-.; . 5 PAG1 TWO wmmmmmm mmm-sms BtyWWPyiKHlWIJMMII IHIM !. H. It. Strong, district Inspector It6cky Mountain Flro Underwriters Riwoclatlqn, Ith lieiulquartors nt Pueblo, Colo., U looking over tho valley tyk r view of Jooatlng. ij Mr. and Mrs. W'X felty,- Mfts Shunn.bijf'ot CJiijlnijy HlV"fiNl.fH, jI3. Galo and W.J, KoyVa havisrelumcd fropi An automobile trln to .Crater Lake, JffapjthjFalla anrl'AJrcr. TUcy rejjp'rt jtji$ Joad 1 xcUen( coudj tloft.'aild a apiendid trip. Jlarotpocki, sporting gpodji. blue riaipe.rtlorloM oil atovo, rerrlgcra toietc." fjqea1 rlgljt. Sliaplolgh HaryVr- CP 8 South Central Jeff Bronhy 1b In "the city from lila ranch on tipyor Rogue It Ivor. Dick Stringer has loft for bis Llttlo Dut'tb crook ranch where ho will spend tho, summer. r Carkln & Taylor (John I. Carkln, Gloria 6. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, over.Jackson County Bank Buljdlpg. Medfofd. t Miss Bello Coolcdge. a member of tbe.facujjy of the Sacramento' high school,' Is In Med ford" visiting Mrs. Glenn ,0. Taylor- - Moved to 31 N. Grapp atrept. Tho Medford Conservatory Tor 'music and languages. G. Talllandler, director. Open all summer. 'j.'cV Ma'nu Iras returned from Minneapolis. Makers .will put on a 19 cent sale Saturday, , "yonepd mpney and wo, need It badT "We are, runnlnp the same old safe' wota'rted last "November. 10G N. Front street, the cheapest atoro in ttje.weat. US' fMr. Benson, former real estate, man feoi$,'js visiting In Medforc. Money 10 loan on country proper ty. Carkin & Taylor. Jackson poun- ty BankV BIdg.. Medford'. ' Shfist, 35 cents, overalls 50 cents pan'u $1.00. "Will H. Wilson & Co. Tlio cheapest store. In Che west. 11? ford visiting his brother. Robert. Mr. and"Mn." Harry B. Fellows of Berlin Tailoring and French Dry Cle"anlng Company, 109 "West Main r street, wish to announce that they are prepared to dp first class clean ing and 'pressing' also hats "blocked and 'trimmed. " LadleV and Gents' suits inadp to order. GJvo us a trial. 'Satisfaction guaranteed. Phono Pacific (3G2. 'H. A. Schell of Grants Pass Is In Medford fdf a short visit with friends. Mr. and Mr. B. E. Thomas of Ap plegale arc spending a few days with friends, Inhu'cuy. " Hy.P, Baker, street superintendent has left for' a hunting trip. He left loaded for bear. See. R. A. (Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County Bank. 1V. J E Wljtoms of Sayagp Creek spgnt Friday in" Medford with friend's. .' W.'ijuntey" returned Thursday eyerilrig from" a' jjuVlnqss trip to MlqHeapolisT 'Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Carpenter of Ashland 'spent Friday in Medford with, friends. . Ha "for "sale. W. H. Everhard. PhoTie 6671. " H. Ol Rowland, wife and two dayghtijrs "of Chicago aro visiting Medford'. Jlr. Rowland is preparing for a'jBories of articles on the north west. C. L. Parker of an Francisco who has beonr visaing h' brother Joe "here for tfie past wiyjk left for Portland Thursday evening. He will return to San Francisco by way of the east. 