r ' i l '1 m .. - f i it i 9 .?; .u''lll'lMttl!lilll4liJlJ'ldliLJJlJJwllL'lLli. Well, Jeffs vrv Lriv 1 'awn's ips.1- ' ", renrno "YAvfctTCOi wmt, twvt ook r v ' !. 're tmbih V . fuzim mine i'At il .Xyx L.I.. ... ' W ' .V.. xwumiT MID rtS. tl' yu, ... V . i"J ; I ' IMO LOT fjflBVOWIliW 'fQ. . .:: llMriAV 1i. .OLuG - ' - I , . - ,' i ' .s ( " , S , .. co-iCWT 191I, O fft.l CO ' !' ' ' ' : ? : : r : ' Our Correspondents ii in i i ' iif'iii i i JACKSONVILLE swtf'VIClMITY Mru. K, J, Holmrln roturiiml hotmi Huturituy nlxht afli-r a tow dayw vlrt'lt with Anhlnnd frlmuln. lMwnnt Wlilln, kIio tin bwn mi mhiiloyn of tlio Clsmcy ranch ,for hov irnl nioiilliH, ha loft hern, tuit) nf tor pciitlliijs n (ew ilaya nt d'orllHiid will roHirri 19 IiIk old lioina In Tqxqn. MInu Kkroii (lull In wp;ttdltiK a 'few (trtyn wllliyjtttlvdn In Aahlahd nd' .Tnlfiit. Vlr, niul Mm, Lmnbcrt nuit olill Iron of Cnllfornln uro micndliiK tho Huinuior nt Nick TflUrbi'H'i. Mr. I.nmtiort holiiR n couulu of Mrit Mil choll'H, MInhoii Mnry nniltAbt(Un Knypholtx vlHitrd nt tho Mcuforfl 1!oisiltnl lout Thumuny, b;lnK tho Rowta of Mm. Horntnu KnpHtil. Mm. Kool niu! Ilttln liiiiKliU'r. horn In tho hOApltnl n couplo of, "V'ouks uko, nrn oxpoctcd homo In n few dnyii. XI r. nnd Jtr, KInmr Lucan Rro ex.. poctliiK n visit from boido of their old frlomU In tho cant. Nick Mltchnll In building ft fine now burn -to hold hi limnontto cror of liny, which In now boluj; bnlcd by thn HoKnr brother. St Inn Mcr Iias roturnttd to her homo In Medford nftor n nlno woukR Ktiy nt L, 0.,Vn Wvjtoim, "Where ho wo nnrli)ft Nolllo Horry. Miss Ann N'nldprmnyor ipfBt, Htindny with lior friondn. Mlu Maud Itnynhottz. Mr. nnd Mm. H. Ilurnum will Irnvu Hhortly for n trip to California whcro.thy po on. account oC tho for iiinr'n our hcnJth. Mloii .IMna Ulchartliou iin 4-0 turned to ,lur bon(oviioAr Central, rolnt nftor n two wcok'n vllt with hcjilitor nt tho Clancy ranch. Mln Nolllo Perry In convntosclnR from n ton.wcek'n ln 05 pnoumouln anil nn oportttlon (or tho xniovnl of, pun from lK5t,wton thy limp nnd huurU Crcnt credit' la (li(iv Dr. I'lckol, Dip attonilliiK physician nnd Minn (1corR Innn Mlorn, tho nurno, -for If It hnd not boon for tholr wk 111 nnd fnlthful ium, hIio could not -pomdbly hnvo lived. . ' CENTRAL POINT ITEMS MihH I 'curl KoHrt Iiiin rot 11 rued from 11 vJHit to Oiikliiuil niul Him FrnnniH io. . ilt'ii. HoliK'ii of Ciniiiuf, Crifor-l iiuii 1h viHitmir J. h. HoMvoll'iiiid tum ilX.Tioro. Coiiiicilniiiii I). ('. Oiim, MUx Clitrn (Iniii) W11I tot' (liiin, (iuoi'KO Wrijtlil niul t'umily. J. l Tvrry niul l'linnly mnl Clifford (iiinli'ii.ur lfft hero ly, " f. n 11.! V vi;on Tiiemmy niouiuijr inr uruiui--liiiko nnd llmikluhorry .niovuluiil o lio jiwny two wi'iikn, oiincllniiin .1. W, K).vvt'rt riiino down Mondiiy evuniiiK 'to ultond tho council mcutiiiK mid ivturned tn'Mori Alintor HpriujjH TuoKiluy moiuiui;. Jiio tiily eounril inuL An oulir( niljoiirnod hoshuiii Minitjny o;uniK with Mnyor Cowluy, Hinioidnr .Ino oliHj,' City AUnruuy WilliiiiKlou mid nil I'ouiioilinun oxiiopt Coiiintilnnui A. W. Moj'in proHi'iit. AlnyoitY,ii of "'i niuiuo N. 85 w'iih nimeplud nnd ilir,od 011 file, Counjill llin rv'ji'otfjil, nil LiiilHd on now pumping plant nnd iiiKtruolnd tlio roconlor lo ndvorllHO l'or(ncv hidy (0 ho opnnod Huptoiuhoi" Drd, at 8 p. in. Mrri. 1'nrkor of tlio 'I'nsiidoiin Lu dlon' Shop," liim lotumcd fiom nu nutlilK "t I'roH)0t nnd Orator Lnk). Tlio Ktiudny hoIiooI uxunmion to (JoipHlin TuoHiIny wiih poorly pntroii ixod from liro. M'r. mid Mm. CoHton mid Mm. AN Icn.tiro vihUIiik Mm. M. M, Cyu'ksoyj iii.tUlH city. tv . ' Mr. nnd Mm. Vlotnr 11(imjI1 ihv4 v.ilnViinil Ciom 11 ll'lll to Cl'lltlU IjlliiC. 