MEDTTCfflT) MTTTfi TRTHUNE, OTDFQRD,, ORKCION, TUESDAY, ATOUST 13, 1012 PXG1U THOTlr1' 1 1, ,1 V i it I iV J 1 "ft STEERNG n m m i T. l'J, WhII, ii iWiniir ichIiIkiiI of l.ytuiH, In I.Iiiii coiiiily, wImi wiim going through Hid couiili'v riiiiMili) In Oklahoma, with hlrt fnnilly, hi mi iiuloinolillu met wllli mi iicclilmil In lliu tuncliliio Kutuiiliiy nlghl in which M mud, Cliiinlu iigtl 17, wiirt mtvuily illJlMDll. Mr. Wnll liiul imiilii eitiup nl llugim I'iT Wl l llii l-r m I'limlly while Iho niiii'hlim wim luUu In (IriuilH 1'llHM glllllge (u lilivu H'lUlilH llllltlo. 1,(1 Ik Kntiinliiv night hit went In ilrio tint cur hunk in llogun Itivitr. Tin hoy went iluuu tint mud In meet him, mill wiih i Mini; on ln running hoard nl' lliu ninehliii' when llm lutrp i-uive nt Ihn (Irtu'ii'ri ereok tTtwHltig wiih npphiiielii'd. Mr. Wnll untile I he. firt i-nrvii nlrlght hut Hid bkering grnr looked ami hit rover riirve wiih tint taken, llllil (III) iiudiiiiohlle. a t'nrlv. borne power linger, plunged down tim Mx fiml ciiihitnkmtint rriihiug thn hoy luiilly hitl wim'ii lite iiiiit'hiiie anil ii loaning tree that nloml hy lint mail uhle. Tim iiar lurueil on iu lde, Mr. Wall riding It tliruitgh Mainly. Dr. KIImvoiIIi ami wife, who wrv driving along lliu highwnv at llm tiiipt of th iiecidenl, offered firt itld Jo the, Injiiiml man, ami a little. Inter Carl Ocnluer eur, with a party n- nUtoil In nun eying (hit injured hoy to ClrnnlH I'iikh, u'hi'H) ho wn attended hy Dr. Knilth. Nu hointn went broken hut thn hiti ami tin! hIiIo of the ml went unvcrly limincd, tyiriotiH rexttlU ant not iinticlpnlcd, although it will Iim Miitin ilnyrt before ho run hu tip itml iiruuinl again. BUILD UP EXHIBIT OF LOCAL FRUIT MAN CHANGE!; HOMESTEAD LAW J. A. Perry bun started tho tmll rolling to scouro itxhlbltA of fruit to ttullil up dlnpluyit In thu display rooms of tho Medford commercial club by brining In some vary fine specimens from hi 4-year-old trees. Ho In urging fruit growers throughout tho valley to do tho mno thing. "Now Hint harvovsilng U under way," state Mr. Perry, "II should be viry puny to build up a creditable ox hllilt nt tho rammarclnl club rooms and overy orchnrdliil should take ritotinh trouble to chooso noma of his fluent fruit for display. Now In thn time, to secure tho fruit." (HI) "Tint prnvirdoim of huctloii 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ii i .( i ii i i iu oi. hid neviMCd ruillUM'H, iim iiiiii'IkIci!, In niHpiicl o I lie luuurHleiid pniiml, nut miiilo applii'iihli! lo all tin peiii'idi'il t'litrii'rt upon wliiuli rci iluilcii in ii'ipilriiilt iin well iim to Iiom iniiilii nl'lcr liinit II, llll'J, ivhvtc (he oiilrymiiii litiln to tdeel to innki' prool miller tho law ol dtitio II, IIM'J, ie Mpecliiit; all ol' !1h provinlidiH, Hie pel roriniuii'it of which n exnclcil during thu liomi'Htrad period. Ah ii couhc. MUi'lii'i', thile iwidi'iien in rnluivd from, livu o flit ft) yonl'K, HpoeiHi' rill livalloii in oxaclcd lieHliiniiiK with tin1 Hi'i'oiid yt-iir nfti'r entry. Final piool of full I'ompliaui'i) iiiiihI hn miiilc within fivo yi'iiw from data of onliy." From lih it will ho noted cntryiiieii who lutvo filed on llien (ditim prior to ilut niacltiiunt of llu throif yi'iir law mind fih) a dt'claralion with tho Depiiilineiit of tho Interior, providing lny ptofer to M'ifr't t licit title o tho (dnipi and provu up iindei tlu old flvo year law, olherwiti! the Ihreu year law hecoinert oM'rativi', Thn amounl of cultivatioii rcipiircd iiuditr tho new thri'it year law i. renter than under thu old law. Con hldurnhlo anuoyaiK'u and pocMihle difficulty in itiiikliin proof can he avoided hy a careful examination ol tho provision f the new law and Hut ruliiiKH of thu Department of the interior nardiiiK it, a contained in their Ciri'iilarn Noh. I'.'