wm& ,, 4. 4 . ., - ' m -..) . , t - - .i-J-H J!i'iKrt JSS5.-.'4 )f k. , The "Higher-Up" Is the Guy the Higher Up, SAV. VOUM tMleli Ai... ..,., M.' ' --- iwwiro nwyi I HIM 4krvn .. . '. , ! iWMiytl HlCNCft JR 7W ViMC.THCMW "wi vrb.i-(.t,iM0W I ' . W. A. Kiimiior tif (.'lih'iiKo, mini jnKur nf lint 1'ittlur I'lilmor Invent- jinrtit 'iiiii"i.Vt owimrx ij tlio ll 1I011 mill l'ultur itruliiOtlx in tlio 'Kouno rivur vnljVy, in Mluilini; n .mciitli Intro looking iiflor ori'lmnl in- ;lmHtn ami 1m morn favornlily ins - prritHrtl with tliu vnlloy mill iln fii- turo Hutu nvir. Kxti'iiNivn iinpnivo- iiu-iit ijf jboiiK iiimlo ttml lino of tlic InrKwI'J If, not tint InrOMt jh-mt or- rluirtlK in tlm worlil, in hflliiu pluiit- mI nt tlm Jlinlnu oroluinl, nevcnil Imndtril nrrcji IipIiil nln'mly in, kt A 9 n ill r i v. v r W ill lulilllion (n tlm loTloiiinnt work ilonn lii'tT, Mr. Silnmrr in iiii trtivhiK u viint trnrt (if Imiil nt Kar- inHtntu, Florida, Mittiira:ltic J 00,1)00 inrrr, wliicli U lioini; bronchi umlur .I'lillivnllnu ninl '.)lnntod to ixuK' , f rtii(7rniijri, etc. . , ' "V(0'"" wild Mr. Suninor, litis jd moffjiit'liin-Kiiiio tiiti', ini SnraoLi Hny'on tlm' vit nuiHt of Kloricln. Mr I'nttcr l'lilniorliim n tcinpornry Jwinli'r lioini' nt Onpruy Point, u fiw milpM liclow, anil in to Imilil n piirinn iit'iil uinttir rt-HiiU'iuMi on nn tlntc i of 'J001) iicith j.ot ulil- mill limuti- ,fini"f(p ltr, by tlio fim-inoHt land- urnpo nniliitci'trt of tlio country. Many otlii'i' rHtly Htruoturcrt will it icriTlnl in till vicinity. "I.ilui (heir ilovi'lupincnls in tlio Kw riviT valley, Ilia Pottnr I'aU uutr iuti'ivHtrt liavii uuilcrtakou tin (iovulopinuiit of their Florida prop' orty not with tin; idea of Hulling it Jout in tlio near future, but of cro- ntiin; oit of it a IiiihIiiohh of contin- uiiiih and iivur-incriMiiiiiiK import niici1. from tium to timu it will bo dovrloiKiil ax llm Hiiiiatiou justifloH iiitli J,jrPnltiii on tlm part of ftlmso in contml that duvulnpcd Imul 'or IiiiiiIh miHi'cptibln to dovolnpiiicut iiro htendily ruliaiiriuc in vallio. Wo jrcnli-a (bat tm i;rnH)fnnt iiiiluHtrj', Mikr tnuljiiii.i.. tu liiil in ilu iiiriiiwit -.. .r int. i.i i .11. .HIV,) Couipiiriitlvulv ftiw iioopln in tlm United Klatori know tlm i;rapofrui itiH wl an limy ilu tlio orniiKC Ho far j-iHi'tlm i;nnornl mnrkqt 'Is con tcvnit'llit i pnictii'ally a llinw fruit, jliut to tboMi) who know it biHt it !h jlbn moHt loiiiitiuc of all fruit. ' "Itviilixiiii Ihu portNibililicn of till) .Krapa-friiil iuilimtry ami of tlio pro- Don't Blame Your i Over Worked Stomach ; When your stomach will not dlgoHt food, tho wornt thliit' you pan do Is to take u lot of digestive modtcloH, True, limy glvo tompornry relief, but )your ntomnch Ih tlm sufferer, Lobs 'of appottto, IndlgVHtton, dijopula; and hendachofl can only ho pornift 'nj,utly (rollnv0il, by removing Uio.' cause. In many cukoh, various 'roiuodlOH taken to rollovo theso con ditions roHiilt In ruining tho jBtoin-, 'iich and provontlug It from dlKoatlUB i food In a natural way. If you want your Htomaoh to do lt 'own work proporly, wHhout resort ling to iirtlflolat dlgostlvca or prodl-1 IgoHtod foods, uso Jayno'H Tonlo Vor mlfuge.Tako smull doseB rogularly.i 'pro'foral'ly' hoforo meals. In a llttlo "time your ntomnch will again do Ha (own work ni you wl out heartily, koop well and enjoy levity-., Jaynp's .Tonlo Vormlfugo Is not n dlgostor In JtHoK, but It tones up .to tho Btom uoh and IntoBtlnos, giving you all tho 'nutriment and Btro.tB.tU from tho i ' Many forniB of Biippoiicjtljudlgaa-' tlon aro tho roBtilt of luteHtlnal para LbIIoh, for whloli Jnyno'a Tonlo Vorml fftigo la j viiHtirna-sodi Insist on Jayuo'B; nccept'no' 'othor. Mllllona lmvo pralHed It for moro than olgbty yftrs -fl111 ''J'- tfrupKlatfi ;ovory4 ; whe ,J?r. ID. JaynoWSon,! Pltllu- 'tjplphln. Vi, . . . ., II 4rv- .. . '.. . .I ' -wv r.MVV- flUJffVUSS' 'Zm . . ? I I" -..