'- ? - J' . s M'U K PXT3B SIX WEDFOttT) IVTTmi TRIBUNE, MEDFORD: ORKOON, FRIDAY, AUGUST. 10, 1012 j V"t - & "" f ' V t 41 Mftom d. t 8 NWU and NW , or SWU h 14 twp 31, 160 neres Moore, W, 14. HW of W" H U. "tWP 38) 160 ncres .. ........ Walker, J. W. lsJ'4 t 8KU..ahd HWbf HBU mill HKU Of SWU ft 20, tUp 3 J. 180 acre ,.... Walker, J. O.-NWH 16 twp 3J, loo acres ,,.,.......,...... McKenide, C. L. Lots 1 nhd 3 and 134 or NV h 0, twp 33. 1T7 acres ...,... .,,.,... Cntiirrort, Mnry K NW or NW n C4. tVI 33, 160 itores ........ Panton. A. C. WU or SWU and situ or swu 36. twp 33, uq ss.oo 22.60 14.85 14,19 3.10 20.10 des. vol. 77-46, sec 15, Iwp 36, xz, ncri' . ... l,lltl41t.,l ncres Welch, J. 0.- , 4 M I I 4 I I -Hit of NW hnd NW or SW tirvR 3, twp 34. 320 ncrvn Welch. A. V 8W of 8WU 3 twp 34, 40 acres ............. Welch, K. C.-.VH of NWU nnd twp 34, 40 acres Welch. J. H NRU IWP 34, 411 ncrrn ..,,,........ NH til NKU h 2. iwl' 34, '61 Welch, A, V SBU or NEW 8 3, nnrna &&&. -nru or sbu a, ncres ,...., Boole. M. It t.ot S nml SV or NKU nml SNV or w w, wnier right lies. VOl. 6-596 l4, twp 34, lis ncres , Thomas. T. H. SBU or HWU 8 9, twp 34, 40 ncres ............ Welch, J. H. BW or SHU s 10. twp St. 80 ncres IIrwIKW. A. HUM or SKU 11 twp 34, 40 acre. ... Welch, J. 11 WW or NWU s 11 twp 34. 80, acr....... ..... Unknown Owner SKW of NWU 11, twp 31, 40 acres . 1 litrrelt. ' W A.-SV U or NWU nnl WW or SWU 1. ti s. 120 acres .. Hurt-oil, W. li NRU or NWU IS, twp 34, 40 acre ......... Welch, J. II 8KH of NKU 15. twp 34. 40 nCfen nf ri ; 6. Ni or nku or sbu s IS, twp 34. lOncres ........ Chaffey. Chas, SKU nml U Int. In ditch ! 20. twp 34, 1S6 nciTB llirH-lKh. J NWU or NWU 20. twp 34, 40 wcrt'S ....,.-... Welch. J. li SKU or NWU nml NWU or 8KU 2. twp 34, 80 ucnn ...... ........... Vnknown uwnr HEU or 8KU R, twp 34, 40 ncreff . - Blwood. M. AVH or NWU r. !T twp 34, SO .ncrt'9 . .... ... .... Hmiii..T. O-NWH or. NKU ami NWU. or SWU 2T, twp 34. &0 acrvf Fmlcnburc JL SU or 8WU XD.itwp 34, SO acron Monro. O. K. K-XH or NWU .25, .twp 34, 80 acres KlKor. Uvrtta a. NWU or NEU anil NEU or NWU nml loin I ami 3 o 30. twp S4, 1C0 nexvs FrlPnburjr. J. I. NKU or NKU 8 31. iwp 34. otrrs Fmlenbura. J. I. NWU or NRU ami N.WU ami NWU or HWU n 32. twp 34. 240vncr , UIIK.T. J. But NVi or SWH 8 33. twp 34, SO, ucrcft llfamrV. T. U. Nti or NWU 33, twp 34, SO ncr-n ......... Sacks and Houston S4 or NWU nl NU or SWU . twp 35. 1C0 ft C ITS 4V 4. 4 Flh. P. T. NU or SWU nml SWU oC HWU 6. twp 35. 120 &CXTH Contern. Chan, a SWU or SWU t S. twp 3S. 40 acwa ......... Vincent. C. 6.. Est NKU 8. tun 3. 110 ncrvn .......... Vlnont, M. A. SEU or SEU h S. twn 25. 40 acrcfl McDonald. A. 8H or SEU. 9. twp 35, SO acrrn Unknown Owner NWU or NKU and N'U or NWU : 9. twp 35. 1 10 ncrcs arar. M. E. SWU or SWU. cc JO. twp 33, 40 acres Ireland. II K., KU NU or SWU. ec 10, twp 35, SO acres ...... Jtodpem.CL O. NWU or SEU and N 20 ncrex orr or N Bide or S4 or SEU. sec 10. twp 35..60 acres ttodKcm. J. SI. WH- or NKU and KH or NWU. sec 10, twp 35. 159 acres .- Lent, Mary M.-WS or NEU and NWU or SKU s H, twp 35, )M0 S4.S0 3.S4 13.93 3.34 4. SO 13.S0 6.00 9.&0 lit 9.60 6.00 9.S6 5.1S 4.S0 S.40 34.60 4.80 13.30 3 40 11.64 9.60 4.80 10.80 19.20 3.40 14.40 9.60 9.60 11.53 8.2S 5.76 27.S3 . 21. tS 4.S0 vol, 22-148 SCO 26. twp 35, 43 ncroB Dyer. Mrs. U. Land In WJS or SEU Bee 27. twp 3!V, S3 acres Terry. It. U.. Est 5-7 Int WJ4 or NWU and EU or SWU and WU or HEU, sec 27, twp 35, 187 acres, (less 53 acres) .... Webber.K. WU of HWU see 27, twp 35, SO acres . , , ... Vincent. L. J. NEU or SEU sec 27, twp 35, 40 acres Vincent. C, 0.f. Est. SEU or 8E't sec 27, twp 3S, 40 ocres ...... Webber. 11 EU or SEU sec 28, twp 35, 80 acres ............ Perry. V. J, NEU see i twp 35. 160 acres . ............... . SDelley. L. U 8CU or SWU. sec 28. twp 35, 40 .acres... KlnlnRvr. O. R U Int. In KU or N14 or NEU soc 31, twp 35, 20 acres ...,., Knsloy, 8. SEU or BrU pec 32, twp 35, 40 actcs,. ........... . Jones. Lelab 8EU or SWU o 32, twp 35, 40 acres,,,......... Jones, Mary J. SEU of HWU sec 32, twp 35, 40 acres.,.,.. I)e Kord, W. K.HK or NEU stc 32, twp 35, 80 acres Lambert, I'uul Part or WU or NWU. des. vol, 68.68, sec 32, twp it, 43 acres Do Wild, A.t-NH or NEU ec 35, twp 35, 80 litres. Donoijan. H. NEU or NWU sec 30. twp 35. 40 ncri-H. ......... . Do Wilde, A. NWU or NWU eo 30, twp 35, 40 acre. v.. Wyimtt, S. J. 8V4 or SU or NW U of HWU oo 30, twp 35, 200 acres .,........... . ,...... J'ruley, E. K SEU or NEU and NEU or SEU f0 1,. twp JO, 80 acres DiiKun. M. E. & M. EU or SWU and NWU or SWU "l HUU or NWU eo . twi 3i' !" iicreH ...,.., VoUBlion, M, & Lewis NU or BE u, ueo 4, twp 36. 80 acres...,, Jones. Mary NEU ot NWU and SEU or NEU m 6. twp 30. 80 ucres Conner Land Co. SEU and SWU or NI'.u ana mnu ue, ii. mvo, seo 0, twp 8C SSO.aqreo........ nieknv. CV I. Land dps. vol. 88- 2.20 9.60 14.56 16.80 14.40 42.90 14.30 4.40 10 npres McDowell, It. a NWU sec 13, twp 35, 160 acres ... Q race, J, H. SEU ec 14.' twp 35, 160 acres Weldeman. 1L Est. NWU or NEU sec It, twp 35. 40 acres,. Jlodgers. It. E. Land des vol, 2S-46 and SJ3. sec 15. twp 35, 125 acres 33.00 JlodKers. J. K. DIajr. SU or NKU or NWK ana ki or a sec 'i 15, twp 35, 60 acres McDonald. A. NEU or NEU sec 16. twp 35, 40 seres ..1..... Vincent. J. R. WU or SWU and SEU or SWU, 16, twp 35, 120 acres ........ 1. ....... . Vincent. M., A. W 1-3 or WW or NWU. sec 16, tWp 35. 25 acres Vincent, a O.. K5.E 2-3 at Wti of NWU. ec 16. twp 35, 55 acres .....,... Centers. Clias. R NWU or NEU nnd NU or NWU. ec 17. twp 25, 120 acres Vincent. JI. A. NEU or NEU sec 17. twp 35, 40 acres Bradenshtre. 8. J. WW or NEU and NEU or SWU and NWU or SEU. sec IS, twp 35, 160 acres . ...... ....t.r.ti? Armstrong. J. W, UU or NWU NEU o? SWU sec 21, twp 35, 120 acres ....-.. ArmslronB. A SEU or SWU and SWU or BEU sec 21. twp 35. 8 0 acres ............. Ovlatt. J. If. NWU or SWU sec 21. twp 35. 40 acres UnkiiowA owner WW or NWU sec 21, twp 35. 80 acres Elwood. M. V 3-4 or NEU sec 22. twp 35, 120 acres Grace, J. H. N or NEU 1le 10 acres) sec 20, twp 35, 70 ucros Kellocc. Francis 60 acres In NU or SEU sec 23. twp 35. 