i I,, if wWiiHzTAnWfLttfr US45WW . .-iM'.'o' --- t PAGE TWO AIEDFORD foAIti TRIBUNE, MEPFORD, OKIOCION, AVIODNIDAV, A WHIST 7, H)12 m f j & -I c1 ".I I I I lo frv i I b f JUDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE PKNDBNT NEWSPAPER . . . iS&Kte W.RSSON 1' nilCllsm t t J rOlID I'fUNTIiNU W '-; 1 u WHO'S LOONEY NOW ? M 1T kit rti DMattttt Tlmm. Trie MAfortl Tn McaTwra Tnnutio, Tno oouin- ',mt;Ainiina ATiuuRe. OfflM Mall Tribune DulltllnK, 5M7-1 North Mr tret: phone, Mala H feme M. JOJl; OnOnOK FUTJAM, fidltor Md Manager tt Bnternd as ncconrt-fWvM matlar Mrdforrf. OrrRon, unlaw ,Um ot of March 8, 18. Ufa MIN IS MTD1UD proving finger "writes, and having writ, !M.b:cs bn: NoriiU your piety, nor wit Shall hire it back to cancel 'lulC a line, K Nor all your tears wash out a. word of it!" ,:f f Tho Crater Lnko season la now at its height from 15 to 25 machines arriving and "departing from tho lafco dally, aside from iho many camping parties who are visiting the lake In wagons camping along tho rontc. The accommodations at tho lake are taxed to capacity but tho departure of parties each day make It possible for tho Crater Lake company to care foVull of tho guests. The seanon began to open In earn est last week when tho first car roached the rim of tho lake. This week will see a constantly Increasing number of vlsltpre at tho lake and during the next two months thous anjis'Vlll view the great natural wondor. Tho machines now arriving at tho lake ar'o for tho most part from California -although a number of local peaplo are visiting tho lake this year. Seven California maqhlnes wcro at tho lake Sunday. The roads are In good condition this ye.ar and it Is an easy matter to make tho trip to the lake in seven hours. GENE DAL HARVEST PEARS NEXT WEEK ' With Instructions to delay picking ofBartlett' pears as long as possible in order that the California crop may get oft the market as much as pos sible the harvesting of pears in the valley will not begin generally until next Monday or Tuesday unless it turns "off very hot in 'the meantime. Tho 'pears are sizing up beautifully and 'are in excellent condition. One car from the Daggett orchard -was shipped from Central Point last Fri day. This was picked early for ex port trade and will probably go to London as an experiment. The 'Southern 'Pacific anticipating the harveffting. has nineteen cars sidetracked in this city. When tho fruit 'begins to move it will go for ward 'rapidly. All of tho orchardists aro'ln readiness to start picking the moment tho fruit gives ovidenco of being ready to come off the trees. Tn the spring and summer of 1009 some irrigation experiments were made in this vicinity under the direction of Prof. 0. T. "Lewis, horticulturist of the Oregon, Agri cultural College. , Oho of ttiom consisted in pouring cold well water on 'Bavtletfc pear trots in tho Hear Crock orchard. The water chilled the trees, brought up the limo subsoil, killed the eroi and made the trees sick. Commenting upon this the 3Mail Tribune remarked editorially ou May t), .1910: "The Oregon Agricultural College Is undoubtedly doing, good work in many lines, but in their horticultural efforts there is nltogether too much experiment. "Whether It is the fault of the instructors or tho fault of students seeking to acquire knowledge one thing Is certain tholr experiments have proven very coBtly to the Jloguc River valley. "An example of some of their work la shown In one of tho prlio or chards near Mcdford, whoso owner was pursuaded to turn over a block of his greatest producers for experimental purposes. As a result, there Is no fruit on this block this year, anil probably will not bo for stnoral jenrn, although these trees havo produced upwards of 11000 an aero In fancy pears. "Although climatic conditions and soil analysis proved conclusively the inadvlsabliity of Irrigating at certain seasons of tho year, tho college experimentalists flooded the trees with water at the wrong time, which brought up a llmo sub-soil, as well ns chilling the roots during the fruit bud formntlvo season, and It will bo several vears before normal conditions nro restored." In reply Professor Lewis, had a column letter dated Oorvallis, May 26, published in the Mail Tribune of .June 1, 1910, in which he stated: I lrl . fi4-a.4n . ,a.a J a iliiK ail bh.. 4-1 a an i llwh .l icmi in auiLv in ,iusi'r in utit