v t y ? ' , trt , f T-ir - -fr--Tl f. , v .' t. if- Si ' Little Sweethearts? riTTi'ur;.1 lYOUNG MN WHAT 4 .;...j'- LLSP 1(1 uh mm i 71k iKKX. V""lW,7t! J Rlk jHwiwri"n j ru.i;: '.""., Wba. -v nfe r" .TIT. ' fcZ maim- Tjfi o '' malm ,, , malm KZZLiLKTiuvv s maim r l. mrrar m rv malm -T N. ii i hi w w i ii i ' i" 1 1 hi ii n .I i in ii 1 1 1 .. I 1 1 r. i t r I, rrr r rfri r ,. . . , , , , , , ' ,-.-,,. .- " . s i i 1 1 tn ' i I1 '''.'' . '!" ." ' Our Correspondents EAGLE POINT EAW-ETt y A. C. Howleit ' Hny Kmllli, Uw Aycrt, John Hmltli mill wife, nuil J toy AmIijmiIhj ami .MirtH nlnnin Itiitler Nlnrlcil IiihI Mtmtl.i.Y, AfiBiwt 1U, for Crnttr Iiko uml Kiniiiiilli Falla (o bo jono nbmit two wekn. Mm, I'njjln mill Mrx. J, V, Hrown look illiiniT at thu SuhuvhIiIo on Mon lay IuhI ncok. C. J. Ilowanl of Knu, FrniirlHuo, riiriim(iiiB J. A. Kolucr. Si Co., wti muoiii; iin last wool dolK IhihIiioxh hUIi one morcbuulf. .Mrn. Henry I'liiMrrlh, who Iuih !m)jh tUiilni her pirculH on Klk ;rrrk r (urard to hvr lioiuu in Uuulo l'uint IuhI wmL. Fred Kudloy, who Iihh boon . lo Htittclmnr to vIhIj hb ulrk fiuliar, rJ. (imiftl liidl week .bringins hln father with Mm. Ho Iuih m far iTcovfrnl oh to 1)0 ublo to no uryiiml (ho boino and ynrU Liint Tucbiltiy !?uv. M. 0. Hnvrf jiii in from Yankcn Creek vrhnre ho Ih'lil Morviccrt on Monday nielli i;l orV'iuilxcd, ii. Kuuduy HvbooJ or fyrty iiutiiiborH Ho left an uiMiiniiiioM to irt!iici I hern aKiiin the firdt Sunday . v,iij)jtlcinliar nt 'J::iO p. in. Ituvwill prt'mMrnTnlWKut U.oVloflk' n.,vu and ui from tliuro to Yunkto UrMk" llic Mlack Ouk school homo -and at niht at Table Hock. K, FVcy U the Htijtoriutcndi'iit mid Ilfhhio Wuiin i;i mierolary of tho now Kuaday hc1uxI. ((lrort:o Childu'tU of Mmlford uu .J, V. IVrri'it of Onkluud, Cal re reftciitiiii; I'crkiiJH Horwultoe fompnny of Valley Valln It. I., oallwl for din nqr IuhI WVdncudny. .Next Thurxday uftvniooii, August. -M, tho hadiert Aid will ivo a Kooial when rufrciihiiK'ittM will bo nerved in the town park, tho proecwlw tu go to w'urds raiHipt; (hp ministor'H Kulary. Hiiwu I lut wroto 1 huvo vihit'id ICd Wnlfei'n tmek pnteh iiKain and hq.lutiKhi'd nt llvo idea of. my anyiiiK' llint ho had corn eiht feet hili, wjien he ho hd it. btamUuK eleven, and twclvn feet lii,'h. Howiik picking ripe hlawlmrricx ofCC h'n vincif for Mm. Ifowlott and he told mo tho reason holiud mie.h HiieecKH w.itb bin touin ' tijVK wart that he tttnek them and kept tho vines triuutuul thu.Hainonw an up. plo tree, ho that tho htm vould reneli tlmv JThero lniH been conwiderablo com? )ljint to mo, nlthoul 1 am not the rojud miporvihor, county jihIro or iKjininiijKionor, uUiut the e.ondlioii of the confity road an you come, up tho hi)J from tho uldhinkrtwiler lauo just north of tho Antelope, bridue. It is wuHhed out ho deep that it h dlffi nijit for twi) vii);ou4 tu pun and ch pcjtinlly linrd oil automohiJeH, It nIioiiIiI by fixed, if wo uxpvet to hayq ilo truN'ol g throiiBh our town. Wo Imd a very hqi-ioiih aeeident huppou near huro Thurtiday. While a ,i,'a'K of uieii were working on the nv bridRo Win. ViiiHou wiih autiiiK iik foroman and had kUk of mou dijviiiB pi I en, and Mr. VIiihoii wiih on tint old bridge holding nu'iiiHt thu timber, vhin it wiih beiiiK raised to il(j pluoe, with hifct hand nid kueu and hp. Hij;ijale,d tu one of tho men (o H)viiiK It around, thinking that ho' would l (iiik oiioiikIi to f;ot out