orcmti HliiwlMl Saelir City Hi ".veM r Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair nmt warm Max ft I.St Mlti 5t Kol Hun ill, MEDFORD, OREGON, WKDNKSDAV, AUQUST 34, .1912 NO. 123 Dully llnvciiith Yrsr. STEEL TARIFF BILL PA SSED 0 VER VETO AR MN FOR STEEL VETO President Objects to Steel Bill Do clnrlnn It a Measure for Rovenue Only, Which Would Injure Estab lished Institutions Admits Somo Items Should Be Re duced and Outlines a Plan (or the Tariff Board to Follow WAMIINWON, Aug. 14. Ily n volti or 17 n for to 83 against, the Iioubo this nftornoon passed tho stool Mil over President TAft'ii veto. 8lx teen progressives supported tho demo crats, tliln alliance- having but two mill ono-thlrd morn than tho nccea miry two-thirds vote In Insure Its pas sage. If tint lilll In passed by tho two-thlrdtt vole In tho senate It will hnroino a Inw despite tho president's voto. WAHIIINOTON, Auk. H Objec tions to tho measure "lacaus It would bo disastrous to tho Iron nutl lit ft? I Industry, nnd n ruvUlou of thn tariff without umplo study nml In vestigation," In'lilcnt Tnft In a spo rial message ft thn homo totliiy, M-toftl thn lent bill." Thn voto mcMngn said that ttitptn statement by democrats tlinl tho bill was designed to revise tho tariff on Iron and stool product, mly ono thlrtl of thtt revision applied to these products. It assorted that 00 alllod Industries would bodlroctly affected by thn meiuuro. Tho, imingo ilio declared thnt tho bill "ma tire clear out Issuo between n protective policy std that of tar iff revision only. Therefore without further Information, I am obliged t treat this measure na n revenue bill. onn In which consideration of pro serving thn ImltiRlry by maintaining thn turlff necessary had llttlo weight. There la nothing to show mo thn duties provided will equal thn dif ference In tho production cost horn nml nbroad, and thai tho wagcB or workmen will not bo reduced by a measure avowedly discarding tho principled of fair protection." Tho president admits that hoiiio Ileum In tho Hchodulca should Im re duced. Ho outllnos a plnn of tho tnrlff board, and declare IU report Justified belief In Ita work, adding: "Thn proposed hill haa not boon framed oil n Inula of uny ntudy of (ho stool Industry. Avowedly Ita niter, nrn fixed with no consideration of anything but rovonuo. Tho prln elplo of protection In disregarded en tirely." ' CABLES "ALL WELL" MONTREAL, Quo., Aug. II. flritvo ilouhta concerning the fiito of thn HteniiiBhlp Corsican, which col lided with an Iceberg, that worn felt hern today despite tho wlroloBn ns HtiritnccH of Captain Cook, worn fin ully cleared away whon a wireless incssugn from tho dimmed liner iilted: "All's well; fog lifted ami vessel proceeding." HILL SYSTEM PLANS COAST STEAMER LINE PORTLAND, Oro., Aug. 1 1. Thut tbo Hill IntoreaM noon (o establish direct steamship service between As lorlu, Oregon, and flan Francisco, la n HeomliiKly well Kroundod report here today, Fust train sorvlco be tween Portland and Astoria to con nect with Bteuiiuiu In planned, It lu Minted. PRISONER KILLS GUARDS IN ATTEMPTED ESCAPE CANANKA, Moxiuo, Aug M Four guards ill (lie city juil huro uro cloud today iiiui throe mure uro in u serious I'ouilitiou uh ii niHUlt of mi encounter with rYiincimm Oitleiuiu, ii prisoner, (Iiilonuu, iiltuiuptiug to osuupo, cut nil the telephone wires niul Hlulihud 'seven of U ton miunla. Ho wiih ovorpoworo f(or i torrifio fi'lit. corsican SENATE PASSES COTTON TARIFF Alliance ot Progressives and Demo crats Sends House Bill Throurjli Impossible to Pass Wool Bill Over Veto, Assert Senate Leaders Sugar Bill Abandoned Because of Deadlock Between the Senate and House Over Sugar WAHIIINOTON. Auk. 14. Ily n votn of II to 40 the ttemittt today ro Jectetl tho itubntlliito cotton iirlff ro vUlon bill proponed ItiMtead of tho hoiitto uieniurn liy Senator La Pol lotto. Then paed thn Iiouko cotton tnrlff bill by n vote tl 30 to Id. That It will bo Imponnlblo to pasa tho wool bill In Hit) Hotiato over Pres ident Tnfl'a voto, a wni done In tbo liotiKO, wiih tho opinion cxpremied hero today by leadltiK democratic finna torn. Prealdcnt