'" ci ' arcnon Hlstwlcal Sirf City HaU 4WnTrI i Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER l-'nlr hurt warm M S?Ji Mlntttt ltd Hhiu SW.t .. . V' ., L Knrty.dncnnd Yenr, Dully Hnvanlh Yi-nr, QUAKE SHAKE ALL OF TURKEY; Towns of 10,000 Population arc Oe stroycd hy Flnmcs Viltnucs Alonu Sen of Mnrmorn Injured Even Constanllnoplo Suffers Tremors Begin In Early Mornluu Hours nml Trap Many In Bed nofiicus at Stnmlioul CONSTANTINOPLE, All, 10. Re port itx-olvod hero today statu Hint Turkluli towns of Tchulek Knluaul ami (lallpoll woro dontroyud In nil mrthipiiiko nud Hint over .100 per lulled, Vitiligo along tho Hen of Mitrmora worn badly nhnktMi. Tho Hhuukx MkvT full hero unit did roiuldcrnblo damage but no f ntull tlm woro reported. Tim flrnl new to reach hero wn brought when refugee, Injured nud fxliuiiMtoi arrived at Htamboul. They declared tho Hhock woro extremely viol tint. Tim tremor began early In iiiornliiK Iioiith nud ninny impped uud died In their bod. 1 1 inn ten an to tho number of vnry greatly. Troops hnvo riihhod to the noetic, Tho town of Tchorlu, In tint went Eh dead boon tho Adrnluoplo district, with n population ot 10,000 wn destroyed by n (Ire KilcceedliiK tho earthiiiake. (lalllpoll at the northwest vm trntire of tho Onrdnnelleti has n pop illation of thrno thounnud nud Tchulek Knli' has ten thoiunnd. I OF FATAL PLOT PORT Air PIMNCK, Aug. 10. Kvilcd to Juuuiicn liy CinoinntiiK Leeoiiti). Into president, of Ilnyli, for Iiih elliirlH to tomeiil revolution Here, (loucriil Trcbuiiiou Saint -.Jtint uud liU followers toiluy nro reported cnroiite to Port An I'rinee. (Icnorul Smut .hint exuootrt u iruod nurt of the Hnyticii uiiny to Miipport liim in nu utH'iiipt to ovei throw tho present government, Fighting is eertuin to follow hiH rot urn, According to n stnti'iiuMit k'ivoii out hy government officials, it in guuorully believed hero that agents of Gouurul Saint-Just blew up (lie powder mugnzino whieh roHiiltod in the dentil of President Lceouto. President Do Augusto In ulumtod over tho rupoitod coining of (lonernl Sninl-Just nud bus despatched ml dltionul government (mops to the frontier nud Honpoilslo prevent his binding on IluytU'ii null. ONE KILLED. FOUR HURT TACOMA, Wn., An 10.-J. ('. Creuinilohol, u lalioror, wuh honihly iiiuiiKled mid killed, uud four pus HciiKoiri wero injured ne,out B o'clock this murnim; wlien un iuhouud S)auuwny hIi eel-car oniHhcd into tho rear end of a woik train on (he (iiIkc of u doop uloh in tho resitlenco heul ion hero, Tho Inhoror died liuforo reaehlnj; tho liospilul uud (ho paHHoiiKcrs woio badly Khiikon up uud wrenched, huu Hiifforud no HorioiiB lnjurie,s. At tho Hiimo npot Home yearn uj;o u heavily loaded car phuified Into tho uuleh, killing nearly own Huoro nud injur iiiK inuiiy morn. CALIFORNIA MONTENEGRINS CABLE FUNDS FOR WAR 1.0H ANOELKH, Cut., Auk. 30. Moro than ,1-3,000 Iiiih heeu cabled to (ho Monleuegriu ininislcr of war from Tarn Aii;eleH, to he iiHod hi tho ovonl of war with Turkey, The r00 WouluiiPKriuH in 1.08 AhkI3 huvo pledged 10,000 (o tho cuiiiho, m m SAINT-JUS BACK KILLING LECONTE TACOMA TROLLEY T T E Injunction In Caso of Continents Loan Association Rescinded Penally for Illegal Acts of Man agers Only a Misdemeanor State Commissioner In Control of Situation Concern Is Short In Its Accounts $318,000 SAN' FRANCISCO, fnl Am;. 10. Admitting llial the teiupornry re nt minim; order he had lMicd to pre vent Hulldiiig uud linu CoiiiiuIh doner Gtmigo S. Walker from Inking MHMi'Mion of the Continental Ituild big nud Loan AnMieinllou, declared by the I'oimnUhiouor In ho short 118,01)0 in its accounts uud chiHd for liipiiduliou, hud been iniuhert I'lilly Untied, SiiKirior Judge (Iridium today ordered his notion of csler dny Mica led un petition of the stnlc utoini'v general. Hv llns decision, whieh wan ulrenotislv coiuhuttcd hy Attorney Cliivin McNub, direetor of the Con tiuentnl nnd lis utloruev, Judge (Irahain judicially dcclnrcd tluit courts hud no power to stay the huuiN of un uilmiuistrutivo stale ofiloor in tho performance of hi il ti ties a laid ilouil hi the statutes. Stnto Hunk