nf tljo way, when tho piling viuight him o thu liaok purl of tho knee, throw, iutr him off amoiiK tho pllinK uml Home hu.v that the timber fell on him a)id otherK tmid no, but tho timber lijid to. be lifted off. of liiun He wiih taken immediately on a bund ear and, carried to .thu tavern in Kaglo 1'oiut iiud U8. HOon, n, the (rain cmno in he wiih 'pluooiL tn the Ijiikkiiko. oar nuiV tijpii to odfordi our, loeivl ityu.tw having doiip all thut ho, coulil to ro liovo JiIh, HufforijiK, On, i!h urrfva) t Alcilfqr jio wa ;ot byhU wifo m.id tuko( w(t)v lior fo a, few, liitMW.toH, and ,(iotly f'iroii!ud hi lu't NVj InHo'n wim vnkvti in Jwtlf on; oQtm.ly. HaiiiH Ynlloy whp.ro iLivmJorHtfluil lljiif hi inoHtot". hIU Hvem.. h jyna rained an orphnn, IiIh fither luiviiu,' hepn lilllOil wliilo O0liif,' iloyu. quo Qi W him AmTyIm 'tau A , (StETiMiHMWt-' (ten: muxA 1 pTWtS fNAToRETa a d8t? i VURMAHE HAVC A NAME! I HEART, ME WILL f GOOD To MAM a HAVE 70 TELL SO IN DEPEND HT f ' PAKUMGJoo NQW.WHAII IT.1 M THINK bU MAVC . AND.Teil.TMe: POOR PAPA YoU ' IS E Biphpo f v anr f uinb fiii b 1 im ft r- lu ilk ev nav i .r iiiii iiaui nia 1 i . l iuuii ikii il. lw -- -i iii- - i v v. I KANE't CiEEK Mrs: 8wlud.cn ond Mr. Illln botham were M oil ford vlBllom on Tliurn'Jajp, Mr, Avpry ud hou Donnlil upent novoml iIxh recently tho- nucHtn of Orlffln Creek frIon.il. Mr. l!ulbcrton of,, tljo nradou, initio, l Hpmn what UnUxpoicd at thin wrltlnR. Dr. Smith of Cold IIIII Is In attendance. Join K'reJc "ndo a bualnei trip o MedMnl on Tuwday roturnlnff tii.p Kama day. Tho MlMon VlrRlo noemnn and Kotlo I'ankoy of Oold Hill Kat a day recently with Hradon (rlcndn. Jilr. and Mm, Householder loft ono day recently for Uroonylow, Cab, to upend witti, ttpo with their 'd tlwe frlendi Mr. and Mr. Klrek. Knneii Crook bualncM vlaltorn to qqld IIIII till week woro Sir. and Mr. Mnnlon, Mr. l.u;li, Mr. Knott, Mr. HlKKlnbothAU), Mr. Swindon. Mr. and Mm. Johiuoo, IJd Shoomnko ami wlf. Mr. Mutou aud lUURtktcr, John Hull, hy Avnry, Jim Law rence Mr, Mitrtln and tho Mlnsea jKatlv and M&Kglo Foley. .MImm Mary DokrI and Vlrd HndernoH of Dlackwcll cpont n day rocently an the, ituwU.of Cnpulo Sliulcui. ITofcimor Oreenleat 'and family are moving to. Central Point thin week where Ho Is oncaRM an princi pal of tho Central Point ichool. Mendame 13okkI. Hwlnden and HlRRlnbothnm apont n day recently na, Riicatn of Mrc. Mnr4.cn. , Perry Knotta ha returned homo from Curry county nftcr nn ahsonco of two mouth. the IijIIh wiih a Ivad of, polj'B, having bocu thrown oft or the vrngon, tlm wheel running over Mm. He wiih a quint, Hober, induHtrious man and was ipiito populnr with Ins men. J under Ntiind that ho leaven in addition to hitt wife aud mother hoii, about 1'2 yqaw plj). ' . SCHOOL PUPILS TO EXHIBIT AT FAin Plipll of tho Hchoola of Jackson county who contemplate making ox hlbltn at the, etato f.nlt: ahpuhl pro pnro and hlp yrodnqta to Mr, Fro,k Meredith, Fair around, Huloni, Ore,, no that thoy'wlll reach Snlom hy Aujj. 29 or no If poimlblo, hut exhibits wilt bo, entered up to Sept. 2. , All product from any school dis trict Hhoidd ho coloctod aud shipped under tho direction of' principal, toachor, or hiQiutor at vchooL hoard ho will certify aa prc8C,rJKed wbovo. Tho fair hoard lUAnaKoment will approeluto It It all exhibitor will Ml entry blanks nnd soud samo to Mr. Frank Morodl(h, Salem, Ore., not later than, Aug. 26, but U thU Is