r11 K t T'' 'wfl r I 4 Mi What's the A rm aoY aiwsll tti?A ""'", wnOftNu iUMIl.lJtCfcWl.u .i n m incH00 'AIM I Wit M I Itih'ik.itki, - - - - kCMM'ULt. I III C. Unto, it director of thti cltl xwitt Mnto liniili of HIk Timber, Mont , who recently rnnio to Mod ford him loud prntit'N for t ho wonderful or chnnU of tho Regno. "Six week ago," Htntfii 'Mr. I Into, "my v.lfu mid I rninu to Medfuid for turn I Hi and iit-ullon. Medford wnn KH-oinnicndi'd to uh by tho Uokuo Itlvor Coiniiuircliil Orchard Coutjiniiy, In whoito tiroporlli'ii 1 nm IntiToMod "I bnvo novir ihhmi n inorn fortllo valluy. or ono Hint Iium iiri'atur iiok Mlhllltlcit, Yon hnvo cxixjlloiit ell inatf, fortllo noil, pli'iity of water, mid n modnl rlty of 10,000. I bno hckii nnplo nud jionr orchardrt thnt oxrol tludr plcturim, no bauntlfnl mid i'or firl In thi'lr fruit. I viewed tho plol Ihk In mi orrlmrd wlioro llurtloll IK'nm iiwritROil nlno lioxy to tho tn. I Mill wur fofKot your wall tllltid nrnhardrt no lu-Attliy In nppour nnro, nnd bonding with fruit. "I wUh to tuty t li tit havo found tlio joiIiir orchard of tho Hokiio Itlvor Coiiitiiiircliil Orrlinnl C'oiniaiiy to Imvn tint (Kvil'of drahinRo, tho Iipmi of noli, nnd Reed, IntolllKcnt euro. Their trco Rrowtli nlnro I luivo boon horo him boon it inarvol id mo, and tludr uoortli)M nro tip In ovcry way to tho report they noud to Hioho In toroMod with them. "I hpo to roturn hero nitalu thin fall, nit I nm In lovo with )our city and your fertljo vnlley." Tl ITHOUT Dr. .loliti V. Autloivoii of Centnil Point v.iih nnohlril .Momlny lor pruotieiiiK without n liuuiibe. Ho won Kiveii a lienriiiK '"1 flitt'il i?A0. Tho innltoi' wiih onllod to the attention of Hie iliMriet attorney' ol'i'i(H) home lime oti'i. Dcpulv prone oiitor Cherry iiivoti;iit'il iilul uon iluoted Hie pnieoeiliii for tlm htnto. LAKE TAH0E WATERS AVAILABLE FOR USE WASHINGTON', Aim. 20. -Tin-TliioKci' (leuerul l-'lcetrio eoiupaiiy deoluioil lodny u truce with tho rov orniuent over the ownri nliti of tho xnitlot of l.uko Tulioe, Cnlil'oruiu. TIiIh ho will uvert n horioiiH wnt or rninine it ti tl eoiihOituoiit lienvy iliininno to eiop of fniiiioirt ntoii the Triiokeo-Cnrhoii liiiKiition l'iu jni'l. Tho oompuny ut ilit tliinilcn ml (o hliut off the wnter Mipply. UUHINKHH Ol'POUTUNlTIKH. lIUfllNKHS OPPOltTUNITY Anyono vyIhIiIiik to oiiRngo In tho billiard IiuhIiIobr can purohnno nil or u half Intiirofit In tho 0yl Illlllard par lora riH owner wIbIiob to t?o away. Hiimo cmi bo purclniHod at ft vory reiiHonnblo tlRuro. a. I, Hrown. 15 Per Cent on IiixoMliiieiit ARE YOU LOOKING ? Kor n ronl buiRiiln, I can nhow you ono In 2!i noron of Hour Crook bottom. AU In huarluu fruit, alfalfa mid Kiiidon. Six room hoimo, Reed burn mid water. Within' 1 mlloH Medford on Mnciulam road, Pnolflo HlKliwny, U. K. 1) tolophono, rub and oloctrlolty. how prlco and lib oral torniH, Or teji ucron In ImavluR npplcH nnd jioiub In 1-1 mllo of Con trnl Point, 1 room Iioiiho, etc. 15 por cant of prion imkod nllowuil or proaent oroti If not defilrod by nur rhiiBer. Boo or wrlto owner, llox 77, Itoutv 3, Medford ut onco, ie will uoll, "i iifai imi0'11' 'l,l.t -- , MONTANA-IB HAS HIGH PRAISE FOR ROGUE VALLEY FINED A 1 W UCENSE i.1 j'j ..'