II u C 3? . A Rose by , . ! ... , - - - Pri'WP GnT aMHCnvO N wfck, cuviu;. oouumfftU. MN6 tV uvun nvW srw -. ,- - . VrtY, MC'IX TMN; WlWl JK ,-w ' -T "l"'i ,, , v . I' You o err KM op J T.Ln --whJ I Jmc k010'00' . , ' bu. i 4, MAW PUKKtKS INUIAN KtNMIi HAUVftllffi W AT HUE MARKET COMPANY KIU.DS PEARS UNDER WAY Tim ihlilli innrkot lm becoinn Hitch a fixluro In Mod ford that n woll Hiippltiul iiinrlojt wiill piitronUril no joiiKor uttrnrlH any Krciit aitiount of Attention. Tito nmrkot totlny wnu illmrnl'ly plitroliUMl linil u largo or forliiKwnM tlio onlor of llio ilny. Tho following prlcim jirovalleil: Hi rttti: liuitnii, i to a ('ntH a iouna. Tniimtom, i to 5 rwitn n kiiiiI. (lioiiint clmrrlun, lu ccntn a ioniitl. Illuuk Imrrk'n, HO r'iit to 1 1 vr era to. I'oarlu'H '2T, to 40 cnttt mr crnto. 1 Cuuiiiiib'TH, 10 ri'iitn. Yohiik onloiiH, 3 bulletin for 10 renin. Itntllnlierf, 3 liiincliril for 10 ci'iltn. 1otato, 1 1-1 to Vt contn a imiiuil. Iliirntiiita oiiloim white,' & renin a rou ml. KqiliiHli, ouo cent n jXHitiil. . CntiliUKe, onu cunt a pound. Yollow liiivr oiiIoiih, 2V6 ceiitu ii pomiil. " (IriMin eorn, 10 to 10 coiiIa ixr llOKIII. ; . Cholco mnnnutr npd, 2 cent pound. ClrwnJ (Inge,' r.O'ceuti per crate f Kkk, 2ft eent n Iimd. W'ttier imiloi'm, 1 Vt couU n pouifil. ' ClilekiMin ilrenud, IS cont u poufui. j Hiitnuier ponrH, 3 cent a pound. l'nppiint Kn'i'ii, 10 c'iitH ii dnznn. Mint, ft reiitH it bunch. Lettuce, ft ent a liuncli, I lend lettuee, 1 bunch for 10 rentH. i 1 CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. 'Mr. mrtl Mr. K. 11. Ktroluneler ami MY. Ann Ileal yeft Moniliiy morninj,' for Mr. Strohuieier'ji titil home in Iowa until fall. W. II. Lenin upeut Monday iu Oriints I'iihh. Clenn Owen vWtetl Hullo Kalln firtt of this week. J. N. Smith Iiiim retiirneil from u viVit to Northern California. Shipley IIohm linn retiirneil from viiyt to Han Trua'cinco anil Oakland. ";.5lrH. Ilertlm Yohiik lelurneil tiji her 101110 in (IrniitH I'iihh Monday mornf lf. Mrn. Ida KmerMin and daiiKlilevH are vinitiiij,' friendn iu Ilutto Fulls this week. Mrs. UlKtfinuollmm and children, Mr. .1. W. Pnnvelt, Min KraneeH Rlileldrt, .Hhk (leorKia ('lino mid friend, Mixnex Viola and Mary MeDonald, Minn Pearl Paukey, Mrs. mid M!hh Hulihard, Mr. Palmer, A. .1. Diiiilnp, K. It. OleiiHon, Cleo. lloall, Clto. K. Vox, Mif. llerriiiK, Mi Pelernen were iiiiiouk thu Central Point peoplo nt Medl'ord Monday. CHILD KIDNAPPED . BY STRANGE WOMAN OPH IA WCWBERW Hophla Wulsborg, a pretty Uttlo ulrl four yeuw old, lm boon kidnapped laNow York by a Btruugo woman while pluylug In tho street In front of her homo. U'hU la tho Hecond niyutorl ouh ciiho of kidnapping lu a week and tht police of Now York ure putaled Any Other Name Would Smell in -ii i - - - " -- i . .. L ., . 'I, Cytetrjcino jf-f smtd to. Tim Indian UoflnliiK compnuy wlilcli Ik InvudltiR the ncrtliwent to wiiko war on tho Btnudnrd Oil com pay Iiiin ordered material for tho con Ntructlon of their taukn at tho Crater l.ako junction and work will ntnrt tlilri week lu tho bulldluK of thu now oil depot. Tho Indian Ilufliiln company re cently nnnouueed tholr Intention of KoIiik after tho Undo In thlit mctlou, which ha heretoforo been nerved with oil oxcltialvely by tho .Standard Oil company. According to their announcement thu couvpany will put a depot, modern In every way In Med ford. YESTERDAY'S SCORES 'Northwest w: L. 1'. C. 