i. iMHK-n h m , !W- K, v , . A Ms i fe ss feV 0L m ' " --' I J: , ; ' r : 1' -1 1' II1 '. Mutt Has j,,. .. rr5 I to tine rb' Hi paJw- I 'Ml ftj m SW06TIN6W1 THAU BUU WES Iff WITH JEWELS A tlityllKltt fniriclnr iMton' Urn Jjoiiio or Mm. Wnli.ir KhWiio ui wct Clarlc mrctit TuoMlny nrinrnoun nnd nmilo iv afp ;cuwy wUI cotmJfl' jrnllo Jctvvlry. No eliiit-wnn. loft by tlio llilof iiini nllhoiinli tlio jiollco nro worldiiK on tlio t-nm Ihom vccnu llt tlo bojin efniipnjJicmlliK: htm. Tho burRlnr miciirnl it pold wnlcli, n clmln, two rlnfl nnd n brnc'lot 1 1.. 1 ). . , j 1 . . 1. s t' E ' Itrnl Ivolulo Tritiiffnt , City of Aililniitt lV W. A. Tiir- ' nor, ilcvii;- lot 3 And 4, bWi - V. It. Ilitllodlc ot itx to Kmimi M. Dunlnif; dwd. bit In Moil- roni ,, 400 It. I U. Antbury to Jolin P. Merrill, ilwit, 103 ncrm T. ar, H It 3 w of W. M 0.000 Mi MiMilno ot ux to D. O. Hip. ixnutt'ol, dool, thrco crtii u Twrp 37 H It 2W orV jr. . fdO q. & C. I)vviilopniiiL Co. to II. I It. lti'iicliort, olfiht nern Twp , 3S 8 It 1 o of V M..., ., 10 Annlti Cola at vlr to 'rhoiniiit K, Klynii. dood lot 2, bile. 1 llnrr Add, City of Mod ford. . 550 AiiRiio McDounld to It. V. Uton'ritH dood, lot CoUako , HnwA'dfl Mcdford .,..'.t. 10 ( I-oitUo It. Olutnoii nnd vfr to W. M. OlblM, docd SO ncrp. ' H V, NH 1.4 mc 25 Twp 38 H It 2 w of V M 10 A. M. Houvur ot ux to KiUliurlno ICvmiR, docd, property In kov. ormnont, lot 4 cc 0 AmIiIiwhI 4150 Krnnlt l.nwronco ot tix to C, A, llnnilln, docd lot 3 IilU 4 lt8H Add Mctlford 10 A. M. lloavor ot ux to W. It. Yockoy ot ux bind In Twp 3a B 111 W M '. ... 10 1). II. HoIIkh ot ux to Krnnk Liiwroncb e.t ux dctnl tot n bile 1 I torn Add Medford 200 Dnulol llllltoy to 10. nodo iiKroomout, lot 0 bklock 53 City of Medford 3000 I). Frank Cnrvor to Loulna CrhWA dood lot In Medford 10 Cordon Vorhbit ot ux to IIiikIi 1 1 ii mo ot nl, dood 54 ucroH moo 18 Twp 3S H It 1 w W M 1 Htuto of UroKou to M. 11. Klon dood 145 nnron hoo 18 Twp 34 BH .1 w of W M 1209 John II. DowiiIiik ot ux to Mnudo K. HohwoII dood lot 1 uiid 2 Idk. 18 Coutrnl Point 10 M h Alford ot ux to It II Smith dood lot 10 blk 8 Imperial Add Madrord ...,,.,...., 10 A. N. Illldohrnnd ot ux to AI foil Ivoyt dood lot QiUhi'u Anno Add M ml ford .,;..,.: 10 Trull Iiiiiiilior Co. to Dolla, Clomoiit, dood lot :lrt blk' 4 Vnut I'nrk Modfftrd J . . ,'l Id It. 1-'. C. AHtbury to J, K. Jor rlll 90 ncri'H n Twp 30 8 H 3-w V M '..J.lt'i 10 A M lloavor ot ux to W n, s Ybokoy ot ux, dood, bqu G f wp ( 39 8 It 1 o W M ..n'....' 10 Molllo Hlionml ot ux to John 0. ' It Art ot ux 2 nrcoH uoq i , Twp ,10 8 It 1 o W .'. . .' , 175 '13. N. Wnrnor ot ux to V&IV Luiuhor Co,, lot 4, 13, 14, 15, 1(1, uud 12, blk. 4, Walnut i'nrk. Medford 1800 w NOTION. ' ninukninlth HhnpH will bo cloHod on Huiijnlny, AiiRitnt 17( buttiK tho HorBO. HliqorB nutloiml bollduy. All ubopa boloiiRlnK to Jaokflon County I-ocnl aatlSvlll ho olouod on Hint dny. 120 , , tW, W. WIUSQN, " '.'" ' soo. N'ol'oaO', W Nff" -U-ca- 1; r-H ffK - ' flii 1 'VH oil m NFVVS the Fright of His rr f" Ol VflV cc-.J WTVAL MOROGRGR. oHOWlHlhPiCT.UH.G' wyx.rF.! A Wk Our (Correspondents : EABLE POINT EAGLETS. (Iiy M C. Ilowlett.) Curl mid llonr.v Von Ur lli'llon worn oullerH ut tlio Hunnj'flldu Inwt l-Viduy. Mrx. Tliouwiri Itfntr mid hor koii Toddio, wife ttitd hon of duo of h rnilrntul