ffretjon Historical r'v Unll Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER s Cloudy and coolMax 7j lln tit. "OTW fotflu7..r .'JJTW n Forly-acennrt Ynnr, Dully Hi'vi'iilli Vnnr, SENATE FAILS TO PASS STEEL Advocates of Measure nrc Unable lo Muster Even n Majority, so Tariff Legislation for Session Ends In Failure and Hl(li Duties Continue Senate Adopts Conference' Report mi the Panama Canal Bill and House Will Follow WASHINGTON. Auk. 10. Tho HlllltO (lllfl'ltldll l III) IllOtlOII to pilMM till' Htt'ol lilll over Tllfl'M vuto. 'I'lii; iwuialn'H viitu on tint pluming of (lii) HIM bill ovor tho presldcnt'ii vuto was 32 lo HO. Advocates o( tho nii'iiHiiru went unable own to muster n majority. I'niimim t'iinitl Mill Hy it oto of IS (or to 18 agalnM, tho mtiiutn IIiIh afternoon mtopttul Iho conference report on the Panama CuiiiiI 1111 It U generally believed thul similar notion will tut taken In tlm bonne. Then tho bill which pro lidos tlmt American shlpn engaged In foreign trade must pity full IoIIh and bur nilrond-ouied hIiIih from tlio canal, will ko to tint president for signature. Tlio conference report ii I ho prnvlibHl thul American vesRnlit tingiigod In const w lint tnulu HllOlllll bo allow cil freo pnnHUKC. Senator llrundngco called up tlm conference report on tlio canal till 1 which wim u compromise between tint seniito nml liouo hill nml nsnallcd tho ncnuto miioudnient which gave tho rommuron commliodon power to divorce tho riillroniU' from tliclr tcitiiihlp IIiiihi Ho railed tho com promlRO "a hotcror.oncouii inn it of legislation affecting subjects which V ym - ',g4"u'-"? w' Ithlu tho w - Senator KliuinoUN defended the bill. ' IMittlH I'oit Hill Ah ii Hiilmtltuto for tho Hourno Urlblow pnrrulH pout plan Inserted by tho senate In the post office hill, tho hoiiHo this afternoon ntoil 1 13 to fii! to mlopt tho pout scheme proponed hy CotiKri'iuiuiiiu Moon of TeimcjiHoo. Tho plan In to ho experimental, tho rates chargm! according to xoiiqh, rnnglng from flvo to twolvo cents per poiiiul. Moon Maid Iio believed tho substitute would he acceptable to tho senate, liuitirliig Its adoption In tho onnfoieiico roport. MANAGUA, Auk 10 -Tlio United Blalt'M government took a hand In tho Nicaragua!! rovolutlon today whoii United States Minister Woltxol. ontahllHhod a uoutrnllty xonu, which Includes all of Mnnnguti, tlio capital of tho republic Notification win served on Gon oral Monti, leader of tho robol forcoH, that American murliicH Htaud iciidy to onforco WolUol's ordor, mid thnt Moini would ho hold roHpontilblo If any cusuultlcii occurred. Moro than -100 Amnrlcnn murines aro Htatlnuod horo with Major llutlor In command and will tnko any atopx Woltxol thinks necessary to protect American IIvoh and proporty, i WASHINGTON, Alii?. Ill CIiiii-kccI with violating iiiMttrnlity lawn, Colonel Kobelo, ono of General Pimoiial high est and must (riiHlt'tl officers, wan iimwloil in Kl Piiho, Toxiih, thin ul'tiir. noon nt tlio ntiiiiht of tlio (Icimtliucnt Of .lllHli('l). NllWH lo tllirt off cot wan riuiolvoil lioio into today from Colonol Y), ', Htuuvui't ooiiiiiiiiiiiUh' of llm Auiiuiciin forooM nroiiud V, I'iiho, wlio Haiti (lint liolmlo would ho (I'liiiKforrud to tlio (itiKtody of llio olvil nullioritiiH. Colonol Itoholo wuh animtod wlion ho uroHHCd tlio lutiu'imtiounl luiilRO liutwuuii Jimrox nil I'M Iuho lo (oo phono Colonol fitoovor thai (lononil Qroxvo plitnnotl It) qvuohhIo JutiroR, neumy zone for nicaragua m k wmmm NT HI OF TO E At Rctiucst of Dlstrlst Attorney Whit man Governor Dlx Names