PXQB ffOUB medforp mm tribune, mepjfori), oregon, Saturday, 'ArausT a. 1012 4 1 ! t i i . r 0 -T i l MMDJFOIU) MAIL TRIBUNE . AN WOTtr MKDFI age igapaB i m iina. IKtiUPminmiv mrarntAiinn POSMRlUBb KVBItr AFTB11NOON SUNDAY. 11V THH DFOUD PIUNTINO CO. Th nttnocritlo Times, Tim Mnlford Mull, Tha Meiirord Tribune, Tho South rn OrcKonlan, Tho Ashland: Trlbuno. Offlctt Mnll Trlbuno llulldlnR, S6-!7-2 North Mr streets phonu. Main aojlj How 76. eBOHQM PUTNAM, Rilltor and Mftnajrtr II THE GREAT IMPULSE OP POPULAR WILL ftsnuui flurry at i J5ntred an McontlTlnns matter i Mcdford. Orison, under tha act of March 3. 1R79. OfflPlftt Paper of tho Clljr of Mrdford. rniwr or jncKson county. Official . SUBSCRIPTION XATJES. Ono ypnr, by tnalt. ..,,,,,,... ...,,E.OO wno innnui, ny nihil SO IVr tnonlli. delivered by carrier In 3 MPtirunl, Jacksonville! and On- ' trnl Point , , .80 Paturttny only, by mall, per year.. J.oo Weekly, Per year 150 , SWORN CIRCUX.ATIOH. Dally nvirncn ror eleven months end- In November 30, 1911. SJ6I. '.T. Tu r taxed Wlra tfnlttA Fraaa Dispatch. Tho Mall Tribune li on Ktl it tho retry wewt Hinmi. san Kncieo. Portland Hotel Nerrit Stand, IMrtiand. Bowman Nw Co., lMrtlaml, Or. W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash. KsoroKD. orssov. . Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tha feateat Krnwlnp city In OrcRon. Population U. 8. census 19103540; estimated, 101110,060. rive hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. siring finest supply purn mountain water, and 17.3 miles of streets paved, i Postofflco receipts for year endlns Nox-omlicr 20, 1811, show Increase, of 1 per cent. 1 Banner fruit eltr In Orei-on Ttnc-ui T?lvcr Splticnberjr npples won aweep- iK'H nriro ana line or "Appla Xing- of tha WorH" t tho National Apple Show. Spokane, 1)09, and a car Of Nnwtowna won rirat rris in 1910 at Canadian International Apala 8bow, Vancouver. B. C. LAST SMT FOR MM M H Tho final or last spray for codllnp moth should bo applied beginning with August ?th. Ordinarily, this 8) ray might bo omitted, but our ob servations ou the second brood show that there are a great many belated members, which will tend to enter tho apples some time after tho above date. Tho spraying which was done about a month ago covered the fruit compfetely at that time; however, the surface area of the apples has in creased greatly slnco that time, mak ing a large portion of the fruit un protected. It has been noted that tho, belated members of the second brood of codling moth havo usually caused mora damage than any of the regular first or second broods. This is duo to tho fact that tho apples havo been properly thinned and only those which should remain bclrig left on tho trees. Therefore, the destruction of any fruit after this timo means a loss. Pears need not be sprayed, oven tho very lato ones. Tho apples should bo sprayed with arsenate of lead at the rate of 4 pounds of ar senate of lead to 100 gallons of water. An examination of all of tho com mercial orchards of the Valley shows that very effective spraying has been dono this year. Tho fruit Js clean in every way, and it is hoped that tho record so far maintained will be kept up by applying tho final spray. Remember that a box or two of ap ples will go a long way toward pay- lug for tho additional expense of spraying. P. J. O'GARA, Pathologist in Charge. SPEAKING of the third party muvoifient, thfc Croid sin's: "Tho jtiovcmcnt is not a more political artifieally created by one man's ambitions, but. a groiv impulse of the popular will which finds in Colonel Roose volt a providential instrument." The third parly is the outcome of the progressive or insurgent movement, which Roosevelt had no part in creating and which ho siezed upon as an opportunity to realize his personal ambition for a third term. It has been aptly said of this progressive movement that, Rryan was its prophet, La Vollette its sensational evangelist, Cummins its convincing pastor, Wilson its philosopher and Roosevelt its mere opportunist. Tnstead of Bryan, La .Follette and Cummins, ercatoi-s of tho progressive movement and lladley, Peneen, Horah, Osborn, Bourne and Works, its advocates, supporting the third party, we find "this great impulse of tlie popular will" created and financed bv such reformers as IVrkins of the