? ( rxq''tfw-'rfi'r'twf t'f'r't"rfi'- Wfif, it if'wvrvVv virN5,i,lPWV,w -mi W -rr,i'fWT't'?vwrwn''rv-n' Urcnon Historical Society City Matt ,.&;aW4l Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER IllCri'lMlHK CloHtllftW Mux H7 Mitt 47. fi , fe m Fnrly-anrimi) Yr. Dully Hnvrntli Vrnr. t... .;!.. ' ES Democratic Vlce-Presldentlal Nomi nee Told of Action of Baltimore Convention mid Agrees to Make Race With Wilson INMANAI'OMH, lml Auk. 20. -Fifty person wero Injured hern iIiIh afternoon when ii grniiilNtiiml 111 toil ullli hpi'i'lnlnr ill tliu ii(ilifii!iilini of (IciVITIHM- Mliollllll of IliH nillllllinli.lll fur lint vleu presidency en tliu demo fiHlin ticket, nlliiwcil, Threw Illlll- llM'll IHTKdllH occupied tint hlnml, llllt no mm wm fiilnlly injured. A wlnm pedo followed mill ii number of nthci-M mcic Injured in llii' tiiirli. It In fen red that several of tho I it Jurcd H ro In n dangerous cotulltlon. Th Htnml had been erected for spe cially Invited giicm unit nollnpxcd shortly after Judge Parker began speaking. Firemen nml police removed tint Injured from tliu debris. Tlio pollen declare overcrowding of llm stand won responsible for tho accident. Tim ('cruiumili'N wore Interrupted for mil) n fow uiliiiitiV, when Judgx Parker resumed hU speech. INDIANAPOLIS, lint., Auk. 20. In t tin presence of hun (I roil of proinl. limit democrats Governor Thomas It. Marshall of Indiana, was today fcirmctlly. notified here of hla nomlnii tlon for tht' vice presidency of thn United Stales. Marshall replied briefly, pledging hi support to tho llnltlnioro platform. Governor Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, ttiu democratic presi dential nominee and William 1', McCnmbs, clmlrinan of thn domocru tic nnttoiinl rnnimlttoo were unable to ntti'iid. Governor Marshall wm formnlly notified by Jiidgu Alton I). I'urUor of Now York, who wm temp - ornry?,cliilrinii,of,tlio llnltlnioro con volition. The) cnramonlca wero hold on n platform erected In front of tho democratic club. Judge Parker was Introduced to thn gathering by Samuel Ralston, domncrntlr candldiito for governor of Indiana. After tin ceremonies thn iiotiflentlon couimltteo nnd other dls tliiKulshcd vlsltora attended n recep tion ut tho home of Governor Mar shall. Mr. Marshall Miiil in purl: "llelievinu iik I do that the repub'ic liml i(K origin In mi inspiration which did not (nine from the mere liraiu of ii mere mini Iml sprang from the heart of humanity, believing that IIiIk one more than liny wliieli hn preceded it iiiiIIh for conscience mill hrotherliooil in uoveriiiuoiitnl nffnirj; Imping thai every snorifice of uund nml hotly mill perMinnl good whleli Iiiih been made, Ik ii guarantee of the perpetuity of this, Hi" latest and greatest experiment upon the part of u deinoerney to work out iln Ideals in government; nnd trusting t tint the Him) of Washington, tlio foiiiiilur, and of Lincoln, tlm preserver, will still he the (lod of the republic, nml will not permit IiIh elioKeii people to for ever wonder In tho wilileriiiH of JeKiHiative uln, I ueeeot upon thin pint form, tliu nomlniitiou of the demo emtio party for vleo-prnHldent of the tluitcil Klales. And tuny my right liiiml forget its ciiiuiing nml my tougtin elenvu to the roof of my mouth if in nil my gottiugK I fail to get Hint grimiest gift wisdom and uii-ilei-Hlanding to know the heart -heal nml llm need of our common human ity." E E WASIIINCITON, Aug. 20. Sonator IIoIh I'ourouu of l'onnsylviinlii wits up parontly nnnffoctod today by talk of IiIh Impeachment on tho chargo that ho ucuoptod In 1001 it chock for J25, 000 from .lolut I), Arulihald, gonoral maiiUKor of tlio Bttindurd Oil Com pany. 1'onroHo, who arrived laat night, eluded tho roportora who wuro Book ing hint, Ho mild ho Intondod to dla (iiiHH thu mutter In tho sonato. Whon tho sonato convoked today Huuator Poui-080 guvo formal