h e i I I i . I i PAGE TWO MEDFORD atATA TRIBUNE, afEDFORP, ONICCIQX. Til UHSDAY. AUGUST 8, 1912 WPAL AND I . 1W PERSONAL 4 Miss Nad Perron of Mldvale Or chard, le visiting relatives and friends at Seaside, Ore. Mr.ad Mrs. Morgan Schrack have returned Crew a vlsR at Pertlaad, W. D. Lewif, of Central jlnt was a recent visitor la -Mod ford. If. E.' Bedford spent Wednesday at Central Point on business. Hairaoeks, sporting Kod, blue tlntaet errorless oil .stores, jefrlgera tortr te. . Prlcw right. Shaplelgh Hardware Co., SS South Central. 5 Jack AUken of Hague Ulver spest Wedacsd? (n Medford on business. UstNe.ttle Lewis of Central Point spent Wednesday In Medford A. S. Hubbard, deputy game war den of Trail, spent Thursday In Bedford on business. - Carkln ft Taylor (John H. C&rkln Glenn O. Taylor), attoraeys-at-law. oror Jackson County Bank Building. WedConS., Judge E. E. Kelly spent Thursday In Ashland on a short business trip. After transacting, a large amount of routine business the count court adjourned Its regular monthly ses sion Wednesday evening. Auditing of bills occupied their attention for the most part. Mor to SI N. Grape, street The Medford, Conservatory for music and language. 0. Tallt&ndler, director. Ojtt aH sumiser. Mr., and Mrs. C; Ellsworth, par ents of Xf. Al Loomis, arrived In Medford Wednesday for a few weeks visit to Mr, and Mrs. Loomis. Mr. -and Mrs. Ellsworth are en route to their heme in Idaho, after a sev eral month's stay at Long Beach. Cal. Miss Grace Muller, of Sn Francis co Is In Medford visiting relatives. Mtss Muller is a daughter o-f I. M. Muller, formerly a resident of this city and a brother of "Win. Muller, the noted apiarian of Medford. Money to loan on country proper ty. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson Coun ty Bank Bid?.. Medford. Chester Parker of- Saa Francisco, arrived la the city Monday tor a visit to his brother, Joe Parker, au ditor for tbe Pacific & Eastern rail road. Ernest D. Riddle. Blanche Riddle, and- Helena Riddle of Riddle. are gnests'Of Mrs. M. -. Riddle; of Med ford. -Mr. Riddle has not been to Medford in twenty-five, years and Is thoroughly enjoying himself la.woa- derlug at the changes In the country hereabouts. Berlin Tailoring and French Dry Cleaning Company, 169 West Main sireeL wlh to announce t&at they are. prepared to do first class clean ing and pressing, also bats blocked and trimmed. Ladles and Gents' seks made to order. Give n a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Pacific 5362. Harold' Riddle ef Medford who has been visiting relatives at Riddle has been spending a few days la Med ford but will return to Riddle for the balance of the summer. O. W. Walters of Arlington. X. D., has been a guest of bis -nephew. Dr. J: D. RIckert. Mr. Walters has fallen in lorn with this city and wll make his homo here. He left Thursday evening for California to Join bis wife and make arrangements to ship his furniture to Medford. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Mas, ever Jackson County Bank. WHi Watt is back tram a hunting trlp. Dr. R. E. Golden of Hill Ttop Or chards, near Jacksonville. Thursday brought In to Medford some corn stocks measuring 11 feet. 7 inches. breaking all records for stalks so far brought la. .Whitcomb Field was a Talent vis itor -Thursday. The Rogue River Valley Abstract company has moved te No. 6, South Central. Mr. aud Mrs. Charles D. Heaaes sy ef Grants spent Thursday in Med ford with friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whisler have returned, from, an automobile tour of the' Klamath country. Joha Gog-lager of Baron Is In Medford for a short visit with friends. C. V. Doane of Thompson Creek spent Thursday at Medford on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. T, C. Vance of Sacra mento are in .Medford for a brief visit ,wlth frtcads. Hayi for sale, - . H. Everhard. Phone 6671. Dr.. sad Mrs. Thomas Pratt of Los Angeles, passed through Medford Thursday o their way to Crater Lake by- automobile. They report a itleadkl trW te date. Itarve F. Samuel, of Grants Pass spent Thursday at Medford on bus! new). The city council will -meet In an adjourned session nt the ,clty taaU to night for the dispatch of routine bust; nes.