builder, i-iiino in from AN Imiiy to (bo Kuu'n.vhido nnd took u room with li6r IiukIiiiimI. Mr. Illnir in oho of tho iiu'cliiinicrt wlio nro workiim on the now liriilgo Hint the I'. & K. rnilrond in putting up in plnoo of tho old ono noroHH Hullo rrcok. Thoy nro rolrcinr tlio rtlI ono with it hied brid'o uud rnJHiiij; it koiiio four foot hishcr limn llio old ono WllH. J. ('. .Moore, wife, diiiiKhtor nnd mod, npont tho ni;ht with uk last Tliunoliiy nielli on their wny to Ihoir fnnn on Klk 'orvote" Mr1.' VfftJro hnn heo'n livinf fu AMitrTil niul wiim hliniod. out Aitftiitr Uud liilo tlio fiunjl.wnK wiiy fnnn home. "Kvory tliiu'fc wrf: dCHtroyi'd.""lIu enrricd f 1,5(10 JiiHiinincu but the losx nmouutod to over .fll.Olll). Ho Iiiik no lilen of how the fins oriinntcd hut fout'rt that it wuh the work of no iiiceiidcrnrv, Sfrn. C. 1). Hlout of JnekHonvillo cinnw out Hntimlny to bo Vllh hor hiiHlmiid. Ho U tlio HilpcrintoiMlf.it of tlio hritlKo work oil tho I. & K. nUlrod uud i miperintendin tho con xlruetion of tho now bridge on Hutto oivt'k, JiihI bolow town. ' k.Mr. I'ipor who owns twenty aoron of orchard laud near here bus cone to Portland to remain' for it while. 'Mw. Ilowlott'took n'butoncH trip up on Salt creek, near I.ako creek, l'titft week nnd on hor return brought bnek a load of nieo If oil AHtrakan npplert. 0. 0. Colenderfer and II. N. Cow. yro with tin hfst Frilluy niKht. They Virt workitiK up a hiisiufsH in the clodtrlo liuej tnkiiiK orders for light. Tlioy repiedeiii tho California. Oregon I'owoi1 eoniia'n; alid agree to havo tho oleetrieily in hero within ninety dnyrt from tho tlnid of tlio ooutraet. They hnvo taken a great many orders for llglits iiml power. U. W. Agor, hehool supervisor for this hc'KooJ ilislriot, spent the night with us lat Thursday and I omitted to mention it in my last. Hov.M; ( Ditvis oamo in Fridhy evening nnd sjiont fhonight' with , tlicn went to ' Sams valley mid preaehed .Saturday night, and Sim. day preaelieed at Agato uud Table Itock, and wliilti on tho subject of Table Koek will remind tho readers of tho Mail Tribune thai I hero will ho an ieo'prc:a'in serial in tho Tnblo Koek Hclinnliniiiso next fSnturdiiy evoniug, tho olijeet A to raisc.'nioii'oy to pay tlio balanoe'iiii 'tho ehatrs thoy hnvo bought and to buy a stovo to put in tho spare room in tho Ht'lmolhrniso' mi lho.v oan haVo u 'rfuit--'ablo room ,to hold i-oliious soi'viee a fit! als'o lovo their Koelnls, during Iho' tiuui tliat thoy ha'o' seiloot in progreN Kvln nKSuhuuuT is giii tliut thoy will have a good time, I)r. W, W. P. Holt ruporttt thai thoru k becti n 'Uv arrival nt 'tho homo of Mr. and Miv.- Honjmnin KdmohdsOu ot Iliille JPhIIh a ten potuid hoy last "Friday, Anjjf. 1), 'IU lort Hloiibolllahi Hfyht tli6snlght .Willi us last Friday.- iioHi win ion wna I i saw aipi huiird pu toy irip to Agiito tiud Table Hoek Kitudtiy, HIMCOIAri THAIN KXOUHHION. A Hpoclal oxourelon train will loavo ariuitB Pusb, SuiHlny, August 18tli t 0:0 nv in., Medford 7;IG a, hi,, atopplug at Intormodlnto points to tnko on and lot off puBBoiiRora for Uiiiuniulr, Shaata BprliiRB, Wood and other mountain resorts voturn)iiK flnmo day Ouo .fnro for round trip lias boon inndo mid plo.tty of roomy, ,vldo mpl oaiy rldlnw onaohos will , (J1 ., wl .... '. . ; 1 ' - - no iiiruiQiiou, .. mmvoTW wxtn