'Vnnrotiver C7 t .lift Hpoktuu 01 r2 .ft.. 2 tiefttllo ...!t ftft .CSS Portland G9 ftS .r.04 Victoria ft2 6 .AW Turiimn 48 72 MOD , It. II. i:. Btmttlu 10 10 1 tVuncouvor'' ........... .8 12 A ' DnttcrlcN: Jniiien nud WhalliiK; Clark, Knno and Beiiulrelln: Hpoknno 2 C 0 Portland J IV 1 llatterleH: Htrand nud )eveKt: Htelifer and JlaiiHiunn. Victoria 2 2 Tnromu ,t 7 10 2 llatterleH: Smith and Meek. Hall nud l.ulonV.o, i i a '- ' - Coat. W. Vernon 74 Uh AiiKeleH 71 Oaklautl 70 Portland 49 Ban KruuclHCo C2 Sacramento ,.r. ...-17 No K"n Monday. Ii. I C ftO .G07 G2 .ft77 G4 .cur. 04 .434 72 .119 71 .398 Ii. P C. 29 .710 30 .Cft 1 40 .000 49 .ftOft fi7 .157 ftti .443 07 ,302 74 ,27ft National New York 73 Chicago 07 l'lttwliurg. 00 IMillaUelphla ftO Clnelnuntt IS Ht. Uiuln 47 Ilrooklyu 3S HoHton 28 Philadelphia 1, Cincinnati 2. Now York 6, St, Loula 8. Ilrooklyu 3, Plttnburg ft. lloutou 7, Chicago 10. American V. L. Hoatnu '.. . . . 73 34 WiiHlilngtou 00 42 Philadelphia 03 43 Chicago .ft-' ft 4 notroR ftt ftft Olovoland ftt ftO St, liUUlH 3ft 71 Now York ....-.,.. ,1fi' 71 Only ono game, Cleveland 3, en go 1. P.O. .082 .011 .594 .491 .495 .477 .330 .311 Chi- WIDOW LOSES HER ALL IN SAN FRANCISCO BANK SAN FIUNCIBCO.iAuk". ll Two porHottH attracted attention In front of tho building or tho Continental Hulldlug and Loan AHuoclatlon today. Ono wua Krank J, llrandon of the Htato building and loan coinmlmdou, lie In entitled to porhohhIou undor a. atntuto which; tho bank's couuuel do clareB uhcouHtlUitlouul. llrandon unt all day on tho Btepu because Ho could not Kot.liiHldo'.' , Tho othor figure wna an aged wom nn who wept ua hIio told how aim had boon Inducud to draw her liut thousand dollnru from u BnylngH.bauk nud dopoalt It with tho Continental; Hor bank book Hhowod her dopoalt had boon iniulo after tho luvoatle.a tlou wnu bogun. WEDFOItD MXTO TRTBUm, With plokliiR under way In tho or ohardrt of thu vulley and with xlx or Devon earn IioIiik landed tho linr veHtliiK of the 1912 Ilaitlutt jiear crop In now on In full blaut. Three cam have boon flhlpped and additional RhlpuiiiiitH will bo made, from day to day until the ttcaoon flnlahes. Ono or two of thu orchurdu In tho valley will delay pinking until Wcdneuday or lliunuluy holding bnck the picking ait much ns poHHlbh. Within two dnyH however every grovtj of bearing Uartlettn lu thu vulley will hnvo been Invaded. Whllo California Rhlpment wero heavy lat week tho bulk of tho crop ban reached tho market leaving thn Itoguo lltver fruit a npluudld open ing. ENGINE SPARK IS CAUSE OF $5,000 RANCH FIRE Ah tho result of n ftpark from tho couuty'H road engine, 20 acreu of 3 year old apple and pear trees, a flitu barn nud noveral acres of partially timbered land, wna destroyed by fire Monday nftcrnoon. Tho property known as tho Cordon Placu on the old Jackaouvlllo road, belongs to McKura. It. J. Hoot nud V. I. Vnwter and no liiKurniico was curried. Tho toss In emlmatod nt $5,000. Tho apnrk obtained Ita start In a Htubblo field nud was beyond control beforu tho road erew could extinguish It. Driven by a south wind it swept through tho orchard which was sown Interrow with liny, on to the bulldlnga of tho ranch, which worn a complete UiKfi. Immediately adjoin ing the property la n fine oak cover ed hill which wna also swept clean. Canada Wins Sloop Race CHICAGO. Aug. 13. Thu Patricia, the Canadian challenger for idu championship trophy of tho Croat Lakus, won the raco today from the Mtchlcngo. Each ono or tho tlilrtj font sloops has now won ono race. Notice of Kale of Improvement HomR Notice Is hereby given that tho Recorder of tho City of Medford will receive eealetl proposals for thn pur chase or $IS,2G0.OO op any portion thereof six per cent (0 per csnt) ten year Improvement Bonds of tho City of Medrord, Oregon, (optional utter tho rirst year). These bondH will bo sold nt tho highest prlco obtainable, but