notice that ho would upoult tomorrow on it quoutlou of privilege, nnd would thon (IIhoiibs tho corroapouduueo hobtwoutt hlinsolf and Arohbod. ' MARSHALL E PLATFORM FALL MM wm OR no ONE BATTLESHP E Nnvni Appropriation Dill Approved liy Vote of 151 to 50 Nine Demo crats and One Republican Vote Atjalnst the Measure WAKIIINflTOK, Aiik. 20. - The naval appropriation hill, provliliiiK fur one ImtlleHliip, wus paMhi-d iImh after noon by the home of p'preHeiitntiviM, thn ooiifereiien report heiug approved by u vole of I'll lo .'ill, Niiin ileni'i eralh and one republican voted ngniiiH concurring in the report. Tic UieiiMure now guru In the prexiilcni for IiIk upproviil. The ilciuucnit hii voted au'ain-l Ihe hill were tho-o uho oppime ninl, ing tiny iipiiroprinlloii for the con Ntruelioii of balllchlp'i. In the debate which preceded ibc vote, CongreHiiniiii J. Shivilen if Texan ehiirgeil Hint an nruii nixed at tempt wn lit'lny made o "brow heat" thn houe ilemoenitH into fit vo ring the eoiiHlruelioii of Iwo battlehbiH. CuiigrcHwiinii J, I., linriieii of Aln hnimt accused ('oiiuM-eHmtimi Williin.i Snlzer of .S'ew York who had iiinde ii htroug lluln for two baltlehliips of iillempling to oe n the "mnu who poMnctl nil Ihe (oiieeiilrl-'d wUiloin of the lioiike " ran; campaign WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. Kor the purpose of teuklng miKKentloiiH, Chiirlcn I). HllleR, chairman of tho ntiubllran national commttteo, hold n coiiforeurtt with repnldleun nu'in hem of tho Iioiiho today. No pro KresnlrcK attended tho meotlng. Con Kreaninnu W. M. MclClnloy, head of the Taft publicity bureau, denied that tho ptirpont) of tho mootlnR wan to "amoke out" tho prOKroxulvet. Milieu announced Inter thnt (leorgo Sheldon of New York hud beon ho lected iin treaiiircr of tho national repnbllcnn coniinlltee. lllllea took breakfast with I'renldont Taft and tllacutmed with him plana tor tho campaign. , Thirty-flvo republican congrcaa men nw lllllea todny. Only three uiembera of congrexa claansl aa pro groHHlvcH culled upon him. Theao wero It. It. ItecH of Kanaua and 0. N. HuiiKon nnd I. V. Wood of Iowa. Wood and It eon nhook hamlH with tho nittlonal rhiilrman and then hurried itway, but Iluughen rrenmlned and ehutted hrblefly with lllllea. aUATTUJ, WiiHh.. Aug. 20. A larKO numbor of lumber mem In the Nortliwcat will bo examined next Monday by Clark Muckorchor, aa alatunt United Stutcn dUtrlct attor ney at Chicago, with roforonco to thotr knowlodgo of u combination In ruatrnlnt of trado alleged to oxlat among middle west rotallora, Service of Biibpoonaa on tho local lumber mon, which lucludod Victor II. Dockinnu, furmor sucrotary of tho Pacific Coaut Lumbor Manufac- turorH' ABBOclutlon and Fred D. Dock er, manager of tho Pacific Coast ShlpporH' Association, was attended with a good deal of socrccy, Tho taking of testimony hern Is merely to niivo costs and to oxiudlto mattora. Tho main hoarlug probably will bo In Chicago, NEW FEDERAL JUDGE SBATTi.K, Wiuli., Aug. 20. A special (llsputcli from Washington announces that Senatora Polndoxtor, Horah and Cummins will oppose thu confirmation of tho appointment of Clinton Howard to succeed C. II. Han ford, It developed horo today that Taft'n Seattle lulvlaom wuro not consulted lit tlio selection of llnnford'a Biiocoa- Bor, , ... A SHELDON TREASURER INVESTIGATION PROGRESSIVES OPPOSE MEDFORD, NE HIE BE LAIN Unknown Fiend Slashes Throat of Preachers Daunhter While She, Sleeps No Trace of the Murderer"! Supposed to Dc Railroad Laborer KtOKNIC. Urn.. Aug. 20. Kntor- lug liar bed chamber early today nu unknown fiend brutally murdered, Mildred (Irenn, 12 yenr old ilaimlitor or Ititv. II. A. (iroeii, n llaptUt mlnlH-J tor, ut their homo here. The chlld'a throat wiih Hlnahed clear ncroHM, the hund being almoat severed from tho body. There In no rluw to thu mur dnrer'a Identity, Tho crime, wiih