mTMjim Life YOU iUTTE FALLS Tho Hutto Falla Mnniifnctiirlhi? Co. nro now ready" for operation. Their pinner Iihh boon placed nnd o in; I no mid tnnchlnory ndtiRted nnd tho citi zens of Hutto Foils were nwnkencd enrly, i)n Rttlurdny morning by their Kteum wblntlo. Dr. Ilucliniian In liulhllnR n resi dence on the north nldo. Quito n number of our people are out cnmpltiR mul picking berries, Among whom uro Mr. nnd Mru. Crons and family, Hen 1'Mmondnoii, Mr. nnd Mm. Carton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Marlon nnd her daughter Tina nro keeping the Hutto Fallu Hotel In Mr. Cross' nbtence, Kxcept for enrly vegetables Hutto Falls In hnrcl to beat for Knrdeti truck. With water this noil producos an nbundanco. As soon as tho city Is supplied with water n market Harden will pay handsome returns. The nltltudo makes tho spring colder than nt lower points, but gives us delightful 'ijuminori!.' The hydrants have arrived for tho w"ai6Y wo k anil wo will soon hnyc Itistnllod n water system which will lnrgoly enhnnco tho value of proper ty' here 'and provldo aKnlnst tho danger front flro. Hutto Falls Is nn attractive resort for excursionists. Over 100 wore hero on Sunday. Tho Mill Company havo beou run ning tliclr saw mill nil summer and have nn Immense- amount of wood piled by tho track nnd hnvo cleared off n largo tract on their property adjoining tho town. J. P. Hnrrett has the contract for n flno bungalow for Mr. Harker, tho Hutto Falls banker. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mm. V. II.' Taylor nnd son nnd Mm. Armstrong of Grants Pass vis ited Mr. nnd .Mrs. T. F. Knack stedt nnd family hero tho past wcok returning to their homo Tuesday. 1). K. Jones nnd fnmlly nnd V. K Jones and fnmlly returned this week from an outing In tho HHnoU vnlley. Mrs. Karl Keller of Foots Crook is visiting rolntlvos. hero this week. Will Hathaway lert Tor Corning, soino time. F, A, Hawk nnd fnmlly nnd Hohert Ashwortlr hnvo returned from n trip to Crater Lake. W. R, Prlco spent Tuesday la Gold Hill mid Hoguo Ittvor. Monk Austin has returned from u trip around tho tho world on a Hail ing vessel. J. h. Hockley and fnmlly of Fort Klamath nnd Miss Hebo Mulkey of Gladstone whrf hnvo been making a northorn tour by nutomobllo Bnont a njght liorothia week on routo homo via Crater Luko. Notice of Kalo of Improvement. Bonds. Notice U hereby given that tho Hocordor- ,of tho City of Medford will rocelvo- sealed liropoauls for tho pur-, cunso of $:i,750,Q0,.or nny portion thereof.. bIx por co)t, (0 per cent) ton 1,1 li, i I i.'..i. TheProof Is' " In the Seeing The Plorpo ner,08, beyond tho rosor volr, nVo dotto with settlors who ot on tho land taut BpHng, nnd who hnvo nmdo n vory orodltnblo hIiowIur. Th6ro nro' 72 acres Btlll Tor nnlo nt wny down piicea and In trncta of G ncrea and up. Lot ua tnko you out nnd Hhow what la IioIhk dono on this tract, Tho prices nro right, mid ' torma right, nnd tho land right. for gardoh uud fruit purpoBOB. Wator Is nvalltthlo for nil parts ot tho tvaot, Lot uh show you. C. D. HQON Room 12,UugU80U Coutitj' Hftlilt llld. en Jsf, Con, a Lfr u cin ' .. "z" T .1 Bm? ' t-sx.ETyninfv v mvmMnti, . onrcafly, w wmiiii ! , 11 1 !. f..w - - - ' .. - - " - n in it rr 1 m 1 1 ! 'i .,,M - ' T - f "!!' U i ,3 -1 '"LI" r, .A it I If ( i ftNlW fttYVrBRlOUS YRfSGGR 0lD'rM6 &K00TN6? v- , ' . . n 1 """ mute, f !S5?l .. 