- ' f- sx?a , , wt -' " KZJ , -il !. - ft- - -ta T i V SECOND EDITION Dnlly Hnvoiilh Yi-nr. TAFT PROTECTS PET COURT BY USE OF VETO Lcijlslnllve Executive nml Juillclnl Appropriation Bill Disapproved hy President House Will Attempt to Pass It Over His Head Resolution Introduced to Citrli Presi dential Veto Power Conprcss May Adjourn This Week WASHINGTON, Am Ifi. I'nwl. lll'llt Til ft llllH SCIlt COIIgrCSH Ills Vlttll of tlu legislative, executive nml judi I'iul appropriation hill, lie ilintip pro veil llio hill because it abolished tin' etuiiiiiereo court inn! jimviitt'tl for n seven yeiir rnli' fur nil clerks in I lie government M'rvico, Aftr tho vein niWHitgn ws rend ("iiiigrosHmnn Johnson of Kentucky moved tluit tlm iiiniHi' puss tho bill over tlin veto. Two hours debnio 011 MK'll IK'lioil WIIH tllOU llri'('ll llMHI WASHINGTON, An in. -A rexo Iiitlou proposing (lint tlm constitution In' amended to curb tin presidential vein isiwer wiih introduced in the house todny by Reprecntntii Sli'VciiK of Nebraska. It provide that tin' limine tuiil M'linto inny nvor iiili tin1 veto ly n majority oto in stead of two-thirds. WASHINGTON, An !.".- Lender in emigres tody declare Hint only two thing on n prevent mljonrimii'iit on Saturday the sibllily tluit President Tnft will veto tilts "budget bill" because it abolishes (lie emu nieree court, nml n possible fight over -tlm' conference rvirt on tlto Piirinmn Cnnnl bill. The confrere iigroomcnnt to ell intntilo (lie provision for free toll for Ainerieiin vessel cngugcd in foreign eoiiiiiierei' I expected to prccipitn'o n fight in both houses. The niivnj, pension mid uppropri nliin bills are itxH'etel to puns. Tin' house probably will rejeet the senate iiiuouilmciil (o the eotton bill which npt-id moil of thy ('nnndiaii reci procity agreement. The Miliar and excise, tax bills probably will he al lowed to die. The. house in expected to aeeept the scuule's puree I pint maendineiit to the post office hill. E U IE" WASHINGTON. An 15. Wed hot denunciation of representatives Hart lioldt of MiHKOiiri and Mondell of Wyoming for their npoeehert defending the repnbliemi nationiil convention for ro-iioiiiiiiatiiiK Taft , wiih voiced in tliu Iioiihi) today hy Heprexentn live Wiirbiirton of Washington. "ThoHti Hpeeehes," Wiirliiirton diu olareil, "nhow how ntteily unfitted and iitiiilulified both Hicmo f;eiitleiaeii were to net iih jihIkoh in llio eontent nt Chit'iiKO between President Taft and Coloiinel ooovolt. IJolh were i;i'MrtHly partitoin." Analyzing (ho neleetion of the WiiHhliiKtoil doleKiitert to tho CMiieno convention, Wiubiirtoii charged tint the HooHovolt dclepiten to the WiihIi incloii Htato (toiiventlon wuro denied ticlcetH of adininflion and wein ex cluded front tliu hall, Wiirbiirton ridiculed llarilloldtV Htateinent that ho bad a "front Heat" in the national coniniittei) and Untuned to all the coiilenlrt. "About !I0 or .'15 men nut in those front Heals," mild Wiuhnrton, "Inl they only beard Hindi evidence tH tlioy desired In bear. They sat in the front seats and Ibdencd and liHtenned and listened, hut, in tlio end, tlioy reiaenibured only what tliu bnssvs wanted lliem In renieiuber," NINETEEN MINERS KILLED 1,200 FEET UNDERGROUND AHKHNANT, Ala., An 10. Nino teen minors aro dead hero today, iih tlm result of gaH explosion in (ho Alternant 'mines, Seventeen of lbof bodies Iimvo luinii recovitrcil. DMN 1 F F E N ;, E mm i MEDFORD ASKED TO DEFEND BECKER. SZ& NAPTJN U UTTLCTOl Kullowliiff tlio rnUlnjc of n fund or fSO.000 to ilofend Clmrlwi Ileckur, n llculeiiuiit of K)llco in New York, hold for tliu murder of llcrinan Itotviilbal, Murtlii W. Littleton iidniltlcd tluit lie li.id beeu lukei) to unxumc cbnrcu of thu defonco. IS Ti E . ,NKV YOHK, An I'.. Diseardmc bis dilatorv tiutics when