ttww Hfi"f!y ftifuff fy "" r''"'r'-V'4rfft i VTr '"ff? W1 fJT '-W'ir---vvt'ivyyy-ipyfrK'V'wvy - JfMVJ fjv f'l i - . i ' i ' ' ..,) I if Poor Jeff! luvmN,iuMKt rvOv I. ." j. .:v " , 'PCf Al,v4 r-.rUr. t VOlCC. -Kn Kir.'r. GOAJMA &IUI" MR I. '! tVMU e""w ouTften: W TVIWfc vyRr r wr. m 'T'.wiwh tiv l'i ('muvduus f-iJL h , r-u. .-cgf. m cml-L m n nNnyr-- ." Our Correspondents 1 CENTRAL POINT ITEMS Mr. 1 1 union itml ilniiKhtor of Troll wont luini ijiiliiK Uio lost of ttio MUh .Mllilroil llnwk Hiiit tint tti.vok-cnit with rlntlvo nt AhIiIiukI. Mr. mill Mm, llorncr 'rt of nmr Jni'UwonvllU? upmit Friday lu our city. 0. H, Mooro nnd 0. H, l.lltlo hnvu movml frm ttio Tliomnn proporly to tint Wlllliuiii property nt tho north t'Ht corner of Bocond nnd AUIor tn-titrt. Mm. W. i;. Knhlur c'littTtnlnctl n fow of tlui )oiiuk poopln nt liur homo WVdnt'adny ovonloi; In honor of Ml Victoria Vnn Vllct. Tho ovciiIiik wn Mpimt In oclnl nimiAoincntn nftcr which clfxtuty- rifrPHhiiioii wore orvrd. All prriont pout n very en. Joynlilo cvi'lilliK. It. C. Itflliilo, Itrt Mcltln, (Iiik MorrU, Win. NlkolniiN, Mr. llnlchvr, Mrn. Duncan. Hr., Mm, Duncan, Jr., nnd H, A. 1'nttlnon wvro pnH0iif;cm from hero to M ml ford I'rldny alter noon. Miiuy of our youiiR lml Ion nro buoy pnuhltiK nt vnrloiiH plnccn DiIh week. I'rofcimor (trcoiilcnf who hit litn Hv Iiik nl Kam; Cnmk hnx movml hln fnnilty hero In tho Perkins property. 1 JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. f ; 1 r"" MiM draco Mullcr of Sun Krnii cihi'ii Iiiik lit'iui fiM'mlinjf n few ilnyrt ut tlio homo of Mr. M. M. Taylor. MUh Mullitr in the ilaulilcr of ll.t Mtillcr, ro;iuurly of thi ptnec. I'rof nuil Mrn. .1. I. WcIIk lelt for !titlo I'iiIIh Monilny wlicro they will onmp Tor n couple of vi'iks. MIhh K(ltli Met'iiue of AhIiIiukI is vlxitiiic nt the home of Mr. Oscir Ditiifonl. .Mr. mill Mix. Kicd CoMii hhhI tlui week Oiid ill the emnp of the l'onuer'rt fninily on Williumx cieek. MiHMis Io1k KhIcm iiinl I'hoehu Hcek of Med font were kiiohIk of Minn Mimdo Newlniry, olio Ony jveeuely. MiMxert Frmieirt Keniicy, Miuiilu N'ettlury nnd Ailecn Kinpdiury hhmiI Hiniilny ju Coletftiu. Mr. M. M. Tnylor eiitertiiined u nuiiilier.of ymiltjr "oplu lt Monday uMiniiiK tit honor of Minn draco Mtillcr of Sun KrmieNeo. The Jnvtlcd nuuHto were; Minncx flraco McDonald, rinni Alihott, Alien Ilocf, Oraeii NoIhoii, l.ulii Williams, Knv I.mniHp:mli, Ailecn lvlupliury, Mando Xewhury, FraneiH Ivenney niitl Mix ,lleti Wil liauiH of Iowa mid Vauco t'ulvtj; of Mcdfoid, Donald raiueioii, Sidney Aliliolt and Unwell Illncs. Misrt I.ulu Prim in vinitiiiL,' at the much of, Mr, Frmt Lity on An('oio. Hurry I,hv uud family mid Hay Ulrieli and fmiiily have ruttiruuil from u twii,wcik'rt eumpiiitf tip on l.itllo Ap)U'ate, Mr.jitul Mi-h. t'luiH. Prim relumed Wciliiotulny from n few.da.VH Hpout in tlio AppWuto.ooinitry. Mr, and Mi. CIiiih. Niekel and daiiKliter aro ttpiMiitiu a fow weeks at Newport, -L-1- lUi. 1 PHOENIX Mm, Ilrookfl niovod Into tho WrlKtit cottnKo on Monday, Mib. (leorKO I'Stltor wnB tnkon quite Hlok thin week. Mark ForiiH and family loft Mon day to ciiiup for u month at Lnko of tho Woodd. Mayor Prolan -of-TuloiU, was lu PhoonJv WodnoHduy on IiubIiiohh, Mra. John 13. ItoliortH pont Ttiei. day lu Auhlnud. Mlna Vera Cope of Shuttle, Is unond Iiik lior viicnflon with nor parents, Mr, nnd Mrs. John Cope. v J, Under nnd wlfo left Thuradny for mi nutonohl)o trip to Crntor.Uko and Klamath FnllH, Ira Dunlap left WodUoartny morn Iiik on a IiiihIiiohh tf'lp to Moutniiue, Cnllfvrnlu, " Mutt Hangs Him Up for $2 " "771 ""T- i-J" ' """" '" ' 'ft , ''"-' -' t.f .n.. I,,.,, ,.,..,.,. .1.-; . -J i ' J l An OrTRMNSD .-.. To K" , - ,AtHT , OQWnFULj T" f It t , j vihi .Ynii' i ti - ivnuj n "' Dbnr rni ini t-mi i'j uvi j.iici 1 1 - - - -. nlxc1 v nrrc.r.i.