T , V '. v ,'i r j KCGB snr MEDFORD M20E TRIBUNE, BEDFORD. ORKOON, WEDNESDAY, 'AUGUST 1-1. 1012 REV. IN HOWARD h ' ri FOR SINGLE TAX L IDGE OVER-RIDING VETO PfffDKTS WW BIG HI TO GO ON EXCURSION D EM CHK mm mm W BR ra 10 i Choice Gents k H.f D. Wngnrni, Binglo Tnxor and Democratic candldnto tor assessor In Multnomah County, spcnV Wednesday In Mod ford In llio interest ot tho Slnglo Tax movement. Ho said: "Tho Graduated tax and exemption amendment Is going to carry la this stuto by n largo majority, from tho fact that It will rcduco taxes on tho farmer and homo owner about sixty per cent, "In Jackson county tho corpora tions alono will pay $125,848.00 In .Graduated taxes, that will pay tho state taxes ot $105,331.00, and leave a surplus of 20,G17.00 to help out m tho county tax. Any ono In Jackson county voting against this Graduated tax amend ment, would bo voting to glvo tho Southern Pacific a subsidy of f 125, 000 a year out of tho county taxos," ho continued. "Tho railroad companies and tho Timber trust Ib putting lots of money up to defeat this measure but the farmers arc finding out that It will not 'confiscate his land' to havo nia tnxes reduced and to let the rail roads pay a little more. "F. E. Caultor will speak In Mod ford next Tuesday on tho street. Ho will tell tho people of Jackson coun ty something that they want to hear, as the truth Is mighty and must win." CLEVELAND, Ohio, An 14 The committee on subordinate unions or tho International Typographical con vention, in session here, this after noon considered tho strikes of press men on Henrst papers in Sau Fran cisco and Chicago. H. N. Kcllog, labor commissioner fur the American Newspaper Publish ers' Association, appeared before the convention and openly charged that officers or tho prcsbmen'n uuton de lnycd a referendum vote on u five year wugc ngrcement ho that organ ization would huvc no contract when he pressmen were cnlled put on strike lafet May. He further charged that only 3,000 pf tho 23,000 member of the pressmen's union voted on the ugrcement, asserting that homo of tho unions were withhold. Kellog denied that the Chicago trouble was started in nti attempt by the publishers to iubtitute the "open bhop"bystcm. E FOR COTTON MILLS NEW HEDFOHD, Mass., Aug. 14. Plans are under way here todny to bring unotber strike in ull tho cotton cloth mills iu this city. Frank Morris, a national organizer of the Industrial Workers of the World, is here from Chicago to con fer with the labor lenders. Twelve mills are already closed and 13,000 men arc out on strike. Tho Industrialists hope to eloc the seven still iu operation. PANAMA CAMPAIGN HAT PRESENTED TO JOHNSON SACRAMENTO, Oil., Aug. 14. Governor Johnson will not havo to iruiku tho presidential campaign in an ordiuury black hat. There arrived at his office this morning by regist ered mail from Manila tho finest Hpecimcii or Panama hut over shown about tho capital. It came with the compliments of W. A. Walsh and left tho Pliillipine capital July 13. Walsh is an ardent progressve and admirer ot the California governor. The mailing tube used is u section of or dinary bamboo. CATS BREEDERS OF GERM OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS SPIUNGFIKLD, Mass., Aug. 14. According to officials or tho health department hpro today the source of pollcmiyolttls, popularly known as iafnutllo puralyslB, bus been traced to conimpn houso cats. I.lio dopartmput officials declare thoy havo discovered well developed cases In cuts, and will sond a num ber of thorn to Boston for observa tion by experts. AMERICAN BEATEN BY NATIVES IN PANAMA WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 1-Through prtyoitutions mude to the btute epiirtmpHt an inquiry will bo started today iujo tho report thut four AmHmmii pffjcerH of the Pacifio MmJJ f&iiy'H Huer Newport, were H&,tipn by.iiHtive police iu Panama tmd M4!y' WnVqii, PRINTERS nb PRESSMEN'S STRKE "From nil indications the cxeur sion next Sunday to Wood niul other California points will bo the best attended I lime ever had anything to do with," stntcs A, S, Uoscubniitu, local agent of tho Southern Pacific company who will personally conduct the excursion. "From morning until night inquiries arc pouring in and each point along the line will attract many local people. "Wo expect to louvo most of the crowd at Weed to sco tho baseball game but many others- will go as far as Shasta Springs where the trip will