tlirealeiu-d with arrext rtuder a federal warrant, Sam Sehepps, held at Hot Spnn, Ark., for complicity in the murder of (iaiabler Herman ItoMiathal, chnni'd front aiiiii today and is now enroute to New York in eustodv ( Aihtiinl Dintrict Attorney Kobert Ituliiu, a. id Coiinly Detective Stewart, according to a Htatetaeal isiised here by Dis trict Attorney Charles S. Whitman. The .route the officers took with their prisoner is beim; kepi a wcrct. When the gram! jury resinned Its IlU'cstantioii today oftiners of several banks were waUlm; in lite corridors' of' 'the Criminal Court building to testify. It is believed these men wero called to give teti inotiv concerning deposits made by Police Lieutenant Charles IJeeker, who is Kid to have deposited .."l),00() in several iuslitutioiift during the six months proceeding the murder on a salary of .? 1 H.'i a month. The hank accounts of other higher-ups in lite siice department, suspected of sharing in the .fJ,l(ll),(im) yearly graft sipiecKi'd fioin New York gamblers by (be police, will also be inspected. polioSg LOS ANCJKLHS, Oil., An 15. Although tlio entire department Is working In n fover of determination, tho poltco today hnvo been nimble to capture Chorion K. Greenfield, who they believe In tho murderer of b'la elgbt-year-old Hlep-daughter Vivian. Tlio child's body, tho throat bearing a gnPldiiK cut, was found Tuesday lu a Venice lodging Iiouho. In splto of a letter Greenfield wroto IiIh wife, declaring that ho would tuko Ills own life, tho police do not believe ho Ih dead, They (support this be lief by tho following argument: Ex amination hy pliyHlclmiti showed that tho child was murdered early Tues day morning, Greenfield did not leave tho room whero tho body wan round until :i:U0 o'clock Tuesday aftornoon, Nearly 100 cigarette ends wore found on tho door In tliu room Indicating, tho police say, that for houiH Greonflold pondorod his courso nml finally disappeared. Tho fact that ho was booh In lxa Angolea Tuoa ay, they say, Indicates that bo decided not to fulfill bis threat to leap Into tho ocean at Vonlco, l'ollco of every California city hnvo been furnUbed a docrlptlon of Green field, and a scoro of detectives havo been detailed to tho search. ftjtf$ !!! !)$ (INNHHAL WM. 1IOOT1I HTKAD1LYH1NKINU IH LONDON, Aug. 15, Gen oral William llooth, head of tho Salvation Army, Is stqnd lly sinking today. Ho la un couhrIouh iinoat of tho tlmo and bin end lu bollovod to bo uonr, .)., $.,fj...(.i$i..f i3P'rrw " "- rift w P& All U flBT. , . B . SCHEPP NOW WAV K D SCENE OF CRIM CHILD MURDERER MEDFORD, BOWERS, ET AL OF Reports From Ashland to Effect That Men Who Checked County In Its Efforts to Build Bear Creek Bridge, Would Stop Contractor Removal of County Property Without Authority May Be Basis of New Suit to Check Work IteporlR from AHlilniut ronchlng Mi'dford today nro to tho effect that Itentou llowern and H, A. Cnrletou of that city aro much dlHgruutleil at tho fact that Contractor I'erhnm In pro ceeding with the countriictlon of a new bridge over Itear Creek lu this city, ami that they may bring a new milt to utop tho work basing It upon tho removal of county property with out authority. In IiIh suit tho coun ty court Ik to ho restrained from "giving away" tho old structure over Uonr Creek. It In reported that Mowers, Carle- tou, et al, of Ashlnntl wero disap pointed In tho restraining order Is sued by Judge Calkins of Ashland Inasmuch as it simply enjoined tho county from paying for n new bridge over Hear Creek and did not enjoin tho contractor from proceeding In the matter. That Contractor Perham would be willing to go ahead with the work and "tako n chanco" did not occur to thorn. Now, fearing that Mod ford will actually get n new bridge, they nrc considering a suit to