-Lt nWoui z. .....j vj:. ;- -,-.; ui,vv-w - ujow- , . x " U "u" ' ' "4 uwrx i i - xo MPWf v CKQtn 0 il..i til a kMi.,r IT ,. Y inT:- -rW ZiW dJPD - I MS. H WZjsZD M vZX PsSy m I 5sra,- EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (Py A. 0. llowlott.) Tho Jnt (Imo I wrolo I proinltied to tell (ho rondem of tho Mnll Tri hunn HoiiiuthlUK of what I mtw nnd (icurU on my trip to An(o uud Tnhlo Hock. 1 vtarted for Atitloch ncliool hoimo, expcctliiK to meet ltv. M. C. DnvU thero ncconlliij; to previous nr ranr.umenlK mid Juxt an I wnn com ing out of the xnto ucnr the Ilylieo brlilKO I raw him ruitnliiR full npned to luicrcept mo to Inform mo that thero won another appointment nheuil of hU nt Antloch nnd Hint ho hud phoned over tho neighborhood that ho would prnncli nt Aisfite. Hut be fore I ro nuy further on my itory I lih to tell whnl I imw on niywny ncroiiN tho denert, for I confeig that I wn Krently mirpiUed. Thero were Jint ncrrn nnd ncrcrt of nn tlno look Iiik corn Rrowlnj; nn anyone could wUh. although (hero were occn ilonnlly HpotM Hint tho corn looked leH henlthy than tho rout nnd In ad dition to tho corn wore vIiiph that looked like xqiinnh tinea, lirnna nnd other vine of a imnller rnrloty nnd I learned Inter thnt'they wore ennto lopes, hut ulk uliotit thnt deiuierl Kroiiud lirlnulni; xnrdeu truck why It ilono niy-fjen-goof; to nee aurh' n Krowth on In nd that lift alwnyn been coii'ldcrcd worthlcm. Well nfter 1 wn met by brother Davit, I turned my cottrno nnd went to Agnto nnd thero we hnd n very InterettlnK Hun day school nfter which DavIb preached, and Jio and I went to Mr. Hooby'H for dinner, well It Ik not bent to nay niiioli nbout tho dinner but Mrs. Pechy snld thnt the chlckonn were all ready heforo nil knew that wo wore comliiK. Well whllo din ner wiim boltiK prepared Mr. Ilcoby In vlfod us to wulk out Into IiIh or chard and Knrdon, well tnlk about gnrdon truck ho hnd nlmol every thing that tho soil of Jncknoii county can rnlxn nnd that mennH nlmoHt nny thlnrt thnt will grow In our latitude, hut hln fruit, apples, pears, berries, etc., of all Kinds, and lu abundance, when wo went back to tho houso tho freezer wuh nbout ready for huidncon nnd Mr. Peeby nnd Davis worked, the freezer nnd your corresioniteut bosHod llin lull U'ltlt In mnkfi ti Hlinrl ulnrv " "' of It wo hnd n feiiHt of ns nlco Icoj cream iih anyone could wish, After tho feast wns over He v. Davis started for Table Itoek to meet tho Sunday school thero nnd your cor respondent wont by n slower mode of traveling, In n biiKK)'. but ltev, Davln has one of tho latest Improved motor cycles uud ho now can trael nt tho rate of well ho rocb bo fiiHt that I can't keep In sight, however I nr rtvod at Mr. DoPorts tho plactx acroed on when wo aopnrated. In duo time and ho preached akaIii to a Kood sized nudlouco. Whllo In tho neigh borhood of Table Peck, 1 nptlcod that tho young orchards wero look Inif flue uud tho older ones wero Just loaded with fruit In fact If, they don't thin tho trees more thoy nro likely to break all to polces. I iilso noticed thnt thoro was a quantity of Krulu beliiK stacked ready for thu thrasher tud everything looked pros perous. Well Monday afternoon nfter I wan throiiKh with writing for tho Mnll Trlbuno r took a tsroll over town to boo what I could find thnt would ho of Interest to tho rondora of tho Mali Trlbuno uud I soon dis covered that thoro was quite a num ber of our furmera had come to town, nnd iih I onterod Prowim storo thoro I met Giih KilinuiiBon of Derby and ho Informed mo thai ho nnd his fath er I -ee KilinuiiBon wero running their saw inllliticnr Derby r and with him woro Pay nnd Fred Sluitronn nlao ut )orby,Mrs.KQuiiukonbushandMru. of Dorhy Mra, Quaokenbush and Mih. fjoruiuu bestdo two othors that woro strungera to mo, and nt IJoath & Dlnmou'H I met Mr, Qunokonbush and hH lntor-ln-law Mrs. MoKaffory. Tlio QtiuckQuutiQtieH, (lormnU'u nml MFUHfORD WXtn TRtBTJOTi. McKefforys nil Urn on Mr, Corbln's orchard nnd ns I understand It tho three Indies nro nil slitters, they were nil lu Koltlni supplies from tho two Rouoral merchandise stores of our town, ntthoiiKh wo Jiavo several other stores lu our town besides thorn. Whllo In HrowtiB storo I