steol trust and Morgan interests, iMcConnick of the Harvester trust, Munsey ot the periodical trust, Pinchot, Beveridge and other members of the "tennis cabinet" personal followers of the Great Man, with Johnson and Ileney of California and lloch of Kansas and Flynu of Pennsylvania, who have joined the third party and also kept control of the republican party in their states. When Roosevelt ordered the attorney general to stop proceedings against the Harvester trust'because Perkins threatened the alienation of the Morgan interests, and when he consented to the violation of the law and per mitted the absorption of the Tennessee companv bv the steel trust, was he carrying out progressive principles tiiid aiding the "healthy evolution of our political life along lines of social and economic justice?" Mr. Perkins announces that the new partv will have plenty of cash. Undoubtedly the steel and other "ijood trusts" will pay any amount to have such a friend to special interests as Roosevelt has been again in the presi dential chair. But why doesn't Mr. Roosevelt publish the list of campaign contributions for his primary cam paign its Ln Pollette has done? "Why does he not bar big contributions and corporation support as Wilson has uouei Why not show the source of this "great impulse of the popular will," its inspiration and its financial support? Because to do so would absolutely destroy its popularity by undeceiving the deluded hero worshipers hneeling at ilie shrine of the great Four Plusher. TO COMPLETE THE TICKET BUT one thing is needed to complete the ticket of the Bull Moose party, and that is the nomination of William Randolph Hearst as A'iee president. Hearst has legimately earned the place. Ho is again in open revolt against the democratic party, which, strange lo say, pays no attention to his scoldings. . The third part' is the legitimate fold for such political undesirables of the rule or ruin stripe. Hearst tried to force Champ Clark on the democratic ticket, and to do it, made an alliance with Rvau and Tammany hall. Clark's weakness in listening "to such advice arid his desertion of principles, brought about nis ueteac ana tue wouia-ua Warwick is out of a job. Hearst believes in a bier haw and is unniercifullv fla3'ing the democratic house for not building more dread- nauguts wiui tne people's money, i-coosevelt also believes in big .navies. Hearst announces his belief in a high tariff, not onlv for revenue, but for protection. Roosevelt has the same faith. Both are imperialists and expansionists and extremists. Hearst believes in denouncing the bosses he can't boss and then going into partnership with them for a Y m CE mm OF ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. 3. Mrs. Daisy Grace, acquitted of tho charge of attempting to murder her hus band, Eugene II. Grace, refused to mako a statement today concerning her husband's charges. She said: "I want to see my boy In Phliadel phia and forget the trial, as well as my husband. I felt suro of acquit tal. ,'I d not think that I shall ever return hero, as I want to reservo tho rost of my llfo for my. boy and my mother." Graco Is reported to bo slightly woreo at Nownan. division of the spoils. This is one of Roosevelt's cardi nal principles. Both preach one thing and practice another. Both change color constantly like the chameleon. Both are opportunists, both of over leaping ambition and both crazed with egotism. "What more happy combination could there be than Roosevelt and nearst for the Bull Moose ticket? The New Party From a Roosevelt Point of View KID McCOY IS SAID TO BE INNOCENT LONDON, Aug. 3. Itoverslng a decision inudo earlier in the day. Magistrate Derutson, sitting in tho Dow street court, luto this afternoon ndmittod Norman Selby (Kid Mc Coy), the American prize fighter, tq bail In.tlio sum of ?1G,000 on charges of liayjng been implicated In an $80,000. Jewel robbory at Ostond. Tho court changed Its ruling when ScoUiiqd, Yard detectives testified tliat Solby undoubtedly was inno cont. v t At (the morning session of court Magistrate Derutson remanded Selby uiitjlvTliursday, when,;t was paid ex tradition' papors would reach hero from Uelgliun, (From Tho Craftsman.) Two years ago Tho Craftsman pre dicted the birth of a new party which would absorb the progressive ele ments