Kxuminer V. J. Wd limns declared today that tho prac tice of carrying eheckinj; nccounls hy tho Coutiuentnl, ns alleged by dpposltorH whs a clear violation of the state buukluu' net. rufiirtunately," be said, "the penalty is only n iiiisdcincaiior. It slimild by nil means be iniulc a felony uud I shull roeomuiend It in my re port to (lovcrnor .lohiiMtn, nnd nt tempt to have Hie law so amended." "The explanation of the Couti uentnl directors that thev were not doini; n coinuiercial ImukiiiK Iium iiess hy linudhn clicckuii; accounts is riilieulous." JOHNSON'S CAMPA! E CHICAGO, Auk. 10. Tho openiin; campaign HKeeh of (lovunior John son of California, progressive iioiul- noo for vieo president, will bo made at .Syrneuse, N. V., September 5, whou ho will address II.OOO delegates to tho proKt'csivo slate coiivetitiou. Thin announcement was mude hen this afternoon by Senator Dixon, chairman of tho proressivo national commilteo before his departure for N'ew York. TAFT PRAISES COMMANDER PERRY FOR RESCUE WORK WASHINGTON, Aim'. 10. Deehtr iuu' that Ids conduct "compelled ad miration nud deserved the highest prulse," President Tuft today wroto a commendatory letter to Captain Perry, commander of tho United Stntes Itevonuo Cutter Mumiing for rescue work performed during the voleuuie eruptions of Mount Kutinui, ICodiuk Island, Alaska. lEDBIf ALREADY CHICAGO, Aug. 10. ConcodlnR Prosldont Taft hut four Htutos Now Mexico, Wyoming, Utnh and Ver mont In tho coming presidential election with n total ot but 14 oloc total vote, C, W. McCluro, chairman ot tho Georgia delegation to tho rrogroHslvcH national convention hero, produced flgurea today Intendod to show that Colonol Rooaovolt's voto in tho electoral college will oxceod both that of Taft nud Wilson, tho demo cratic, uomlnoo, Among tho atutos claimed by McCluro for Hoosovolt nro California, Colorado. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Pennsylvania,, No vudn, North Carolina, North Dukotn, South fiakotn, Oregon, Ohio, Wash ington, West Virginia uud Wlacou- jiIu a total of 2D5 electoral votes, ANN ORDER OB BUSTED BANK MEDFORD. CHAF1N READY 1 Prohibition Candidate Hears of His Nomination and Accepts Honor of Lcaillrifj Dry Hosts to Battle If not to a Crownlnrj Victcry Both Taft and Roosevelt Scored hy Dr. Mead in His Notification Address waOkkbiia, win., auk. 10. Huudrodii of pemons catliered In Cutler I'nrk hero today whuro tho llev. Chnrlex Mend of New York City notified Kiikoiiu W. Chnfln of llllnolri of bin nomination for tho preildoncy by tho prohibition party. In nccoptlnK tho nomination Olinfln charged tho old parties with nlde.jitoppInK the lUiuor (iiestlon and tho IiIkIi coot of living problem. Chnfln declared that ho favored n bIiikIo term of kIx years for prcisl Aenl; n BiippreRulon ot tho whlto ulnvo traffic: scientific revision of tho tariff; direct election of sena tors, tho Initiative, referendum and tho recall, nnd woman suffrage. "Abraham Lincoln declared that tho nation could not remain half sluvn and half free, and ho was rlsht. Wo doclnro this nation can not remain hnlf drunk and half sober, and wo too nro rlnbt. SInvvry and liberty wore, nnd nro onomles, nnd no too, are drunkenness and sobriety oncinlcit. Tiilily nnd Tiift. "No law, no lawmaker, no party, no Koverntnent, can mnko wroiiK rlKht. IIIkIi llceiiRo and local option hnvo fulled to regulate, hecauso wronn ennnnot bo roKulaled, but must bo destroyed. Christ catno to de stroy, not rngulnto tho works of the devil. "DurliiK tho past fow months, as n nation wo hnvo boon humillted, nnd our people, regardless of politi cal nfflllntlons, hnvo hunR their hends with shame ns tlioy beheld tho Presi dent of these United States, and tho only IIvIiik ex-Presldont. out on tho stump callliu: each other liars, nnd rovorliiK each othor with political mud. 1f what tbeso two men havo said nbaut each other is true, neith er Is fit to bo presUUnt; If whnt they snld wnn not true, thon. neither should enter tho Whlto House again. Clioflu's Arreptnuco In ncceptltiK tho nomination, Mr. Chnfln snld in part: "I nsk you to extend to tho Pro hibitionists of