& " & WflDFORT) MAIL TRTBUtfE, M1SDFOUP, OHKGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST . 9, 1012 PXGU THRU t p 7B H ER IS LE. IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE l. 10. Ilouvor, ii woll tinown pioneer fruit Kruwiir of tint ltiKiin Hlvnr vnN toy died at Dr. K, II. I'k'liol'H officii In lliln cUy Tlnirnilny iiftoruoon, whllo an aiiMHtlitttlo wmh ImliiK ml niliilnturoil In older Unit u dlntocntod UiIkIi iiiIkIiI lid Hl, After llui ncclddiit oieiirrod Mr. Hoover wan taken lo dm Mercy how pllal In Itoriotmrw whoro hit wan nt tended iy hi hinthnr Dr. II. II, lloov. or. KooIIiik n Knmt denl lutttur lui (lt!t!li(d to ruturii homo yimtnnliiy nnd m-cnnlliiKly iirrlvml on No. 15 In tho llftlTIKHMI, 1( wiin lakiin at oneo to Dr. I'lcM'n offlt.ii wlmro an X-llay pli(i(oi:iiii)i wan iniiili) or tho liijiir.'d hip, ami It Han iiHrertnlund that only a dlnlnrntlou hail reunited. l-VdlliiK t'xctwilliiKly wnll, Mr Hoover iwkod that I ho tolorotlnit 'in iniulo. ArcnrilliiKly Dr. 'Ilmyor he nun ailinlulHtnrliiK ether and Dr. Httmrn imMMed by Dr. I'lrkol iunuliu luted the joint Into plnre, llnfnni h hnil heroino entirely iimlnr tho In Muiturca, a wnaUeuliiK of heart nc tlnn wan notlc'il. Imuindlntoly tint tihyMclnnn admin- iMored hypodermic Injection, In Id I n of which tint patient continued In nlnk. Klcctrlc (refitment and ur llflclal rcHplratlnn woro reported lo for an hour without result, Mr. Hoover hail a wonk heart ami tio ratinn of thin other wna nduilnlritorcd with crrnt cant. Mr. Hoover In woll known In thl eilnn. Ho wna f.H year or hko, (oiiiIiik from hi homo In Mlnxourl nt tho an" of 3 ami mHUIiik In Itonu tinrK. Tor tho pitnl Ho yearn ho hnn lived In Meitfonl and tho Immadlata vlrlnlty. l.ntoly ho and IiIm hod (JhnrJo hnvo conducted n niimey liiidlnKM IhioiiRtiont fonthern OreRon and It wan whllo on onit or tho oc rnnlonnl vUltn to It I rt jmtrona that tho nrrldnnt occurred. llexlde n wlfo, Mm, Almn Hoover, ho leaven three children, Mm, J, C. Kolln of Medfnrd, Clinrlc lloovor, nlo of thin city, and Walter C. Hoov er of m AiiriiIch. m UT ECUTOR HEARD SHOT KEPI SUB Al GRACE TRIAL LOCAL MEN LOST IN SUTTER'S TULES Mike Mordorff and Krod Weeks of thin city have rottirncd from a 1U00 inllo niitotnolille trip through Califor nia UltliiK Crenrent City. Hurokn, Uklah, 8a n tu Itona and other placei en route. They experienced no trou ble nave from a litKht out while lord. Tho two lout (heir way In tho tnllen or Hotter county and IioIiik forced to camp over iiIkIiI In tho Isolated low landn adjoining thn river. It wan dunk whun the OroKonlnn loft Knight Landing tor Marynvlllo lint believing thity could reach tho Hub City they nlarled forth In tholr nm uhlno only to hook rind themiiolve overtaken hy darknen and nur rounded hy high and waving tnllen. Trnren or tho road had been left bo hind, loo, and after a fntllo attempt lo locate tho rourno thn weary trav-erk-rn divided to mnko tholr ubodo for thn iiIrIU In tho rnnhen, llko MoKcn or old peacefully nlept uncoil ncloun of any diuigor. With tho com ing, of daylight thn hunUmon trav erlern again ntnrted forth, found tho road and were noon afoly within the murine or tho Hub City, whoro thoy told tholr thrilling talo or ad venture to H, D. Johiwon and Jack Kolly, rrlendn, who guided thorn warn, ly about town and then Kent tho nu