nutigr, mm nil- Oregon Agricultural College had absolutely nothing to do with this experiment in any way. We have a written sworn statement by tho owner of the orchard above referred to that we had absolutely nothing to do with the irrigation of the block in question." The orchard referred to was the Bear Creek orchard arid the signed and sworn statement, in repudiation was from C. C. Whislcr, then manager of the orchard, from whom the Mail Tribune got its original information. Prof. Lewis' statement and Mr. "Whislcr ?s sworn repudiation placed the paper in a rather awkward posi tion, a not uncommon situation for newspapers whose informants frequently crawl out of a hole by placing the blame on the paper. Over two years have "since claused and in Bulletin No. 113, detailing "Orchard Irrigating Studies in the Rogue River Valley," of which Prof. C. I. Lewis is one of the authors, just issued by the Division of Horticulture, Oregon Agricultural College experiment station, the fol lowing excerpt 3s taken, trom page 14: "The practice of irrigating voting pear trees on cither the red or gray sticky soils is questionable. In some experiments carried on with eight year old Bartlctts at the $ear creek Orchard the results showed no advantage BULL Mill w HAVE Fllll C Iff MET IS FALL Whether a full county tlokot will bo placed In tho field by the National Progressive party for tho cluotlnn next November will bo determined at a meeting of tho Jnoksou county committee of tho National Progres sive party to In hold this evening at the office of U. K, Mulkey In tho Jackson County Hank building. For some time tho leading imun bers of tho locnl "hull inooyo" or ganisation havo been considering tu advisability of placing n local ticket In the tlctd. Sentiment Is about evenly divided and tho matter will probably consume some ttmo this evening before a final determina tion is reached. If tho commltteo decide to plnco a county ticket In tho field It Its lo Ileved that A K. Ware will be ft can didate for thu county Judgeship. 'M 11NM LOU" flak show SHK-KM1E Of gained in either the amount or size of the fruit produced. Trees which were not irrigated produced as heavily as those whiqh received a considerable amount of witter. Seven hundred gallons per tree were applied about the middle of July. In fact, subsequent results have shown that it is probably a detriment rather than an advantage to irrigate trees of this character on the soils in question. The irrigated trees seem to be liiueh more susceptible to blight. Jnst what changes are brought about in the tree to render it more susceptible, -whether it is due to a coarser, more sappy growth, brought about by the irrigation, or due to some other factor, is still an open question." Whq belongs to the Ananias Club'? The Mail Tribune which printed the facts? Prof Lewis, who publicly denied thcni? , C. E. "Whisler, who swore to his repudiation of thorn? Or the Oregon Agricultural College bulletin 2sTo. 118, written by ProX. Lewis, which confirms them and flatly contradicts Prof. Lewis' letter of May 28, 1910 and Mr. "Whisler 's sworn repudiation'? ""Who's loonev now?" CAMPERS CROWD ' THE ilPPER WE 'Bootblack Jones is offering a perfecllyvgood suit of clothes'for sale cheap ''today following a spree in fuiged'ln by Joo Wilson, colored, af tera'feWdays Vork at Jones estab llshtncht on Central Avenue. Jones stripped iho glad rags from tho trembling form of Wilson at tho city (if'tnls morning and by the way of gettiiig ccn retained tho looso change found In tho aforesaid suit. WIIboo, a tramp iorter, blow Into Mcdford a 'few days ago and was given oraploy merit by Jones in his shoeshinlng establishment. Not wish ing Whavo an assistant who was njbt liroperiy clothed. 