"-.. -' '? t-pf- -' f '("'I " '' T - .';.. . t3 V"lW'l5iJt'ftrwWraOiiH.TV'-all(Bi Crr ,i J MEDFORD MfiTTJ TtlTBUKB, MEDFORD, OKECJOK WEDNESDAY. KUdUST 2'f, '1012 WTO16 THRU ", in ii i urn mi Mm TO BY FALL L GET TAFT COIN F r . ft-i .. .'...". vww"jwiw t r r in ED ENDLESS IN SHERMAN Nlllllltll wsm ON PUNS INIIIO ram AN RD OF HIS NOM NM EOERAL BUK FROM HIGH WAGON ra V tvm ti $ s VANCOUVKIt, II. C, Aiik 21. A HMclnl In tin World from .MIIWUII " 'Tho ntatiMiioiit liy .luck Johnson In (JIiIi'hko Hint Mr. MoIiiIohIi Iiiih not offered him Motinxoii) $5(1,000 for his iinMttlniiN with Liiiiuford mill Mo Vny In Ainitmllii, In not correct imlil T. H, AmlrewH, rott MMttat I vt for Me liitoiili In Ainoilrn. 'Tim fuel Im,' continued AntliiiWH, MoIiiikoii nlr.ncil it en n tract to meet tlnmi two irmu for f Ui.uOO ami r.,iM)0 oxp'iiitoM Mini tic knit which In more Hutu jr.0,000 (or two lioutM, Mr MuIiiIohIi wnnled to ilKlionll 10,000 forfeit In 11 UhleiiKo tmnk lull .lulnmon ohjeclotl, liiHlMt Iiik tlutl Ahlorinnu Tlerney lio marie sliikttliolilor mill nlno IiihInIIiik Ihut r,,000 expense money ho put up. Fin ally Mr. Mttlntimli mirced to piml Hut money wltli 'lliirney mid nil Jack him to do U to Mtty tlio word mid tlm word mill tin' money will bo tiirniHl ovnr to Tlerney All Mclutoih iiaUn U u Kournnli'o Hint JoIuihou will r.o to Auatralln mid curry out IiIh part of tlm agreement,' " BLOODHOUNDS OF E KlKJKNi:, Ore., Auk 2 1.-With Iho old of tilnotlhoiinitii, n determined effort today lit Win inndo by the nuthorltlcH hero to run down ttiu mur derer of twelve-year-old Mildred (Ircoit, who won mIiiIii In her tied nt lior homo hurx. Careful oxamlnii Hon by phyiilcliin xhowed Hint con trary to earlier hellef tho child hnd hciin outrnKd lifter elm was killed. A Xexro neen nenr the Oreen homo M believed t have been tho little Klrl'tf niuinllniit. MUD Your success and tho prosperity of this city and valley depends on your patronizing home industries and using home-made products. Ask for "Made in Medford" goods and insist on your coi ,vw' ' and builder buying of the home factories and institutions. Try this and in a few months we will have a "Greater Medford." A Rogue River Valley Payroll Wo Manufacture CEMENT DRAIN TILE CONCRETE CULVERTS CONCRETE PIPE FOR IRRIGATION SEWER PIPE Doalor in Woshod Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Offlco FrultKrowern Uouk llnlldliiK Factory North Itlvemldo Avonuo Phono Muln ilOa W'QH" B' cos1 MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 0. J. BEMON, Sandstone Quarry Jus. 0. Smith, Prop. 3106 lSnst Main St. Box 7M. AVrito us your wnntH The Medford Hydraulic Cement Brick and Block Co. Inc. Our Specialties Ornamental llrlck mul Tllo for Klro IMiictm, HIIIm, Ciiih, Archtm, Coliiimm, Chliniiey Tojm, Flower Viibo, otc, Mi:iIH)ltl, OltKdO.V 10th mul Fir Btn. IMiono I'nclflc (Ml H. WEINHARD'S . Columbia The Beer Without a Peer Tho choicest hops and tho finest barley malt, browed jfoioiitii'icnlly in just tho right way, are responsible for its absolute purity and excellence Order a ease from your dealor or phono Pacific fil or Home 294 H. WEINHARD'S BEER AND ICE DEPOT Medford WAKIIINcmiN, Atw.m.- Aneinl- ll'HH clllllll H,Vftt Of ll'tllTH, It WIIM lennieil licni IimIii.v, Ih In Im iimciI fo iiiIhc finiilH for the cli'ellon ciimimlKii of I'renlilcnt Tult mill Vict. IWilc it Slii'iniiin. , MIhm ;MiiIicI Hoiirtliiiuiit iinliiMiiil iliicctor of the Kiii ('nun Huclcly mill n iicrttoniil friend i.f the pri'Hlilniit, Ih to immune llio ilmi. Uiiirle II. HllltM, cliiiirmmi of llic rcpiililicnu iiiiliumil couiiiiitli'Ct Mild Hull MIkh Ihiiirtlinmi wiim ilnluy lliin work in mill Imliviiluiil mid iml oh Dm liciiil of flit Kctl CroMM Society. I'mlcr Hit picHi'iit plnii fl I t to Im Millcitftl' limn fiicli imthoii re I'l'ivlnjr a