Justice Goff to Hold Special Term of Su preme Court for Police Graft Case Means That Speedy Action Will Fol low Return of Indictments Becker May Confess Soon NKW YOIIK, Au. K At tho ro(iii'iii of District Attorney CharleH Whitman, (loveruor John A. nix to- day iiiiiikmI Juitlco (loff to hold a hh nlal term of tho ulato Htipromo court III connection with tltu police Kraft cimo. I HI muaiiH thnt itpcmly action will follow tho return hy tho tumid Jury of liidlcttit'MitH, which limy coiuo today. A report was current In pollro clr clou hero today that Police l.liniton ant Decker, held In (lie,Toiiibn In connection with the murder of (5am bler Herman lloKeuthitl, Ik nhoiil ready to confeni. OmiKxterH of the KitKt Hide, It wax mild, hy KomhlcrH and illvc-keeperH, nro proparliiK lo raltie a fund of $500,000 for the do feiiKO of mmpocW In the cntie. DiKtrlct Attorney Whitman an nounced today that iiiiIpkh "(Jyp the lllood" and 'lfly Iottt were ar reittod heforo next Tuendny ho would offer a reward of 15.000 for their rapture, "dead or alive." (.'OMTIKII- l)IV TlllkH AUIANY, N. Y., Auk. Ifi In com mnntliiK upon litu appointment of J entire (loff to hold a upcclal term of the miproino court for trial of tho men about, to be Indicted In Now York In tho f'.rnft ncaudnl KrowliiK out of the murder of Ciiuuhler Her man ltoenthal, (iovurnor Dlx mild to te day: "An Immediate, determined and foarloHH1 Iniiulxltlou under tho aimpl cch of lh Kraud Jury Ik Imperatively doniiiiided In New York City." JiiMtlce Goff'a court will convene In New York September U. Tho pro coedhiKH will he conducted under the direction of Dlntrlct AtloVney Whit man. Kdieppn on tlio Way INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Auk. !. (liiarded hy ARnUlant Dliitrlct Attor ney, Itobert Ituliln and County l)etec- tlio Stewart, Sam Hrhoppa, wanted In New York for n complicity In tho murder there of (lamhler Herman HnHcnthnl. arrived hero early today and remained ovor two limirit while rhntiKluK IrahiH for New York. Ku hln paid ho expected to arrive In Now York with Schepps hoiiio tluio next week, hut Ih keopliiK tho exact tlmo necret. Schepps la aliened to ho the man who paid tho KHugHtera for tho mur der of ItoHoiithal. Dlstrlrt Attoruoy Wliltiuan charKeit that tho money wiih Riven ScheipH by Police l.lentou ant Charles Docker. STEAMER SEATTLE FLOATED: UNINJURED BY GROUNDING SKATTI.K, Wit., An. 1(1. -The I'lieifie SlenniHliii f'omiiuiiy's Steam er City of Seattle, which went n Hie rocks Iwo miles boiitli of Keleliikiui yehtenlay, wa Honied ut liis;li lido, tlio Stunnier Norllilnnd ussihlhif;. She wiih itiiiiijureil by her rent on Hie roelcH, mill after pulling hack lo Keleliikiui to reload tlio xnlmoii tukeii her during tlio day, continued her trip to Scuttle. MADISON, Win,, Aug. 10. Sar eaHtlo roforencoa to fiovornor Wood row WIIboji, 'denunciation of Colonol HooHovolt and ciitlcUin of Protddout Taft nro voiced hy Senator llohort M. LnFnllotto In tho current Issuo of La Follotto'a Weekly, out hero today. Tho nrtlolo Hiiyn; "HoHtralnt and uuilor-8tatomeulot facts ohurnctoiizo and In a degree woakon Governor WHboii'h presenta tion of tho political Ihhiioh, How over, thoro Is no iincortaliitlty about thorn. Ho frankly aunouueoa thnt ho bollovoH In tariff for rovouuo only," La Follotto thou referred to Col, HoqhovoU uh oIIowh; mm GMFT BOB COMMENTS ON CANDIDATES MISDjTOJtP, ORWION, IltJUAV, AlXirST 10, 1912 two of uiiFsiirs seafiWters suffer from Sidents. u. i t W VLVHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHh W rtJEJr r M inBfl BUHrJKniAAiHfc' "1 T ' 4. -v .' m l0r M J XTBy7vTr 1 fjiPiTrflHri flBW: inlr- --- - "- - m r ( j WTJfy vTx-'i-rt4 a. viJi.t """-ClvnSlSK?' -La'' rrn r- tti -i i ' I rra-n ir mi Two of Uncle Kaui'x IiIk tea fljctiier are temporarily out of couiuilmilou as a result of two mishaps near Point ludlth, The Ncunikii, which la commanded by CaptaJu Hpencvr 8. Wood, ran on an uncharted shoal, while the on tile hlp Connecticut, ilaxaulp of Hear Admiral Uuuo Oitcrbaus, uffeoud a uuLihup, brealclns her starboard crank ihnft. An a result of their accident the Nchrimka and the Connecticut will le out of ncrrlco for Home tlracT The xtcnt of the dainacr to the NelirflMkn In not known, but In u wlrelwoi-to the Navy Department at Washington Hear Admiral Ontcrhniii reMiritd It n VnnnIderjiJ'le." It l nut bi-lW-ied tlic vcjihc! can Imj repaired In time to participate ' the atiuuttl taruct pm tlce of the fleet In yoitllirrn water between August 21 and September 15. STEAMER PLEIADES T Iiri2Nli.Mi:, Cal.. Auk. lO.Thc Steanior I'leladeB, Han FrancUco to tho iHthmiiH of I'nnamn, went on the beach off.' ItfAvldonco iHliind, off tho const of l.owor California, early to- day, accordliiK to wireless ineKHiiKes picked up by .Standard Oil barKu No. HI. AccordliiK to tlio mcHaKo. tho crow Is Kiifo. It Ik not known wheth er tho shl)i Is a total wreck, Tho Whittles 1h the property of tho Callfornln-Atjnntle Steamship Com pany. Blip wan built In 1900 and was reentered at 'J.'UZ toiiH. She was two daya out from San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl . Auk- 1C Tho Steamer l'loaldox, reported anlioro on Providence Island, carried no pasBongerit. Sho had a full carKo of frolKht for tho iHthmlau Canal commission. Company officials hero recoiled n wireless dispatch early to day stntliiK that tho vessel wuh nshoro, but have heard nothliiK fur ther, A criilHer and another xtcamer aro said to be In tho vicinity and HtniidliiK hy to kIvo assistance 11 TTAFT SBATTliK, Wash., Auk. lG.Pro Kresslvo candidates on the ropuhllcau tlckot nro rapidly deserting tho old party and coiiiIiik over to tho new progressive party which will hold preferential prlmarleti on Septomtior 7, to nominate a full state and county tlckot. Twenty-two candidates havo already formally withdrawn their can dlducloH f i oui tho republican primar ies to bo held on Soptoiubor 10. He foro tho week Ih over, every pro- Krosshn caudldato In tho stato la expected to follow ault. 'fh list at present Includes two candidates for Rovornor, Holjort T. IIoiIko and tlolui.C. Lawrence. Otto A. Cane, another proKicssIvo will la hiio lila formal with drawal from tho republican party tomorrow, It Ih ex pected. "KoobovoU'h YoiifoRHlon of faith' 1b Just HooHovolt. Ho Ih forcible, and pnsltlvo on uiattora which nro undla puted. Ho abHertH with tho entluiH laum of an original discoverer pro grouHlvo principles advanced yeaiH ago." La Follotto chargod that tho provi dent caved nothing about tho pooplo, adding: "Tnft'a uccoptanco Hpoooh Is n di rect appeal to tho conservatives. Tho president doca not recognize tho poo pin's! inovo for legislation which would nld in making tho govornmbut moro roaponulvo to tho will of tho urn- mm N A CANDIDATES !lA FOLLEnE SCORES TEDDY IN SENATE. WASHINGTON. -Vint. III. -De-iioiiiieiiit; Colonel KiMiM'ifll. Senntjr Robert Al. La Follelte of WiM-onsin this ufteriiooii. r-ptMikiiii: in the mmiu'.o on hi1 propOMil to jm-i the wool lull over llio iireMdent'H veto, niiHinind he would rcmniii in the republican party. In iitturkiiic'tlie "bull moo-e" party. Ii Follelto'.aX'Si served notice that ho would takelAcdnui ijKuiittt KooHevelt in mi rflo'rrro i,nwiikeii tlio people." "The Aiucrieaii H,ople," lie said, "will not find jclief in wniulerin off nfter mother party, the pilot of which was ut the head of our organi zation when the pre.