- , , . , J. W. Lawton is tarrying at the fire hall during tho absence of the flrcboy on their vacations which will extend over the next month. li. J. Powers f Apple-gate la spending a few days In Medford with friends. ;-Chief of Police Hlttson who has been confined to his home for some time by a severe illness Is Improving very slowly and will not be otn for some, time yet, J. C. Mann has returned from a short business trip to eastern mints. Uex. S. li. Grtgsby has returned from a short business trip to the coast. K. D. Weston, commercial pholog raphcrn, negatives mado any tlmo or placo by appointment Phone M. H7t Mrs. Mary Yockey and daughter, Miss Helen will leave Snuday tor a two week's outing at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pclton were In Medford Wednesday for a short visit with friends. Lester Gibson has returned from a fishing trip In the Steamboat couu try. Mr. M. Wood of Ashland Is vis iting frieads In Medford. She Is ac companied by her daughter Mrs. Jesse Stratton of Portland. Get Mrs. Reynolds home made bread at De-Voe's. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Yonng of Williams Creek spent Thursday In Medford on business. Louis Fallls a well known mining man of lower Klamath river Is spend ing a few days In Medford on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Lewis, of Big Butte are In Medford on a short busi ness trip. Mr. Lewis reports that a large number of deer have been killed in that section this year. Soda Fountain at DeVoe's. Mr. and Mrs, M. L. Alford have left for an outing In the Ktabath Lake district. M. M. Ahrens will leave this even ing tor a business trip to Seattle and Portland. He will comb'ne pleasure with a business trip. - Guy Bishop has left for Riddle, Oregon where he has secured em ployment on a large fruit ranch. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store- Rex Lampmaa formerly editor of the Gold Hill News spent Wednesday in Medford on a short business trip. E. C. Gaddls and Volney Dixon have left for an extended tonr of the east. They will visit several cities of on the Atlantic , A. S. Rosenbaum returned Wednesday evening, from a visit at Colestln. He states that he had a very quiet time with no kicks to worry about. Archie Ashe has returned from a short business trip north. A. E. Kellogg., county coroner, spent Wednesday In Medford. on business, George E. Boos has returned from a short business trip to Central PoInL S. A. Newell. ladles' tailor. 4tb floor M. F. & H. bldg, John. Maloney of Leland Is visiting In Medford. George Kohlbagen of Roseburg Is in Medford. THIS IS A NEW HOLE BUT THIS IS A VERY OLD ELEPHANT. BURNS TO H WITH BILL MM "i I I SASKATOON, Husk , AilK- A tlftcvu lounil bout to tloclilu (lie henvywulglit cliniiipluiishlit i)f Ciuitiiln will be foil Klit botwoou Tommy lliiriin 'of Calgary ami Hill lllrkfird of Vmi- coiivtir nt ttio Snskutoon Alhltlc V.iiU toiilRht. lliiriiH roKunU tho bgitt ns somctlilng of n tryout, Alnrn he luu not been In tho ring for iiuuiy iiinnUm, iiUii In endeavoring lo net n inntqh with Jack Johnson Ulcknrd I said to b n good mult and nlilo (o hold his Own wllli' the IiokI lf tho hopes. IluriiH Is oxpectiMl to Rente about 1K0 poiiiuU tun) Itlrknnl I'JO. llollv men nru In iiim!lil roil lltlon. ' Itegnrdltig