4 ' t 4 I PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL' TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKOON THURSDAY, 'AUCWST 15, 1912 iSr., t vitvvrfv-'--jfj4vww v '. -vi-' -. i 4 i J IOCAL AND W jUKLj PtRSONAl T. William Moffctt of Medford spout two or three layn Inst weok w'llh Mrs. 1 Yotniif of Central Point. Aldnto' Strong and family of Pay- oltc.i Idrfho,- who recently cnmo to Mcdfolcdn8DcntJthQiforiol jn'tlot tho wcokj iWltlx, t'or ltl lioino Viands, Mr. At Voting ami family of Central Point. Doth families enjoyed a trip to' flay fiod Sunday. llritn cleaned and blocked. Pan torlum: 124 I .Father O'Kiirrcl has returned from an pxtondcjl vtr.lt, with his parents In qana'da. A rc6clon will bo held In thePa?Ish hall this evening in his honor. Roports from Glendale today are fo tho effeot that Key. John Howard Is well on tho way to recovery fol lowing tho accidental shooting Tucs dy; the -hands of a companion. Hammocks, sporting goods, bluo flame, ordorlcss oil stoves, refrigera tors, etc. Prices right. Shaplolgh Hardware Co., 2S South Central. ., Miss, Ella Guanyaw, Mrs. Colwell and roune on have returned after a week's outing at Prospect and Cra ter Lake., Following are fares for the round trip on California excursion leaving Med ford Sunday, August 18th. Tick ets' limited to seven days. Weed. $2,85; Shasta Spring. 3.3S; Duns nint'rifiS Tho difficulty In re gard to umpires has been satisfac torily settled and one umpire will be from Hornbrook and tho other from Vreka. The round trip to Colcstln will bo1 one dollar, tickets limited to onq day. Tickets now on sale. A union church and Sunday school excursion will be run to Colcstln, August 20, tho Southern Pacific pro viding special train for tho occasion. The' church orchestra will accompany tho excursion. Excursion Is from all Rogue River valley points. Contractor J. J. Haurl left today for a hunting and fishing trip on Rogud River. Mid-week prayer meeting at Chrls tlon church, subject "Christian Unity" John 17-11, leader A. R. Coffin, as sisted by mens Bible class. Come Tuesday evening S o'clock. 124 O. Putnam, E. E. Kelly and Wal ter .Dudley spent Thursday fishing on Rogue River, taking advantage of tho' break In th6 weather. H. C. Kentner and party returned Wednesday afternoon from a visit at Crater Lake. Taio PanVorlum. N6. 5, North Fir street cleans and presses all sorts of clothing, for men, women and chll- . to. Eli dren. 12 I MrS. W. II. AIICBUttK) Ul iwcuib Is visiting friends- In Medford. W. J. Clackenbtish of Talent brought a crate of very fine Hales Early peaches to this office Tuesday which were as fine as ever grown In the valley. Berlin Tailoring and French Dry Cleaning Company. 109 West Main street wish to announce that they are pr6pared to do first class clean ing a'nd pressing, also hats blocked and trimmed. Ladles' and Gents' suits made tp order. Giro us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phono Pacific 5362. ,Mrs. Sadie Quackenbush of Trail Creek Is In Medford for a short visit with friends. 4 Mr., and .Mrs. B. D. Stephenson of Williams Creek are npendlng a few dayB In Medford on business. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapbern, negatives made any time or place by appointment Phone M. 1471 T. D. Andrews of Savage Creek spe'nt Thursday In Medford on busi ness. Fresh ripe figs for sale. Hon phone 13-Z. 125 L. H. Wlllctt. of the Cougar Con Bofidated Mines Co. in tho Calico dis trict, returned last week from Chi cago and Kansas City, where bo went on business of tho company. He cqme In from the mine Wednesday for a few dan. Mr. Wlllett says the mine la shut down now on account of the lack of water, but' they expect to bo In opoiatlon by tho first of the month. Men's suits thoroughly cleaned and pressed. Panforlum. ( 124 X long want realized Cottage barber shop ltf. South Central, open from 7 a, m. tmtil 8 p. in. f James Rfco of pploguto was a re cent visitor u Medford. MIm Evelyn Pratt of phoenix was a recent Medford visitor. We? aro still buying second hand clothing, hats und shoes. Will H. Wllsqn & Coy 1.0C N. Front St.l24 Df, W. P, Holt of Ea'glo Point sp6nt Wodnesday In Medford on business. John Pernoll, postmaster at Ap plegate Is In Medford on u short buid- ?.. trlP' . On ndvlcoTfrdlft tho police of Ash land, Chief McLean, of Grants Pass hrrestcd two men whom ho picked ttp bit suspicion that tlj6y wore, the par ties wanted fof breaking Int6 and fobbing u j9tore(nt n small ntatf6n In the vicinity of Ashland. After oelng cfiufltttd l'n the Jail for a short time, one of tho suspects a )6nng man, ad mitted thnt they were tho parties wanted, and they wore held for tho Ashland iwllco Wlto left on tho next train to come for them. A SS callbre revolver stolen from the store was found on one of tho men, while various goods tntfeu from tho stck were worn by thenu When In need of" any sort of clean ing and pressing of clothes, telephone tho Pnntorlum, Pacific 2441, Home 244. nnd our drivers will call for and deliver same promptly. 124 Mr. and Mrs. Joo Itader of Phoo- nlx were recent visitors In Medford. X Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Morrison or Trail were ecent visitors In Medford. Mrs. Marie Wilder of Phoenix" was a ecent visitor In Medford. Carktn & Taylor (John If. Carktn. Glenn O. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building. Medford. , Miss Laura Cope of Seattle Is vis iting relnthes In tho valley. William Davis Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Briscoe on .North Riverside. Elian Turner, of Dunsmnlr, for merly a resident of Medford Is vis iting friends In this city. , Arthur Toner has loft for Grants Pass en telephone business. Highest cash price paid for cast off clothing, hats and shoes. Will H. "Wilson & Co. 124 Miss Mary Grlgsoy has returned from a visit with relatives at Berk eley. Lincoln McCormlck and E. G. Bur gess, Jr., have returned from a visit at Portland. Want to turn your old clothes Into cash? Seo Wilson, IOC N. Front street. , 124 Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Holmes have returned from a visit at Shasta Springs. They were acorapanled by Miss Bessie Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Xeff have left for a short business trip to Portland. Ben and Rex Lampman aro vis iting friends in Medford. Mrs. Bert Anderson has returned from a visit at Ager, Cal. Mpney to loan on country proper ty. Carktn &. Taylor, Jackson Coun ty Bank Bldg., Medford. B. T. Van do Car who has been representing tho Clarke & Hcnery Construction company at Salem Is In Medford visiting old friends for a few days. We want 506 pairs "of second hand shoes. W1H H. Wilson & Co., IOC Front street " 124 I. X. McCullough has left for Eu gene after a short business visit In ttys city. Seo K. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County Bank. Mrs. H. K. Stratton is visiting friends in Ashland. If not In push the money under tho door. 10'G X. Front street, the cheapest store In tho west. 124 C. Cusbman is in Medford visiting ProL and Mrs. P. J. O'Gara. Vlnglo Rowe-Lawton of Eagle Point who has considerable tame as a writer of short stories spent Wednesday in Medford on a short trip. Soda Fountain at DeVoo's. Mabel D. Hall, china decorator, will onen her studio to the nubile on Tuesday, 'August 20th, from 2 to 6 and 7 to 10, .No china sold. Gar-nett-Co'rey building, ro6ni 408. 127 Mr, and Mrs. J. Jerii.cn have left for The Dalles where the Jacobsen Bade company with which Mr. Jenseu Is connected has a largo contract. Get Mrs, Reynolds home made bread at DoVoo's. Hay for sale. W. H. Everbard. Phono 6671. Dr, and Mrs. W. H. Byrd and Dr. and Mrs. 'Carleton Smith of Salem spent Wednesday evening In Medford on their way to Crater Lake. They remained out on tho lake until dark while fishing and caused considerable ecltqmcnt before found by a search ing party. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store, 8. A. Novell, ladies; tailor, 4tlr floor M. F. k II. bldg'. milDUIMDETMF Ififfl III MFALL Four linmlrolhs of an hrh of rain fell enrlv today in Hi utllev ami more is i.nmiiM'd for tonight ml tunfirov. i no ram lias diva iionofn-inl it lin wnOied tho iltwt from the ,enr and lias not boon heavy uiuuiuli l cheek lu vesting. ory and climate of Oregon. Upon tholr return they guvo a din nor Tuesday owning at tho Hotel Medford for a number of tholr friends. Thoat present were: Mr. and Sir. It. L Iv'IUoii, Mr.'aud Mrs. J, I.. Trncy. Mr. 'ami Mrs. F. Tlsdnto, Mf. and Mrs. J. MeClutchlo, Mr. and Mrs. Klrby Miller. Mrs. J. F, Root, Mr. F, Uuffo. Mls Cordolja Gorfo. Mis Kuthurluo Tniiyr. Miss Kntherlno Tracy, Mls Wuneho Me Clatehlo. Miss P.va McC'latchlo, Mr. .Robert WlluJn, Mr. Myion Root, Mr and Mrs. F. v Root Delinhicil Willi Valley Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Root pf Minn eapolis have been visiting their Rim, Myron E. Root with whom In com pany with Mrs, J. F. Root, Mrs. F. Goffo. Miss GoffO, Mr. Robert Wit- son nnd Mr. F. Tlsdnlo snout two weeks In a trip to Crater Lake. Kla math Falls, returnalg over tho Green Spring Mountain. Mr and Mrs Root are enchanted with tho wonderfully beautiful scen- ot this Cntup, a copy prlutod In tlm local papers and a ropy forwarded to tho boioavod family. J 11, ATWMM F. V; WAIT, W. U. ,I(JKS()N, Committee. ItKSOH'TIONS OF ttLMIOIiKNTI?. AVheroas. It has ploasel tho tc promo Ruler of tho unlvurso to ve movo fiom our midst tho wlto of our beloved Neighbor Albert II. Law rentx. theroforo bo It. RcsoIumI, That si, tlm members of Medford Camp No U0, Woodmen of tho World extend to him our heart felt sympathy. Resolved, That a m py of tho reso lutions bo spread jnou tho mluutoH ItASKIlAI.L (MMN AT WNK1I Gtm that Uunsiuulr Excursion next Srtnday. it Vlll Htol) at Cftlestln Springs, Weed, wheru tho big Imso ImH k'h in o Medford vs. Wood will ho pluj'ui'l, Shasta Hprlngn hnd other points giving a splendid opportunity to oxouinlonlHts to Hpoml a delightful day In tho puro mountain air. Onn faro round trip Iiiih buoit mmla by th'o Soiit'huui l'Aclrl. 