terminate." The game at Weed chould bo n thriller. Mcdfnrtl is working hard each day getting in shape to cinch the chnmpinnuship. There will be some thing doing nil the time. VETERANS WITHOUT PAV CONGRESS FAILS TO ACT WASHINGTON, Aug. .14. Be cause congress has failed to -make the necessary appropriation, 180,000 var votorans are today vlthout their quarterly pension allowances, which were due August 4. The $15,000,000 duo tho'vetcrans cannot be distributed until congress passes a now pension bill or continues the appropriation under tho old bill. many Slaughtered SAN JUAN DEL SUR. Nicnragui, Aug. 14. Because he started a revo lution when ousted from the ministry, President Diux today refused to np poiut General Menn minister of war. It is learned here today thut many were killed, including women and children, during the recent buttle nt Munngua. Further fighting is re ported imminent. YESTERDAY'S SCORES Northwest W. Spokane 65 Vancouver ....."... 67 Seattle .... 65 h. 52 55 55 59 65 72 R. .4 P. C. .55G .519 .542 .500 .444 .405 H. E. 8 2 8 1 Portland 59 Victoria 52 Tacoma 49 Seattlo Vancouver 3 Batteries: Concannon. Thompson and Whaling; By ram and Sepulveda. Victoria 1 C 1 Tacoma 5 12 0 Batteries: McCrcory and Meek; Belford and Lalongc. Spokano 10 11 2 Portland 7 9 0 Batteries: Cadreau, Toner and Ostdiek; Bloomtleld, Glrott and Har ris. Coast. W. L. P. C. Vernon..'.., 75 50 .600 Lor Angeles 72 52 .581 Oakland 70 55 .560 Portland i 49 65 .430 San Francisco .,...52 73 .416 Sacramento 47 72 .395 R. H. E. Portland 6 14 2 Los Angeles 9 12 2 Batteries: Suttor, Gregg and How ley; Nagle, Lovorcnz and Boles. San Francisco .2 4 5 Sacramento 3 11 2 Batteries: Delhi and Berry; GIIII gan and Krcltz. Vernon 4 9 5 Oakland 3 6 2 Batteries: Stewart and Agnow; Klllalay nud RoKror.' National W. L. P. C. Now York 73 29 .710 Chicago 68 36 .654 Pittsburg 61 40 .604 Philadelphia 51 49 .510 Cincinnati ,.48 58 .453 St. Louis .47 59 .413 Brooklyn 38 68 .358 Boston 28 75 .272 Brooklyn 1, Pittsburg 3. Philadelphia 6, Cincinnati 7. Boston ', Chicago 4, American W. L. P. O. Boston 73 34 .682 Washington .......66 43 .606 Philadelphia 63 43 .594 Detroit , 54 56 .491 Chicago 53 54 ,486 Cleveland ,.51 56 .477 St. Lou la 35 71 .330 New York 3J3 71 .317 New York 3, Dotrolt 2. Washington 3 Chicago 5, According to information received from Glcudnlo today Rev. John Howard of this city who was accident!- shot Tuusdy by Frank W. Rcdficld of Glcndalu who mistook him for u doer, is not dangerously wounded and will recover. It is believed that Rev. Mr. Howard will 1)0 brought to Medfont for treatment. No details havo been received of the shooting other than the fact that Rev. Mr. Howard was shot by mis lake. Mr. imiiiclu is suul to ho near a nervous breakdown us a result of the accident. WEIGHTIKfTAWSUIT IS AGAINST SANTA FE LOS ANGELKS. Cat, Aug. 14. Brought by tho California Adjust ment Company of San Francisco agalust tho Santa Fo railroad, tho "largct and weightiest" lawsuit ever tiled in California Is ponding hero to day. The complaint compr'scs moro than 16,000 pages of separate charges ot violation of tho long and short haul clause ot tho state con stitution. Its weight Is moro than 300 pounds, and tho complaints, when piled togother are moro than four foot in height. It is alleged that Bakcrsflcld ship pers are charged moro for shipments from that city to San Francisco than is charged for llko shipments be tween San Francisco and Los An gelca, a greater distance. CALLS ON WILSON SEA GIRT. N. J.. Aug. 14. Rid ing a broncho to tho homo of Gov ernor Woodrow Wilson, Miss Albert Claire, a suffragette ot Sheridan, Wyo., assured the democratic candi date today that the women "f Wyom ing favored him tor tho presidency. Miss Claire gained considerable fame recently by riding from Sheri dan to New York and later across tho continent. Her Fianeee Leaves, So Drowns Self SEDRO WOOLEV, Wn.. Aug. 14. Miss Bessie Vreeland, tho daughter of a prominent rancher of this vicin ity, living near Lyman, learned that her fiance, whom sho was to wed Saturday, had loft tho country, went out to Lake Milkier last night and drowned bcrsolf. OX THAT SPECIAL. What special? Why tho ono that leaves Grants Pass at 6:00 a. m.. Gold Hill, 6:37; Contra1 Point, 7:03; Mcdfoid, 7:15; Ashland, 8:05, stop ping at Intermediate points Sunday next via tho Southorn Pacific. It will bo ono of tho most enoyablo out ings of tho season. Tho best of mod ern