.'i and I I'J, which can hit obtained from tho .Sec retary of tho Interior, FM.YA' CfUXCC TAKES HOT SHOT JIT ILK FA J U VOW GROUND VKUDJCTS ti HHiSHPr' l ' V xwi'6 IffiH, 'W7 vW NaaMTtfc? www wk mf BAK ER PROVES MIGHTY HUNTER W. 1. linker, ntrcot cotnmlitslono, hnn jirovod tho tnlKhtleitl nlntrod who IIiiih left Med ford for tho vlld thlx JRcaxoii, IIIk trophlcH woll hIrIi Mailed his faithful lltlo pony on tho I homeward trip, nlthouf.h Dakcr upent ... ... -... ... Ak t.... .a. ODi uiree onys in 1110 iiiiih. ronow InK In n llHt of tho tfauio nenurcd by Daker: Oao black tailed buck. Ono brown bear, welKlit poundR. Two Btccl hoailn, Onn do7ti small trotil, Ono gallon wild blackberries. Five Kflllonn liucklebcrrlcit. Ilaker thlnkH ho'll ko again. J.'.O CHINA WANTS ROCKHILL FOR POST OF ADVISER fKANK GIAKCE A R IS Fritnk flmiiie. of lite CIiu-iibo cluli.J .'ork In all tilt rx,.rr-ir. ne I of Ihcoplttlun ilml lhfoppolntf Icflin inner m-cii. be iy, inure l I- nl n lilu illiihiuiiii.-e Mltlle plnyliij; rnKlon wlirn Hip vNltow were l.-i Hip (JIhoJii n the IMo (Jroniitl In Nctr'ini equl chance In the tcnlliu. i L MOOSE COUNTY TICKET TRUTH TELLING LOSES A HOMESTEAD IN RESERVE Joo llnll, who hrtH been homentend- lt)K In tho Crater Forcut Itcmarvo on tho Mttlo AploKntn dnrliiK tho Init three or four yearn ban been ordered off hla holdliiKH by tho land offlco nl llOM'liuie. Ho U moving bin bolonR Idrh down tho creek tnrco tullea to thn old ComboMt liontcMtend. Hall took up tho rlKbtM left l.y hid brother, Tom Hull, who nettled on thn claim In 1901 and filed ap plication for houicHtcad rlRhtH In 100.1, In tho hrarlUK tho uclRliborH xworo that Tom Hull wan on tho houicHtcad from mx to elKht inouthn each sir from tho time of liltt fllliti; until hlH death In 190K, hut Joo Hall when ipiorled at tho time of hla prov Ing up on tho honihHteitd nt Hmuv hurK two yoara iiko Htnted that to hlH knowledRo bin brother hnd lieon on tho honicMtoad threo ninnths annual ly. Tho land conimlHHloueru held that Hall'H Htatoutont wuh proof that IiIh hrothor had not fulfilled thu obll KuHoiih liuporiod by tho Kovornuient and tho rlhtH were cancelled. Hlnco tho death of Tom Hall, In 1U08, Joo Hall him lived upon tho claim continually. Ho hns cloarqd additional ncreM of land which brluRR tho cultivated acroiiRn up to tho Itrand total of 12 or 13 acreu, mid Iioh built him iv comfortable homo !n pluco of tho Iok cabin, lived In by IiIh brother. Jou Hall In nu old Bottler. Ho hau lived In JnokHou county for thlity yearn. Ho would have a chance, to rofllu on tho propoity If It wore not that ho UBod hlu liomoutond ilsht wtdlo IIvIdk In Montana yoara iiro. tiio Kovoriimont offielalii wero eoutildornto to thu extent of allowing tho old limn ulx inouttiH tlino to out IiIh ouIh mid iIIk hla potntoeu mid iuovo or noil IiIh Htouk. KcpruM'iiliit(; ciht iirecincth ol Jiiekxou county tint county central committee of the 'ncroNAivo parly met at the officu of II. F. Mttlkev Monday evening and decided not to pluco a comity ticket in the Held for the cnmiiij; election. Thu i1icuHou reKiinlltnr the feithihility of Mich it move wiim IciiKthy mid thoroiiKlt hut n majority of tho committee thought the party idiould deoe itn cnergus U the atutc nnd coitKri)H.ioiiaI tiuketH. 