Jailer. Mjhm Mtiiirtlmmi cv peels tlnft' hcoicm of licr iutiiiiiilult' friciiiln will Im tin Initial oonlriliu lorn. Tlfc clialii will bu Hliirtctl jy iniilllui; -f ,00(1 circulnr IcltcrM. INSEK MASSACRE MANAGUA, AUK. SI. Aliiiont an entire detachment of r.00 NIcuriiKiinii itoveriiuieiil troopH, comprlHliiK the Kiirrlaon of the city of Ijvou, north of the cnpltnl, watt lunmincrcd by u force of lumirKKntH, nccordliiK to reportn received by official nt the capital her. today. FISHER TO PROBE CHARGES AGAINST HAWAIIAN GOVERNOR WABII1NOTON, Auk. 21 I'omon ally to InventlKnte charKeM aKalimt (Jovontor I'ruar, Bccrotnry FlHhur of tho Interior department!! will leave WimhliiKtoii next Htiudny for Hawaii. FlHhvr will k to Son Francltico, where ho will embark for llonolul. He will bo nbHimt from WmthlURton until Octobebr 15. MADE IN MEDFORD Manager. INSIST ON "MADE IN MEDFORD" Brick MEDFORD BRICK CO. .ir;5 W. iTncksou Vaoifio Phono 1121 U'l'ICA, N Y Auk. 2l,--Jntm-B Holioolcrnfl Hlmruinu wan officially notified today of hln re-iionilnntloii by tho ropuhllcmi national convention im vice prcHldimt of tho United Htntox. Thounnudit of perHonn, frlcndii mid follow lowiiMuuin of tho noiiilneo, wit ueniteil tho corotnonlcM. VarloiiH foruiH of amiouwiont mid onlertalnuiont for tho vUltorn had been arrmiKtid, makliiK tho notifica tion a kuIii occaitlon. Uiilled HtutoH Henalnr Htithcrlarid of Utah delivered tho notification nddremt. Vlco l'reitldt'iit Hherman rtinpaiiiled briefly. Tho notification cereinonleH were Informal mid Hlinplt mid wero held In ConklliiK I'nrlt. Hhorman wag en corttid to tho park by a detachment of atato troopn. J'oIIowIiik tho cereinonleH the noti fication commltteo woh entertulnud at tho Hhormnn homo, A dlnplay of flreworhs tonight will coiicludo tho C4)lebratlon. BLOODY BAITLE IS AT NOfJAI.KS. Ariz.. Auk. 21. A bloody battle between Mexican re Kiilara and rebeU In raliiK today ho ii Hi of Can a nca. Honora, according to inoimaKcii reci'lvcd here. Tho rt;- portit, which yet art) unconfirmed, aro to tho effect that many have fallen on both widen. NoKalen In filled with rofiiKCOs from vnrlouH sections of Sonora. Moro than 100 arrived via tho West Coast Mini of tho Southern Pacific Into last nlKht. Tho town can nc commodate but few moro. Another company of federal troops arrived here today from llermoslllo. They nro eti routo to Canuuea to re Inforcu the federal Rarrluon there. Medford Candy Mfg. Co. C. P. Silliinnn, Prop. Wholcsalei-s of FRESH & PURE Candy Home Phone 300X Made in Medford, Oregon F. C. Sillimun, fiinngcr Homes On Monthly Payments Medford Realty & Improvement Co. Chas. S. Lebo, Mgr. M.F.&ir.Bldg. "LET GEORGE DO IT Commercial Printing and Rubber Stamps "Made in Medford" M GEO. J. KUNZMAN PRINTING CO. 203 Fruitgrower Bank Bldg. Home Phono 12QK Cut Flowers That aro fresh because thoy aro homo grown Always a nieo lino of Decorative Plants on Hand Medford Greenhouses 923 E. Main Home Phono 237X Pacific Phono 3741 That tho SupwMlriK Archltcct'ii office ban finally started work pre parlnic tllu jilntis for Medford's $1 00 000 federal biilldltiK Is Indicated hy a retjuest for furlher Information re Kardlni; space needed for the differ ent department! of (Ik; local office. This request romn directly from the architect's office. It Is now believed tbat the gov ernment will soon be ready to pro ceed with tho erection of tho bulld-Iiik- It bH been nearly two years flluce Hid slto was purchased and tho appropriation made to erect tho bnlldlnf,'. Adlal K. Btuvensiion or Illlnoln, for mer vlco president of tho United Htnti'H, will take tho stump for tho democratic national ticket. The drunkard will have none of me. I The heavy drinker says "no" when mf name is mentioned. The man who craves rough strong-- whiskey passes me by. All this is as it should be as I myself would wish it. I am not for them. If it's made of Sheet Metal I can make it JOHN SIPPLE Home M. F. & II. CO. Phone 30L Bldg. K. A. Hicks P. M. Kershaw General Manager Gen. Sales Mgr. OREGON GRANITE CO. Quarry Owners and Manufacturers Oregon Granite Btanda tho test of time. Medford, Oregon BUY Home Made Clothes of EIFERT Tailor 209 W. Main TKKTS AUMY GOODS Khaki Slto Wall 8 oz, 10 oz. Army Foot Foot Duck Duek Duck 7X 7 ....3 ....? G.35..f C.25..I 6.90 7x 9 ....3 .... G.35., 7.40.. 