m ! A I 'V 4 'V I .1 I rc H - '! PAGB TWO ACEDFORP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKWOON". FRIDAY, AUGUST 1(5, 1912 wm iroops 'II HE MB IB AW CAPIlAi HK EliTAbp. Txns, Atipr. lfl.'WiUi- outliBonlernnd lint littlo looting. tlid'jast of Qoiiornl Oroxco's Mexican rciipl1 troppft quietly limrxloil a train ol tho. Mbxiehn Ccnlrnl roil rami in Jim for lodny nhtl departed for Villa Alitnnmljt, (here to start innrrhi: uvcftniuf mitt the Kioto or ConluuK through itho mountain passes Mnith wfruVhninf to join General Zapata in tlio campaign against Mexico City. After the departure of Gi'iier.il Orqrco,' Jnnu Medina, head of tho vigilance committee, took charge of jnnrcz, nnu i prc-emng nnier trending the arrival of Generals ToUos mid Hucrta, who are coming at the head of an army of eeveral thunt-nnd federals. General Teller, is expected to arrive tonight but it is believed General Hucrtn will make an effort to head ofi General Orozeo. While preparations were under way for moving, many residents of Juarez, fcariiij; trouble from Orozeo's sol diers, fled ncroxs the Rio Grande into EJ"Paso, hue nearly nil of the have returned today. Iliisincs generally wa'5 resumed in .Jnarcr. today for the first time in mouths. IUAM VINCENT FATAILY INIIMD; STRUCK BVTie TAFT BEMED BY HESMAN WASHINGTON', Aig. IB That a certain congressman may bo com polled to defend himself on n cliargo Willituri Vincent, while Mmcriutcitri.. breach of confidence In revealing ing bridge work on tho Pacific & confidential Information furnished by Eastern Thursday afternoon w.H rroaWout Tntt .If tho house commit- COVE m WILSON truck by a heavy timber and futallv injured. lie died at the 1'acifie & Eastern deiwt in this city while wait ing for an ambulance to take him to the hospital. Vincent was ovoisceinir the placing of timbers in the l & E. bridge over l.ittlfc Hntte creek vlwu the nccideut occumd. He saw large timber being raised by a derrick swing toward diim but eidently thinking that he could easily escape, it ho w:- too investigating charges against Majojr Hay presses contempt chargca against Secretary of War Stlmson for refusing to produce ''missing papers" In tho ense, Is the report circulated today In government circles here. It Is said tho president told this congressman that a certain phase of thoi Rny case could bo Investigated, lint that for tho sake f a woman's good name, all scandal should bo 5CT m2mSm3k3m3 slow in jumpmir. The end of thcisunnrcsscd. Tho coiiKrcssnum Is timber, however, struck his head. The salt) to havo divulged this lufornm- lower jaw was broken m two places. tlon. and the skull fractured at its ba-e. The injured mnn was rushed in a special, train to this eity hut died before he reached the hospital. Mr. Vincent is well known in this eilv having lived here for several years. lie Ienve n wife and eight years old. son SAYS SON INSANE OPENS WIN ' pi-OUCESTER, X. J., Aug. 1C. Under tho glaro of a hot sun thous ands of farmers massed about Gov ernor "Woodwrow Wilson yesterday beard him give his first campaign speech since officially notified of tho . nomination. Ho said ho had seldom seen Interest In tho farmer regarded in legislation, that ono of tho greatest Impositions upon tho farmer was the present tariff. "My Indictment against tho tariff Is that it represents special partner ships, does not represent the general interest," he said. "The tariff meas ures are measures for tbo merchant an manufacturers. Tho farmer pays Just as high a proportion of tho tariff in tho United States as any one .else." He declared this was the only civ ilized country where tho government (joes not see to It that rates estab lished by the government enable men to ship Roods as they please. ' f'e have no parcels post until you reach tho ports, and from ports to tho other side of the Atlantic you can have parcels post, but you can't have that inside tho United States because, may I conjecture a reason, there aro certain express companies Whjch object. The trouble with the business of the United States under tho present tariff is that men think they can't mako anoney without the assistance of the government." MISTAKE