.' ' fro- , MT2DF0RD Mfe TTBTTNE, MEDFOIID. OftEClON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1012 ' -MGB EIGHT , Si K ii" Ik" . Mirfttv, C. 1.. HU NWU mid NH of HWH 14 twp 1 c" Meet, W. K.--8H f H 'twp 31, ISO acres , . ........ Walker, J. It HH of HKU Ami tiwU of HKU nn.l HKU of HWH ci 30, twp 33, 1(0 acres Walker. J. 0.-NWU s 26 twp 33, ISO acres ,..,.... MeKenil0, ' Lot" i ami J and v orwu ii 30, twp 33, m ncres ........ ........ ... Cflinran, Mary a NH of NU s 34, twp 33, 10 acres ........ Pan ton, A. MV of SWU ami HKU of 8V'U "116, twp 33, 120 acres ..... .. .. . Welch. J. 11 HH of NH and NU of MU or a 2, twp 34. 330 ncres Welch, A. V. HWU of SWU J twp 34, 40 acres ,. Weldi. II C. NH of SV nnd nu or nkh i. twp J4. 153 ncrtB .. Weloh. A. V. HKH Of NKU s 3, twp 34, 40 ncres Welch, J. B NKU of BKH 3, twp 34, 40 acres Boole, M. H 1-ot 8 ml8V of NKU and HKU of NWH. water rluht des, vol. 6596 si, twp 34, 118 acres .,,........ Thomas. T. . HKH of 8WU 9. twp 34, 40 ncres Welch, J. B. KH of HKU a 10. twp 34. 80 ncres Hnrrell, V. A. SKU of HKU s 11 twp 34,40 acre Welch, J. Il,-W of SWH s 11 twp 34, 80 acres Unknown Owner SHU nf.N'WJl a 11. twp 34, 40 acres .......... Hnrrell, W. A. 8WU of NWU nml WH of 8WU 13. twp 34, 120 ncres .... Hnrrrll. W. a NRU of NWU s 13, twp 34, 40 acre .... .... Wcleh. J. R HKU of NKH IS, twp 34, 40 ncres ....... ..... Fits, 1. 6. NH of NKU of SBU n IS. twp 31, 50 acres ........ Chnfrey, Chas. SKU and U Int. lit tlltch s 20. twp 34. 166 acre, Fnrlelgh. J.-NWH of NW n 20, twp 34, 40 acres .. Welch, J. ll SKU, Of NWU una aivi oi nr.s . ! 34. SO acres Unknown owner SKU of SBU n 26, twp 34, 40 acres Klwood. M.-WH of NWU 27 twp 34, 80 ucres Itenines, T. O. NWS of NKH and NWW of SWI4 27. twp 34( SO Acres . rrtlenburc. J.SH of SWH 3S, twp 34, 80 acr .......... Moore. O. B. P. NH or NWU 8 S9. twp 34, 80 acrra Klr. I.y.lla A. NWH of NKU and NEW of NWVl and lots I ivnd 2 s 30. twp 34. 160 acres Frrdenbunr. J. 1. NEU of NKU R 31, twp 34, 40 acrrs Fredenburi J. k-NWU of NEJ4 and HWM and NWU of 8WU h 32. twp 34. 240 acres ... miKer. J. Est NH of SWU s 33, twp 34, 80 acres ....y.. Reames. T Q. NH of NWU 33, twp 34. 80 acres Sncks and Houston SH of NW'U nnd NH of SWU s 4. twp 35, 160 acres ................ riFlf. K. T. NH of SWU and SWU of SWU 6. twp SS, 120 Acros Centers. Chas. a SWU of SWU s S. twp 35. 40 acres Vincent. C. O., Eat NEU 8. twp 35, 120 acres Vincent. M. A. SEU of SEU 's 8, twp 35, 40 acres ....... McDonald. A. SH of SEU. see 9. twp 35, $0 acres Unknown Owner NWU "of NEU nnd NH of NWU sec 9. twp 36, 10 Acrfi .... Gray. M. E. SWU of SWU. see 10, twp 35, 40 acres Ireland, fe. F.. Est. NH of SWU. see 10. twp 35. 80 acres 3lodpers,a O. NWU of SEU and N 20 acres off of N side of 8H of SEU. sec 10. twp 35. 60 acres Rodrers. J. M. WH of NEU and - EH of NWU. sec 10, twp 33. 1&9 &cr?s Lent. Mary M.-W of NBU and NWU of 8EH sec 11, twp 35. ISO ucrps at McDowell, It S. NWU sec 13, twp 35, 160 acres draco. J. H. SEU sec 14, twp 35, 1(0 acres Weldeman. H.. Est. NWU of " NEU see 14. twp 35. 40 acres .. IlodKers, II. E. Land des vol, 28'4( and 5S-6S3. aee 16. twp 35, 125 acres .... Rodicers. J. F. Dlaff. SH of NEU of NWU nd SEU of NWU sec 15. twp 35. 60 acres ......... McDonald, A. NEU of NEU sec 16. Iwp 35, 40 acres Vincent, J. n. WH of SWU and SEU of SWU. sec 16, twp 35, 1 20 acrPB Vincent. M. A. W 1-3 of WH of NWU, sec 16 twp 35. 2 acres Vincent, C. O.. Eat. E 2-3 of WH of NWU. sec 16, twp 36. 56 acres ,......... Cenlrrs. Chas. a NWU of NEU nnd NH of NWU. sec 17, twp 35. 120 acres Vincent. M. A. NEU of NEU sec 17. twp 35. 40 acres Bradonshlre. 8. J. WH of NEU and NEU of SWU and NW1 of BEU. sec 18. twp 35, 160 acres ,,,....... .... Armstrong J. W. EH of NWU NEU of SWU sec 21. twp 35. 1 20 crMi ? Armstrong. A. SEU of 8WU and SWU of SEU Bec 5, twP 3S 80 &crcflf Ovlalt. I H. NWU of SWU sec 31, twp 35, 40 acres Unknown owner WH of' NWU ' sec 21, twp 36, 80 acres Etwood. M. E 3-4 of NEU sec 22. twp 35. 120 acres Grace. J. H. NH of NEU (less 10 acres) sec 20, twp 35, 70 acres .... ....... ., Kcllosir. Francis 60 acres In NH of SEU sec 23. twp 35. 60 acres Hnlney, J, P. WH of SWU and 8WU of NWU leas 8 acres sec 25, twp 35. 112 acres .... Vlnrent. U J. SH Of 8WU. sec 26. twp 36, 80 acres llaymoml. HenJ. Land In NEU of SEU and HEU of NEU des. vol. 22-148 sec 26, twp 35, 43 ACIVH Dyer. Mrs. a Land In WH of HEU sec 27. twp 35. 63 acres Ferry? It. a. Est. 5-7 Int. WH of NWU and EH of SWU nnd WH of HEU. sec 27. twp 35, 1ST acres, (less 63 acres) .... Webber.E. WH of SWiS sec 27, twp 36. 80 acres Vincent. L. J. NEU of SEU sec 27. twp 35, 40 acres Vincent. C. O., Est. SEU of SEU sec 87, twp 35, 40 acres Webber. 11 EH of SEU sec 28. twp 35, 80 acres Terry, K. J. NEU sec 28, twp 36, 160 acres Slieliey. L. L. SEU of 8WU, sec 28. twp 36, 40 acres NlnlnKer, C. K. H Int. In EH of NH of NEU " 31- twp 35, 20 acres Ensley, 8. HEU of HEU ec 32, twp 36, 40 acres Jones. Lelah SEU of SWU sec 32. twp 35, 40 acres...... ....... Jones, Mary J.8EU of HWH 23.00 22.00 14.S5 14.13 83.10 26.40 19.S0 34.80 3.84 13.9S 3.84 4.80 IS SO 6.00 3 60 2.56 9.60 6.00 9.66 6.12 4.80 2.40 34.60 4.80 , 12.S0 2.40 11.61 9.60 4.80 10.80 19.20 8.40 14.40 9.(0 9.(0 11.63 8.2S 2.76 27.83 21.85 4. SO 7.20 9.60 14.66 16.80 Jones, 36. 80 acres r...... rT i:,,nii no HKll and 8WU of NEU and lnnd des, Jt. 695, sec 0. twp 30, 230 acres....... Dlcky, C. I'. Land des. vol. 88 445, sec 10, tW SO, 40 acres. . CJrp. '. 8.Land des. vol. 69;97, 1.10 Int. In ditch, see 10, twp 30. 39 acres,.. ............. ... WfiHhburm 11. C Lund des. In vol. 08.203, sec 11. twp 36. 210 ! ri"r" a n. Land des. vol. 44- ' 408. Bed 11. twp 30. 22 ajres. . Civlll-WH of pov, lot No, 4. via 14 twp 30, 13 acres i.eo iv ."' V 't,.7.h i. MU. 14.40 42.90 14.30 4.40 33.00 10.4! 9.40 1.10 2.37 8.28 3.91 11.04 8.63 6.S6 4.60 4.60 3.8S 6.60 12.32 9.20 4.9S 20.18 He S2. twn 36. 40 ucres.. Do Ford. W. P. SH of NEU seo 32. twp 36. 80 acres Lnmbert. Paul Part of WH of NWU. des. vol. 08-58, sec 32, two 36, 43 acres . De Wltdo, A. NH of NEU eo 35. twp 35, 80 acres DonoKan. H.NBU of NWU sec 30. twp 35, 40 acres De Wilde. A NWU of NWU "C 36. twp 35. 