Ikn - t t . t II l , FXGB FOUH MEDf6rD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, (ffiKGON. WMDNKSDAT. AUGUST 7, 1012 i j RMK&C,j. i. n i I0CAL AND L PERSONAL G, If. Corey Is having a $3000 cot tao built on Dnrtlctt and Jackson utreot. Snmo being n now botuo. Lovolaco hns tho contract. James Campbell Is having $2000 bungalow built on King's Highway for Ills people, eoon to arrive- from Minneapolis, Lovolaco hns tho contract. Tho First M. E. church will build a now addition and remodel tho church Insldo and out. Lovolaco hns tho contract. Hammocks, sporting goods, blue flame, ordorloBB oil stores, refrigera tors, etc Trices right. Shaplolgh Hardwaro Co., 28 South Central. Mrs. J. D. Heard and Miss Gladys Heard have loft for San Francisco to meet Mr. Heard who Is returning from Los Angeles. They will motor from San Francisco to Med ford by way of crescent uny. llcrlln Tailoring and French Dry Cleaning Company, 109 West Main street, wish to announce that they arc prepared to do first class clean ing and pressing, also hats blocked and trimmed. Ladles' and Gents' suits mndo to order. Glvo us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phono Pacific 5362. Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln. Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building. Mcdford. Money to loan on country proper ty. Carkln & Taylor, Jackson Coun ty Bank Bldg., Medford. Sergeant Dean of tho Ashland company, O. K G., was In Mcdford to the Louisiana Lou performance. Henry Haswoll and Helen Dahl made a trip to Crater Lake and re turn In 18 hours Sunday. They spent three hours going down to the water. Moved to 31 N. Grape street The Medford Conservatory for music and languages. O. Talllandler, director. Open all summer. j. C. Mann Is expected back from Minneapolis this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Vawter accom panied by their sons Verne and WH ', Ham are visiting Crater Lake. Bill Keyes of tho Valley Auto company with a party of friends Is touring tho Klamath country. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County Bank. The county court met In regular monthly session today. Routine matters, such as tho auditing of bills kept them busy today. Tho city council did not meet Tuesday evening regular session, owing to the Illness of J. W. Mitchell which prevented tho presence of a quorum. Tho Rogue Mvor Valley Abstract company has moved to No. 6, South Central. Th fire department was called Tuesday afternoon to extinguish a small blaze at the residence of Supt. Collins of the Medford schools. The flro was started by a paint can and a number of rags. W. F. Isaacs, Frank Isaacs and Court Hall havo returned from a fishing trip to the Rogue with 28 fish, 27 of tbem stcclhcads. The sport was Bplendld and tho catch Is a beautiful one. Hay for sale. W. H. Everhard. Phone 6671. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Brown havo left for a business trip to Portland. Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Ray' havo re-, turned from an outing at Colestin. Will Shannon and W. T. Grieve will leavo Thursday for a business trip In tho Prospect country. Mrs. II. C. TerrlH has returned to her homo In Los Angeles after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. John D. Terrlll. B. D. Weston, commercial photog raphern, negatives made any time or placo by appointment. Phono M. 1471 Frank Brown of Eaglo Point, coun ty commissioner has Just returned from an extended tour of British Columbia. Ho owns a 300 acre ranch on tho Froslcr river. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis of Grants Pass spent Wcdueaday in Medford on business. P. M. Kershaw has loft for a busi ness trip through Josophlno county. Get Mrs. Roynolds homo made broad at DoVoo's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown with Dr. and Mrs. Stokes aro camping In the Klamath country. H. C. Stoockmau has returned from a business trip up Roguo River. II. C. Kentnor and family will Joavo Sunday for a visit at Crater uunu, i Soda Fountain at DoVoo's. P. H. Dally with a party of friends are camping in tho Prospect district. Pat has secured the limit of door aud Is ready to return. William W. Anderson and party of San Francisco passed through Mcdford Wednesday on their way to Crater Lake and eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Williams havo returned from n visit at Newport. John A. Perl hns returned from a Rhort trip to Trail where bis fnmlly Is enjoying an outing. Kodak finishing, the best at Wca- ton's, opposlto book store. D. T. Lawton with three young boys has left for an extended tour of tho Klamath country. It. K. Christian of Steamboat. Ore, Is In Mcdford on n short business trip. Mrs. Charles II. Connor and Miss Connor of Central Point spent Tues day at Mcdford on business. 