from both tho Republican and tho Democratic ranks, and wo pointed to Theodore Roosevelt as tho logical louder of such a party, to, bo founded, as wo then saw It, on "conservation and the sijuaro deal." SInco then, in spito of many a dramatic and be wildering anti-climax, our political history has moved steadily toward tho fulfillment of this prediction, and tho new party makes Its official bow to tho nation In- Chicago on August 5th. A few months ago It seemed as though this event might bo In definitely delayed by tho Republi cans placing Theodoro Roosevelt again at their head, and The Crafts man, knowing what comes of putting now wine in old bottles, felt that In evitable ultimate realignment would bo postponed, but not averted. But tho Republican organization, by ar rogantly overruling In Us national convention tho will of tho Republican voters as expressed In tho presidential primaries, precipitated this realign ment, and at tho samo timo Jlboraled from nil obligation to itsolf tho ono leader best able to give to a people's party In Its beginnings definlteness and u fighting edge. iThen tho Domocratlc organization, shakeu by tho popular outcry over (ho performance of tho Republican machine, and forced from, Its origi nal program by Mr. BryanH aggrcs zlvo and fearless genorulship In Ba' tlmore. nominated Woodrow Wilson, a man whom tho pcoplo respect and whom tho bosses do not love; and onco again it seemed that the stars in their courses wero fighting against tho birth of a now party. "Given an opportunity to voto for a progressive candldato on tho Demo cratic ticket," argued cortaln timid friends of tho third-party movemont, "tho -progressive Demo crats upon whoso support wo counted will stay in their own camp, and our fighting forco will bo so reduced ns (o make tho odds against us in No vember overwhelming," Tho wuv- erors, forgetting that whatever tho Immediate outcome, a fight for the right Is never a fight ..lost, urged Colonol Roosovelt to retire from tho flold, or to throw his strength to Wilson. But howover reasonable this ad vice may seem to Governor Wilson's innumerable admirers and well wishers, it Ignores tho fact that In splto of tho Jolt udmlnlstorod at Balti more) the Democratic machlno with all Its slnlstor potentialities Is still in working order. In Chicago, tho bosses proventod tho nomination of Colonel Roosevelt, In Baltlmoro, tuoy strained every iiervo' to 'Ob struct tho Wttxon boom, but when Ibis proved Imponslblo thoy cllmliml with nlnerlty upon tho Imiul-wngun, To many who lujllmu whole-hcartud-ly In Hie right of Uio pcoplo to ru!t it must ni'em tlmt Colonel UoosovqU'h position wn strciifithdnod ruthor than weakened by his dlvorco fiom the. Republican orgnnltnUou, uutl that his moral obligation to thouu who look to him for leadership U unaffected by Oovornor Wilson's nuidldncy. In other words, the ro- formation of tho old parties, If pos sible at all, cannot bo nccompllnhed entirely from within. When wo ron duct our own reformation there Is al ways the temptation to compromise, and It Is then that little ungentle pressuro from without is likely lo help toward results, Such pressure can be applied most effectively by nn Independent party, and whether It results In a regenerated democracy or roRenerntod republicanism or an enthroned third party, it will havo served its purpose and Justified Its existence. As to the need of reform, wo must not delude ourselves with any fnlso belief that It 1ms disappear ed Just because for onco. when tho eyes of the country were focused up on It, n great political machine, bun been commandeered and forced for n timo to do the people's work. Any machine whoso purpose In hostllo to tho public good Is nt a disadvantage when working In the open with tho spotlight turned upon it. Hut suuh orgaultatlons nro adopts at avoiding tho limelight, and when working un der cover thotr power Is appalling, Tho only safe- plnn is to scno tUcm to the scrap heap, and to substitutn for them a machine built for and by tho people for purposes ho righteous that all Itft operatloofl can he In tho open and under tho constant flood ing light of publicity. Meanwhile things nro In n bad wnf with tho -old parties, whatever their nominal lead ership, when ono attorney of Rynn presides over ono national' conven tion