'Jones staked Wilson to a now suit and other wear ing apparel. Yestorday Jones went on a brief vacation leaving Wilson In 'charge No sooner had ho left than Wilson locked up tho place and proceeded to go on a protracted sproo. Jones returned last evening aniKthls morning ho stripped Wilson In 'tho city Jail and Is now offering oho 'sUlt, sfro 36, for sale cheap. According to residents of tho urn per Rogue Itlver district there aro more campers In that section this season than for many years past. All of tho favorito camping grounds aro filled and from all reports ovcryono is having a great tlmo. Tho woath er has been all that could bo desired and feed Is plentiful on the ranges. Most of tho campers aro enjoying venison. Especially true Is this of tho Prospect country. Nearly a dozen deer havo already been bagged by tho sportsmen camped at this placo. FIRST SPADE OF WH IN HIGHWAY SAN FJIANCISCO. Cnl., Aug.7 With tlie turning of tint firht hpmlc of earth in tho roustrurtiuti of tlie new $8,000,000 Hlntc highway through California iieur San liruno tho three day International High way convention hero came to u eloHo today. At the invitation of P. I). HtirtKcil, president of the Vancouver club, to hold its next meeting in Vancouver, iind u seconding speech by A. K. president of tho Victoria. Aiitoniojiilu cjiili, a liuuniuiotiri voteljy t!io' dele gates favored (lie proposa). Tho prefonnnncQ last night at tho opera house was a beautiful passing show, with hrlnght ongs ami u snappy. If not n thoroughly witty, dialogue. Musical comedies like ijoulslnnu l.ou can not stand tho light of criticism from cither a mus ical or a dramatic art standpoint. The entertainment is calculated to whllo away a ploasant hour or two and in that, it succeeded. The caate was good throughout and tho costumes were unusually pretty. The chorus glrltt were shapely llttlo misses, with voices that were In tune. There was qulto a crowd from thoN outside towns.' Ashlnnd being es pecially wall represented. Mr. McCallum has some good things for tho coming theatrical sea Bon, among which are "Tho Merry Widow," "Tlie Chocolate Soldier," "Modern Kve," "llunty Pulls tho StrlnKs." "Portuno Hunters," "Tho Gamblers," "Officer CCC," and "Pomander Walk-.'- - N- This being presidential year, many of tho best attractions will coma west, whero the political fight Is supposed ly not so Intonse. This, nowever, may be an exceptional season, even In Oregon, ED ANDREWS. FELT BAD ALL THE TIME Shcllhorn Ijv Suffered a Great Deal, But Is All Rhjht Now. Rhollhorn, Ala. In a letter from this plnco, Mrs. Carrlo May nays: "A short tlmo ago, 1 commenced to have weak npolls and headaches, I felt bad nil tho time, and Boon grow no bad I couldn't stay up. 1 thought I would dlo. At Inst my husband got mo a bottln qf Cardul, and it helped mo; no ho got eomo more. After I had taken tho second bottlo, I was entirely well, I wish ovorj lndy, suffering from womanly trouble, would try Cardul. It Is tho best medicine I know of. It did mo mow good thau anything I ever used." Cardul ,1s a woman's tonlo atrougthonlng inudlctno for women, mada from Ingredlouts that act opo cltlrnlly on tho womanly organs, and thus help to build up tho womanly con atitutlon to glowing good henUh. As a remedy for woman's Ills, it has a successful record of over 60 years. Your druggist sella L ricaso try It. H,n.-imui ljWAMrxy Ptr., OitU Pve Atftlldn Co.. QutUiiooci. Tnn for Wrvewil Mifri-Ktu, tnj M-v( took, Hlomo TiIimI tor womo, tnt m ruin vratttr, oo triuiiU We Have Moved Tho Art Store is now located in now quarters in tlie Slowing Jmihyug , ULH W. Alain Stroot, first door oast o'L' Iho J3. & Cj. On.sh (U'oujury, The Aft Store , ji Watch Our Addition Grow Jniktton ami Hummlt Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. V. & II. Co. Illdg. A SNAP GO acres, six miles from Mcdford. good graded road crosses tho tract. all free soil, at $50 per aero. 11000 will handle, easy terms on bnlnnco. Part is creok bottom land, sultahlo for alfalfa. Several springs ou tho placo. Timber enough to pay for tho tract. No buildings. In tho Grlfflu creek district. W. T. York S Co. Save Money By ordering your Pall and Winter suit now before tho busv season starts BIG REDUCTIONS IN EVERY STYLE r J)o you know thai, you can get a Kail and Winter suit NOW to your measure for 12.00 and uj W. W. Eif ert 209 W Main Medford's Progrossivo Tailor MY METHODS of Ivcl'raeting aro positive. You take no chances here. DR. RICKERT Eyesight Specialist Over Kentncr's It takes five different aged whiskies to make Cyrus Nobleeach one good in itself. But it takes blend ing and re-ageing to bring out the best in each to "round-out" the flavor. .Why punish yourself with rouuh, high.proof, strong uhitkey when you can gel Cyrus Noble everywhere? W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co,, doncral AgonU, Portland. Window Trixh 80 Ten Pieces Tied in a Bundle Ready to Set Up No Waste Cts. ComplMn art 0r "Window Trim co unlet Qf Clnc. IImiI Cnntne. nilii. cap Mold. Vtliidow Htojm. fltonl and Apron. You liavo your cholco of .Step, Hull .Voao and Illantnr Coning. Complete Bet of Itinliln Door Trim romlnts of Cailnr. Hllet, Cap Mold and He I!lockn. l'rlce for no ld only..., , , Cmtnir. tlrnd 60c U Tint qnUltr B-ro pml .Dt0 $1.40 XJurpaoUd mvA nrntaia. rina iriiH at thla rtoa. X. B. OnHida Soor fiin, oomplata , . 