8. A. No well, ladles' tailor, 4 th floor M. F. & II. bldg. Mrs. L. M. Lyons and daughter havo returned from a seven week's vacation at Clnnnhar Springs, Cnl., Tho trip from Hornbrook to tho Springs and return was mado by stage and pack horse. Arthur Clark of tho Clnrk & Hen ory construction company Is In Med ford from Kugcno on a short busi ness trip. Miss Ella Guanyau left Wednesday morning for a .two week's vacation north. A. K. Ware was a passenger north on sumbcr 20 Wednesday. John Mnlonoy of Leland Is in Medford on business. C R. Dean of Ashland spent Wednesday In Medford on a short business trip. John W. Smlthson and Arthur B. Graves of Los Angeles, arrived In Mcdford today on their way to Cra ter Lake by automobile. They re port a splendid trip so far and do not anticipate any trouble In completing their tour. Arthur Geary of Griffin Creek spent Wednesday In Medford on business. EASTERN K 10,000 HEAR WILSON TOLD (Continued from par.e 1.) HIT FRY ARRIVE Three tlioiiNUul five httmlivil east em brook fry were received by the Rogue River Fish Porlcctivo Asso ciation Wednesday in good ooihH lion from tho state giiine ntid fili association for planting in loon! met the train and took care of (ho fry. Five thousand fry were tiikou by A. II. Miller to the headwaters of ,tbc Littio Aputcguto hud planted. The balance of the fry will be taken over the Pacific V hustern to Hie Unite and planted, officials of the nssoeinion stating that it was use less to plant tbem in the Little Hutte as the ditch owners have failed to comply with the law and screen to comply with tho law and scron tbeir Irrigation intake. No fNh, they state, will be placed by tbem in streams where owners rcfu-c to comply with thu law. With tho fry came a consignment of trout from 15 inches to a foot lone; for tho Mail Tribune aquarium and can be seen in the Mail Tri bune window. They consist prin cipally of eastern brook and rain bow trout, with two freak fish aliliino sjalmon with pink eyes. Kl MM MUST SHUT OFF WATER DURING FIRE Weeks (fcMcGowan Co. iy UNDERTAKERS juy Fnoi M71 BHfkt rboasl X, W, wtka sen A. II. vxt 9093 &AT AMIKAVT tariff, the regulation of the trusts and the prevention of monopoly, tho adaptation of our banking and currency laws to the varlud usc3 to which our people must put them, tho treatment of those who do tho dally labor In our factories and mines and throughout all our great Industrial and commercial undertakings, and tho political life of the people of the Philippines, for whom wo hold gov ernmental power In trust, for their service not our own. Tho other, the additional duty is the great task of protecting our people and our re sources and of keeping open to tho wholo people the doors of opprtun Ity through which they must, gener ation by generation, pass If thoy aro to make conquest of their fortunes in health, In freedom. In peace, and In contentment. In tho performance of this second great duty we are face to face with questions of conserva tion and of development, questions of forests and water powers and mines and water ways, of the build ing of an adequate merchant marine, and tho opening of every highway and facility and the setting up of every safeguard needed by a great in dustrious, expanding Nation. Servants of the People We aro servants of tho people, the whole people. The Nation has been unnecessarily, unreasonably at war within Itself. Interest bas clashed with Interest when there wero com mon principles of right and of fair dealing which might and should havo bound them all together, not as rivals, but as partners. As tho servants of all, wo aro bound to un dertake tho great duty of accommo dation and adjustment A presidential campaign may easily degenerato Into a mere per sonal contest and so loso Us real dig nity and significance. There Is no Indispensable man. The govern ment will not collapse and go to pieces If any one of tho gentlemen