n bout with Jack John sou, Ilurtm said teday: "I tun renlly mid willing to fight Johnson any old time and noy old plnco but 1 wnnt certain 'conditions iniule. In ttood condition I weigh nbout 11)0 poumls. while Johnson would bo nt leant 35 pounds heuvlvr. That's a lot of wolght to give away niul I don't In tend to let Jotmaun boat mo ns he did In Auntnilla. I will tight John son leu rounds clean break, no hit ting In the clinches, and ho ran cut tho money any way ho pleases. I ran beat him at thono terms nod I know It." "Jumi Smy" HORLICK'S J It Meant Orlftlnal ln MALTED MILK Thi Fitrf'rfrfnk fir All Ai. Morp IicnhUul ihsii Tm or CoiTcr, Aitrccs with llio wcakcit digestion. DclicioiM, invlKornt'i'B ! nulifttowi.' Rich milk, malted ipaii;, powder lomu A qultlc runch prcsartd In wlaule. Take ne iufciiale. ArtlorllUKLItlt'S. Others are imitations. X. HmU. U TOILETTE ON RAIL COMMITTEE BRYAN a STUBBS DEFEATS I TAFTS ACCEPTANCE! CURTIS FOR SENATE AT (ASSASSINATION STORY CHICAGO. Aug. -Wild rejKjrts of nn attempted assusfllnatlou of Colonel Hootievelt wru circulated about Chicago at noon today! Tho foriiiur president wiu reached by tolephouo aud laughed an hu denlctl the report. "I feel bully," lm said. "In fact, I never felt better In my life." Are You Lacking Teeth? 11 iJlfe JvSO1 i V I. "I JCVk-V WASIUNQTOK, .ijr. a Poi-ific Ciwst enators fureil well here to day when the nstnment- in Ui senate were rvnminyetl to fill recent vacancies. An iniMrtnnt nigu ment was that of Senator Im Follette to membership on the committee on intcr-state nnd foreign commerce. Senator Poindexter of Wnshiugton was appointed chairman of the com mittee on the Pacific Hands; Sena tor Jones of Washington, chairman of the committee on irrigation, nud ! to the intelliyeuce'rif the public! He LINCOLN, Neb.. Aug. S. - De nnunciui; Prej-idmit Tnft's sjeceli of ncceptnnce of tlic'i'publicnn nntionul iioinlnntidii, Wilfiain J. llrynn sn-n today in hi publication. The Com Cem Com eoner: " "He accepts Knot' gwmintec of regularity without even a mile, and even ndd-i his endorsement of the procccdinss witch to tilted in hi uoiuitintinn. "What an uoUtandiu iudiffcreiiic Senator Works of California chair man of the committee on fisheries. Senaeor Oliver of Pennsylvania was made junior member of the com nud Kit know that he is not the choice of the majority of republican voters; ihey kw the Taft admini- trution i- repudiuted by iIiomj who mittee on nppropriatious. The selee- i elected Itim; th-v ktuiw that the hold tion of Senator Ln Follette on the ' ovr iiationnl cHrimittce Ielil)frntcy inter-state commerce committee i a"l conteuiptuonsly direardvil the regarded as 0en recopnition of IiL- ( voters of ihe irt.v nud chnnp?d the ability in matters dealing with rail- character of the convention by the road legislation. seating of the Taft deleatcs- FROM PARIS TO BERLIN RY AIRSHIP ROUTE PARIS, Anc. a Starting on an aerial journey to Berlin Aviator Hrinda joe lf t he Villa Coublny, near rans, nt 4:jo this monnuj; and laud ed at Rheims at ;"0 o'clock. He reaseended at 8:10 nnd continued his journey. His average, speed was 94 miles nn hour. I. W. W.'S. GIVEN A HARD JOLT RY JUDGE TJNBERTAKERS MsM ftowt T. W. JTka an rr ffls SAN DIEGO. Cal., Aus. S.Soclal Uts and Industrial Workers are pre paring today for an appeal from the sentences imposed on several of their leaders by Judge W. A. Sloane of the superior court aa a result of the recent street speaking disturbances here. Attorney E. E. Kirk, who will be the socialist candidate at the Novem ber election for the place which Judge Sloano now holds, was sent enced tq six months in the county JaU and. to pay a fine-of 300. Harry McKee, a prominent, social ist, who was admitted to the bar a few days