1" CANTMKT j M-tt LOOK J C JH N' '" ,", ,vi' 1 - ""' ' " '' ' ii ' ' .. ) ,., , f . . 1 . r year Improvement Honds of tho City of Medford", Oregon, (optional after tho first year.) - The bonds will bo sold at tho high est prlco obtainable but not for less than par and accrued 4ntercst All IiIiIh must bo filed at the Hccordcr's office at nny time beforo 4:30 p. m.. Friday, August ICth, 1912, and must bo accompanied by a certified check equal to flvo per cent of tho amount bid for said Honds, said check to bo forfeited to the City of Medford In cttso bid Ik accepted and bonds are not purchased In accordance with said proposition within twenty days after tho notlco of said acceptance. The City Council of tho City of Medford, Oregon, reserves tho right to reject any and nil bids. ELSlKIt T. FOBS. City Itccorder. Dated this 9th dny ot August, 1912. UCSINKS8 OPPOKTUXITIES. HL'SINESS OPPORTUNITY Anyotio wishing to engago in tho billiard business can purchase all or a bait Interest In tho Owl Dllllnrd par lors as owner wishes to go away. Same can bo purchased at a very reasonable figure. S. I. Brown. FOR KXCHATfaH FOIt TRADE 4-room house, elec trlo llghtx, sewer In, on -paved sL, and sldn walk. In, will trado for ncrcs or small ranefi".- 31L"'wst Jackson st., ao agent. 155 F OK RE N T nOTJSKKEETIXa JROOM8 FOR, KENT FuVnlshctl housekoop Ing rooms. 21 Genesee street, Phone Pacific 4224. 132 FOR RENT -Furnlshod housekeep ing rooms, lights; gas. also bed room. Call 337 W. 10th, or phono 2SC Home. 124 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, lights, gas, also bed room. Call 337" WV 10th, or phone 2SC-L. 124 FOR REN7 snroHKti : FOR RENT Nicely furnlshod 5 room bungalow -In nn oxcollent neighborhood. Very low rent to desirable tenant. Geo. C. Cor nltlns. 123 E. .Main. Muln C031 125 FOR RENT A very deslntblo four room bungalow with sewor nnd water on pavod street. Rent $11.50. Geo. C, Cornltlus, 123 E. Main St.. Main C031. 125 FOR RENT Modern hotiso on Onk- dnlo. $20.00. Cnrkln & Taylor. Phono Pacific 3171. FOR RENT Strictly modem 5 room bungalow with sleeping porch, on Ross Court. Huntloy & McClotchlo. 124 FOR RENT Twp room furnished bouso nnd screened porch, 220 S. Grape. 123 EOR RENT Modern live-room houso. M. A. Rador, at M. F. & H. Co. FOR RENT 10 room houso roar ot Fnrmera & Frultgrowora bank, sultnblo for business, real cstnto, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Rny Realty Co., Cth nnd Fir sts. FOR RENT Eight room houso, nlso alx room apartment, closo In, rea sonable, lmiutro Oakdnlo Cash Grocery. 126 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-r-Iiargo blooplng roonV, $1.50 nnd ?3 per wook. Modern housekeeping apartmonts, $15 nnd $10. Home phono 2G6-K. 223 South Holly. ' FOR RENT Mfadorn furnlshod rooms nt tho Cottngo, 604 West luth st., two blocks south Medford Hotol. Hot nnd cold wntor in rooms, Home phoiio 217. Mrs. II. Mi Cobb. THE PARK VIEW Hotol hnf changed hands. A hotol for work ing on, with cool, clean outsldo rooms. $1,50 n weolc. Good monls 'Jti cents. Trnn'Blonts 25 eouta a ulgliU J. T, P.qrry, Prop. 141 FOR t .RENT FURNIHHKD AITS. FOR RENT Smith Apia. 217 S. R.IV. FOR RENT Furnlshod npnrtmqnt Just llki a bungalow. Large pbrolfoB, prlvato bathe, now, Tho Horbon, corner Qulnco nnd W, Main ntroot. Phono 347-L. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Largo, comfortable of- fleo rooms with elevator Borvleo, Btimm bout, hot and cold waof, - Low rntos. AlU'Jy Medford Purnl turD & HdW. Co, epnkspa v, .htrriu&T 14, ' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Ranches largo ami sail, alfalfa hoc! garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and fir. FOIt RENT 40 acres on upper Rogiio River, beautiful mountain home, fine hunting, and fishing, good house and barn, alfalfa field, garden and irrigation ditch. Ad dress P. O. Box 702, Medford. Oregon. LOST STRAYED From Dluc Ledge Mlno Joe Creek, Siskiyou county, tho 4th of July, bay gelding Roada, 15 hands, weight, 1050. Tybalt strain branded if at all with faint C, bred near Tolo. Reward for tho return of this animal or information as to his whereabouts. F. W. Carna hnn, Supt. Telephone and mail address. Huttqn,.. California. ,. 124 FOR SALfc ACKKAGS FOR SALE: Efght acre, Just out side city limits, sit planted to 3 year old apples; smdlt house, good well; $2500. W. T.'York & Co. FOR SALE 2 V. acres In Jackson ville, clear title. See owners, Sis ters of St. Mary's Academy, Med ford. FOR SALR tiAND FOR SALE 200 acres or nny part. About halt level. A. snap, $200 per acre, near Talent. Soo A. L. Young, Hotel Medford. 123 FOR SALE By owner. SO acres all fenced and cross fenced new 5 room bouso and barn, two chicken houses, good aprfng, fine young or chard, good horse, wagon and har ness, chickens, household goods and tools, 12 acres In crop. Every thing goes for $1500 quick sale, $700 cash, balance ono or two years. W. L. Rowland, Colestin, Oregon. 124 FOR SALE M3SCEMiAXEOU8 FOR SALE Pony, cheap, 401 King. Pacific Phono 2141. 124 FOR SALE Almost new bicycle, $10.00. 911 South Central ave nue. 124 FOR SALE Flno Jersey Cow. Call or address, II. J. Chcevqr, Cen tral Point. Ore., 125 FOR SALE Fresh, gentle. Jersey cow. W. E. Hryson, Griffin Creek. 123 FOR SALE Pack borso cheap. In quire Constable Slngler, phono 930-F-3. FOR SALE Blackberries by crate. Call Home Phono 319-R. 130 FOR SALE Ono Iron crib and ono nailing Jack for applo boxes. In qulro at 340 South Riversido.125 FOR SALE A good strong moun tain hack, nearly now. J. C. A.. Medford Mall Tribune: FOR SALE Saw Mill. 25 II. P. saw and shingle mill with equip ments. Good location' nnd good ' rig. will Bell cheap. Inqulro, 83. .Tribune Office 127 w i i n - FOIt SALE Chicken "ranch and bor ry patch V mllo from Medford, aldownlk, olcctrle lights, tolophono, ote. Sob W,' II. Evorhard, '1013 W. Ninth Bf., phono 6671. FOR SALE Light, 2 seated surrey, good na now. Humphroy, 815 E, Main. 133 WANTED MlRCKTiIiANEOUS WANTED Ono or two lots in tho west part of qlty, must be che&p for cash, stnto locntldn nnd prlco. All dress A-23. 125 WANTED To Invest a fow thousand dollars In good' paying business. Box G. P., Tribune. 123 HELP WANTKD-i-MAIiK WANTED A man with team to haul 200 cords of wood in Hutto Falls district. Address A. P. Bafrdw, Medford, Oregon. MEN OR WOMEN Wanting light, pleasant employment at Reed, big pay, call at the B. & B.,303 East Main St., Modfordi 133 HELP WANTKD FKMAUI WANTED Girl for housework whole or part of time. 1427 H. Main. Phono Pacific 7571, 120 WANTED Girl for general house work, fnmlly of thfee, dollar n day. Mrs. Win, Buftgo, Oil W. 10th, 120 "v ' A.i'i..u 'lAT'-itiii a mrx. . '.