restrain tho county court from giv ing tho old bridge to Mod ford or else bring proceedings, against Perham for the removal of county property witheut: authority. In other woVds Perham moy find hlnuolf charged with 'theft." As tho work of tearing down tho old bridge ovor Hear Crook proceeds It becomes more and more apparent how dangerous It was to traffic. Tho sills and stringers nt each end wero badly rotted so much so that splkos may bo pulled from tho timbers with tho fingers. Tho steel work Is also In n vory poor condition. Contractor Perham Is making fast time In tearing down tho structure. A temporary crossing wilt bo com pleted by tonight. OF FISH DIE MADRID, An .".. naltling for their lives in a terrific storm off the north const of Spain inaiiy fishermen wore drowned, according to advices received here today. It is reported that 111) perished nt Ilalboa alone. DARROW MAKES Every Art of the Orator is Employed by Attorney in His Own Defense- Pathos, Sarcasm and Wit Is Used Devotes His Time Today to a Review of the Testimony hy Witnesses for the State. 1 1 ALL OF H13COUDS. LOS AN GWr.KS, Cal., Aug, 15, Ilia Taeo Btroamlng tears tho Jury which Is to decide whether ho shall go to tho penitentiary or bo a, froo man weep ing Uko children and with a not a dry oyo In tlto crowded court room, Olurouco S. narrow today placed his futo lu tho hands of tho twelve men who will deliberate on their verdict within a fow short hours. Tliu famed attorney nnado tho groatcst oratorical effort of his long earoor. Ho played on tho feollngB of tho Jury and his audlonco as a mastor touchos tho keys of a groat organ, As Harrow mado his Inst pica tho chimes of St, Vlvln's Cathodral a block away, whoro a wedding wns bo- lug hold, rang joyfully through tho court room, Sobs wore audible dur ASHLAND SEEK AN m NH MAIL TRIBUNE ORKCION, TJlTRSIMY, GENERAL TO ACT WASHINGTON . An 15. The resolution of Senator Potnereiie of Ohio directing the attorney general criminally to prosecute the individual defendants on tho oil ami tobacco trusts eases was debated in the sennto today. I'omercne demnunded that the senate tako the matter out of tho committee's bauds and consider it on the floor. Sutherland called tho reslutiou "oao of the mot ns touudin ever presented to con gress," adding: It is absolutely insnnc. It would mean an invasion by congress of the rights of another branch of the gov ernment." Seuutor Kcnyon of Town was op posed to the resolution and lauded Attorney (len eral Wiekersham for bis "diligent and fulitliful perfor mance of his duty." i WOULD HAVE SENATE RAILROAD RDER ATTORNEY A MASTERLY PLEA FOR LIBERTY ing his dramatic pause; men and women nllko wept unashamed. "If you twolro men sond mo to tlio penitentiary I'll go," Bald Harrow. "Llfo Is Uko a gamo of whist, Tlio unseen cards are shuffled and dealt by tho hands of Fato, I don't Uko tho way tho cards aro shuffled but I Uko tho game, "I'll play the gamo through tho long, long night with tho cards I'm dealt until tho breaking of duy, "Gontlomon, thousands of men. women and children, doop down In tho mines, In tho stores, tho shops and tho rallrlads, on Iron frames of Bkyscrnporsj lu tho bowols of steam ships nro looking to you to snvo mo, and to vindicate my nnmo. "They nro looking to you, gontlo mon, and they'll thank you." Advancing toward tho Jury box, carrying n huge shoaf of notes, Dar row at onco plungod Into tho Lock wood bribery charge, tho specific In dictment In tho present whon ho took up tho caso this mornlug. "ThlB morula Koutlomon," Dnr row bognn, "I will confine myself solely to this caso, not tho outside. Is sues; tlioy havo nothing to do with mo. v- ' "All you hnvo to docldo Is: "Did I gjvo Uutt H, Franklin ,?4,000 on tho morning of November 28? Did j MXIITST 15, 1012 THO SPOILED CHILD. WILL NOT BECOME SUBJECT TO ENIRY WASHINGTON', An 15. The senate todny passed the house bill relating to land suits brought forth by tho government in Oregon to re claim public lauds in which the rail road company to which they were granted failed to fulfil tho terms of the grant. Tho bill provides that none of the lauds thus reverting to tlio United States shall become subject to entry. Ite effect will bo to confirm in jsissession of their property those who purchased lauds from tho rnil rond in good faith. 