ago, after having studied under !irk, got the sane seateuce. Jack Whyte, Intrust rial Worker, got six months la jail. H. Klaer. In dustrial Worker, was put on proba tion, while th'e sentencing of Robert Gosden and F. W. Hubbard. Indus trial Worker, was gives until Thurs day to plead for probation. All were convicted last week, the jury recom mending .leniency la each case. The defendants were scored bard by Jndg Sloane, who declared that there bad bea possible and open a legal and. orderly way of testing the ordinance, but that the accused men had deliberately sought to fill the Jails aud clog the machinery of th h. WILSON LEAVES SEA GIRT FOR CAMPAIGN ADVICE, L SEA GIRT, X. J., Auj:. 8. Wood- j row WiUon left hi summer home to-, presidential nominee will remain away two days, conferrin with lu- IoIiticn) advisers and Msin f jr NEW YORK, An;. 8. -Toda.' campaign photograph-. ojcniii Mock market tlcvcioited sub stantial ndiaiK-eji. Ixdii'.'li VrtHey TOPEKA. Kan., Aus. S. Latest returns received today from Tues day's primary election Indicate that Governor W. It. Stubbs has defeated Charity Curtis, incumbent, for the United States senatorshlp. Stubbs claimed this morning to havo carried eighty-five of tho one hundred and sixty-five counties In the statu and re turns later Incrvnaa this lead. He turns from tho western counties arc coming In slowly. If Stubbs finally Is shown, to have been elected, tho progressives will havo mado a eloan sweep of the state. Tho latest returns received hero Increase tbv majorities of the RooKOYctl presidential electors. RIFLE TEAM WILL ATTEND NATIONAL GUARD SHOOT MEDFORD. TO MEET ROSEBURG QM, DIAMOND .IN TWO GAMES was up a point and Rending, At cliesou. Orvni Northern tuil Cniled States Steel Wuctl sjn-n-tli. Am erican Tobacco with a low of l'4. was the only noteworthy exception to the upward tnuid. llarrimuii nud Hill stocks vcr- in fair demand and National Riscuil fell J Disputing Medford's claim to base ball supremacy on the grounds that the Roseburg contingency of ball players had not been allowed the right of contest, Medford fans will be eiven (he sncclal trlvllin of m- were firm, ing the homo guards give battle (o i Inter in tin- day- the team from the north for two i T'ie market locd strong. games, Saturday and Sunday of thlaj Ponds ucrc -iwuly. week. i . . JUnager Fuson Is Inking noP""ro,,r ' "r fWMio.oo i-I.ooi chances or allowing a disputant to I lU,n,U' ,,i- -Vo- luo- Meord title to- apjear at this ' , , County, Orcgow. time' and to that end has retained,, "ldg w, he received up to August practically the entire team that was 10, l912 at th? hour of 2 'cIock ' successful In putting a brown turn m;of KalU day' Jamc ir- Cfon on. Weed's Invlncibles iau Sunday. m,,ler- Treasurer of Jackson County. From down Reseburj: way comes tbe!",u,il", ni in' V,ce ol iao v-ounir rvirt that U. ..III tnsiu.p f thnt . ' "er, in US Cliy Ol vicinity are some strong nnd that nothing save an exhibition of the Jackson vllle. Oregon for (he purchase of 16000.00 (Fhe Thousand Dollars), National league champs order will Ulwn Bd uf '500- fnoinlna blnder them from, returning ,l0It)u J0". o "ued by School District with nln Me.tforrf srnl,,- "" uu -a'5SOH vouniy, wrcguu. e....inv' ,.., .iti i. .i.i m'ab, ' t'n year, ten years op fre to ladles. ,,ona!' faring Interest nt six per cent . i'- iiMuj, laiuresi jiajuuio Bunu- annually. Rids to bo accompanied by certi fied check for five per cent of tho Five members of the O. N. 0. were selected last night to tako part In the state shoot at Clackamas next week and they will leavo Medford tomorrow night on No. H. All mem bers of tho company aro requested to meet at the armory at &:1& to escort (he boys to tho station and give them a good send-off. The team will