-eiit trouble bewail.. "The triumph id' rcpre-euliilive pivernincnt is1 to he acluoxcd tlniitili tlie ix'piihlieuu party, repirillens of pre.-ent differenci. The upbuililiii of u third partv around Mime nidi dual wIiono peroiial uiuhitioiis have been diKiipoin(cd, will di-coiinie the pro;resMve uinicniont." BRYAN HANDS TEDDY A FEW COMPLIMENTS CLFA'LILANI), Ohio, Auk. 1C William .1. Ho an arriving hero to day, took u hard rap at Colonel Itoobcvelt and his third party prom ises. Dry a n said; "UooBovolt Ih strong on criticism Kut short on constriicilou. Ho has not prepared any anti-trust remedy. Ills bureau control of trusts nchonio Is tho most audacious attempt In his tory to sot up a one-man government mid maintain It by tho Influence, an executive could bring to bear through Biich a bureau," NINE THOUSAND WOMEN OPPOSE SALOON LUNCH LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. If.. Nino thousand lo Augolca womon ojiposo the passing of tho saloon free lunch horo, as mado compulsory by a recently adopted city ordinance A referendum petition demanding n vote on tho ordinance lis on filo with tho city clerk today. " KNOX AND PARTY OFF FOR MIKADO'S FUNERAL WASHINGTON', Aug. 1(1. Sccre tnrv f State Kno- and iii party will xtnrt west from Wn-lutigloii toiyght on their wnv t tlu funeral of the late Kuipuroi' Mutiiliito ol Japan, Wear Admiral lteynohls will meet the party ut Scuttle nml will represedt tho AitttM'ti'iui na.V nt. tho roy.il funeral ut Kioto on September 1.1. WINGFIELD SUCCEEDS TO NIXON'S NEVADA BANKS RENO, Nov., Aug. 1G, George Wtugfluld, Itqno's mulll-mlllloualro, today was oloctod president of tho Nixon .National Hank horo to succeed tho Into Unltod states Sonntor Nixon. thp. a:z& CONNECTKXrr' TO BUST MOVING PICTURE TRUST PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 1C A suit In canity 'for the dissolution of i the "moving picture trust" was filed !in the United States district court I hero today by representatives of the department of justice. The defend liiuts named Include the Motion Pic 1 turo Patents Company, the General ! Film Company, tho Blograph Com- pany the Thomas A. Edison Com pany.' Inc.. Lubln Company Patlio Freres. Vltngraph Company and thir teen Individuals. Tho suit asks the court to re strain tho defendants from exercis ing undue monopoly in the moving plcturo business. I DIPLOMATIC SERVICE WASHINGTON, Aug. 1C Presi dent Taft submitted to tho scnato to day numerous nominations In tho diplomatic and consular service, in cluding those of Frank Arnold to bo third secretary of tho American em bassy at Toklo and of Lcslor May uard of San Francisco, to bo United States consul nt Anioy, China. HEAVY RAINS CAUSE YUKON RIVER FLOODS DAWSON, Y T., Aug, 10. Heavy ruin on the Southern Yukon and on the tributaries not far from liawson nre enusinf the Yukon to riso t u treinoiuloii". rate. In uhoul twelve hours the liver rose on the Dawson front four feet. Now it is u foot higher, making a total perpendicular lift of five feet inee the start. RICHMOND, Va Aug. 1C Smiling and unafraid, Virginia Chris tina, a Negroes 17 yours old, tho first woman to bo executed In tho his tory of Virginia, was sent to hor death horo In tho electric chair at 7:23 