. Use of Being a . , OMiHINQf VltUiN i'& PfMAli m,MEH. ON r70 OWH (AOl K.MOta fA(S - - ., . M()Ni:V TO 1,0 AN. .MONCY -To loan on real twtuto. Ad ilrenH llox HI, Trlbuno. MONKY TO LOAN Itxmcli money, any amount, lon; time, low ralnx. Clark Itonlty Co. 1S8 MONCY TO LOAN On Improved rlty or rnneh property. Uox HU, Mall Tribune. lOIt ItKNT I'UltNIHHKD IIOOMH KOIl U1CNT Modern ftirnlnhed roouiN at tho C'otliiKO, fiO-t Went 0th t., two blocks nouth Medford Hotel. Hot and cold wator In rooiim. Home phono 217. Mm. II. M. Com. Tin: PAitic view Hotel hu cliniiKiul Itaudri. A hotel for work Iiik on. with t-nol, clean outiililn rooniri. $1.50 a week. Oood mould 'ih con tit Trnimloiitu 25 ceutn a nlRht. J. T. Perry, Prop. HI KOIl IlKNT LnrKo HleepliiR room, II Ml and 2 per week Mitdern hoimekeepltiR npnrtuiuntH, $15 ami mi Home phono '.'CO-IC 2U2 Houth Holly I'OH HUNT lM'lt.MSlli:! AITH. KOIl KL'NT Bmllh ApU. 217 8. Illv. KOIl ItKNT Kiirnlahod npartment. Jimt like n huiiKnlow. LarKn porrheg, prlvnto ImtliH, new. Tho Ilerbeu, corner Qulnrn and W. Mnln ntroet. Phono 347-L. VOK ItK.M ntltlHKM KOIl IlKNT Modorn fivo-room hotito. it. A. Itador, At M. K. &. 11. Co. KOIl ItKNT 10 room homo rear of Knrmom & Krultitrowem brink, unliable, for butlnenn. real estnto, hoard I ti R or rootnlnt; houno. Cold Pay Itonlty Co., Ctli mid Kir flta. I'Olt ItKNT KlKht room hoimo mill able for two fmullloN or riMiimMii, iiImi nIx room npnrlmeut. rloo In, reiiHonable Phone or xeo Colonel ii. ii. sni-Kout. iaa KOIl ItKNT Kho room cottage, new er mid water connection, paved Htroel, cIimo In. Inrludliu; iew bath. Ten dollam, 403 North Kir wtreet. roil 11KXT OKKICICS KOIl IlKNT Larue, comfortnblo of flco roouiR Mltli olevntor sorvlco, nteam heat, hot nnd cold water. Low rnte.H. Apply Mcdford Kurnl turo & Hdw. Co. I'M) K It 11 N T IIOUSKKKKIMNO ItOO.MS KOIl IlKNT KurnlHhPd hoiiBokeop. Iiik ronmn. Hi (lono-iuo etrpet, Phono Pnulflo 422,1. 133 lt)It ItKNT MIHCICMiAMCOUB KOIl ItKNT-A ten room bulldliiR. Hiiltablo for n legtaurnnt or room Iiik Iioiiho. Boo W. T. Greene, ItORiio Hlvor, Ore, 133 KOIl IlKNT llauchon largo nnd Hintill, nlfalfn mid riiiiIou lamln. Cold ltny Itonuy Co , th mid Kir. j-uii iiknt 40 ncroH on upper lloRtio HJvor, benutirul innuntnlu lioiuli. flno hunting and fishing, good Iioiiho nud barn, nlfalfn field, garden and Irrigation ditch. Ad droBH P. O. llox 702, Medford, Oregon. FOIl HA file ACHKAaR KOIl SAI.K Klght ncrwi, Just out Bldo city llinltu, nil planted to 3 yonr old ripplos; itinall hoimo, good woll; $2500. ,W. T. York & Co. KOIl BAI.K 2 W, ncrea In JackROii vlllo, clour title. Beo owuern, Sis ters of St. Mary's Acudouiy, Med ford. U ,-Bieg ra-ii ii l. lii-l. NEW TODAY A good now hIx room rOHldonco, titrlctly modorn, lumr kcIiooI mid elec tric lino lp Colorado Springs, Colo rado, for trnlo at $3000.00 or would trndo for Oiegon hind, Two ucron of oholco hurry nud giu. dou land, half Hot to lognu berries, rapHborrlOH, Htruwberiieit nud grapPH, Jimt ontbldo of Medford, water right with tho plueo. You'll hnvo to hurry to got thlu ono. A Hiiap ut $050.00, Tw'o choli'o loffl on WoHt Ninth ntroiU, near but not on paving. KiihL or north frriut, 100x0l Jeot. An Ideal location for n flno homo. $500 takim tho two, C. D. HOON Hooid 11!, JuQltuon Count)' Unuli Uldg, 5J few 13 fn MWDVORD MATTJ TRIBUNE, Detective if Everybody Knows It 1 Gir I ah, nt-ivvj cor Aii I'LL VACK IMOMT 'WX MN. J A"1 HIU VJOULON'T MG'tU NUVVTK " WOK.M) I'Olt HAMJ HOIJHKH 1'OJt HAIK Now nnd modern flvo room buiiKfllow. Will dell at ront mid on eiiMy turniM. HIk I'liif-rt I, umber Co, ' tf KOHCKI) HAMC Kuflltleiico proper ty. AddrcftH Ownor, llox -190, Med ford. 