and another attorney ot Ryan presides over tho other. In other words, special privilege, with a spirit above, partisanship, keeps lta hands on tho levers in both parties, and then, unperturbed, lenves tho voting nnd tho excitement to tho people. Fortunately, however, tho people are now nwakonlng to tho meaning lessness of party labels. For years tho Independent voter has been bo- coming nioro and more Independent. In politics, ns In religion, the empha sis Is less and less on sectarianism. Tho pcoplo aro learning to think for themsolvcs. to demand facts Instead of phrases, to work back through all the Intentionally bewildering surface complexities of politics to tho groat simple basic principles of social and economic Justice This is tho last thing that tho bosses, and tho spe cial interests behind tho boaes, de sire. With a perfect nonpartisan un derstanding among thomaclves, they recognlzo as ono of their most valu able assets tho tradition of party reg ularity among tho voters. Rather than seo that shattered, tho bosses will at timo oven connlvo to put into public offlco the best man available, putting up with tho tompornry In convonionco and discomfort this on talls for tho sake ot koeplng Intact tho people's faith in our party sys-torn. But In splto of nil such devices a great section of tho public has come to the conclusion that tho conditions now prevailing la both tho old par tics aro boyond tho power of any ono man, no mattor how earnest and in corruptible bo may be, to control, oven from tho van f ago point of tho presidency. Tho need of a now party Is Implicit In the organizations of tho two old parties, and Is a mattor transcending personal considerations. That Colonel Koosovolt'ji dynamic and magnotlc personality is available for Its immcdlato leadership Is a piece of great good fortune and has undoubtedly hastened tho event. But tho movemont Is not a mere political flurry artificially creatod by ono mail's ambitions, but u great Impulso of tho popular will which finds In Colonel Roosevelt a providential In strument. Ills unique value in this crisis lies ln his gift of leadership, his power to flro tho pooplo. with faith in their own aspirations and with courage and purpose to realize thorn. Ho arouses tho kind ot fight ing spirit which launches an enter prise in tho faco of scomlngly Insur mountable obstacles and driven It through to Its goal. Ills appeal Is to tho Imagination, tho Idealism and tho generous enthusiasm of tho na tion, especially of its young men whose hearts aro over reudy to klndlu to high adventure A distinguished reactionary editor has Jorrcd at Colonol Roosevelt for "confusing morality and politics," Ah u matter of fact, It Is bocauso ho re fuses to soparate theso two that tho pcoplo huvo need of film. That a political purty should bo based on democracy and tho decalogue does not strlko some of lis as cither Incon gruous or amusing, although tho pro fessional politician if) convulsed with nlrth at tho Idea. To our yay pf thinking, a party 'liold together by a people's aspirations towurd right eousness Instead of by tho coheslvo power of public plunder needs no) apologist, , But tho icople4muut romembor i ' ' ... - New Poetical Genius Found in California hMW.MIMMHMl-ll M.MH ,, , !,...,..,., MSIMMW mill SAN KUANCHSCO, Aug. Jl.IIer. nlded us "ono of llio greatest' JuVo ulle genlusea In tho history "t liter ntme." nnd greeted with prophenlos that In his work "tho Hptrlt of po etry, long nulosceut, begins to live again,' Clark Ashion Smith, it 13-year-old boy of the high Sierras, to day Ib the literary Kommtlou of Cali fornia. Unique In v that tho torrost,rlnl fphoro plays smalt part In them, thx writings of the hoy gonitis nro phrased in the language of the cos mlu sphere. Hponxorx for tho boy pre aiding In arranging u volume of fifty-six poeuiH hcuiu to be published. Born of nn American mother and an l.tigllsh father, the boy until six months ago wan never twenty miles from his birthplace. Delicate from birth and posuemted of too much "temperament," the boy went only for a short time to the public schools and sluco then has been developed by a long stud)' of tho great writers and a comUnut communing with the wide spaces of tho hills. Of the pooius to bo published lu tha forthcoming work of the boy genius, one "N'ero," Is