40 ucreH.. ......... Wvttntt, 8. J. SH of SH of NW U of SWU 0 36, twp 35, 200 acres .,..,.. Fralev, E. K SEU of NEU ond NEU of HEU sec 1, twp 30, 80 ocrt'H DllKan, M. E, & M. EH of SWU and NWU of SWU and 8BU of NWU ec 4. twp 3. 100 nortH (' VouKhnn, M. & Lewis NH of SB ;.' Mrv j-ni: of nwh ond HEU of NBU ?o 5. twp 36.43 17.83 18.10 1.61 36.08 7.82 11.04 26.00 14.95 6.20 1.56 6.76 16.97 9,20 5.60 6.60 16.80 0,72 7.14 38.36 28.86 100.72 0.44 4S.36 290.07 OilO 2.08 C.44 des. iol. "7-46, sec 15, twp 36, 227 acres ,,.i.,.... Oold liny Realty Co. NH of NH and lot 8 nnd SWU or NBU and 8H of NWU. Iota ft, . T.J. 3. nnd 4, and SEU f SB U, lesi power plant alto sec 18 twp 36, MS acres ............... Orlffln. 8. ljnd In WH of NBU des. vol. 10-857, sec 19, twp. 36, 50 acres .......i......... CowkIII. Ralph NBU of NWU of NWU sec 23. twp 36, 10 ncroA ...(. Mcsseniter, H. O 8H of SKU sec 24, twp 36, 50 acre Humphrey, II. Land des. vol. 85. 163, sec 24, twp 36f 9 acres... Perry, Martin Hep at tho U cor bet sec 23 nnd 24, thene K 20 rod. 8 40 rods, thence W 20 roils, thence N 40 rods to ber., see 21, twp 36, 5 acres Hamilton, K. C Com. at the SK cor of KH of NKU, thence run N 160 rwk thence W SO rod, thence 8 160 rods, thence K 30 roils to beif., sec 25, twp 36, 30 ncres ................ ..... lVrdue. Snrnh K. 13 acres hot of 1). W lleebe. sec 25. twp 36, 13 acres .....,.....,...... Osborne, H M. Land des. vol. 61-SS, sec 26, twp 36, 40 acre Lewis. Iila a Com 20 chains K of NW cor I L C 55. theneo K 20 chains, theneo S 30 chains, thence W 20 chains, thence N 20 chains to place of beg.; sec :,, iwp 36, 4U acres ......... Conper, Knos Her. at a point an S IkIv. of sec IS, from which the SW cor of sec 2S .bears W 61.33 chains K along said line 15 S2 chains. N 15.01 chains, X 1S.S2 chain. 8 15.01 chnlns to beg. (less 15 acres off W side), sec 2S. twp 36. 15 acre Wilson. It U WH of the follow Iiir: Rec. at SB cor sec 2S. thence N 15.01 chains. W 18.32 chains, S 15.01 chains. E 1S.32 chains to beg., sec 28, twp 36, 16 acres ..................... Hansen. 1. J. I-and des. vol. 63 SSS In D L C No 53. sec 28. twp 36, 16 acres .............. Penlncer. Chas. Land des. vol. 90-13, sec 29, twn 36, 20 acres Moore. It, II. NH of NWU sec 30. twp 38, 80 acres . Law, T. C Tract of D L C No. 67. sec 31. twn 36. 23 acren.... Chapman, C H. Tract of land des. vol. 52. SSS and 54-536. sec 32. twp 36, 20 acres HiiPKer. Jake Est. Tract of land .des. vol. 31-351, sec 32. twp 36. 21 acres ..................... Hathaway, J. O. Lot 1. Sec 32. twp 36, 2 acres Palmer. Kmmett S. -Land des. vol. 76-239, sec 34, twp 36, Webb, Wm. a Land des. vol. 69 39S. sec 35, twp 36. 13 acres.. Waddell. P. H.-Part of SH of SEU des. vol. "8-227, sec 36. twp 36, 10 acres Houston & Winchester Mining ditch water rlRht and pipe plant on Willows creek, twp 37 Lewis. A. W. et al Land des. vol 72-596, sec 1, twp 37. 10 acres. Puhl. A. lien. 12-3S chains W of NB cor D L C 67. theneo 8 32 20 chains. W 12.3S chains. N 23.20 chains, thence S 12.3S chains to bee. sees 1 and 12, twn 37. 40 acres Constant. Isaac Land des, vol. 4-349, sec i. twp a, zo acres. Downing, J. H. Land In Central Point, sec 2. twn 37. 3-4 acre.. Jones, D. R Land des. voL "I- 341, sec 2, twp 37, 1.79 acre... Shlney. Franklin Land des. vol. 63-577. sec 2. twp 37. 3.S6 acres Wold. Andrew Land des. vol. 66- 52. sec 2. twp 37, 1 acre Norbury, Benson Land des. vol. 69-312. sec 3, twp 37, 1 acre... Harver. W. J. Land des. vol. 73- 160. In NEU sec 4. twp 37. 17 ACrfMt Davis. Q. L. Land des. vol. 67- 519, sec 5. twp 37. 8 acres.... Whitney, A. P. Land des. vol. 16-458. sec 5, twp 37, 51 acres.. Braden. James Est. Lots Nos 1 and 2 and WH of SEU sec 6. twp 37, 113 acres Dean, a P. NWU NEU sec 6, twp 37, 40 acres Levy. E. II. 2SH acres In NW portion of SWU NEU sec 6, twp 37. 2S acres ..... Austin. M. L.-CTNH SH of NWU SEU sec 8. twp 37, 10 acres.. Metcaff.rW. U. Land des. vol. 59- 425. sec 8. twp 37, 17 acres... Stump. Logan Sec 8, twp 37, Improvements Kirk. Chas. Tract des. vol. 87-51, sec 13, twp 37, 10 acres Bowman, H. E. Land des. vol. 90-12S. sec 17, twp 37, 20 acres Maine. M. M. WH SWU SEU sec 17. twp 37. 20 acres Bybee. J. AV.-EH SWU and W H SEU sec IS. twp 37. 160 Gibson, Casey Land des. vol. 63- 318, sec :u, twp 37. 2 acres... Morrison. Mary L. Tract des. vol. 60-215. sec 24, twp 37. 3.6 acres Palm, C W. Land des. oU 47- 60. sec 24, twp 37. 7 acres..... Swem, T. M. Land des. vol. 80- 500. sec 26. tWD 37. 11 acres... Clancy. Dr. Des. R 393, sees 28 and 33, twp 37. 140 acres Miller. Eliza, A. Lots S. 6. 7 and 8 and land In NH SEU sec 29. twp 37, 94 acres Miller, Ells. A. Lot 3 and NBU SEU sec 30, twp 37, 48 acres... Anderson, J, R. Land des. vol. 37-515. sec 31. twp 37. 20 acres Ensele. Peter SEU NEU NWU .sec 31. twp 37. 10 acres, Raich. W. H. Land des. vol. SO 42, sec 33, twp 37, 12 H acres Whetstone. Delia M. Land des. vol. 54-38, sec 34, twp 37, 30 sere a ! Garmany, James M. Land des. vol. 77-197. sec 35, twp 37, 13 seres Whetstone, Dan Land des. vol. 46-390, sec 35, twp 37, 40 acres Delerteln, Chas. H. Land des. vol, 76-387, sees 31 and 36, twp 37, ranges 1 and 2 W. 26 acres,... Flnley, II. T. Land des. vol. 63 328, sec 36, twp 37. 46 acres.. Lltle, Chas. Land des. vol. 74 156, sec 36, twp 37, 10 acres.. Palmer, John V. 10 acres, part of land des. vol. 69.631, sec 36, twp 37, 10 ncres Root, J. M. neg at NB cor of tract des vol. 90-469. W 20 chains, N 2.6 chains, E 20 chains. 8 2.5 chains to beg. sec 36, twp 37, 5 acres Root. J. M. Land des. vol, 83- 113. In D L C 81, sec 36, twp 37, 4U Acres Sprague, a. B. I .and des. vol. 80-345-6 In D L C 84, sec 36, twp 37, 20 acres Green. W. C. Land In 77-629, sec I, twp 38, 2 acres McCullum, H. J. 15 acres In D L C 60, vol. 69-212, sec 1, twp McMillan. C S2-73 and 83-141, sec 1, twp 38. 27 acres Morrison. B. E. 59-172, sec 1, twp 38, 31 acres Root, J. M. 88-524, sec 1, twp 38, 80 acres Sheldon, Ben, & Dr. McCortntck - (r) 366, 78-684, sees 1-12, twp 38. 