4 SL it r.. i , u 0 PAGE TWO MEDFQKD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, MONDAY. AUGUST 1$), tni2. Ml nH Htf-I'H AiiW BftM'TOW, J stuKcJUIiAL 1 L'fevr "I Fttndq tor thc,ocnl cqu.il suffrage Qtapnl'giL, wero augmented, by 15.1 Monday upon receipt of a draft from mo cnnjr'iRnicoii "K$ nla. The! drnY . . i. r .. 'j wiltco xf cantor Uini J Ov i vninw v ' Mabel' Craft Peering, VltlV a 'lottcr explaining that a surplus was lert in thodftjSUry'Alid'lW tho California comwltte i kaul lo dtobAiTd as . thc&Hsne hiorVVork tor lt'to lo. Equal stints were Bent 1o several otkof OregSK'polnt.'C IflhomoblV for sale. 200, good ebniltloB. Room 425, M. P. "H. mH ' 1.tn Hammocxs, snorting goodR, blue flame, ordorlcss oil stoves, rofrlgcra torij'oid. Prices right, fchaplelgh. hardware Co., 2S. South Central, Mr. Q. F. Johnson president of the Provident -Trust Co., of Portland and Mrs. Johnson n,nd their two sons spent part' of- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Whctscll. They drovo from Portland. In their car arriving In Medlord late Saturday night and left Sunday for Crater Lake. Klamath Falls, I.ako View and then back to Portland by eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. William Ulrlch and family arc enjoying an outing at the Eayart ranch. ' . Berlin Tailoring and French Dry ClesalHg Company, 109 West Main street, wish to announce that they are prepared, to do first class clean lac and pressing, also hats blocked aBd: trimmed. Ladies and. Gents' suits made to order. Giro- hs1 a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Pacific 6362. Miae Ruth Merrick is spending a few. days at the Enyart ranch on ' Upper Rogue R.lver. E. S. Tumy has been appointed local agent for the Realty Associates of Portland, Oregon by John W. Parker, district manager for the company. Mr. Tumy'a duties will bo those of sub-agent for this county, thus allowing Mr. Parker more time for his other territory, and interests. He will continue tho headquarters for his bond business at Medford, however. B. D. Weston, commercial photog raphers, negative made any time or place by appointment Phone M. 1471 Cart, Fichtnerand O. G. Vrooman 1 returned, last evening from a trip to Crater Lake, having made the trip on Excelsior motorcycles. They re port tho reads In fair condition ex- ' cept for rain and, snow at the lake. Early Crawford peaches for sale. JI. C. Jjy, phone Pacific 491-J-l. Sam L. Sandry chief deputy fish and game warden of this section is visiting Medford from Rogue River. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hicks motored to Applegate Sunday. A long want realized Cottage barber sho 19. South Central, open from 7 a.1 m. until 8 p. m. f ' tf Mr. an"d MrL.B. Brown spent Sunday at Shasta Springs. zJCamcron was among the many Mcdtord people spending Sunday at WeeV ' " f ' "r Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Gfena',6. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building, MedfonL " S: A. Pattison neadell Ihe Central Point' delegation to Shasta Springs Sunday, Miss Jcsslo (Wrett of Salem Is visiting MIm Cotxlelln Goffe of Con trnl' Point. - - Mr." and Mrs. "4 jVw. Myers nro damping afthe McAllister Springs on LIMIa Ilultn nW.iw. ( Hay for salct YvH. Everhnrd. Phono 6671. Mr. and Mra, 8. I, t.oonanbof this city and Mr. m Mrs, A. Strat ton win lenve.soan for itn outing near Prospefct. Jojm WIIKjnsOR'.whq ftonj to Fort Klamath for an extended outing on account of HI health is satd to bo Improving greatly in health. 