America my most hearty appreciation of tho pront honor conferred by nominating mo ns tliotr candldnto for President of tho United Stntes. I nccept this second commission of responsibility recoR lttlon of tho llijuor traffic Is tho most Important nnd paramount Issuo In national politics nnd Invito to full party fellowship all thoso who on this one Ishuo nro with us agreed in the full bellof thnt this party can nnd will promote national unity nnd lu suro the greatest welfare, ot all tho people." Frank T. Searlqht Dead LOS ANCIKLKS, Cnl., Auk. 10. Frank T. Senrighl, former president of the American Press Assoeintion, nnd for yenw nn netive newspaper hero todny of pnrnlysis. Tho total number ot votes in tho oloctornl college Is 531, making UCO iiocoBnary to iuBiiro oloctlon, Governor Wilson la conceded Ala bama, Arizona. Arkansas, Connecti cut, Delaware, Florida, Loulsluuu, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebras ka, New Hnuvpshlro, .Now Jorsey, Now York, Oklnhoniu, Rhodo Island, South Carolina, Texas nud Virginia with n total ot 202 votos. McCluro'a figures bIiow thnt Roose velt wilt got sufficient votos from doubtful atntos to Insure his oloctlon nud puts, Idaho, Massachusetts, Ton H08800, Qoovgla nnd Kentucky with n total of 00 votes, lit this column. It was announced this afternoon that Souator Dixon, chairman of tho progressive national commlttoo, ap proved McCluro'ti forecast. EOR DRIVE ON WATER WAGON CLAIMS ELECTION OUKOON, BATl'MIMY, ALW.ST 10, 1912 TO UMPIRE JUG VWV. CT.V Tj-xcs j, .j.j.. flrlKndler Geiirrnt Taikrr If IUIk. commander of the Eastern dlrlnlon of the Uultvd States army, wtll be the chief umpire In the bif; war same this month InvolvluK tM.000 men In an nttad; on and defence of New York cliy. The manoeuvre v,UI be the mot extensive eter uudi-rtaWen In the United Mute. MIMIC WAR 10 TAKE NEW YORK NW UNDERWAY STRATFORD, Conn., Auk. 10. I WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Red With mimic war hnvlng been de-jhot denunciation of alleged dilatory clured, tho task of the Red army In , tacllcs of tho senate judiciary com tho maneuvers began hero today to mlttco was voiced In tho senate capture tho Crolon wntorshed In, Judiciary coinmlttee was voiced In Wiigtchestcr County, New York, and tho senate today by Senntor Pome thoroby cut off the water supply of ! reno of Ohio In an effort to secure New York City. Tho Uluo army Is action on his resolution directing the defending tho city. 'attorney general to criminally pro- Thoorotlcally, tho Reds landed at secute defendants In tho oil and to New Bedford. Masjxu?Yoek aKO, nndibacco trust BtilU. slnco then have been marching south ( Pomereno moved to take tho mat- west to begin tho attack on New York. Troops nro now pouring into Con necticut, nnd tonight two armies of 10,000 men each will be camped at this point. These troops nro com posed of regulars and volunteers. It Is planned to use the most up-to-dato devices nnd tnctlcs in the big wnr game. For tho first time In this country each nrmy will be accompanied by an aeroplane, Tho great Atlantic fleet which bo stationed In Now York harbor Is to bo crushed by means of aviation warfare. When this Is theoretically accomplished, an Immense nrmy will besiege tho gate of tho city. NEW YORK, Auk. 10. Fanned b tho wind Into n raging Inferno tho two docks of tho Now York Cen tral Lines nt the fool of West Thirty Third Btreet, on the North River here, caught flro today nnd nro almost a total loBS. Tho piers woro filled with tner- chnndlso when tho conflagration startod and the flames s proud rapid ly. Several firemen were compelled to Jump Into the rlvor to save their Uvea. Tho flro was extinguished nt 2 o'clock this nftornoon. Captain Holt of tho hnrgo Ludlow, his wlfonnd two chlldron woro cut off nnd rescued with difficulty. Threo pier employes who woro over come with smoko woro hlso rescued. Tho loss Is estlmatod nt SCO, 000. NOMINATION OF SCOTT WITHDRAWN WASHINGTON, Auk. 10- The nomination of Leslie M. Scott for United Stntes nuir- hhul for Oiokoh today is with- drawn hy President Tuft. -' ' WILSON REFUSE TO DISCUSS WOOL VETO SKA CIJRT, N. ! Aug. lO.