v vw i v r .t i t ? -V v r n --1 rn -vi- v t I' i I gggwwwLJilL t ' . !.i MEDFQftjP MATT TRIBUNE, MEPFORD, , OKKClOy, 1TOPAY, AUOFRg, m MraroicD Mail tribune f " ""r" MJ1) liiifliiiMimii i ii il ...ftB Ji?!PNIKNT NEWHPAMJR I'U NVKHV Ar.WlINr RIINI1AV. T1V1 TMMIt ttuit.uiM.:'.:.'.. ..--:i jimui'UllU J'JlliVnNU CO." Tho nemocrntlo (.flscs, The MuKortl Mull. Tho MMfordsTrtbuno, tho SouUi fcrn OrARonlan. Tho Ashland 'Tribunal Of flea Mall Trllmno nulldlntr, IS-37-.3 North Kir street; phona, Mala lOU: Horns 76. w ' OKOOE PUTNAM, Edltex and Manager Knternd ftccond-ctass mattn1 t S, 1879. M'ifprn. om'koii, under the act of JtlfllXII Off lcl I'ajwr ot tho city 6f ItTctlford. Official IMpcr of Jnckaon County. trasoxcprxoir iatm, One jrrnr, by mnl)...v ,;.... .15.00 Ono month, hy mall. ..,.,... .SO PJ" month, delivered hy carrier In Meilfonl, Jncksonvlllo and Ccn tral Potnt .... .BO Bjjturjlfty only, hy mull, per year.. S.OO Weekly, per year t ,.a.. l.tO ' BWOKK CIKCTJIATIOk Dully nverngn rw eleven month onfl- inn iNovcmoer au. isti, jtbi. I Tall X.ia wire t7nitA rM Stapateiicp. Tho Mnll Trlbuno i on wiU at the Ferry News stand. San FMnctco. Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland. Itowman News Co Portland, Ore. W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wuk. mBF6&B'. omsioir. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the faatct growlp "lty In Orccon. Peculation U. 8 cenulllO 1810: estimated. 1911 .10.000, ' Flvo hundred thoysfc'n.d dollar arayttr Water Synlem completed. KlvfoR flnent Kunpiy puro mountain mur, ana 1..J miles o fP' Poatofflct mountain d. receipt for streets naved. pint for wr ottAtn November 30. 1911, show Increase of 19 , MR. WARE'S? SACRIFICE. T" IlXMAlL TRIBUNE is! in receipt of the fallowing surprising loiter from Mr. A. K. Ware in which he 'has fairly surpassed himself: To tho rJlter: After ronilliiR 4ir two rtlUorlnts ontltlod "A I'ernon nlly Conductor nml Instructed Party'' niul tltu ono ycstonlny on "IMirlty In 1oII11cb,' 1 have rcnclicd the conclusion that you huvo n lrt enso of antl Uoosocltlsm, thnl mlRht bo accounted tor by tho sentiment for a now imtty ban been itroVrlnR ao rapidly that ym( fear tho defeat of jotir favorlto Pro fessor Wilson, iy first thoucnt was to nutt the Mall Tribune and not road nnv more such rabid articles tts those you have Just penned ns mentioned ttbovo. then my bettor jndKliient told mo that In n vay 1 had tmbllc Interests at atnko too In being oo of those who nro In a measure moro or less responsible for tho success of the County Fair this fall nlitl I had no business to unnecessarily ofrend ono of the editors ot our local pros so will stay bv my subscription to your paper St least till afteV the County. Fair Is over. As I wrote you the other day I think you are fair enough to rIvo the other fellow a show 1 wish you would print an editorial taken from this month'Ji Craftsman mngaxinc. n tnagntlno that Is taken by komn of our most thoughtful and cultured people and one that does not mix p In politics very often and It expresses tho views very clearlv of 11 larcn numbor nf vonr road. ers who had alwajR classed your papir with tho indopendent and vrogres- iv newspapers 01 inn west. This erudite epistle speaks far itselt. The Ornftsiium article will bo reprinted in Saturday's Mail Tribune. 'i;he editor is not responsible for its sentiments, nnv nini-o f linn he is tor many another clipping printed at some one's request. , ,Thc Mail Tribunev regrets "exceedingly that it cannot print a newspaper thai' will agree with everyone's ideas. It would be a fine thing to issue 3000 papers, one edited to suit each, subscriber but our limited facilities render it unpractical. , The Mail Tribune, as one of the foremost progressive papers m Oregon, with a consistent record of progress iveness m all lines, could notsuppor.t Theodore Roosevelt have nothlui; tho postal Kpro re-, nulres for tho now system and norv loos and tho universal delivery nys tom for all, to all, would nprlug Into existence IIUo a phoenix troln tho fire. Tho old express companion would havu tho wealth accumulated by their extortions from tho public; bit would bo rendered ns powerless as tho bandit to hold up the puhllo thereafter with the dictum, your money or your lite, by the perfection of tltu Postal Kxprqss service. for athird term mid the trust financed Bull Moose par .without stultifying jtself, losing its self-respect and tl ti the twr runt BnniW fruit city In Ordn Tor reiver Spltxenbrf7 npples won awep 1.