60 acres Itnlney, J. P. WW or SWU and SWU or NWU l--ss 8 acres sec 25, twp 35, 112 acres .... Vincent. L. J. H or SWU, Bee 26, twp 35, 80 acres ., Ilnvinnnil. Hon). Land th NEU or SEU and SEU or NEU des. 10.45 2.20 9.40 1.10 2.37 8.28 3.91 11.04 S.63 6.56 4.60 4.60 3.8S C.60 12.32 9.20 4.95 20.18 3C.43 17.83 18,40 1.61 36.08 7.82 11.04 26.00 14.95 C.20 1.66 6.75 1C.97 9.20 C.60 C.CO 16.80 0.72 nr .w. in tu'ti 3ft A G nnrpft. Own. !'. S.-Land des. vol. 59-9t. 1.16 Int. In ditch, seo 10, twp 30. 30 acres,,..... .........,. Wusnbnni. . C .Land des. n vol. 68-293, see 11, twp 36, 210 porler, 11. Land dps. Vol. 44- 408 W 11. twp SO. Acre 1. 4whl WU or isov. lot No. 4, sea 14, tWP 30, IS. acres. ... .. seo 14. IWP 30, 40 aores,v..... Pulton, Lotlo L. Land In 0U, 7.14 38.36 28.86 160.78 C.44 4S.B0 2DC.67 0,16 2,08 6.44 111.00 66.16 36.00 3,40 39.53 5.8S 1.S5 10.00 4.90 16.00 7C.00 36.40 26:54 15.12 3.90 10. 12.07 5.88 !49.44 82.45 6.36 6.00 3.40 ttoht Hay lleolty Co. NU r NU nnd lot 8 and 8WU or NRU ami 8U or NWUulots 5, 6. 7,J. S, nnd 4, nnd SKU Of 8KU, less (tower plant sll sec IS hv(i SB, . 513 acres ,..,..,.,...,. hrlffln. S. Lund In WU of NRU des. vol. 19-557, soc 19, twp. H, 50 hcren ................. CowrIII. Unlph NKU f NWU or NWU soc 33, twp 86, 10 n crtrt tttt tit MossenRer. H. 0, SH of SKU sec 24. twp 36, SO acres, .... 1. , . llumplirey, 11. Uind des, 01. S5 163, seo 24, twp 36, 9 ncrvn... Perry, Martin lies: nt the U.cor bet seo 23 and 84, thence, K 20 rivls. S 40 rods, thence W 20 nds, theitw N 40 rods to Uok., sec 24, twp 36, 6 acres.,. Hamilton, E. U Com. nt tho HE cor or K'4 or NKUt thenco run N 160 rols, thenco W 30 rtnls, thriirn S 160 rods, thence K 30 nxls to bojr., ec 85, twp 36, 30 acres ..,..,., ..,. . Perdue. Snrnli.K. IS aerei hot or 1. W. Ilei'tte, sec 26. twp 36, 12 acres ,................... Osiirno, H. M. Ijind des. vol. S1-S5, sec 36, twp 36, 40 nere liewls, Mr n. Com 30 chains K or NW cor I) L C si. llnnro K 20 chains theneo S 20 chains, thehe W 30 chains, thence N 20 chnlns to placo or bejr.i sec 37, twp 36, 40 ncrcs ......... ConRer. KnoH IIor. nt a point on S bdw or sec 38. Trom wiilch thn SW cor or sec 2S heirs W 61 35 chains 13 along said line 1S.32 rhalns. N 13.01 chains. N 1S.32 Chains. H IS 01 chnlns to befr (les 15 acres ofr W aide), sec 2S, twp 36. 15 ncrrs...... Wilson. It L WU or thi rollow InRt Hep. nt HE cor seo IS. thenc N l&.Ol chain. W 1S.3S chains. S 15.01 chains, E 18.33 chains to 1h-k., sec 28, twp 36, 16 acres .,....,., ........ ltnnsen, I. J Iind den. vol. 63 SS8 In I L C No 63, sec 28, twp 36, 16 acres Pcnlncer. Chas. Land des. vol. 90-13, eo 39, twp 36. 20 nrres Moore. It. It. NH or NWU see 30, twp 36. 80 acre tiw, T C Tract or D L C No. 67, see 31. twn 36, 33 acres.... Chapman, C it. Trnrt or land dejt vol. 52-SBS ami 54-536. sec 32, twp 36. 20 acres..... Hugger. Jake Est. Tract or land des. vol. 31-351. sec 32. twp 36. s 1 ucrvs Hathaway, J. O. Lot 1, Sec 33, twp 36, 2 acre ..... Palmer. Kmmett S. Land des. vol. 76-239, sec 34, twp 36, WebJi, Wm. II. Land des. vol. 69 398. sec 35, twp 36. 13 acres.. Woddell. P. If. Part r SW or SEU 'W vol. 78-227, sec 36, twp 36, 10 acres Houston & Winchester Mining dlleh water right aud pipe plant on Willows creek, twp 37 Lewis. A. W. et al LandAlcs. vol 72-596, sec 1, twp 37. acres. ltihi. A. ueg. 12-38 chains w or NB cor D L C 67. theneo S 33.20 chains, W 12.38 chain. N 33.20 chains, thence S 12.38 chains to beg., sees 1 and 12, twp 37, 40 acres 20.40 Constant, Isaac Land des. vol. 4-349, sec 1. tWp 37. 20 acres. 6.80 Downing. J, If. Land In Central Point, see 2. twp 37, 3-4 acre. 7.36 Jones, D. E. Land des. vol. 72- 341. sec 2, twp 37, 1.79 acre... 9.60 Slllney. Kranklln Land des. vol. 63-577, sec Z, twp 37, 3.86 acres 16.00 Wold. Andrew Land des. vol. 66- 52, sec 2, twp 37, 1 acre 6.40 Norbury, Benson Land des; vol. . 69-312. sec 3, twp 37. 1 aero... 1C.S1 Harvey. W. J. Land des. vol. 73- 160, In NEU sC 4, twp 37, 17 ncrefl ...............,.... 33.. , Davis, G. L. Land des, yol. 67- 619, sec 5, twp 37, 8 acres.... 2.72 Whitney, A. P. Land des. vol. 16-458, sec 5. twp 37. 51 acres.. 9t.G7 Braden. James Est. Lhta Nos 1 and 2 and WW or SEU sec 6. twp 37, 113. acres ............ 7.12 Dean. 8. P. NWJi NEU sec 6. twp 37, 40 acres ............ 9.60 Levy. E. H. 28W acres In NW portion or SWU NEU sec 6. twp 37. 28 acres 5.40 Austin, M. L NW SW or NWU SEU see 8. twp 37. 10 acres.. 10.20 Metc&ir, W. B. Land des. vol. 69- 425. sec 8. twp 37. 17 acres... 14.96 Stump, Logan Sec 8, twp 37, Improvements ...... ........... 1.70 Kirk. Chas. Tract des. vol. 87-51, sec 13, twp 37, 10 acres 19.48 Bowman, H. E. Land des. vol. , 90-128, sec 17, twp 37, 20 acres 6.40 Muloe, it. At. WW SWU SEU . sec 17, two 37. 20 acres., 3.20 ilybee. J. W EW SWU and W W 8EU C 18. twp 37, 160 plbnon. Casey Land des: vol. 53- 318, sec 20, twp 37, 3 acres,.. .53 Morrison. Mary L Tract des. vol. 60-215, sec 24, twp 37, 3.G acres 11.40 Palm. C W. Land des. vol. 47- 60, see 24. twp 37, 7 acres 26.60 Sworn, T, M. Land des. voL 80- 500. see 26, twp 77, 11 acres.,. 19.80 Clancy. Dr. Des. It 393, sees 28 and 33. twp 37, 140 acres 451. SO Miller. Kllsi A. Lots 5. 6. 7 and 8 and land In NW HEU see 29, twp 37. 94 acres 217.35 Miller. Ellx. A. Lot 3 and NEU SEU sec 30, twp 37, 48 acres. . . 4.20 Anderson. J. It. Land des. vol. 37-515, sec 31, twp 37, 20 acres 4.20 Ensele. Peter SEU NEU NWU sec 31. twp 37. 10 acres...... ... 2.10 Batch, W. II. hand des. vol. 80. 42. sec 33. twp 37, 12W acres 34.12 Whetstone. Delia M. Land des. vol. 54-38, sec 34. twp 37, 30 acres .......... C4.93 Garmany, James M. Land des. vol, 77-197, sec 35, twp 37, 13 acres ,.....t... ...... .... 31.20 Whetstone. Dan Und des. vol. 45-390. tx-o 35. twp 37. 40 acres 81.22 Delcrlein, Chas. II. Land des. vol. 76-387, sees 31 and 36, twp 37, ranges 1 and 2 W, 26 acres.... 74.10 I-'Inley. II. T. Land des. vol. 63- 328. sec 36, twp 37, 46 acres . 90.39 Mttel, Chas. Land des. vol. 74- 166. sec 36, twp 37, 10 acres.. 28.50 Palmer, John V, 10 acres, part or lund des. vol. 69-634, sec 36, twp 37. 