8.S0 8x10 3 .... 7.30.. 8,55.. 9.55 10x13 ....3 .... 8.60.. 10.05.. 11.20 IOnH ....3 .... 9.80.. 11.40.. 12.75 12x12 ...,3.... 10.20.. 12.00.. 13.35 13x14 3M, 11.55.. 13.50.. 15.05 Coplod from a San Francisco pap er. Prices uro low but wo can beat It, If made of canvas wo soil It. MKDFOllD TKNT & AWNING CO. 1(H) N. Trout St., Medford, Oregon. B. B. McCraken, a driver em ployed on the Hruco WIIhoh orchard, was severely Injured Tuesday after noon when ho fell from a loud of shocks at the HIk I'lnes factory Htrlk InK on his head. At first It wan feared that his skull was crushed but later It developed that his In juries were not tlariKcrous. McCraken was rendered uncon scious by tho fall. A prompt call for tho ambulance and speedy medi cal attention soon brought him to his senses. Representative W. C. Itcdflcld of New York has been selected to open the democratic national campaign In Maine with a series of speeches .it Portland and other cities, beginning September 3. Cyrus W. J. Van Schuyver & -Office Furniture Library Furniture Bedroom Furniture Diningroom Furniture White Enamel Furnitui3 Built in Buffets, Seats And Bookcases, Etc. Store Fixtures Porch Swings Cedar Chests Cabinet Work Done in Oak, Walnut, Fir, or Any Other Wood Desired Cabinet Makers Mission Furniture Works E. G. Trowbridge, Jr., Prop. 113 S. Holly, Medford Medford Iron Works , E. G. Trowbridge, Prop, General Foundry and Machine Works Pacific 401; Home 298L. Res. Pac. 5031; Home 227L. So. Oregon Electric & Heating Co. Electric Wiring Electric Fixtures Heating and Ventilating Plants 29. N. Grapo St. Tol. Pac 3G01; Home 124. .Wo make fixtures KW K. D. INSIDE KOK DOORS Cailnl, Hud Catlnl.i-'ilUt.CapMould.flialti Blocka for one onlr. Pr WH ITE FOR CATALOG and te Vi on Sub, Flnl.b, Framca, Mould lot, Kooinl, etc K. D. WINDOW FRAMES With Wind Slop, Pirtiai Dad, Out ld Cailoc and SHI. PhIUtiIo plicf, HocktUcut.WaUrTabU 1 O C Cap. Vtt act P1XJ Wf SIIAroor m:mviinMBroi Uept. T Noble Co., General Agents, Portland. Make everything in mill work Big' Pines Lumber Co Best equipped factory in Southern Oregon Wholesale Candy and Ice Cream PALACE OF SWEETS 217 East Main Pacific G02 . . Home 353L f l'or tno - M EVERYTHING MADE OF WOOD &'$ See us. We make a specialty of v ;.p OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, lUNTLli, SCREEN DOORS Factory Corner South Fir MEDFORD SASH S-CROSS FTICZ FIRST QUALITY PANEL JLIVVJtlO -GUARANTEED Mi of cttar, kiln-drttd DoniU Fir, bautfiat kih C . , O A train pnl,mcblniindil, lSilnalnatock, ot Ml. prlc to tTtrfbodr anyqniolllr. JLEmgH FINISH TO MATCH IN SETS FOR WINDOWS Cillal. Krad Ca.lnl.FUIil, Cap Mould, aidt Hl, ait vuu and Apron. i niuiDW a c ninuow aiopa, aipci Miin .. .. ." ' .: .. ' rtr sit --" aadSMf Aawbtra hr-A m contractor Electrical Work " a ..Hi Of All Kinds s c Battery Charging ; Magnetos and Spark : Coils recharged and repaired THE ELECTRIC SHOP. 105 So. Central. Pac. 221" The Medford Plating Works All kinds or plating, Gold, Sliver. NIcklo, Copper and Brass plated to your entire satisfaction. Don't throw away your old table ware and Jewelry. Drlng It us and get It back as good as now at halt the cost,' ; 231 W. Mala St. -. 'i ( '.:'" i ' ?', f f uest or, iwm ..( .tiMf. . and WINDOWS, Itef K and 11th Sts. Botji Phbhi AND DOOR CO. u I t ,,. 4H