'OK HAliK Wo aro coiiiplollnj; two Mtrlctly nioderii, very convenlnut reIdenroH on Geneva nvciuie, Kut Hide. They nro for ealo on your own lermw. Price very rvnnoniiuto. Mlcht rent to rlfihl parly. Bco Humphrey, 8 15 Haul Main. l.'H KOIl HAI,K ir.00. two cant front totn, four room pliiHtercd cottnKe, larno rcreened porch, wood Hhcd, water, ewer, paving. Phone Hell 2 155, r.'Jl Hamilton St , W. i:i.1 FOIl HAM'. JiANJ KOIl BAI.K Itauchoji, aero tractu, twon property on 5 and 10 yearn time. Oold ltny Itealty Co., "Sixth iiml KIr. roil HALK MlHCKMiANKOUH KOH HAI: Cnnicrn Cx7 auto Orn flox with focal plane. Hhutter and anlHtlKiniit loiiHe. Iixpilro nt Mcd- ford Hook ntoro. 132 KOIl SAI.B Hiiiiku to 520 S. Peauh. bo moved. 130 KOIl 8AI.K ApploM,, Karly Crnw fofrd peaehcH nud priineH nt Lnw reutz ranch. Phono 21x13 Jnck nouvllli'. 120 KOIl 8AI.K Kurnlturo for nix room house. Reed nn new, nlHo Reed rniiRe. TilO N. tllverHlde. 132 KOIl SAM-: Karly Crnwfwrd ponchos II. C. Joy, phono Pacific 5'Jl-J-l. 132 KOIl 8AI.K 500 Whlto lA-Khorn vhlckous. miiRt bo noli! nt once. See or phono, K. II. Jntiuey. Home phono 10 nud 372-11. 128 KOH SAI.K ninckbcrrler. by crate. Call Home Phono 3I0-K. 130 KOIl SAKK A Reed atrong moun tain linck. nenrly now. J. C. A.. Medford Mnll Tribune. KOIl SAI.K Saw Mill. 25 11. P. saw nnd uhlnRlo mill with equip innar . Good location nnd Reed rlR. will Bell cheap. Inquire, 83. Trlbuno Office. 127 KOIl SAI.K Chicken ranch nnd ber ry witch 5 mllo from Mcdford, eldowalk, electric llRhts, tolophono. etc. Boo W. 11. Kvorhnrd, 1013 W. Ninth St.. phono CC71. KOIl BAI.K-Would like orderH for onrly and Into Crawford peaches. Mm. h. P. Jllack, Ashluud, Ore., Phono Utr.-J. 131 KOH SAU: -20 toiiB of Reed Rruln hay, $7.00 por ton. Inquire of It, II. l.lnooln, 104 S. Ilarllott St. HUM' WANTKI) UtALK WANTKI)- HvproMttlitiitlvo In Med ford nnd County by KiiHtorn Miiuu facturer. AddreaH Pnttormm Sales CV., Portland, Oregon. 121) IIKM WANTKI FKMAIiB WANTKI) Competent TioiiRokcoper for family of three. Address P. O. llox 257. WANTKI) A girl Tor geuernl honso work. Muat bo good cook. Tolo phono K341, Mrs, llort Anderson. 10C W. Mulp. WANTKI) SITUATIONS. WANTKI) Man and wlfo wnutH po ultlon on ranch. 125 N, Ilnrtlett. 132 WANTKD IISOKMANKOU8 WANTKU Cloan, whlto 'rags nt Mull Trlbuno Office WANTKI) I hnvo good property hero to trndo for pioperty iilmost every whoro. AlfnUn rnncr In Southern California for proporty here. Kino residence In I.oa An goles for proporty hero. Want good Seiiftlo proporty for proporty hero. What hnvo you? Chna. 1). Hoy, over KrultgroworH Hunk. 127 WANTKI) Krosh cow. good milker. P. W. Huinlll. Medford. Pacific Phone a UH -It- 1. 130' WANTKD To buy about 10 ueio .voting pour ranch In Talent dis trict, (live ago and kind of poniH mid boll, State exact .locution mul bout prlco, AddroHH A-5 thlu of fice, 131 WANTKD 25 to M) acres Biib-lrrl-gutod land without linprovqnuintH and hulldlngH, 15 por cent dowi), rest on easy pnymontu. DOsIro to trade wltn owner direct. Plenso Htato prlco nud location nud for ward "Mall Tribune K. 11. W." 130 -'TMJtW "" fcS '-aSSa r '" tf iWlnJ' V w-rfn M'HUf rr.'t-i' l MflPTTORP, OKEflON, TUKSDAY. AUGUST 20, 1012 . jetr. KNOW 'AQ ((I I Foil isxcwixar. KOH THADK 4-rapm house, elec tric lights, newer in, on paved nt.. and side walk In, will trade for ncren or smnll ranch. 311 went Jackson st., no agent. 