not done, oxhlbtts will ho outored on their arrival., ?f yotv hnvi Io entry ItlankH apply, for numa to Geo. A, nrlHcoo, AnhUndj 0. W. AROr( Tal ent', A. H. Flnltor, Phoonlx, M. K. CqJIIiib, Medford, J. Of F. JlarrluK tou, JuoksonvlUe, J. W. Jacqbs, Con-, trl Point, P Cv Henry,. Qold Hill, Ralph Mfiln, Roruo River, Wm. S,ud durth, KaRle Point, or, W, B. Buoh annon, Uutto Falls, J. PERCY WBLLB, ,i County School Supt. E(MPHt,loi!i8kl ox,lllb)ta iV, Slato far. , JOxhlUlta, such, Hit drnwInRB, nfodlft? M(9rHl agricultural yxod,Hot, ,pftn,nqd gppikj wuii presoryotv )iplutryu i.tvai Htook. at work' of Industrial hcUoqU. o,iiilolted by pupils undor dlroetlou o,f.Htttto board of education at; Oregon qtato Fair, ut,.Falr. (lraundnP Baloni, Qjts. will ho tratiBijortqd. , by tho Sojuthprn Paeltlp co;)pauy from all lQi"t.a. pjJv.Uh ll.uea, !nvp,wn,Ao ,J fair ui)il roMJ fW wjrtor certn(n conditions, which may bo learned from, thv Rbovi eowwUtee. mCPFOliP M3TO TOJBTOTB, MTSPFOTOPJ OREGON, MONDAY, yATJdUBfP iolOl u gBWrCWWB3!!3WIlgSagaCK H,H,Mj,,AJI,t, JW, Wgy "" ,., , , . ,' '., ,, ',,11, ,. J'j'lLI I V T, .' "i lillllKl Hi ILNr NrWN n h.N AIIVAN Lr for luuni-Moden rnreuied h'Fi?.". .?" b8 at iofe; Nwr Cum Htolo of OrvKOU v. Tlioma L. M,onk, larceny. Slato of Oregon vn. Lawrence Urookn, Jorcony. 0. W. 8tt'ihcnon v. C. J, Cobnrn and 0. U. Watklni. Action to ro covor inonoy. Southern Pacific vb. Alvllda K. Mmory. AcHou,for damase. Southern Pacific y. Mary K. Ulckcy. Action for damnRe. WanhlnRton Klcctrlo Co. v. II. O. Punicker. A9tlgn to rccovqr mmey, , Victor nuruoll v. Unknown Heir of William Chamber. Suit, to. quet Htle. F. H. Cook and I. It. Kline v. Horiio Itlvcr Vnlloy Nurwry Co. Suit to, Fqrpclose. ., . . , John K. Thoma ot nl vs. Mar Raret MltclielL Sut to Foreclose. Mju-riv Llcrtirc Clarence . Frost, and Katcy E. Illco. L. A. Pedorxn and Kuna E. Pel- Ictt. Floyd h, KddlDR and Pora Cnlno. I(inl KNtntc Trail fers Nettle 11. Norria ot vlr to C. 1). Hoy, deed, lot 2 and 3, blk. 22. Uutto Falls, ........ 1 Dcrt . Chlldfint to Cs Grazer, deed, lot Dryant'n addition, Mcdford .........,, 1 United State to W. J. Itusscl, lot T"and 9, ec. 8,.twp, 0, 8 R,2 oof W M ... ,...,.. Pat H. I). Dlckner to Star Gold Mining Co., dqd, sec 13, twp 39, S R 1 V M 10 J. W. Dlckper ?t ux to Star Gold. Mining Co., deed,, sec 23, twp 39, S..R R I W WM 10 Snmuol Rust ot ux to Paul 3. Seoloy, release, sec, 22, twp 35 S R 4 W W M 1 G. W. Stacy ot ux to J. 8. Of futt, deed, lot 10, blk 1 Fair mont Add Medford 1200 Krmay L. Hosley et ux to W. . II. Hosley, lot 14 and 1G, Railroad Add Ashland 1 W. K. Shoomakor ot ux to JuIIub Herbert, deed see 1G, twp 39, 8IUBWM 10 Elijah Glbbs to Orln Cornish ..bond fondood, DI,C Ho, 42, twp 38, S It 1 W V M. ... G250 Peter Degnan to Samuol Rush deed. qc,22 twp 35 S It, 4 W W M 40 acres 75 United Statos to W. L. How land, seo C, twp 41, S R 2 o W M .,,, Pat AUTO PLUNGES 300 FEET TfO KILLED, TWO INJURED SAN MATKO, Cnl., Aug. 10. Mrs. J, K. Koudriek of Oakland and Ger ald Pcriii, aged (I, are doad today, aud auothor child is perhaps fatally in jured, and two other persons hurt ns a result of tho plunge of an auto mobile over ii HOO-foot cliff on the l(alf Moqi Hay road. It. G. Peril), agent for the. Detroit Kloutrio Auto mobilo company in Sin Franeisqp, who was nt tho wheel, was also ser iously injured. Tho ear was round-! ii'g u sharp curve, when it plunged through n foiieo nnd over (ho steep cliff. 