132 acres Stover, Osgood & Quail 69-191, sees 3 and 4, twp 38, and sec 33, twp 37. 699 acres Oleii Rogue Orchurds Co. SH SB U sec 6, twp .IS, 80 acres Ensele, Peter EH NWU sec 6. twp 38, 80 acres , Unknown owner WH tract NW tt NWU sec 7, twp 38, 20.92 acres Glen Roguo Orchards Co. WH NWH sec 9, twp 38, 80 acres. Burgess. E. G 90-98, sec 10, twp 38, 34 H acres ,... Holmes, W. !. KH WH D L C 49. sees 11 and 14, twp 38, 200 flcrcB , Kane, A 48-192, see 11, twp 38, IS OCrCH . Redpath, B. L. 1 acre bought of 112,00 (6.56 36.00 . 2.40 39.63 2.SS 1.S& 10 00 4.90 16.00 76.00 26.40 26.54 16.12 3.90 10 18.07 6.88 14.SS .36 249.44 82.45 6.36 (.00 3.40 80.40 6.S0 7.36 9.60 16.00 6.40 16.81 33.67 2.72 91.67 27.12 9.60 5.40 10,20 14.96 1.70 19.48 6.40 3.20 33.60 .63 11.40 26.60 19.S0 451.60 217.36 4.20 4.20 2.10 31.12 64.93 31.20 81.22 74.10 90.39 23.50 38.00 G. W. PrlddV. sec 11, twn 38. leemun, J. tit-; 38, 6 acres , . , Heemun, J. 60-330, sec 14, twp Brumble. II. 8. WH 8WU seo 15, two 38, 80 acres Bruin, Win. 82-295, sees 14 and 15, twp 38, 21 acres...,,.,,. Maben. Peter HEU SWH and SWU 8BU sec Is, twp 38, 80 acres ... Illinium. W. 8 NBU NWU sec 17, twp 38, 40 acres Glen Rogue Orchard Co. NWU rt t Vi cu it, iwii do, iv ucrfr. , Glen Rogue Orchard Co. NBU and HBU NWU and tract 8W U v acres U NWU sec 18, twp 38, 243.10 UCrttl oaaaaosaaaiiOBkaaiiaaaa ICnlni.s. W. C.WWH WH NBU NWW mo 21, twp 38, 10 ucres. Sollss, D. D. HEU NBU eo 22. twp 38, 40 acres Trlpett, a, W.-WH SBU eo 22, 14.25 209.00 62.70 i.sr 34.38 42.31 68.95 73.62 34.72 465.99 16.80 11.76 2.10 6.29 49.08 172.40 11.79 1.97 .79 10.48 2.76 10,48 3.00 3.00 18.23 1.31 6,24 twp 33, 80 nervs ,.,,,,.,.... Whetstono. D. NKU NKU see 33, twp SS, 40 were". ... ...... . Herbage. T, J.KH WH KH NK U see. 23, twp 38, 30 ncres,,.,. Klelnlmmmer, C NKU SKU 34, twp an, Cornish. U T see 40 ncres. SWU SHU seo 24, iwn jt, u ncrvR ,. .... Miller. Daniel SKU 8WU sec 24, iwp at. 40 acres ,.......,.,.. Moore, W SKU SKU sec 8, twp 3S, 40 acres ,..,....,,,,, Wheeler, IX W. SWU SWU seo 21, twp 38, 40 acres ......,,.., Weatherby. Aran SKU NKU oe 84, twp SS. 40 Mere Paiutlo. I). A. Un. U Int In SH NH nnd und. U Int In NH SH sec 37, twp 38. SO ncres. ....... Sterling Mining Co. SH NH snd NH SH sec 27, twp 3S, SO acres Unknown owner H Int. In SH N H nnd NH 8H seo 27, twp 38, 320 acres ...,.......,.....,. Pntulla. D. A. 1'nd. U NKU and NU SWU l "'xt' U Int. In SKU sec iS, twp 3S, 100 ncres, , Sterling Mining Civ U Int. In NBU and NH SWU nnd 8KU nnd SH SWU sec 28, twp SS. ISO acres .....i...,. ........ Unknown owner H Int. NKU and NH swu mui mi.h seu SS, 300 ncres . , Springfield. V. A. WU SK'l sec 3i. twp as. iu acres. Pattum. D. A. U Int. In NKU sec 31. twp 3S, 40 acres,.,,... Sterling Mining Co. U Int. In NK U nr.d 8WU SWU and WH SKU "" 33, twp 3S. 163 acres. Sterling mining ditch, and H Int. In Phillips ditch. Urlffln Creek ditch nnd (Inlllger A Gil bert mining ditches ........... Town. M. F. KH SWU see 33, so acres twp NKU. illttl lets 6.34 :,! 4.(0 4. S3 6.60 4.60 6,(0 4,(0 6,(0 6.(0 22.40 33.2S 18.(0 19(0 2.80 2.S0 Unknown owner H Int. In NKU see 33, twp 3S, SO acres....... Whitman. J. A. NWH NBU and NWU seo 36. twp 3. 200 acres Sterling Mining Co. Tract NKU NWU and NH of tract NWU NWU and SKU, tract NWU NWU and WH SKU NWU and KH SWU NWU nnd SWU 8WU NWH and NWU NKU SWU aqd WH SWU (except 4 ncres), sec 4, twp 39. 210 Turnbough. W. KH SKU and SWUi 7S-Ht. sec 4, twn 39... Turnliougr. W. KH SKU and SWU SKU and SEU SWU sec 5, twp 39, 160 acres Spear. C, II. SWU SWU sec 8. twp 39. 40 acres..., Sterling Mining Co. EH KH NK U and KH NEU SKU and SW U NBU fc?EU and NWU SEU SKU and SWU SEU and SU SKU SWU see S. twp 39. 140 Qcreit Vincent. J. a NH SKU SWU sec S, twp 39. 20 acre.,...... Sterling Mining Co. WH NWU and NWU SWU sec 9, twp 39. 120 AC ITU Sterling Mining Ca NWU NWU NBU and NWU NKU NWU and NWU NWU sec 17, twp 39. 60 acres ,. Thomas. A. E. NH NEU nnd NEU NEU SWU and SWU NEU SWU and NH tract 8W U SWU sc I", twp 39. 123.75 Acrt??t .. Sterling Mining Ca EH SBH NEU and SWU NBU and SU tract NWU and tract NWU SW U and SH tract SWU SWU and NWU NEU SWU and SB y NEU SWU and NH SEU SWU "n1 SWU SEU SWU and NH NWU SEU and SW H NWU SEU sec IS, twp 39. 280 acres .,..,...... Sterling Mining Ca NH tract NWU NWU and SWU tract NWU NWU see 19. twp 39. 35.37 acres Sterllnir Mining Co. WH NWU sec 37. twp 39, 80 acres Unknown owner NH NEU and NEU NWU sec 27, twp 39. 120 Acres Forrest, Mrs. a a SH NEU and hew n anu rti o u. Int. In Gllson ditch, sec 28, twp 39, 160 acres Thlrbodean. F. X. SWU sec 22. twp 40. 160 acres Morgan, Geo. B. NEU sec 25, twp 40, 169 acres llrlggs. Nellie A. NEU sec 28, twp 40, 160 acres Calahan. Pearl NEU SBU nnd SH 8EU sec 36, twp 40, 120 AC reS a . m m as RANGE 3 WEST Chamberlain. C. 8. SWH sec 8. twp 33, 160 acres Jackson, D. II. NH of 8WU and 8WU of SWU sec 10, twp 33, 1Z0 ACrefi Chamberlain. F F. NEU of 8W U and NH of SEU and SEU of SEU sec IS, twp 33. 160 AcreH ! Wootlln. A. II. NH of NWH and SEU of NWU and NEU of SW U sec 2S. twp 33. 160 acres... Coleman. A. NH of NEU and SBU of NEU sec 32, twp 33, 120 acres Smith. J. T. WH of NWU and SEU of NWU and SWU of NBU sec 32. twp 33, 160 acres Goldman. John If. HEU sec 34. twp 33, 160 acres Baumfher, Chris NWH see 8. twp 34, 160 acres ............ Winkler. N. H, SEU sec 8, twp 34. 160 acres Prince If, H Int, In 8WU sec 12, twp 31, 80 acres Ferderman. L. H Int. In SWU sec 12. twp 34. 80 acrrs Kerby. A. A. Lots 3 and 4. and EH of SWH rec 18. twp 34, 144 Acres , Foiter, M. W. and Forcht E.-8W U sec 26, twp 31, 160 acres.... Morton, 8. Ii EH of NWU and SWH of NWH and 8WH of NE U sc 32, twp 34, 160 acres.... Slvers. I. Est. NWU of SEU. sec 34, twp 34. 40 acres Hays. C. W, SEU sec 2. twp 35, 160 acres Hays, Cora A. SWU sec 2, twp 35, 160 acren Klaer. J. A. Trnct NH of NEU and NEU of NWU and SEU of NBU sec 2, twp 35, 158 acres.. Carter. R Tract NWH of NWU all of ona ditch from Evans creek, sec 3. twp 36, 40 acres Hofner. Sophia HWH of SWU sec 4, twp 35, 40 acres Oden. F. & Sons 8WH of NWU and NWU of 8WH sec 4, twp 35, 80 acres .., Oden. U. & Sons 8H of NEU of HWU nnd NH of HEU sec 6, twp 35, 100 acres Neathammer, James 6 acres off of W side of NBU of HWH sec 6, twp 35. 