equipment provided and One Fare for round trip has been anado. An exciting ball gamo botween Med io rd and Weed teams will bo played at Weed. STortlnd,OTtm S mmm S RMlfent n4 Dr School for OlfU lrf. ehirtt ot BUUn of Et.Joba Bptlt (Elcopin Cl!f Utt. A4miU SJnwMuy PtptrUuaU, Mult. Art, SlmtlM. UbuIu. rr cUlot44rrTHE SINTER SUPERIOR Office a Si. JUIen. Hall HOW ONE WOMAN WON Her Health and Strength lack AialifeyTheUseefCirdul. Tampa, Fla. In a letter from this city, Mrs. B. C. Corura writes: "I was all weakened and worn out with wo manly troubles. My husband brought me some Cardul as a tonic, and, from the first day, it seemed to help. I had almost lost my reason, but, thanks to Cardnl. I did not Soon, I felt end looked like a new woman. I think the remedy Is wonderful. I recommend It to my friends, for I have received great benefit from it." Cardul acts specifically on the weak ened womanly organs, strengthening the muscles and nerves, and building them up to health. It helps to refresh the worn-out ner vous system and relieves the effects of overwork, both mental and physical. Fifty years' successful use fully prove the merit of this purely vege table, tonlo remedy for women. In every community, there live some who have been benefited by Cardul. The beneficial effects of this time tested woman's remedy, soon show themselves la many different wars. Try it, H. . Writ tot U4lH'AdvlKryDp.. ChM ooxt Mllcls Co.. ChttUnoof i, Ttnn., (or Bpeeicl nth uctiont, n4 64-pt book, Horn TrutaoU far Wwitn," MNtln plla wrppren rnvut, WYOMING Tho old Hear Crvok hridito on East Main street was closed to trnffio at an early hour today when work men began tearing up the dock on the bridge. Temporary trnffio U forced to ford Hear creek but lo morrdw a temporary structure will bo iu place. Tho decking of tho old bridge is to be used iu the building of tho temporary structure. Owing to the lack of this temporary structure several teams wore stnllod iu crossing tho creek but Contractor Pet hnm placed a team at tho cross, ing to help all heavy loaded wagons nenis. Work will procod as rapidly as posibto on tho new bridge. HOPELESS SPLIT MAY KILL CANAL MEASURE WASHINGTON, Aug. IU llntc Icssly split on tho tie.thiu of whether steamships owned by railroads should he permitted to enter the waterway, proponents of the general Panama Canal bill here today fear that con gress will adjourn without final action on the measure. Wickcrsham, Progressive, Elected JUNEAU, AlaKka. Aug. 14. Early returns from today's election Indlcuto James Wlckersham, progressive, has been re-elected dclegagtc to congress. Wickcrsham probably will havo 200 plurality on tho first division where It was expected ho would havo tho strongest opposition. YOU ARE GOING OP COUn.SK? Going where? On tho Special Train Excursion to bo run by tho Southern Pacific to Dunsmutr, Shas ta Springs and Colcstln next Sunday, tho 18th. This excursion will be tho ovont of tho season and all arrange ments for a splendid day's outing made. See tho Medford vs. Weed ball game. S.S.S. 1IT 1 Rheumatism Is doe to en excess of accumulation, whlclt gets Into the constipation, indigestion, ana otner pnyatcai irregularities wuicn ar usuauy considered of no importance. Nothing applied externally can ever reach the sat of this trouble; the most such treatment can do is soothe the pain temporarily; while potash and othor mineral medicines really add to the acidity of the blood, and this fluid thsroforo continually grows more acrid and vitiated. Then instead ot nourishing tho different muscles and Joints, keeping them in a normally supplo and elastic condition, It gradually hardens and stiffens thom by drying up tho natural oils and fluids. Rhaumathun can never be cured until the blood is purified. 8. 8. 8. thoroughly cleanses and renovates the circulation by neutralizing tho acids and driving the cause from the system. It strengthens and invigorates the blood so that Instead of a sour, weak stream, depositing acrid and painful corrosive matter in the muscles, joints and bones, it nourishes tho entire body with pure, rich blood and permanently euros Rheumatism. 8.8.8. contains no potash. alkaUor otner harmful mineral, but is made entirely ot roots, herbs and barks ot great purifying and tonlo properties. Book on Rhoumatlsm and any medical advice free to all who wrlto. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. ICE CREAM PURE and WHOLESOME AT THE RIGHT PIUCB In carton, 25 cents per quart. 25 cents extra for packers of any stzo up to one gallon. Any order over ono gallon at $1 per gallon. Deliveries ot packers to any part ot the city. Ice cream served at tho creamery at 5 cents per dish. Medford Cream (EL Butter Co. :::"X"X: f T T f T T ? T T T f t t 7 7 7 t ..isafiy.. FINE NEW BUNGALOW HOME, $2650.00. WORTH EVERY 6ENT OF $3500.00. WILL RENT FOR $35.00 A MONTH. BRAND HEW AND CLEAN. JUST FINISHED AND READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN. FIRE PLACE, MA?LE FLOORS, LIVING ROOM 12 x 28, PORCH CLEAR ACROSS THE FRONT, LARGE SLEEPING PORCH, WALLS ARE TINTED, LAUNDRY TRAYS, COMPLETE ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, WINDOW SHADES, SIDEWALKS, FJNE LAWN, LOT 60 x 140 FEET, GOOD LOCATION, BEST RESIDENCE DISTRICT, HOUSE IS SUBSTANTIALLY WELL BUILT, DOUBLE FLOORS, DOUBLE CONSTRUC TED THROUGHOUT, EASY TO HEAT, WARM IN WINTER, COOL Ilf SUM MER, NICE KITCHEN CABINET WITH FLOUR AND SUGAR BINS EVERY THING COMPLETE. THE TOWN IS FILLING UP RAPIDLY. DON'T DELAY GETTING SETTLED FOR THE WINTER. THIS BARGAIN WILL NOT LAST LONG SEE OWNER. 'r f 7 7 7 H. E. GATES ! T T I 7 M44?t4"l"W SUA GIRT, N. J., Aug. 14-Af proval of tho action of tho limine In passing tho wool bill over President Tnft's veto was wired horo today by Woodrow Wilson, tho domocratlo. presidential nominee. Wilson In In sympathy with tho measure laud hopes tho sciuito will take action nlmtllar to that employed In the houso. It was announced horo today that Governor Wilson's opening euiupalr.ii speech otiUlilo of those to bo made la Now Jersey, probably will bo at Williams Grove, a August U9. where ho will address n gathering of farmer. Ills first speech In Now York state will bo madu nt tho state fair at Syracuse, which starts tho week beginning September 9. Medford Priming company carry a full Una of IoksI blanks A Wonderful Tonic That Aids Digestion Thousands are uuablu to digest for tnlu kinds of food. In most cases It Is not tho fault ot the food, nor tho stomach. It la probable that tho stomach has been abused. Many re sort to pro-digested foods and var ious kinds of medicines to go relief from dypcpsla. Indigestion and heart burn, but without permanent benefit. If you stomach was In pofect con dition you would not need tuodlelno to digest the foods you oat. Jayno's Toulc Vermifuge Is a stomach regu lator. It gets tho stomnch In such a condition that It will dtecat food without other assistance. It over comes tho acidity and stimulates tho coating of tho stomach nud Intestines so thnt they will properly absorb and asslmllato tho nutriment from tho food eaten. SufferorsNfrom dy spepsia nud Indigestion will find permanent relief In a short tlmo af ter beginning tho use of tho tonic. For children, tho addition of a little sugar will make It most palatabo. Many foms of supposed Indigestion aro the result of Intestinal paratltei, for which Jayno's Tonic Vermlfugo U unsurpassed. Insist upon Jayno's; ac cept no other. Millions havo praised It for moro than eighty years. Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D Jayno & Son. Philadelphia. Pa. DRIVES OUT RHEUMATISM urio add, an Irritating, Inflammatory circulation because of wealc lclaneys. FOR 1200 piuouaJOngliHli Suinl-Portsciluih Buo Willow .Dinner ware, dkjHing out ynw, onuh 10 5 lOrnili 20 dozen plain Blown Glaus table tuinbloi'H, regular J 0c quality, Thursday and Friday 5 Each Genuine Cut Star Blown Glass seven-piceo "Water Set, including Cut Star Blown Glass Jug with six glasses to match, per set ,; $1.25 One lot Plain Heavy Optic Glass Coverad Fruit Bowls, each 75 One lot Plain Heavy Optic Glass Fruit Bowls with Roll Edge, each 75 200 pieces Fancy Irridcscent Glass, including Vases, Kosc Bowl, Salad Dishes, Nappier, Comport, Nut Bowls, etc., regular '20c values, each 15 200 Full One-Pound Cans of Jorgen's Bost Qual ity Talcum Powdor, a regular 35c quality, a pound 15 HUSSETS Nearly a quarter of a century under tho samo management e THE ,',' Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management ; Safety of investment i ' ' Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000,00 W. I. Vawter .President G. 11. Lindley, Vice Prcs. C. W. McDonald, Cashier SALE 23 Rose Mty Eitdi ISO dozen genuine Out Star Blown GIuhh table tumblers, regu lar 2() quality, Thurs day and Friday Mty tiiiuh Avenue 161 ifc iji tfii ill iti ifa 4i ill iti ifc lii A A A A m fl tJA-o ' V i