1 " - " " Pensions Available. .WASIUNQTON, Aug. 17- Th.0 punnlon appropriation bill currying approximately fl.GO.OOO.OOQ was Hlgned today hy Prosldont Taft. More tluin 200,000 Yetprana iml their de pendants, whoso pensions havo boon held up, slnco August 4, will bo able tov'Cuuh tholr vouchors Monday Nothing to llrlalc lt:MJaml Water oia tho big Unon ojiurch and Sunday school plenty at. ,C.9letlnt Tuesday, August 30, But, oh! the good things In,, thoso 0 u noli, URBkets, Tho qouthorn Paolflo Bpootul w)l, bo, a, dandy nil inodorn, roomy coaehes. Six hours at the Spring! . ,XQuAl get.ljom at your uuil; bed tlno nil KX tp bed happy. Ono faro for tho round trip. 18T 15 CENTSIN PRICE J'OHTLANP, Ore., Aug.. 30. Kc WipitH for tho .week hnvc beon cnltle. 755; onivo8, 47; hogn, 1-1U3; sbeep, 4001 ; horsos 05, In the liuiited cnttlc offeriug there waft nothing that would tempt n high er value than applied for the week before. While the htecr market, bc ('iiiihc of ordinary iptulity liowed no advance, a glimpse nt the price paid for heifers nnd cow will, give, nn in dication of tbo hi.(;li ratigo of prices. Tim hog market showed, an ad vnure of lfai. Tho olmordinary high lino of prices ax npplicd. to the hog market n compared with what tho miner of the middio Ktntes f-e-eurctf for hirt efforts in swine produc tion in tho I'aeific northwest that shown in the iuerenscd receipts from local territory. The supply is noth ing like what it should bo nnd too much stress, cannot be laid on tb opportunities for money mukiug that exists, iij raising keg for market. 1UJBINKS8 QriORTUNITIB9. BU8INBSS OP.PORTUNITY Anyone wianing w eagaee in me oiuiara bifslneas can purchase all or a half Interest In the Owl Billiard par lors as ownor wishes to go away. Same can bo purchased at a very reasonable figure. S. I. Brown. 5IONEYT TQ LOAJf. 1 MONEY To loan on real estate. 'Ad dress Box 54,, Tribune. MONEY-TO LQN Ranch money, any amount, long- time, low rates. Clark Roalty Co.. 128 MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city or ranch property. Box 85. Mall Trlbuno. . fOK HE.NT FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT Smith Apt. Z17 8. RIt. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Just llko a bungalow. Largo porches, private baths, new, Tho Berben, corner Quince, and W. MaInatrcot. Phono 347-L. FOB RKX7 HUTnUW FOR RENT Modern five-room house. M. A. Rader, at M. F. & II. Co. FOR RENT 10 room houso rear of Farmors. & Fruitgrowers bank, sultnblo for business, real estato, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir sts. 15 Per Cent oh Investment ARE YOU LOOKING ? For a real bargain, I can show you ouo In 25 acres ot Bear Crcok bottom. All In bearing fruit, alfalfa and garden. Six., room houso, good barn and water. 'Within 1H miles Medford on Macadam road, Pacific Highway, R. F. D., telophono, gas and oloctrlelty. Low prlco and lib eral tonus, Or ton acres In boarlug apples nnd pears in 1-4 iullo of Cen tral Point. I room houso, otc. 15 ppr cent ot prico askqd nllowod for nroseut crop It not desired by pur chaser, Soo or- wrlto, qvynor, Box 77k Route 2, Medford at onco.aa will soil. NEW TODAY 120 acres joining a country town, 1,8 uqres of boarlng orchard, 45 acros Irrigated, balnnco lu pasturo, with un llmttod adjoining rango, a flno eight yt location, oxcollont road all tho your l?or Bale, for ?10Q an ucro, terms on part, or will trado for u hay or dulry ranoh on tho coast. ,. 