tnhittt on tholr homowartt bound journoy rojnlrlng. tUCENL- M.CIRACE W2S LVSy OWE Gt2CE ATLANTA, (in , Aug. O.Connld erahlo nuriirlno In felt hero over tho remarkable afterniuth or tho Uraro trial catiM'd by tho Hlalmnut or Hollcltor Dorvoy or tho pronecutlou that ho heard tint nhot fired In tho Oram apartment from bin ijuii ronuin a few doom awny. According to Dorney'n nlatemuut. tho nhot wan fired between fho and ntx o'clock In tho morning. Kugeiio alleged that bin wlfo, Mm. 1). O. Cram, nhot him an he slept, during tho early bourn of tho morn ing, but tho defendant's enno wan built upon Testimony that tho nhot wan fired In n ntrugglo shortly after 1 1 o'clock. Upon this testimony alio watt acquitted. Proflocutnr Dorney dectnrod ho would hn gono on tho stand and testified of his knowledgo had ho not been lidvlsed otherwise, by eminent Jtidgen upon ethical grounds. O L NO BERRY KU LEWIS MINE ON TAYLOR CREEK SOLD Tho Harry L. I.owIh mining pn porly, located at tho mouth of Taylor crook, on ltoguo Itlvor, In tho Calico dlntrlct, Iiiih boon sold to Toxaa pur tloH roprosontod hy John M. Konn, D. M. Owou and Mrn, J, J. McKcovor. Tho salo 'Inclndea four plncor olalniH, with n total or 80 ncroH of rloh ground that Iiiih novor boon worked, Mr. I.owls having lono hut llttlo development along thin lino. Thero aro hIho Included 1Q0 ncrea or rami laud, Tho now ownorH will develop tho inlilug olalniH ut onco, and will put In threo anil ono-half mlloH or ditch and riumo to bring water trom uppor Taylor oreok ror tho oporntlon or glantH, thin work alono to cost In the, neighborhood or 10,000, Kenliicr'n Halo Allnictn Tho Kontnor nnlo a attracting aueh t crowds that tho rorty olorkH In tho Hto.ro nro worked toholr cnpuclty. Kxtra help haa boon hlrod ror Hatur day, Greut hargulnB uro .bolng of (oi'Ovl In nil llnVa, Chirglng that M C Mnlnger, mnu ngor or the Ashland l'rult AhkocIii Hon wan holding back shliuuentn or berries and turning them Into an Anhlnnd cnntiory in which ho owns an Interest, several berry growers ot Ashland forced tho association to take official notice and call a meet ing to probe the matter. A com mittee which Investigated round Mr. Llnlngor's actions straightforward and ho wan retained. Tho situation wan explained by President (llllello or the association who stated thnt tho blackberry market all over tho const Is over stock this season, owing to tho co incidence or an enormous crop and hard times, He mild thnt whllo other districts have been willing to take 0 cents a crato tor their fruit. Ash laud growers have been getting, up to Haturday night, an average of 80 cents a crato. Lately, bowovor, sev eral boxen have been Ion In tho ware house without a market when tho business closed at night. These ber ries Mr. Llnlngor hnn bought for the cannery at prices equivalent to 72 and 77 cents, Tle fact that ho Is connected with both Institutions gave rise to tho charge ns stated. MM TO BE BUILT JO HANDLE M E OREGON TIMBER WOLF IS The fox, with nil of hih nmviliU'tl cuiiiiiiii; anil Mibtlety Iiiih not u whit tlin better of tltb Oregon limber wolf. AciHirding to Chuiloy Wilkinson, iv trapper In the Demi Indian country, the wolf. Iiiih in addition lo u' gteut Htreiigth, utmost liitmiiii iiujlligeuee. Mr. Wilkinson kIiiIoh that ho h.ts liicil every possible wny only to incut with failure, uiul