6 acres Patton. J. I. HWU of NBU sec 6, twp 36, 40 acres Amnion., O. P. HWU of SBU of NEH sec 8. twp 35. 10 acres... Nesson. L. HEU of NWH and NH of HWU and HWU of SW U sec 8, twp 35, 160 acres...,., Oden. J. SWH of NWH sec 8, twp 35, 40 acres, Unknown owner NEH of NE'4 of NBU see 11, twp 35, 10 acres ,...........,.. SIsemore. J, EH of 8WU sec 12, twp 36, 80 acres Ward. W. T. NH of NBU and SBU of NBU and NBU of HEU seo 12, twp 36, 160 acres. .'..... Haymond. Utn, Est. HBU of 8B U sec 12, twp 35, 40 acres Leonard, H. L. HWH of HWH seo 13. twp 33, 40 acres Payne, Win. WH of NEH and SB H of NWH and NWU of HBU sec 13 twp 35, 160 acres. Gold Hill Lumber Co. EH of NK H and HEU of NEH and NWH and EH of HWH and SBU see 16. twp 35. 620 acres,.,,..... Hammessly. Tom SH of 8KU sec 20. twn 36, 80 ucres Snow. VV. N. EH of NEH eo 20. twn 36. 80 acres., A Plf legate. E. L. WU of WH of 139.30 11,10 5.60 88.00 uere't ,.., k.tt. 14.70 7.2S 33.10 ' 3.36 9.S0 1.68 8.40 3,36 8.63 nlegate, E. L. WH of WH of "EH ond EH of KH of HWH seo 21, twp 35, SO acres, ,,..., . Oglosby. Clnrlnda HWU sec 22, twp 36. 160 acres Townsend, B. D. HWH of NEU and WH of SBU sec 22, twp 35, 120 acres Emerlck, J. C. Hec 23, twp 35, 40 acres, NEH of SEU Smith. J. W. HEU of HEU Htc 23, (wp 35, 40 acres .,.. Word, W, T, 16 ucres In WH of NEH tract des. vol, 82-242, see 24, twn 35, 10 acres, Rhodes. Clyde 40 acres In NH of NWH (Dig, K 40), sec 25, twp 35, 40 acres Van Hoevonberg. II, Part of NH ','. hot If. Pelton, sec 25, twp 35, 11 acres ,.., Morrison. J. It. Part of 8WU sec 25, twp 35, 40 acres Worrell, M. E. I'art of NEU hot of Pelton, seo 25, twp 35, 16 acres ,,.,,,.....,,,......., Hommersley, J. F. SWU. WH of HEU, see 20, twp 35, 240 15.6S 1.82 5.20 (.21 61.55 20.Q0 20.00 20.00 15.00 22.00 16.50 22.00 22.00 18.00 24.00 22.00 24.00 84.00 12.00 12.00 21.60 24.00 18.48 6.00 23.00 23.00 17.26 6.83 4.80 C.76 7.20 .72 4.80 1.20 24.00 2.40 1.16 9,20 13.52 4.60 4.60 10.pl 67.00 10.40 10.40 6.20 12.48 13.80 6.40 2.76 2.47 9.20 24.21 13.80 33.41 Gold Hill Lumber Co. WH jsv. h anu hnh or nwh ' ,.,.,. ur and SWU of NKU of NWU. . 28, twp .10. ISO ncres v'JJ.'.L' Hnmeinrsty, J. 8. WH "f NWU and SBU of NWU ami WU of NKU of NWU seo IS, twp . 35, 130 acres ,,,.,, i,vl Hnmmersly. J. II. KH or KH of SWU and WH of HWU r HK U sec. 39. twp 36, 0 acres..., Grny Kaglo Mine Uidd tnlnn claim, sec 29, twn SS, JO ncres Giles, K. U, et n.RWU of NKU rn"f i. ( hi-"mi r "" ' fm and SKU or NWU '' WVt or NWH nnd NWU of SWU nnd NH or HNS Ki'C 30, lP an, I ncrr-s ,....,...., ..., . . Rouch, L. K. NH or SKU f NK U seo 31, twp 35, SO acres,.,,. Hnchler. C SKU of SKU sec 32, twp 35, 40 ncres . ....... Iloueh. L, II HWU of NWU and NWU or SWU sec 33. twp 35, 80 noren tuM,t i . , , . , Smith, II, (1 NH of NKU seo S3, twp 35. SO nores ........ Unknown owner WH of NWU f SKU sec S3, twn 36, 20 acres.. DuiiKun. J. H. KH of NKU seo 35. twp 35, 8U ucre ... .... Havmond, Ren KH of NWU seo 36, twp 33. 80 acres ........ Kimble, II Tract NWU sec 2, twp 36, 1SS acres ,..,,..... Townsend. W J. NH of SWU and SWU of SWU sec 2, twp 36, 110 acres . .... , ........ Sturgls, A W. KH of SWU sec 3, twp 36, 80 ncres Unknown owner Lot I, see 3, twp 36, 39 acres ....... Dusenberry. C. U KH of SKU. water right and ditch from Sar dine creek, pipes, giants, etc., sec 6, twp 30, 79 ncres MoDonough. J A. SWU seo 6, twp 3(, I5S nerei.. Dusenberrv, 8. A SH or SKU snd NKU of SKU sec S. twp 36, 130 ncres ...... .......... Dusenberry. C. L KH of NKU i-e. x. twp js. su seres ...... Nuffield A Hums Mining claim nnd Imp. see 9. twp 36,,,...,. Munnch. J. D. SBU f NWU and SWU of NKU lot J "ml part lot 5. des. vol 49-210. sec 10. twp 36. 191 acre'. ........ "Welch. John W Iron Chief Min ing claim In NKU of NWU seo 0. twp 36. 80 ncres . Reemas, J. II H Int. In KH of NBU of NWU and H Int. In SU of NKU of NWU nnd U Int. In lot 5. except 10 acres off N end sec 11. twp 36. 29 acres Moore. J. K. Part of lot des, vol. 26-66, seo It, twn St. 6 ncres. Maroon. M A. 30 in lot des. vol. 19-351. sec II. twn 36, 30 acres Unknown owner N 10 ncres off or lot 6 and 6 ncres out or NW cor lot 6, see 11, twp 36, 10 acres ......................... Ilnrnn. J. F. Lot 6. sec 13. twp 36. 38 acres Cavannugh Est. SWU of SWH sec 14. twp 36, 40 acre Oold Hill M. Ca KH of NWU sec 14, twp 36. tn acres McNeill. II. C NWU of SWU sec 15. twp 36. 40 acre Oreson Water ft Power Co. Part at lots 5 and S and lots 6 nnd 7. warehouse, canal, etc.. see 15, twp 36, IK3 acren Anderson. F. N Land des. vol. 75-676 seo 18. twp it. U acre. Crews. J K. I'art of land des. vol tft-SS? and 81-170, sec 16, twn 3(. 19 acres Enrllsh. F N 1-6 Int In NKU of SWU des. vol. 21-116. seo 16. twp 36. 64 acres Unknown owner Land de. vol. 61-348. sec 16. twp 36. 20 Acres . .. .it William. II. L H Int In NEU Of SWU sc 16. twp 36. (4 ncres Ide. C. D. Und. 2-1, Int. In NEH of SBU sec IS, twp 36. 36.6 acres ..a..................... Unknown owner Rer. al U cor. hot. sec 16 and 21. W 1.9S chains N 93 chains, E to sec line. 8 .S3 chain to beg, see 16, twp 3o .,.,... Kelsey, F. A. Land des. vol. 62 174. sec 16. twn 36, 5 acres... Mesaner. R. C SBU of SWU (less land sold), see 16, twp 36. 26 acres Qutsenberrv. 8. A. NH or NBU. water right taken from Sardine creek, sec 17. twp ,16, SO acres Ore'nn Water ft Pow r Ca Part or lot 2. seo 17, twp 36.-17 ncres Hsmmerslv. 7 SHjOf SEU see 20. twp 36, 80 a cms Jamison. E. E. Homnatead. seo 20, twn 36, 1W,.. .......... P.ivne. Clvde A. Land des, vol, 75-636. sec 21. twp 36 Apnlerate. Delia Land des. vol, 59-30, sec 22. twp 36, 2 ncres, . . Brnyden. Lvdla B. Lot 1, sec 22, twji 36. 28 acres Cavannugh Est. I'nrt or II L C .1,, ties. vol. 32-1, , sees 2 anu 21. twp 36. 630 acres Oodlove. J. C. Part of lots 2 and 3, see 13, twp 36, 48 ncres..,.. Harris, a H. Cor SS chains E snd 2 1 chains 8 of NW cor D L C .17. des. vol. 83-271, seo 22, twp 16. 