1JOISK. Idaho, An 15. Progres sive leaders today declared a full progressive state ticket will be plan ned in tho field for tlio fa)l elections. As ii result of tho refusnl of Paul Clngstone to bo u candidate, progres- sives aro undecided as to who shall head their ticket. Franklin tell the truth or did ho Ho? Tho ovldonco shows ho lied. Must Not Ho Guesswork "Gentlemen, you cannot sond mo to tho penitentiary on guesswork or suspicion, If I am convicted lu this case, It must bo on tho story of Dort II. Franklin. Ills story is that Job llnrrlmnu camo to mo on November 28 and gavo mo $4,000 for bribery. Job llarrlmnn says ho didn't do It. "Do you bollovo ho committed por Jury? .Next, Frank Wolfe says ho camo down on tho car with mo that morning, and was with mo until I loft for Harrlman's campaign head quarters. Is Wolfo n liar and a per juror? For what? Ho lias no In terest in this caso, "Now, gentloinon, If you convict mo when you go to tho Jury room, yyu must say that I, Wolfo, Harrlman, Fremont outer, i.ecompio uavis, an lied, but tho saintly Franklin spoko tho truth. With their two grand Juries, their Burns outfit am! their Kroctor's Association, they rako and scrapo tho country and find only two honest iinen Franklin and Harring ton. All tho rest nro liars. AVouhl Convict Tbeinselvci "Gontlomon. to convict would bo vlct you of bolng party to this plot to outrap tho llfo and tho liberty of (Continued on Page G) LANDS ffiiWi HIiTffUll IHWte fw-tfft CltyHM ' tow -Xw Tck UtttUL E LONDON, Aug. 15. Reiterated de clarations of Irishmen opposed to home rule that "Ulster will fight" brought forth today what Is declared to bo a semi-official warning from tho government that all those leaders who counsel sedition and rebellion will be given short shrift If a shot is fired. This dictum of tho government was practically announced today by Sir William Byles. a leading Liberal, who announced that treasou-folony Indictments aro now beblng drawn up against certain leaders of tho Ulster men, and that, If warfare In Ulster comes, these leaders will bo Imme diately arrested and held crlnlally re sponsible. Sir William Byles' an nouncement Is taken as a practical warning from tho mtnstry to the Irish Protestant leaders to ceaso Inviting to treason. Adding to tho significance of Byles' warning, the Dundee Adver tiser which is considered tho porsonal organ of Winston Churchill, first lord of the admiralty, declared today that tho government Is watching Andrew Bonnr Law, Sir Edward Carson, F, E. Smith and others who havo advo cated tho doctrine of armed resist ance. WEST AGAIN SAYS HE'S NO! CANDIDATE SALEM, Ore, Aug. 15. Governor Oswald West today,announcos ho will not bo a candldato for re-olectlon. Ho Btated ho believed ho could carry ou his present crusado for tho Im provement of moral conditions throughout tho stato bettor If ho re moved tho Impression that ho was noting with a vlow to furthering political ambitions. Governor West Is a Democrat, Stock Market Steady NEW YORK, An lfl.