-.. Mt Ats..4 ills, h .t th:ANnicE-i !VPrt if its- pwgwssivo constituency. It is nimble to i09, and jj00 F.s, auytiiing progressive nj tostermg the jicrsonal am- t Canadian International Apls Row. llitioUS of a IHCrC Political OPDOrtiUlist wllO llilt? PPVOl-Sfid his own record to seizo upon progressive policies for sol- VnnnAitVAf n O 'nrtt Mm te itjl at Snokano National Apple Stow won by carload of NeJvtnwnR, . STEEL HUB IJiEDIC UNIONIZE t WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Follow ing up tho report returned by tho majority-members -of tbo houso eteol In- ycsUgatlng ..committee, headed by Congressman Stanley ot Kentucky la which labor conditions in the mills of tbo United States Steel cor poration, wcro bitterly denounced, of ficiate of tho ABierican Federation ot Labor hero today sent circulars broadcast, urgiag the steel workers tp unionize. i .v r , , Another circular Is to bo r Issued later exposing conditions as they aro alleged to exist. In its campaign pgalnst tho steel trust, labor offi cials hare asked steel workers to tell their friends abroad to stay away from America for a year or two. I YESTERDAY'S SCORES 1 i Northwest ;- w. Vancouver 62 Spokano S9 Seattle. 58 PPoriland 50 Victoria 46 Tacoma 45 L. P. C. 47 .569 46 ,562 50 .537 55 .476 58 .442 64 - .413 11. II. E. .0 6 4 M 10 2 Spokano .....'.,... Vancouver ., Batteries: Schniltz and Sepulvcda; Strand, llarkins and DavogU Scattlo 5 10 1 jTacoma 0 7 3 l Batteries: Thompson and Whaling, Dclford, Crlgcr and Lalonge. Portland . . . . . 4 9 3 yictpria v,. 2 5 2 Batteries: Hastloy and Harris; Wilson and Meek. fish niifls. Had Theodore Roosevelt been a sincere progressive, as La Polletto or Cummins are, he would have used his power at tlie .yincago convention to iorce progressive candidates and a republican platform upon the republican party, as Bryan forced them upon the democratic party. o.uc1 a course wouiu Jiave called for the sacrifice of his own ambitions and Colonel Kosevelt is utterly incapable of such a sacrifice. His public record can bo searched in vain for a single .instance of unselfisli personal sacri-fice-though lie has inereilesslv sacrificed principles arid Aiv.uuo iu KApuuiuiiuy Jiiuuiirauie lUliCS. The IMail Tribune is deeply grateful for Mr. "Ware's merciful consideration in not stopping his subscription until after the county fair this fall. By means of this generous financial support, the paper can tide over tho dull summer, montns. . , yjie'raiV Tribune aso appreciates the patriotic and Unselfish motives that induce Air. Ware to continue fak ing the paxcr. They offer a startling contrast to the course of his political chief, fror the sake of the county fair, Mr. Ware will put-up with the paper for a few weeks longer! Of course,, if Mr. Ware's subscription Etonned, the fair would be endangered. So as a matter of public policy he will "stay by" the subscription, "at icasu unni tne lair is over." It is a big bribe to pay a newspaper for its support larger than has ever before been offered to the Mail Tribune and not only the newspaper, but the general public is duly graceful for the great personal sacrifice thus made by a. public spirited citizen for the public good! EVANS VALLEY" GROWER PROPAGATES' PERFECT 0HI0N Louis Sivem of llvuus valley was u Uorho Uior visitor .Monday, Miy Hie Arsiw. Mr. Slvet, l.V the way, is Mime onion grower anil ono might do worse (hit follow bin mMlioils in niUiiu; this