dlftcovt-rml at 8 o'clock thla morning by tin child' fnt her when hu went ilpatnlra to waken tier. The child wna lying in a pool of blood. Tim body wna cold Indicating the murder had been com mitted ecvcrnl bourn prevlutuly. Tho fntlu'r. with whom tho little Klrl lived ulono, declared today he did not hear n Hound during tho nlhL or early morning. Nothing In thn Iioiiho wiih dlttturbcd Indlcatlm: tho fiend did not malie any attempt at robbery. Coroner Cordon, after an examination of tho body, declared tho murdered had not unnanltcd the child. No weapon of any kind wiih found near tho body. The police Incline to tho belief I tttnt tfttfi ftafrtjt tmiu n i 1 1 1 tut ! nnn lltV UIV 1.1 llllt.' i0 Wit lit! - lf WHV of tliu many foreign railroad labor ora In and near Ktigouo. The city and vicinity uro being combed by ovory nvallabla officer In Kugcnu and offlcera throughout tho atuto are notified of tho crime. PKKIN, Aug. 20. llollevlnB that bombthrowors arn prepared to kill President Yuan Shi Kal. tho palace of tho president hero today Is com pletely surrounded by troops. Presi dent Yuan fears niiiiURslniitlon. and only his closest and moat friends are allowed to approach him. Vice president LI Yuan Hung nnd (ho president are now bitter enemies In tho event of n civil war, which now seems probable, It Is believed that vlco president 1,1 will head the southern army against President Yuan. It was roportod today that Ur. Sun Yat Sen Is safely at soa today, some where between Shanghai nnd lien Tain, en routo to Pekln. No credence Is placed hero In re ports uf Dr. Sun's assassination. SENATE TO FIGHT HOWARD AS JUDGE WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. A stub born tight to prevent tlio confirma tion by tho sonato of tho nomination of Clinton Howard of Uelllughnm to succeed Cornollus II. Hunford ns fed eral Judge for tho western district of Washington will bo mudo by progrcs slve members of thu upper Iioiiho of congress, "Tho pcoplo of Washington," said Senator MllesPolndextor thlB after noon, "object to Howard's appoint ment, ond that Is tlio reason 1 nm op posed to him. Ho Is affiliated with and controlled by tlio same Interests that corrupted Hunford. Ho was a lobbyist for tho Intorests b.ofora tlio stato legislature." Doth Senator Polndoxtor nnd his colloaguo, Sonator Jones, today pro sontod to tho sonato Judiciary com mittee protests thoy hud received from Washington, Tho commlttoo hold n special mooting to consider tho matter, A sutt-commltteo was ap pointed to Investigate tho the pro tests, EIGHT THOUSAND MEN OUT ON STRIKE AT WINNIPEG WINNIPKO, Mnn Aug. 20. Kight thousand of tho Iruukurri employed by tho Canadian Northern KiiUwny oompnny on tho docks nml Irelght hIiciIh ut Port Arthur, Ontario, who wont on strike today. Tho strikers demand 127 1(' cent nn hour. YUAN IN DREAD OF BOMB THROWERS OKl'XJQN, TUESDAY, ATdTST 20, 1012 Formally Notified of Nomination F""M"'P - niiimmm mi ii Ed &' i ;,V VLbLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP7"' .CV f.lSatf ,XiLbLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI , -rV?V ' ibbLbbbbbbbbBMbU LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH MW I 'BBBBSHnlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BFv I ' -rsBBBBBBBBnH W HHaBBBBK1! IRrJmmmiMBmK ILm bbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbb "'' 'aMBPfffaWlllWI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalBBk 'j$fbklSIU&2EXttBIKSSM H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBb'i . ' till aWuULlV9BZ9iVflBBBflBBBBBB9H 1 IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHB: i iMif'TMiBBBBBTWMnMWBWl ' WMbBBBbIbbWbBM BBBBBlflBBBBBBBBlOBSBHteiBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBHlr BlBH V BBBBBBlDBfllBlB" BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' BBBBBQBBBBBJ 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbUbbbHT . aHiBBBBHPr- JHIHbbbbbbbB I EBjBUL- hMBBBBBBBBBBfKMyBBBBBBBBBBB&LBBBBl I T R MVSlSIrlAl-lj FEDERALS RUSH TO AD AMERICANS KL PASO, Texas, Aug. 20. Ituh-I SACUAMKNTO. Cal., Aug. 20. Ing to the aid or a dozen American Hocause tho agitation for tho aboll- nntl English miners who are besieged t,ou of tho dealh nna,t ln Callfor ... , , , ., n- , M i . I nla failed to enlist moro than a few by rebels In tho Toinin I niln ur ,, , , ... .... n thousand signatures to the petition camp. clKhty miles from the coast. !80t!kinK t0 ninko hangings Impossible Mexican federals are en route from J hencefortn, Governor Hiram Johnson Macallan today. The Americans and J announced today that all of the soven Englishmen aro 'without food or water aa well aa ammunition, but are reported to be stnTjtJghtlng. The American Riinboat Denver Is expected to arrive at ..Mamitlan today and marines, may bo landed and rushed to tho scene. Tho country surrounding the Tomlnll mining district la over run with rebebls and tho situation Is con sidered desperate. A massacre Is feared uuloss aid reaches the defend ers Immediately, CRAZED BY LOVE BELLE PLA1NE. Kan.. Aug. 20. After attempting to kidnap Ethel Mnnahau, 22 years of ugu and shoot ing and killing her father. Matt Mnna hau, ami James Thompson, sixteen, near horo today, Samuel W. Wood shot himself lu the breast and Is now said to bo dying In a hospital. Wood went to tho Mnnahau farm and domauded to know whero Miss Manahan was. The gtr, seeing him approaching, took refuge In n closet. Thompson rofused to raven 1 tho girl's where nhouts ami Wood shot him dead. Tho girl's fathor, hearing the shootlug, rushed upon Wood. Wood fled to yard, ami seizing an Iron bar, beat Manahan Into unconsciousness. Ho then returned to search tho houso for tho girl. A young i.on of tho elder Mittinlian toll on his kueos and prayed to tho Blayor to spare his sister. Wood at tacked him, but promised to spare tho boy If ho would help him to escape. Wood was surrounded by a posso of farmers near his own farm two miles north of llelleplaluo this uf tornoou. Ho ran from n cornflold Into tho road and fired thro bullets Into his breast. HHo was taken to it hospital horo, and tho attending physicians say ho will dlo. SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND MILE JAUNT ON MOTORCYCLE STOCKTON, Oil.. Aug. 'JO.-IIuny Humphreys ml hi" wife, Mne, nrrived in Stockton today on a 115,000 mile motorcycle trip, In ho completed in u thoiisund !(. 'I'hey will visit ovory stnto capital in the union be fore Hiiilini; from Boston for Europe, Africa and Amu. M'h. lluiuphroys Iiiih n if -11,000 wngor with a Now York theatrical man. Tho ride is a tent of woman' endurauco. The lluni- phroy lido a motorcycle with trailer holding; tents, budding ami cooking utonsils. They leave 'tomorrow for Sacramento. SHOOTS FAMILY HANGINGS PROCEED GOLDEN STATE i mon whom ho had reprieved from time to llmovbecause of the existence of this petition must die. He de clared" that he-had no other-alterna-tivc, and that the law must be en forced. Alexander Szafscar and George FiiBeroa are utjiler sentence to be hanged at San Quentin September 6, the week, of the state fair and Just proceeding tho celebration of Admis sion Day;' Willie Luis, a Chinese; William Ilurk and Frank Bauwer erls are to die Friday, September 13; Charles Carson, whose sanity has been denied by the warden nnd prison guards, is to rIvo up Ills life Septem ber 20 and Kd Williams Is under sentence to be hanged September 27. KILLS COMPANION REDDING, Cal., Aug. 20. Splera Kcstnkls, a Greek who shot and killed George Kcnomas in Delta, a llttlo railroad town 38 miles north of here, Is today at largo in tho hills and the sheriff and coroner aro on their way to the scene of the crime. Kenomas was an assistant foreman of tho work train and during a vlo lont quarrel was shot five