lonrncd that Frank Prowu ono of tho firm, also one of tho county commissioners had Konn out on tlio Crater Lake road with tlio other county commissioner, James Owens, In compnny with Wm. Von dor Jlolleu to Inspect the work. Our now baker tells mo thnt ho used to run tho Model Hakcry in Medford and thnt ho had to ship Tuesday niornliiK ono hundrodnnd fifty loaves of bread to Medford nnd that It Jutit keeps him Jumping to keep any stock on hnnd. That spenks well for KnRlo Point to have to ship bread to tho great city of Medford. floorj;o Vondcr Ilellen has gono to Prospect to take n hunt. (lus HottonburR lost ono his horses Monday evening with pneumonia. Cnnl of Thanks. I ,with, by this means, to express my thanks and gratitude to Kov. Iloylo for his kind words, tho singers for their awcot singing, nnd nil any friends nnd lodge members for their many kind acts and tho beautiful floral offering, during tho Illness ami death of my beloved sister, Delia XI. 'Lawronli. Such acta will never, bo forgotten. 120 MPS. W. T. SHOULTS. NotliliiK to Drink lint .Mineral Water on tho big Union church and Sunday school picnic nt Colestln, Tuesday, August 20. nut, oh! tho good thltiga in those lunch baskets. Tho Southern Pacific speclnl will bo a dandy nil modoru, roomy coaches. Six hours nt the Springs! You'll got homo nt your usual bed time nnd go to bed happy, Ono faro for'tho rotiud trip. 127 3VOTICK. Dlnckomlth shops will l;o closed on Saturday, August 17, beliia; tho llorso ahoora national holiday. All shops belonging to Jackson County Local 020 will bo closed on thnt day. 120 W. W. WILSON, 8oc. No. C20. KXCUILSJON TO 1UIXKMU1R. Kvoryono will dpubtlces want, to goonUiataiK'dal Train Excursion to DuiiBiiiuIr, Shnstn Springs, Colestln next Sunday, tho ISth. Special Train from Grants Pnss, Medford, Ashland and Intermediate points with modern equipment will tako caro of tho crowd, nnd Ono Faro for round trip places It within reach of all. Seo tlio big game at Wood. Notice of Halo of Iiiiitrnvciiient Points. . Not I co Ja heroby given thit tho Uocordor of, tho Qlty of Medford wjll roceivo seaieii proposals for tno pur chuso of 13,750.00, or nny portion T-s l . , . , V.-3 .'. '.-JU-.. '.., r Announcement Polytecliiiic Collegti Oinm Hepteinbor tre Suit. Three departments: Normal, Rusl Hess, nnd Knglnootlnt,'. Tho Normal furnishes a u trout? courao for teach ors ns well as tonchors' rovlow clnasos every month In tlio year; the Rusl neua course contnlna bookkeoplng, shorthandj typowrUIuK. and nil com morclal work; tho Engineering courses nro,clyU, ploctrlcal, tuoohnnl cnljr amlimlnlng. Tho collogo Is opou tho ontlro year of twolvo months. Special tenchora for' each depnit mont, Thoroughncaa In nil linos of work. Graduates will bo. aided In secur ing positions. Lot young mon nnd young women got roady tor tho wonderful dovolop mout of this sootton of, tho Puclflo const, For information addrosa 1HLYTK0I1N10 COLT4EGK AhIiIiukI Oivgon MlSPirOnPoOllKCION'. SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1012 ' thereof, six iier.ccnt (G per cent) ten yenr Improvement Ponds of tho City of Medford,', Dr?0ir, (optional after tno first year.; Tho bond will bo sold at tho high est price obtainable but not for less thun par and accrued Interest. All bids mutt bo filed at tho Recorder's office at any time before 4; 30 p. tn.. Friday, August ICth, 1012, and must bo uccompanled by a certified check equal to flvo per cent of tho amount bid for said Ponds, said check to bo forfeited to tlio City of Medford In caso bid la accepted and, bonds nro not nurchased In accordance with said proposition within twent days after tho notice of mid acceptance Tho City Council of (he City of Medford, Oregon, reserves the right to reject nuy and all bids. KLMI3R T. FOSS. L , City Recorder. Dated this Dtli day of August. 1912 MONEY TO LOAN. MONK Y TO LOAN Ranch money, nny nmoiint, long time, low rntos. Clark Realty Co. 128 MONUY TO LOAN On Improved city or ranch property. Box 85. Mull Tribune, FOR KENT- HOUSEKEEPING . IIOOM8 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 21 Gcneseo street, Phono Pacific 4224. 