10 acres 38.00 Hoot. J. SI. Beg at NE ror or tract des vol. 90-459, W 20 chains, N 2.5 clialnx, B 20 cnains, h :.d chains to ueg, sec 85, twp 37, 5 acres... Hoot. J. M. Land des. vol. 83 113, In D I, C 84. sec 30, twp 37, Sprague. a. E. Land des. vol, 80-345-6 In D L C 84, sec 36, twp v ocr?M Qreen, W. C Land In 77-629, sec 1, twp 38, 2 acres McCullum, If. J. 15 acres In D L C 60, vol. 69-212, see 1, twp McMillan. C 83-73 and 83-14, sec 1. twp 38. 27 acres Morrison. B. E. 59-172, sec 1, tup 38, 31 acres , Boot, .1 M 88-624, sec 1, twp 3V, 80 acres Sheldon. Ben. & Vr: MeConnlck (r) 366, 78-584, sees 1-12, twp 38, 132 acres ,... Stover, Osgood i Quail 69-191, sees 3 and 4, twp 38, and sec 33, twp 37, 599 acres Olen Hoguo Orchards Co. SW HE U sec 6, twp 38, 80 acres, ... . . Ensele, Peter EW NWU sec 0, twp 38, 80 acres , . Unknown owner WW tract NW U NWU B''c 7, twp 38, 20.92 acres . . . , , . , , . Qlen Itogue Orchards Co. WW NWK see 9. twn 38. 80 ucres. IlurgirsW. E. a. 90-98, sec 10, twp twp 38. Stf ncres .,,... Whetstone. D. NRU NKU oro 23. twp 38, 40 ncres, ,,, .,. HrrlMRr, T .1 WW WW HW NK U see 33. twp SS. SO ucres,..., Klelnhnmmer, C. NKU 8N 34. twp .IS, 40 neft ..., Cornish, U T.-SWU 8KU seo 4, twp 3$, 40 ncres ., ,. Miller, Dnnlel SKU SWU xec 24, twp 3S, 40 acres ............. .Moore. V SKU HKU sec 84, twp 38, 40 ncn'S ....... ...... Wheeler, l. W. SWU WU s.mj 34, twp 38. 40 acre ........... WVathorhy. Aron SKU NRU so . 24, twp 38, 40 ntir'. ...,, Wlullo. D. A. 1'n. U Int. In SW NW and und. H Int In NW 8W seb 17, twp 3.4, SO tterx'S. , Sterling Mining Oo, St NW nnd NW 8W sec 37, twp 3S. 40 acres Unknown owner W Ihl. In 8W N W nd NW 8W eo 87, twp SS. SiO acres . .................. Pntulhi, I. A tfiul. j NKU nnd NW SWU and uiiiL H Int. In SKU see s. iwp as. ium U Int. Ill SWU nnd MRU ll Sterling Mlnlu ami SW 8WU seo 2S. twp 38, I SO acres ... ................ Unknown owner H Int. NRU nnd NW SWU nml SRU sec 38, twp 38. 200 acres Sprlncrield. V. A. WW NKU. SKU sec- 32, twp 38. 20 acres. I'nttuln. II A. U Int In NKU sec 33, twp 38, 40 acres Sterling Mining Co. U Int. In NK U and SWU SWV, nnd WW SKU "rc 33. twp 3S. 165 acre.. Sterling mining ditch, nnd i Int. In Phillips ditch. tlrUrin Cn-ek ditch and tlalllger Oil bert mining ditches ....,, Town. M. h RW HWU seo 83. SO acres , ..,.....,... Unknown owner W Int In NKU sec 33, twp 38, NO rtcn- ...... . Whitman. J. A. NWU NKU nnd NWU sec 34. twp 3H. 200 acre Sterling Mining Co. Tract NKU NWU nnd NW ur tract NWU NWU and StJUi t'act NWU N'WU nnd WH Sl2U NWU nnd U nnd WH S KW SWU NW1 "d SWU SWU NWU nml JSWH KKU SWU and WW HWU (except 4 acres), sec 4, twp 39, 310 ncrcs . Turnbuugh. W. KW SKU and SWU. 78-599. seo 4. twp 39... TurnbouKr. . W KW SK'i . nnd SWU HKU nnd SKU SWU see 3, twp 39, 160 acres ........ X Spear. C. II. SWU HWU sec S. IWI) 39. 4.U Hterll cn'i .,.,-..,,.... ng Mining w. r;4 i-i1 .-xi; U and, KW NEU SWi nn.l v U.NUU Hlfu nnd NWU.HKU U nnd SWU SEU nnd SW 39, 140 38. 34 W acres Holmes, W. M EW WW D L C 49, sees 11 and 14, twp 38, 200 ucrcB Kune, A. 48-192, seo 11, Iwp 38, is p.i!rc tt tf- Itfdputh, E. L. 1 aero bought or ,Q. W. Prlddy, sec 11. twp 38.. Ilci-mnti, J, 66-336, HCo 14, 1W1 38, 6 ucres ,.., Brumblf. If. St-WW HWU cc 16, twp 38, 80 acres . ...,... Bruin, Wm. 82-295. sees It and 15, twp 38, 21 acres...,,!,.. Maben. Poti'r SliUt SWU and SWU HEU ec IB, twp 38, 80 , txorvH ritf tiit,i)ii,Mii4M ilaVnum. W. S. NBUNWU sec 17, twp 38, 40 acres ,..,, Olen Hoguo Orchard Co. NWU NWU seo 17, twp 38, 40 acres.. Olen BOKua Orchard Co.-NBU nhd sFju NWU und tract SW U NWU 8,'0 18, twp 38, 243.19 Knlnns. W. C WW WW NEU iNwvi nee si, iwp 4. iu Sollss, D. II. NWU Bee 21. two 38. . . "i . fm-m.w !... ' HISU NUYt SCO ii, .:... a a k-zr- TrJplutt, (I. Vf. W4 SUH sec 22, 14.25 209.00 62.74 2.62 34.38 42.31 68.96 73.62 34.73 465.99 16.80 11.76 .2.10 6.29 49.08 172.40 11.78 1.97 10.4 8" 2.7C 10.48 3.00 3.00 18.13 1,31 C24 SB SHU SWU sec S. twp Vincent, J. U NW 8BU HWU sec S. twp 39. 2u acre,,...... Sterling Mining Co. WW NWU nnd NWU SWU sec 9, twp 39. t SO ncrcH Sterling Mining Co. NWU NWU NEU and NWU NKU NWU and NWU NWU sec 17. twp 39. 60 acres ....,.,,. Thomas. A. H NW NEU and NKU NKU 8Wi and SWU NEU SWU ami NW tract SW U SWU IS, twp 39. t23.75 ncrvH . Sterling Mining Co. KW HKU NEU h"d SWU NEU nnd SW tract NWU and tract NWU HW U and SW tract SWU HWU and NWU NEU 8VU and SB U NEU SWU and NW KU S ii tli BIVH ana i n SWU nnd I X NWU HKU nna W NWU SBU i ncres ........... sec IS. twp 39, :U tract twp 39, Sterling Mining Co. NW tract NWU NWU and SW' NfWU NWU sec 19. 35.37 ncron Sterling Mining Co. AVW NWU sec 27. twp 39, SO ucres Unknown owner NW NEU nnd NEU NWU sec 27, tWp 39. 120 &CrM4 lii. - Forrest. Mr. IL IL SW NEU ami SKU swii ana agh anil, i Int. In Ollson ditch, see 28. twp 39. 160 ncres Thlrbodean. F. X. SWU sec 22, Iwp 40. 160 acres Morgan. Geo. B. NEU sec 26, twp 10, 160 acres .............. Brlggs. Nellie A NEU sec 28. , twp 40, 160 acres Calahan. Pearl NEU HEU ami SW SEU sec 36. twp 40, 120, o.cr?ft . ItANOE 3 WEST Clinmlxrlaln. C 8. SWU sC 8, twp 33, 160 acres Jackson, D. II. NW or SWU and swu or SWU see 10, twp 33, lv ncr?fl Chamberlain. V P. NEU or SW U and NW or SBU and SBU or SBU sec 18. twp 33, 160 xcr4ps Woodln. A. H NW or NWU and SBU or NWU and NEU or SW U sec 28, twp 33, 160 acres... Coleman. A. NW or NEU and SEU or NEU sec 32, twp 31, ISO ncrcit - Smith. J. T. WW or NWU ami SEU or NWU and SWU or NBU sec 32, iwp 33. 160 acres Goldman. John IL SBU sec 31, twp 33, 160 acres Bnumrhcr, Chris NWU sec 8, twp 34, 160 acres Winkler. N. IL SBU sec 8, twp , 31, 160 acres Prince !L W Int. In SWU sec 12. twp 3 1, 80 acres Ferdennan. L W Int. In SWU sec 12. twp 34, 80 acres Kerby, A. A. I.ols 3 and 4, and EW or SWU fC 18, twp 34, 144 acres .... Foiter. M. W. and Porcht II SW U see 26, twp 34, 160 acres..,. Morton. 8. E EW or NWU and SWU or NWU and SWU or NB U sec 32, twp 24. 1C0 acres.... Slvcrs. I. Est. NWU or SBU. sec 34, twin 24. 40 acres Hays. C. W SEU seo 2, twp 36, 160 acres Hays, Cora A. SWU sec 2, twp 35, 160 acres , Klser. J. A. Traet- NW 0 NBU ami NEU f NWU und SBU or NEU sec 2. twp 35. 168 acres.. Carter. II. Tract NWU or NWU all at ono ditch from Evans crek, ?o 3, twp 36, 40 acres Horner. Sophia SWU or SWU sec 4. twp 35, 40 acres, ........ Oden. 11 tc Sons SWU or NWU und NWU or HWU seo 4, twp 35, SO acres Olen. E. ti Sons SW br NEU or SWU and NW or SBU sec S. twp 35, 100 ncres Neatnatnmer, James 0 acres orr or W sldu or NBU Of HWU sec 5. twp 3D, 0 -acres. Patton, J. I. SWU Pf NBU seo 6. twp 35, 40 acres , , , . AmmoiM, O. K SWU or SKU of NEU S'C 8, twp 35, 10 acres... Ncsson, L SBU or NWU' and NW ot SWU and SWU or SW U sec t, twp 35, 160 Heron Oden. J. SWU or NWU ec 8, twp 35, 40 acres. Unknown owner NKU ot NBU or NBU "c II, twp 35,; JO MCr?H 4ee'aaeee BJsomore, J. EW or SWU e 12, twp 36, 80 acres , Ward. W. T. NW or NEU and SBU or NBU and NBU or SEU sec 12, twp 36. 160 ncres....... Haymoud, Ben. Est HEU of HE U see 12, twp 36, 40 acres...., Leonard. 8. L. SWU or HWJi nea 13, twp 35. 40 acres........ . Payne, Wm. WW at NBU and SB U or NWU and NWU or SBU see 13 twp 36, 1C0 acres. Oold Mill Lumber Co. BW or NB U und SBU or NBU und NWU aud BW or BWU und SBU seo 10, twp 35, 520 acres Hammersly, Tom HW or SBU see 20. twp 30. 80 ucn,,.,, , , Snow, W, N. BW or NBU see t 20. two 35, 80 acres,..., Applegatc. B. L. WW of WW or SKU and EW or BW or HWU .sec SI, twp 30. bu ucres. annua nv,i eec 22, twn .If. tielcsby. Clsrln two '35. 1C0 acres Townsend, B. !. SWU or NEU und WW or SBU sec 32, twp 3tj, 120 acres , , . , Enitirlck, J. O Seo 23, twp 36, 40-ucreil, NBU or SBU ......... Smith, J. W. SBU ot SBU o 23. twp 35, 40 acres...,,..,.,. Ward, W, T.i-J6 acres In WW of rIBU tract des. vol. 82.242, sec 4. twp 35, 16 ucres, ,,. BliDdes, Clyde 40 acrcrt in NW of NWU Lltf. H 40), sec 25, twp . 35, 40 acres ,,.. Van Hoevenberg; H, Partjof NB U hot If. I'eton, sec 26, twp 35, 11 ucres ,.,, ,. Morrison, J. It Part orWU co 25, twp 35, 40 ucres Worrell. M. B. Part or NBU hot or Pelton, sec 26, ,twp 3C, 16 acres ,.1. ...,.. .,.,,.,.. Hammorsluy, J. I'.BWU. WW or tili'i, mo UQ, twp 35, 240 10.48 544 S.ft 4.60 4.S3 Mo 4.60 Mo 4.60 M0 Mt St 40 33,23 12.60 19.60 2.S0 2.80 139 30 11.20 6.C0 28.00 ncres 14.7 7.28 23.10 3.36 9. SO 1.68 S.40 3.36 S63 19.68 1.82 6.20 6.24 51.55 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 22.00 16.50 22.00 22.00 18.00 21.00 22.00 21 00 24.00 12.00 12.00 21.60 24.00 18.18 COO 23.00 23.00 17 25 5.89 4.80 5 76 7.20 .72 4.80 1.20 24.00 2.40 1 15 9.20 13.52 4.60 4.C0 10.01 67.C0 10.40 10.40 C.20 12.48 13.80 C.4C 2.70 2,47 9.20 24.21 13,80 33.41 Oold Hill Lumber X-W.U or NWU nnd SRVi al NWU ftnd SWti or NKU nf NWU. sec lhunemrsly, J. s, WW of NWU nnd SHU of NWU nd SWU or NRU of NWU, ico 118, twp , 35, 130 ncres ,,.,.,,,,, Hnmmersly. J, It. BU fif.KH f SWU m WW of i f HH U seo HP, twp 15, 60 ncres.,., Oiny IMgle . Miiii-4M)ii. inlnn clnlni. see 89, .twp 35, 30 ticroN OIlcK M. U. cl ill SWU, ot NUU and SRU orNWU and WW of, NWU.nnd NWU t.frtWU and' NW of HUH lo 10, twp il, 877 acres .,,,.... . Uouch. U li NW of RU f NK U seo 31, twp 35, SO acres,,,, Bachler. r SKU of HP.U seo . 33, twp 35, 40 acres ,,.,,., .. , lhnich, L B SWU of NWU ami NWU or SWU seo 33, twp 35, SO ncres ,,.,, . ... 1...... Hmllli, It. 0. NW f NUU seo 32, twp 35. 80 acres . . Unknown owner WU of NWU f SKU cc 33. two 13. 30 acres.. thlngnn. .1. H.-rBH of NRU 35. twn 38, 80 acres......... Hiivmoml, Hen Kl of NWU seo , 36, twp 35. SO ncres ......... Klmide. H. Tract NWU sec 3. twp 36, I5S acres ,..,....., Tnwnend. W. J - NW "f HWU nnd SWU of SWU hoc 2. twp 36, 120 acres . . , Sturgls. A. W.-KU or SVU sec 3, twp 36. SO acres. . , Unknown owner Lot 1, sec 3. twp 36, 39 acres ,,,.. ....,,...., Dusenherry. C L- KW of SRU. water right and ditch from Snr. dine creek, nlpes Rlanls, etc., Si-c 5, twp 36, 79 ncres.,.,.,,. McOonouRh. J. A -SWU seo R, twp 36, las acre ,,...,. Dusenhcrrv, 8. A SW or SKU and NBU or SKU sec H, twp 36. 120 acres ., .,.. niiMuhlMTry. C. L BW of NBU sec 8. twp 36, SO acres..,.. , Dilfflcld & Hums Mining oliitnt and Imp. sec 9, Iwp 34. Munnch. J. D. SBU of NWU and SWU of NBU lot 3 and 4, imrt lot 8, de. toI. 49'JIO, sec 10. twp 36. 191 sere...,..... Welch. John W Iron Chler Mln. InRclulm In NBU or NWU see 10.' twp 36. SO Here.....,. .... IWmii. J. II W hit In BW of NBU or NWU and H Int. " 8U of NBU f NWU and u Int In lot ft. ejtc-pt 10 ncres off N end sec II. twp 36, 39 IicreH Moore. J K. Part of lot des. vol. 36.6.1, sec 11, twp 36. C nCres, Mnrixiii. M. A. 30 in lot des. vol. 19.351. sec 11. twp 36. 30 acre' Unknown owner N 10 ncres off of lot 5 nnd 6 acres Out of NW cor lot 6, sec 11, twp 36, 10 acre ......,. ........... Hm-nn J. 1V Lot 6. sec 13, twp 36, 3S ncres . CavnnnuRli Est. 8WU or SWU sve 1 1, twu 36, ii ncres Gold Hill M. Co BW of NWU sec, 14, twp 36, SO acres McNeill. II C NWU or SWU sec IB. twp 36. 40 ncres. ,r... Oreeon WnteV ft lnr Co. IMrt r lots 5 and S and lots 6 nnd ,, warehouse, canal, eic, sec is, twp 36. 183 Acres ........ Anderson. B. N. Ijthd drs. Vol, 75576 see 16. twp 36. U acre Crews, J B. Part of hind des. vol. 73-587 nnd 84-170. sec 16, twn 36. 19 acres vrn j. 1? ncres ,,..,.., English. P N. 1.6 Int. In NKU or SWU des. vol 21.116. see 16. twp 36, 64 seres ......... Unknown owher land des. vol. 51-348. SeC 16, twp 36. 20 nrrn . Wllllnms. H. L W Int In NBU nf HWU sec 16, twp 36. 64 acres Ide. C. D Und.Jr-l Inl In NBU or SEU sec Nl. twp 36. 25.0 .,..., acre Unknown nwncr JW at U cor. tiet. sec 1C and-21. W 1 98 chains N 93 chains. K lo sec Urns 8 .'.3 chain tu beg. sec 16, twp 36 ........... .. ..,,..,, Kelsey, V. A. Ijind des. vol. 62 174. sec 16. twn 34, 5 acreii .. Mifssner. IL C SKU or SWU (Ies Innd sold), see 16. twp 38, 26 acres .... ............. Qiilsenberry. 8. Av NW or NBU. water right tsUfn from Sardlmi , creek, see 17. twp 31, SO acres Ore-ton Water Power Co Part or lot 2. seo 17r-twp 36. 17 Acres Hammerslv. T--tSW or SBU eO 20. tw-p 36, 40 acres . ... .... Jamison. R. K Homestead, sec 20, twtt 36, 3W , , I"nvn Clyde A. Ijind des. vol. 75.636. sec 21. twp 36... ... . Apnte-rutc. IVII11- Iind des vol. 69-30, sec 22. twn 35. S ncres .. Brayilen. I.vdla K. Lot 1, sec 22. ttvp 30, 28 -seres ....... CnvTnnugh Est, IMrt or D I. r 37, des. vol 31.476, sees 22 and 23 twp 36. 63ft nrre" ..,, 3 Godlove, J. C Pnrt r lois 2 nml 3. sec 22, twp 36, 48 nCres...,. Harris. B. H-rCor 5 2 ehnlns B nnd 2 5 rhalrifFS'iir NW cor I) I C 37. des. vol. 82-271, see 22, twp 36. 