1J13 3C . Znalda Soor Tram a., Tno X. . Saah rramas, -nrith crat- a!4o caalsf and all! . . Mo X. S. "WUiiow rrasiai, wltli blind atop, pollaya la viae. jokata oat l..., tU9 Two-Ua-tot 94x34 wtadoir, ,Uoa Wi do not nail rough Itim ber, otc, tint 'nn In your Hat of any other material for tlmatlnir. Wi 'will sell any one. Hnlp nnywhorc n ua& tor Oataiarua aro. ac O.B.WLUIAMS Sash and Doiri IMS First AicJL Seattle, D. S. A. S.S.S. NATURES PERFECT T0NIG Bomnthlng moro thnn nn ordinary tonlo U roqulrod to ronton) hwlth to n woakonod, run-down Byatom; tho inodlulno inut poiuwwt blood.purUydw; proportion na well, becnuno tho wouknonn ntul Jiupurlty o( tho circulation In responsible for tho poor phynlcnl condition. Tlio blood tloou not contnln the necessary quantity of rloli, red corpuiwlos, and is thnroforo n wouk, watery stroain which ctuinot uilord sufllclent nourUhrnont to nuRtnin tho tryatom In ordinary health. A poorly nourished body cannot roaUt duuiiiAn. und thla oxplainn why so many persons 'aro attacked by a mjkiII of slcknoss when tho uso o( rv good tonlo would huvo )rovonttl tho trouble. In 8. 8.8. will bo found both blood-olonniilug nnd tonlo quulltlon combined. It builds up wonlc conntltutlona by removing nil impurities nnd Roriua fr.iiti tho blood, thus supplying n certain moiuia lor Testoriuc strength tnl lnvlRornlinK tho syutom. Tho healthful, voKotnhlo iiiKrodlonts of whlolt 8.8.8. is compoaed iimlto it sphuiditlly fitted to Uio noods nfthono iyt)tuiu.t which tiro dollcnto from tiny oautio, It In Katuro'd Tereat Tonlo, froa front nil harmful minerals, a imfo and plounant noting modlalno for porsouu of ovory ago, 8. B. 8. rids tho body of that tired, "worn-out foollnu bo coutiunn at this souaon, improves tho ujiixitlto and digestion, tonos up tho titointiuli, acts with plonaln;; oduota on thu norvoun syntem, und rolnvicomtns ovnrv portion of tho body. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. x: coimciLinAN Mitchell ill; WO SESSION WAS HELD 'Falling to havo a quorum, tho council 'adjourned last night until Thursday ovonlng when tlio three woeks lapuo alnco a meeting will bo hrokou'tr a quorum cun ho 'found. The regular mooting would havo takon placo last night but for tho Huddes Vttack of Councilman Mitchell With 'malaria. Coiincllmoh Watt and Etncrlck both holng In quest of ro crat)on, iMr. "MltcholT's illness stop peH the municipal wheels. ' ivMuck'iinportaut work was HCliodul ".fer -last night's meeting and tho rifciitarijelty bills wcro to hnve been gllowJ. v ? T T Y T T T T T y f T Jk,, , BUNaALOW BAEGAIN Lust clmiioo of the soason worth every eent of $3,000.00, to he Hold at the extremely pw price of $2,300.00. Handsome i'LIh with built in eliina closet, maple floors, '(n'i'ic sleeping porch, living room 12 x 28 feet with huff brick fireplace, large lot 00 x M0 J'eot, nice hiwn, double constructed, guaranteed 00 years. H. E. GATES, Owner ROSE AVE. aaaa J ,.i i i mi wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm iiiTnr mi ' Btni vlfl mWTym 111 r Ml t WMrtZHrX m " i -mm mm .1. H ;1H 1 &4&rtrirtp&& U Duma OH No Ashes It Concen trates Heat -No 'Waste It is Hanay ' No Dirt It la Real3y No' Delay' The Latest Thing in Stoves For a midnbht stinoer. at for anv other meal nt nnv other lime, Uic very laleet thing in stove tho bcit that stove-artists can do is a N&VtrcviiQ iniiwniawiaiiii Oil Cook-tovc It cohccofralei iba hrU U you want it. It li i qaiek i tju.tttaditr aad lnJier ihut C04I, cheaper llian tlevfWIjr. 'rjif'NwPiffin'StolilinJifn.l(;iiUl la nkul, Willi riUnit lop, drop tlxlvu, tawl im,o. 'ivmiu triut t,tot juiiro4f AliJ-Vi I ten , vib. 'nu wiu 1 , or j purni ri Mm tut? tU Nw rrrct(jj Jjloa. 1 Cool. Bool HTlli vtrr Daft , CwiklMwk tin a 14 troat ifailiai uait la Wi OMltin pjrt. JllBBaafiBBAi ' 1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporatad)' VuFltliCO. CL Ban Jala. C4I. U.r..UI. f!l. ..t.l u..L I SiWtotCa. , TfaapojCJ. &.., Wa.k m unwm. vrv .LoAi?al.(ial. iMPVfitwu wsi t &kcmmnloCl IMOOU. Wilk. IB i y ,,t 5 IM.'I C if I! i