o'clock this morning for tho murder of Mrs. Ida Ilolote, 72 years of ago, a whlto woman, at Hamp ton, Va. Just boforo tho cap was placed ovor hor bead, tho woman turned to her spiritual advisor, and said; "I am glad to go. 4 killed Mrs. Heloto and desorvo to dte. I tool no fear. Kill mo quick." Tho Nogrcss was omployed as n wiiBherwomau by Mrs. noloto. .An gorod by n reprimand, tho girl foiled hor oiuployor, boat her luto iiuconsclouness, choked her, par tially scalped her, and thou thrust a towol down her throat. Miss Christian was woll oducntod. It was brought out nt tho trial that sho klllod Mra, Doloto In a fit of tomnof, NEGRESS UT NV NA PROPOSALS R E BY REBEL CHIEF Orozco Demands That All Revolution ists Including Himself Be Restored to Full Citizenship and That Hail ero's Relatives Lose Their Jobs Mexican Congress Will Probably Con vene in Extra Session to Consider the Matter i MEXICO CITY, Aug. 10. Dcfl nlto proposals for peace were received by President Francisco I. Madero to day from General Pascual Orozco, commander-in-chief of the revolu tionary forces. It Is expected that a truce will be declared Immediately, and negotia tions opened which will result in tho rebels laying down their arms. General Orozco telegraphed Presi dent Madero stipulating that all terms must bo In keeping "with tho dignity of tho provisional govern ment." It agreed to not Insist on Madpro's retirement, but demands that all revolutionists, Including him self, be restored to full citizenship. Orozoco, however. Insisted that Madero pledge himself immediately to fulfill reform promises made when ho took the presidency and that 300 of Madero's relatives be ousted from tholr Jobs. It is expected that an ex. tra session of congress will be called to consider tho proposal. A rumor that has not been con firmed states that General Orozco has secretly returned to Juarez. STOCK SALES TODAY NEW YOItK. Aug. 1G. With near ly all the leaders showing material fractional losses today's opentng stock market developed a resumption of yesterday's late selling. Canadian Pacific led tho slide downward with u two point decline. Trading was tho dullest of tho week. American Tobacco was down almost fivo points. A few of the leaders made some slight recovery at tho noon hour. Tho market closed dull and irrc gular. Bonds wero easy. "GYP, THE BLOOD" AT DETHOIT, Mich., Aug. 10. It is reported today thnt "Gyp the Wood" Harry Hnrrowilz and "Lefty Louio" Iiiiiiit, Hoseuzcweig, the two alleged assassins of Gumoler Herman Rosen thal in New York who are still nt largo, left here Wednesday night on n lake Steamer. Several detectives wr iltuiled on the ease this after noon. It is reported that Gyp the lllood was disguised as u woman. Docnuso of tho brutality of tho crlmo, Govornor Mann Ignored re quests to conimuto tho woman's sen tenco to ltfo Imprisonment. Tho girl manifested no interest lu tho efforts lu this direction, assorting thnt sho preferred to dlo. Tho cool ness of tho niurderes8 was dlscon cortlng ovon to the hardonod prison officials. Sho nto a hoarty breakfast laughing and talking with tho guards. Shortly before her oxocutlon sho re fused religious consolation, but mado no protest when a minister started reading from tho Ulblo. With head oroct nml oyos straight ahead, tho girl walked unconcerned ly to tho death chamber, manifesting no Interest In her surroundings, Sho stepped lightly Into tho olectrlo chair and aftor mnklng a brief state ment assisted tho guards in adjust ing tho olectrodos, straps and head piece. A moment lator