10 acres SaVnge. 11 M Lots 2 and 3, sec 22. twp 3. S5W acres. . , . . CavnnauRli V.l r Gov lots I. 5. i and 4. sn,i bw or'WW or nw U or NBU nnd part or SBU. iles. vol. 32-476, nee 23, twp 36, 397 ucres Belts. Eugene BWU or NBU and 9W acres or NW f NW of NW U of SBU, seo 53, twp 36. 40 acres ..... ......... Clirwn, Jr W NW fit SWU or SWU and NW nt HW of SWU or SWU and SW or SWU or SWU of SWU. sec 24, iwp 36. 35 ucres , Greirson. Bmllv-lSW or 8BU or HWU or SWU sec 24, twp 36, 5 acres ..,..,..,..,......, Yates. Slarv B NW of fJwU nnd 2 acres orr of W end of NW of NB'. "co SB, twp 80, 82 acres .,.,....,, .......... . nmwn, J. a. A Sons NBU of SB v, ana gov lot r, see so, twp 3C, 74 W acres .,..,. 1.1, Cuvanatigh !t Lnts I 2, 3 nnd 4, sec 26. Iwp 36. 47 acres.. nav. Krnnk Lnn'd des. vol. 44. 271 In D L V 37. sec 27. twp 30, 15 ncres ,...,,. i, .".. Dungey. Thomas 2 ncres In SW cor of SWU sec 28. twp 30, 2 acres ...... .,......,,. Pierce. J. O 25 acres orr or S end SWU or NWU "ec 28. twp 36, 25 acres , . . , Handle. Bills- 15 acres off of N end of SWU Of NWU Sec 28. twp 36, 15 ncreff ., ,.,... Ornlinin, John--Lnnd lies, vol, 69. 87, seo 28, twn 36, 2 ncres neckner, T A W. It HWU or SB Vt me 29. twp 36,. 40 acres...... Dungev.'Thomss SBU of SBU , sec 29. twp 36. 40 aeris Hllter, John SWU of SBU and K.W of HWU and lot 4, sec 30, twp 36, 163 acres Whltmlrr, J. It. I-oiirt des. vol. 83-209, seo 30, twp 3, 60 acrps Clnvton, A H WW "f NlV of NBU and HWU of NKU sec 32. twp 36, 60 acres ......... Wheeler. H. A Lois 1 ami 2 and SW or SBU SCO 32, twp 36, 160 acres , Kyle. A. WW of NBU of NRU and BW nr NWU or NBU sec 32, twi) 36. 40 acres ..,,...., Mahon. H c NWU or HWU sec 33, twp 36, 40 acres,.,,,. Lnst C'hnnrn Mine In NBU ueo 33, twn 36, 20 acres Tavior. J M Und. W Int. In SB U or HEU seo 34, twp 36, 20 acres ,,..,,.,...... Hny. C. It. HWU or HWU oo 34, twp 36, 40 acre ." ! Miner, B. B. Iind des. vol. 77- C33, see 35, twp 36 6 ncresi,.. Unknown owner BW. " HEU or SBU seo 3.1. twp 30, 20 acres.. Caynnuugh. T it. Tract des, vol, 7-31C, co 36, twp 36, 0 ucres ,,.,,,, ,,,.,.,...... Hall's Heirs Lots 3 and 4, see 86, twp 36, 72' acres ,,,,,) Electric Oold Drcdglui. Co NW or SWU and partor SWU of NWU und SW of HWU and W Inl. In milling dlt,cli und wuter right, sec 36, twp 36, 167 acres Cooper, J. Jt.Ldt 3 alid NW or NWU and HWU Ot NWU sua 1, twp 37, 109 acres ,..,.,..., qrulhgcr & Sutton HBU or HBU sea 1, Iwii 37, 40 ucrJH -. .,,.,., Youiit. W, H HBU It NWU. Heo 1, twp 37, 40 ucri-U . .;;;. . Lumen, A SWU of NWU hoc ..?vtwP. 37' 40 acres .t''.f.... Hydraulic Mining Co. HW of SB U or HBU see 2. twp 3.7, 20 acrcM ..,...,', 1 ,,,..,.. . Hllgor, J.'. Kst. HWU Pf HWU sec 3, twp 37, A0 acres..,.,. . Bllger, P. Est. BW of HBU H" 4, twp 37, 80 aores ,,,,....,,. Donaiiwi Mlno .Mini, seo 6, twp 31.20 8,07 S.07 7.S0 2.S0 36.01 s.eo 'f.20 10 4 5 20 1.30 4 16 10 40 13.48 9.36 0.31 3 13 11)6 17.40 25.33 5 20 1 60 39 78 t60 3 77 .39 t,80 1 93 9.88 c.oo 18.40 2 30 99 81 .98 9.33 .84 4.60 .83 3.33 :e 2.60 6 76 -Mine, seo 6, tvp Cllmnx Mlhc- .ui m nurc" Cdsler. P, R NWU uf SVU and HWU ur NWU scu B, iwp .17, 70 acres ....... . .......... YcUnw Jacket .Mini-, seo ft, twp .. 37, 20 ucres .... 1 ,,,.,..,,., . Plku's Peaks Mines Mines, seo .5, twp 87. 39 nurvs ,...,.,... Van Vlccl. L. It WW of NNVU eo H, IWti 3T, SO lUMos. ,,,,.. . DltMor, J, Rut -BW of NKUt seo 9. twp ST, 80 (teres 1 ...,.,.. . Unknown ownri--Wt of HBU see J, twp 37, SO. ucres.. ...... llllgcr, J. Est. NWU f NWU nnd SI1U of NWU seo 0. iwp 37, so acres ,,, .,,,,....... . Custr. R. II.'-BU of SKU Heo 10. iwp, 37, so acres ,,,, .,... nsvchtirt Mfg. tViKHU.or NKU und KW or SKU hcc 1 1; iwp Jt, 130 acres ., .. ..... Mitchell, J. 11 NUU f NKU . "J 'if 41-iiji . U seo 1, iwp 31 -SWU 37. 40 ncres nun in m or SW two 37, 340 ncios... 59 L KW "f NBU sec s.ss 3.27 5 20 SO .53 8.05 16 10 111 48 II 01 26 00 60 29 61.91 17.42 6.76 .65 5.16 18.91 6.S0 s.sr, 37, 20 acrcu t '11 ' ''" 1 ' ' " 3 81 :.ic .32 6,4;0 8.70 13.0' 6.60 9.60 26.60 8.40 6.40 3.20 1.88 5.20 .05 2.60 ,78 12.48 02.66 13.90 3.12 3,12 5.20 1,60 6 40 12,80 J.ftZ Boss. O. I 18. tWn ST. KU HCres Fowler. BdwlnHWU of SRU nnd BW of SWU nd tract NW U of HWU sec 18, twp IT, ItUL licres . .............. ........ IMwicr, Kdwln Luis I, 3, 3 and 4 nun .nku nu nnd SBU sec acres .. .. .. Fowler, Kdwln-HW or NWU und nw or swu see eo, twp at, tso acres ,,..,..,,...,., Wllsutt, A. Him "f HWU nnd WW or SRU and SKU of HE U sec SO, Iwp 37, 160 acres.. Williamson, T. J SW or SWU li 1.02 13.76 1.01 3 110 13.80 12 SO 12.80 U.&0 12.80 9.36 3.13 59.47 7.JS Lois I. 3, 3 nml md BW of WW 19, twp 37, (11 i 314U of NBU nnd ' Mw 31. Ml'lt f MUM and WW or SKU nnd WW or SBU ur SRU Heo 23. twp 37, 160 acres ....,..,..,,.,,,..,..,. Tnylur, Mrs. M 0 NW or NWU s,-o 23, twp 37, 80 ncres. ....... I u iwi Lumber Hot tii. NW of NWU sec 33. twp 37, SO ucres Nell. 8, T SBU or SWU seo 34. w p 3T, 4 acre... ... Trail Lumber Co. SBU or t U nnd NBU f SWU seo iwp a 1, su acres Iteauies. T O - Irregular Rt& of SW of SWt i"rc 28 twp 37. 40 acres ... .,,...... Inwu J.iimlK-r Co NBU of NWU sec as, twp 37, 40 ncres Jurksonvllle M. & M. Co N. ding. W of SW of HWU or SW U st' .5, twp 37. 41) acres,,.,, low 11 Lumber fc Hot Co. NWU scr. ri IWp 37. 160 ncres,,..,. Clement. D.-KH or SWU "' 27, twp 37, 80 acres ., Howlnnd. 1. C BW of BW of SWU of SWU hco 27, twp 37, 30 ncres , . , , , . lown Lumber ft Box Co, NW of NBU see 37, twp 8T, 80 nere. Bowler. Rdwln NBU nml NWU and SWU nnd SKU sec 29, twp ac, oiu acres Kowler, Bdwlii SW or NBU nnd SBU of NWU of trtict HWU of NWU, eu 30, twp 37, 169 acres Clement, . , . ix nu or SCO iu or nwu 31. twp 37, SO acres.... Niimili. J WU of NBU uf SW U and BW of NWU or SWU see 34. twp 37, 10 ncres.,.,,. McCormlck. I'-HW or SWU ec 34, Iwp 37. SO acres Hyiirntillc Mining Co NBU or NBU Sec 34. iwp 37, lu ncres. . HvdrnuUc Mining Co. SWU or NWU see 31, twp 37, 40 acres Howluml. It O. NWU or NWU sec 31, twp 37, 40 ncres, Jackson Mountain Mlulnr Co NWU or NEW and NBU or NW U sec 35. twp 37. 0 seres. . . . Mlijer. IL SWU or NKU and SB U or NWU sec 35, twp 37, 30 acres ,.,., ,,..., ,...., Pick. Peter N. NBU or SWU sec 36, (wp 37. 