'Harry I,. Irwin wan rlinncn Htate central romuiittcomau. Kditor (1 recti of the Ahlllnd Tiding wax n chihC nccoinl in tho election to thia office. Tho ui;it distrlclH rtprencntetl Monday eveniiii; wro Mcdford, Ash laud, Central Point, Gold Hill, F.aKp Point, Wellen, IJarron mid Talent. TO MAKE HARD FIGHT ON PANAMA TOLL CONCESSION WASHINGTON, Aur. 13. A do lormlned flRht 1h to bo made In thu conference on thu l'linama canal bill nRalimt KrantliiR freo puhkuro to American forclRn bound HhlpK. Sen ator IlrandeRcn lit Mild to ntand with llcprosentntlvca Adamaoii and Htev inii In oppotdiiK what they coiiHldcr n violation of treaty rlRhtit nnd too Kroat a eoncoMHlon to foreign bound uhlppliiK. Tho HrltlHh Koveruinent It U nald Ih Awaiting enactment, of loglHlntlon boforo entering n more formal pro- tCHt. In rccoRiiltlon of tho nuporlor right of tlreut llrltalu by vlrtuo of tho Hny-Inuncufoot treaty, other nntloiiH have refrained from approaching tho Htnto dopurtment. It Ih expected tho Hrlttah foreign offlco will come for ward with n propoaltlon to submit tho Ibhuo to arbitration. THREE-YEAR-OLD BOY IS BURNED TO DEATH A three-ycar-olil hoy, Ihe hon of I'. A. PhillipM, war burned to death in .. fire nt Ketliy at two o'clock Mondav aftcrunoou. The lad, whohc mother died a little over a year ngo, wiih liviiij; nl (ho homo of .Mr. nnd Mrx. Frank Ilogue. lie was out playing in the bum mid chicken Iioiiho Monday afternoon, mid evidently had uuitchcn in lit r MtK'jion, hi art cd n fire that destroyed both buildings ami lis own llfo with them. The hotly was ter rihlv huriied, life being extinct when it was rccovcied from thu burning building. SAY HAVEMEYER WAS PRICE DICTATOR OF SUGAR TRUST l)i:NVKIt, Aug. 13. Lettoru pur porting to dhow that tho boot and augur Induidry of Colorado wan dic tated by 11. O. Havotnoyor, head of tho American Sugar nnd Hoflnln.; company, wiih Introduced today In tho governments Inquiry boforo Spc clul CommlHalonor Iiryco to dissolve tho no-called "augar triiHt," Tho lettom wore not rend but will bo latr on. A telegram tdgnod "11. O. ll." Haying ho could not pay ovor I BO for boelH wna atiBwered by a letter from Cheater S. Morey, head of tho (Ireat Weatorn Sugar company, say ing there would bo nn ndvnnco In the future without Hiibmlttlug tho matter to Havomeyor. Other Icttora tend to Hhow Havomoycr dictated tho jioltey of tho company throughout. Breaks Record With 1478 Passenrjers VANCOUVISH, 11. 