-.- I '" , 4 M -v.H!M "H VOW . ' - . 1 iuw y - rooNO I -'- -"-1 r Mt 'wpvrj tflr fTsT) I "6 up, PAmiN W0fc fcjffj" 1 3K3 v-s- '1 Corner THQ fUG I J OOOOK - 1- I .11 .1,, II, - - -- --III ..I I- I - I - - --- " '' I ... 1 ill 1 ai iiii 1 j . 1 1 . --1 . . .. - 3 FLORDA M m mm B ' Till VMni.. ii.i..... .. .- I r' I THANK1. T H - A . .------. -?.. . - - . . '1W ..i 1 " By5NG3rj '' I rtOw.Juyr Follow 1 'u'K.L'il , - - IW l v ' '-. ' I M6 T'UU SHOW 1 PrtKTMtP. ? f WZ.T ") THVT'i Y1S dui'lioii of early vi'Ki'liiltl'M, wo aro mnkiiiK u careful tuilyof,' lim mIioIu Hitualioii. Hcru ami them on lliu properly will be (.'tiibl(Mlicil rrniic ffni' ttnve and veHelnble.KrowinK cenliTK. Two or three towim are alno buiil'j: laid out. "I am Kind to nee tlm Itofruu river valley grower appieeiato tlio value of water morn. Although un lutvc 50 iucliCH of rainfall at HaniHotti, wo realixe the need of irn'Kiitioit, and heeuro it bv artesian welln from ft') to fi()0 feet in depth. Water in a nm eiMtv in every fruit or vegetable illHtriot." I'ullntnii Hipper Ct"""Ko llorenftnr the locnl uleoper on Southern Pacific train No. H will bo tlm (Irat Hlepor on tlm train instead of tlio lOHt an borctaore.. HU8INKHH OPl'OKTUMTIES. HU8INISHS OPPORTUNITY Anyono wlitlilnf. to nKnpo In tlio billiard btiirines can purcbaio all or a half Intorost In tlio Owl llllllord par lora na ownor wlahea to ro awny. finuio can bo purebn-cd nt a very! rcn-onnblo flKiiro. H. I, mown. LOUT LOST 1'alr of elnsaeii'on-RoaB I.nno.j Kuiurn to noiai Aiooro nnu rei colve rownrd. ' ' 118 I.OBT 30x3V4 Inch nutoinobllo tiro between HnKlo Point and Medford. Kinder til on no return to A. J. Daily, KnKlo Point, or to this offlco for roward. 120 LOST (Inlet Kob, retunt to Trlbuno Offlco, reward. 117 MONKV TO IXA-tf. MONEY To lojtn. wrlto or call H., U. Dudgo Jr., No. 217, Farmers and Frultgrowora Unnk llldg. 117 FOR ItKNT FUIINISIIKI) AITK. FOR RENT 8mltb Apis. 817 8. RIV. FOR RENT Furnished apartmont. junt llko a bungalow. Large porches, prlvnto baths, now, Tho llerben, corner Qutuco and W. Main atreot. Phono 347-L. , 11 FOR JtENT FUKKWH-CD MOOMS FOR RENT- Largo Rloonlng room, $1,50 and $2 per week. Modern housekeeping ttpartmontn. II G and $10. Home phono 2CG-K. 222, Houth Holly. FOR RENT Modern furnished; roonirt nt tho Cottago, C0-I WcHtl loth st., two blocks votitb Medfordj Hotel, Hot and eold wntor In , rooms. Home phono 217. Mrs.! H.' M. Qobb. ' , . THE PARK "VIEW Hotol hit changed hnnds. A hotel for work ing on, with cool, clean otitHtdp rooms. $1.50 a week. Good mealR1 rt- ... ,.l .....!....,. .IK M..... M j n cuuin. i riiiiHiumn .11 tvinn u, night. J, T. Perry, Prop. 14Jl F O It It E N T HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 21 (loncsco street. Phono Pacific 4224. 