133 FOR EEN1 nuti'BBi FOR RENT Modern S room house on Oukdnlo. $J5, Cnrkln & Taylor, phono Pacific .1171. . FOR RENT Acry doslrablo tour room bungalmf with cower and water on paired street. Rent Jll.r.0. Geo. C. Cornltlus, 123 E. Main St., MnlG031. 125 FOR RENT Modern fire-room houso. M. A. Rader, at M. F. & H. Co. FOR RENT 10 room houso rear of Farmers c Fruitgrowers bank, suitable tor business, real estate, boarding or rooming bouse. Gold Ray Realty Co.,' 6th and Fir sta. FOR RENT Eight room houso, also elx room apartment, close In, rea sonable. Inquire Onkdalo Cash Grocery. 12C 15 Per Cent on. Investment ARE YOU LOOKING ? For n real bargain, I enn show you one In 25 acres of Hoar Creek bottom. All in bearing fruit, alfalfa nnd garden. Six room house, good barn nnd water. Within 1 miles Medford on Macadam road, Pacific' Highway, R. F. 1)., telephone, gas and electricity. Low prlco and lib eral tonus. Or ten acres In bearing npples and pears In 1-4 mile of Cen tral Point. 4 room houso, etc. in per cent of prlco asked allowed for present crop If not desired by pur chaser. Seo or write ownor, Pox 77, Routo 2, Medford nonco, as will sell. A SNAP CO ncrcs, six miles from Medford. good graded road croases tho tract, nil free boII, at $G0 per aoro.- $1000 will 'Uandlo, easy terms on balance. Part Is crook bottom land, suitable tor alfalfa. Soreral springs on tho placo. Timber enough to pay for tho tract. No buildings. Iu tho Griffin crook district. W. T. York & Co. S9B3 NEW TODAY 120 ncros Jolnlngn country town, IS acroa of beurlagiorchnrd, 45 acres Irrigated, balance In pnatiiro, -with 'un limited adjoining range, a flno sight ly locution, excellent road all tho your For salo for $100 au aero, tortus on pitrt, or wOl trado for a hay or dairy ranch on tho coast, ld0 acres near Klamath Falls, 85 ncrea under n now government Irriga tion dlteli, moat of tho bnlanco Is also oxcollont land. A groat alfalfa pro position with wldo stock ran go ad joining. Wilt for $50 an aero, or will tuke tncomojProperty In Med ford id exchange, '1 C.D.HOON ttoom 18, Ja.uU.sou County Hunk llldg. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Ranches largo and sail, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR RENT 10 acres on upper Koguo Hirer, beautiful mountain homo, flno hunting and fishfng, good house and barn, alfalfa field, garden nnd irrigation ditch. Ad dress P. O. Pox 702, Medford. Oregon. FOR RENT PUICXIHHED AITS. FOR RENT Smith Apis. 217 S. Rlr. FOR RENT Furnished apartment Jutt like a bungalow. Largo porches, prlrato baths, new, Tho Derbcn, corner Quince and W. Main street. Phono 347-L. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Large, comfortablo of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT FURNISHKD ROOMS FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms nt tho Cottage, 604 West 10th et., tw-o blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water in rooms. Home phono 217. Mrs. H. M. Coso. THE PAJtK VIEW Hotel haf changed hands. A hotel for work ing en, with cool, clean outside rooms. $1.50 .1 week. Good meals 25 cents. Transients 25 cents a night. J. T. Perry, Prop. 141 FOR SALE ROUSES FOR. SALE Now and modern five room bungalow. Will sell at cost and on easy terms. Pig Pines Lumber Co. tf FOR SALIS ACmKAOK FOR SALE Eight acres. Just ont sldo city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples; small bouse, good well; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE 2 acres In Jackson ville, clear title. Seo owners. Sis ters of St. Mary's Academy, Med ford. FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 130 hens, whlto nnd brown LeghornB, 506 Newtown be tween C nnd 7 p. m. any day. 126 FOR SALE 500 Whlto Leghorn chickens, must bo sold at once. See or phone. E. H, Janney. Home phono 10 mid 372-R. 12S FOR SALE Blackberries by crato. Call Home Phono 319-R. 130 FOR SALE A good strong moun tain hack, nearly new. J. C. A.. Medford Mail Tribune. FOR SALE Saw Mill. 25 11. P. saw tnd shlnglo mill with equip nwnu. Good location nnd good rig. will soil cheap. Inquire, S3. Trlbuno Offlco. 