'Kodak finishing, the beat, at Wcs. ton's, opposite book store. " jJourt Hall and Chnrlea Young will lcavo tomorrow for a tour of Cen tral Oregon. Mrs. H. 1). Falloway of Eagle Pornt was a recent Medford visitor. "Mr. and Mrs. John Griffith's nro spending a few days at Dead Indian on an outing. S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. F. & H. bldg. A fire started recently In N'olson Hbscmen's house oil Foots creek which, completely destroyed tho In terior of the building and in which Joo Kester, an old ipau who was staying at tho place was badly burned about the hea-i and shoulders. Kester woko"up in tho morning and lighted his candle dripping the match on the floor as ho supposed It was out but was not and swt fire to paper and the disaster -followed. The house was a large lop structure and by the hard work of thb neighbors the walls were saved bclig but slightly charred, but all the household ef fects were destroyed. Irs. A. D. Willows rif Little Butto Creek Is In Medford fori a short visit with friends. Allen D. Wood of Grants Pass spent Monday with Medford friends. LIKELY 10 CAPTURE TENNIS GHANiriSHiP. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS I Ml P TIKai rntmimi In f'hnren rf the Natron 'cutoff 'for the Southern Pacific Is visiting Medford. 'Mdrioy' to loan on country proper ty. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson Coun ty Bank Bldg., Medford. Mrs. Frank Isaacs spent Sunday at Colestln'wlth her mother who is camping there. Miss Bessie Carden has returned frbnVa, visit with relatives at Van couver, 'b.'c See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Han, over Jackson County Bank. 'G"uy'pishop has returned from a short Duslness trip to Rbseburg. 'Dr. Walter B. Coffee a surgeon for the Southorri Pacific company is tour ing'" Southern Oregon. 8otfa Fountain at DoVoe's. James Kershaw of Antelope spent Monday- In Medford on a abort busi ness trip. Professor'Talllunder Is spending a weelc at Shasta Springs. Mabel1 D; Hall, ehlna decorator, wl!l'Jon heV stbdlo to the public on Tuesday, August 20th, from 2 to C and-T a W, No ehlna' sold. Gar-nett-Corey building, room 408. 12? Mr, itnd' Mfs. F. H. Hopkins and fatnlly'Uavo left for an outing at Cra ter Lake. ivan Hocketismlth of Phoenix spout Mon'dtiyMn Me'dford oh buulAcss. ' Get Mrs.' Reynolds homo mado bread af'DeVooV Miss Marion Barntim lias returned from a visit In California. Weeks & MtcGowan Co. UNIiEPTAICERS mm swhi r. w, wmiw en 'WMMTAI AMT Mrs. W. E. Drayton has returned from a trip to Crater Lake. F. A, Hawk and family, W, E. Price and family, Tom. Merrlman and family, C. Blaln and family, B. F. Peart, J. F. Mcssncr, George, Gregory and W. H. Ferguson attended tho blacksmith's picnic in Ashland Sat urday. D. W. Stone and family of Sacra- raento, Cal., aro visiting at tho home of Mr.. Stone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone and family. Mr. anM ilrs. J. W. Myers' and Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Tro'vlllo loft Satur day, morning for a several days out ing' at 3ieAllIstor Springs. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Jones wero vis itors in our city a few hours Satur days. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were en route' to tho Meadows. Miss Lolm Duniau of Grants Pass Is tho guest of Miss Agnes Dunlap here. Mrs. Myra Roberta visited at tho homo of her sister, Mrs. Hughes Sun day. Mrs. Nancy Obenchain returned the last of the week from a several weeks visit with relatives and friends in Klamath. Falls. Mrs. George Pankey and Mrs. Joe Wright have returned from a few days outing. George Merrlman of Medford spent Sunday at the residence of his son Tom Merrlman and family. Mr. and' Mrs. Englnn'd of Ashland were Sunday guests of M. R. England and. family. Tho Roguo River band accompa nied by a number of our citizens took In the