133' FOR ItKNT nuttSl FOR RENT Modern five-room; liouso. M. A. Rador, at M. F. &' II. Co. j FOR RENT lO'room house roar ofi rarment t. e rttiiKrowura uiiun,) stiltanlo for miHinosH, roni ostatn, libardlug'or rooming bound. Gold! Jlay Rqalty Co., ctb and Fir sts FOR RENT Eight room houso, nlso; nix room apartmuiit. close In, roa-i Beiiablo. liupilro Oakdale Cnnhi arocory. iao ' X l-'OR RENT OFFICIC8 FOR RENT Largo, comfortablo of-j flco rooms with olovator Borvlco, Btoam boat, hot and cold water. LoV.ratoa. Apply Medford Furnl- turo & Hdw. Co, FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT RanohoB largo and! mil, alfalfa and pardon lands.) Gold Ray Ttoalty Co., 0th nnd Fir.; FOR RENT 40 noros on uppun Rogtio Rlvor, beautiful mountain' homo, flno hunting and fishing,! good houso aiul barn, alfalfa flold.i gurdon nnd Irrigation ditch. Ad-j droHB'P. O, Box 702, Motuoru. Oregon. FOR 8ALE- -IiOTS 4- FOR 'SALE Largo lot 112x2202 good soil, two Hiimu iiouhor anu i.nniiltrv. vni'il. liMftium tiriinn troott londbtUiwIthTrutt. Watovon lot. ll.on'(n.;n.l. H10 l'lll.nlf nvrtl VMl"UII'Ut 1V"I VU, V..MW- .. no IvUddford ram araBtim hedfortj, ORKCioy, Wednesday, '.ujgclst 7, 1912 OMWW w i FOR BALE Right acre, Jut out Idii city limit, nil planted to 3 year old apple; nmnll houo, good well; 2r.00. W. T. York tc Co. rOH HALK liAND FOR HALB Tif owner, 80 acres all fenced and cromt fenced, new 5 room home and barn, two cblckon liouiies. Kond ntirln-.. flno younR or chard, good horso, wafcon and har Iiemi, chlckOiiB, bousebold good and tool, 12 acroti In crap. Krcry tbltiK Koea for 1 G00 quick sale, $700 cash, balance one or two yoar. W. L. llowland, Colcstln. Oro(;on. 124 FOR HALK 120 ucreit of good deep soil land not too fur out If sold quick, will go at half price. Ad ilrcwin A. N. "Wilder, Englo Point. OroKon, 117 FOR BALE 80 acrcB of ItnproTCd Inud .1 miles from markot. 5 "room furnished homo, atock and Im plement, etc., Reed wator. Prlco $3000. Sco It while crops aro growing. Address J3ox G2, Jack sonville, Oro. 117 FOR 8ALB MISOELljAXKOna FOR 8AI-.K Cheap, good two-room tent hoime. Bultablo for wintor and mininior u-o. Address HOE Plum street. 118 FOR 8AL1I Oultnr, phono 5372. 120 FOR SALE Haw Mill. 2TB H. P. saw and shlnglo mill with equip ments, (lood location and good rig, will sell cheap. Innulro, 83, Trlbuno Offlco. 127 FOR SALE Chicken ranch and ber ry patch Vt mllo from Medford, isldcwBlk, electric lights, telephone, otc. Seo W. H. Evorhnrd, 1013 W. Ninth st.. phono CC71. FOR'SALE Horso and buggy. Horso Jiot afraid of automobiles. D. H. Jackson & Co, 12C W. Main, over "Ugo Theater." 118 FOR 8ALE -Cheap, Bull pups; tho kind that will look after tho chll- .dreu and liouso when you are gone. Y. J. Johnson, Klamath 'Falls. 120 FOR SALE Cheap, my threo boar homing and G puppies; piipplca half fox hound. Y. J. Johnson, Kla bath Falls. 120 FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons cheap, camp outfits, of all kinds. Saddles and pack outfits. 46 N. Rlvcrsldo, rear of Hubbard tttoro. 120 FOR SALE OR KXCHANGB FOR BALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE Good 7-room houso. modern, with two lots on South Central nvontto, cast front, also lot nnd barn joining plnco. Four room houso with two lota closo In, con nected with Bowor nnd city wntor. Sea ownor, T. L. Taylor. Phono UoU'8G-R-4. 120 FOR SALE OR TRADE 7-room modern houso nnd 4 lots situated nt 525 South Central. Has -barn, lawn, beautiful Bbado trees, cholco roses, largo screened sleeping vporch. Will trado for farm, good land. Pliouo Pacific 5042. 118 FOR EXCHANGE FOR1 TRADE -I-room houso, oleo trie lights, sowor In, mi pnved at., and sldo walk 'in, -will trado for ncrcs or nmnll ranch. 311 west Jackson st., no agent. 155 TO EXCHANGE 13 U acres good productive aoll. Will ralso any thing, for good city property. 521 Hamilton street, W. Phono Pncl flo 2455. 