127 FOR SALE Chicken ranph and ber ry patch mllo from Mouroru, sidewalk, electric lights, telephone, etc. Seo W. H. Everhard, 1013 W. Ninth st., phono 6671. FOR SALE I Centrifugal pump. $15,00 If some ono has 5 cords of Oak wood to tako it in on. Senrle, at R. R. Electric office. 126 FOR SALE Ono almost new com puting scale vory cheap It taken nt onco. F. . Tribune. 126 FOR SALE Would like ordors for early and late Crawford poaches. Mrs. L. P. Black, Ashland, Ore., Phono 465-J. 131 FOR SALE 20 tons of good grain hn $7.00 por ton. Inquire of R. H. Lincoln, 104 S. Bartlett St. HELP WANTED MALE WrNTED A man with team to haul 200 cords of wood iu Butto Falls district. Address A. p. Barrow, Medford, Oregon. nELP WANTED FEMAXdi WANTED Girl for housovork wholo or part of time. 1427 .p. Main. Phono Paplflc 7571. t126 WANTED Girl for gonoral hbttso work, family of threo, dollar a day. Mrs. Wm. Budgo, Cll W. 10th. 120 WANTED A girl Tor goneral houso work, Must bo good cook. Tele phone :i341. Mrs. nert Andorson, 006 AV, Main. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Anyono wishing to engngn in the billiard business can purchnso nil or a half Intorost In tho Ovyl Billiard par lors na owner wlahea tn go away. Samo can bo ptirchnaod at a very ropoiMblo figure, g, 1, Drown. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Clean, whlto Mnll Tribune Office. rags at WANTED To buy from, ownc, good houso with ono or more lots, ad dress or call at 0 p. m. or Sundays at Room 11, 21 Genesee St., N. 126 WANTED To rent, good tent for camping 'by first of week. Phono 113-X. 126 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR TRADE 4-room house, elec tric lights, sewer In, on paved St., and sldo walk In. will trade for acres or small ranch. 311 west Jackson st., no agent. 15C BUSINESS DUtnerrouY Accoantants D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your bookB audited and kept for a reasonable ligure; your busincun solicited. Office Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg; phono 6611: resi dence phono 6302. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Batik bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. . PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoftlco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Coroy bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL- KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Brick and Cement. The Medford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tile porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, Jardinieres, flower pots Phono Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 2D Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Ci 11 Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civtt Engineer and Surveyor. Wator flings and irrigation work n specialt; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sew'er design concrete work, pump nnd canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford. Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Loulso E. Hedges, MetShano-Thernplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcrapists. These systems, including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produco results In both acuto and chronic diseases. Consultation freo. 230 N. Bartlett streot. next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. Other bourq by ap pointment Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOOKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; n'dvlco in dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 115-K. Main 7073. Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlncbo medicines will euro rliQiimatlsm, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat nnd lung trouble, deafnoss, paralysis, priyato diseases and all kinds of chronic and uorvous ailments. Stomach troublo, constipation, indigestion, womb nnd bladder troublos, Seo tno at 241 S. Front St.. Medford, Oro., to 4. 