-Oov-ernor Woodrow Wilson returned here todny from New York. When naked for nn opinion .of President Tuft's vetoing the wool bill, flovornor Wil- hqii refused to uiako ny comment, ROY W YORK DOCKS WAll MANOEUVRES PIMENE SCORES SENATE'S OELAV ter out of tho hands of tho Judiciary committee and consider It on tho lioor or tno senate. Chairman Clark explained thnt tho committee's work had been so heavy that It had been Impossible to get to the resolution, but Senator Pome reno asserted that tho members of the committee, Intended to do noth ing and pointed out that the statute of limitations would prohibit crimi nal action The matter went over. 10 I WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Settle ment of the battleship controversy in tho house by a compromise on one super-dreadnaught is regarded as practically certain today. It Is planned to build tho biggest and speedlebt war vessel over constructed. Such an agreement will bo probably ratified at a conference next Wednes day night. FLYING AVIATOR FALLS INTO ENGLISH CHANNEL HOIT.OGNT-:, France, Auj?. 10. Stnrtinjr on n flight nero.s the Kiip-li-h Chnunel from here todnv Aviator lU'uumont lot control of his machine when 100 yards off shoro nud tho hydroplane plunged into tho wnter. Hemunont nnd the machine wero both su cd. WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. The United Stntes government is to wngo u mighty war on American eo.il barons nud nssist workingmon to get fuel nt u greatly reduced rate, if tho plan proposed hero todny by Secre tary Fisher is curried to successful conclusion, liy Fiedler's plan nil government conl lands nro to he allotted to cities for use with tho undqrrfluiufing they aro to supply municipal needs ns well as those of its citizens. Tho first step in the proposed plan was taken yesterday when Seorotary Fisher recommended "Hint congress pass tv hill granting (110 uores of government coal land to flinud Junction, Colo. Fisher fnvors n bill authorizing the interior department to grant 010 ucres to ouch cltv nud 1-10 neies to ouch town under conditions AGAINST TRUSTS CONGRESS COMPROMISES CITJES TO MINE COAL FOR POOR TEDDY (ADMITS i STEALING IDEAS FROM BRYAN "Of Course We Have Stolen All i Planks From the Democrats That Were Good Except Those Fit for Lunatics," Declares the Bullies! Ncrjro Question Is State Issue De clares the Progressive Nominee Whites of South Must Aid OYSTER HAY, N. Y.. Aug. 10. Admission that many of tho planks In the progressive platform are of democratic origin was made hero to day by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, progressive nominee for president. When Roosevelt's attention was called to William J. Bryan's declar ation that the progressives stole all their good planks from democracy, ho said: "Of course wo havo etoten all Ideas from tbo democrats that were good except those fit for Inmates of a lunatic asylum." Colonel Roosevelt proudly cxhl blted todny a telegram from the Bremerton, Wash., navy yard, which read: "Wo Join In congratulating on your nomination. (Signed.) "Crew of the Oregon." In discussing the Negro problem, Colonel Roosevelt said teday: "As far as the Negro question Is concerned, we got It started In tho only right way. Wo came 'near breaking on It, though, because so many did not understand ahd wnnted to mnko It a national In stead of a state Issue. Lincoln re garded it as a state Issue. Ten years ihcnco the neoplo will see that wo Ih.ivn rnrrerMv solvnrt tho nroblom i - ..Tho whIt0 men of tho Soitth must Lm h, w j,v nushlni ahead' tho deservlnR colored tuau and driving the venal negro out of politics." CONGRESS NEXI WEEK WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Hoping to clear tho decks for adjournment next Saturday, leaders In tho senato today are arranging a strenuous pro gram for next weeta Senntor Dillingham announced this afternoon that he would call up his bill to prohibit corporations contri buting to campaign funds. Senator Bailey gave notice that ho would de mand consideration of his constitu tional amendment fixing tho presi dential