'DfrF.'c? Page who makes his home at Los Angeles is in the city for a few days business visit B'. D. AVestpn, cqmmerclal photog- rapuern, negatives made any time or place oy appointment ruunn . AsmaY( fire was teporte,d In the Sqijw Lake, district Thursday but was under control before it had dam- ngea tne, upioer in wui. Bcuyiuu. .j'heodorp Gflass pf Beagle passed tliwyffilleMqT&recenlty on Ills way to Eugene or business, Franlj Jsaacs. and Cpurt HaU left ! rjqay aiiernogn or iy$uu ws' fishing.1 fhlB 'is Frank's final fish inc trip qf Xhq seaBpn as frujt pack ing ?arts afxt week. To will dlfept tlie jjorjt ojt several of tb fargp orr cha'rds'jn yafly )hs season. J3e rs. Ijoynojds homo made bread at' Doy'ops. A grass fire at Jackson and Cen tral gained' a fast start Thursday af ternoon agd IJ; took the f Ire, bpyij some timo to control IJ. Np damage. W. E. Holmes of Sioux City.'lowa, Is yJsltlng; p. E. Hlnraap qnd family Soda' Fountain "at DoVoVb. Miss Mao Forren of the Mldvale or chards has left forn oijtlng at Sea side. '""'" "alphowglll has returned froni a jisjijnp trip un Itqgup JtiV9r. Wetk$4HcGowanCo. UNDERTAKERS "'KflRVwini' O. V. Meyers has IStl frtr hn auto moblln trip to the Klnumth Falls country. Mr, j and Mrs.- j. U. Mahon of Granli PaWvspcnt Friday wth Mod-toraVfrlonJj.-' , , ' , li C Garnett with a party of friends Bhent Thursday fishing on ltoguo Hlvcr. J. I O'Xoll of KitRcno Is hi Med San Francisco arrived In Medford Fri day on inejr way lo Crater ljiko by automobile;. Kodak tlntslilng, tho best at Wes ton's, opposlto book store. C,H. Sbnj-no and son Uert have ar rived from Jtoseburg for a lslt with friends lii this city. Arthur Johnstono has returned from a brief outing with friends nt Rosnburg. Mrs. Alice Thompsoiu of Gold 11111 spent Friday In Medford with friends. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Clements of Talent have returned homo after a visit In Medford with friends. A.- Gordnn Perry, city editor of tho Medford Sun, who has been fishing In tho Elliott creek country ts ex pected to return homo soon. S. A. Nowol!. ladles' taltor, 4th floor M. F. & H. bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O, Taylor are planning a trip to the Oregon Caves in the near future. Bert Stacey of the Rig Elk district Is In Medford on a short business trip. Miss Agnes Bert of Roseburg is in Medford for a visit with friends. Mrs. Catherine Blakeley of Salem Is in Medford visiting with Mr. and Mrs. II. J. N'orry. Misses Fay Gllmc and Mary Smith of Talent wero recent visitors In this city. John "W. Stewart of Williams Creek is spending a few days In Medford on business. Cbarllo Murphy of Big Butte Is In Medford on a short business trip. Miss Kelllo Dawson Is visiting friends In tho upper Rogue River country. G. W. Ager of Talent was a re cent visitor in Medford. Ho recently returned from a business trip to Eu gene. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson of Thompson Creek aro visiting friends In Medford. Miss May Buckley of Central Point spent Friday in Medford with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie French are vis iting friends in Medford for a few days. They aro en route to Seattle from Los Angeles. SPECIALTIES FEATURE Of NEW'YORK, Aug. 9. Specialties, with much strength behind them, were tho feature of today's opening stock market. Sears Roebeck and Westlnghouso Electric gained from one to two points, while the active list showed but nominal changes, with a mixture of gains and losses. Canadian Pacific and Southern Pacific fere heavy nnd the