Vv & f" ' PAGE SEC I. ., II I 1 MEriFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORtiOON. WMDNWSDAY. 'AUGUST 2U 1012 i i H GOLF CLUB TO OPEN NEW QUARTERS On Saturday, August 24th tho Mndford Golf and County Club wilt cclcbrnto tho opening of Its new quar tern, Tlioro will bo n nluc-holo golf match mon's doubles and mixed doubles In tennis matches, Indoor baneballt trap shooting and nn ap proaching putting contest tor tho women. Following tho games a spe cial supper will bo served nnd In tho evening thoro will bo dancing on tho porch. McmborB may bring guests. For tho convenience of tho mem bers a motor bun will leavo tho Hol land Hotel for tho club at tho fol lowing times during tho afternoen: 1:00, 01:30, 2:30, 3H5, G:00. Tho bus will tako passengers to town from tho club during tho evening as tho traffic demands. Tho now grounds aro located about two nnd one-half miles northeast of town on "Roxy Anno Hoad." The Dally Hint from Parts. YESTERDAY'S SCORES Northwest W. L. r. a Spokano 6D 53 .566 8eattIo 69 58 .543 Vancouver ..". 69 59 Portland 61 62 .496 Victoria ."...65 67 .451 Tacoma 51 75 .405 It. H. B. Spokano 0 4 2 Seattle 2 7 1 Batterles: Kraft and Ostdlek; Thompson and Whaling. Vancouver 3 5 3 Tacoma 10 15 3 Batteries: Mclklo and Lalengc: Schmutz and Lawis. LLLLLLLLTtv H?LiLLLLLLLLLLH KarjwJiMHviH R'Wn m B. V.;Bk.R v mwm "iT'l BrB i I HI BATHHS OHE U r...ll Mr, m brim otmiM. vnx. .- Kmi iw., X 1mnl fm.-lf nt m. t ltr,i nitn cUxer rrnKenint of KnKllsh rmbroMri otnd. by Hlvaln. ntl lace and nrl h with velvet (trice by Virol. RECORDSTEELHEADCATCH Coast. W. L. Vernon 78 56 Los Angeles ..... ..74 53 Oakland 73 58 Portland 51 67 P.O. .5S2 .603 .557 .432 San Francisco 57 75 .432 Sacramento .......50 76 .397 R. H. E. Tortland 7 12 1 Sacramento 5 15 1 Batteries: Kocstner, Klawlttcr and Howley; Williams, Fitzgerald and Cheek. San Francisco . .v... ...2 6 2 Vernon ...............1 6 1 Batteries: Baker and Autcr; Hltt and Agnew. No Oakland-Los Angeles game. Katleaal W. L. New York. 77 31 Chicago '73, 38 Pittsburg 66 43 Philadelphia 53 57 Cincinnati 53 60 St. Louis 51 63 Brooklyn 40 72 Boston 31 79 Pittsburg 3-1, Brooklyn 2-9. Chicago 6-13, Philadelphia 1 Cincinnati 4-1, Boston 0-4. St. Louis 1, New York 5. P. C. .713 .658 .6011 .4S2 .469 .451 .357 .282 -3. A hi ericas W. Boston 79 Washington 71 Chicago 57 Philadelphia .67 Detroit' 55 Cleveland 51 New York 39 St Louis 37 L. P. C. 35 .693 44 .619 56 .504 46 .593 62 .470 63 .417 73 .34S 77 .325 Washington 4-2, Cleveland 2-0. New York 3-2. 8t LouIb 4-1. Boston 6, Detroit 2. Philadelphia 1-2, Chicago 6-3. GENERAL BOOTH, SALVATION ARMY LEADER, DIES, AGED 83 LONDON, Aug. 21. General Wil liam Booth, commander in chief of the Salvation Army died at 10:30 o'clock tonight. Ho was born at Not tingham In 1829. He was uncoa bcIoiib for 48 hours beforo his death. Tho bulletins had not revealed tho borlousness of tho goneral's condition which it is admitted has been hope less for a week. Ho recently under wont an operation for tho removal of a catoract of tho left eyo. Septic poisoning resulted and his health do cjlnod. Public Interest now contort in the successor to tho last commandor. Under the constitution tho Salvation Army general nominates his successor and this General Booth did several years ugo placing tho namo In a soul ed envelope which was deposited with tho army's lawyers with instructions not to bo ppenod until after his death. It la tho belief that tho namo will provo to be that of Bramwell Booth, who for thirty yearB has been hie chief of staff. While English members of tho Salvation Army aro convinced Gen erul Booth la deserving of burial in Westminster Abbey It Ib not oxpectod th; Abbey authorities will award hliu this honor. " Michigan democrats will hold tjplr atate convention in Grand Rap 14a W iteiaber 26. FIFTY-ONE TROUT MEN The record catch of stcelhcad trout, the largest number ever brought into tho city from a fishing expedition to tho Roguo River was brought in Sun day by Marlon