who are seeking to be entrusted with its guldanco should bo left at home. But men are instruments. Wo aro as important as tho cause we repre sent, and In order to bo Important must really represent a cause. What Is our causo? The people's causo? That Is easy to say, but what does It mean? Tho common as against any particular Interest whatever? Yes, but that, too, needs translation Into acts and policies. Wo roprcscnt tho desire to st up an unentangled government, a government that can not bo used for private purposes, either In tho field of business or In tho field of politics; a government that will not tolcrato tho uso of tho organization of a great party to servo tho personal alms and ambi tions of any individual, and that will not permit legislation to be employed to further any private Interest. It Is a great conception, but I am free to serve it, as you also are. I could not havo ncceptod a nomination which loft mo bound to any onan or any group of men. No man can be just who is not free; and no man who has to show favors ought to under take the solomn responsibility of government in any rank or pout whatever, loast of all In tho su premo post of President of tho Hereafter when a fire alarm Is turned In, water users In Medford must make a spirited dash for their hydrants and ascertain that tho same aro closed tightly. Such were the orders issued by Fire Chief Amann yesterday afternoon. That thero may bo no excuso by the residents that they did not know that there was a fire, arrangements aro being mndo with tho owners of tho Natatorlum to pull tho cord of the big whlstlo when an alarm is given. The order, which by the way Is according to city ordinance Is to bo rigidly enforced, a flno being Im posed for every offonse. A small flro broke out yesterday at tho homo of Superintendent U. 3. Collins on Tenth street. Tho origin was a paint bucket partially filled with rags that had been left under tho caves which took flro through spontaneous combustion. Little dam age was suffered, tho flro loys ot tingulshlng the blaze with a tire hose after a record run from tho station. DOWN THE WED Having completed the work on tho Crater l.ako road In tho neighbor hood of tho Peolor place Just this side of Flounco Rock tho residents of Westvllle, Honor Camp No. 1, have moved their city several utiles down the river and nro now engaged In eliminating sovoral ot tho pitches between thiv Enynrt ranch and tho Gordon place. Tho en nip was moved at tho end of last week and now having completed that task tho honor men are at work again on tho road. At several points on tho road sharp pitches occur which havo long proved troublcsomo to travelers. Tho gov ernment survey down tho rlvor will bo followed ami a water grade main tained. Tho grade, built by tho honor men for several miles this sldo of tho Pcelor place Is In excellent condition and automobiles nro making rapid time over It. Mrs, John Hhorldnn hns l(t for a visit with friends at Toledo, 0. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Arrangements have been oundo wlOi the Natatorlum company for tho blowing of tho whlstlo at that placo In case of flro. Your nro here by notified to shut off any water which you may havo running when tho whlstlo blows nnd keep It turned oft until threo blasts aro blown which will mean that tho flro Is extinguished. Tho shutting off of water Is pro vided for by ordinance and all viola tions will bo prosecuted. EUGENE AMANN, v 119 Flro Chlof. A Careful l'oruwit Will Provo Its Value to Every Mall Tribune Render Tho average man Is. a doubter, nnd thero Is llttlo wonder that this In so. Misrepresentations make people skep tics. Now-a-days thu public ask tor better evidence than tho tentlmony of strangers. Hum Is proof which should convince overy Mall Trlbuno reader. II, .1. Uurfce. 33 N. llartlett st., Medford, Ore., says: "I was troubled by my kidneys off and on for years. If I caught n slight cold, It nlwnjn settled In them, causing my back to become very lame, weak and painful. Last summer I was suffering In. that way and on a friend's advice, I pro cured Dean's Kidney Pills. 1 found this remedy to bo exactly as repre sented and In a few days tho trouble loft me. I know of many other per. sous who have obtained benefit from Donn's Kldnoy Pills." For sale by nil dealers. Price CO cents. Fostor-Mllbtirn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for tho United States. Romomhnr tho namo Doan's and take no other. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Second hand offlco desk, cither flat or roll top. Address Box 8, caro Mall Tribune. 120 r.r etiu. C4wtt4 Vt iW illTlH Of THt HOtT mnu or utut mo m. ;.JZ J.-liv Ctlbtitu C'mt. Matk. An. llocwL n4 C.aiMr rtU DtfU. JtnMXmVOM fthH.ttlM4 M.nl ia4 UttlkcittlTnltlM.WitffetAaMMOTaMtAMrtw MISTKK IWOOA . Mm', J,t4mu IVW Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. O. Public Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. PACIFIC & EASTERN RY. SUNDAY EXCURSION to BUTTE FALLS 0RE. I AUGUST 11, 1912 HOUND TRIP ONLY UX) Leave Mcdford 8:00 A. M. Return leaves Butte Falls 5 P. M. Take your lunch and spend a day of rest in the cool mountains. Good music. Good hotel. T t T T f T t t T ? t T t t T t T T t T T f ? J 9 ! Unmatch&ble Bargains For Thursday AT Mann's Central Av, Near P O EXTRA SPECIALS IN MUSLINS & inches wide Muslin and a 10c value, spe cial 7 Extra heavyweight Sea Island Cotton, lie value 8 36 inch wide Bleached Muslins, extra t'ino Gauze in bleached and 12Yji value, sp'1....9 unbleached, Cc value, special 4i PETTICOATS Values no one can dupli cate we have the agency for the best All Silk Messalinc Petti coats, 4.00 valucs..2.48 Chiffon Taffetas, plain and changeables, $3.50 values $2.48 Ginghams in plain and stripes, an ideal wash petticoat, special values at 48 69, 75 Sattee petticoats, our $2 values, special 98 AT Mann's 1 Central Av, Near P O Remnants 1-2 Price EXTRA SPECIALS IN LINEN CRASH Pure linen bleached and unbleached crash, the 15c valuc....l2i2 The 25c kind 19 The 20c kind 15 The 30c kind 8 The 0c kind 4 MOSQUITO NET In all colors, regular 8 l-3c value T f T T t t t ? ? ? T T T t t t T ? & Unmatchable Bargains in Wash Goods rt T f t T T t T T t T T T 29c Poplins, 19c In pink, brown, tan, white, cream wine lav ender, etc., (ivavy one fust color, 29c value spe cial 19 15c Lawns, lie In light and dark colors, in stripes, figures and dots, fast color, 15c value, special. 11 25c Tissues, 19c Egyptian Tissues in checks, plaids, stripes. Everyone fast color, 25c value, special ; 19 20c Cotton Crepe, 15c Suintable for under wear, petticoats and .waists, 20c value,special at ...15 29c Pique, 19c In colors of of white, pink, tan, alice aud pale blue, valuo 29c, special at 19 39c Ginghams, 25c In plain colors, stripes and chocks,with bprdors to, match, 39c values, special .25 '4 t t ? T t ICE CIvEkM PUKE and WHOLESOME at tiu: ftidirr r-iuc is lit cnrtoti, 35 eentn nor quart. an centi extra tor (mcUura vt any site tm to on tlon. Any order over one gallon nt 91 nor grjifoti. DollTcrlwi ot imoknrn to any tart ot tho Hty. Ice cream aorvod nt the creamery nt 5 cjiuiti pnr 41th, Medford Cream U tyuttar Co. i . . -rt-ttr-T KutnbllHhed 1878 FRUIT Incorporated 1004 ' H'l D. OROSSLEY &.SON81 ..;,.. Jl Commission Merchants Utti I'Ynnklln HU Now York Our Hecliilty APPLES and' PEARS " ? ' ! Wo have our own houNnn In NKW VOUK, MVi:itt'0M. LONDON AND (JliAtldUW Direct connlKnimmtn ttollcltod or hIhi our ltoKtm Itlvor rnnroontatlvQ CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon I- . U ' 1 .". ?n Flour? t Coffee? Tea? OR WHAT? Anything you buy from us in the Gro eery line will be right. Our Bakery Do ; fartment is a Bource of pride to us nvestigate. r Allen Grocery Go. LgJi'-Lui'L. 'i-'.: 'ljiiiij-.m rii.H,u.n-inmn-t,imnu GROWERS OF PEACHES Do you want your fruit handled by oxpert nalcsineaf Do you want tho 1IB8T PltlCKS (be Pacific Const market af l onln T Do you want to lino up with "The House of a Square Dealt" If so, get i" touch Willi uu NOW. f. I r ' ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. Pac. 6621. Medford, Oregon Home 307 Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon V It Iuih succeeded because of v ' ' Soundness of principle 'f A ,t "f Economy of management "' ' ' Safety of investment ' ' - Courteous and liberal troatmeut CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $176,000.00 W. I. Vawtor .President G. K. Lindley, Vico Pros. 0. W. McDonald, Cashior T jTi TTJ as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all Kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to all . parts of the city. Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (3b Storage Co. $db&&8$$& i c United States, n