&i'9 ,..-!, it". , , HS WV TH6 ' V ; ' P . I f ,,'' i. kLi. Mr' fURoeR.En.'6 PicruRG 1 --rr .- V ?uV- : . 1012 WANTED BITtfATIOXSi WANTED Position as bookkeeper or general office man. Box C, Mail Tribune. 124 WANTED A position by middle aged German, lady fpr light house work and booking, Box 89 Tribune. 124 RUSINHS8 MHKOTOKY . Accountant D. R. WOOD General Accountant--Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Tribune bldg; phono 6611; resi dence phono 6302. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville. Ore: Office; Bank bldg., second floor. Phone: Pa cific, Main 33. . " C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY At'torncyfl-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postofflce bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER--Garnett-Coroy bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Brick and Cement. Tho- Medford- Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tlio porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases. Jardinieres, flowerpots Phono Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Hill Fosters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. AH orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. "Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrcto work, pump and canal systems. Room 1', Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise B: Hedges. Mectiano-Theraplats, Chiro practors. Spondylothcrnplsts. These systems, including dietetics, cura tivo gymunstfea. hydro-therapy, etc., produce results in both ncuto aud chronic diseases. Consultation frco. ,230 N. Bartiett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 n m. to 5 p. ni. Othor hours-by ap pointment Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9th aud. So. Riverside. Vapor baths nnd scien tific massage given; advico In die- totici?, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady nttondant. Phono Home 168-IC. Main 7973. Ctilneso Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso medicines will euro rhoumatlsnu catarrh, colds, golturo, throat nnd lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, prlvato dlsoasoa nnd all kinds of chronic nnd ncrvoiiB ailments. Stomach troublo, coiiHtlpatlon, Indigestion, womb nnd bladder, trouble:. Soo mo at 241 S. Front st, Medford, Oro., to 4. 6:30 to 7:30, Rosldonco t phono Main 42. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Builder Cauutry work a Bpocialty. Plans and estimates freo. Box 532, Med ford. Phono Main 5663. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C VAN SCOYOa Dontists Garnott-Coroy bldg.,. sulto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DBANE-rDontiat. Ortlco in Rialto bldg., 123 E, Main. Gas administered for oxtraction of tooth, Telopbono Main 681. Night i phono 4432. Furniture MISSION FURN1TUKE VVORKS Cornor8tb and Holly sts., Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cablnot work of all kinds. A trial . order solicited. . , Notary Publtp "' HELEN N, YOCKEY THdtarr Pub. He. Bring your Work to rue 'at tho sign of Tho Mall Winnie. . -' i-LZ. ,21111 . .'TO. BUS1NHS8 IHRKOTORr Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O- D. Nagie, Geo. if, O'Brien Contractors and.manu racturcrs Of