7)pt. S. M. NoilHim of Tabic Hook1 Hloppod lioro on rolilo o arnnl'iiH, Tiiodity inoniuiL,'. Potor Uoiulor Spoilt Tnesdny 1" flrnhlH Piikh. jjjo MIhhoh Union mid f.oo I'nrkor oCHoyqit.-()iilH., ,woro - vIhUo).)!" Tiiwfny''rioniooni ' Wt May Be O, MIL. "JLU f VfrV IfOlJ'R; LOT li EAILE POINT EAGLETS lly A. C. nawlott LiiHt iTIuimduy .inoriiiiiL;- J wtiulod from liomo for (Irmitx Piihh to vinil Dr. M. C. riudlfy, llio (IrmitH Pitw oyp HpccinlWt. On my arrival in Mcdrord nliout tlio fiit plnco 1 found inyholf wiik tho Moil Trihuiio ofi'iro to pit 11 now list of thn Kntflo Point mihncrihum lo that pnpor nnd loM-eurn 11 wipy of the lutvut. Then 1 repaired lo tlio S I. depot mid Hit down mid rend ilirt Muil Trllimio un til trniu time. I hoarded the motor rnr nnd Mtnrled utid was konu uli Morhcd with what I wiih Mceiuu alonu' tlip nule. WI111L f'W liciirini; or rhnrdK thoro worn nloitg the rotito wiro niuiply londcd with fruit of nil kinds nnd unit would judj;o Jry tho appearaueo of the tduhhlc nnd tho HtnokH that tho erop had been fully up to Onto. Thoro wiih coiihidcriililo ulfnlfa hay heiuir rut mid Htaekeil nnd one unfamiliar with thin eoun try voiild wonder what in to hooonio of nil tlio liny that in xtneknl nlo'i tlio line. I uNo noted Hint there N n vnxt ncrr-iiKo of 'yoiiuc; J.'ruit treon nil iiIoiik tlio rou to mid home that looked iim thouLth they wire about four yenrn old that looked iih thounh they hud been Hiinply molded .nil 111 thn tiitnie UloJd, ll!y were no oven. Ah I ilhu rditlici Hay Dam I noticed that thoro were unite a number of men fishing jtiHt below tho dam, nntwitlitdnudiu.;: Hie Inw.rtnyti that they mIiiiII not fih nearer than (100 feot of tho dam, but ntic.li h Ufa in Urn far w.cnt. When I reached tho doctor' of fice I found that there werq only two Itemonx ahead 11 f me,- ai I came In nnd reentered iih No. l.'l on the reu inter. While there I had the pleas ure of meeting witJi Q. A. Tehbo of Yrekn who wu ytliere jreeeiviu. .trentment for hid Kouiinc, and llnr oldiMcnfo.iHoii of 0.J' MqOee, for merly ofihls place nod later of Med-' ford, hut now near Dalian, Oregon. Ho was there lieine; treated for hit tbroat. e.',. 1 , Ak I did-uo(. (remain in flrnnlt Pariri hut a xhort time, leiurniu the kiiiiio day, did not m-o much of in teretit lo write. v U, C. Lawton. mir Hoolrieian-who ban been ul in tho Crater lake coun try for llio.piirtt .week or tuit dnyn, returned InM. (Saturday. JIc repovlcd haviiic had n 'fine -limo 'but bad omo Htonny weather to contend with The Mutto KiiIIh niwl KukIo Point Telopliouo company bnvu hud anolh er' lino of wiro HlrelelnJd'.friii)) Ltiittu'. Fidls and to Uiin place juifl will ptn'. Hbly oxtund it 'on do Medford h am to uivo tot ji ii)otalic. ciivuittulL .(lie way. There tiro now o many phones' on 'the linn that h. around wiro doeti 1101 l;ivo NiiiiHuuiiioii. Our cty ijoii u'j ntils Jn)L meot Inif ordered tho owiiom of the pi-op urty iilmiK JIaiu Ktitjol Mo iput .down' btdwalka froin ,9110 cjnl of jic toivp lo 'tho oilier. From tlicwaifoii'lirid'o up tlio xidewulk is to bo fivodVi'txt'our iuoltOH wide and 0110 mid otio-foiulli iiichea in tliiivkuoci ,ni)d from dbe bridtfo down 0110 iioli tlilisk. Tliut' will b fa' ,hiK', uii:o,Vemeiit. iH in tin) wiutor tlio walking in iuito bad on 'account of tho nloppy