Hill Issues were under recent best prices. Steel and Copper were, under pressure and the trading was very light. Reading was the feature of the activo group. Tho market closed irregular. Bonds were steady, f f y y y y y T T y u y w l9q Sale You will be surprised to know 19p SALE i ..... j 25s Oil Cloth, 48 inches wide 25c Lawns, values and patterns that must be seen to be appre ciated . ;. JLadies' Lisle Gloves Ladies Enbroideried colors Sun Bonnets . . n Bath Towels ... MsrV Straw Hats MEDFORD MATH TRIBUNE, "SEEING" IS HELD H IPCE COlf A "seeing" took the ptaco of I hearing In the courtroom of Justice of tho Peace Inylor this morning in stead of thy customary "henrlnjf." The nssnnlt .casj jjroTorred against l J. Mdberg, n deaf mute, by his sis-ter-ln-law, Mrs". Anna Gnllsky, who Is Uk)vlst afflicted, was tried out. x reconciliation was effected by Mrs. I.klborg, .after much wigwagging mid wrltng. Tho progress of tho ease was slow but jtho.ro was no doubt about its ending. The three loft the court arm in arm after a furloiu oscillatory making up scene. The trouble grow out of a' family quarrel. Lldb.org wns charged with slapping his slster-ln-law. L DEM STEFFENS LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Aug. 9. "t did uot at any time prior to the plea of guilty discuss with Lincoln Stif fens any plan for tho McNamaras to plead guilty." This statement wns made by Su perior Judgo Walter Uordwoll, trial Judge In the McNamnra trial, over tho objection of the defense. In the trial of Clarence S. Darrow for al leged Jury bribing today. Judge Bordwelt was called by tho state tb impeach Lincoln Steffens' a magazine writer, who sworo that tho Jurist was cognizant of tho negotia tions for the McXamara plea of guilty. Following tho sentencing of J. B. and 3. J. McXamara to San Quentin for the dynamiting of tho Los Angeles Times building and the mur der of twenty-one men. Judge Bord welt issued a public statement In wfiich he said that tho bribery of Jurors and nothing else caused the ending of tho famous trial. COST $11000 TO LAUNCH PARTY. CHICAGO, Aug. 9.' A statement of the expenses bf the progressive national convention Issued hero to day shows that It cost tho new par ty Just $17,000 to meet here, while it cost J0C, 000 for tne republican na tional convention to ro-nomlnuto President Taft. Tho seat salo to tho progressive convention and the' Indi vidual contributions totalled $19,000, leaving a surplus of $2,000 In the progressive treasury. The progressive national commit tee continued today its work of can vassing the various states regarding tho progressive outlook. Chairman Joseph M. Dixon has appointed Geo. "V. Perkins, former member of tho banking firm of J. P. Morgan and Company, chairman of tho executive committee, and Perkins will name a treasurer and other officers for his committee. M. (& mm. ES T Y GREAT SATURDAY only. Any sold for as high as. 50c, Jftc 19c 19c 19c i9c 19c J9c MEDFORD, CRKOON, FRIDAY, AlWST 9, 1912 IliipS BEAIIIY C1IUWGO, Aug. !i Dotoijplued efforts were begun today by tho stato to fix the death penalty on Mrs. Klorouro Uonifituln, ncousod of tho nuirdoC of her UuhIuukI and wliose trial openud hero today. Mis. Uurttntelu ndtultted tho kill ing, of hor husband, (ieurgn vltoriir stein, a prosp;!roisi ?al'8iii;uK