TT T v ft- PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, AtEDITORD, QREOON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1012 " t t vr'-ii v vt ' v'-''f- t OCAL AND IMPERSONAL 1 - - ---Tr-r - - ti1-tA, Row of Phaonlx Is ft guest at tli"hoin of his daughter, Mrs. Kf flo L. TaYlor of West Hamilton street, "Mr. Rose Is recovering from a repeat Illness which necessitated the npntatlohv)f hi loft log beldw the kc d. HI HinV frlehdswlll bo glad'to know that -he In able to he about-with the aid of crutches. Tjtf K. Oaten of 23 Rosso aenue. Is mSfiiKto Sh.e7ldan, AVyo., and de sires to Bell "a now bhbhgnlow homo and one building lot nt "Glvwv;t.v" prices. Mr. Gates is moving 10 n colder1 climate and higher nltltndo In the middle west on account of the health of his daughter. Fa1laiid winter poods aro on dis play at a very low figuro and a fit guaranteed, by Klfert, the Tailor. 131 - Mrs. l'olh Hull of Griffin Creek was a recent visitor In Medford. Mm. Guy Moore of Klamath Falls IS'Vlslttag her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Buck in this city. 'Automobile for sale, $200, good condition. Room 422, M. F. & H. RldR. 132 Reswell Coffeeen leaves soon for Chicago where he will study music at the Chicago Conservatory of Music. Mis Pearl Ross of Central Point has returned from a visit at San Fran cisco. Oak and hardwood $4."0 and $",.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Sixth and Fir. ..Grover Corum who has been ser iously 111 1b reported Improved In health. Mrs. Walter McCallum Is expected homo soon from a two months visit with relatives and friends at Spo kane. Hararaoctcs, sportlae Roods, blue flaae, ordorless oil stoves, refrigera tors, etc. Prices right. Sb'aplelgh Hardwaro Co.. 28 South Central. -Mr. adnd Mrs. A. B. Manley of Portland, arc visiting friends In this city. j Mr. and Mrs. James Storah and Mtes May Duckanan have returned from a short visit at Klamath Falls. Oak and hardwood $4.."0 and J5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickel! and daughter Miss Nan have returned from an outing at Newport. Wlllram Ulrlch have trip up Rogue River. "Berlla Tailoring and French Dry Cleaning Company? 109 West Main street, wish to announce that they are prepared to do first class clean-lug-and pressing, also hats blocked and trimmed. Ladles' and Gents' suits made to order. Give us a trial. ' ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Pacific 5362. Mr. and Mrs. O. C Evans of Trail are in Medford on a short business trp. Mrs. A. D. Beatty of Ashland Is in .Medford on a shbrt business trip. All-wool blue serge suits to your measure at $16.50; no use wearing a hand-me-down, at Elfert, the Tailor. 131 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Suramcnille with a party of friends have re turned fro a to Crater Lake. They were caught in a snow storm last Thursday and suffered some what from cold weather, rW. R. Clark, president, and Secre tary! Brooks of thu Clark & Henery Construction company are hero from Sacramento on a short business trip. E. D. Weston, commercial photog raphers, negatives made any time or place by appointment Phone M. 1471 A. De Wilde of Eagle Point has moved to his family to Medford. Over 200 Sunday school children left Medford today for Colestln on a special train to attend the annual union picnic of Sunday school chil dren. Early Crawford peaches for sale. H. C. Joy, phone Pacific 591-J-l, 132 Mr. and-Mrs. TalUandier have re turned from a few days stay at Shas ta Springs. Mr. and Mrs. James Chlnnock spent Sunday and Monday at Shasta Springs. . .A, long want realized Cottage barber shop 19. South Central, open from 7 a. m. until 8 p. m. tf -F. E. Coulter of Portland, a mem ber of the. Graduated Tax League, will speak on the corner of Main and Front streets tbla afternoon and eveulng. J. E. Donne, of Big Iiutto Is In Med ford on a short business trip. Carkln & Taylor Uobn H. Carkln. Glenn O. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, over Jackson "County Bank Building, Mford. Wwdwegg-.-.Ju ' ; -- GOVE NOR II ROBES 1? m 'B MEETING t Louis 11. Fleming of I.elaml In In , Medford on business connected with his mining claims, t C. t. Kfdd spent Tuesday nl Cen tral Point on a short business trip. Kodak finishing, tho best at Wea tou's,' opposite book sloro. ' Mrs. Ralph Woodford spent Titos ;,. :: :v":"" :' ,.j rau:m. 0. m... 20. vm ty. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson Coun- J,h,, '), ii. ii.ii,.Milor , ty Hank Bldg., Medford. "" ' ,ml J"f " Otvgon Mr 'and Mrs. !.. W. Thomas of fr".1' "s ,t,Mf "f Wl !uws " Eiircii are In Medford for a brlet , J"v "I ie "iqnjry lu-foro (lovotnor -.i. t.K r.i - o-i into the iillogeil mutiny ol the ,.t...- ', k..-. Second Jlnthiliuu of the Thirtl R NW JUDGE ID TRY DAM Mr. and. Mrs. returned from a pleasure Andrews of steamboat Is In Medford for a short visit on business. Fresh ripe figs. Home phone 1.1-. 12$ Mr and Mrs. Mark True of Ash land have left for tho Lake of the Woods. Miss Marjorle Watklns of this city accompanied them. S. A. NoweR, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & II. bldg. Miss Juaulta Grenlnger of Glen dale Is visiting friends In this city. Sco R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County Rank. Mr. and Mrs. Uert Armprlest are visiting friends nt Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Uarbee have returned from a visit with Mrs. Bar bee's parents at Ashland. Soda Fountain at DeVoo's. . Leslie W. Tramer of Sacramento is in Medford visiting friends. J. Enstllck of Fort Jones was a re cent visitor in Medford. He Is a well known mining man. The place to get the best Ever green sweet corn ,ls at the market, booth 3. 141 Mr. and Mrs. AV. F. Shoemeyer of Ashland spent Sunday with friends In this city. Get Mrs. Reynolds homo made bread at DeVoo's. Mrs. A. D. Edmunds of Fargo, N. D., is In Medford for a short visit with friends. Mabel D. Hall, china decorator, will open her studio to tho public on Tuesday. August 20th. from 2 to 6 and 7 to 10. No china sold. Car-nctt-Corey building, room -408. 127 Evan Reames has returned from a short trip to Fish Lake, tie states that he saw two deer taking a bath In Butte Creek. Hay for sale. W. H. Everhard. Phono 6G71. James Warner, living in tho Apple gate district is one horso short now bebcause he did not lock his barn Sunday night. During the night some one entered his barn and se lected the oldest horse of the lot, an animal about 20 years of age, and left, closing the barn door and two gates Tracks of the man's feet, whlcj were exceptionally large, seem to Indicate that he headed towards Provclt. The sheriff's office was notified but no trace of the missing horso has been found. leiri- nient durine the recent unity mitiU'ii vers near Onto City, Washington. Colonel I 'omnium testified regiml. iuc comlitinuH ul the tinu when the nler wns iiHil by General Mini', l. S, A., in eommitml nt the niuucit or for the Scoontl HntUlinn to march from Oakville lo Gjite.iuxl in connection with which the luiltulioit is nlli'gcil to hae mutinied. The officer stuteil he protested when the oilier wik miide on itreoiint of the xor condition of liN men lint tifter witnK obeyed nut! the itinreh vH made. Before n fair-Mixed niulieneo Charles II. Shields, of Seattle spoke lii-t" evening at the Opera Houu on Single. Tnx nnd roundly .-cored the mctiMtru to he voted upon in Novem ber. The speaker wns introduced by W. II. Clou. Mr. Shield1 is u forcible speaker ami bns his tirutueiitn imninst Single Tnx lined up well. He answered i large number of questions nskod hint by n supporter of Henry George. ROOSEVELT TO SPEAK AT SACRAMENTO SEPT 14 LOS ANGELES, Oil , Aug. 20. Preferring not to hear argument on the motion to lUsuit thu second In dictment against Clarence S. Dnrrow, charging hrlbory or Hubert F. lliilu, Judge Ueorgu 11. llutton, who pre sided over the trial of Harrow which ended lust Saturday announced to day, when .Uio case was called that he would assign the case to Presid ing Judge Willis. Judge Willis will hear arguments on thu defense's motion to dismiss the Indictment tomorrow morning. Preparing to the motion to dlsmlHS, the district attorney's office claims that Dnrrow waived hl right to trial within tho sixty day Itmltns provided In the statutes, at the open ing of the first trial. Upon the fact that Harrow has not been brought to trial within the alMy day limit the defense Is basing Its motion to dis miss. Supporting the district attorney's contention, Deputy District Attorney Arthur Keech today filed an affida vit In which he declares that Harrow waived his right to trtul wUhln the sixty dny limit la stipulations en tered Into May lo. When questioned concerning the affidavit, narrow declared that ho knew nothing of any stipulation be ing entered Into. YESTERDAY'S SCORES 1 Northwest W. Hpoknno ..,...,,,, rtH Scuttle ,,..,tl$ Vancouver ,,.,?.,, A!) Portland U Victoria .,.,,,,.. .AG Tiicomn .,,,,,,, ..