not for lesa than par and accrued Intorest. All bids must bo filed at the Re corder's office nt any tlmo beforo 4:30 p. in. Friday, August ICtli, 1912, and must be accompanied by a certified chock equal to flvo per eent or tho amount bid for anld Hands, said check to bo forfeited to thu City or Medford In rnso bid Is accepted nud bonds nro not purchased In accordance with said proposition within twenty days after tho notlco of said accoptnuro. Tho City Coun cil of tho City or Medrord, Orogon, reserves tho right to reject any m all bldB, ELMER T. FOSS. City Jtocordor. Dntod this 9th dny of August. 1912. The Proof la In The Seeing The Plor,co acres, beyond tho rsor voir, avo dotted with settlers who got on tho land last spring, uud who havo inado a vory creditable showing, There nro 73 acres still for Halo at way down prices and lu traetu ut ft acres and up. , Let uu tnko you nut nud nhow what Is being done on this n'ract. Tho prlcoa aro right, and tonus right, nnd tho land, right for garden uud fruit purposes. Water la available -for- all parta of thu tract. Let Oh ahow you.' C. D. HOON Room 12, Jitokson County Bank Bldg, MEDFORTV OREOON, TUESDAY, AUGUST .:13K191 2 as Sweet, Says Jeff li Til3 -- - r F j! i l'j .Vollrn of Krtlo of linpmvpiiHMil IIoiiiIn. )B IIKNT FUMKIIi; AITM. Not leu of Halo of Improvement llomR Notice IK Hereby given that tho Itecorder of the City of .Med ford will receive waled proposal for tho pur. chaau of $3,750.00, or any portion thereof, alx per cent (C pur cent) ten year Improvement Honda of tho City of Medrord, Oregon, (optional after the first year.) The DondB win ee sold at tho inch est prlco obtainable but not for less than par and accrued Interest. All bids niUBl bo filed at the Recorder's office nt any time beforo 4:30 p. in.. Friday. August low. ii2. and must bo accompanied by a certified check equal to five per cent of the amount bid for said IJcnds, said check to bo forfeited to the City of Medford In cano bid Is accepted and bonds nro not purchased In accordance with said proposition within twenty days after the notice of said acceptance. The City Council or tho City of Medford, Oregon, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. HL.MKK T. FOSS. City Itecorder. Dated this 9th day of August. 1912. ISUHINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Anyono wishing to engage in tho billiard business can purchase- all or a half Intercut In tho Owl Billiard par lors ns owner wishes to go away. Same can be purchased nt a very reasonable figure. S. I. Brown. liOjrr LOST Green leather pocket caso with chilli's picture. Reward re turn to Mall Tribune. 122 LOST Ohlld'H straw hat with pink ribbon. Return to Mail Tribune Office or ring Pacific 7571. 123 STRAYED From Blue Ledge Mine Joe Creek, Slsfclydu county, tho 4th of July, bay gelding Roada, 1ft hands, weight, IQftO. Tybalt strain branded If nt all with faint C, bred near Tolo. Reward for tho return of this animal or Information as to his whorenbonta. F. W. Carnn han, Supt. Telephone nud mall address lluttou. California. 124 FOUND. FOUND A Poland China hog weigh ing about 70 pounds, marked by a tag In the ear. Jf the owner will pay damages ho can havo him, West of the IJurroll orchard. R. B. Zimmerman. 122 V O It It K N T HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS FOR KENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, 21 Genoseo street, Phono Pacific 4224. 133 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, lights, gas, also bed room. Call 337 Vy. 10th, or phono 280 Home. . 124" FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, lights, gas. also bed room. Call 337 W. 10th, or phono 2S0-L. 124 FOU KENT mJTJSKll FOR RENT--Modem houso on Oak dale, $20.00. Carkln & Taylor. Phono Pacific 3171. FOR RENT Strictly inndorn ft room bungalow with sleeping porch, on Ross Court, liimtloy & McClotchle. 124 FOR KENT Two room furnished house and screened porch, 220 S. Clmpu. 123 FOR RENT Modern five-room houso. M. A. Rador, at M. F, & H. Co. FOR RENT 10 room houso roar or Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, suitable for business, real estate, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Kay Realty Co., 'Cth and Fir sts. FOR RENT Eight room houso, also utx room apartment, closo In, rea sonable, luqulro Oakdale Cash Orocory. 12C FREE "RENT Snlnll furnished or unfurnished houso, lit exchange for sllgltt services, All conveniences. Phono 1012 or 417 "J" St., cor nor South Oakdale. 122 FOR KENT FUKN18URD KOOMS W I IIHHII-WMIIII-IHI FOR KENT Largo Bleoplug room, fl.GO nud $2 per week, Modern housekeeping apartments, JIG uud $10. Home phono 3GG-K. 222 South Holly. ,r FOR KENT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottngo, 004 West luth t., two iiiocks souiii Aieutoni Hotel, Hot and cold water In "rooms, Home phono 217. Mrs. II, M. Coss, THE iPAKIv VIEW' Hotel hn chnhgiul hands. A hotel for work ing en, with cool, clean outsldo roomn. $l,uu a wooic. iiooa menia 2ft cents, Traualonta 2C contu a ulght. J, T, Perry, Trop. Ill "Tr1 "i : .... r r. r . . . . -,,. FOR KENT Furnished apartment Just llko a bungalow. largo porches, prlvato baths, new. Th Barbcii, corner Quince and W. Main atreet. Phono 347-L. KOH ItKNTOFI'ICKS FOR KENT Large, comfortable of fido rooms with elevator service, Hteam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & lldw. Co. FOB KENT MISCEfcTiAKEOtJS FOR RENT Ranches largo and sail, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR RENT 40 acres on upper Roguo River, beautiful mountain home, flue hunting and fishing, good house and burn, alfalfa field, garden and Irrigation ditch. Ad dress P. O. Box 702, Medford. Oregon. FOR EXCHANGE, FOR TRADE 4-room house, elcc trie lights, sower In, on paved st, and sldo walk In, will trado for acres or small ranch. 311 west Jackson st, no agent. lftft FOR HATiR ACIIKAGR FOR SALE Eight ncrea, Just out side city limits, nil planted to 3 year old apples; small house, good well: J2G00. W. T. York & Co. FOR SAL.E 2Va acres In Jackson ville, clear title. See owners. Sis ters of St. Mary's Academy, Med ford. FOR SAMS fiAND FOR SALE By owner, SO acres all renccd and cross fenced, now C room houso and barn, two chicken houses, good spring, fine young or chard, good horse, wagon and har ness, chickens, household goods nnd tools. 12 acres in crop. Every thing goes for $1500 quick sale. $700 cash, balanco ono or two years. W. L. Howland, Colestln, Orogon. , 124 FOR SALE 200 acres or any part. A snap, near Talent. Seo II, L. Young, Hotel Medrord. 122 FOR SALE MISCEWiA-N'EOUS FOR SALE Fresh, gentle. Jorsoy cow. W. E. Bryson, Griffin Creek. 123 FOR SALE Pack horse cheap. In quire Constable Slngler, phono 930-F-3. FOR SALE Blackberries by crate. Call Home Phono 319-R. 130 FOR SALE Ono 7 year old gray mnro weight about 1400. work any place. Ono good buggy and bet of single harness, mare, buggy and harness. $22ft. Ono flue Jersey family cow. $50. II. E. Trovillo, Phono residence. Central Point, Orogon. 122 FOR SALE Ono Iron crib and ono nailing Jack for apple boxes. In quire at 340 South Rlvorsldo.135 FOR SALE A good strong moun tain hack, nearly new. J. C. A.. Medford Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Saw Mill. 25 II. P. saw and Bhinglo mill with equip ments. Good location and good rig. will sell cheap. luqulro, 83, Trlbuno Offlco. 