0:30 to 7:30. Roaldonce phono Main 42. Contractor nnd Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Buildor Country work a specialty. Plans and CBtlmatos freo. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 5662. Dentists W. M. VAlSt SUOYOO DR. DR, C. C VAN SCOYOO Donttsta Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Office in Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Mala. Gas administered for extraction or tooth. Telephone Main 681. Night phono 4432. , f; ' Notary Public "r , . HELEN N, YOCKEY Tsotary Pufi lie. Bring your work to mo ut the sign ot Ttio Mull Trlbuno, r By "Bud" tishc cr BUSINESH DIRECTORY Fnrnttaro MISSION FURNlTtrtM WORKS Comer 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. ,1 I II .W I I ! II HI ll'lll I JW Granlto Work MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nngte, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors "and manu facturers of brick; 'dealers In pressed brick and lime. Offlco at their brick yard. West Jackson at. Phono No. 3461. Garlmge GARBAGE Get your premised cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Main C2G1. F. Y. Allen. Nil rs eric QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated:. We guarantee everything put out. We are not In the trust H. B. Patterson. Offlco removed to offlco Hotel Nash, In side entrance next to Txtfber shop. Printers and Publishers MEDrORD PRINTING CO, haa the bestcqulppcd Job offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose lent systems, cut paper, etc., etc Fort land prices. 27 N. Fir st t Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY &, CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and 'Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to S p. m. DR. F. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic phystclans. Moved, to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and Bur geon. Office Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono K501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phone, residence 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nnd Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Storo. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 2S. Resldonco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to oye, car, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied: Offlco 216 E. Main st., over Med ford Hnrdware company. Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. in. Both phones. E B. PICICEL M. D. Offlee Jnck son County Bank.. Office phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St Marks Block Offlco phono 4901. Residence 7051, DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 6 Kentuer bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12. 2 to 6. Phono. Bell 271. Resldenco phono Bell 273 Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prac tlco limited to Chronic Disease. Offlco Hotel"1 Holland, We'dnoadayH 10-3. TJdth photies. Residence pheneB: Farmer 16xx5 Eagle Point and Rogue River line. , I HERMANN F. RATTE, Mi D. Of flco over Medford National Bank. Offlco phono 6701. Ros., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D Prae tico limited to Eyo, Ear, Nose mid Throat. Ey6a scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed, Garnett-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford; Ore. Real Estate REAL ESTATE L. N. Judd, Talent, Ore., fruit, alfalfa and garden ta.nda. .. Stenographers ELLA M. OAUNYAW Fatra block. Stenographic work, done quickly and well, Transfer EADS TRANSFER A STORAGH CO, orflce 10 South Fir. Phone Bell 3152; Hdme 3S0-K. Prises right. Service guaranteed. Undertaker riVltO JV. rniiv a PERL Undertaker kh4 Bmb&lmer. Offlee 28 South Harr iett at Telephones; Dy,' 9m 471.5 (nlgiaf residence gU 47, Home 17U-L, GoU HH'wer4'aJtfh.t or dy, Ambnlanw servUte, 'is 1 ) 1 t l t i x 1 1 r i: 1 i L I , i i 4 J t( J i : L 1 1 Vi