40 acres Parmer's Pint Mining Co. SW or SWU and SWU of SBU ' a. twp 17, 120 neits Opp Consolidated Mine NBU nnd NWU and NW of SBU cc 34. twp 37, 400 acres .. ,. Unknown owner -U Inl. In NW of SWU see 36. twp 37, 20 acres Clark, II, II, Nn 9. thu Populist. de. ol. 9.137. twp 37, 20 acres ,.,.. .,,.. ,......., ninck Gold Channel Mining Co. Mining claims Nos. ft and 7, des. vol. 7333 (J, P. Ihtnt'ifnn) twp 37, 20 acres Black GolTl Channel Mining Co No. I, beg. In rntr lln of channel of Fools creek where II cronies the S line or NBU NW U of sec ,18.17., 3W. thence B 400 feet, thencit Sly paralel Willi channel on lefl hand fork of unlil creek 1300 feut, tlirnce W n font, thunrc Nlhly nnd purnllcl wild crn.trr of snld rlmiintM 1 .100 feet, theneo B 200 fevt to bg. tivi 37, 20 ncres.. r;einmer. M. Sr. HBU sec 1, twp 35. la acres . Harrington-Tract NBU of NBU sec 1.. twp 3,1. 40 ucros ....... Unknown owner NBU lr NWU Sec 1, twp 38. 40 ncres ....... Bvornn. Baptist SWU of NBU and NWU or SIJU "ec 3, twp 38, 80 acres Crolne. A. SW or NU 'f NBU SBU of NBU and NBU of SB li, see 2. twp 38, 119 acres..,. Hmllli A Pranc HW of NWU nnd WW of HWU sen 2, twp 38, 1(0 acres ,,....,.. Hendricks, It Trnut WW of NW U and truct NWU of SWU, sec 6, twp 3V. 120 ucres Huklll, J, HWU or SWU sre 9, twp 38. 40 seres ,..,.......... Breeden, J T. WW or NBU or NBU sec 10, twp 38. 20 acre. McKco, J. Lot I, sec 14, twp 38, 36 acres . Pierre. I). J. A Son NBU or NB U of NWU, Pipe and ditch, sea 14, twp 38, 10 acres , Jerrreys. John A. WW or NWU sic 16, twp 38, 80 acres.,.,,,. Hoot, C. W. NW of NWU and SBU of NWU nnd NBU Of HW U, sec 20. twp 38. ICO acres... Banister. W. T. WW Of SWU and SEU of SWU, co 21, twp 38, 120 ucres , . Unknown owner NBU sec 21, twp 38. lr,0 acres Smith. William BW of WW of NWU.und lot 1, sea 23, twp 38, 63 acres , Sutton. Mrs. p, Und. W Inl. In H W or NRU nml NBU or HKU nnd lot .1, water right und ditch, sec 23, twp 38. 78 licrcs...... Cor fulfill, S It SW of SWU nml NU'U of SWV, and HWU nml NWU, sec 24, twp 38, 160 ticrPH -ttt Cuton, W. It Lot 1 and 18 acres nut of lot 2. ibis, vol. 80-331 Ht-C 37, tp 38. 45 ncres ,..,,,, lluy, William, Est. NW of NWU nnd SWU of NWU and lot 3, ace 27, twp 38, 131 acres Hnnlster, N. T, Lola 6 and 0, SCO 38, twp 38, 26 urn's Hamilton, Cluis. Laud B of A plegato, des. vol. 88.618, sec 33, twp 38. 18 ucres Brlston. J. W. SW of NWU or SWU. sec 1, twn 39, 20 onrCil, Unknown owner HWU or NWU and NW or NWU or HWU wa 1, twn 29, 60 ucres , , . , , . Cantrull. v. Part lot 3, seo 3, iwp ay, n acri'H llnmlllon. Hi Heirs Lot l, sea 4, twp 39, 2 acres Wurth, Sylvester M. Lot 6 and truct NWU or NWU und HWU or NWU and NWU or HWU see 4, twp 39, 160 iiorus,,,.., Johnson, W. II. SBU cc 12, twp 39. 160 ucres Purks, Hollls HWU or NWU und WW or HWU "nd W Int. In Cameron ditch, seo 12, twp 39, Hterllng Mining Co. HBU and HWU of NBU SCO IS. twp 39, 200 aoroH -., qoldsby, Joseph SW or HWU hpo. 18. twp 30, 80 acres Pniks, Hollls NWU or VU Cameron. It. J.-rNBU or NW 14, twp 39, ( or NKU. "co llCri'n tn(,i4iMi"iMii;iMi Goldsby. J, BW of NBU see 14, twp 39, 80 ncres,,.. 1, 1 .,,. Upknnwn ownor WW or WW of v so IP, iwn ,i, iv ncres, ,. Unknown owner NWU of SBU MV u NWU or NWU find.NW of swu of ni.j 01 nwa NWU und of i utn 57 Iwii flfl 41) tifrtiu. ituloyhlll. H. HW.pf Jot 1..HW or NWA or iNwii unl fn 01 HBU o? NW Huo 7, twp 40, 60 ncritH ..,.,,.'. .i,.,,, . ..,., Hlcvimsoii, I, B, W of HWU. nil of opir, ditch taken out of Palmer creek, hoc 8, twp 40, 80 iicreH a,.,..,,,,,...,,,,,,..,, Te-fr. pllnlon ABU or .NWU a tul NW or SWU nnd NWU or SBU ce 12. twp 40, 100 ucres Andrews, Jf. HWU and HBU M-c iv, iwp iv, ov iir" hji'iii Hquuw Lake I'lpcur Minu Luui) a 153.60 41.60 26 00 13 00 10 10 10 08 3.91 10.08 5.01 4.t0 5.04 111.10 10.10 6.26 C 20 km4 38 40 10.40 6 20 10.10 6.20 5 20 5.20 10 40 16.10 4 20 26 20 8 1.OO 4.20 2.10 .40 3.40 20.16 5.04 5.0 1 10.08 :oi Il.t 5.80 2.80 5 20 3.90 11.20 40 16.80 11.20 7 60 11.06 11.70 6.05 11.01 3.61 6,10 2.60 4.63 .78 .13 10.60 21.58 29.68 19,11! 18.25 2,60 .65 6,18 2,06 2.00 7.40 10,63 20,00 40.00 NWU hcc, 10. twt 40. SU nrics. llnnlov, W.. I. HU of HWU HeO nn, twp 4o, to uuren ,,,,,,... Scott. Win HWU ' 9, tWi 4L .16)1 uuren .......... 1 ........ v Willi, lnirt, nnd Ous Newbury LhliH. des vol. .1R.A31.5II I, scd 4, UM 41, 1011 Ucres ,, 4oimson. M. -NW nt NilU ho IK, twn 33, 80 nurcit ............ HottitrlrK. .(L Iv',. t nl Lot 1 mid WrU of NWU hcii HO. iwp 33, ,tT .rtctes . . , . 1 ... , 1 , . .1 . ii. 1 It rtiiiiiHhntti 1N1IU Vr NPH !1" NW of SBU of NEW and RW ofWU 11? NRU Heo 32, twp 33, KO ncres , niniocic, 11. wwu or nwu of NBU nnd NBU of NWU Hen 3D, tWp 33 60 norcM,, ,.,,,... . Cameron, lionHU iif HW if HI) U of SWU eo 10. twp 34, HI mires ,, ,,,. ., ., ,,.i..r, . Lorn. Star Milling Co. HWU of HWU,. co 10, twp 34. ,40 ncres (Men. "w. II.- NWU of NRU imU Nlirdf NWU see III, twp 34, 80 norcH ......,......,.,,,,., CniTcr. (leurite -SRU of NKU und NW of SBU and SBU "f HB U seo 14, tup 31. 160 acres Ciimcroii. uon kw 4wu .or of MVji of NWU H P"-? lit I 1 It ,IU IIIVI III') ! i imcrdil. Hon HWU or NBU unit NWU. of HllU nnd B 3i here of MVU of SRU, BW of NBU ' 130 ncres seci 15, Iwp 31, NKU Unknown nwncr RW f seo m. Iivp .11. iu ucres.,,,,, Kemp. I. S 7 acres ofr V sldo of NWU dew. vol 64.8S. sen 80, twp SI, t ncivs .,.,., ,. ., May, W It.-NWU lless 7 acres aid) seo 20, twp 01, 156 acres lllnloek, O W neg 17 vd H of NW cvr l)f HWU of NBU, 1 nriin, iiieucn . r; thniieii S no ynms, thfhco N fll yards. thence W to iduce or beg, CliM phi ditch, w liter right, pipe nml ulaut SW of SBU und NW U of SBU set) 32, twp 31, 134 ncres ,.. .. . ......... .... Cameron. Doit HWU of HWU sen 23, twp 31. 40 arret .,.., Turner, V M -SBU of NWU seo 32. IWP 31, 40 acres ,. K run se. A twp 31, NU o( of SBU, f Mt'U nml .-..,..-..'. . - seo 3C, twp 3 Of SBU HheriUBli, W' ll HHU Itlmlmr iml see 2, twp. 31, Iflo acres... Ciimer.m. Hon NWU or NKU s 37, twn 3, 411 acres , Hum Mfg IV NWU t NWU sec 27, twp 31, 40 ncrcs....... Cnmenin. Lftni tiud In KW f SBU sec 28. twp 31, 69 Crc Hunt Tiirg. Co BW of NRU ud NWU of NBU and BW of NW U und NVlU or SWU ec 31. Iwp 34, 310 ncres, witter right und djlcli . Wnkumaii, It W.