bo mado tip as fol lews: Sergeant Waller Merrick, team captain. CorKral Vern Marshall. Private Seldon Hill. Private Arthur Rose. Private Osborne Davidson. Tho men took their trials at tho Ashland range and mado a good showing so that every endeavor will bo made (o bring back a leg on tho team trophy and several Individual medal. Tho boys will recevo pay and ra tions during tho shoot, returning to Medford on Friday, tho lCth. jrviti 'vf ti THE MOST ACCURATE 22 CAUSER RcpwtiHg nifte In t&e WCSLD. M-;K In tr oJl re tot ,i" Short t t. cur txiA -cs th. Jttox for . .; Uc Rlj R. P. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE WO. 70. . llinUiu: li- .JC Short nu U- .il 3jr HI itirtrs-jfrt. Scad fur Imztivjuwli UAtr.tiJ Ritli t jU- kroad"Huttto.oo! Well". Order StsvtMCHn PlstoUesd Sfwlcisw from your DiaJrr. STEVENS MIUS &TOOLCOMPAMY, P. a So 9004. CTHCOTKE rjtUA X.JC twr PWCE S8.00 at a gfl My good- sound rellnlilo IcjUi that yon can trust for masticating purpossT If so you will bo glad to know that wo can supply you with slnjjlu teeth or full svts without any difficulty, or puln oil your part, and nn very mod erate prlco. Wtf iiht ixiHrlmecl dvullxts and prntllcMill' branches of th htisliicsn with great succest. You will find utt.noid people to know. Lady Adrudsht DR. BARBER Till: liKNTIST Ovr Daniels for Duds. Pacific l'hnno 2&2S. Home Phono 3E.2-IC SHE LOOKS WELL Who looks through lcnt. that we ttruvldc. becanso every pair wo se lect are chosen on account of their ( adaptability to Individual eyes. Wo os.uilne first, then prcucrlbo tho cor rect glassca that wilt cac the ycs. I rrstoro perfect vision, nnd do away I with any httadaehes that may havo troubled you. Wn havo only tlm best of groitud Icmiscs, yet we supply you at vcty modnrstc flRiireo. DR.RIOKERT Eyesight Specialist Orer KcnTner's. New A.ssiMant lVtktiiiaxter. i Born To the wife of William J. ' Warner, August S, 1012. a son.' firnnunl a St. sis Mother and child are doing nicely. I". ""T ..,, school district No. ,180 reserve the None of the sewage of Ilorliu is allowed to empty Into tho river or canals of that city. It Is alt pumped through, largo pjs to the city wmago farms. right to reject anyand'all bids. JAS. M. CROSeMILLER, Troasurpr of Jackson County, Ore Kon. Dated this 25th day 'of July, 191S. Announcement Pol) (echoic tV.H.-go Ofkli 8-picpiber tro 2ml. Three departments: Normal, Rnsl ness, and Engineering. Tho Normal furnishes a strong courso for teach ors as well as teachers' review classes evpry month in tfc vear; the Busi ness course contj'x f oukkeeplng, shorthand, typewriting, and alt com mercial work; tho Engineering courses are, civil, electrical, mechanl cal, and mining. Tho college is open tho entire year of twelve months. Special teachers for each depart ment. Thoroughness in all lines of work. Graduates, will bo aided In secur ing positions, Ift young men and young women get ready for the wonderful develop ment of this section of tho Pacific coasr. For Information address PGIATKCUMO COM.KOK lUhhiHil' Oregon BRICK AND DRAIN TILE Made fromthe best material in the county Machine made insuring uniformity J in size and shape See the goods and get our .prices before placing your order JACKSONVILLE BRICK & TILE COMPANY We Have Moved 4 ' ( r I The Art Slam nt now located in new quartern in the Slewing building 221 Main Street, first doorcast of the'li. & C. Cash (Irocury. "' The Art Store Established' 1S7S ' Incorporated '1904 FRUIT D. OROSSLKY & SONS , Commission Merchants aui FrauKlln St., New Vork Our Herliilly, APPLES and PEARS Wo havo our own -housoa luw . NEW YCJiiK, LlVKItPOUli, LONDON AND OLASOOW Direct conslgnmonla solicited ursoo our Roguo River representative. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon v