines. The young man is
unlvorslty bred nnd many aupposcd
ho would follow his father In tho
study of Illackstoue, but tho call of
tho soil was too strong.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wnllaco and
family motoring from Marshalltown,
Iowa to Ios Angeles, reached Medford
Tuesday evening and were delighted
with the city. Tho found old friends
here in the persons ot Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Blgalow.
Seo tho new showing ot Blue Suits
and Dresses at Ahrens. v
Colonel S. M. Nealon or Tablet
Rock has left for a tour ot Josephine
county. Ho will also camp through
tho Applegate valley.
Dr. Smith or Grants Pass reports
having seen a full grown cougar
while driving hts automobllo on the
Crescent City road, six miles out from
Grants Pass Tuesday evening. Tho
animal had a rabbit In Its mouth nnd
trotted leisurely across tho highway.
aot appearing at all frightened by tho
chugging auto, finally disappearing
in tho brush by the roadside.
Soda Fountain at DeVoe's.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Parker and
daughter havo returned from a visit
with friends In .Callfonla.
LleuU W, C. Miller, commanding
tho cadet corps at O. A. C, Is In
Medford for a visit with Leonard
Carpenter at the Veritas orchard.
All wool bluo serge suits to your
measure at $16.50; no use wearing a
hand-me-down, at Eltcrt, tho Tailor.
Chick Wilson and Walter McCal
Iura plan to leave In tho near future
for a business trip to California.
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Adams or Cen
tral Point spent Thursday In Med
tord on business;
Money to loan on country proper
ty. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson Coun
ty Bank BIdg.. Mcdford.
Harry Union df Portland who re
sided formerly In this city is hero
tor a short visit with old time
Mrs. Clarence Evans has returned
from a short visit with friends at
We have the Blues, we -mean blue
suit and dresses. - Ahren's.
Miss Edith French left Wednesday
evening for a month's visit with
friends at Los Angeles.
W. W. Nottingham of San Francis
co is In Medford visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Ira King. He oxpresses himself as
delighted -with tho valley.
Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln.
Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank Building.
Mrs. E. H. Lodge of Grants Pass
is In Medford visiting relatives and
friends. She formerly resided at
Louis F. Jameson of Portland who
has property Interests In tho valley
Is here on business during tho fruit
shipping season.
E. D. Weston, commercial pnoiog
raphern, negatives made any time or
place by appointment Phone M. 1471
Mr. Mrs. W. A. Wateklns of
Big Elk are In Mcdford vimtlng
friends. Mr. WatkinB Is a cattleman
and is much elated by recent prices
offered for livestock.
Mrs. Mary Yockoy and daughter,
Mies Helen are expected to return
Sunday from a two weeks outing at
Young spring ducks, Saturday.
Booth 23, Public Market. 132
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Youpg of Agate
spent Thursday with Medford friends,
A thunderstorm broke over tho
valley Wednesday morning. Certain
sections received consldorablo rain
but very little of It fell In Medford.
It cooled tho weather considerably,
the thermometer touching 35 during
the afternoon.
Hay for sale. W. H. Everhard.
Phone 6671.
A grass fire called the department
to Clark street Wednesday afternoon.
Tho tiro whb a small ono and was
easily controlled. No damage was
done, although when the alarm was
turned in tho flames wero rapidly ap
proaching sovoral buildings.
I hereby give notlco that my pro
perty is off the market. A. De
Wilde, ' 130
FOR RENT Five room cottage, sew.
er and -water connection, paved
streot, close in, Including new bath.
Ten dollars, 403 North Fir street.
FOR SALE One horso 6 years old,
hortse and buggy nearly new. An
thony Gabriel, Laurelhurst add.135
FOR SALE Lot, and 5 room house,
partly furnished house. A Gabrlol
Laurelhurst Add. 135
FOR SALE Lady's astrido saddle,
and buggy harness, good as new. A
bargain, 22. S. Holly. 32
A determined orfort la being mado
by tho local member of tho Bull
Mooso party to have Colonel Roose
velt apeak In this city whllo In Ore
gon next month. Ono prominent
member of tho local bull mooso com
mittee Is said to havo offered to do
nato $100 toward tho expenses of
providing a sultnbto place for T. II,
to speak and properly advertise the
Early Crawford peaches for sale,
H. C, Joy, phono Pacific r.l-J-l.
It Is reported from Snlom that
George F. Rndgors formerly mayor ot
tho capital city Is contemplating run
ning for congress in this district
against W. C. llawloy. Mr. Rodgors
If ho runs will make tho nice on the
Bull Mooso ticket.
Tho iilaco to get tho boat Ever
green sweet corn Is at tho market,
booth R. 141
Mrs. George Brandon has returned
from a visit with relatives at Eaglo
Point. ,
D. S. Ragsdnlo and son of Big
Butto wero recent Mcdford visitors.
Got Mrs. Reynolds homo mado
broad at DeVoo'a.
Chris Natwlck has been awarded
the contract for building tho ap
proaches to the new railroad bridge
on the Pacific & Eastern over Butto
i4.oao sue m
LKMANS, Pranrc, Aug. 22 Funds
to erect n monument to the late Wil
bur Wriglit or Day ton. Ohio, on the
Plains of Auouvrs. where the Ameri
can aviator made his Hirst flight in
France, wero sot aside today by Iho
city council of T.rnmns.
CHICAGO. Aug. 22. Moro than
11,000 street and olevntud railway
employes nro expected to walk out
lioro within tho next week ltnolss
there Is an Immediate change In tho
attltudo of tho railway company of
ficials,! according to a statement Is
Biieil. today by union lender.