160 acres noar Klamath Falls, 85 acres undor a now government Irriga tion ditch, most oMho balauco Is also cvfcollont land. A gront alfalfa pro position with wltio stocK rango ad- Joining. Will soil for ?G0 nn acre, or will take Income property In Mod- ford lu oxohango, 1 CD. HOON Itoom 13, jHci!wu:$untyflk'HWg. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at the Cottage. 601 WcM 10th st,, two blocks south. Mcdford Hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Home phone 217. Sirs. H, M. Cos. THE PARK VIEW Hotel haf changed hand. A hotel for work ing en, with cool, clean outsldo rooms. 11,50 awcolC. Good meals 2G cent. Transients 25. cents a night. J. T. Perry, Prop. 141 FOR JtKNT OFFICES FOR RENT Large, comfortable of fice rooms with elevator service, steam heat; hot and cold wafer. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. - FOR R E N T -HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeep Ing rooms. 21 Genesee street. Phono Pacific 4224. 133 FOR RENT MISCKIXAKEOUB FOR RENT A ton room building, suitable for a restaurant or room ing houso. Seo W. T. Greene. Roguo River, Ore., 133 FOR RENT Ranches large and sail, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray- Realty Co., 6th and Fir. FOR RENT 40 acres on upper Roguo River, beautiful mountain home, flno bunting and fishing, good house and barn, alfalfa field, garden and Irrigation ditch. Ad dress P. O. Box 702, Mcdford. Orogon. FOR SALE HOtfSKM FOR SALE New and modern flvo room bungalow. Will sell at cost and on easy terms. Big Pines Lumbor Co. tf FORCED SALE Rcsldcnco proper ty. Address Owuor, Box 495, Mcd ford. FOR SALE Wo aro completing two Btrlctly modern, very convenient residences on Geneva avenue, East Sldo. Thoy aro for salo on your own terms, rrico very reasonable. Might rent to right rtarty. See Humphrey, 815 East Main. 132 FOR, BALK ACKKAGB FOR SALE Eight acre. Just oat- side city limits; all planted to 3 year old apples; small bouse, good woll; J2500. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE 2 acres in Jackson ville, clear title. See owners, Sla tors, of St. Mary's Academy, Mod ford. FOR 8ALB MISCEXiliANKOUS FOR SALE Apples,, Early Craw fofrd peaches and Prunes at Law rentx ranch. Phouo 21x13 Jnck sonvlllo. 129 FOR SALE Furniture for elx room houso, good ns now, also good rango. 510 N. Riverside. 132 FOR SALE Early Crawford peaches II. C. Joy, phono Pacific 491-J-l. 133 FOR SALE 500 White Leghorn chickens, must bo sold at once. Seo or phouo, E. H. Jannoy. Home phono 10 nnd 372-R. 128 FOR SALE Blackberries by crato. Call Home Phono 319-R. 130 FOR SALE A good strong moun tain hack, nearly now, J, C. A., Medford Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Saw Mill. 25 H. P. saw and shlnglo mill with equip mints. Good location and good rig, will soil cheap. Inquire, 83, Trlbuno Offlco. 127 FOR SALE Chicken ranch ond ber ry patch M mllo from Medford, eldowolk, electric lights, tolophone, otc. Soo W. H. Evorhnrd, 1013 W. Ninth st., phono 6671. FOR SALE Would llko orders for early and lato Crawford poaches. Mrs, L. P. Black, Ashland, Oro., Phono 465-J. 131 FOR SALE 20 tons of good grain hay. $7.00 per ton, Inquire of R. II. Lincoln, 101 S. BartlottSt. HELP WANTKD UtAMi W A NTED Representative In Mod ford aud County by Eas.torn Manu facturer. Address Patterson Sales Co,, Portland, Orogon, 129 HELP WANTF.P rpLUJI WANTED A girl for gonoral houso work. Must ho Kod cook. Tolo- phano 3341. Mrs, Rort Anderson, 906. W Matu. WANTK1) SITUATIONS. WANTED Man and. 