In thulr homo, but basoH hur plea on tnilf do fenso. ".My hCiBbaitil camp Into tho bedroliui with a rovblver In his hand and tliruiiU'iii'd to lc'lll mo." she mild. "1 struggled with hi m atid tho gun oxploded five' tin'tm during tlio tussle." Mrs. Uornstoln Issnld to bo tho most beautiful woman ever tried for murder In Illinois, If not tho ontlro country. PRICE OF BEEF JUMPS " TWELVE CENTS IN TACOMA TACOMA, Whsh.. Aug ' 'J-Tho wholesalo price of beef Incrensed from 11 to la cents here In tho last twenty-four hours. Tho supply Is extremely low and. tho wholesalo price Is expected to Increase from ono to threo cents. -JtOtull pr'cea of beef aro ralslntf.accdrdliiKly and thore la a general trend. toward an In-, creaso In tho pt-ico" of other meats. Scarcity of stock Is" assigned by hutch- era and packing flrnts as the,. cause of the Increase. By winter meals aro expected to roach a price plactpg It beyond the reach of th poorer classes. TtH TftlHf, J-i- KI.OVD'S CONVINCED OF VIION"S KI,Ktri()N . m LONDON, Aug. 9. Con vinced that the democratic nominee is to bo the next president ot the United States Lloyd's today fixed a 50 per cent premium for liiKuranco against the election of Wood row Wilson ot New Jersey. -f4--f-ft 9 t t r '-. '$ y y y y y y y y y 5 1 nirrt rnn imnnrn ftl 'H M. Department Successprs GOOD k 25c article what you can secure in 19c goods. but as this is the tinusual intpftst - t Ribbons, values to 35cTailored Dress are all beautiful assorted colors 25c and 3.5c Susene Silks. We have an extra large a.sort ment of these goodsf all colors 19c Ladies' arid Children's Hose 19c Men's Suspenders 7 . 19c FIREBOYS ELECT ' NEW OFf At the recent annual mooting ot tlio Medford File doptivtiiiout tlio fol lowing officer) wero elected for tho ensuing year: Jack Dopt, president; K. IJ. lCades, ,vr-uro,rtldi)ut; Con Cady, pwretury: J. V Lawtoit, an slsluut secretary; Hindi (tregiryi treasurer: Jack Kredenburg, sor geniitntnruiH: llnraeo UobeitH', Frank i.tttdtny and .1, V. Unvlon, trutVi JackDoiit foreman; P. uWl,f,n.; assistant foronmii; town. Amrfnii. Reports covering tho pant year shnw.u ureat liuprnvoiimiit ulntut nil HnuH. l'liuoral XotUe. Tho funeral of Douglas Jnitnoy will be held at Perrydale from tho lituno or his brother, Paul Junney, Snturdiiy at 10 u. m. TOO LATE TQ CLASSIFY KOU UBNT Strictly modem, T, room bungalow with sleeping: porch, on Ross Court, llnntloy & McClotehle. FOIt UKXT Furnished hoiuoktmp tug rooms, lights, kus. alio lil room. Call ft;T W. 10th, or' phqno 2 SO Home. Mm .Vot.t.iiivCMUmtJ 1 i I tWSfsiLNsCIf IMt MBIT ftIS( Of IIMJ3 AM MART. CA. jt,Uk nJ (HI ttH. XjMJt.l i lf puJ,,ts Krli M n ihj ltv)lriijTfi!liij'.Wm?lMAh.o.KWMAJ.Ir.M SliTtH IlTJtJU. A Al.."i tuJ'. ntt-'U tag Tfw 1 nmiiiiiiii,iiw i , , ' A SNAP 'A "S. ' v .... CO niyeA, six mllea lrom Medford. good graucu roan crosses mo iraci, all rreo soil, at J50 por aero. 1000 will handle, easy terms on balance. Part Is creok bottom land, suitable tor alfalfa. Several springs on tho place. Timber oiinugh to pay for tho tract. No building. In the Griffin creek district. 1C s I W.T.York & Co.'d A, HALF Very Clioico Residence Lots Look ovor tho f , , , List-rOoah Only, No Trades At (jio'eprnoi' oi'luin nnl Watm Avu.f ? lots 50 x MO'lVot, south front, 0 uitiu IrtiijH. , .