htajtle eotulile. Knot year he linrverfteil 10,000 pouuilx of perfect ouioiiH frttm it qnnrlue of an aure of ground nod ospeetH to do equally iih well this enr. lie has duveloped what h proltulily the only true southern Oregon onion. Hy orossiug Mr..Sivers lian eqinbiueil nil the jxior ones of two popular vnrio tics and now he has a large nml at tho Mime time mild, Mert onion. Mr. Sivcr-i has a great deal of intep e.sting information regarding the eul tuix of In pet vegetahle, hut the main points lie lirouuht out were; Harly sowing, plenty of room in the row, constant hut shallow cultivation and an abundance of water applied in the eool of- the tiny. ' ' " ' v ANTI-GAMBLING CRUSADE ' WAGEP AT L0S ANGELES LOS ANQKLHS; Cal . Aug. 3.a-Tweoty-two men will appear In po lice court hero today on a chnrgo ot committing a state mlsdemennor, as first fruits of a campaign against gambling begun by the Los Angeles police. Two places wore raided last night, thu doors smashed ami n rnuletto wheel and gambling para phernalia worth $2,000 confiscated, besides $505 in cash. Chief ot Police Sebastian, In chnrgo of tho campaign on account of failure to convict gamblers in tho past ho will mnko n dlsmeanor charge against tho proprietors of the clubs raided. mm Tl MM m m ML CIIICAOO, Aug, a.--.Moro than 11,1100 oiiiplityea on tho tuirfinjo and elevated lines hoio are Voting today on whothor to ntiike. Proslilent Malum ot tho Amalgamated Associa tion of electric and street railway employes nunoupeeij the early voting showed tho men overwhelmingly "Tn favor of walking out. The result of tho balloting will be aunuuucQd to morrow, , Negotiations for n now contract between rompauy official, and their employes hnvo been proceeding slue June J without nn agreement being leached, Tlio old working contract expired yesterday. Union leaders have promised to wait until August 10 for an answer from tho officials, and If It Is not forthcoming then men will walk out. --"- 10 acres y N m m urn MPS. GRACE'S CASE TO GO TO JURY TODAY ATLANTA. On., Aug. 2. -Attorneys In tho case of Mrs, Orace, ac cused ot attempting to murder her husband, Kugetio Ornco, summed up tho case today. The general expec tation Is that tho defendant will bo acquitted, It Is believed tho case will go to the Jury today. Tho court ruled yesterday that Grace could not tcuttfy against his wjfo. Mm. (1. W. Irvluo linn purejiusoil n ten ihjio tract of :i-yearold penis n short distance west of Central .Point from Mrs. Kvn Uniimuie. Tho eon slderatlou wa 151)0.' Tho halo wait inudo hy Charles I). Hoy. Tho rnet Is said to he tin excep tionally good one. 'Ilio truea arc largo for their age and havo'inado a unlforni growth, Mih, Irvluo luteuils to mako her homo on tho tract and will lmproe It to a considerable ex tent, ,, 4, . Medford Printing company carry a full Han of legal blanks. , !. 'X' !.' ' . V J I . - t i fj J. ' '"i-" ' TV Th?,Best Thing Out ROSA BENDER FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE AT RENO UKNO. Nov , Aug. 2, Itosa Hen dor, known In Now York as "The Llttlo Mother ot Iho Tenoments," has tiled suit for divorce hero against Harold Maximilian Bender of Now York. Mrs. Bender Is prominent In set tlement work and, being a native of Budn.Pest, speaks several European language. rtnjWlj V'.t yvomhmv IfMttV- WHEEJB TO 00 XQKight f :tiiU, STAR Under direction Peoplq'ii Aniiinomeiit ('omuuiiy, ALWAVH IN THIJ LHAD Tho cony, cool ami I'Oihfortablo Heal Motion Picture thuatur where oti nl waya neo tho hoot plcturon. ' Nollilng Hut Itlg Bright lVatnro PliotoplayN two uiati: toimv A great. MlHliivlral elasslo In i mils 2000 feet of fllrii. witirrn.v in iimkiii An liicldoiit during Napoleon's battlo at Vaiic.baiuim tignlust tho British under Wellington's command.' rtTt'PKNtlOtlri HKNHATIONAL &10W s.s.s. CURES OLD The United States Postal Express Coast. W. yornon 68 Los Angeles 65 Oaklajid 63 Portland 47 San Francisco 46 Sacramento 43 L. 45 48 51 55 67 66 It. 0 Vernon ......'