IN SIGNALS SINKS SEATTLE SHIP SEATTLE, Wn., Aug. 10. A mis take in higuals bent the Steamer Siuox, of tho Inland Navigation com pany, crashing into the Steamer Gnmailo of tho 'Islnud Navigation company, us bhc luy at the clock in Everett. No ono was injured. The Cam an o ivuh sunk. . Tho nccidenti happened at 11 ociocK IMS morning. io olio v;w on tho Cnmuno except the crew. They uu 'got to snore, 'ilie bioiix w&n uninjured and proceeded on her way 16 Helljngliiuu. The' Sioux is about ;i00 feet long, the Cuumtio 2U."i. LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Aug. 1C Dr. J. J I. Greenfield, aged and re directed medical prnctioner of San Bcmnrdino, will arrive in Los Angeles today to begin the fight for the life of his son, Charles Eugene Green field, who confessed to the murder of his baby stepdaughter, Vivian, at Venice, Greenfield believes his son was insane, nnd ho will spare no effo was insane, nnd he will spare no effort or expense to secure proof. At the county jail, where the slayer is confined, attendants nod officers unite in the declaration that the man i& feigninj a mental breakdown. They declare he is banc, and is merely laying plans for his defense. Greenfield spent a sleepless night, mumbling conhtantly nnd muttering of the ill treatment he received at the hands of his wife, which, he claims, prompted his deed. He admits freely that hu intended to kill himself, b.it that "it hurt" and he desisted. TEDDY IN OU IN SEPTEMBER PORTLAND, Ore., AMg. 1C. Colonel Roosovolt will apeak In Port land, September '12, according to Dr. Jt. W. Ceo,' national committeeman of tho progressive party of Oregon. Dr. Coo stated today that Colonel Roosevelt will come to Portland from Seattle whoro ho Is booked to ad dress tho progressive state conven tion September 10. Ills Portland speech la tho only ono ko far ar ranged for him In Oregon. PRINCE OF WALES NOT TO VISIT UNITED STATES LONDON', Aug. Id.--The report that the Prince or Wales nnd his brother Albert, planned to visit Canada pud the 1 ailed States was nuthontiudy denied here today. NAT GOODWIN NOT i i i t SERIOUSLY HURT SANTA MONICA, Cal., Aug. 10, Following u couni)ltatlou of doctors summoned to pnss upop the condition of Nat Goodwin satd that tho actor'H Injuries aro not nH serious an re ported and that M operation Is un necessary, Goodwin was criiHhed undor a skiff In tho surf at Rocky Point Into yesterday. Ho was se verely bruised, and will bo confined to his bed for several days. Assumption In the Upjpci' Mropx, lnot u pinto "t Urn leant, Jumped lilf thy In the htroet itpd trilontly prayou" l'o,r wrong nldo ol tjin ear to avoid paying tip kojiI of tho iluni) ihan.. . , , Mm fore, An L pillar knocked lilni .- Itliuoll, having put-hlH InM cent In undur the wlitiom, JU-". .",K.f.l t i- i a . " .v. ..". 'i .I1 ' .' ITALIANS PRAY OVER CORPSE OF LEADER NEW Y01tlC,7Vug, llf.-As tho do capitated foim of Prank Klmoli, one of their leaders, lay Npruwling on the ear tracks after being beheaded bv a Jerome Avemiu car here toda,', I .'Jill) Italians leturuiug front an open iir celebration of the feast of (ho FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Hc intve, Tlicin With the New Drug An eminent skin specialist recent ly discovered a new drug, othlne double strength, which is so uni formly successful Jn removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it Is sold by any first-class druggist under an abso lute guarantee to refund tho money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othino and re move them. Even tho first- night's use will show a wonderful Improve ment, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. It Is absolutely harmless, and cannot injuro tho meet tender skin. He sure to ask any first-class drug gist for the double btrength tthine; it Is his that Is sold on the money back guarantee. a Al-A X f T t f t T T f T T t t Y r t T t ? ? t t t t t T Y f t T J t ! 3L Filial Clearance Prices oii all Summer Apparel f f T T t i 4 ? I $ v ! t v t Y & Tailored Suits Values to $45.00 Now $15.00 Your unrestricted choice of all our White Sergo Suits, hair line stripes and J many beautiful mixture suits, actual values up to $45, Clearance....