'wife wants po sltlon on ranch. 125 N, liartlott. 132 By Winsor McCay WANTED-; I. havo good property here to trade for. property almost every where. Alfalfa- rancr la Southern. California for property here. Fine residence la Los. An geles for property here. Want good Seattle property for property here. What have you? Chas, D. ttuy, uvcr rrHHgruwurB usiik. a- foh-uxauuwm FOR TRADE 1-rooia house, elec tric llghtr, sewerls, on pared tt.j and side walk Ins wU trade fof acres or sman ranca. sxx wesi Jackson St., no agent. 155 BUSINESS DIBKCTOIXY. Accountants D, R. WOOD General Accountant a Your boeka audited and Kept for a' reasonable llgure; your business solicited. Orflce, Mcdford Mall Trlbuno bldg; phone 6611; resi dence phone 6302. Attorneys D. W, BAGSHAW Attorriey-at-Law.' Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Baak building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Kos. 1 and 2, Postotflce bldg- A. B. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett; Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F.TtfULi. KEY. GEO. W. CHERRYJ Rooms ll and IS Jackson County Bank bldg. Brick aad Ccaicat. Tho Mcdford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tilo porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, law.n vases, jardlnlores, flower pots Phone Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Bill Poster VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly tilled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg.,' Mcdford, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. Water fl'lngs and Irrigation work n specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting. Bower design, coucrote work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk. Medford. Orogon. Chiropractors DR. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Louiso E. Hedges, Mcchnno-Thoraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothorapists, These Bystems, Including dlotetlcs, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results in both acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett Btreot, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. m. to 5 pi m. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phone Main 4171. DR. R. J, LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nervo specialist Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific inassngo givou; advice In dlotetlcs, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 145-K. Muln 7973. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese modicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, doafucss, paralysis, private disoasos and all kinds of chronle and norvous ailments. Stomach, trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, C;30 to 7:30. Rosldence phono Main 42, Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder Country work a specialty. Plans, and OBtlmatos freo. Box 523, Med ford. Phone Main 5663,. Dentists "BrTTv. m. Van scoyoo DR. C. C VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite. 810, Medford, Orogon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMU8 W; DKANH (Dentist. Office, In Rlalto bldg,, 123 E, Main. Gas administered for' extraction of tooth. Telephone,. Main, 681. Night phono 4432. Notary Public- " HELEN N, YOtJKKY notary Pub. lie. Bring your work to mo at the. alga of TiW'MftU'lH'HttiHfe PAQS .