(ill Spoknnu ,,,,, Seattle t . ., , , , . , ,U lluttcrles: Cndrcutt mid Gordon anil Whaling, Victoria ,.,..,, i u Portland , .. A . .. t, , , 12 L. It. r.:i r.8 r.s oa C7 7C 4 P, 0. ii. :. .r,iu) .n id .100 .iri .1(10 13 It) :t Dovogtj i:t in No VitilcoiiverTucontn gnims rnltti Nittlounl jk.' , W. New York 70 Chicago ,,...- 71 PlttHhurg Of, Philadelphia Ml Cliiclniuitl r.2 St. Louis no llrooklyii 30 lloaton 40 St. Louis 2, 'New York fi. No other games,- rain. L. 31 IIS 42 r.r. mi 02 71 78 P.O. .711 .or.2 .007 .-IT I ,4 OS ,4 10 ,!tf5 ,27S Live Stock Wanted 1 .h, f ? WAiNTIOI) TO IHtVAIl kiutlH of' livti shiclc, lni'o jr small tituintitipH. Will ,pny IjphI mar ket prit'o. "M. .). SIWIMH, cioUiilon MtMii ICE CIV.EAM, , I-WEniulWllQLIiSOMI-M, AT Tllll ItldllT PHIOIC In carton, U5 cunts pur quart. 30 cents extra for pankors of any nlr.e up to otto gallon, Any order over one. gttlloti m l pur gitllon. Deliveries of puckers to any part of Hie city. Ice croatit nerved nt the ercummy at & cents per dlth. Medford Cream (Si Butter Co. Aiiirrlcan W. Boston 78 Washington )U Philadelphia 07 Detroit fiG Chicago ftu Cleveland 1 Now York ........ 38 St, Louis :ic IlOHtou 4. Detroit a. No other4 games, rain. L. :tr. 41 44 0.1 GO 01 72 70 P.O. .090 .011 .001 .171 .4 or. . i i ,3,'. .:i2i NO FEATURE MARKS TODAY'S STOCK MARKET i i 1 XEJV YORK, Aug.. 20. Today's stock market was without feature nt the opening. Mot of the leaders were unchanged, Canadian Pacific selling; slightly tower, nut! Great Northern beins under pressure. The coppers nnd shares of the Mnallcr steel companies were tho netivo features of the later dealings. Wn iugbouse was in fair demand but the speculative favorites showed little life. The market closed steady. Bonds were firm. SACRAMENTO, Col. Aug. 'J0. Edgar Jf. Sbcenbnii, prc.sitlet'tl of the Snentmcnto Rotwevclt club, has been notified that Colonel Roosevelt proo nbly will seak here about Sept. 1 1. Other places nt which the Hull Mouse leader is scheduled to senk are San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Hnrhuni and Los Angeles. A demonstration of welcome will be accorded Roosevelt when he arrives here, bi first stop in the state. MONEY PUT UP FOR JACK JOHNSON FIGHT Established 187S Incorporated 1904 FRUIT D. CROSSLEY fySONS ' Commission Merchants 201 IYnnkllu St., New Vork Our Specialty APPLES and PEARS Wo have our own houses In NKW YOKIC, LIVKHPOOL. LONDON AND OLASOOW Direct consignments solicited or sco our ltogtto Itlver represontntlro. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Orogon BRICK AND DRAIN TILE Mado from tho host matorial in the county . iMat'liiiio mado instirin iinirtii'mily in size and sliapo Suo (ho goods and got. our prieoa bol'oro placing your oi'dcr JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE COMPANY APPLES APPLES APPLES Do You Want Soil ? What sorl.s nnd qunutitio.s, and what price ? Wo aro not tendering for anybody's fruit. Do you want to coimign and olmiuio the markets? Consult us and we will give you quotations. In every ease we send the sellers sale notes, lu New York we use our own sale note, and do not have, apples sold hv auction. W. N. WHITE CO. 70 Park Placo, Now York GROWERS OF CHICAGO, Aug. 20.--Ah n guar nnlee of their ability to tngc the match between Jack John-oil and Joe Jennettc in New York September 2.", Jess ami Eddie McMiilion. fibt pro moters, notified Jack Johnson here todaj- thstt ihey but! po-Ued .f.'iOO for feit, and that Jeanette would put up u similar amount this afterjiooii. Johnson asserted that he carried bout $5,000 n round in each pocket these days and thu t he would put up his forfeit money as soon as he received sstirunces that Jeanette bad posted his coin with the stakeholder. HOUSE ADOPTS ALASKA HOME RULE MEASURE WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. Tito bouse, adopted the conference report on the Alaska home rule bill lute this aftcnioon. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Good family cow, A. E. Hall, R. V. D. No. 1, Box 55-A. 133 FOR SALE Cheap for cash. One good building lot on Hose Ave. H. E. OateH, 23 Rose Ave. , Weeks &HcGo wan Co. '(UNDERTAKERS 'j ,s7 Then aa7i WfeM ! r. w. wmJu ton i , , - , OrrM Win k w'W &AV AHMTin FOU SALE Cheap and cheaper still for "caBhr . Bungalow built for a homo, bomethlng fine, modern and complete. Just finished. II. E. Gates. 