10 acres Savage, a H. Lots 8 and 3, see 22, twp 3. S5H acres Cavnnsugh Est Gov. lots 1. 2. 3 and . snd EH of WH of NW H- of NEU and part of 8BU. des; vol. 32-476, sec 23, twp .16, 397 acres . Sellic Eugene RWU of NEU nnd 9H acre- of NH or NH or NW U of SEU. sec 23, twp 36. 40 Acren . Clirrsn. J. W. NH of SWU or KWU nnd NH of 8W nt 8WH or SWU and SH of 8WU of SWU of SWU, sec 24, twp 36. 35 tic re Ori-mnn, Kmllv HH of HEU of RWU of SWU sec 24. twp 36. B ACrefi Yates. Marv E. NH of NWH snd 3 acres off of W end of NH of NEH. sec 26, Iwp 36, 82 acres ...,,,,, ...... Brown. J. H. & Kons NBU of 8B v. ond gov. Int 6, sea 20, twp 36, 71 H ncres ..,. Cavnnnugh Est Lots I. 2. 3 nnd 4, sc 26. Iwp 38. 47 acres.. Rnv. Frank Lnnd des. vol. 44. 271 In D L C 37, sec 27, twp 36. 16 ncres .. .,.,...,.. Dungey. Thomas 2 ncres In 8W cor of HWU sec 28, twp 36, 2 acres ........................ Pierce. J. O. 26 acres ofr or H end SWU or NWH eo 28, twp 36. 25 neres Ranille. Ellis 16 acres off of N end of HWH of NWU ec 28, twp 36, 16 acres Ornhotn. John Land des. vol. 69- 87, sec 28, twn 36, 2 seres Beckner, T & W B. SWH of HE U sec 29 twp 34, 40 ncres Dungev. Thorms HEH of SEU sec 29. twp 36. 40 ucres Hitter, John HWH of SEU and EH 'f SWU and lot 4, seo 30, twp 36, 163 acres Whllmlre, J. II. Land des, vol, 83-209, sec 30, twp 36, 60 HOros Clsvton, A. II WH of NWH of NBU nnd HWU of NKU seo 32, twp 36. 00 acres Wheeler, 8. A. Lots 1 nnd 2 and 8H of HEU sec 32, twp 36, 160 acres ,., ..,..,. Kyle. A. WH of NBU of NKU nnd EH of NWH of NEU see 32, twn 26, 40 acres Mabon. II. C NWH of HWH see 33, twp 36, 40 acres..,,,. Last Chancn Mine In NEU bco 33. two 36, 2ir acres.,.,. Tavlor. J. 51. Und. H Int. In HE U of BEH c 31, twp .36, 20 acres ..,,, Rnv. C. R. HWH of HWH seo 31, twp 30, 40 acres .......... Miner, E. E. Lnnd des, vol. 77 633, seo 36, twp 36, 6 acres.,.. Unknown owner KH of KKH of HBU see 35. twn 36, 20 acres.. Cavanaugh. T Est.1 Tract des. vol, 7-316, sec 36, wp 36, 0 acres ,,,,..,. .,,,,,. ,,.,... Hall's Heirs Lots 3 and 4, sec 30. twp 30. 72 acres . .n... Electrlo Gold Dredging Co. NH ;or HWU and part ot HWH of NWU und HH of 8WH ami M Int. In mining ditch ond water right, so 30, twp 30, 167 acres Cooper. J. Il-Uit ! and NH of NWU and HWU of NWU hoc 1, twp 37, 109 acres .' Grainger & Sutton HEU of HKH sec 1, twp 37, 40 acres ....,., Youht. w. D. HKU of NWH. see 1, twp 37, 40 acres ..;;.', Larsen, A. HWH of NWH eo 2. iwp 37. 40 acres .v..M Hydraulic Mining Co. HH "f H H of SKU eo 2, twp 37, 20 acres ..,,,..,,,......,.. . Bllger, F. Est HWU of HWU seq 3, two 37 40 acres... ,,,. Bllger, F. Est EH 'of HBU seo 4, twp 37. 80 acres' .... Bonanza Minn Mine, sec d iwp 37, 20 acren ,,,,.,...,.. 31.50 6.0T 5.07 7.S0 2.60 36.01 8.(0 6.30 10.40 6.2C 1.30 4 16 10.40 18 48 9.36 (24 3 12 13.16 17 40 35,35 6 20 1.(0 39 78 8.60 3.77 .39 7.80 1.93 9.81 6.00 18.40 2.30 99.82 .98 9.23 .SI 4(0 ..83 3.33 .26 2.60 6.76 6.(5 2.27 6.30 .80 .62 8.05 16,10 311 48 1104 2(.00 60,29 61 91 17.42 6,76 .65 6.46 18.91 6.60 6.85 .25 3.81 2.16 .32 0 40 8.70 13.0 6.60 9.60 26.60 6.40 6.40 3.20 1.88 6.20 .66 2.60 .78 12.48 62,64 13,00 3.12 3.12 C.20 1.60 6.40 12.80 1.92 Climax Mluu Mltus seu 5, Iwp , 37, 80 neres 1 .,.,,.,. . ,, t, , . Custer, P, S. NWU f HWU i SWU of NWU seo 6, twp 3T, 70 acres .,,,,, , , t ,,,,, t , 1 . Yellow Junket Mine, sen 6, twp 37. 30 ncres ....,,.... . . . .... IMkns IVnks Mines Mines, seo 6, twp 37. 3 acres ,...,,,,., Vim Vleel, U K. WH of NWH sea S, twp 37, SO uervM,, ,,,,, , llllger, J. Est KH of NKU. seo 9, twp S7, 80 ncres ......, ,. Unknown owner WH f SKU seo 9. twp 37, 80 acres.,,,.,,. llllger, J Kst.NWU or NWU nnd SKU or NWU seo 10, tp 37, SO acres CiKlrr, K. 11. KH or 8KU seo 10, twp 37, SO aores , , , Itevemie Mrg Co SKU or NKU and KH or SKU seu II, twp 37i 130 acres ,.,.,...,,,.., ,, .Mitchell, .1, It, NKU of NKU seo II. twn 37, 40 ncres ,.,,., Jerry. N. SKU and NH or HV U seo 18, iwp 37. 340 aores. . Hois. O. K.KH of NKU seu 13. twn 37. 80 neres ,, Fowler, Edwin HWU f SKU nnd KH of HWU und tract NW 1.02 13.70 1.92 3,10 19.80 1S.S0 13.80 18 80 13.10 9.36 3,18 69.47 7.1S U of nores .... :s i'U sec IS, twp 37, 160 ., it. ...... Fowler. Kdwln Lots I, 2, 3 und 4 ami NEU nmi EH or WH nnd SKU see 19, twp 37, 019 7, 38,40 iM-v: v, ,t.i ji, itv uwrvn. , j,vv ..lujr. " ,, . ., n , ,.-i. , ...n.-i. Inmson. T. J SH of HWH 1 sold) sou 30, twp 34, 166 nores NKU and SKU of SWU llUI6ek. O. W lleg 17 yds H of "!WeUt.V.,,HKS.IU.u, W).SA NW cor or SWU of NKU. 5U or SKU sec 13. twp 37, 160 thenrn S 161 yards, theiloe IS ni'rrn .,....,,.......,. ...tt.i Fowler. Kdwln SH or NWU and NH or HWU see 30, twp It, 160 noreft .. ttiiitt.t Wilson, A -SKU of HWU nnd WH uf HKU nnd SKU of SB H sec ju, twp 3T, lu acres. wiuiamson, i. j ur NKU and HBt and WH or 8KH nnd WH SKU or SKU sec 13, twp 37, 160 m rrn MMittttiii . Ynylnr. Mrs. M. I'-NH of NWU seu 23, twp 37, SO acres, lowii Lumber A Box Ca NH Of NWU sec 31. twp 37, SO acres Nell, R T SKU of HWU see ., iwp a.-. u acres.. Trull Lumber Co SBU of NW U nnd NBU of SWU see 31, twp 37, SO acres ,.. Ilenmes. T O. Irregular SH or SH or SWU see 25. twp 37. 40 ncres , . . Iowa Lumber Co. NKU of NWU see 35. twp 37, 40 neres ,, Jacksonville M. & M. Co N. dlag U of SH of HWU of HW U sec 25, twp 37, 40 acres Iowa Lumber Box Ca NWU sec 26. twp 37, 160 seres,,,,,, Clement. I). KH of 8WU see 37. twp 37, SO acres Howlnnd. D. C KH of EH of SWU of SWU see 87, twp 37. 30 ucres ..,.....,.,..,..... Iowa Lumber It Box Co NH of NEU see 27, twp 37, 80 acres. Fowler, Kdwln NKU and NWU nnd SWU mid SKU sec 39, twp 37, 640 nrrcn 1 . , Fowler. Kdwln SH of NKU HKU of NWU r tract HWH ur NWU. seo 30, twp 37, I6 ncreit ..( Clement. D. KH or NWU see 34. twp 37, 80 acres ,,. Nttnnn. J WH or NKU or SW U and KH of NWU or SWH see 34, twp 37, 40 acres McCormlck. P HH or SWU see 34. twp 37, SO neres ,.,. Hydraulic Mining Co NEU or NKU sec 31, twp 37, 40 ncres,. Hydraulic Mining Co. SWU or NWU sec 31. twn 37, 40 seres Howlnnd, a O. NWU or NWU sec 31, twp 37, 40 acres Jackson Mountain Mining Co NWU or NKU and NBU or NW U Sec 33, twp 37. SO acres.,.. Miller, a SWU of NEU and HE U of NWU see 36. twp 37, 80 Ac Ten . Flck. Poter N. NBU of HWU sec 36. twp 37, 40 acres Farmer's Flat Alining Co. HH of SWU and SWU of HKU sec 3. twn 37. 