0.. Aug. 13, HniaklitK ull rucoidu for C. P. It. coautwlHo HteitniorH and wruHtlng thu liluo ribbon from tho PiIiicohh Vic toria, which Iiiih worn It along her uldoH over wlnco 19Q3, tho 0. P. It. Htoamer Prlncetm Charlotto, miidu thu phonotuauiil run of four houra and twonty-four inlnutoa botweou Vlutlrlu mid TiKOinu on Haturdiiy whou hIio won culled lutif Horvlco to carry u big oxuuralon into tho Tiger city. Oho beat tho Princoau Vlctorla'u time by 12 nilnutCH, donplto tho fuot that alio lmd 1.479 pnuaoiigors abpnrd. COMPANION IS CHARGED WITH WHITE SLAVERY PORTLAND, Aug. 13. Tho honr Ing'of hubonu corpun procoedlnga to obtain tho roloaao from cuHtody of CJoorgo Montrobo, companion of Mth. Allco Ilrown. tho protty young San rranciHco woman noia nero on 11 Napping of IlllnolB, out of 117,000 today was contlmioil by Judgo Mc (Jinn of tho circuit court to Th urn day. Judgo McQIiiu Htntod ho did not want to act ItiiHtlly In tho mutter and con- bldorod It advlaablo to wait till Gov ernor Wout mndo it doclulon In the ciiho of MrH. Drown, who In fighting extradition to California. Montrouo hi hold with Mrs. Ilrown on u larceny charge hut federal an thurltloH aro luvoHtlgatlng to boo If they can proaecuto him for alleged white slavery. Archers In National Tourney IIOSTON, Mnia., Aug. 13. llegln- nlng today and eontlnufng through Frl'dny of thin week, SoWlora Flold, tho nthlotle ground of Harvard Uni versity, will bo tho meccii or tho nreherH In all pnrtH of tho country, tjio knights and lndlcn of tho bow meeting horo to ahoot In tho twonty fourth annual tournamout or tho National Archery Association of tho United Statca. ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL SETS THIRTY-FIVE FIRES KPWNUFIELI), Mo., Aug. 13. Crying bitterly, hut refusing to give any ireithou for her action. Kdna James, an eleven year nuic girl, is being held today in prison by the jiolieo here for betting fire to thirty live dwelling. On Saturday thirty-fic fires oc curred hero in various Itou-es. A guard wax placed nt the house where Iduit worked, nnd the conflagrations htopped. The girl's nrrest followed. She admit firing three places, but the M)lieo believe she is responsible for them nil. Medford Prlmlns catnpny carry full Una of legal blanka LONDON. Aug. 13, Tho Peking rorrcapondent of tho Dally Telegraph cables ho underatiinds China has of fered tho post of ndvlffcr to tho gov ernment to William Itockhlll, Amer ican ambassador at Constantinople, who It wan atlpulated would not be affected by political condltloriH sur rounding tho new republic. Chlneae ncwanapcra auggeat tho aiipolntmcnt of Admiral Lord Bercaford as naval ndvlaor to China. Rockhlll waa for merly American mlnlatcr to China. DANDRUFF DISAPPEARS Bonlp l,ch VniilohcK and Hair Quickly StoM Falling PAIUHIAN Sago remember the namo when oti want a good, pure hair tonic, freo from dangerous lead and other dyes. PARISIAN Sago la not a dye. Moat tonics that dyo the hair are full of poison and aro dangerous to uac. PARISIAN Sago Is a clean, de lightful hair dressing that nourishes tho hair roota and besides killing tho dandruff germs imparts llfo and beauty into tho hair. Your hair will look nice and brilliant after ap plying PAIUHIAN Sage and you can quickly get rid of dandruff and scalp Itch and atop the hair from tailing. Avoid imitations get the genuine. Tho girl with the Auburn hair Is on every bottle and carton. Largo bot- Established 1878 FRUIT Incorporated 1904 b D. CROSSLEY & SONS Commission Merchants ' , 'Ml Franklin St., New York 1 Our Socially APPLES and PEARS Wo have our own houses In SKW VOItK, MVKtlPOOIi, LONDON AND GLASGOW Direct consign ntonts solicited or aco our Rogue River