excursion to Weed and Shasta Springs- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Merrlman, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. England,' Mrs. Em ma Bcbb, MIsb Ncttlb Lewis, Miss Edith Stone, Miss Mildred Stewart, Claud White, Wayne and Earl Leov er, Ward Barnctt and Ed' Kahlor were' Sunday afternoon passengers for Medford Tho dance given Saturday night in Central Hall was much enjoyed by our young people. SECRETARY WILSON WlLL PROBE HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. Secre tary of the Interior Walter L. FIshor announced today that ho expects to start for Honolulu next Sunday per sonally to Investigate affairs con nected with the territorial govern ment of Hawaii. Fisher will sail for tho island from San Francisco August 31, aud will reach Washing ton on bis return about October 1C. i ii i ,-i IRITAINVri EXHIilTV' AT PANAMA EXPOSITION LONDON', Aug. 19.-r-T,uo British forolgn office notified tho Amprlcaq embassy hore tqday that England ac cepts "In prlKclplo" tho Invlta.tlpn to participate In tho Panama Pacific Exposition to ho held at Sun Francis co in 19 J5. Formal acceptance is delayed until tho exposition commu nion Is consulted concerning tho space available. ' -illllllllllllHIIIIHHtf:IIIH II llll-H IM.III NffMI II MAUttlCE E. MCLOUfiHLIN MKETINO A. HIGH THE UOB . TITLE HOLDER. It Is the opinion of experts watching tho New York State tennis champion ship games being played at the Crescent A. O, In Brooklyn, that M; K. Mc Loughlln, of California, will carry off the honors. LIU companion, Thomas Bandy, also of California, Is running a close second. How to Eradicate Wild Morning Glory Qljarles Dillingham has,, engngqd tho noted dancer Lydja Loupoukpwa for tho company In, wllcli, JEJlfjie Jnnla will bo starred with Montgomery, Stone nnd Joseph Cawthorno. By Profe.vor F. C. lteintcr This Experiment Station has re ceived many Inquiries this summer re garding the wild morning glory, es pecially as to the best means of eradicating It. Tho wild morning glory (Convolvu lus arvensls) Is one of tho most, If not tho most; troublesome weeds in southwestern Oregon. It Is a native of Europe, and was Introduced Into southwestern Oregon less than a quarter of a ccptury ago. It has bc conio thoroughly established hero and finds conditions very favorabio for Its best development. It grows re markably welt on practically nil the soils In the valley; but nttalns Its greatest perfection, and entrenches It self most thoroughly, In tho deep, loose, moist loams. In other words. It becomes most troublesomo on our best farm lands. This weed Is so persistent, and so difficult to eradlcato, that so mo f ar mors regard the fight against It as a useless effort, and havo givon up the fight. In one instanco a farmer came to the conclusion that tho weed was a part of his soil. Just as pebbles' are a part of his soil; nnd that It was simply folly to attempt to get rid of it. It should bo stated at tho outset that thla.w.eed, can bo eradicated by proper methods. Furthermore, It is of vital Importance to many of our farmers that it bo eradicated. It I 8.Q peritttcnt and spreads so rapfdly that most of our crops autfor severe ly in fields where this pest exists. Tho writer knows of one field whore thq tomnto crop was reduced fully ninety per cent during tho season of 1911 and tho young fruit trees In this same field made .very little growth. It Is useless to attempt to grow many of our vegetables In fields where this weed has become estab lished. The fight against this pest should commenco as soon as It makes Its appearance. The longer tho fight Is delayed the more difficult It will fin ally be. To fight this weed