120 acres Opp Consolidated Mine NEU and awu ami rvi or nr. !i sec at, twp 37, 400 ncres Unknown owner U Int. In NH of SWU sec 36. twp 37. 20 acres Clark, II. II. No 9. the Populist, des. vol. 9-137, twp 37, 20 a ere ft s Black Gold Channel Mining Co. Mining claims Nos. A and 7. des. vol 7-333 (J. F. Donegan) twp 37, 20 acres ,..., Black Oold Channel Mining Co. No. 6, beg. In center una nf channel or Foots creek wherw It crosses tho 8 line of NKU NW U or see 18-37. 3W. thence B 400 reel, theneo Sly parole! with channel on left hand fork or said creek 1600 feet, theneo W 60 fet, thence Nlhly nnd parallel with center of said channel 1600 feet, thence K 200 feet to beg. twp 37, 20 acres.. Demmer. M. Sr. 8KU sec I, twp 38. 160 ncres Harrington Trnct NKU of NKU sec I. twp 3S. 40 acres Unknown owner NKU of NWU sec I, twp 38, 40 acres Everas. Baptist SWH of NBU and NWU of HBU sec 2. twp as. bu acres 153.60 41 60 26.00 CroUe, A. 8 SBU o U see one. ,. nit 1 SBU or NKU and or Nt NKU H of NKU of HK taun 4H nn ,.. I.VV If MV tt. NVIIS.Mi Smith A France 8 H or NWU and WH or SWU sec 2, twp 3)1, 160 acres ...... ......,.,... Hendricks. 11 Tract WH of NW H and tract NWU of HWU, sec 6, twp 38. 120 acres Huklll. J, HWU or HWU sec 9, twp 38, 40 acres Breeden. J. T WH of NKU of NBU sea 10, twp 39. 20 acres. McKee, J. Lot 1, sec 14, twp 38, 30 AcreH Pierce. D. J. &. Son NKU Of NE H of NWU. Pipe nd ditch, seo 14, twp 38, 10 acres Jerrreys. John A, WH or NWU nee 16, twp 38, 80 acres,..,,,. Root, a W. NH or NWU and SBU of NWU and NBU of HW U. sec 20. twp 3S, 160 acres... Banister. W. T. WH of HWU and SBU or SWU. seo 21, twp 38, 120 acres , Unknown owner NKU seo 21, twp 38. 160 acres , Smith. Wllllam-r-KH or WH of NWU and lot 1, see 23, twp 38, S3 ncres Sutton. Mrs. P. Und. H Int. In 8 H or NKU and NKU or HKU and lot 3. water right and ditch, sec 23, twp 38, 78 neres...... Corfmnn. H. R HH of HW'l and NWU of HWU nnd HWH and NWH. sec 27 twp 38. 160 ncrei Cat on, W. M Lot 1 nnd IS acres out Of lot 2, des, vol. 90O31 sec 27, tp 38, 46 acres Ray, William. Kst. NH of NWU and HWU or NWU and lot 3, see 27, twp 38, 131 acres Bantster, N. T. Lola 6 and 0, see 2k. twp 38, 26 acres Hamilton, Chas. Iind E of Ap iilegute, des. vol. 88-638, sea 3, twp 38. 18 acres Brlston. J. W. HH of NWU of HWH. ec 1, twn 39, 20 acres, Unknown owner HWU of NWU apd NH of NWH o7 BWH sen 1, twn 39, 60 acres Cantrall, V, Part lot 3, sec 3, twp 39, 12 acres Hamilton, II.. Heirs Lot 1, sao 4, twp 39, 2 ucres Wurth. Hvlvester M Lot 0 and tract NWU of NWU nnd HWH of NWU and NWH of HWU sec 4, twp 39, 150 ncres.,,,,. Johnson. W. H. HKU -'0 2. twp av, jdv acres . av, juv utiren nrks. llollls HWH of NWU und WU. of HWU nnd H Int. In Cumerou ditch, seo 12, twp 39, 120 acres .,,,,,.,,,. 1 ,.. Sterling Mining Co. HEH und HWH or N12U see 13, twp 3D, 200 acres .,., , Ooldshy. Joseph HH of HWH see. 13, twp 39. 80 acres...... Parks. Hollls ,W of NWU sea 13, twp 39, 40 acres Cameron. It. J, NKU of NWli of NEU. see H, twp 39, 10 ucreH '''t Goldsbv. J EH of NEH "o 14, twp 39, 80 acres , Unknown owner WH of WH of HWH HC.0 15, tWP 39, 40 nores,. Unknown owner NWU of HKU of NWU nndfNH of HWH of NWH und HWH of HWU of NWH seo 27, twp 39, 40 acres, Muloyhlll, H. HH of lot 1, HH of NEH of NWH nnd NH o HBU of NWH seo 7, twp 40, 60 acres .,,..,,,,.,,,,,...,., HtuvenHfin. II. B. HH of HWH. all of one ditch taken out of Palmer creek, see 8, twp 40, 80 acres ..., c ,.....,,,,,,,,,. , Tnxler. Cllnlon HKH of NWU unil.NH of HWH nnd NWH of HKU seo 12. twp 40, 160 acres Andrews, If. HWH and HKH seo 16, twp 40, 3,0 acres ......... HV.uuw Luke.Plucur Mliio Land in 13.00 li 40 10.08 2.94 10.08 8.01 4 10 6.04 K.80 10.40 6.20 5.20 1(6.40 38.40 10.40 6,20 10.40 6.20 6.20 6.80 10.40 K.80 4.20 25.20 84.00 4,20 3.40 2.40 NWU seo 30, twn 40, 311 nutes, HanU-v, W. l, HH of HWU wo ,16, twp 40. SO nores .,, Hoot?, Wm.-SWU "fo 2, twp 41, 160 ncres ,,,,,.,,, ,.11,,,,,,. Wait, George, nnd Gus Newbury Land des. vol. ,15. 521614, seo 4, twp 41, 100 nores .UANUB 4 WKHT . Johnson. M. NU uf NKU see 18, twn .13, SO nvros ,,,.,.....,. Hemlrlck. 0. 13,. nt nl Lot I niut NKU of NWH see 30. twp 3.1, 77 uorett tiut.MintttitiiMi 'Birmingham NKU of NKU and NU ur SKU r NKU and KH uf NWH n? NKU rieo 33, twp 33, SO acres ,,,...,.,, 1., Blslock, tl. W. WH Of NWU of NKU nnd NKU of NWU eo 33, iwp S3, 60 acres,,.,., Cameron, Dun HH of SU of HK U of HWH " 1. twp 34, 10 mrffi i4iti linne Htnr Mining Co. HWU or HWU seo 10. twp 34, 40 acres Oilmi, W. II. NWU or NKU nnd NKU f NWU sea 10, twp 34, tiiu llllltltlllt S3 neres Curler, tleorne HKU uf NU of HKU and HKU uf HK U see 14. tWD 34. 160 acres... Cameron. Don HWU or NKU I. 30 nnd NWU or HKU mid neres of HWU of HKU. MU of 'U seu I a, twp 31, NKU urNWi lau ncres Uukuuwn uwnrr HH uf NKU see IS, twp 31, HO ncres..,,,, Kemp, L H.-- 7 neres urr W slds of NWU des. vol. 64.98, see 30, twp 34, 7 ncres ., May. W II. NWU (less 7 acres 2.(0 80,16 8.04 6.04 10.08 16 12 20 16 11.53 2.(0 2.(0 6.20 3,00 11.20 22.40 16.80 11.20 7.60 11.06 21.70 6.96 11.01 3.64 0,10 2.60 4.(8 .78 .12 19.60 21.68 29.68 10.83 16.26 2,60 .66 fl.18 2.60 2.60 7.60 10,63 20.00 40.QO llyilmullo Mining Co. Tract WH ia Williams. Mnrv KH of NKU ai NEU ur HKU sec 32. twp 31, see 31, twp 34, 73 , Smith, 11 A WH f trnct NWU si, twp at, 11 ur NWH acres of HWU acre 1 (' mi 120 acres Hwlnney, -Inney, J. WH or WH of NW U or swu or hku and NH or HKU of SWU and HWU uf HWU. seo 31. ptidricK. , twn 31. (5 aores Krmlrlck. J K KH of NKU see 93, twp ji, su acres , Qualmnn. A. II. NKU ur HKU sec 33, twp 3, 40 acres ...... Williams. Mary WH or NWU nnd HKU or NWU und NH of HWU and HKU of HWU. water right and ditch from Ditch creek, see 33, twn 31, 320 acres Kendrlck. J. K. W H of NWU. water right and ditch, seo 34, twp 34, 80 acres Quatmnn. A. II NWU of HWH erC 34, twp 34, 40 acres. ....... Hykes Quick Mining d HKU of NKU and NBU of HKU c I. twp 33, so acres ............. Jones. C W. WH or HI1U and SKU or HKU see 3, twp 35, 120 acres ,...,., Holntr. J. II Tract NEU of NW U and SWU and NWU ace 3, twp 33, II nerea Wakrman HEU of NWU e 3, tup. 35, lis acres Moore. J KH of HKU (less 2 acres In road), seo 4, twp 36, 79 acres ,.. .................... Unknown owner 10.18, HKU of NKU see 4, twp 36, 25 acres.. Kills. Ti !. 