deemed the best. I.cholng with the crash of countless worlds. It nttrlbutoH to tho mind of tho "mounter of Rome" n conception and a lust for power to culminate in that universal chaos, which was tho ultimate desire of his superhumauly murderous uoul, Tha soltloquoy of Nero Is n part; "I would 1 were a God, with all tho scope Of attributes that aro tho essential core Or Godhead, and Its visibility. I mn but emperor, and hold awhile Tho power to hasten death upon his way. And cry n halt to worn and lagi'lug life For others, hut for mlno own self may uot Delay tho one, nor bid tho other spoed. Thero have been ninny kings, and they are dead And hnvo no power In death save what the wind ' Confers upon their blown and brnln- ' less dlist To vex tho eyeballs of poKtoilty. But worn 1 tltid, 1 would bu overlord Of many hlugs, and wore mi breath to gilldo Their dust of destiny. And woro I (lod, Ktontpt from tli Ih iniortallty wh.uh clogs I'orceptlim and clear exercise or will, What rapture It would ho If hut to watch Destruction couching at tho hack of Time, The tougublomt dooms which dog tho traveling riiiiu, The vampire Silence at the breast or worlds, Fire without light that giiawn the base ot things, And l.otho'x mounting tlde.Mhat rots tho stone Of fundamental apheres. This were enough Till Riich lime as (ho diuxled wings or will Came up with power's acrosslon, senrroly roll For very suddenness. Then would I urge Tho strong contention and conflict ing might Or rhnos nnd creation, matching thorn, Those Immemorial powers Inimical, And all their slant nnd gutto's nub servient Dynnsts of Timo nod anarchs of the dark In closer war rovcrsoloHs, and would sot New discord at the unlvurxnl core. A Snmxou principle to bring It down lu ono magnificence of ruin, ten. Tho moiiHter ohnos wero iiiluo un leashed hound, Aud all my power Destruction's own right arm. Those who havo the boy's welfare nt heart have decided that ho shall uot bo spoiled and exploited before tho curious or the cities. They ad vise that ho go back to the high Si erras, there to live close to nature's heart and keep hlmsotf unspotted from tho world, confldont that, ir he does so, tho world will hnvo acquired a new singer fit to rank with tho greatest bards of time. 'zssat, H..X. WHERE TO OO TONIGHT SISf THEATRE AU wim eil Vuudinllle Licensed lio(opla)N (JKOIIUi; ami H)TT lllackfuro uliiglilit, talking and dauc lug. See theuu Jolly hoys, HMMMI ikn Tiiu iiiti: iirxi-H it.i Comedy " J. Till: I'tlltH Comedy tin: I'iMJiii.MAdi: Drama This In a fine Gorman tilery. TIIK HIICItllT AND IIIH MAN Drama A wentern hummer " GOOD MUflW Kvonlug performance. 7:30 Admission 10 and lb conts. bpeclal matinees t'aturday und Bun day at !! p. m. that tho ultimate, responsibility for tho new party, for It success or Mm failure, rests with themselves and uot with Colonel Roosevelt, lu such n fight us lies before it, the filial out come depends upon tho rank nnd file rather than upon the officers. Hav ing found n leader, their work is out? begun. It Is for them to make It and keep It the people's party, to see that it docs uot slip from their control into the hands or the politi cal und business buns. To this end It should be financed by tho smull contributions ot tho many rather than by tho largo contributions of tno tow. Ultimately thero tahould be a law limiting shurply tho size of campaign contributions, thereby making It possible tor all to have practically equal stakes In the resttl). In tho sublimated and cynical gnmu of politics nu tho politicians know It, tho special Interest put up tho ntukes on a ImB's of "heads wo win, tails you lose," and tho people mere ly play tho part ot pawns. For nil or us who believe that the healthy evolution or our political llfo along tho linos of social aud economic Justice Is hopelessly ham- Your Child's Health Your First Thought If you havo children, naturally your first thoughts uro for tholr health. You certainly want them to develop strong, healthy eonstlutlons Tho most careful attention must be l'Ivihi when children nltow the first symptoms of tho many common ail ments. Perhaps they are weakly and thin, or grow loo fast, thus sacrific ing HtreiiKth. Theso nnd other ap parently minor nlltnentn may bo the forerunner to a weak constitution for llfo. Huch children need J