representative. CHEIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon GROWERS OF PEACHES Do you want your fruit handled by export salesmen? Do you want the 1JEST PRICES tho Pacific Coast market af fords T Do you want to line up with "The House of a Square Dealt" If so, get in touch with uh MOW. - ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. Medford, Oregon Pac. 5621. Home 307 tie GO cents at Chaa. dealers everywhere. Strang's and ICE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (2b Storage Co. Finn After Mexican Race Track VANCOUVUIt, II. O., Aug. 13. W.,W, Klmt, acting auporlntondont of tho Minora raco course, nccom pantod by hla wlfo, loft yostorduy for tho CJlty of Mexico. Mr. Finn booh to tho capital of thu Mexican republic to confer with a uumbor of thu rep roBontatlvo men of that city on tho possibility of oBtiibllnhlug a proton tlouB winter racing plant, MRS, McGILL BROKE DOWN Gives the Real Facts In Regard to Uer Case and Tells How She Suffered. Joneaboro, Ark. "I suffered a com plots break down In health, tome time ago," wrltM Mrs. A. McOlll, from this place, "I was Tory wook and could not do any work. I tried different remodles, but they did ma no good. One day, I got a bottle of Cardul, It did me so much good, I waa surprised, and took some more. Bsfor I took Cardul, I had headache and backache, and sometlmoa I would ery for hours. Now I am oyer all that, and can do all kinds of housework. I think it Is the greatest medicine on arjh." In the past fifty years, thousands of ladles have written, like Mrs. McOlll, to tell of the benoflt received from Cardul. Such testimony, from earnest women, surely indicates the great value of this tonlo remedy, for diseases peculiar to women. Are you a suffererf YesT Cardul is the medlolna you need. "Wo urge you to try it. N. B.WHffe; U4l.A4vtofy rfcft.CMiu. loo Mr,4lcln Co., ChttUnoog , Tnn tor Sptctni Intlnirtumi, and M-nn book. "Hoa Trtitmwi Vr Wwuio," mm In tUln wrapper, on rtqutit. If Business Is Dull ADVERTISE And Make It Better . 4. .A. . . A A A A A A A A 4 A A A A A A A. A A A A A A. A A A A A A A A A A .A A A A A A. A A A A A A .A. 0MMiMrAIAAIIIAA ,w-w -w---------------- ------- ----------T.--- V f ? T f ? T ? t t f f ? t t T ? f t t T T f f ? t t I f T f f f t T Advertising is the foundation stone of the modern successful store. It has created the "VVamiamakers, the Marshall Fields and all the other retail merchant princes of our era. You will notice that the big city merchant keeps at it every day iu the year that is tho reason of his success. ITo has something to sell some store news worth imparting to the public, some bargain to offer or some ono thing to interest and attract purchasers. lie makes his name a topic of household conversation. Ilis store news is read as oagerly as any other news. His storo is thronged with buyers all seasons. lie does it by advertising not once a week or twico a week but overy day. The Mail Tribune reaches practically overy home in Medford and surrounding territory. If you aro in business and want customers, use its columns and increase your business. If -you are a coiir sumer, read its advertising columns and find out whore- to trade. ' j ?! . ' V IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN The Mail Tribune ALL THE TIME f T t t l o Wtj ft. u 1 ' ;l i i M ,1 1 Pi-, l ' 3 ..