nitid, LiiHt Sntuitlay forenoon Dr. Itunv or nnd family of AkIiIiiikI pmricd throiiKh horoou tnotr jvay to uoriio river; I mean tho Htream called Kokuo liver, not tho litllo oily that tho K. P. oiiIIh ouf iih a ntation aloin; tlio lino from Medfoiil to (Iritnta Puhh. Tlioy went to tlio river to TMi. Tlioy hud boon up tho country YjpilinffnQUfki. , s t YJSllllig,uuHlia. ,, . j, 1 rrn. J. B.v JackHon tifrled . week for'tliii Btnio of Y"a.8hiugl 11st glon to vNlUroliitjvoa to .ho tfoiitt uovornl wookN. LilH.t Stltjinlijy J Lotik, ij, trip up to Trull 'una 'in tlioniumitiino took MIhs LouiKii HliiSH up to visit lior piivonts nt tlio froo ferry, ltov. M. C. l)nvin liiid iirrniiKi'd to hnvo n basket nu'ot ii)g nt tlio Trail HflhoiiNlintrio on 5-uiK tlnytuul ndminiutoircil tlio WtUmuicu , ' OI'WUW.WUHWn.lWl UTTMfW)ntfTT( ' - '. , .1 TV CMr.STOf TlsHMtlUm "G fc wow p.nc upomtrwh. , . LlJ ' I S ST.,. llHYwG.o0p,?UtW H' lot NO 6 T Cft5. . HELP I V srofrfrfob MJero tribuct, anoni?, ' omioK Wednesday, trotrsi1 21; ima K. at Low tide Tt( l-'tK'l ,0 '- nUVHWMjL. - lltQ of haplinm by iniinerMion mid the rt Milt wiih tlial there wiih unite n crowd itKHembled. Itovi Jhivin pieuchcd nt II o'clock ami then we all went down to Trail orcek and he there baptised I.. I .... I I- ..t. !-. 1 ... .1.. (Minn iiou inane inrnur. onu iu 10c clowe of the HcrviecH wo all parloiik of the banket dinner. Thoro was unite n number who cmnn from Kll: creelc nnd nmo from the neighbor hood of Central unliool Iioiim1, mid lifter parlukiiiK of iih fine a dinner iih anyone could wiih J proached'to a Iioiihu full of nltontive listenei-K. Ak I ivuh invjiy from homo on Sun day I cannot tell of all thut trail Mircd that day h Mw, Howled sel dom links anyone their name, but ainoiijr the viKitom were Mr. mid Mm. UoorKO (Jnrre.tt nnd Iter mother, "Mrs. Clara Under. Mm. Under in one of our old hoifjhborH with whom re have been ac(iiaiuted for nliinnt fif ty yearn and her daughter, .Mrn. (lar rett, nnd our yirln were iihxooiuted tocelher iu their childhood dnvK. they hnviue; lived within a half of a mile of each other for about twenty yearn, Hut I xce that I am making my let ter entirely too lonjr, m will lop right hero mid will try next WedncH dny to tell tho render Hoincthine; Nc that will he of interent to tltenu BUTTE FALLS Tho enclosed petition numcrougly l(;noilwnB prcsouted to tho city coifndl on Monday nlRht nnd ovi denco Is bchiB Hccurod for prosecu presecu prosecu teon: To the honorable members of tho city council of Butte Fall, Jackson county, Orcson. VI10roan It Is commonly reported that Intoxicating llijuorfl nro being nold In Unite Falls In violation of law with tho tiflual concomltuuts of vlco nnd hnnio, wo your petitioners respectively request Hint you take such stops as nro necessary to sccuro evidence, In ordor to convict nnd pun ish tho guilty parties nnd rcmovn this inonnco to tho Reed naino nnd moral welfnro of our fair city. INVENTOR OF VOLAPUK UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE, DEAD CON8TANCB, Radon, Aug. 21. Jolinnn Schloycr, who Invented Vola puk, tho artificial Inngungo for In tornntUniaUnsot Is dead today at tils homo bore. MONUY 'SO LOAN. TMONKY To lonn on real estnto. Ad dress llox ill, Tribune MONKY TO LOAN On Improved city or ranch property, llox SO. Willi TrHnino. FOR RUNT FURNIHHHI AIT8. FOR RKNT Smith Ap.ls. 817 8. RlT, FOR RENT 'Furnished apartment. Just -llko a bungalow. Largo porches, private batliB, now, Tho Jlprhon, corner Qulnco . nud W. Main otroot. i'hono 347-L. FOR It V N T IIOUSKKEKPINO ROOMS .a FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 21 Gonesoo atroot, Phono Vaclflo 4224. 