Ihu wolves nro in iVMiiiK tlui lower ranging country with impunity, On one intension Imp were onto fully laid urouiul u hollow htuinp, which hail licou bailed and lioli'h left in (ho htuinp showing the incut, Tho traps were novel oil with snow in front of nil the holes, effectively ooininunil lntr nil possible eutriuicu lo the halt. However, when Mr. Wilkinson univeil lo inspect tho Haps nu.t innmiiiK lie found thai (hey hud heeu drugged to one side uiiil the liuit gone, ' At another (imu the wolves dug under tliu tuips unit ohdilncil tho bait without springing (ho trap. Mr. IlamiiHirHley, tho government hunter, who iii in, that section, is haying the hiuno Kind of hiiooosh, or lather Urn lak of HitcitesH uiul thu euttlemun lire daily complaining of their losses. Medford PrlnitUK company carry it full lino of legal bl&nkv. The Itoguc Kiver Lime company, vthii'h hux Ih'oii doing u crcat iiuiotiut of duvclvpuicnt work 041 it proiHtrty on ('honey cn'ck, 11 branch of the Applcgntc, has decided to in-tnll it trnmwny to Ihe ipiurry. TImm eoiupauy has lately completed n road up the creek to the voint wlicie the lime rock supply was to he obtained, and contemplated put ting in the kiliiN ut Unit place. The new road lind a grade of from 15 to "2f Kr rent, however, this being too steep for the caterpillar traction en gine to negotiate with ease. To do iiwiiv with this climb a half-mile trnmwuv will be erected to deliver the rock nt the bottom of the grade, and (he kiln will he constructed mid the lime burned there. Kilns of the most modern type nro to be built mid the iudiixtrv will be developed into ouu of the big com mercial iutoivet of Southern Oregon. The capita! behind the enterprise is supplied hy Portland men, who mo the ineorporalors and stockholders The rook, which was found in iuex huustihlo nuantity, burns into the heft grade of lime, mid kilns have been huuicd in a miiiiII way for fifty yours. IF TO FIGHT IS POT UP MILWAl'lvl',1:, Wi.s, Aug. U. Th.il Jnek Johnson, world's licavywcig'.it champion, will emerge from his re tirement mid fulfill tho contract with Hugh Melulosh, tho Australian fight promoter, to meet Sum Luugford mid Sam MoVey at Sydney, providing Mejutosh deposits .fir,0U0 in the I'lilted Stales, was tho word euhled (ho promoter today by Tom Andrews, Mcintosh' American representative. "Johnson will )'ight is ho sees tho money in sight," vvus Anilrowh' an swer to Johnson's reiteration of hi letireiuent miiioiiucemeut in Chicago. - ,SrortiMid,Ortcoa X , KOPll HOMU, I moitl nti1nt ! Vr School for Gltlt iihurg or Bltr o( HI, John lUptlil (EploIJl 0IUl, Ai44iit ti xuatsurr PfMU0MI, MtiW. Aft, (IxitUa. OmulM. ForrUlokldrMTIIK BISTKH HUrKIUOHl Otflto3.SI, IIMrnt 1111 Clark 6c Wright LAWYERS WA8HIN(3TON, D. 0. Public Laud Muttora; Ftual Proof, Deaort .Liinda, Coutoat and Mlulug CftBea.,' Qcrlp, ' & m m : V 4. W ,,!H. mr-' ?k i:.. 1-J&'. V(t' Jtja- - - iisHf K Wvi BrHHBfikU vwm rPHE wailcr knows thai he is serving a dis criminating guest when ordered to bring Pabst Blue Ribbon ThiQ Beer of Quality This is the bevcrjige beyond compare, and is appropriate foi all times and occasions, Whole some and refreshing a delight lo the eye and the palate th? perfection of brewing. 