155 liOST STOI-KN -A bay mare, wnlghB 1200 pounds, 20 years old, ears lop for ward n llUlo to ono elde, little flea bitten (u neck, collar lump on right xhouldor. Liberal reward will bo paid for any Information lending to recovery of B.inio. .In in oh Warner, Grants Pass, Ore gon. 129 I1USINICSH IJIKKOTOKY Accouiititnts D. II. WOOD Oenornl Accountant Your books audited and kept for n rcasonnblo Ilgurc; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg: phone CC11; real donco phone G302. Attorneys D. W. 11AOSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank tildg., second floor. Phone: Pa cific, Main 33. C. I,. IlKAMKS, LAWYER Offlco Medford National llank building, second floor. POUTER J. NEKF, VM. P. MCALEY Attorneys-nt-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, I'ostofflco bldg. A. K. RKAMCS, LAVYER Garnctt Corey bldg. MUUCKY & CHERRY (U. F. MUI KKY.JOEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Dank bldg. lirirk nud OjiioiiI. Tho Mcdford Hydraulic Cement, Urlck nnd Hlock Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tllo porches, r.olunuiH, water tables, allls, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, Jardinieres, flower poU Phono Mnlu 541, corner 10th and KIr streets, Illll Powers VERNE T. CANON Ulll Postor and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Dank bldg., Mcdford, Oregon. CMI Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer ami Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a speclnlty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sowor design, concrcto work, pump nnd canal Byatoms. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Clilrupractnra DR. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso E. I lodges, Mccliano-Thornplsts, Chiro practors, Bpond)lothernplsts. Theso systoms, Including dietetics, cura tivo gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results in both ncuto mid chronic diseases. Consultation froo. 230 N. llnrtlott street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. m. to G p. ni. Othor hours by ap pointment. Dell phono Main 4171. DR. 11. J. LOCICWOOI), Chiropractor, norvo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Gnrnott-Corey llldg. Vapor hatha and scientific uiussugo given; advlco in dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 145-K. Main 71)73. ChlttcM) Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso modlclnes will euro rhouniatlsm, cntarrh, colds, golturo, throat nnd lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, prlvnto dlaoasoa and all kinds of chronic and norvous nllmonts. Stomach troublo, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Soe mo nt 241 S. Kront ut,, Medford, Ore., to 4. 0:30 to 7:30. Resldonco phono Main 43. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor ciiul Bulldor Country work a specialty. Plana nnd catlniutoB frco. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Mulu 5663. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR. O. O VAN SCOYOO Dontl3ta Gnrnott-Coroy bldg., aulto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Offlco In Illnlto bldg., 123 E. Mnln. Gna admlnlstored for extraction of tooth, Tolophouo Malu 681, Night phono 4432. Notary Public HELEN N, YOOKBYMuury Pub- no, iiring your worn 10 mo iu mo elgn of Tho Mall Tribune, 1 k v it IICLLO, KviTT, OP A.UL TMG IlliriH -J JLVC "!. 1IUKINKS8 IMIIEOTOIIY furniture MIBSION KURN1TUKE AVORKB Corner 8th and Holly sta., Mcdford. Mission furniture mndo to order. Cabinet work of all" kinds. A trial ordor solicited. Granite Works MEDKORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nnglc, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. Offlco at their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 34 61. Gartiago GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phono Main 6251. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURBERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We aro not In tho trust. If. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, in Bldo entrance next to barber shop. Printers and Publlxliera MEDKORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped Job office in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono 501, resldonco phone 612. Offlco hours 9 a. m. to S p. m. DR. K. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnctt-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdnlo, phono 7171. Home phone, resldenco 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nnd Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practico limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 2S. Residence Phenes: M. 79S1, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practico limited to eye, car, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 216 E. Main st., over Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Both phones. E B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Office phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician nnd Surgeon, St. Marks Block Offlco phono 4901. Residence 7051, DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 5 and 6 Kcntnor bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 6. Phono. Bell 271. Resldonco phono Bell 273 Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tlco limited to Chronic Disease.. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phonos. Resldonco phones: Farmor 16xx5 Eaglo Point and Iloguo River lino. HERMANN F. RATTE, M. D. Of fice over Medford National Bank. Offlco phono 6701. Res., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D Prac tico limited to Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed. Garnott-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor, Both Phones, Mcdford, Ore. Heal Estate REAL ESTATE L. N. Judd, Tulont, Ore., fruit, alfalfa and garde-u lands. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work douo quickly nnd woll, Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 16 South Fir. Phone Bell, 3152; Home 350-K. Prlcos right. Sorvlco gunrantood. Undertakers JOHN A. PERI. Undertaker and Embalm6r. Offlso 28 South Bnrt. lott Bt.f Tolephonoa: Day, Bell 471; night, resldenco, Bell 473, Home 179-L. Calls answered nlglil or day, Ambulance service. '- J-3 r-'i w. .., 5S) . A swec5j(gas3. t$miewS9JS Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency 9 acres, 5 room iioune, pumping plant and all good Improvements, 4 In all kinds of fruit, $4000. 20 acres on Ross Lane, house and barn, 15 acres in hay, 3 acres in oats, nearly ovcry thing goes with the place nt $9000. 21 acres 1 mllo from city limit. 20 acres in trees, 5 room modern bubngalow, new pumping plant, every thing In first class shape, $15,000. 21 acres 5 miles out new Improve ments. Will take $3000 worth of city property la as first payment. 120 acres In Sams Valjey, no Im provements, $20 per acre. 149 acres 2 miles from Gold Hill, 10 acres in alfalfa, bearing family orchard, house and all out buildings. 90 acres Wz miles eaet of Phoenix all in cultivation, largo house and barn, $1SC per acre. .Employment Gtrla and -women for general house work In and out of city. Waitress, chambermaid. MRS. EMMA BITTNER Phono 4141; Home, 14. Opposite Nash Hotel ROOMS O and 7, PALM BLOCK. Announcement Polytechnic College Open September tro 2nd. Three departments: Normal, Busi ness, nnd Engineering. Tho Normal furnishes a strong course for teach ers as well as teachers' reviow classes evory month in the year; tho Busi ness course contains bookkeeping shorthand! typewriting, and all com mercial work; the Engineering courses are, civil, electrical, mechani