successfully ono must know tho habits of tho plant, t"t produces a rpot system from three 1,0 ten feet long, depending on tho depth of tho soil. It pan reprodttco itself by seeds or Btu'nll portions of tho root system. A pleco of root an Inch long torn from tho root system will prod u co a now plant, TJio long root Bystom is n grcn storo Iiouho for reserve nlant food. As soon as tho leaves appear above ground tho manu facture of rcsorvo plant food (starch) begins, and this Is stored In tho root system Jus?, as it Is stored in tho tubors in caso of tho potato. Thcro is enough rescrvo plant food In tho root Hystum to keep the plant ullvo for a whplo season wlthput tho use of any uddltlonal plant food. This oxplalns why tho plant will not die when cut off a few inches below the surfaco of tho ground, but will sond up at onco a pew shoot or vino from bolqw tho cut part. It will do thjs repeatedly until all tho reserve plant food in tlio enormous root system Ih used up. This characteristic enables tho plant to persist whon tho usual methods of weed fighting aro prac ticed. The crucial point then. Is thnt eradication of this plant depends on tho exhaustion of tho root system. Tho only wny that this can bo dono Is to cut the plant off repeatedly 'three or fnui; inches below tho Bur-. face of the ground boforo It makes Its appearance above ground. Tho best tool tor' this purpose is tho 'weed cutter." Tho best typo of, weed cutter Is ono with a long straight knife. Tho ground must bo gone over onco every five days. Im mediately around tho trunks of trees, or plants In the garden, tho work must bo gone over with a hoo. This method la nor successfully practiced by some of tho orchardlsts In this valloy. It has also given excellent results In California whpro this weed has gained a strong foot-hold. Whero tho land Is badly infested and to bo med for vegetables or small fruits It simplifies tho fight npt to plant a crop for'ono season. This gives an opportunity to plough tho ground thoroughly and to uso n largo weed cuttor to tho best advantage. Ono season of heroic treatment will rid tho field or this weed. IL should bo omphnHlzcd that the ordinary toothed cultivator or hnr row is of vefy little vnluo in this fight, as they cut off vary few of tho plants. Wherovor It Is practicable badly Infested fields may bo pastured for somo tlmo with hogs, sheop or goats, Hogs nro especially effective In eradicating thb) weed. They cat tho tops, and are very fond of tho roots and underground stems. Where tho soil is very hard It Is host to plough tho ground before turning iu tho hogs. F C. RE1MER, Experiment Station, , Talent, Oregon, PLEIADES STILL AGROUND NEAR MAGDALENA BAY SAN DIEGO, Cal., Aug. 19.The California and Atlantic Liner I'lola des which went aground near Mng (lalcna Bay on Lower California coast, was still aground today, ac cording to wireless reports. It is reported a wrecking crow will go t,o lie'r usslstanco from 8an Francisco. FATAL BLAST AT QUARRY " AT COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. COTTAGE GROVE, Oro AMff. 19. Daniel Boylo, a' railroad employe, was killed and several porsops, nar rowly escaped death In a blast ut tho city rock quarry horo. Boylo was killed by being hit on tho head by a heavy stono thrown 1,000 feet from where tho blast was sot off. TOO LATE TQ CLA$SJFY FOR RENT Flvq room cottago, sow er and water connection, pavod street, closo In, Including now bath, Ten dollars, 403 North Fir streot. 