6.16. of HKU or NK U sec 4, tWP 35. 16 acres Holcomb. J. J. HWU of HKU see 6, twp 36, 37 acres Holcomb. A. NKU of HWU see 6. twn 35. 40 acres Cartor. N. WH or NKU see 10, twp 39, iu acres , Hatlewood. J M HKU uf NWU and NKU of HWU see 10, twp 33, 80 acres , Wlckstrum Mining Ca HWU "f HWU ec 10, twp 35, 40 Herns, Orlplett. II, II. HWU or HWU see II, twp 36, 40 acres ....... Paraons. II H WH of HWU nnd HKU nf HWU see 12, twp IS, 130 acres ..,,... Cornier. O. KH of HWU 14, twp 35, 80 acres , . . . Htcllimetx Land ds. vol 37-639, see 15. two 35. 31 acres Fisher. Arthur W. Part of NH of hkh ami hh or hh or hkh sec is, iwp 3, ZB Curler, Nancy Nl vol, 81.117, sac cres ...a,.,..........,.,,..... Htnlmnetx, J. Land des. vol. 37 630. In HKU sec 16, twp 36, 65 AC if A , Allen. F. K. Tract NWU see 18. twp 36, 169 ucres Humblln, A. H Tract HWU seo IS, twp 35, 169 acres Carter. N. HWU of SKU seo 20, twp 36, 40 acres Hlllls, O, T.-BWK sec 20, twp. 35, 164 ncres Owen, John HWU of NKU nnd NH of NWU and HWU or NW U sec 20. twn 35, 167 acres,... Mlnthorn. If. NH of NWU yo 21, twp 36, 80 ncres. Owlngs, O, 1 1. Land W of Kvann creek In HKU of HKH see 21, twp 36, 9 ucres Hcotl, M. A, NKH of HWU und NWU of HKU see 22, twp 36, bu acres iV. of HKU ncrrn. IH of land des. ! 16, twp 36, 20 t t t Rush, Humuel HWU nf NKU 31, iwp id, 4U acre Wilcox, Ernest WH ill, iu acres , nest WH of WH sec 34, IWp 3D. I0U UCrrS Kirk, J. B. KH of NKU of NW U seo 24, twp 36, 20 acres.... Fernvale Ranch Co. HH of NK H and EH of NWU. seo 27, (wp 35, 100 acres Faber, II. F. KH of HKU nnd HH or NKU sea 28, twp 35, 160 ucres Faber, II. F. WH of HBU co 28, twp 36, 60 acres , . Owens, John HWU of HWU neo 32, twit 36, 40 acres Jones. II. A. WH of HWU ea 36, twp 36, 80 ncres ........... Graham. T. W, EH of trnot NW u nnu Hwsi or nwh ami r.w U at twp 3, Of HWU ec 2, twp 36, 189 Hemon, N. J, Lot 4, sec : as, as ucres Hrtnon, N, J. Gov. lot 1, seo twp as, 3a acres , . . . Unknown ownor NWU of NB U sea 3, twp 36, 40 norus.,,. Altken, J. C. EH of HWU Pd purl of HEU of NWU seo 4, Iwp 30, 87 acres , , Hliobloy, A. W. HBU of NKU seo 4, twti 36, 40 uoros, Worth. Kit (u W. HEU of NKU Ni'O 4, twp 36, 40 ucres Iluraliril, 11 A. HH of NEU und lots 1 und 2, seo 6, twp 38, 100 acres ........ ,.. ..,.. Knupp, Wclhourn Lots 6 und 7 and EH of HWH see 6, twp 36, 163 acres ..................... Brown, Lucy C.r-rNKU o 8, twp 36, 160 nert'S .,,,,,.,.,....... Kecnu, II. M. HWU fee 8, twp 36, 180 acres ,,,,, Mendowbrook Orcliaril Co. NWU Of. NKU see 14, twp 30, 40 ucres ......................... Huxluwood, pllle 6 ucres hot nf J, C. Williams, sea 16, twp 36, 0 acres .,..,,, ... . . 1 , Unknown owner NK VI of NKH and NH of HKU of NKU mo 17, twp 36, 00 ucres 1, Goldman, D. It. HWH of NKU and NWU of HKH seo 18, twp 36, 80 acres , ... Funke. Mary Lols'l 11 lid 2 und M H of NU . p 36, 108 acres ..,.. Heiiion, N, O. Lots 3 anil f, seo 20, (wp 30, 116 aores .,,,,,,, 4.3N 10.00 10.00 12,50 11.00 11.00 11.00 11,00 1.66 0,(0 11.00 3S.00 11.00 11.00 3.08 20 63 110 yards, thence, N 61 yards. lhnc W to place of beg. Cha pin ditch, water rjglit, pips and giant. SH or HKU and NW U or HKU ",' 11. t"l I A C Tt H tMMllil.tMMlttt Cameron. Don HWU or HWU see 32, twp 34. 40 acreti ...... Turner, W M. HEU or NWU seo 12, tw 31, 40 seres , Kraus... A NU or HKU and NH or HKU or HKU. "" 2. twp 34, 14)0 ACTeM .(' Hhermnn, W. II HKU (timber on) sen 2, twp 31, 160 acres... Cameron. Don NWU of NKU sec 37. twp 31, 40 acres...... Hunt Mfg Co. .NWU or NWU see 27, iwp 31. 40 acres....... Cameron, Don Land lit KH or HKU see 28, twn 31, 69 nores Hunt Mrg. Ca KH or NKU nnd NWU ur NKU nnd KH of NW U niuUNBU uf HWU seo 28. twn 31. 240 acres, water right and ditch . ,..,.. ..,, Waknmaii, It. W 11 ncres In HK cur sec is, twp 31. It acres... Williams. Mary HEU uf HWU sec 38. twp 34, 40 ncres , Unknown owner HKU uf HKU see 29, twp 34, 40 acres.,,..., Hmllh, Klliabelh NWU of NWH nnd KH of HWU of NWU snd KH "f WH of HWU and SKU of HWU see 30. twp 34. 1(0 RLirH 36 10 1 10 t.:o 4.(1 isio 3 10 3.63 9.(1 till 1.(7 3.08 1,80 16.40 8.10 1.91 8,14 8,80 14.86 2.(4 71.33 13.11 3.(1 8.10 6.60 (.28 0.(1 14 12 2 76 1.(6 2.1( 1.64 11.00 1110 176 (91 16.60 13.00 4.39 3.35 6.76 13.00 26.00 26.00 8.30 20.60 16 99 14.40 0.09 10,40 6.60 26.00 2.60 36.10 20.80 10.80 20,40 13.(0 84,00 6,40 10.71 0.80 87.13 8.60 1.76 28.60 17.00 17.00 27,20 6.7P 1,02 6.10 13.60 34,00 20,40 liull, Mrs. Kmmit l.uls I nnd 3. sea 10, two 30. 80 uariMi.ii. Robinson, Phil Land lies. vol. 88109, seo 21, twp 36, 1 ncrn lllakrlry, H, J. Lund des, vol, 80.617,, seo II, twp 86. 6 ncres Murllu, Jilini's-Ttspt of lnnd off N. end of W. tl Lung plnon in I) I, U .18, sea 21, twp 3d, 13 ucres , , , , 1 . 1 1 . , . ,11 . . 1 . ., lllaliiak, It, R S norus in lots 1 2 ami 3 nnd HWU uf HKU seo 31, twp 3a, V tor)n , .( Clements, U. II 1 ncres In lulu I, 8 mid .1 nnd HWU of HKU seo IS, twp 36. 1 nores,,,,,.,. Land. GeorK" i'art nf HWU of HKH nnd tmri uf lots I, 1 niut 3, sen IS, twp 36, 10 acres , Martin. J. A G Land drs, vol, 86139, seo 11, twp 36, u acres Hnymnml. lieu. KM. HH uf NW U and lots nnd 7, sen SI, twp la, 131 ncres ,..,. .,..,,,, , Chnmplln, A. T Lot 0, sua 26, two 36, 16 acres ,..,,., Chllders, Vernle Land des. vol, 18131, sea 16, Ip 31, 1 acres,, lllrdftrye, D. Part uf lot II, sea 17, twp 36, 6 ucres ,,..,,.., Hanilers, W. A. WU of HWU sea 33, twp 36, SO acres,,...,, Hherrod. W. H. NKU of HKU seo 33. twp 36, 40 mires,..,., A Vers, Frank II HKU of HKU seo 36, Iwp 36, 40 ncres, ,,,.,, Krwlu. Xndrew HWH of HKU sen 36, twp 30, 40 acres t'arr, T HWU of HKU water rlcthl, pip and Klntit, see I, twp at, iu 16.82 1.17 7,31 17,92 8.88 9,80 14.411 6,11 16,38 1.13 2,04 1.70 9 04 4.61 ..." 