-r-Todny's opening stock market devoloped nn even amount of gains and losses. Union Pacific, Heading, St. Paid and Northern Pacific wero inclined to sonic lionviucRS. Hill issuas yoro ifinn and the coppers hold fairly stead. Tlio market closed dull. ULSTER REBELS R 1RNNG OM m Y rt WEATHER Fair nml warm Mnt l.5j Minors; Hot llHmai. NO. 124 niw OF TROUT FRY Most Successful Season In History of Elk Creek Hatchery 10,500,000 Salmon Fry, 1,600,000 Stcelhend and fOp.OQO Cut-throats Liberated Rainbow Trout Efltjs Taken Frem Fish Lake on Umpqua and Liber ated in Rogue Tributaries Over ten nml n half million suasion eggs and over 1,000,000 steelhcnd or rninbow trout eggs and 100,000 cut thront trout eggs were tnken, hatched npd liberated this season in the Rogue nnd itH tributaries, (he. trout fry being kept to the fingtriin htate, by the United State Bureau of Hat cil eries nt the Elfc Creek hatchery, work ing in eonjiine.tion with tho state fish nnd game association. , "This ims been one of ba most successful seasons on Rogue rivor which the Bureau of Fisherieh has experienced in many years," says Supt. Henry O'Jfnlley. "Durinsr tho fall of 11)11, -1,830,000 chinouk salmon eggs were collected nt tho ,s(ation located near Trail. On .tlio. Lower Rogue river near Grants Pass, via collected 5,720,000 chinook salmon eggs, making a tolul of 10,550,0flV These wero hatched and then liberated into Rogue river and its tributaries. Collecting Trout Fry 'During the early spring, fiteeJ iiend and cut-throat trout eggs were collecte dnt Elk creek near Trail, also, in Applegate creek, results being about 200,000 stceihead trout re ceived at Elk creek and 48,000 cut throat trout The krfcer; portionr'bf' the egg collected at jApplegnte creek wero shipped to Rogue river, there being 1,221,200 steelhoad trout, fheso. were hatched nt Rogue River station and when they reached the feeding stage, W. L. Finley, state game warden, at the request of the Rogue River Fish Protective asociation nnd approval of the State Gamo and Fish Commission provided ample funds for feeding them and nlso paid for 'um ber to construct extra troughs ttt the fetation located near Trail t& well ns for labor in connection wiih tho feeding. These fish were held up until the early part of August are' are beimr liberated into th main Hoguo river nnd its upper tributaries. "Much credit is duo Hugh C. Mit chell who is fishculturist nt this station for tiio fine lot of ffsh ho hus liberated this summer and we feel sure that results will be forthcoming from plnnting such fish for tlioy wero strong, vigorous and healthy, and of a sizo amply ablo to tako enro of themselves. Kept as Flngerllngs "In addition to this, tlio cut-throat trout were alno fed to the fiugnrling stngo and liberated into the river. Mr. Finley also providel funds for tho collecting of rainbow trout eggs at Fish Lnko somo 45 miles from Trail, Oregon. A portion of the-o eggs wore hatched out and liberated into Fish Luke, the balance, some 255,000, were packed out to Regno River station to bo hatched and liberated into this rivor. It is under stood tho funds for this work wero provided by the Gamo department ' and, of course, comes from tho licenses paid by tho rod and lino fisherman of Roguo river." Mr. O'Mallcy will bo at tho Elk Creek hatchory Sunday. ONLY THREE MILLION FOR ASM BABY NEW YORK, Aug. lfi, Tlmt little John Jacob Astor, tho two dnys old son of Mrs. Madeline Forco Antor, ' widow of Col. John Jncob Astor, n Tituniu victim, will lmve to worry' through life on tie $11,000,000 ' pro vided for him in bis fnthor'rt will, wus indicated liero today in a state ment isHiied by Henry Gildttrtijeevf, -Mrs. Astor's nttorney. "Mrs. Astor," said the nttorney, -"has nlwnys. expressed suttefHctian- ovor tho provision of the nntj-nuntiu! agreement, and tdso with her h- 4 band's - will. The. (jufltl of, pro- . vision for tho poptlitttuetiH ehiid kflt I not been diseud, but mSm& over Iho wil ti not probW" IttOIlM KVlK m M INS '. " H ff. f hi '