129 COriGRESS REGULATES , APPLE BARREL SIZE Goitgroito hits passed a bill, which has now bucouto n law, regulating (ho utnmlnrd apple barrel and tho titand nrd grade for apples when paqkud In bnhrrelH. Tho bill provides that the Btnndnrd barrel (or npplen shall bn of tho following dimensions whon measured without detention of Its parts: Length of stave, twenty eight nnd onc-lmir Indies; diameter of head, seventeen and ono-olgth laches; distance, between heads, twouty-alx Inches; clrouWf4roitco of bulgo, arxty-four lnoho,put"lo mean uremerit, roprvtoi)OiiK tit nearly an possible nevun thousand and flfty-nlx cubl(j' Inchqa: Provided, That ateel barrels containing tltu Interior til- trcustnna provided fur In this section; shall no construed n. a compliance tlHruwlth. That the standard grades for np. plefc when packed In barrdlH which shnl be shipped, or dollverod for shlpjnonl iu interstate or foreign commorcq, or which shall bo sold b sold or offered for salo tylth.ln the District of. Columbia or (ho Territor ies of the United Slates shall ho ut follews: Apples "o. oiie variety, which aro well grown spwd'mous, band picked, of good.co'lQrvt6rthe varloty, normal ahnpe, p?ctfcily free from Insect nnd fungous Injury, bruises, and other defects, except auch as nro necessarily caused in tho operatlou of packing, or apples, of ono varloty which are not mote than ton por centum below tho foregoing specifi cations shall bo "Standard grade ml nlmnlHmuxetnolnshrdluoylcmfwy minimum slxo two nnd one-fourth Inches," if tho minimum site of tho npplen Is two nnd uno-tmlf laches In trnnsverto diameter; or "Standard grndo minimum size two Inches.'1 It the minimum slro of the apples Is two Inches In transverse dlnmoler. That tho bnrrola in which apples nro packed in Accordance with tho provision of this Act may be branded In accordance with section two of this Xct. Thnt nil barrels packed with ap ples shall bo deemed to bo below standard It tho barrel bear iuy state ment, design, or device Indicating that tho barrel Is a standard barrel of apples, as herein defined, and tho capacity of tho barrel Is less than tho capacity prescribed hyh section ono of this Act, unless tho barrel shall bo plainly marked on end and Hide with words or figures showing the fractional relation which tho actual Capacity of tho barrel bobnrs to tho capacity prescribed by section ono of this Act. Tho marking required by (his paragraph shall bo In block let ters of size not less than soventy two point one-Inch gothlc. A penalty of ono dollar and costs for each barrol sold la provided by tho law, pcopln or tho United HtHl' tml.il Mrd mm j( 8AIJ w. has fyVj returned from tho unutuorktla con? ycjitluu at Baltimore, Jo which heSn 9 mMogiuo, tteiurniug no inauu a. circle through tho wnithcra tnt.en. ti (eel tho puUo of tho people o( the south thnt ho might obtain an under standing or the nolltlcnl ultuatluii, "Wherever I went" ald Mr. llolnu'H, " endeavored tu obtain thir aplhlonu of tlio wording elnm, Throughout tho nation I found thnt as a class tho working men who wero republicans favored Toddy nnd the democrntn wero plensod with the nomination of Wllfcon. l'rogross'vc nosa has come to stay." According to Mr. llolmw, tho dem ocrat)) of Medford had n wonderful Influence toward tho nomination of Mr. Wilson lit llnttituoio throuu'i a telegram sent by Mayor Canon nnd Home fifty adherents to deuocrucy to tho Oregon delegation. Mr. Holmes, "It'wriii tt oiiw nliown to thi two wiwnnl dolegAlw. Outt nt onco clnmVorod bntik on tho WI'hoii wagon. Th6 (jtjior wijni ul;ilurnto nnd hold out for two nays. I look Ihn telegram as soon as it w:tv idiowu tn the two men tviut hmrleil l Ihu or flco or tlio llaltlinoro KlO'i 'vhloh wan WUhoii'h supporter, Wlin.ro tho nimi ngoil to siring It prnlly vull iicimih the' front pngd. t thon hud about U00 prlutoii of J tuld dhtvllmlod ilnnu ninong tho tlologafoH. "Uvorywlioro