(ft MISSION. FURNLTUtLK WOIIKR Corner 8th aad Holly 4.,.Kcdford.. Mlsslesv furaUsre ae te order. CaWset werk of jail klatte, A trial order selfelted: Graslto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Gee,, W. Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien -GeRtrastors and'iqanu facturersV of brlel deak-ra, 1m pressed brick- aad lime. Office at tbelr brick yard, West Jacksoa st. Phone No. 34S1; Garbage GARBAGE . Get. jour premises1 cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mais 0251. F. Y. Allen. Kimetlea QUAKER KUH88RIKS Our trees are.bHdde4aet grafted. Our stock Isin&t Irrigated., We -gsarantea everything put eut: 'Wo are not in the triMt. H. B. Patteraen, Office resaeved to office Hotel, Nash, in side eatraace aext to barber shop. Printers aad PahHshers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped job office la southern Oregon; book blading, loose leaf; systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N, Fir st. Physicians aad Hwrgeeaa .DRS. CONROY Sc CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons. Taylor and Phlpps bldg., roqms 210-211-212. Office phoaa 501, residence phono , 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. rn. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nott-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phone, residence 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S, LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases, of women. Offices ovor Hasklns Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001. Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 79S1; Home 367-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician, and Surgeon. Practice Ilmlted?ta eye. ear, nose and throat. Kyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied.. Office 216 E. Main st., over Mcd ford Hardware company. Hours. 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Both'uhones. E R. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank. Office phoue M. 432; Res. phono, M. 582. DR. K. H. .PCRTKR Phystclau and Surgeon, St. Marks Block Office phone 4901. Residence; 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 6 Kontuer bldg. Office hours 10. to 12. 2 to 5. Phone. Bell 271. Residence phone Bell 273 Home 347-X, E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tlco limited , to Chronic Disease., Offlco Hotol Holland, Wednesdays! 10-3. Both phcaaa. Resldenco, phones; Farmor 16xx5 Eagle Polut and Roguo River line. HERMANN F. RATTE, it. D, Or flce ovor Medford National Bank. Office phono 6701. Res., Hotol Holland, CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D., Prac-. tlce limited to Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when-needed. Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Ore. Real Sfetete REAL ESTATE Lv N, Judd, Talent, Ore., fruit, alfalfa and garden lands. Stenographers ELLA Mr OAUNYAW Palra bloek, Stenographic work dene ulkly and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 16, South .Fir. Phone Bell 3162; Home 3E0-K. Friw; right. Service guaranteed, 1 'J, ; , j ' i1 ! ! ' l m " ' i i i' in i i ,. i '. , Undertaken JOHN. A.. 'PBRLUJMmy m , HmhJwr Offiee W ieaUt IttrVV Intt st Teleibos;,. Bay, TWlt 471; night, relsaee, ll 471.. Home 179-L. Calls anawared Ntafei wjp fV Qymmt wymmwm mmmmmmmp ' i'i -jre? V