$,100.00 jr the :i lots. s i'llojs 75 x 1-10 i'oci. on iMain nuar Wose, soutli front, largo tivo, insido lohi. $700.00 for this Hioifo location worth $1,500. 2 higli, inside, cast front lots, 50 x 1-JD reel' on I lose Ave. $1)00.00 for both loj. 2 uisido lots, 50 c M0 feet, west from, Uose Ave. $700.00 for the 2 lots. H. E. GATES 23 R030 Aye. TJTTrn to Meekers GOODS' in the Store clqse of the summer season, many Items of . are on display. 35c, sale . Linens; tlese ifinish goods; . . ic 19c Fin The Little doctor ill Colijestod I.tiim"' Don't wait mltiuto got Man Uioii'h Muntnrd Ceratu. It thero'H nliytlilm? earth that wll' liwul off piiuiuiiowft It's "tho Utlltf llktiir" ;.Mno Lareit'h Mustard Corltlu.' ' "''' (let a Jar today at your ilriinKl ho Iiuk two sxes an mill fi cwt' If lui hjisii't hn will not U for you. ICuup Mao Karon' Mustard rat XZtoS ftU',,u, end many n cold and line. mil" Ii(..j...i i.Afitn.. Ilk.i t.itillv lnitcit. Jurist on ttm OrllOual mac L.Anr.N'5 VLL NOT ULKSTEK. Accept No Hi)tltito Medford Pharmacy and other drug- kIhIs. Draperies AW curry a vry ri)iiultn linn of draporlvN. iart curiuliiH, flvliifn. le. nnl ile nit clmum of mitiulnierlntr. A nlu'Cltil titnii to ttioK nnir tlilx work fxcltiHivtly and win kIvo an itiwd Mrvlc nN In inniltj to Kt In ivn Urn lurijcnt oltlcs. Wooks & McGrQwnn Co. two cut imi;m on tho V U i: V l li A X l (17.000 Tons) A R O U 1-'nnit New Yor Oft. III. 11MU IV.'iu Kun Fiiiii.N.o VI). II IIUU, Will visit Madeira, ijpnln,' llalr, Ugypt. India, Ceylon.' Str.Utn Hetlloments, Jftva.i Phlllppliieri. China. Japan, 1 with Overland American Tour. INLAND KXCtlttSIO.VS I AND HIDi: TRIPS Duration Mil IMjh Dirli j $11.10 and up, including all nee esuary nxpnnri aboard mid imlioro. railway, hotel, shore, excursions, carriages, gulden, fee, etc ' "Atk nuronn who has made tho Cruise." I Wrlto for Booklet ' II Mlll IU1.AMKRICAN l.lSfi Kill Powell St., Sun 1'nuirloco ur local nut'iitN N J qp i u . " , VV Q R PRICE ' - ' ? Stores IS23 -!Zm HiUHriUllIiaLTiUil , TP' 19c. Today only Many of the items ' ' Frehch 3ingl)ams sale Boys' Caps sale . jLmDroiaery 10 men Handkerchiefs . .: 2c Tissues. . . 25c Tissue Ginghams 25c Seecucker: 25c Danish Cloth 25c Ticking , -... ..... -; -. .: n Are Yoh LacHing Tsfi? flood - PUiiiH' rnllflilo tfc'lh tlnttym can tnint for iimntleniliig piirimaunV If ho you will bit tl"'l t '("yw ,l'l wo can mijiply )'i wtlh,liUjlo teulli or filir wllhojit' any dlfflulilty, or paht on Vbiir irt; hud til n very mail irtiln pi lr. Wo uru oxporleilced di'iitUtu and prantlco all hnilinliUH of tho IiiinIiii'M with groat rtuccenH, Vnii will fiiul 1111 itood peuplo to lumvy. Irfidy Atlcndiuit DR. BARBER tiii: ii:ntiht Over Danlola for Duds. l'aolflo phono 2538, lioino t'liono nr.a-ic 7iwt wluil you ;nil on Hint uuto (rip Always I10L or uold at yon dttsiro MPDFORD BOpK STORE y A n . ""V w f y y y y V t y y f y y y y y V v V .' -'! iM f'j "A 5 j i .ii a.aTa..T.lTa.jlTa.a.Ta.1 w t '" r 19c Sale y y T y y z y y y y y fit00:tA .A AA AA. aYa A? t y y y y y T y y y T y y y it: , . . i on sale have 19'c AlvE' 'i 19c 19c -'., y ' y y y y y , 19c i..M t.fe., i9c .. 19c Thermos 19c 19c 19c 19c t i' i W J JL I j ,mA a t .fyH&t&$ (i T (ii Mff tfrrZflnrl M4,AM 4 V J. A,, U ' .i .. . . W rJi." -iV t, i R