127 FOR SALE Chicken ranch and ber ry patch "si mllo from Medrord, sidewalk, electric lights, tolophono. otc. Seo W. II. Everhard, 1013 W. Ninth st., phono GC71. FOR SALE Light. 2 seated surrey, good as now. Humphroy, S1G E. Main. 123 FOR SALE Seven year old cow with call. $4B. oast Coutral Point bridge. Clins. Shtupo. 122 WANTED MlSCICTjliANKOUfl WANTED Ono or two lots In tho wost part or city, must ho cheap ror cash, state location and prlco. Ad dress A-23. 125 WANTED To Invest a row tliousaud dollars lu good paying business. Box O, P., Tribune. 123 v HELP WANTED MALE " WANTED A mail with tonm to haul 200 cords ol wood In Buttu Falls district. Address A. P. Barrow, Medlord, Oregon. WANTED Bookkeeper and steno grapher. Apply Box SI, caro Mtv.Il Tribune. MEN OR WOMEN Wanting light', pleasant employment ut good, big pay, cull at tho B. & li., 303 East Main St., Medford, . 123 r i WANTED Ulrl for housework whole or imrt of. time. 1427 E. Main. Phono Pacific 7571. ' 120 WANTED Olrl for general house work, family of three, dollar, a day. Mrs. Win. Budge, Cll W. 10th. 12C WANTED A competent woman for general house work. 406 West 2nd. Telephone 4301. 122 WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or general office man. Hot 7G, Mall Tribune. 124 BUKINHSH DIUKCTOKV Accountants D. It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept lor a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office. Medrord Mall Trlbuno bldg: phono CC11; resi denco phono G302. Attorneys D. W, BAGSHAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa clflc, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Orflco Medrord National Bank building, second tloor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MBALEY Attorneys-at-Law. NOs. 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett- corey blag. MULKEY &. CHERRY (It. 1 MUL KEY, QEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Brick and Cement. The Medford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tile porches, columns, wstor tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases. Jardinieres, flower pots Phono Main G41, corner 10th and Fir streets. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON BUI Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor, wator filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, draft! i-i sower deBlgn, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2. Palm blk., Medford. Ornsroxi Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise B. Hedges, Mechnno-Therapists, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acute nnd chronic diseases. Consultation Ireo. 230 N. Bartlett atreot, next uoor to M. hJ. church. Hours, 9 a. iu. to ft p. m. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and sclen ttric massage given; advice in die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy, ixdy nttoudaut. Phono Home 1GS-K. Main 7973. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese niodiclncs will euro rhoumatism. catarrh. colds, golturo, thront and lung trouble, doarness, paralysis, prlvato diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladdor troubles. See rpo at 241 S. Front St., Medrord. Ore, to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Kcsldenco phono Math 42. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor end Builder , Country work a specialty. Plana und estimates froo. Box 522, Med lord. Phono Main 50G2. Dentists DR. W. M. VaN SCOYOO DR, a O VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Coroy bldg., sulto. 