133 1 FOR ItKNT OVKIOK8 ' FOR RENT Lnrgo,Tomfortablo of-; 1IUO TUUIIia Willi UlUTMlUl DUl.llV, steam boat, hot nnd cold water. Low rates. Apply Mcdfortt. Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. in Per Cent on Investinent ARE YOU LOOKING ? For a real bargain, can show you ono In 25 ncros of Hoar Crook bottom. All In bearing fruit, alfalfa and. garden. Six room 'hmiso, good barn,vnnd wntor. 'tthln. IVi mllos Medford on Macadam road, Pacific Highway, R. F, D.' tolonliono, gns IIUII UIUUUIUII). byw iuo kiiiu nu- oral tortus. Or ton acres Iu bonrlug apples and poars In 1-4 mllo at Cen tral Point. 4 room house, oto, 1( por cent ot prlco naked allowed for present crop If not desired by pur chaser, Boo orwrlto owner, llox 7J, Routo 2, Modfofd (itonco.-ftsVIH Bell, . t I II I IN I I I II I ' " ' '" ' V " I ' " " 1 , ' 1 i. 1 ', . 1 ,, . .. 1 . - 1 .- - r ' ...J,i 1 1-2)1-1 I ITflH 1IKKT--UI(KINirmi HTVIU. IIIIUIVI.-UU CI II IIFTII V ITII-'H I.JIlt UTXflirATVITK III ;il 1. ITV1 III I! I.TiJII 1 It V E '. ' FOR KBNTJModern furnished roftins at the' Cottao, 60 West I Oth st., two blocks south Mcdforu Hotel. Hot and cold water in rooms. Home, phono 217. Mrs,. II. M". Coss. THK 1'AKK VIKW Hotol h chnncod lianda. A hotel for work ing on. with cool, clean outsldo rooms. I1.G0 a week. Good meals 25 cents, Transients 2D cents a night. J. T. Terry, Prop. 141 FOR IIBNT Largo sleeping room, $1.00 nnd $2 por week. Modern housekeeping apartments. $15 and fir.. Home phono. 2GC-K. 222 South Holly. FOR RKN1 miVBKH FOR RENT Modern five-room house. M. A. Rader, at M. F. & H. Co. TOR RENT 10 room houso rear of Farmors & Fruitgrowers bank, suitable for .buslnoss, real estate, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir sts. FOR RKNT Bight room houso sult nlilo for two families or roomers, nlso six room apartment, closo In. reasonable. Phono or sco Colonel H. II. Sargent. 133 FOR RKNT Flvo room cottage, sew er and water connection, pavod street, closo In, including now bath. Ten dollars, 403 North Fir street 129 FOR RKNT Flvo room cottage, sew er nud water connection, paved street, closo in. Including now bath. Ten dollars, 403 North Fir street. t ' 129 FOR RKNT 1 room house. $0.00 per -month. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. tf FOR RENT-SUHCKMiAXEOUS FOR RENT A "ten room building, Biiltahlo for a restaurant or room ing houso. Sco W. T. Greene. Roguo River, Oro 133 FOR RENT Ranches largo and small, alfalfa and gardon lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR RENT 40 acres on upper Roguo River, beautiful mountain homo, lino hunting and fishing, good houso and barn, alfalfa field, gardon and Irrigation ditch. Ad dress P. O. Box 702, Medtord. Oregon. FOR BALK HOUSES FOR SALE New nnd modem flvo room bungalow. Will sell at cost and on eusy terms. Dig Pines Lumber Co. tf FORCED SALE Rcsidcnco propcr ty. Address Qwnor, llox 195, Mcd foru. FOR SALE Wo aro completing two strictly modorn, very convenient residences on Gonovn avenue, East Side. They nro for snlo on your own teruiH. Prlco very reasonable. Might rent to rlsht party. Sco Humphrey, 815 East Main. 132 FOR SALE $1500. two east front lots, four room plastered cottage', largo Bcrecnod porch, wood shod, water, sower, paving. Phono Hell 21GG, 521 Hamilton St., V. 133 FOR S.Al,E Cheap nnd eheapor still for ''cash." Buugnlow built for a homo, somothtng fine, modern and complete. Just finished. 11. E. Gates, 23 Roso Ave FOR BALE Wo nro moving to n colder clhnato on account of tho health of our daughter and will clobo out a swell now homo and onii good building- lot very choap, rogulnr "give away" prices. II. E, Galos, 33 Roso Avo. FOR. .SALE 4 room houso and lot, $800.00. Gold Rny Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. tf NEW TODAY A good now six room resldonco, strictly modorn, near sohool nnd olco trlo lino In Colorado Springs, Colo rado, for snlo nt $3000.00 or would trarto for Oregon land, Two acres ot cholco horry nnd gar. don land, half sot to logan borrlos," rupsborrlos, strawborrles nnd grapos, Just outsldo ot Medford, -wntor rfgh.t with thojplaco. You'll hnvo to hurry to get this ono. A snap nt $650.00. Two cholco lots on West Ninth ntroot, near hut not on paving, East,1 or, north front, 100x101 foot. An Idonl location for a fluo homo. $50j) takes tho two. C.D.HOON . Room'lfi, 3cksou County, DruK Dldg. DUSINK8S OPPORTUNITY Anyono winning to ongngo In tho billiard business can purchase all or a half Interest In tho Owl Ullllard parr lors as owner wishes to go away. Samo can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. S. I. Uro-n. FOR HAW liAXD FOR SALIJ Ranches, aero tracts, twon property on 5 nod 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. FOR BAJifc ACRKAGB FOR BALB Eight acre-. Just out sldo city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples: smalt house, good well; J2G00. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE 214 acres In Jackson ville, clear title. Sec owners. Sis ters of SL Mary's Academy, Mod ford. FOR SALE MI8CE!jANEOUS FOR SALE Camera 5x7 auto Gra flcx with focal plane, shutter and anlstigmat lensc. Inquire at Mod ford Book Store. 132 FOR SALE House to 520 S. Peach. bo moved. 130 FOR SALE Apples,, Early Craw ford peaches and prunes at Lau rels ranch. Phone 21x13 Jack sonville. 129 FOR SALE Furnlturo for six room house, good as new, also good range 510 N. Riverside. 132 FOR SALE Early Crawford peaches II. C. Joy. phono Pacific 591-J-l. 132 FOR SALE Blackberries by crate. Call Home Phono 319-R. 130 FOR SALE A good strong moun tain hack, nearly new. J. C. A.. Medford Wall Tribune. FOR SALE Chlckonranch nnd ber ry patch mile from Medford, sidewalk, electric lights, telephone, etc. Sco W. II. Evcrhard, 1013 W. Ninth st, phono 6C71. FOR SALE Would llko orders for early and lato Crawford peaches. Mrs. L. P. Black, Ashland, Ore, Phono 4G5-J. 131 FOR SALE 20 tons or good grnln hay. $7.00 per ton. Inquire ot R. II. Lincoln. 104 S. Bartlett St. FOR SALE Cheap for cash. One good building lot on Roso Ave It. E. Gates, 23 Roso Ave, FOR SALE Team, harness, 110S E. 11th St. Phono 4291. 130 HELP WANTED MALK WANTED Representative in Med ford and County by Eastern Wnnu facturor. Address Patterson Sales Co.. Portland. Oregon. 129 HEU WANTED FKMAI-I WANTED Competent housekeeper for family oX three Address P. O. Uox 257. WANTED A girl for general houso work. Must bo good cook. Tolo- phouo 3341. Mrs. Bert Anderson, 90G W. Main. WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Man and wtfo wants po sition 011 ranch. 125 N Bartlctt. 133 WANTED MISCKTj-ANKOOS WANTED Clean, white, rng3 at Mall Tribune Office WANTED Fresh cow. good milker. , P. W. Hunilll. Medford. Pacific Phono Gll-R-1. 