Taft and bin follow ers In cotiRrras are wrought up be cause an many, republican members worn nbxent when tho wool bill wna pauHod In tho houito over his veto, and they nrn determined that no such condtlon shall obtain tho senate when (ho ntouauro comes to a voto there. It Is generally believed thnt It will bo Impoialbln to pans uny turlff lobulation at thin session of congress. Tho conferees uro unable to agree cither on tho sugar or exctso tax bills, and this Is believed to mean that these two measure-it uro doomed to speedy deaths Congressman Norrla predicted that tho metal revision bill would also pnss In tbo house over tho president's voto. Majority Leader Underwood an nounced today thnt hope of reaching an agreement In congress on tho sugar bill had been ubondonod. Tho hotiHo demands freo sugar but tbo senate stands unalterably opposed to such provision. Only onn Important change was made In tho bouso cotton mensuro that of tho adoption of Congressman Oronna's amendment repealing tho Canadian reciprocity agreement with thn exception of that section relating to wood pulp and print paper H1LLES SAYS FIGHT IS AGAINST CHICAGO, Aug. 14. Discussing thn coming presidential election, Charles I). Utiles, thn now chulrman or tho National Republican commit tee, arriving hero today, said: "Tho fight Ih botwoua Taft and Wilson ovor tbo tarlfr Issue. Tho peoplo want protection and for thnt reiiHon Tuft will win." SAYS DARROW WON A GREAT VICTORY WHEN HE SAVED THE LIEE OF M'NAMARA BROTHERS LOS ANOKLKS, Cut., Auj;. 14. lu- ilounoinp; District Attorney PrmleriukH for iiKTociuj; to u plan whereby Juiiioh it. MuNiiumrn'ri life wiih miyou" mill John ii. MoNiimnrii uiven it fifteen year Kepteuee in Kun Quoiitiii nml ilutilarliiK tlint C'liuuneo Durrow uo cnmplMuMi a e,rout victory in the MuNuiuuru trial, when liu wived, tho life of luiucri MuNiimurii after tho latter hntl killeil twenty mon hy blowing up tho Times ImililiiiK. Kuvl ltnj;oi'ri eliiof couiiHol for tlm aemuictl attorney continued his address to tlm jury in tho Durrow bribery ensu today. "J havu called your attention to tho l'u ut that the only -evidence UKiiiuHt Durrow is thut of Kruiikliu," Hiiiil lingers in tliu opening. "Thoro lias buon no eorroboratioii liuro. "Did Durrow hnvo a motive or un indit(iementrto bribe George N, Louk woodf Wo liavo sliown you by testi mony Jiit lip oho 1ms soon ft to I OF LITTLE GIRL Elpht-Ycnr-Old Found Slain in Lodg ing HouseLetter to Mother In dicates That Father Killed Her and Then Killed Himself or Pretended to Missing Man Accused His Wife of Breaking Heart and Making Life a Hell for Him I.OH ANOELKH, Cal.. Aug. 14. Mrs. Charles V.. (ireeuflnld. mother of Vivian Greenfield, tho eight-year- oltl child who was murdered yester day lu a Venice lodging bouse, today received a tetter from her husband, which the police bellevo establlsheH that (Ireenflold murdered thn child and then either took his own life or sought to create that Impression. Greenfield In tho letter accuses bin wife or breaking his heart mid tolls his Intention to make away with tho child and ond his own life. Tho letter rollewa: "My dearest wire: Well. dear. It has como to this. As 1 told you before, you broke my heart and ruined my life. After mother died you wore thn only one for mo. but you turned against mo and matlo Hell ror mo and baby too, so wn arn better off out of yonr way. I told you last night, and now you will have to suffer as wo havo In tho past. When you get this wo will ho out of our misery. (Signed) "Charlie and Vivian." I. s, ny tonight I will bo at tho bottom of tho ocean. Hn by and I are bettor ofr. Then jon can't find fault with us. When you got this wo will bo out of our misery." VKNICH. Cal., Aur. 14. An un identified friend of Charles Orocn flold, whoso baby stop daughter was found murdored bore Into yesterday Is tho object of n determined pollco search horo today. GToenflold, who wna tho last per son scon with tho llttlo girl, loft Venlco yoBtcrday nftornoon at 3:G2 o'clock on an electric ear. This In formation wbb volunteered by n car conductor, who based his Identifica tion on published phptographs ot tho man. Upon Croon field's nrrlvnl In Los Angolcs ho wbb soon talking with a man whom the pollco declaro to bo his friend. Kvcry nvnllnblo officer horo Is searching for this man, who, It Is bollovod. started for Venlco fol lowing his conversation with Green field. Thn Instrument with which tho child's throat was cut has not boon rounif, nor woro thoro flngor prints on hor body or tho bod clothoB In which thn body waa wrapped after tho crime. Dayton, Wyoming, has followed tbo example of Huunywoll, Kansas, Ju electing a woman mayor, contradict thut Durrow, eight days before tho bribery, hud made pluns to dispoho of tho oiiso. "Muny porsous huvn liiouglit that Durrow muilo a failuro of tho MoNn mnra case. 1 loll you, and I have tried fi) murder eases, tliut Durrow muilo a tremendous hucooss of the MoNaniara oase. Ho saved thn life of J. H. MuNaiuuru, wlio killed twenty mini. It is tho duty of a lawyer to do tho host ho onn fur his clients, lie accomplished a mugui fieeiit, a remarkable thine; for his clients. Hut tliu prosouutor entered into a hideous pact. M. A. Schmidt, the intiti who packed and hid tho dyuumitu, and all tho rest John Does, Jiuio Does, ote. who were in that horrible plot, will not bo prose cuted if they keep out of Los Angeles county, The district attorney does not deny this." Humors thou took up llurringtoiru" testimony, iloolurinc that as an an- eompllco, UniTing ton's testimony sliuuld, V rvjfrtrtled wjtli Bitspioipij, U M Three Million Dollar Baby Born i ! . , , , - ... KR3 JOHN HEIR TO ASTOR'S NKW YORK. Aug. 11. Weighing 7 3-4 pounds, a $3,000,000 baby a boy was born to. Mrs. John Jacob Aslor, widow ofCjJonol John Jacob Astor, at tho ABiorfnan8lonrhoro to day, Tho Infant was named John Jacob Astor. after Its father, who perished In tho wreck of the White Stnr Liner Titanic. Shortly before 9 o'clock this morning Dr. 1-Mwln Cragln, who has been attending Mrs. Astor for weeks. Issued tho following bulletin: "A son wns born to Mrs. Astor at S:K o'clock this morning. Uth mother .nud tho' boy aro doing well. Tho child Is named John Jacob As tor. This" was Mrs. Aator's clmlco ot suggested names." Morbid Crowd Gathers A morbid, curious crowd gathered In rront or the mansion early today, drawn by announcements that tho expoctcd visit or tho stork was near. Tho nrrlvnl ot the holr Is oxpected to strengthen the rlvnlry which now exists hot ween Mrs. Mndollne Korco Astor, mother of tho nowest Astor heir, and Mrs. Ava Willing Astor, divorced wife or Colonel Astor nnd mother ot Vincent stxu chlet bono riclary undor the terms nt tho luto niultl-mllllonalro's will. IJoforo sailing ror Kuglnnd on n pleasure trip with Mrs. Astor, Col. Astor drew up t now will, by tho terms or which $3,000,000 was set nstdo tor tho expected heir. Colonel and Mrs. AHtor were eu routo to Now York on the Titanic, in order that thn expected evont might occur on Amorlcan soil, when tho llnor crashed Into nu Iceberg. Colonol Astor went down with hundreds ot othor victims utter scolng Mrs. As tor safe. In a lifeboat. Will Contest I'rtilmbln Although nu posttlvo announcement has boon made, It Is oxpected horo that tho child's birth may compli cate tho Astor estate. Mrs. Astor be llovoa that hor baby has boon un fairly treated In tho disposition of tho Astor fortune, nnd bIio may contest tho colonel's will. Whon Mrs. Aster's futhor. William Forco, was asked horo today wbothor a contest was probablo. ho saltl tho matter was under consideration, but that no decision had boon ronchod. ERI LAT WA3IIIGTON, Aug. 1 !. Advlcoa received horo say WlUlum llruoo Mc MtiHtor, Amorlcan vlco 'consul nt Car tagona, Coluniblu, has beou muntorod Tho crjmo Is liotlevea to bo the w-ork of robols. ,, Tho Btuto ilopnrtmonthns ordorod ar lmmgillU' lvvffHtl9n, MILLIONS BORN 10 YOUNG WIDOW CONSU CARTAGENA MURDERED JACOB ASTXR. DARROW PLEADS E E IX)S ANGKLES. Cal.. Aug. 14. Clarence Darrow started speaking In his own behalf to the Jury that Is to decide his fate at 2:21 this afternoon. More than 1.000 bpectutora Th6 had fought and struggled with the bailiffs in the narrow corridor for two hours