3.10, Medlord, Oregon. Both Phones. DR.,AKTEMUS W. DWANE Dentist, Offlco lu Kiulto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Tolophono Main G81. Night phone 4432. Furniture MISSION FURMT-JkB "WORKS Corner 8th uud Holly ats., Medford. Mission furniture mndo to order, Cabinet work' of all Kinds. A trial order solicited. PAQ3? V&M !T By "Bud" -Fishcrl ..i.n.ffti'j. BUSINESS DlRKOTOKi- Granite 'Works - . MEDFORD BRICK CO. Ceo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors anil manu facturers or brick: dealers In pressed brick nnd lime. Offlco nt their brick yard, AVrst Jackson st: Phono No. 3401. Garbngo GARBAGE Get jour premises cleaned up for tho Bymmer. Call on tho city garbage wagoim for good Borvica. Phono Main C2&1. F. Y.YHcn. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY "Noiary Pub lic Bring your work to me at tho sign of The Stall Trllitiaof. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock la not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put ant. Wo aro not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. OfHco removed to orflco Hotel Nash. In side entrance next to barber shop. Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job office in southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices, tl N. Fir st. Physicians ami Surgeons DRS. CONVOY & CIVNCY Physi cians and surgeons. Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Of rice phona ft 01, rcsldenco phono C12, Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. F.VA MAINS UAUL.OW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gnrt nett-Cqrey bldg. Phono Main C351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Oiricu Garnett-Coroy bldg.. rooms 211-212, phono 5501; rcsl denco 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phone, residence 109, olfldd 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to 'diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Kcsldenco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 3C7-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to eyo; car. noso and throat. Eyes Bcieh tiflcally tested and glasses supplied. Ofrico 21G E. Main st,over Med rord Hurdwaro company? Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p, m. Bottnilione& li B. PICKBL, M. D. Orrico Jack son Cdtinty Bank1, orrica phone M. 432; Res. phone, Mi 582. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Marks Block Orrico phouo 4901, Residence 70S1. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 6 and G Kentner bldg. Orflco hours 10 to 12. 2 to D. Phono, Bell 271, Hesldonco phono Bell 273 Home 347-X. E. KIKCHGESSNER, M. D Prae- ttco limited to Chronic Dlseanes. Office Hotel Holluud. Wednesdays 10-3i Both phones. Residence phones; Farmer 16xx5 Eaglo Polut ami Roguu River line. HERMANN F. RATTE, M. D. Of-i rico over Medrord National Bank. Ofrico phouo C701. Res., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M, D., 'Prau tlco limited to Eye, Ear. Nose und' Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed. Garnett-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Ore. Ileal Estate GEORGE L. DAVIS, timber lauds,, room. 205, Home phone-131-K. Ovdr Fruitgrowers Bank. REAL. ESTATE L. N. Judd. Talent, Ore., fruit, alfalfa and gurduu lands. ' ' Stenographer; ELKA'M. (iAUNYAW Patia black. -Stonographlo' work done qulbklj? and well. .- Transfer r EADS TRANSFER & STORAaj,GO. . Orriqo 10 South Fir, PJiaW BelP 3152; Ilonia 350-K, vhm W51IU. ourYltIS BUMPtttllMMI.! i Undertakers JOHN" A PU)KLr.UHtnxr 4tU wmpauner grrio 3 fcoutk J ieiL si, impn8np: UfcY. 471; night, rtdenc UWJ HoHiem-L. Ontts mtiin$ or day. Awjbuluuw awrvifetl &u - fit I M i u I0i t -st !l r P 1 - .1 .1 ' I 1 , i, I I n si) i? 'tt-