$15.00 4 Lingerie uresses ai one nan-pnee ana less You may choose from our entire stock of White Lingorie Dresses, colorod Linen Dresses, etc.at $10.00 and above and take same at ONE HALF PRICE Linen Coats at exactly one half-price and less $6.50 Pure Linen Coats, now. 98.25 y $11.50 Fancy Linen Coats, now $5.75 j Dress Skirts Value to $15,00 Now $5.00 One full rack of Dress Skirts, black; and a full line of colors, these are fuller A cut than the average skirt, hence this very great reduction. Actual former $ prices to $15.00, Final Clearance $5.00 Special Value in Ladies Hose We claim to be giving a better value in ladies' hose at 25c than tho averago T merchant sells at 35c. We not only claim it but we can prove it. Try them $ for yourself. Black, tan and all colors 25 $ Boot pattern Silk Hose in black, special, a pair 205 JT Boot pattern Silk Hose, a better quailty in black, special, a pair 48 Final Clearance Prices throughout tlie Shop. i f ? DR. HALL DECLINES JOB OF RUNNING ASYLUM M QHANPJ3, Ore., Aug. 1C Dr. llal( pt J,a Grande, recently -npjlltcf! superintendent of the East ern QrBPn lrnch insane asyltuu de clined that position, according tp an authoratlvo announcement hero to day. It Is said Dr. Hall's reason for his ftctlon, 'was that 'ho considers thp, bho at l'omicton upflt for the Insti tution. It Is reported Dr. J. P. Cal ureatl'i 'of McMinnyllio will succeed IJASKIJAIiti OAMU AT WKHD don that Dunsmulr Excursion next Sunday. It will Btoj) at Colestln Springs, Weed, whoro tho big baso ball gnnio Medford vs. Weed will bo Played, Bhasttf Springs and other points giving a splendid opportunity tp.exc(irPoiilBts to spend a delightful day in flip pure mountain air, Ono far round trip has beon padp by tho Bouthern Pacific, plenty of couchos )nd a good time for all "bim. Howard of Huletn vi&ited Iter ' ter, Jfrs, P, K. Wiley, hero several -days nnil'lCNirtPd for her home Wed (Kwdny morning. fc. a. & y y a. .J -- mm A A A!fc A i A AA A A Jrlfc A!i T T T T T t T T J t f ? T T hWrtr4M?$Hfr&fr& T T T 3L Real Estate Bargains 40 acres timber land four miles from Eagle Point...Finestsoil in the valley, $25 an aero, 20 acres, fruit bearing, 9 room modern house, 2 miles from Roseburg, to trade for Mod ford property. ' 7 room modern house in Eugene, $3000.00. To trade for Medford proporty of equal value - ' - i t i t ti 6 room modern, new bungaloyv on Rose Avonue, Medford, $3000,00, worth $3750.00. ,t One lot 50 x 140 foot, west front Rose Avonue, $500.00. One lot 50 x 140, feet east front, Rose Avenue, $700.00 One and one-hajf lots 75 x 140 feet on Main street, near Rose Avenue. Very desirable location for a fine home. Nice,1 largo tree on this property. Very cheap at $1200100 Twp lot corner of Wain street and Rose Avonue, south front on Main street, 5 largo trees, 4 blocks from Medford Hotel. This vill always be ono of tho bost locations in the cfty, $1500.00 H. E. GATES J23 Rose Avenue ,"" i', .. ? '. ,i j- Blue Dinner Ware Each J ) Cents . 1 . I I I Wo arc closing mil our uiitiro lino of MiiHhIi Somi-Porcelain w. Willow 'Oiunoi warn at 1 vll fHlllCj 1HII tlMMtttl4ttllttlllllltltltMOlVl i- . I CUT STAR 20 rioxoiK Gut Stnr Blown Cllnss, hcvuii n,0NV 0Uxm ,,,"",, ( pioco Water Sol, ,spu- l-a, rogulnr 2(k vnluo cinl for Saturday Salurda)' $1.25 set 10 Kaeli i . , ( . '. Muns Gaimtlotl, aiovuM,.lf2i It; $1.7;") v.uIuok, a pair ,. .....Jfll.OO Alon's Loa'tlior Work Gloves, $100 fo-l.OO values, pair $.1.00 iM uu's Heavy All Leatlior Glovi'S. pair.. ..50 Lailies' and Hoys' All Leajher Claunjlett Gloves ....pair 50, 75& $1.00 Colgate's Taleuni Powder 15 . il ergon's Talcum Powder, full pound can. ...15 i " ' 4000 Yards All Linen Val and Oluny Lacos, In sertions, Beadings. otc, a yard '. 5? HUSSEY'S "SINGLE tAX EXPOSED" X -. i ' rf f :; n;n!iiri v; CHAS. H. SHIELDS i 'i -1 ' . will speak in the Opera House i j i. at 8:30 p. m. Medford ' jr U: .Si: )f - .,,;,, M Shields is gqgjf etayy of tifig Oregon Equal Taxation League nd a well known author i ' f" i J 'f; . If ' M M j HEAR HIM! i i ,, . . ?! i t i4 8:30 Monday, Aug. 19 f. r 4 k 1 rf j.t , , .- r LAJ