brick; dca'tera In pressed brick and lime. Office nt their brick yard. West Jackson st. Pbone No. 34C1. GnrtHtgm. GARBAGE Gtt joftso premise cleanod.up for the summer; Call' on tlw city garbagu wagon 'for good service. Phone Main 6261. F. Y. AHen: .. -' ;' ' I.I 1 ' I I ! I I I . ! I Nurseries i QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded", not grafted. Our stock Is not irrigated, wo guarantee everything put out. Wearonot.in tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Office femored'to officio Hotel Nash, In side entrance- next to barber shop.- PrJntcrs nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job office in southern Oregon; book, binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc, etd Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Physicians and SHrgeOns DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Pblpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phorsa. 6Q1. residence phono 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 P. m. ' , , DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Pbone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician artd sur geon. Office Garnett-Coroy -blrfg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdnlo, phone 7171. Home phone, roslilenco 109, office 130. , I ; . ., i .i .- DR. S. A. iOCKWOOD-rhyslclaa and Surgeon. " MYRTLE S.XOOKWOODrr M. D. Practice limited to dieses of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Offlco Phoney M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J, J. EMMENS Physician nnd. Surgeon. ..Practice limited to eyo,, ear, noso and throat. Eyes Bclon--tlflcally tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 216 E. Main at, over Med ford Hardware .company. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Both phones. E B. PICKEL, M. D.'Offlce Jack son County Bank. Offlco pbone M. 432; Res. phono, M. 5,82. DR. B. II. PORTER. ' r Physician nnd, Surgeon, . , St Marks Block Offlco phono 49Q1. Residence 7051, DR. J.j W. 'J. iMARlON-t-J'hysIclan uud Surgeon. Of flc. rooms 5 and 6 Kontnor bldg. Office hours, 10 to 12. 2 to- 5. Phono. Hell '371. Resldenco pbone Bell 273 Home ,31,7-X. ' 13. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prnc ttco limited to Chronic Dlseaves. Offlco Hotel Holland, Wcdnesdayn 10-3. Both phones.. . Residence phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Eagle Point and Rogue River Hue.- HERMANN F. RATTE. M, D.ON flco ovor aicdford National Bank. Offlco phono C701. Res.r Hotel' Holland, CLARK E. SAUNDERS-.M: D.. Prae tlco limited to Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses famished when, needed. Garnott-Corey Bldg., f2nd floor. Both Phones. Medford, Ore. Real Estate GEORGE L, DAVIS, timber land,, room 205, Home phone 131-R. Ovor Frultgrowers'JIunk;. REAL ESTATE L. .N. Judd, Talent, Oro., fruit, alfalfa and garden landd, RtcHOjr)hera ELLA M. QAUNYAW Palm block. Stonographlo work dene qutekly and woll. Traasfer EADS TRANSfFKR, tORAaiC CO. Office 18 South Fir, Ffeplte Bell 3152 Home StfVK. Vtm right., Service gttaratAL . .;. 1 ' Under fkr I. 1 - '1 1 -1.' JOHN A. KMRLrU jcnuiftimer. ukim Iett st: TftlepRONM; 471; night;- reaiaeww, Pfi ' Home 17H-L. JIW Hwrtjm or day. Ambulanw srrle, r WMKiF, JM a hku TWlr ' JM .M cm 1 . .". sj i L il . . am i-yt ni -t. v -A y