you ciitild toe vrotips IooHIuk VX'l, U'M iefiK t ' comineiilfl tiia't l produced wqh o trotii'clyjhutnpronH. llowovor tliey had a marked effect nnd mnny W'llroti tnenwbo wero llred of thu t'iintitit IllQtlHKnwore Btlffoiied By tho Ihreal, wltlch In Moino Inittnnces wn consid ered' tu have been tundo Iu oarnuiit." Chicken nnd tlio Trimming and all tho other goodies nro helm: Tho tologram was sent when It ns ' proniitpu f,or the UnUm Church nnd learned that two of the Oregon dele ... . t. 1 - .ml . galea had switched to Clark. "Tbe wording was that Medford demon at wanted to know tho names ut tho two traitors to tho cause nnd warned thnm to go back on tho right sldo or 'never tu rccross tho Mississippi. "When tho telegram nr Ivod.'Vnldj up, paT ii ,.,...w... ifc i ii s.ss. Sunda ftcllool plcnlo. TueHdny, Aug, 30, Hou,thorn lctflc apeclal oxenr nlou train, all modern coaclum. (Irnntn l'asa to Colostlh, one fnro round trip. Croat tlmo sure, llrlng Vour lunch basket and feast lit the pool of the CoIckIIu mountain hrcozeu. 137" HEALS SORES AND ULCERS 8. 8. 8. heats Sores nnd Ulcers In t' vry lmplati way. It Just govt rUlt down Into the blood and removvs the eauw, nnd the plncn is hound to boal bscauM the Impurities and morbid matters whioh hnvn Ikkhi thn mnof keeping the ulor opon nro n'tetUrr Abarrbt from the blood. External npplioatlous of salvos, lotions, plasters, stc, can never nrwtuco u oura beauM thav do not roach the aouro Of tho trouble. At lust thiy qoAonly allay pain oc wduca lnflaiuallonj suU trtnvut la working on aymntomB and not roaohlng the eaus. Every nutritive corpuscle lu tho blood U weakened or lnfeotcd, tho; cannot nourbm tho flbruus tUauo around the place, but Instead they constaatly dfeeHarge Into the ikali around tho sore a quaatlty of itaptwo. gertu-ladcn xutter. wUUjIl jjradually eata Into tho surrounding hoalthy tis.iu and cauma the ulcer to enlarge. Sluoo Impuio blootl Is responsible, for 8ors and Ulcers, a mtdlclne thnt can purify tho blood is tho only hope of curt. H. H. 8. has Una bMn roaettnlMd no tho RToateit o( all blood puriuars, poMMetng the .qusiitle neeaaty to rouiovu every Impurity from th blood, Willi ouriux the tore or ulcer 8,11.0. brings about a healthy condition of tho flesh by supplying It with rich, healthy blood, and thus makM tho our permanent and lasting. Hook on Bores and Ulcers and aay medical Bdrlelnt to all'who write. TH1 SWIFT SPCIC CO,, ATLAXTA, QA. MEDFORD DEMOCRATS NAMED ' GOV, WILSON, SAYS HOLMES "Tho progrcsslvo wave has certain ly obtained a secure hold upon tho i n F, I HHCaM , II UHJ. ICE CREAM PURE and WHOLESOME AT TllK RKU1T 1'HICK ' In carton, 3f cents Dr quart. 30 cents extra for packers of any sUeup to on gallon. Any order over ono gallon at II pur gallon. Deliveries of packors to any part of tho city. Ice cream served at the cruAwpry at f cents per dish., Mdforc CrTH OX lutttrCq. r . . 1PIUWHI', Kstablltlicd 187S FRUIT Incorporated 1904 D. OROS8LBY L SONS Commission Mrchanto uut bVanklln Ht., New York Oh Specialty APPLES and PEAKS. Wo havo our own houses In NKW YOHK, LIVKltIOOIi. LONDON AND LA8OW Dlroct couslKamonts sollolted or eo our Itoguo Hlver roprcentatlro. CHRIS. GOTTItlEB , . Medford, Orogon i f. FIFTY FIRST Proton n StaM iv H I) I 'j rair k . . $i Salem Sk 2-7 1912 ...'-..'I'' "..,. I .00O..00 offered in. Premiums on Liyestock, Poultry, Agricultural and other products 'Ml' Races, Dpg Shpw, Scooting V"t ..1.fc Tournament, Band Concert, Fireworks ,, and Free Attractions ?r Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks Reducedi rates on all Railroads i V $ ' ! ,f For. particulars address FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary Salem, Oregon.