tho current was turned on and continued for two minutes, PEACEAREMAD mwm MARKS NO. 125 DHOW'S CASE INJURY'SHANDS BEFORE EVENING District Attorney Fredericks Has Un til Five O'clock to Complete His Argument Which Has Lasted Since Yesterday Noon Uses No Emotion Judge States That He Will Charge the Jury as Soon as Fredericks Con cludes and Let Them Retire f LOS ANGELES, Aug. 10. Intcr mpin;r the final argument .of Attor ney John D. Fredericks In tho Dar row trial this afternoon, Jurors W. It. Williams, F. E. Goldlng and O. M. Dunbar asked .questions which de veloped a graro discrepancy In the story of Dert II. Franklin, a state witness, on which the prosecutor was1 speaking. Robert F. Bain was bribed to vote for acquittal in the McNamara caso with $500 In $20 bills. Franklin testified he got the cash on Barrow's check, but Cashier Young, when testi fying 'for the state, swore ho cashed the check in $50 bills. Cliiiln of Crlmo Trying to show, as he expressed It, "a chain of crlmo perpetrated by ' Clarence Darrow, without using one word of tho testimony of Bert II. Franklin," Fredericks addressed tho Jury this morning His argument was made almost coldly, without emotion or embellishment. Fredericks defended Harrington at somo length in a fiery speech, telling of a number "of ways In which Har rington might have Implicated Dar row had he been so Inclined. He read to the Jury that portion of Judgo Huttoa'a Instructions reardlngr the' ,'"r2!jj Iine oeienaani iook exception io , this proceeding and the court neleii: hla exception. - C , Taking up tho Dfekolinaif affair,' Fredericks nssertod' fHat "fyckTemah "";. was a valuable state witness lliMthoi McNamara caso. 'av,lnk,vldeti!Ulod Jnmes D. McNamara as Cno "Jj ' Bryce," who registered at! local i hotel tho day boforo tho TimcV was blown up. fc g Uses Dlckelniaii's Story T$ X"!U , Bort Hannorstromo, Dartiw'8 w brothcr-ln-law, took DIokelman from - J Albuquerque to Chicago. Our "de- " tcctlve, George Home, brought htm back to Los Angeles, whoro ho was wanted in tho presentation of our case. "See how thoy worked on llttlo Dlekolmnn. Seo how seductive thoy wero. You can't walk up and hit a man In the head and toll him you want him to como ovor to your sldo. You havo to coax him. Thoy did. Oh, this hlghmlnded dofondant! They gavo Dleklomnn money to como back to Los Angeles with. Oh, yes! Money, money, money! I al most hato money; Blnco I camo through that trial. I could talk to you for an hour on that Dlokelmau affair and tell you something In teresting every minute. "Now- I haven't usod ono word of tho testimony of Bert H. Franklin, so far. But I have shown you a chain of crlmo perpetrated by this de fendant that la not ono whit Icbb a crlmo than Jury bribing. Now I'm going to talk a llttlo about Frank lin." District Attornoy Frodorlcka prom ised tho Jury to show conclusively that Darrow gavo Franklin tho money to brlbo Lockwood. Noon rocoss In terrupted his address. PREACHER AND FAMILY DYING FROM POISON KOCKYFOHD, Colo., Aug, ill The, llov. GiibWivo Lutrike, pastor of u German Luthoniii church hero in dying this nftornoon, liirf wifo mid son. mred 2'J vonra. mid diuighlor, 8 years old, nro dead n a romilt ot1 ' poisoning. It ih not known; whether tho doutliK wore caused by ptoranine or arsenical poisoning, Tho entire family wan striekMU aftor breakfast yerttetdny. Thh inini.ster'b daughter died nt iiigbt mid bis wife mul hoii thi inoriiiii. Tlio ense U baffling Reky Ford ' physicians, J-cfl i- a:. M t '' V A I I I 'I i 'i I I ' A V 4 I 1- 7 t :,i