118 FOR EXCHANGE Auto, vacant lot, Bomo CRsh for restdonco at bar gain. Clark Realty Co. 118 TQ TRADE Horso and light alnglo wagon to trado for lot. Inquire, of George B, Wilson, 210 West,' Hamilton at. ' "118 HELP WANTED FKMAMi ' WANTED A competent woman for gonornl hotisowork, must bo u good cook, $0 apply 403 N. Holly. 117 "i t- - WANTED A woman for gonornl houso work, muut bo good hottso keoper, sinull family. Mrs. John Orth, 010 S. Control avo, 118 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Throo first clnsa pear pnekors. Apply Foot ' Illlla Or chard. Phono Pac. 1131. WANTED Lnuil, good deep noTT not over two mllea from Medford, .Box. ,8J, Trlbuno. 117 WANTED Hogs, 4'to G mouths old. Phyuo 13 Party $,Jl. Ill ?". I 1! 1 Mil liln ilti 1 I ' - - iST I..IW- ' -., imvii i.nv -u I 1 -. , . 1 nm . 1 1 mm -- v-.. 1 y 1 vnu uia.mcib ! mlmMmf H 1 n 1 1 1,, ! . 1 : . ' . ! 1 J i : Says Jeff WANTED Position by experienced stenographer. Knowledge of book keeping. Address Box 19, car a Mall Trlbuno. 118 MUSINGS DIREOTORY Accountant D, It. WOOD General Accountant Tour books "audited and kept for n reasonable llgitro; your business nollcltcd. Offlco, Mcdford -Mall Trlbuno bldg; phono CC11; resi dence phono 0302. Attorneys D. W. nAGSHAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Oro. Offlce: Batik bldg., second floor. J'ijone: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAWE8, LAWYER Offlco Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. TJEFF, "WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Nob. 1 and 2, Postofflce bldg. A, E. JtEAMES, LAWYER Garnott Coroy bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Rrtclc ami Cement. Tho Mcdford Hydraulic Cement, 11 rick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for flro ptaccs, tlio porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimney, lawn vases, Jardinlorcs, flower pots Phono Main G41, corner 10th and Fir streets. 1UH rosters VERNE T. CANON Bill Ppstor and Distributor. "All orders promptly filled. Room -20 Jackson County Bank bldg., Mcdford, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades,' city engineering,' drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractora DR. A. R. REDOES. Dr. Loulso E Hedges, Mccbano-ThcrnpIstB, Chiro practors. Snondylotberapists. Thoso Bystoms, including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy. etc., produce results In both acuto nnd chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9n. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell, phono Mnln 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo RpcclallsL E. 9th nnd So. Rlvcrsldo. Vapor bathB nnd scien tific rnnssago given; advice in dio- totlcs, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lnuy attendant. Phono Home 1G8-K. Main 7973. Cblnoo Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chlnoao medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat aud lung trouble, deafnoss, paralysis, prlvato dlsonsos and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, wonib nnd bladdor troubles. Soo mo at 241 S. Front St., Mcdford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Rosldonce phono Main 42. 'Contractor Haa Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor nnd JBulldor Country work n specialty. Plans nnd estimates froo. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 5GG2. Dentists DR. W. M. -VAN 8C0Y00 DR, O. C VAN SCOYOC Bontlsts Garnctt-Coroy bldg., Btilto 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phonos. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANEJDontlst. Office In Rlaltcbldg., 23 E. Main. Gas admlnlstorod'for oxtractlon of tooth. Telephone Main 681. Night phono 4432. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Goo. Ifaokor, Prqp. 33 South -Front St. All kinds of help turnishod Rtul' poBltlons obtained free 'to tho employor. Bell JLuSl, Home 270 R. 118 Furniture MISSION FUIlNlRfURE WORKS Cornor 8th and Holly sts,, MVdfortl. Mission furniture ,mndo to-order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A 'trial ' order solicited. ' i Notary t'tttilto , ITRIiEN N, VdCKEY INovary Pub lie, Bring your .work to mo nt tho elguof TUoMMl.Trlljunp, C 4 ft I . - - . ..-.. '. . ,' ' ' ' ' j ' Granite Works MEDFORD BRICIC CO. Goo. W. Priddy, O, D. Naglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; deafens In pressed .brick and lime. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson st. Phone No. 34C1. Carliago GARBAGE Get our promises cleaned up for tho 'summer. Call on tbo city garbagd' wagons for good Hcrvlce. Phono Mala G2G1. F. Y. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock 1b not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. We aro not In tho trust. H. H. Patterson. Office removed to offlco Hotel Nosh, ln sido entrance next to barber shop. Printers and 'Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. haa the best equipped Job offlco in southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf systems, cut paper, eta, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir St. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO JtATING Bob Taylor, 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DR8. CONROY & CLANCY PhyBl clans and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phonn 501, residence phone CI 2. Offlco hours 9 a. m. to' S p. in. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar- nett-Corcy bldg. Phone .Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnctt-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, rcsidenco 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and'Surgcon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Rcsidenco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Prnctico limited to eye. ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 216 .E. Main st., ovor Med ford Hardware company. Hours 8:30 'a. "ra. to 8 P. M. Both phones. E B. PJCKEL, 3L- D. Office Jack son County Bank. Offlco phono M. 432; Res. phono, M. 5S2. DR. E. II. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Marks Block Offlco phono 4901. Rcsidenco 7051.- DR. J. W. J. .MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms '5 and 6 Kcntnor bldg. Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phono. Bell 271. Rcsidenco phone Bell 273 Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. Di Prac tlco limited to Chronic Dtsoasw. Offlco Hotel Holland, "Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Rcaldonce phenes: Farmer 16xx5 Eaglo Tolnt nnd Rogtio River line. HERMANN F. RATTE, M. D. Of fice ovor Medford National Bank. Offlco phono 6701. Res., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D.,- Prac tice limited to Eyo.'Knr, Noso and Throat Eyes scientifically (tested nnd glasses turnishod when needed, Gnrnott-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phonos, Medford, Oro. Real Estate GEORGE L. DAVIS, tlmbor lands, room 205, Home phono 131-R. vQvor Fruitgrowers" Bank. l REAL ESTATE L. N. Jttdd. Talent, Ore., fruit, alfalfa and gardou lands. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW fam' block. Stenogrnphlo work dono quickly and well. Transfer 43A.DS TRANSFER & STORAGE QO, urnco it) aoutn rir, rnonq Doll 3153; Home '350-K. Prices right. Sorvlco'guarantood. Undertakers JOHN A. PERL Undertaker mu Enitmlmor. imioo 2S south Bnrt lott st. Tolepboues: Day, n1l 471; night, reeldonce.'Bell 473, Home 179-L. Calls answered night or day. Ambulance, eorvlce, WHERE TO OO, TONIGHT STAR THEATRE Under direction People's Amusement Company. ALWAYS IN T1IK XEAD Special Added Attraction THE GRAM) ELKS PARADE Portland Ore., July, 1912 Portraying all Important events. Another Jlelianco 2 reel feature vmGrxius" Stupendous cast, superby staged Digger better brighter "ALMOST A TRAGEDY" A lively comedy drama "WHERE THERE'S A HEART A genuine thriller. 'UNCLE REUBEN GOES TO TOWN' Our feature langh producer All SATJIER, Tbo Singer Realistic musical (effects JtfATINEES DAILY Admission 10c. Children 5c. THEATRE Advanced Vaudeville Licensed Photoplays GEORGE and GOTT Blackface singing, talking and dauc Jng. Seo theso jolly boys. A .RECONSTRUCTED REBEL An Intense. war drama during the time of thu Civil War. HER GIFT A llttlo married Ufo romance falth- iully portrayed by the favorltos. Mr. Arthur Johnson and Miss Drlsco. SLIPPERY TOM A comedy GLIMPSES OF BELGIUM Scenlo ROPE MAKING 11Y HAND IN jiENT, j:ngl.vnd Industrial COMING FRIDAY "THE FIGHTING DERVISHES OF THE DESERT" ThU plcturo was obtalucd by tho' manngomout of this theatro nt an additional hoavy oxponso for tho .bonoflt of Its patrons, aud Is tho first production that was mndo on tho burning, sands of tho Sahara Dosoit, by tbo Kalcm Co. Every scouo mndo . In Egypt. Watch for tho big features that aro comlug. GOOD MUSIC Evening performance. 7:30 -Admission 10 and 15 cents. Spoclal matluoos Saturday and Bun day at 2 p. m. Crater Lake Auto Line Car will leave Hotel Medford. tor Crator Iiakoat 8 a, ra, Tuesdays and Saturday! Return Mondays and Thursdays, 'Spond Sunday at Crator Lake. Reservations made at Medford Hotol office. ' ISIS ssssmmmmmmmmmm By "Bud11 Fisher i . ( Are You Lacking Teeth? V( ,. , .nswss rOJ eu f JVT M -TT-L AA m ..w- jeei good sound rcllablo teeth that you can trust for masticating purposes? If bo you will bo glad to know that wo can supply you with single teeth or full eots without any difficulty, or pain on your part, and at a very mod erate, price. AVo aro experienced dentists and practice all branches of the business "with great success. You will find us good people to knowi Lady Aedt DR. BARKER THE DENTIST Over Daniels for Duds. ' Paclflo ' ii -' Phone 2528, Home Phone. 352-X J Just what you want ou that auto trip 'Always hot .or cold a j you desire MEDFORD BOOK STORE " "y -n MORTGAGE LOANS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest rates with "on or hoforo privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL , Phone 323t 320 G.-C. Bldg. Draperies Wa carry a very cotnploto linn of" drapcrlcH. ltico curtuitm. rlvturcH, ota, ami &a all oIhhsoh or unliolHtnrlnjr. A upoclal man to look after tuts work oxcUiBlvoly uml -wilt Klva as good mirvlce as Is posslblu to got In even tho larccst cities. Weeks & McGowan 6b. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating AU Work Guaranteed ri ' Prlcea Reasonable '" L COFFXEN k PBIOX M ow4 .liiaei, atatrsasa Stfe -M. raotxto aoai. XMM S4. i epspm StJmtittii -w JT -K-. " .T. j, iJ M-T " u.. m innitui-fii y. 1 1 nil iii iiii, OtUMttu! ktiaM MMl'IMf nUry IHKgu,I ' ' MUM. tm. WtH, SIMUMW. Vor wUlo -44 w THE 8WTKH SUKMMI II Thermos ftalT 4- - .A. -wy-('V -r- - "2 " . I ,f 0 M