1 Ono of tho company officials de
clared that tho North and West side
eompantos wore wilting to com pro
mise, but that President Busby of tho
South Stdo Railways refused to deal
with tho men. Tho employes nccuno
Hushy ot fostering a strike, asserting
that ho has already Imported S00
strikebreakers. Busby donlea this
charge, saying that In the event of a
strike all cars will bo left In tho barns
and no attempt mado to operate
them for ninety days.
MEXICO CITY, Anc 22. It is
reported tmhiy. that rebels in tho statu
of Sonora have burned and looted the
town of Lmhmi. The (.(earner llenito
Juarez and (ho gunboat (leucrnl
Guerrero, it is staled, havo been
seized by tho rebels."
Nu mwntiou of los of life ts madu
in tho wports received here.
WlliKKSHAMtti, Pa., Aug. 22,-
lmtionttoiiri thai ho stands ready to
nnswer any Hlntemenln (lint Senator
Penrose may innko rcgimmiir (lie von
trilnitions to his presidential emu
mijii in HUM was given today, by
Colonel Theodore HoomvpH. Tho for-
iner president is hero to attend (ho
Uolh anniversary of Iho onllimtioit
of Father J. J. Cumin. If uocoHHlvry,
it is believed, Colonel HoosovoU will
testify heforc tho somite emiintn
contribution committee.
In bis speech hero this aftoruooit
before l.'.UOO people Colonel Kooso-
volt discussed moral issues, bill made
no references (o (liu political sttuii
PAKltf, Aujr, 22. The following
litimaiitanaii decree has been promul
gated by tho mavor of one of (be
smaller communes in thu PyreuncH;
Whereas, Iho youiij; ieopln of the
eommuno nro wont to meet and dunce
every Sunday after mass, ami- (ho
uoiso they make frightens tho cocks,
hens and other animals of thu village;
Whereas, the result is prejudicial
to agriculture, we hereby prohibit
da living: within the bounds of t lit
commune during the hours in which
thu dtuneSlio animals taju their
1 ' 1- '.., - ' J-.1 n
Phone us your wants
Get tho habit in tho twiee-a-day siage got to
"do it frequently to keep comfortable. What
interests us particularly m your case is a desire
to tell you about our monster stock of bath
requisites. "We have them all for you and
everybody, big or little. Good goods, actually
the best the market affords, and for that class
our prices arc the lowest possible. Make up
your order today. Wo know the goods and shall
be glad to help you select.
Medford Pharmacy
Near Postoffice 'All night Phono service, 101
In rnrton, 95 cents per qiiarl. ' jj
So cent extra for packer of any alio up to one gallon,
Any order over ono gnlton at 1 pnr gnuon,
Deliveries of pneknrn to any pnrt of tho city. '
Icn cream served at tho oranmory at G cents per dish.
Mcdford Cream f Buttfir Co.
1. .-I. UJ". U.
fie and Pistol
Tbe !ea!afoii Ctfct
btoj p a new record.
Shoot to Hit
MoreTheir Use Guarantees the Life
the Continued Accuracy of Your Gun.
96 years of gun-making 50 years of cartridge -making
have taught us
To make cartridges noted for straight -shootipg
hard-hitting sure-fire. To make for each kind of
arm the cartridge it requires to shoot its best and
to keep shooting its to. To attain ammunition
accuracy without impairing gun accuracy.
There is a JsffUoL-UMS cartridge specially made for your
rifle your pistol. Every RmlBgm;UMG cartridge is tested
in the arm for which it is made.
Our guarantee is behind these cartridges and behind any
standard arm, to the full extent of the maker's own guaran
tee, when these cartridges are used.
Shoot the cartridges that shoot straight. Shoot the
cartridges that keep your gun shooting straight. Shoot
JZgrUngton.-UMG cartridges.
XgrnlagioiL-lIMG Hollow Point Cartridges in several
calibres for various makes of arms are unequalled
in shocking power they cost only a trifle more.
Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co
299 Broadway, - New York City
- - - '- .
Live Stock Wanted
WANTED TO BUY All Jundu of livo Btock,
largo or Biimll quantities. Will pay heat mar
ket price.
M. J. S1CVIKK, HoUnion Mont Co.
Do You Want Sell ?
What aorta and quantiticH, and what price t
Wo nro not tendering for nny body's fruit.
Do you want to consign and chanco tho innrkotH?
Consult us and wo will give you quotations. In
ovory enso wq send the sellera snlo notes. In New
York wo uso our own snlo note, nnd do not hnvo
apples sold by auction.
W.N.WHITfc CO. 76 Park Place, New York
. U. -
it. $ Z4B t
Kstabllihod 1878
Incorporated 1904
, Commission Merchants c i
UOl Franklin St., New York . fw. "raj
Our Hprclitlty "
We hnvo our own housed In
Direct conslicninonta lollcltcd or ieo our Horuo Itlvnr reprnientntlTev.
Medford, Oregon
Do jrou want your fruit linmllcd by export tinlcHmcnf
Do you want tho UHBl1 1'HICKS Iho 1'ncirio Coiul niarkt?f
fordaT . . T
Do you want to line up with "Tho Houko of a Square Dealt"
Vt '
If no, get In touch with its NOW. , .Vtf'' ' '
Medford, Oregon
Pac. 5621.
Home 907
Nearly a quartor of a centtiry under tho same
Jackson County Bank
Medford, Oregon
It has succeeded becnuso of , . ,
Soundness of principle
Economy of management
Safety of investment
Courteous and liberal treatment
W. I. Vaw tor .President G. It. Lindley, Vico.Pres.
0. W. McDonald, Cashior
as deai and hard as diamond!
. .VI. 4
Storage rooms right for all'1,- vv
kinds of goods.
Our wagons deliver to all
parts of the city. ' .
Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240
Medford Ice Sb Storage Co.
' I
1" TPF,, .
1 ,
, V'
i- 4
Id""". .wrf