ny tin's Tonic Vermifuge which Is esscutlally n chil dren's tonic. First or all, It will properly care ror the child's stomach, It will also Improve tho appetite, and will add strength to tho other organs of tho body. In cnsior thin or Im pure blood, It Increases tho number of red corpuscles, enabling tho en riched blood to keep tho body healthy aud strong Among tho most cnmmpn ailments that children develop Is that or a dis ordered stomach, lending to an Im paired indigestion. In mniiy cases this trouble Is due to parasites In the Intestinal trart. To correct such trouble, Jayno's Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed. For moro than eighty years mil STAR THEATRE Under direction People's Ainunoment t'ompuuy, ALWAYS IN TIIK LKAW Tho coxy, cool aud comfortable Rent Motion Picture theater where you al ways seo tho best pictures, Nothing Hut Illg Bright lVaturo Pliotoplny A two HKIti: TODAV great Historical classic In reeln 12000 foel of film. WIUITK.V IN lll.OOD An Incident during Napoleon's bat I In at Vauchampii against the IlrltUh under Wellington's comtunud. STUPKNIUH'M SKNHATIONAL v.vimit falsi: iutirri;NHKs A genuine thriller and sterling Cow boy play. Tin: cook mi: hack A burlenquu comedy scream Ah HATIIKIt In song Our muslo nnd ef frets for tho photo play nro unexcelled. MATINKKH DAILY Admission 10c, Children Cc. WATCH FOR ro.MINd FKATUHKH They nro rolling In right nloug. Sunday nnd Monday, Aug. A and 5 "I'UA IUAVOI.O" Tho grand photo opera pored by special prlvllego entronch- hoiih ot children havo been restored to od behind tho two old parties, the advent of tho now progressive party means not only uu opportunity but a responsibility. It means a ohituco to abandon tho attitude or cynical ac ceptance ror tho role of tho uoldler lu a noble cnuso, and to fight wholo heartedly for tho fulfilment of our country's druam, shoulder to shoul dor with comrades tired by the mime vision. mffiSgJM APPJELIS I IRVG0I& South Africa WATER BAG UfoMt nml, frih wtr lwv t Imuil. Kyopi vua waver cool a liouriurloDferln uu or liailo. Vot man wjjo u WMM HBBlltat wutilnitit . dU. Uuee from froah wtlnr, an Xpwllr fiauth African Water Rax j-iv. for liult IWMMcSH&etltato Many lliima ortr la tints uvi iui I.. in. rrjMl niclnary dua Ui fftih wait right at iniL No tlma lint le.rltfu wwrk to co lor .......... ,... i-i.-.n...., mnYojuri, poll. moll, ftockintiiiuiiyoiiu aiKMwl to dry or warm wtmtlmrlt f an al.-lnin ,.,.. .itu Water put Into tlio bag In tlia iiiornluir uu ojuuaru 10 i uii auii ami air all nuy win iw cower iiii.ni iiiuii liwoi lu tlia inomluf , Tho lal drink aa cool aa tliu (Int. Guaranteed. Uaod bv XI. a. ci. Htrong, J.tijhl, Jhtratlt, tiaiy to Carry , Hizre-i, 21 and 0 GalloHi. Prepaid Price, l. 10, 1.40, 3.00 fl.pectlfafy, i r aait i"j uinHrt l.urywUm, y A'el vidir i.tnci f ifivi mi Adam Apptsll Ynt;r IJnjr Co. ruillkAilU, OIUCIIDN health through tha uso of this tonic. Insist upon Jayno's; nrcopt no other. Hod by druggists everywhere. Dr, O, Jayno & Hon, Philadelphia, Pn. A SNAP GO acres, six tulles from Mcdford. good graded road crosses tho tract, ail freo soil, at $50 por aero, (1000 will handlo, easy terms on balance. Part Is crook bottom laud, suitable ror alfalfa, Several springs on tho place Tlmhor enough to pay for tho tract. No buildings. In tho Griffin crook district. W. T. York & Co. Thermos Tusi what you wnut on that auto trip 'AlwayH hot or cold aj you desire MEDFORD BOOK STORE PLUMBING Stoara and Hot Water Hoating All Work Guarantee Prices Jtoaaonul.U COPPEEN & PRICE US ward. Stoolc, Xntranca oa 8th It. Vacate aoai. Xowa a. Watch Our Addition Grow Jackson and Huinitilt Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. F. ft H. Co. Illdg. Crater Lake ' Auto Line Car will loavo Hotol Medford, for Crator Lake at 8 a. in, Tuesday and Haturday. Return Mondays and Thursdays, Spend flundnr at Orator Lake. RoHorvatlons mad at Medford Uotol offlco. Draperies Wo carry a very complete lino of ilrapurlvH, fuco curtains, flvturcH, etc., niiu uu uu vianatiii ui liIMIOIHIerilltf, A speulul iiiuii to. look aftur thin work kivo as good to ifot in uvou Weoks & McGowan Co. MoliiHlvnly niul will tuirvlco aw Is nouslblu t)iu lurgcst OltlOH. l h n o a $ i wmmv&M"ittt.- - ..rTy.fJBM!! t!iHirWVWrV,,SfMvl!?M rfif'1i' :r ' -- - it,? tri tf-?rmfM