Lance, Owen Dunlnp and Nate Biden, consisting of 51 steelhcad trout weighing from 3 to 9 pounds each. Tho party loft Mcdford Thursday afternoon, returning Sunday noon. All the fish except one was taken on the Backus fly, nnd most of them were caught Friday and Saturday, eight only being taken Sunday morning. SHANGHAI, Aug. 3t. Dispatches recehed hero today from Hankow confirm tho reports of desperate fighting near V Chang. Tho cause of the outbreak Is not definitely known hero but It Is nuppnsed to bo a direct result of Dr. Sun Yat Son's break with President Yuan Shi Kat, nnd probably marks tho resumption of tho "revolution In China. AVu Chung adjoins Hankow, and foreign residents thoro aro greatly hlnrmod over the. situation. Tho natives of Southern China nro demanding a separate republic with either Dr. Sun Yat Son or LI Yuan Hung as president. SINGLE TAXER TALKS TO PUBLIC IN THE STREETS F, B. Coulter of Portland repro beutlng the graduated slnglo tnx nnd exemption amendment Introduced his address on Tuesday night by a quota tion from tho report of Rev. Joslnh Strong to the congress of missiens: "That notwithstanding our wondor- tul prosperity, Increase of wealth. education, missionary work nnd all that, we had only to go on this way far enough to find ourselves In hell sinco poverty, Insanity, disease, vice and crime aro Increasing faster.' H? then by nnnlynlct of the death of na tions showed that this condition had always and must always nrlso out of tho taxing of good cltUenn on their Industry nnd personal property, to support tho machinery of govern ment which always Is used Tor per sonal profit of tho bad nnd Indolent. Ho drow a plrturo of tho kingdom of Heaven, with nil tho naluln taxed to the limit on their lununluun, robes and harps, fronting a fund to main tain thn pollen department lit linll, nnd Hhowed that HiIh was rcnlly what the state of Oregon wua doing, Ho further Illustrated this by u pnrahln of a man who Inherited it wist ostntfl nud turned It over to a ntnwiml who gave tho wealth away and then taxed tho heir on hlw labor to hulhl roiidn for tho benefit of tho grantooH of his own wealth, ThU condition had pulldod nil tho great estates and fortunoH, so that an wo nro now the very hnuutloH of God had beeomo a curso to thn people as voiced In tho Idea of overproduction. - " r -' Thin condition iniiilo It nccommry in radically chango'tho ontlro tax lawn of thn stnto so that the stale ahull nupport Itself nut of thn rove nues It now o rent oh and gives away In fraiiohlimn, rlghtn or way, timber lands, wnter powers, tnltwirnls, priv ileges and laud Instead of ns now by grinding (ho fare off tho poor. :""k Y t t AUGUST CLEAN-UP SALE AT Colgate's Talcum Powder, 25c cans, per Can ? T ? T Y t A. SEWICK WILL OPPOSE L0NGW0RTH FOR CONGRESS " CINCINNATI, Ohio, Aujj. 21. Dr. A. O. Scwick, progressive leader here, announced today liirt candidacy for tho gent in congress now occupied by Nicholas Longwortli. whose wife, formerly Alice Koosevcli. is a daugh ter of the progressive presidential nominee. It is reported that Colonel Roosevelt ordered the fi;ut on hih Son-in-law, but Dr. Sewiek bays the colonel is neutral. Tot CUU. CaUmar br iW SI5URS OF THE WIT SAMCS OF JESUS AND MARY. Cn. JU-UtU CJUtU Cmrm. Mule An. OacttiM u4 Ccnatr dU Orpn. IUiUmJD? nJfh.tiHat4 Monl u4 hnllccrulTnJUr.VVrfei;forAocrorat.A44rtu xir lurr.Kioit. p. u.r,; (Jm,. riu.s A TWICE-TOID TALE One of Intcrot to Our Header Good news bears repeating, and when It Is confirmed after a long lapse of. time, even It wo hosltntod to believe It at first hearing, we feel se cure In accepting Its truth now. Tho following experience of a Mcdford man Is confirmed after many years. A. K. Scars, 231 Fifth St.. Mcdford, Oregon, says: "Since publicly recom mending Doan's Kidney Pills In 1907, I havo used them occasionally and they havo always brought good re sults. I was afflicted with sovero pains in my back and I often found It Impossible to stoop. Tho kidney secretions passed too frequently and this weakness was a source of much annoyance. Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills highly recommended, I pro cured a bobx at Haskln's drug storo and by tho tlmo I had finished tho contents, I could sco that they wero the right remedy for my tronble. Gradually the pains and other diffi culties disappeared and my health Improved. I cheerfully recommend Doan's Kidney PUIb to everyone af flicted with kidney complaint." "When your back Is lame Rornom "When Your Back Is Lame Re member tho Namo." Dou't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask dis tinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, tho same that Mr. Scars had tho remedy backed by homo testimony. 50 cents all stores. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Great Money-saving event now going on all spring cuiu uiiiiiici mci ciictiiuiac cit sctruiuc prices. Don't fail to get some of the big bargains WASH PETTICOATS. Made of good Gingham, good Too vamos. Clean- np pngc, each 39c WAISTS Women's fine Lingerie Waists, up to $:).00 values- Sale price, Qfir each Ot NECKWEAR Aralue.s up to f0 Clean up price, each 5c CHILDREN'S DRESSES Made of good Gingham, values up to $1. Clean- ZSH 48c SEE OUR NEW PALL AND WINTER SUITS AND COATS. THEY ARE BEAUTIES. WOMEN'S VESTS Sleeveless? good quality cheap at 12 VI. Our clean-up price, Oa each 01 GINGHAMS All of our Ginghams, values up to 20c. Clean- OUTING FLANNEL Good heavy quality, worth 121oc. Our Clean up sale price, 0 a yard O SHEETS 72.JH) Hleachod Sheets, good (iOe grade. Our Clean-up price, QAj each ,. C MANY MORE BARGAINS WHICH WE CANNOT ADVERTISE. HOSIERY Bui-son's seamless Hose for Women, 2oc values. Clean-up price, 4 Cj a pair i.r ' ICE CREAM PURE and WHOLESOME AT THK RIGHT TRICB In carton, 25 cents per quart. 25 cents extra for packers of any size up to one gallon. Any order over one gallon at $1 per gallon. Deliveries of packers to any part of tho city. Ice cream served at the creamery at 5 cents per dish. Med ford Cream (SI Butter Co. r i IT 'PAYS THK PHOTOGHAPHEK TO UHK AM) HANDLK (Seneca Cameras They aro uncqualed In simplicity of operation, in durability and in results. Havo many marked ImprovementH not found on any other Camera. Mado on Honor Sold on Merit Not in tho Trust Our lino In exceptionally comploto, constating of many atylcs and bIzcb, enabling every ono IntercHted In photography to securo Just tho Camera thoy want. SENECA CAMEKA8 will pleaao your customers, and pay you a good prom. WHITE TODAV FOR HANDSOMELY ILLUHTHATKI) OATAIX)0 SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO., Rochester. N. Y. Largest Independent Camora Manufacturers In the World. DRESSING SACQUES Made of good lawn, all sizes, up to $1.00 values. CIcan-up price 4fi each VOX GLOVES Kayser's 1(5 button cha mois Gloves, 7i5c values. Clean-up price, Afift a pair tOI BELTS Blast iu Belts, values up to $1.00. During our Clean-up. price, 40j Mll'll fVV L III II t A. A.BA&CK Hill & ? WM. ROGERS GUARANTEED SILVERWARE GIVEN AWAY FREE. A 4 t T t t y t t t t f f t T t T f T T T T t T t T 9 ? T A.A. W K:X"Xx:"X J- Closing Out Sale of Acreage near Medford 102 1-2 ACRES IN FIVE ACRE TRACTS Near the City; suitable for Gardening, Fruit and Home Building; splendid roads and plenty of water ABOVE THE FROST LINE AND A SPECIALLY HEALTHY DISTRICT. THE DISTRICT IS SETTLED UP BY A SPLENDID LOT OF CITIZENS I HAVE NO FIXED PRICE ON THIS LAND AND EXPECT TO TAKE MUCH LESS THAN IT IS WORTH. IF I CANNOT GET WHAT I OUGHT TO HAVE, I EXPECT TO TAKE WHAT I CAN GET. AM DETERMINED TO SELL. LIFE IS TOO SHORT AND TOO MANY ARE WANTING HOMES TO HOLD PRICES OUT OF THE REACH OF MEN OF SMALL MEANS. THE MORE CASH YOU PAY THE BETTER FIGURE I CAN MAKE YOU. CALL AT MY HOME, 923 EAST MAIN STREET, AND SEE THE PRO DUCTS OF THIS NEIGHBORHOOD; AND YOU WILL BE SATISFIED OF THE QUALITY OF THIS LAND. h 'f, ' '" W, 4 "' V . HPTFRPF OWNER Jatlfefc... l - 923 EAST MAIN STREET f t 5 f ? T f f ? T T T t t t f f t t T J T Y ? 5 i ? T f i- T )fyfyWWWMrtfyM