'Plenty of conchas and iv good tjmo for nil MORTGAGE LOANS Mbiioy on lwuitl at nil times to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowesl rales with "on or before privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phono 3231 320 G C. Bide. NITRO Steel Lined' CLUB iVyfJgl OTTc'TKtti?JI1IW b!CSAMJJJiff'.f vT9littaKiir HijSi C.H3iVM.'lJIBl7BnikkkWBWNl-vvNll V 'l.MA.V JtW-l--ilCftri T AaUT; TrouWe hrad for the VtS " BK TS-v HHH1 i SHOT SHELLS i.fcyi'4-. .t Crater Lake Auto Line Car will lonvo Hotel Medford, for Crator Luke at K a, m, Tiiosdnys nnd Saturday". Return Mondays' n'u'd Thursdays. Spund Sunda-' nt Crntor Lake. RuHoryatlons made At Medford Hotel ntflco. llotral A SNAP 00 ncro$, six inlloa .frnuir Medford. good graded road crosses tho tract, all freo soil, n't ItiO per hcro."fld6o Will handle, easy1 terms fm oal'ailco. Part l crook bottom Innd, iu'lnblo for alfalfa. Several s'prfngs on the blaco. Tlmtior onough ttl pay for1 the tract, tfo buildings, in tho Clrlfln crook district, , W. T. York & C6. WccRs&HcGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS y bon 8371 THgbt VtiOMSI T. fV. Wtks 3071 A. a. Orr 36 M 1 XJLXT AMttTA9- . ELEVEN JAPANESE HELD , FQP.HOQK WORM DISEASE TACOMA. Wn., Aiijj. IS. Eleven Jajlaneyp Htecrnge pabengertf from tlic Oriental Liner Tneoina Mnnr, jut arrived in port here nro being de tninpcj by United StateH licftlth oi fl eers for invo8ti;jotipii for hookworm ilibenfjCfl. Tliis is jio Inrgt'hf number ever taken from a sin-'Io nliii hero, TOO LATE T0V CLASSIFY. FOR RBNT Five rooni cotfago, In cluding now bath, sower and water connection, paved street, closo In. $10. Ilomo 3l2, Pacl flo 3251. 125 WANTED TO RKNT A five room modern cottagey furnished or un furnished, no children. Answer at onco, Address S. Pf G,,' caro Trl uune. " 12ff No matter how fast they 'get up" they canXksat out the pattern driven by a steel gripped charge The steel lkiing in Arrow and Nitro Club shot shells gives the speedgives the exact compression to the powder charge that puts all the drive of the explosion behind your load And with expert factory loading, you're stire of the same speed a Uniform spread of pattern in each and every shell, Make sure of your game shoot nlaglL'LlMC Arrow and Nitro Club steel lined shot shells for speed plus pattern in any make of shotgun Give your dealer that favorite load order today. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway New York City THE HOST CAiMrtiyopci ftiflo in t!iu WORLD M-dk ii tuo i iul( for . Wiort U t'lilrc thoothcj Rl K' It. K. STEVENS ''vIsgbIle LriAtfiria'' RSFLEf: NO. 7p. 'HaadLi 15- .3D Short sn.1 10 Ji Arfr4tA yyrrjsm Wr,Af fT Ijmiiio U I . tir- i tur.liiiff. 1 I'RICt 3B.00 I r I tr it it in ir Ijnir rlilc cartrldrta. Send for hand&omclv lllmtrntcd Hlllo Cntn lor ami "lltixr to. Shoot Well". Order SteVcrtJ fifOn IMstolt and 5(ret?ittn fnin your h'nl r. J. STEVENS AllMS &TOOLCOMPAiIY. P. O. tax U004, cmcovtc r.iua. i.ica. Hoalth Is lllo fiuiHliitlo'n of All Reed look'. Tho wlno woman rcnllxes this nnd takos procnutloiin to prusurvo her hoalth and strength thronith tho ro ilod of child buarlnpr, She romnlmi a protty tnothor by nvbldlni: nif far na lK)ilblo tho silfferliu: and daitRern of Mich p'ecn'tilonH. Thhl ovory woYitan msy do tni'oiiRlt tho uno of Mothtir'n Friend. Thin' lit