listened as tho defendant slowly arose and advanced to tho Jury box. "Gentlemen of the Jury," ho began In a low voice. Then, thrusting his hand deep in his coat pocket, "It's hard to argue an Important case, even when you aro not the defendant yourself. "I may not argue, as well as I can, but I want to say something to you twelvo men besides what I said on the witness stand. I'm n defendant, accused of a serious crlnio. They want to send mo to the penitentiary for It. It rests with you, gentle men. Stranger la Strange Land "I am a stranger In a strange land, 2.000 miles from home. I don't know you gentlemen very well. I dou't suppobo you know mo. "You hnvo heard this district at torney, Ford, call -me a coward. What wns that? Nothing but cow ardice, brutal and low, ror him, In tho position which ho occupies, to call mo thnt. "I am entitled to somo rights, un til you gentlomcn shall say differ ently. I shall havo some, oven then. "What am I on trial for, gentlemen of tho Jury. I am not on trial ror bribing n man named Lockwood. No (Continued on pogo 2.) WN A BEFOR JURORS WASHINGTON GIVES Hi TO NEGRESS TO DIE OF STARVATION WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. Deep ly touched by tbo pathetic story of llttlo Joo VI!ford Johnson, a 10-yoar-old white boy found living In uu speakablo siiualor at the homo liuru of Nora Johnson, a Negress, whore Is alleged to havo been placed by his mother, a hocloty woman, nil Wash ington Is eavgorly waiting develop ments. "Nora Is a biown-facod muvvor," lisped tho lad today, "but I got u white faced muvvor, too, I doss alio don't euro much for mo, 'cause she hardly over comes." Major Sylvester, head ot Washing ton's pollco forco, openly assorted to day thnt tho mothor had deserted tho boy, placing him whoro ho would bo rurtatu to succonib to death by on forcod Imprisonment. Joo was round lu a dark room whoro )u hud beou hold lor at least a mouth. His body boro many bruises and wounds, In dicating that he had boon brutally L BY Odell Tells How Ralload Magnate Was Summoned hy Roosevelt and at Lattcrs Request Raised Money to Carry New York for Republicans $200,000 Turned Over to State Cam paign and Balance Kept for the National Committee WASHINGTON, Am:. M. Te-ti- fyiiiK before the senate todny, for mcr Governor II. H. Odell Jr.., of New York, who was republican slate cum pnifii inn linger in 1901, dcelnred to the heiiate tainpiiiii contributions iiivcntixutiii" committee that the word of that campaign were de htroyed. He said thut the campaign committee collected $200,000 besides the $."i0,000 which the national com mittee hail ashigncd for work in New York titntv. When asked re:anliiu; a letter purjx'rted to have been written by E. If. Ilarrimai! faying Colonel UooMivelt had requested iiim to go to Washington in 1004, Odell t-aid: "In October, 11)0 1, ilnrritnnu in vitcd me to lunch and showed me, n letter from Hooscveit nhking him to come to Washington. I told Hnrri mnu thut it was m? belief that the president wanted to ask about poli tical conditions in New York, and also to consult him regarding the financial situation. Harriman saw Knocevrlt. A few days later I took breakfast with Mr. Hnrrinian and learned thnt the president wns un easy regarding the Plate ticket in New 4Yflrk. Odell testified further (hat the national committee was unable 10 rake money for a Mate campaign, and Harriman raised .f"240,000, trans ferring it to Treasurer Cornelius N. BINs of the national) committee, who then gave the committee $'200,000. FEATURE OF MARKET NEW YORK. Aug. 14. Canadian Pacific featured today's opening stock market with a gala of two points, to a new high record. There was great er breadth to today's market nnd transactions wero lively. Steel sotd at the year's best figure and smelting showed marked strength. Standard railroad Issues all inado material gains. Tho market closed strong and active. Bonds woro firm. MULAY YUSSEFF NEW SULTAN OF MOROCCO RABAT, Morocco. Aug. 11. Suc ceeding his brother, Mulay Hafid, who abdieted the throne, Mulay us- &eff was today officially proclaimed Sultan of Morocco. The Negress. Norn