term at six years and prohi biting re-election. HOUSE COMMITTEE TO ACCEPT CANAL BILL WASHINGTON', Aug. 10. The house committee eommittoe on inter state commerco commNbion decided to accept the Panama Cnnnl bill practically as it passed tho house yesterday. The bouso members mere ly suggested a few minor changes in the wording of tho measure. providing prompt and continuous development of coal, tho prevention of nity assignment or transfer of tho hind, safeguarding of life nnd health of miners uud undue waste of mineral resources. The plan pro vides for the titlo to revert to the government if nny oily or town fails to fulfil the&o conditions. GRAND JUNCTION, Colo., Aug. 10. -Tho coat land Seorotary of tho Interior Fisher plnns to allot 4o Grand Junction is located in tho Hook Cliff mountains nnd is a portion of a great coal fiold, Tho Colorado Conl and Iron companyoperates six mines in this field, and ndvounes of muni cipnl mines cjiargo that it only operates thoso mines on occasional periods to keep tho supply shortened und maintain a high price. PROGRAM NO. 120 HARVESTING OE 1912PEARCR0P START1NDAY Daggett and Dear Creek Orchards Have Already Shipped Car but Season Will Open In Earnest Mon dayUnsurpassed In Duality Orchardists Have PIcMnn Crews Ready and Packing Houses Will Soon Be Scene of Activity Ifnrvestinj: of the 1012 pear crop in the Hogue River valley will start in earnest Monday nnd hy Wednes day every pear orchard in the valley will he a Scene of great 5"tivity. Picking nnd packing crews have been completed and there will bo no hitch whew the work is tnderthkcu. Two cars of penr.s have already been shipped from the vnllev". -TJie first went forward a week ago- from the Dagget orchard. These were picked enrly for export' trade. The Mccond ear went 'forward Inst nigh't from tile Hear Creek orchard and n second enr from this orchard is being loaded today. HillcreHt, Voorhics and other or chards will begin harvesting Mondny while Tuesday will co nearly every Mar orchard invaded by pickerx. Packing houses hnvo been put in readiness and suplies have' nil been received. ' The 1012 pear crop in tho valley will consist of ISO to 175 cars The fruit is unsurpassed in quality and. ns it will reach tho market after the bulk of tbo California crop is 'off, good prices wilj bo received. The pears this year shaped up well and are unusually fine In appearance. v REBEL CHIEFTAINS DISCUSS PEACE EL PASO, Texas, Aug. 10. Com manding rebel generals today arv on route to Juarez from all sections of Mexico to confer with I'ascual Oroico, commander-in-chief of tho revolutionary forces, regarding peace negotiations with President Madero. Whllo verification has not been ob tained. It Is believed that several of tho federal commanders will parti cipate In the conference which Is to bo held In "Peace Grove," oppo slto an EI Pasa umelter. It was reported today that Gen eral Orozco agreed to 15 days of peace, beginning yosterday, whllo tho conference Is In progress, but that later he declared the truco at an end. GERMANY DON'T CARE ABOUT CANAL BILL VANCOUVER, B, C, Aug. 10.- "Germany, so far as I am aware, has no concern In tho controversy be tween Great Britain nnd the United States in tho Panama Canal tolls mntter." asserted Dr. door Tie Bar tholmow, United States correspondent or tho Cologne Gazette, who is In this city. "Personally," tho visitor continued, "I cannot seo whoro Gormauy should, bo concorned, Tho United States built tho canal.. However, from England's standpoint, I wilt sa that, according to a clause In tho Hay Pauucofoto treaty, tho United States was not to discriminate nganst lift tlsh vossols." ILLINOIS FARMER SHOOTS NATIONAL GUARDSMAN i ... . i. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Aug. 10; , During tho militurymnnouvera iiwr, hero todny throe liiQUiberH. of the Illinois Nutional Guard wre shot by. u farmer while pniinjr. through tlZ butter's bnrnynrd. Nonq, oiMHtf mn woro seriously, wpuiliUd. , According o th offieerA of llmi Fifth Iiegiuiont, in camjijjj Oawpf Lincoln, the slKdV wf"firl with prpvocatinn. WH 0R0ZCO J tisr. fa -j1'-: 4f