times by Kestakls. Tho shooting occurred in tho work train and tho murderer Im mediately took to tho woods. No effort at pursuit was made by tho slayer's countrymen and thero are no officers ln Del(a. This Is the second murder within two weeks at Delta. Frank L. Dlmock, a hotol man there, was re cently slain by bandits. MEETING TAKES RECESS TO LYNCH A' NEGRO KUSSKL-U'lMiti. Ark., Aug. 20. It was learned toduy Unit, during the pi-ogre- of a hig mass mooting held hero for tho puiK)h0 of discussing water and light rates, a negro named Mnnroo I-Vankliu had attacked n white woman. Tlio ineetinir wns ad journed long enough to hang the negro to a nearby telegraph pole a.id then lOMiinod. AGED SEAMSTRESS STRUCK AND KILLED BY TROLLEY TACOMA, Vn., Aug. 20, Uuahlo to seo in the dense fog, Miss Jtt'ia Putniim, aged 7(1, a seaiustross, was struok by vnrly morning intor urban train a Auburn, n suburb, yesterday, and instantly killed, ovory bono in her body being broken by tho impact. REDDING REEK 7 INDICTMENTS IN BECKER CASE Grand Jury Accuses Police Lieuten ant and Aliened Conspirators Becker Dented Access to Evidence Schepps One of the Witnesses NEW YOrtK, Aiib. 20. Seven In dictments, each charging murder ln the first degree, were Issued today by the Krand Jury, which has been In vestigating the Itofl.mthnl murder case here. A suspending indictment was ro- turneil against Police Lieutenant Charlea Ilocker, who is alleged by District Attorney Charles 3. Whitman to havo ordered tho death of Rosen thal and to have furnished the money to pay the Kangsters for the actual killing. Others against whom indict ments were returned are "Whltoy" Iwla, "Lefty Loulso" Rosenberg, Harry Horrowltz, alias "Gyp the Ulood;" Jacob Reich, alias Jack Sul livan, alleged to have been Becker's agent, and William Shapiro. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Police IJeutennnt Charles Becker held In the Tomba.here for the murder of Gambler Herman Rosenthal was to day denied permlBslon by Judge Mul qucen to lnapect tho notes cf tho grand Jury indicting him. Becker was indignant when Informed that his motion had been denied, charg ing that he Is being discriminated against. Jack Sellg whom Schepps says is the man who engaged the gangsters to kill Rosenthal, was brought here from Providence today and taken be fore the grand Jury. He testified that he was arrested on a trumped up charge several -weeks before the Rosenthal murder by Detectives White and Stelnert, declaring that White and Stelnert slipped a revolver in his pocket Whitman, It Is said, plans to indict both White and Steln ert. BUTTERFLY BALL . TERRE HAUTE, Iml., Aug. 20. -Hitter denunciation of Mrs. Stnyves nnt FishV ball ut Newport last night when lives butterflies and white doves were freed in the reception hull, was voiced here today by Eugene V. Debs, the socialist nominee for presi dent. "Seeley dinners nnd monkey par ties," he said, "forehow the doom of modern aristocracy. Tho latest exhibition of morbid .-elf conceit mid heartless defiance of the social misery of tlio uiusm.s ha been given by Mrs. Stuyvesnnt Fish. The de scriptions of this riotous affair are well calculated to impress upon the minds of thoughtful people tho fact that there is something radically wrong with the country in which such a display of luxury can bo ramie within a stone's throw from where hundreds of thousands of men, women nml little children are struggling for a more existnnce." TWO UMPIRES HURT IN BASEBALL GAME PITTSBURG. Pa., Aug. 20. No tional League Brennuu and Owun wero seriously Injured during tho first two Innings of today's doublo header horo today botweon Brooklyn and Pittsburg. Both wore taken to St. John's Hospital for troatmont. Brennnu, whilo running to first base to muko a decision ln tho first Inning, slipped and sustained a pos sible fracture of tho log. During Pittsburg's