130 WANTED To buy about 10 ncro young pear ranch In Talent dis trict, Glvo ago and klud ot pears and soil, Stnto relict location nnd host prlco. Address A-5 this of fice 131 WANTED 25 to 40 acres sub-Irri gated land without Improvements and buildings. 15 por cent down, rest on easy payments. Dopiro to trndo wltn owner direct. 1'lcaso stnto prlco and location and for ward "Mull Trlbuno E. B. W," 130 WANTED Fifty Whlto Leghorn pal lets and two cocks ot good breed. Address P. O. Box 361, Pacific ' telephone 597-J-2. 131 WANTED A furnished room with oldorly lady who will caro for two , ami half year old child. Box W. N.' Trlbuno. WANTED A second hand McCaskoyt or eipially good account eatimot. 'Tolophouo SKi-F-l. 131 WANTED Good family cow. A. K. Hall, R, F. V, No, iri3"ox G5-A. 133 FOR TRADE 4-room hons, elec tric lights, sewer In, on pRved St., and sldo walk in, will trade for acres or small ranch. 311 west Jackson st, no agent. 155 IAST; J STOLEN A bay mare, weighs 1200 pounds, 20 years old, ears lop for ward d little to ono side, little f!6a bitten on neck, collar lump on right shoulder. Liberal reward will be paid for .any information loading to recovery or same. James "Warner, Grants Pass, Ore gon. 129 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants D. R. "WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a rcasonablo figure; your business solicited. Office. Mcdford Mail Tribune lildg; phono CC11; resi dence phono C302. Attorneys D. W. RAGSHAW Attorncy-at-Law. Jacksonville. Ore. Office: Dank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. I REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building. second floor. PORTER J. NDFF, TO. P. MEALEY, Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoffico bldg. ! A. E. REAMES. LAWYER Garnott,- corey biag. 1 MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. "W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Itrick and Cement. Tho Medford Hydraulic Coment, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tlio porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases. Jardinieres, flower pots Phono Main 541, cornor 10th and Fir streets. 11111 rosters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Clvtt Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrlKatlon work a specialty: sur veys, subdividing, build I . grades,' city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford. Oregon- Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louiso E. Hedges. Mccbano-Thoraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotherapists. Thoso ByBtems, including dietetics, cura ttvo gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produco results In both ncuto and chronic diseases. Consultation free 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 n. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, norvo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05Gnrnott-Coroy Bldg. Vnpor baths and scientific mnssago given; udvlco In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 145-IC. Main 7973. Ciilue.su Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, private dlseasos and all kinds of chronic and nervous allmouts. Stomach troublo, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Soo mo at 241 S. Front st, Medford, Ore, to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Rostdenco phono Main 42. Contractor nnd Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor nnd Bulldor Country work a specialty. Plans and ostlmiitoa free. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 5662. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN HCOYOO DR. C. O VAN SCOYOO Deutlata Garnott-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Offlco In Rlnlto bldg.. J23 E. Wain. Gas administered for extraction ot tooth. Tolophouo Wain 681. Night phono 4432, ' Notary Public HELEN N.'YOOKEY XNotnry Pub He Bring your work to mo at tho "sign, of TuQ-MairTrlbuue. pac&s $Jtir; By "BuH" Fisncr '. Furnl 1 are MISSION FURNITtrnK WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission furnlturo mado to ordor. Cabinet work of alt kinds. A trial order solicited. Grant to Works MEDFORD BRICIC CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglc, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractor and inanii facturors of brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick yard. West JackBon st. Phono No. 34 CI. Garbage GARBAGE Get ?our premises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbago wagons for good service. Phone Wain C251. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantoo everything put out. We are not in tho trust. II. Tl. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotol Nash, tn sido entrance next to barber shop. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped job office In-southern' Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ByBtems, cut paper, etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Physicians nnd Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-312. Office phona 501, residence phono 612. Offlco hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLO w Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnett-Corey bldg.. rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale. phone 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases ot womon. 'Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldonco Phenes: M. 79S1, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician anil Surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 21G E. Main st, over' Med ford Hardwnro company. Houra S:30 n. m. to S p. m. Both phones. E B. PICKEL, M. D. Of flee Jack son County' Bouk. Office phone M.,432; Res. phono, M. 582. DR. B. II. PORTER Physician and Surgoon, St. Marks Block Offlco phono 4901. Rcsidcnco 7051. DR., J. W. J. WARIQN IMiysItlnn, nnd Surgeon. OtlfCo rooms 5,, 'and G Kentner bldg. Offlco houM 10 to 12. 2 to 5. Phono. Hell 271. Jtcsldcnco phone Bell 273 Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M." D. Prac tlco limited to Chronic Diseases. Offlco Hotol Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phonos. Resldonco phones: Farmer lGxxS Eagle Polut nid Roguo Rivor lino. HERMANN F. RATTK, M. D. ,Of flco over Wedford National Bank. Offlco phono 6701. Res., Hotel Hollnnd. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D.. Prac tice limited to Eyo. Ear, Noso and Throat Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished whim needed, Garnott-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floorr Both Phonos, Medford, Ore. Real Estate REAL TSSTATE L. N, Judd, Talent, Ore, fruit, alfalfa and garden lands. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stonographlo work don Quickly hiiu wen, j Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STOHAGR CO. Office 1 gouth Mr, PhH Ball 3152; Home itSO-K, PrteM right. Service guaranteed, - , Undertakers JOHN A, PERL Undertaxer ami Embnlmer. Oftlae 2K SoHtk Brt- lett st. Telephene: D H '47d; night, rrtsaw, ll i7,- 1 Home 179-L. Cull-mwwmU nlJt or day, AmVulaee wrviw. f 1 V A S-'i I '!- n ?i ? M M,