& 1 ti MEDFORD MAIL' TRTBUNE, MEDffOftP, OKIKIQX, FRIDAY, A TO TOP 10, 1912 raais TgRlf, MMMM9 '-,", MM' ran A t T ? ? ? y j ? t y y f y ? f ? ? ? I y y y y y ? ? Y ? ? Y y y y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y X Y Y ? Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y Y y y y Our Time is Getting Short On September 1 we must have $21,000 in real Money. New fall goods have arrived and are now being slaughtered to help raise this money Blankets, Dress Goods, Coats, Suits, Boy's Clothing and other needfuls for the fall season at prices never before heard of in Medford. 150 Boys' All Wool Suits . . Half Price 1 lot 75 Men's All Wool Suils,small sizes, Half Price Men's 50c Underwear Men's $1.50 Golf Shirts . Men's 15c Work Socks . K Women's 50c Union Suits Women's $1.00 Union Suits Women's 50c Sleeveless Gauze Vests n 29c 89c 7c1. lc 49c 29c o 30 New Fall Tailored Suits $20 and $25 grades, full satin lined, all wool material $12.75 All other new fall Coats and Suits at Special Prices 50 new all wool Serge one piece Dresses $10 and $12 values, in navy, brown, red and black . . . . . $5.98 $5 Pure Linen Tailored Shirt Waists, all sizes up to 46 . . . . $2.50 $2 and $3 Lingerie and Tailored Waists 98c Women's 50c Pure Silk Hose, lace boot style, black only . 29c $5 and $6 Gossard, Nemo and Bon Ton Corsets : . $3.50 One lot $1.50 and $2 Royal Wor cester Corsets, new styles . 98c Women's 75c and 85c white and colored Outing Gowns . 49c Women's $1.25 white and colored Outing Flannel Gowns . 89c Women's $2.50 and $3 Muslin underwear, gowns, skirts, etc. $1.59 Women's $4 and $5 finest Mus lin Underwear . . $2.79 Women's $5 Sweaters, red, white and gray . . , $3.48 Children's 75c and $1 fine Wksh Dresses . . ' . . 49c Children's $1.50 and $2 fine wash Dresses .... 98c Children's $2 Shoes and Oxfords 98c 6i it u Read These Blanket Prices 50c Gray Cotton Blankets . 39c 75c Gray fi Tan Cotton Blankets 59c $1 Gray, Tan & White Blankets 79c $1.13 $1.39 $1.89 $2.85 42c $3.75 $4.75 $5.95 $7.49 a u u ti u u u $1.50 " $1.75 " $2.50 " $3.50 " 50c Fancy Cret Blankets $5.00 Wool Blankets $6.50 $8.50 $10.00 ALL OTHER COMFORTS AND BLANKETS GREATLY REDUCED ii it 6i it &" a Buy Lace Curtains Now, Every pair must be sold. Now one-half price; some even less $7.50 and $10 Norfolk Linen 4 Suits .... $4.25 $6.50 and $7.50 Black Silk Petti-' coats .... $2.98 $2.50 Black Satin Petticoats $1.59 $2 Lawn Kimonas . . $1.19 $18, $20 and $25 Silk Dresses $8.75 $7.50 to $20 White and Colored Wash Dresses . . $5.98 The New Fall Dress Goods Are Here, Buy Now, Reduced Prices $3 Cloakings 56 inches Vide $2.29 $2 " " " " $1.59 $1.50 All Wool Whipcords-the season's newest fabric, all col ors, 50 inches wide . 98c $2 All Wool Diagonal Cheviot Serges, 54 inches wide, all col ors, very new . . $1.59 60c and 65c All Wool Storm Serges -60c All Wool Batise 60c All Wool French Serges 65c Fancy Suitings, all wool 49c All Other Wool Dress Goods Re duced. Wash Goods now at near ly one-half original prices. Everything is Greatly Reduced This sale is for Cash only KENTNER 'S Everything is Greatly Reduced This sale is for Cash only i1" ! fol ,y 1 n J : f i'3 . Ii J ) V 'V J J ' A: ft- X 1 w MMHMIWIHaMrtnaWiMMMMiVMMVII yl i m ... - . ". . . . - . -.... -" ...... ... "- " " "-.-- r - . ii r i mi hit ( -j-- "J -