half of tho second Inning Umpire Owon, who was calling balls and strikes, was struck over tho heart. Ho fell to tho ground uncon scious. Catcher Phelps of Brooklyn and Outfielder Hyatt of Pittsburg woro chosen us umpires and the gamo pro-, coeded, Investigation at tho hospital showed that Bronuan suffered a fracture of the right kuco and Owon u fracture of tho breastbono, DEB DENOUNCES NO. 328 E 1 Car From Daggett Ranch Sells at $2.50 Box Half Boxes are Ex ported Was First Car to Leave Valley This Year An advanco of GO cents to $1 a box on Bartlett peara Is reported today on tho Now York market. Fruit which sold at $1.25 to S1.C0 a box Saturday sold Monday and today at 12.50 to $2.75 with tno demand heavy and tho market consequently strong, Tho first car of Bdrtletts to be shipped from tho valley, going for ward from tho Daggett ranch August 3, Bold Monday at New York at an average of $2.50. Half boxes In the car wero exported. Thla car was handled by tho Producers Fruit com pany. Advices received by the Mall Tri bune direct from New York today Is to the effect that the market Is strong and tho California-crop fin ishing. Last week California shipped 336 cars. This figure shows a falling off of more than 100 cars from tho previous week and the decline la still greater this week. All "neavy producing section havo now shipped their crops and decreased shipments will continue for tho remainder of tho season. Tho California Fruit Distributors advlso that shipments of Bartletts will be noarly flnlshofl from all Cali fornia sections within the next two weeks. A few Buerre Hardys are now offering and Clalrgeaus will be in evidence ln about two weeks. Ship ment for the season now totals 1710 as against 1108 cars for last season ' same date. With shipments being made today 30 care havo been sent ont of tke valley. None of these care except the first one sent forward from the Daggett orchard has beea ottered In tho east. Th,e tJrst..car shipped by the Rogue River Fruit & Produce association were sold F. O. B. Bed ford and they will have nine to offer In the eastern market for several -days. Every sale so far has bees at a price ranging between $2.40 and $3 a box or $1.40 to $2 a box F. O. B. and Judging from the condition of the market this prlco will bo better later In tho season. Harvesting la progressing rapidly and as the fruit comes off It be comes moro and more apparent that tho crop has been under-estimated. The fruit is sizing exceptionally well and Is said to average best ln qual ity ever shipped out. POOR ARE TAXED AND RICH ESCAPE WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. Denun ciation of tho systom by which the poor of tho slums of Washington are mnde to bear tho heavy burden of taxation, whilo millionaires oscapo, was mado to the house today ln a re port returned by a special investigat ing commlttoo. Tho report asserted that tho over-assessing of small homes had dlscouragod laboring men and resulted In paralysis to building operations. The report alleges that tho homos of August Bolmont, Lovl 1. Letter, William Boardman, Lars Anderson, John It. McLean and former United States Senator William A. Clark, all millionaires, uro under valued, Referring to John R, McLean's country home, tho report says that It Is assessed at $3,000, por acre, add-ly lng: J ..C "Tho land could not be bought for $25,000 per aero. Improvements aro assessed at $25,000, which amouttt would not pay for tho stono wall lu front of tho property. LAND IN BLUEFIELDS: WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. The stnto department announced this uf- ' tornoou that fifty-four American marines had beeu landed ''at Blue-,' fields, Nicaragua, from the United , States cruiser Taoonm to protect American lives and property (row rebels, who are reported-to ba prej paring to burn the town. PEA A AN NEARLY BOX MARINES m 1 'i', TJ