cal, and mining. The college is open the entlro year of twelvo months. Special teachers for each depart ment. Thoroughness In all lines of work. Graduates will bo aided la secur ing positions. Let young men and young women got ready for tho wonderful develop ment of this section of tho Pacific coast. For Information address POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Ashland Oregon Five Widely-Different Easy-Selling Magazines Want a Representative To Cover Local Territory Thoro Is Big Monoy for tho right person. Mnn or woman, youug or old, If you want work for ono hour or 8 hours a day, write at on co to The Butterick Publishing Co lluttcrlck Building Now York Oh Mama! Why don't you ring up tho grocer ami havo him bring us nomo Hot Bread and Rolls oa first dellvory or call on Medford Bakery on South Contral streot and get Hot Bread and Rolls for breakfast. Ho has It In the morning at 6 o'clock and -it is just llko homo tuado. R. C, JORGKNSEN, Prop. MORTGAGE LOANS Monoy pn hand at nil times to loan on improved ranches and city proporty at lowest rates "with "on or before privilogo." JAMES CAMPBELL Phone 3231 320 G.-O. Bldg. JL'.L -'''i...L LUUULUi By "Bud" Fisher 4 7J r JzvyecoV Oregon Agricultural Giifsie' - Thin great Institution open ltd doors for tho fall semestor on Sep tember 20th. Courses of instruction Include: General Agriculture, Agron omy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus bandry, Bacteriology, Botany 'and Plant Pathology, Poultry, Husbandry,' Horticulture. Entomology, Veterinary Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineer ing, Mining Engineering, Highway Engineering, Domestic Science, Do mestic Art. Commerce, Forestry', Pharmacy Zoology, Chemistry.' Phy sics, Mathematics, English Language and Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Languages, History, Art, Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Education, Military Science and Tactics, and Music. Catalogue and illustrated litera ture mailed frco on application. Ad dress: Registrar. Oregon Agricultural College, CorvalHs, Oregon. ' " School Year Opens September 20th WANTED Fifty tie makers, also polo and piling cutters and twenty teams. Tie cutters mako four to seven, dollars per day at eighteen ccnta per tie. Steady work summer and winter, two year Job. Address A. F. Esta brook Co., Bandon, Ore., and 245 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Free Fare from San Francisco. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating AH Work Guarantee ' " r c3 Iteasonabl COFFEEN & PRICE S3 Howard Block, Catenae oh .6tlu M. Pacific 3031. Hoaa . A SNAP 60 acres, six miles from Medford. good graded road crosses the tract, all freo soil, at $50 por acre. $1000 will handle, easy terms on balance. Part Is creek bottom land, suitable for alfalfa. Several springs on the place. Timber enough to pay for the tract. No buildings. la the Griffin creek district. i W. T. York & Co. A Lady's Laugh is encoring and contagious, especial ly when she has a fine set of teeth. They aro a distinct adornment to any faco -anil enhance tho beauty of a pretty ono. Tho roverao is, uu fortunntely, truo when the teeth aro not white nnd perfectly oven. It there Is anything tho matter with your tooth como to us, and wo will mako them attractive. t Lady AttondxBt DR. BARBER.. THE DENTIST Over Daniels for Duda, Paelfle Phono 2523, Home Pboue 362-IC ' Watch Our Addition Grow JacluwH Hd Suauwtt Medfbrd Realty arid ' ' Improvement Company M. F. A H. Co. Bi. jt ' - i n fi$wwKm Ms. 0Hr J t 1 Ml ill V i 5 A . I H