23 ItoBo Ave. FOU SALE Wo are moving to a colder cllmute op nccount of tho health of our daughter and will close out a uwell new home and ono good building lot very cheap, regular "give away" prices. II. E. Gates. 23 Robo Ave. It Grows Hair ' r i Every Man or Woman Can Hne An Abundance of ilitlr Kull of Life nnd Ileauty Mrs. C, Dorchardt No. 753 Vs Eighth street, Milwaukee, Wis , writes: "I am very much pleased with 1WUISJAN Sago. Thin Is my fourth bottle and my hair Ik com ing In nicely and getting thicker. I must sqy It Is a fine hair grower," I'AHISIAN Sage does not contain Sugar of Lead; a poison that often cauees blood poison nnd sometimes death. Ask your dealer If ho can guarantee homo other hair prepara tions not to contain Lead or Nitrate of Silver. I'AIMSIAN Sngo Is not a dye. Most dyes ur? dangerous. It Is a hnlr nourlHher, grower and beautl tler and quickly banishes da,ndruff, stops hair from falling, and scalp Itch. Large bottle- GO cents nt Chas. Strang's- and dealers everywhere. Now in the Garnett-Corey Building Vapor Baths and Scientific Massage Advice in Dietetics, "Medical (.1 ynmiisties t , and Hydrotherapy .. ' mi-. Lady Attendant Examination and Consultation Free Wc make a special l- of chronic diseases . DR. R. J, LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor Nerve Specialist Phenes: Office, 145; Res. Home 1G81C. Bell 7973 Rooms 203-2GJ-205 Garnett-Corey Building THE SEASON IS ON AT Delightful Newport ON VAQU1.VA HAY AND THE I'ACIKIO Join the crowds, whether yon want rest and quiet or clean, wholesome, lively fun. Yon will find olthor at Newport, Wealth of natural scenery. Splendid fishing, boating and bathing. Delight ful drives. Pretty trails through tho wood or along tho beach. Abundance of sea food-oystors, clams, crabs, rock cod, groupers, etc. rienty of fresh palatable vegetables and tnblo supplies. Inviting nooks for campers. Reasonable rates In rooming houses, cottages and hotels. All modern conveniences. SPECIAL LOW ItOr.Vl) TItII SEASON1 I'AItEfl PEACHES Do you want your fruit handled by expert unlcimont Do you want the 1IEST I'ltlGKS Ilia I'ltclfin Cmml market nf ford7 Do you want to lino up with "The House of a Sipinro'DcalT" If ho, get iu touch with ul NOW. ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. Medford, Oregon Pac. 5621. Home 307 vm& a SUNSET 0G0EN&SHASTA ROUTES lcif FHOM MEDFOIU) flU.OO Cull on our agent for Information relative to train schedules, otc. Ask for Illustrated lltoratttro and our special folder "Vacation Duy lu Oregon. , JOHN M. SCOXT, General Passenger Agent, I'OHTLANlf, OIIEGO.V. FOR SALE Team, harness, 1108 E. 11th St. Phono 4291. 130 FOR RENT 4 rpora house, J0.00 por month.. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. tf FOR SALE 4 room house and lot, $CQ0.OO. Gold Jtay Realty Co,, Sixth and Fir. tf FOR RENT Five room cottage, sow cr and water connection, paved street, close In, Including new" path, Ton dollars, 403 North. Fir streoL iJ" y . i i' , 129 TAKE A BATH BATH BRUSHES SOAPS SPRAYS SPONGES PERFUME TOILET WATERS TURKISH TOWELS TALCUM POWDERS 'jot to What Phone us your wants Oct the habit in the twiqe-n-day stac do it frequently to keep comfortable. interests us particularly in your case is a desiro to tell you about our monster stock of bath requisites. We have thein all for you and everybody, bitf or little. Good oods, actually the best the market affords, and for that class our prices are the lowest possible. Make up your order today. We know the goods and shall be glad to help you select. Medford Pharmacy Near P'ostof ice All niglit Phone s'er'vicQ, 101 ICE as clear and hard as diamonds i i', i; , , Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (& Storage Co. Nearly a quarter of a century under the samo management THE Jackson County Bank nK I ' '. ' '. iMedford,. Oragan 1 1. i. i . It has succeeded bccatiso of ' ' "t " : Soundness of principle v Economy of maiiagomout Safety of investment Courteous and liboral trcatihoiit CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000,00 W. I. Vawtor ,Prcsidcut O. ft. Lindloy, Vice Pros. , , ' C. W. McDonald, CashtTSr r ! -rj i V V 1'