R nU'dlcliio for nturiinl niilloutlon nnd no imuotratlnc In Its'uaturo as to tharoiiKhly lubrlcato tvrjr munclo, nurro and tendon In olved during tho period buforo tmhy toiuoK. It nldii nature by nxpandlmc tho Hkfn' add' tlnauiVa; rolleVotf tomlor noiii and soroness, and perfectly pro jmYCH thiVHyntem JL. -i , for nutnrnl nnd CflQSkfiOCS i.afo muthnrhood. yv, Mothor'.i Krloiii! r&frAOjfXU Is sold at druK C7HVI nloroH. Wrlto for froo book for ox poctnnl mothers, which coutnliiu imicfi Mthmbto Information. s'fUomii rguut6r coft Aii.m.. c. . m-f , F,f SHE-LOOKS WELL jHHlB vflH Announcement rol)tt(hulc Crollt'K 0M'H H'doiiilMr tro Und. Thrco dopartmtiutHi Normal, HiikI iiokh, and tiiuliirlii. Tho Normal fiirnUhoH a Mtoutt coumo for timoli orti ah woll an toavhora' rovlovv cIiihhcii ovory month hi tho ywir tho IIiihI ni'im cou run con tii I m bookkci'pluK. Mhorthnnd, typowrlthiK. and all com morcml Work; Out l.iifitiioiirliiH conmoH nro, cWH, olectrlcnt, iiiitchnnl cal, and inlnliiK. Tho folliiKo I open tho entire yoar o twftlvo montlm, Kpcclal totichori fur onch tlopnrt mmit, ThorouKhuonii In all llifrt of work, (Irndiiatoa will bo aided In nccur- lltR pOHlttOlllf, I.t't yoiuiK moii and yn'uin; woinim j;ot ready for tho woudorful dovolop iitoiit of thin noctloii of tho i'arfllc coiut. For Information nddrcna lOfiYTKCIf.VlO COhMtfllJ Athlaiul OrtKon 1 Who lookH throutsh loni(ft that wo provldo, hocntino ovory pair wo no Icci aro clionon on account of tholr adaptability to Individual oycii. Wo oxnmlno flrnt, then pruxrrlbo (ho cor rect KltiHBOR that will onito tho ejett, rcntoro porfect vlston, nii(t do nway with any ImndiichJ'H that may havo (roublcd you. W Hnvrf only tho bent of k round Ioiikcs, yot wo mipply you at very modorato flKtiroH. DR. RiCKEET Eyesight Specialist Ovor Kontuor'il. j Ifi AlAAAAa. Wr,V"V' KhHkXKK4MM tV J f J' ? ? T T T f t t t r x T T J r T T f f FOR SALE FINE NEW BUNGALOW HOME, $250.00. WOEtfH iJVERY CENT OF $3500.00. WILL RENT FORX$35.00 A MONTH. BRAND NEW AND (jLllAlf. JUST FINISHED AND READY TO MOYE RIGHT IN. FIREPLACE, MAPLE FLOORS, LIVING ROOM 12 x 28, PORCH CLEAR ACROSS THE FRONT, LASGE SLEEPING PORCH, WALLS AJRE tflNTED, LAUNDRY, TRAXS, COMPLETE ELEdTRICfAL FIXTURES, WINDOW SHADES, SIDEWALKS, FINE LWN, L0 50 x 140 FEET, GOOD LOCATION, BEST RESipENCE DISTRICT, HpVE IS SUBSTANTIALLY WELL BUILT, DOUBLE FLOOD i, DOUBLE CONSTRUC TED THROUGHOUT, EASY TO HE"AT, WARM IN WINTER, COOL iKf SUM MER, NICE KITCHEN CABINET WITH FLOUR AND SUGAR BINS.-,EVBRY-THING COMPLETE. THE TOWN IS FILLING UP RAPIDLY. DQN'T DELAY GETTING SETTLED FOR THU WINTER, tTHIS BARGAIN VtlLh NOT Agtf LONG SEE OWNER. :.... . . . t-HU 6 2 IT !H (HtOWINfl WHAT IKMCS IT.Mi:.N? I.V. m: You Will Leave Us Smiling fit. E. GATES '. i ' V r A? 23 Rose Avenue. .u jlerl f Ap(ft vlHlt of conmiltntloil nbont your tooth or an oporntlou by tin iipod thorn, Wo Imvo a Jour practical ox porlonco in ovory branch of tho IiiihI noBtr nidi havo oariiod our proaout IiIkIi reputation by houout and con Boiontloim work. Wo iiollrlt yodr putromiKo and promlao you coni ploto untlBfnctlou with our work, olir inothoila and our rlinrci'H-- which aro ncknowlodKod to bo modorato. TiBdy AttondARt DR: BARBER . i THI3 DUNTflT Ovor Dnnlol for Difdrf. I'aclfld Phono IV4&, Home Phono 3R3-IC uA - ' & rr -J ft i 4 . Isrf A v i i 4 u i mt&s-