3.11 10.40 4.10 10 acres 3,40 Klminennan. W. J HH of HWU uf HWU seo I. twn 37. 80 acres Unknown owner HWU Of NKU nnd HKU of NWU nnd NKU of HWU and NWU Of HKU Vo I. twn 37. 20 acres .......... Mulkey A Hmle NH of HWU nf HWU two I. twp 31, 10 11 Conell llniicli WH nf WH 3, iwp ai, iu snren acres C j, iwi ji, iu aiirrn ..,,,,,, . Chapman, Abble WH uf tract NK U and KH nf trsot NWU nd KH of HWU and WH of HKU nnd HKU of HKU snd HH o NKU of HKU. sen 2, twp 37. 377 MfJftrN ( . 1 o f MeOrmler, R II KH of tract NKU "e 1. twp 37, 78 acres,.. Ilavmund. lien. Kst. HWU or NWU snd NWU Of HWU sec 6, t 37, 80 seres .,.,,.., ... KlnRle. J Tract NWU of NWU all of ditch taken from Havagn creek, see 6, twp 37, 44 acres Hwank, l.nurn K HKU sre 6, twp 37, 1(0 seres Mining A Iev Co HWU of HW U and HKU of HWU u 10, twp 37, SO acres ...,,..,,..,.., Unknown owner KH of NKU of NKU seo II, twp 17, 10 acres,.. M. Kli. Co. Tract uf NWU of NWU. mining dllch from Foots creek, sec 13, twp 37, acrxs. Hallev. II HKH or HWU ,nf HKU sec 12, two 37, 20 acres, Chniiman. A, J. Part of NWU or NWU see 11, twp 17, 14 ft 0 (Tit fiia't aa,v,4C)a Bailey, ll H. NWU uf NRH see il. twp 17, 40 acres.....,,, Unknown owner KH of NWU seo II, twp 37, SO acres, ..,,,,,. 8pres, M HWU of NKU and HKU of NWU nd WH nf HK 18.00 8.40 14.00 14.16 .(0 1.04 110 17.11 MO 8,40 2.62 2.40 49.71 4.10 (.73 W.. Mil, en it. twn a Mm 11I1. A. J HH of HWU and HWU f HKU see 10, twp 17, Holing. L It. a A HH Of Nl! U (r HWU Seo II, iwp IT, 30 acre 19.10 t t I Jr nrrna La nee. (1, W. Inl In HWU of NWU nnd NHW NKU and V. M LI of NKU and HH Nui? NEU of HWU see XL twn 37. 47 serf. Price. Sarah A NWU of NKU and NH of NWU ro 11, two Uv 110 ncres .,, .....,.,.. 1 1, Unknown owner 21 Int. In HWU of NKU sod HH of NWU nnd NH or NKU of HWU. arc 23, twp 37. 91 acres , Fowler, IMwjn KH of KH ro 13. twp 37, 1(0 acrrs ........ Fowr, IJilwfn HKU see 24, twp air ACftfA it.iccictccccctcc rowler, Kdwln NJIU and WH uf MVit nnu n-.YH ami nun 2S, twp 37. 6(0 nerea ij.iwin NKH t OWler, see 36, twp 37. 3! h'ord, a I NWU sre ami HKU 310 nores.,.;, . . . , . e KCO 36. tWD a., ivu ncres .,........., Davis NWU or NWU of NWU sec 30, twp 37. 10 nor'".,.... Dvid..n, B WU of NKU of NWU d wulsr right, miners' and mining ditch out nt Cans creek, see SO, twn 37, 10 acrs Guthrie. A. W HH or HWU so 32. twp 37. 79 acres.,, WtMilrlilse. O L NBU of HW U sec 33. twp 37. 40 seres.. Powell. W O KH uf KH 31, twp 37, 1(0 neres ,. Fowler. IMwIn NKU and NWU nnd NKU of HWU and HKU see 36. Iwp 37, 620 acrtt. ...... Ilasye, Mrs. a, Kt D I. C 3, t) iwii IH RWf-TcWt . . Cik, Mrs M. II HEU nf NK U and NKU or HKU and U Int. In ditch and water rlaht from Applegate, see 7, Iwp 18, SO ACffM a a a a -rt(ttt Coik. Mrs. M. It NU of HWU so (, twp 38, (0 acres.,,... Lewmsn. D. V HH of NRU and NH of HKU ate 8, Iwp ll, 140 acres ,.. . .,.,..... North OwiM Lumber Co NKU and NWU and HWU snd HKU see II, twp 38, (40 acres ,-,.. Ilergesch. J, F HH of HWU seo II, twp 38, 76.01 acre ...... Handrnek, L, K WH of NWU of HKU ""'I NKU of HWU. see 16, twp 3. (tl aeres..,,..', Jurvenseti. M NKU of HKU and EH of NWU of HKU l M. twp 38, 60 acres " LeUeken, J. If. Tract HWU "0 IS, twn 38. 1(6 (teres ......... Payne. T Trnot NWU of NW U see 18, twp 38, 43 nor,.., Iloyd. Robert NW NKU and lot I, sec 10, twn 38, (0 ertje Mansfield. Anna Land de. vol. 86.310. h Int. In ditch nnd wa- ter rintit rrom mirnmig ereex, sea 22. tWP 3, 117 acrrs.,..,. in rcw oo 17, nern ,.,,.,.......'. F. NRU NWU and I'MiL See 13, twp 31, SQ,S acre liWi n.-w , ..(. w, i, Mil Pernntl. Wm, Est. 1 nor U of. NWU of HKU twn 38. I ncrn uergescii, j Int. 1. See Cameron. '. as, iou ncres are 24, twp an. itiu ncres , Baldwin. M, T NV Prt of D I. (? 37. 1-6 Int. In ditch from H side or Aplitegaln river, sea 18, iwp 38, 32 acrrs Of renlmcher, John Part of D L 0 37, see ZD. iwp 31. 71 nori. Hawkins ft Morris In HWU HK U Keo 32, twp 18, 5 acres,,,.. Wrliihl. W. M. Land des. Vol. Ast382, mining claim, seq 4, t,wp Hurst, C, A, I inn on land des. vol, 38.381, see 2. twp 39,,,.., Knutxen. J. J, HWU of NKU and NWU of HKU ond NEU of HU'U. und lot 3, seo 5, twp 39, 169 acres . . ,..' linrer, u. 1,01 3, saa is, iwp , 40 acres ..,..,..,.,,,,.. Unknown owner NH of HH of HWU see 1, twn 40, 41) acres KmiKnn. J. C WH of HKU and NKU of HWU and HWU of NWU ditch nnd water right from O'llrlon fork nf Applogata 40, III. 1(3 acraa. Sty HU HWU and iaa II livn fihunrer. J. M- HU HWU HEH9O,20, WP'40, ii. acres ...,,. ..,... ,,,., Mixture. Frank Tract des, vol. 41140, mining ditches and wu. ter-right, see 20, twp 40, i0 Unknown ownor NW4 see 27, iw 1 iu. iuu uurwn.,,1. . Smith, W. If.-HH nf NRU anil KH of HKU M0 30, wp 40, loO R ICC ICCMCC IlilillltClIC r, J. K, KH NWU and y nwh unu nwu wwvi 10, twp 40. 160 acres,,,,. 11.68 2.40 8.64 14.40 11.38 11.40 11.40 114.40 76.10 19.10 1.(8 3.48 17 00 6.60 17.(0 164(0 49.48 16.(4 4.40 16.X 101.40 18.67 6.76 6.76 17.(0 4.40 8 48 41.76 6.01 fa 26,(0 11.32 11,10 .11 ..60 9.00 11.84 7,13 9.00 11.06 8.0 90.30 14.00 2140 22.40 2.08 3.60 .m acres 8lienrr, rfW',1 nnu 4V, iwi iv "111 itwrro,,.,. Pollings, A. K. 8H of HBU of ntuvi sec j 11, iwu tu, 311 acres. f.anuey. II J. NH Of HKU Of HKU sa 35, iwn 40, 20 ciorrN Byrne. K. HWU of 8KV4i.li Wl. In ColllngH dltoh, sea 3. twp. ,40, 40 neres ,,..,.,., ,..,.. Ctillfngs. A. l1.-ri.9U of HWU, U Int. n Col ilmru ditch, see 30. vw( iu, in ncres . . Byrne, K HKU ,of j NWU of NKU1 anil , NWH seo I, twn 41. 130 acres WstklnV. J. P.'-rWH of NKU 'of NWU seo 2, twp 41.20 lioren.. ThompHon, W. O. HH of NKU nnd KH or HKU ? i WP. (I. 160 acres ....... .,,.. ,.. Hpnuldlng, Man HWU M0 10, twp 41, 160 aoriiH .,,,, ,1 .,,,,., ,, , Alberts. II. H. 41i 160 ucres Ten nor cent nennlty and Interest ut (he ruto of 12 nor oont per annum from tho 1st day of April, 1812, should bu nddiid to tho taxes o)iaril ggalmt tho furegonm i.Nt. w. A( 30NR8i'8f;erlf,. (, C4M 4IIMM 8.44 i 9,88 20.31 2,60 22.40 29.00 2Q.0,0 )ton, t.o. ..- ... . K V ft f k - il ' .,-' Q' wr '1