Johnson, Is hold on n chnrgo ot mal-trcntlng tbo boy. Judge Deluncy of tho Juvoulln court Is thoroughly aroused ovor tho case. Ho said: "This Nogresa was merely paid us a nurse. Joo was given hor as part of a studied plan to place hint whero ho would tile. It Is tho most heart less example of unnatural mother hood that has over como to my at tention. Slow but sure murder was tho futo this woman planned for her boy." To provont the child from bolng kidnapped a heavy "guard was placed ovor him todny. Tho pollco searched tho homo of tho Johnson woman tc duy nnd round lottors which confirm tholr belief that Joo's mother Is a promlnout socloty womau. Sovoral valuable clows wero scoured and Major Sylvester announced ho would plncn tho city's entire dotectlvo forco on tho case, If nocsssary to run thorn down, MM UN A MAN SCWPP WILL FIGHT RETURN MANHATTAN Accused Paymaster of Murder Gang Changes Front on Arrival of Offi cers and Refuses to Return Ex tradition Proceedings iegin Emissaries of Police Believed Re sponsibleClearing Hsuse Aids the Graft Probe HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Aug. 14. That Sam Schepps, held here for Im plication In tho murder of Gambler Herman ftcmcntha before tho Hotel Mctropole In New York, docs not In tend to go back to that city with n fight was Indicated here this after noon with tho arrival ot Assistant District Attorney Rublbn and County Detective Stewart for the prisoner. The two representatives from District Attorney Whitman's offlco loft IJew New York without credentials and Schepps started to make trouble Im mediately. Desplto tho efforts of tho Hot Springs officers to keep Schepp from nil outsiders both Ttubln and Stewart assert that emissaries or the Now York police department havo "reached" Schepps and attribute bis sudden change In front to this source. Schepps denounced both Rubin and Stewart and demanded his liberty. NEW YORK. Aug. 14. The pow erful New York clearing house got be hind District Attorney Whitman In his war on grafting police officials here this afternoon when It Issued an order to 'ew York banks, eaafettag Whitman, to inspect the accousts of evorj member of the police depart met. Whitman Jumped at the offer and, assisted ,by Detective William J, Burns, Immediately started to work on the accounts of the men whom ho suspects of profltlks through tho sys tem by which police higher-ups are alleged to havo shared In a yearly Craft estimated at $2,400,000. Whitman announced this afternoon that the identity ot these men are known to him and sufficient evi dence against them, he said, had been submitted to the grand Jury to make It practically certain that at least. seven Indictments will be returned when tho grand Jury ro-assombles to morrow morning. How Bockor, could deposit $59, 000 In four New York banks, since November last on a salary ot $185 a month is tho probiom confronting tho members of the grand Jury. REBELS THREATEN TO CROSS BORDER LINE . EL. PASO, ToxaB, Aug. 14. Six hundred Mexican rcbols arrived at Palomas, opposite Columbus, N. M., today, whoro they threaten to cross tho line and attack Americans. Troop D. of tho Third United States cavalry, arrived at Colutubus to re inforce tho border patrol. Reports received hore say that 300 robols were victorious ovor 200 fed orals yesterday near Ojiuaca. SIX MILLION DOLLAR SALE OF LUCKY BALDWIN'S RANCH LOS ANQELES. Col.. Auc 14. CIosiiiL' long negotiations between E. J. Baldwin and tho Los Angelos In vestment compniiy, thq oxooutorh' ro- turn account of salo of the famous Haucho Cienega o'l'uHo Do La Tijeru is on file hero today, ''fjio ranch compromises 3,-113.'28 ucres, and tho transfer price named as $0,030,050. Tho property lies close to I AdkcIch and was a portion of thu Into "Lucky" Buldwih's niost valu able holdings. BOYS CONVICTED OF PLOT TO ASSASSINATE KITCHENER CAIRO, Aug. 14. Convicted of complicity in a plot to HawiiiHU Viscount Kitchener, the British wgeu't , and couutiul general in-Ej,vptf three , hoys toduy begun jJ?rvlnj ,Mntino of 15 years iinpririoutuiHt. 0" f the youths will spend, biu Urw, at -hprtl labor. ' w.- --J m Lr A -m -