'Bottled only at the brawcry in crystal clear bottles, showing at a bianco that it is clean ami pure. This la tho beer for your home. Phono or wrho Jesso Houck, Agt, Medford Ice & Storage Co, ' - Phono 241 " WHERE TO OO TONIGHT fSIS THEATRE Vnuilctlllf. I'olilplii)H. dam: a hai.k Tho Irish fashion p'nien I'cntiirliif; their double triple tuiiKle- foot clog tiii; k.u,i:m co.'H htupkndouh ohikstm, rjtoincrio.v tiii; FinnTiNO dkiivihiif oi' TIIK UVMKltT Featuring Miss Oeny Oauntlcr WIIO'H TO WIN? A bumyRraph Till: IAUItHIi VItMTII OF FA.MK A tense drama deplctlnc ttic trni;lc llfo of one or tho world's Rrcfttest musicians COMING 8UXDAY UK) TWO UKKIj IWKJItAI'll FKATUItK "A TliMFOKAItV TKVCET GOOD MUSIC KrrnlnK performance, 7:30 Admission 10 and lt cents Special matinees Saturday and Sun day at 2 p. m. STAR THEATRE Under direction People's Amusement Company. ALWAYS l.N TUB LKAI) 4000 Feet of First Hun Film, 4000 TIIK IlKQUlTTAIi A powerful Solax feature liOVK'S SUUKST l'KOOF A Ecnulne treat In motion pictures TIIK VANISHING HACK Matchless talo ot Red Savages . One thnt will touch the right spot AIi SATIIKIt, Tho Singcr Heallstjc musical effects MATINEES DAILY Admission 10c Children 5c MORTGAGE LOANS Mouey on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest rates with "on or hefore privilege" JAMES CAMPBELL Phone 3231 320G-C.Bldg. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Guaranteed Prices Hcusonabls GOFFEEN & PRICE 85 Howard Block, Satrano on ath Rt. Psolllo aoai. Horns a. Crater Lake Auto Line Car will Ioavo Hotel Medford, for Crater Lake at 8 a. m. Tuesday and Saturday. Return Mondays and Thursdays. Spond Sunday at Crater Lake. Reservations made at Medford lintel ottlco. Watch Our Addition Grow Juckson ud Sutiuult Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. F. & II. Co, Uldg. ICE CREAM PURE and WHOLESOME attiii: nmiiT i'iiick In carton, 2fi cents per quart, 25 cents extra for packers of any slzo lip to one Ration, Any order over one gallon nt $1 per Ration, Deliveries of packers to nny part of thn city. Ico cream served at the creamery nt f cents por dish, Medford Cream (EL Butter Co. :fa PACIFIC & EASTERN RY. SUNDAY EXCURSION to BUTTE FALLS, ORE. AUGUST 11, 1032 ROUND TRIP ONLY $1.00 Leave Medford 8:00 A. M. Return leaves Butte Falls 5 P. M. Take your lunch and spend a day of! rest in the cool mountains. Good music. Good hotel. Save Money By ordering your Fall and Winter suit now before the busy season starts BiO REDUCTIONS IN V ' "'""- , EVERY STYLE Do you know that you can get a Fall and Winter suit NOW to your measure for $12.00 and up W. W. Eifert 209 W Main Medford's Progressive Tailor Nearly a quarter of a century under the same m,anagemcnt THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because p ( ( V j, i. Soundness of principle Economy of management , A , Safety of investment v Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawter ,Presideut G. R. Lindley, Vice Pres. C. W. McDonald, Cashier GROWERS OF PEACHES Do you want your fruit handled by expert salesmen! Do you want the DEST PRICES the Pacific Coast market af fords T Do you want to lino up with "The House of a Square Dealt" If so, Ret in touch with us NOW. ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. Medford, Oregon Pac. 5621. Home 307 as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. f '. i ,, . Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice 8b Storage Ge: 1 - .n u t n -. is