--ll acres In SB cur ii-o 28, Iwp 31, It acres... Williams, Mary -SBU or HWU wed IX, twp 34, 40 acres ,.... Unhnowii 4imn-r HIHk or SBU see 19. twp 31, 40 acres...,.,, Smllh. ifllml.rth NWU ur NWU and BW or SWU of NWU and JW or ww or Mivii nnu iiijh if SWU srO SU, twp 34, IIU 34, 73 Hi'iro ) nt tiii.tiitiii Smith, It A WW or truct NWU of SWU see 31. Iwp 34, IN ncres ,,...,, . .,, ,..,,,., Williams. Mary BW of NBU and NBU of SKU see 33, twp 3, 1 30 ucres ...,,.,,..... ,,,.... Swlnncy, J WW of WW of NW U or nwu 01 UN umi fi or SBU or HWU and HWVi or SWU, see 32. twp 14, 05 ncrr Keiutrlck. J K BW or NKU sro 33, twp 31, 80 nVres. , Qtmlimiu, A. 11 NBU or SBU sec 33, twp 31, 10 ucres ... Williams. Mnry WW or NWU and SBU of NWU and NW of SWU and SBU ot SWU, water right nnd ditch from Ditch creek, sec 33, twp 31, 330 neres Kendrlck. J. K W W 'f NIVU, water right and ditch, seo 34, twp 31. 80 iicres ., Quit I man. A. II -NWU or HWU sec 31, twp 31, 40 acres Sykes Quick Mining I.M. SBU or NBU, und NBU of HBU -C 1. twp 35, 80 ucris Jones. C W. WW of HBU ud nr.'.i in rvri sec ;, iwp ai,. nrrrn . . , Hydrnulln Mining Cu, Truct or .wh see si, iwp ncrri Jloore, j'-.i;i 11 ncrs in road), , SoWr. J. Ir-TrTuct NBU of.NW U .nml swu ann NWU eo 1, twp 35. 31 ucrus Wuseman HKU of NWU eO 3, iwp ar, nzneres or mum ues 3 Sea 4, twp 35, 79 acres . .. ,, .. ... .,,., Unknown owner HM, HBU of NBU. sec 4, wii 35. tl ntres.-t Kills, )i I) 6 li. of 4BU of NB U si 4, IWli 36, 15 ncrcs. .', Holcoiub. J. J SWU of SBU SCO B. twp 36, 37 acres ... ., flnlcGiiiti. A, NKU ot HWU sen 6, twp 33, 40 norm Carter. N -WW of NRU ee 10, twp 35. 80 nrres ...... .,..., Huilewood. J M-SP.U of NWU anil NKU of SWU sea 10, twp 35, 80 ucr.- ., ,., Wltkstroin .Mining Co SAVU ot SWU s.0 10, iwii 35, 10 acres, OrlplOtl. If il. HWU of HWU wp 1 1, twii 3(1, 40 ncres ,.,..,, p.irnun, H H -WW or HWU and HBU or SWU seo 12, twp 33, (29 acres,,. ,. Currncr. O. BW of HWU o II, twp 36, 80 acres ,. .. HtclnnluU Lund d,s. vol, 37539, SfO 16, twp 35. 33 acres .,..,.. Klsher, Arthur W. Purl or NW or SBU nd NW of HW of HBU fc. 16. twp 36. 25 ucres Carter, Nancy NW of hind des. vol 88'1I7, uo 16, twp 36, 20 Stcllimctx. J lj.nd des. vol. 37 5.19, In SBU see 14, twp 38, 65 ncres .. , , Allen. I It Truot NWU ec 18, tWP 36, 169 Hires ...,,. Iliiiulillii. A. a Truot HWU sec 18, twti 35. 159 ncrvn Carter. N HWU of HBU see 20, twti 36, 40 ncrti , . , Hlllls, l T. HWU sen 20, lw. 36, 160 ncrrn ,..,.,,.,,,.,,,,, Owen, John HWU of NBU ami NW of NWU i"d HWU of NW U see to. wt 85, 167 ucres,,.. Mlnthuni. II-NW of NWU seo 31, twp 35, 80 acres Owing, O, 1 1. Lund W of Bvnns crick lu HBU f HBU si a 21, twp 33, 9 acres Scott. M A, NBU or HWU and NWU or SBU sec 22, Iwp 36, 10 HPITH 4ht4ttftt Hush, Samuel SWU of NBU "co 22, IWP 35, 40 acres Wilcox, Bmest WW or WW seo 24, twp 35, 160 acres , Kirk, J. B. BW of NBU or NB U "re 24, Iwp 35, 20 ucrM,.,, IVriivnlH llnnch Co HW of NW U and BW of NWU. soo 27, twp 36, 160 acres ............ Pnbiir, IL V BW of HBU ami HW of NBU nea 8, twp 35, 1 61) ucres , Tabcr, 11. P. WW of HBU "'" ". twp 36. 80 acres , Owens. John sWu or HWU Heo , 32, twp 36, 40 acres Jones, B, A. WW or HWU "o 36, twp 36. 80 ncres, (,.,,.,.,. Ornlmm, T. W. BW or tract NW U ami HWU or SWU and NW U or HWU sec 2, twp 36. 169 lU)ft'H llMIIMMI4lMII(l(lll ftoinon. N. J. Lot A, una if, twp Sciiioi). N. J, Oov, lot 1, see 3, twp 36, 38 acniH ... , ,.,, Unknown owner NWU or Nil ,. ,U flo 3, twp 36, 40 acres,,.. Allkcn, J. C BW of HW.Vi and purl or HKU of NWU ho 4, twp 36, 87 acres ..,.,.,,..... Hllubloy, A, W. HBU of UK sea 4, .twn 36, 40 ncms, .,.,, , Worth, ifalo W. HBU or NBU ftco 4. twti 30. 40 acres ........ niirrhi.ll, B. A. HW of NBU "nil lots 1 ami -, sea 0, twp au, 4,38 10,00 SO.OO 19,50 11.00 11 DO 11.00 11,00 1 66 6,60 11.00 32 00 1100 11.00 3,08 20.63 100 ncres i,. ).!,,, ,,.,,,,, ICnapp, Wclboiirn LoIm ft und 7 11 ml BW or HWU "00 6, twp 36, 163 ucrcH . 1 , , Brown. Luoy C. NBU "co S, Iwp 36. 160 ncres . i. ...... ihm.i Kcdno, B. M. HWU c0 8, twp 36, McudowhruoH Orohnrd Co. NW of NBU huo 14, tWil 36, 111 rin ,,.,,,,,,.....,,,.,.,,t. Hiuliiwooil, Olllo 0 acres hot of 1, c, Wllllnms, uuo it), twp 30, wW 6, 40 U JIIrVB I MtMlMif M (! t ' Mil Unknown owner NBU of NBU ami. iv w or Hisvi or 17, twp 30, 60 ucrcH BU or NBU xvo ft U 1 ih iwii iv uw luiH-ri f 1 1 qojdmnn. 1). It. HWU of NBU and NWU of SKU "co 18, twp 3d, 80 ucrus .,.,,,..,,,... ... . Kunke, Muiv J.ots 1 and 2 nhd B U'or NWU feo 18, IWP 36, 108 Acres, ..,..,....,,,.,,.....1... flumon, N. 41. LotH 3 and i, sets 20, twp 36, 116 ucres .,,,,,,, 33 20 1 10 110 4,63 16.&U 2 20 3 52 0 68 23 43 1 87 3 01 8 80 15 40 (.80 1.98 8.11 8.80 14 86 2,41 7131 13.11 2.61 1.10 (.50 5.36 6.41 II 13 2.76 I6S 3 86 261 U.OO 11.20 176 6,13 16.60 13.00 4 29 3.25 6.76 13,00 26,00 26.00 6 20 20.60 13,(9 14.40 8.09 10.40 6.B0 26,00 2.60 35.10 20.80 20.80 20,40 13,60 "34,0ft 6,)6 10.71 6.10 37.33 1.59 1,70 86,10 17.00 17.00 2t.20 0,70 1,03 CIO 13.60 34.00 2Q.40 Hall, Mrs, Kiiinm Lois I, nnd S, actual), IWP 30. 60 atlios,,,,,,. ttoliliiMiiii, Phil Lund iles. vol. 38.109, sen 21, twp 36, I mirtt lllnkelcy, H. J, Lnnd ties, vol, M.fllf, sen II. twp nil. ft ncres Murllii, .litliiMTrut'l ttf lu)ul off N. end of W. 0. Lung plncn lu I) U O .18, Net) 32, twp 36, 13 acres , , . ,,,, 1 ,,,..,,.,,,, , llhtlock, 11, H,-nn uori'M in luls 1 3 nml 3 nml HWU uf HKU Heu 32. twn 30. U ucres ,,,,,. Clements, y II --Iiictes In In m nun a umi nwu 111 ni. h 1, 1 . seo I, Iwp an, I noes.. .... Lrtud. (ie.irg,wi,trt .ofi HVU of HBU nml imrt of lulri i, 3 iiiid ,1, sec xi, twp an,. xu uureH,,,,v., Mm HI 11, .1. h (1 l.ittid ties. vol. 86-I3P, see III, Iwp 36, 1 nore Hityiniiiid. Hrh, ll- HW r NW U nbd lulh 6 und 7, sen SI, twp au, lax ncrrn -Lot K, Neil Jfl, Clinhililliit A, T two au, r in acres .....,.,..,.. Cliljuers. verille- Lnlul des. VDl, 78.133, sen 16, tp 36, I IicreH, 1 lllnlHoyr, l Part or lot II, sen IT, twp .111, 5 ncres .,,..., Sunders, W. A WU or HWU see 38, twp 34, 80 ucres. ..,!, , Hheriod, W H. NBU f HBU , setl 13. Iwp Si, 4) acres,... , Akers, Prank lj MNU ot lllrU sec 30, twp 3d, 4i iihriH. ,,..,, Brwlii, .ndru-HWU M HBU seo Sn, p 36, 40 ucres ...... Cnrr, T HWU nf HKU, wnlt-r rluht. pipe nnd giant, seo L twp 37, 4n ncrek , ,.,,....',. .Imilinrnmii. W. J -MW of HWU of HWU seo I, twti 37, 30 ncres Uliknowti owmr---HWU "r NBU and HBU or NWU und NBU HWU unit NWU f HBU. sen I. twp 37, 30 acres . ,, Muikev . Ilotle. NW of HWU of HWU sett I, iwp 37. in acres. Conelt Hunch WW of WW sec J, Iwp 3T. 140 nercs ,v Chupiuni!, Alible WW of tract NB U umi BW or trad NWU umi HW uf HWU nnd WW of HBU and SKU of HRU wml HW J't NKU of SRU. -eC I, Iwp 37, 377 acre ,. ....,,. 1 ..,..,. . Mctlruder, It II BW ot tract NBU sw I. twp 37, t ncres, .. Hitvmond. liiin, icm-HWU nf NWU nnd NWU of SWU n. iw Klimlc 6, Iwp 37. o ncres ..,...,,.. IiibIc J.Vrucl NWU nf NWU all nf ditch taken from Haviiu crerk. hvo 6. twp 37. 4 4 ncrrs Hwnnk, l.itiirn. Ft HKU sec 6, twp 37, No ncres 1. ,,,.,,..), Mining JCt 11..V Co HWU of HW U nml HRU or HWU cu lo, Iwp 37, 80 acres ,, 1 , ..i,.,..,. Uiikniiwn owner BW or NBU or NB'4 sert II, IWP ST. 0 screw... M 1) Co--Ttncl uf NWU of NWU, mining illicit from Pools creek, seo 13, Iwp 37, I seres. Ilallev, II H BH of HWU of HKU see II. twti 37. ! irre. Clmiimnn. A, J Pari of NWU Of NWU Hel l. iwp 31, 14 nbU NWU Hel nere ,. , . ....... Hillley, II H, NWU Of sen ix. twp ai, 4'i urrrs. , , Uiiknnwn owner KW f NWU sic 11, twp 3T. 81) nurrs , ,, HpurrN. M. HWU of NBU ulul hku or nwu und ww ur hi: U. Hie II, twp 3T, Itii ncrcs Illtub. A. J.-SW of SWU and HWU of SBU ") 30. iwp 37, 120 ucres., .,! .,..,.... Bollng. L It A It A HW of NB U of SWU s,it IS. twp 37, til acres . ... . .,,,....,.,.. Lance, , W Jr and P. M 1-3 nil in hwu 01 fink nnu nw of NWU and NW f NBU of sa.ni MT 7-31 17,93 1.18 9.R9 14,46 6,13 10.38 1.13 3,04 1.70 11,01 4.53 3.12 10.40 4 to 3.10 ll.oil 2.40 31.00 11,86 9.60 9,04 3.30 IT II 9.60 S.40 3.52 1,40 rid nlng illicit mil nf Cans ieo 30. twp 37, 30 acres W.-SW of WVH sl HWU seo II, Iwn 37. 47 acre, rice, Harnli A NWU of. NBU nm NW of NWU 33. twp ar, !2u seres ... ,.,,.,....,. Unknown owner 3S Int. In HWU of NBU nnd HW nr NWU Ud NW of NBU of HWU. ee 3. twp 37. 94 ncrvn Puftlrr, liluln-KW of BW soil 33. twp 37. lo Acres Bowler. Bdwln HBU r9 31, twp 37, 160 urrrs . . , .. . , . . ...... Bowier. Bdwln NP.U wnd WW of NWU and SVU nml SBU see 33, twp 37. 640 nrres ......... tuwler. Bdwln NKU and HBU sec J, twp 37. 3:0, acres. ..... l-'ord, L l-J-NWU see 34, Iwp 37, 160 ncres , ..,..,,.....,,. Davis NWU of NWU nf NWU see, 30, Iwp 37, .10 acres.,,.,, OrtVl.iHon. It WW of NBU of NWU und wsler right, tnfners' nmi ininiiig uncn 0111 crees, 0f niitlirle. A .......,...... ..--. Woolrldg" O L NBU or HW U '.' 33, twp 37. 40 sere. Powell. W, O BH of BW sea 34, twp 37, 169 ncres , PoWlcr.tiMwln- NBU and NWU nml NBU or SWU nitd HBU see 36 twp 37, 630 acres , lUixyr. Mrs. B. It D I. C 39. see . twp 38, 113 hrres...... CHi, Mrs. M, II. HBU if NB U nnd NBU of SBU nnd U Int. In illicit and water right from AppUgnte, seo 7, twp 39, 80 ncrvs . . . .. . .., ..,, Cook, Mrs M, II -NW of HWU sec 8, Iwp 31. 80 acres Lewinmi. IX V SW of NBU and NW f HBU see 8, twp 38, 160 nrffd . 1 , 1. 1,, . ,, ., .1 North Toast Lumber .Cu,-NBU nnd NWU ami SWU nml SBU see II, IWp 38, 610 ncres ,,,,, BcrKcsch. J. I HW 'f HWU Heo II, iwp as. too acres , llnndcock. lK B WW of NWU of HBU and NBU Of HVf, see 14, iwp 38, 60 acres,),,,.,, Jurrensen, M. NBU of HBU und BW or NWU or SBU seo 16, twp l, 60 .ncres LeUcken. J. H Tract HWU Heo 18, twp 38. 166 acres Pnync T Trnot. NWU of NW U HeC 18. twp 38, 42 acres. ,11 Ilnyd, Hubert NWU NBU and lot 1. seo 20, twti 38, 60 ncrcH Msnsfletd. Anna Land des. vol, 8$310, w Int. In ditch and iv. ter rtnti from Humbug creek, spa 22, twp 38, 117 acres,. k... Pernnll. Win,. Bst 1 acre In NW U of. NWU of HBU seo 32, twp 38, 1 aero ....,, , Bergewli. J. P. NBU NWU and tol 1, SCO 23, twp 38, 80,08 ncres Cameron, '., HWU se$ 21, twp 49 73 4.80 6.73 19,30 11.51 3.10 6.41 11.40 11.38 31.10 31.40 131.40 76.10 19.10 1.46 3.48 17.00 17.10 161 10 19 48 tin, iuu lU'irn .i Baldwin, M. T,-rNW hart of l L 38. HSU I! 37. HO Int. In ditch from H sldu or AnnicKuto river, see 25, twp 38, 33 ucres Offepbuehr, .lohli Part of l L O 37. scu 25, twp 38, 71 acres.. Hawkins A Morris in HWU HB A Seo 32, twp 38, 6 icres,,,,, Wright. W, M Lnnd 'des. vol. A8.362, mining claim, two 4, twp 3J .,,....,.,,,,,,,,,,.,, Hursl, 1?, A, Imp on land dCs. yol. 38.382, sen 2. .twp 39..,.., KntlHten. J. J, HWU or NBU nml NWU uf HBU and NBU or HWU. nnd lot 2, sea 6, twp 30, 169 acres ....,, ,....,.. I Infer, (.'. Lot 3, sec 18, twp 39, 40 ncrex Unknown owner NW nf HW nf HWU see 1, Iwp 40. 40 ncres Knillxen, J. C. WW of HBU and NBU of HWU und HBU of NWU ditch nnd 'water right from O'ltrlmi fork nf Applcgalo sto 18, twp 40. 162 acres.,,.. Hhearcr.'j. ft. HWH4 HWU ami HW HWU HKU 1 scu 20, twp 40, no acres ,,,,.,. .,,... .... Mixture. Krunk Trnot des. vol. 84.61 4.40 1191 101.40 39.&T 6.70 6.T6 17,10 4.40 148 41.71 6.01 1.43 36,10 11.32 11,30 .31 .60 3.00 11.01 7.33 q.on 41.140, mlplpg ditches und wu. 1 IT rigiii, sec .v, 11 , ncrcs riKhl, sea 38.06 8.40 90,30 14.00 83,40 33.40 3.08 2.60 0.14 0,18 20.31 2.C0 22,40 30.00 Alberts, II. H, NBU hcc 12, twp 41, 1(0 acre ,.,,,.,,.,,,,,,,, 30,00 . Ten por cent pcimlty nnd Intercut tit llui rnto of 13 per cunt per nnidint from t in 1st day uf Anrll. 1012. should lm nddftd to tlui tnxcH chnruod agulnst tho 10 CHOI lg I Nil ' W. A. JONJiS, Hliorlff, Wp 40, 100 Hurra . i ,...,..,..,,....,,. . , Uuknnwn ownnr NWU seo 27, twn 40. 160 ncrnu... Hmllli, W. II. HW or NBU ')'! BW or HBU hco 30, twp 40, 160 , acres ,,,.,,..,,.,,,,,,, HlieiiVer, J. B. BW NWU And HWU NWU nnd NW1T HWU sen 30, tW 40, 100 (lores,,.,, qolllngs. A. It HW or SBU nf . HBU see 36, twp 40, 30 acrcu. Lnng i-y, It J. NW of HBU or SFlU nee 86. twn .40. 30 ncrcs Byrne, K.-r-SW.U f HBU. ! Inl, In rollings dllCh, 'see 36, twp! 40. 40 acres ,,.,.., m ColllngH, A B. HBU Of HWU, U Int. lu Callings ill led, sea It, twp 40, 4Q unruH ...,.....,.,. Ilyrne. It SBU if NBU und NWU nf NBU nnd NBU of NWU hco 1, Iwp 41, 120 iicreH Wutklns, J. P. WW 11 f NBU of NWU seo 3, Iwp 41, 20 acres,, Thompson, W. O. HW of NBU nnd BW of HBU hco 4, twn 41, 100 ucrcH , Hpuiildlng. Mac HWU Hta 10, twp 41, 160 ncros 1 .,,..,.,. .,,r.