. 0 4 San Francisco C 15 paklun.il '. ,....5 8 Portland '. (.3 5 Sacramento 3 '8 Los Ajgolos ,. ,..,..., 4 11 P.O. .602 .575 .553 .461 .407 .394 H. E. 0 , . National " W. L. P.O. New York 68 24 .739 Chicago 57 35 .620 Pittsburg ,t..53 37 .590 Philadelphia 45 43 .611 Cincinnati 45 51 .469 St. Louis 41 55 .427 Brooklyn 35 60 .368 Boston. , ; v... ',. 2 5 07 .272 Now York 5-7, Cincinnati 4-5. Boston 0, Pittsburg 1. , Philadelphia 4, St. Loula 3. Brooklyn 3." Chicago, 9. American W. Boston 67 'Washington , 61 Philadelphia 55 Chicago ..,..49 potroit ,.., 49 .Cleveland. 45 ovv York , 1.31 St. Louis , 30 ChlcagS, Now York I, St ALouls)208ton 1. I pjjtrolVa, WRSlilngtoii C, L. P. 0. 31 .684 37 ,M2 41 .573 46 .516 51 .490 ,53 .464 62 .333 66 .31,1 .' (By E. L. McGlurc;) Tho vast volumo of the express business,- and the. Intricate technicali ties involved in Handling it, con founds tbo reason of lay minds In contemplating a system to perfect Its operation; but when it Ib realized (hat tho sum total of tho express business consists In doing one, and only ono, thing-that Ib to- pick, up an artlclo at one point and deliver It at another point and that all oxpres employes from the president down.J do nothing else but that ono, and same, thing, the complexity 'immed iately vanishes with tho realization of tho simplicity of tho business. Then tho fact becomes apparent that the articles express companies fall to handle exceed in amount by tho hundred fold tho present express busi ness; and by their failure to perform tho service tho "public aro put to Incalculable expense and inconven ience, and deprived of untohl advan tages they might enjoy. Intcrfcrenco with tho present ex press service ,1b undersirablo, until It can he supplanted by a bettor serv ice, and that cannot be supplied un til a better system has been put iiii operation. Tho present parcels post should bo extended to equal tho serv- ico porformed by other nations, which could bo dono without disturbing the Indispensable, service given by ex press companies. i Tho Postal Express would natur-j ally begin with a local delivery sys tem for cities, by organizing a force' of, men and auto-trucks and vehicles to cover tho ontlro torrltory, per forlng, tho eervlco under the system previously outlined, at rates so low; that' there would bo no possibility of competition, and would command' tho business of all who had deliv eries' to make, lucludlng tho express, companies themselves. Milk, for instance, could be lo-i Hvorcd, by requiring deposits equnlj to tho maximum monthlyibll), a way bill for each regular customer would' bo printed with his namo and nd-J dress, which fwnuld roqulro butUho' dilto and nmount to bo entered for each "delivery, on copy to "tho gtis- i tomer and tho dupllcato to tho of fice, the total of the dally dollvory to balance with tho total milk re ceived from tho milk company. At tbo end ot tho month an adding ma chlno list of, tho waybills would be rendered for a bill to each user, the amount charged to his deposit ac count nnd credited to tho milk com pany; which would glvo perfect Borv lco at tho minimum cost, and com mand tho biidlqeiw from all persons in the1 milk business, and mako It possible for all with milk to sell to reach Iho consumer direct, with .ab solutely dependable service-. Tho details for handling deliveries for all kinds' of business would bo as simple iab tho servlco, and would bo worked out rapidly to meet cvory requirement to glvo immodlato do ll very, rendering all tho sorvlces now perform od by express companies, nt a small fraction of present express rates. Out of town service could bo es tablished after tho city service Had been In oporaOou long .enough to prove its efficiency. Tho Improved facilities would undoubtedly Increase tho express business so onormously, that it would require express trains to handle tho business instead of cars attached to passongor trains; rural de liveries could bo established and ox- tended Ao equal tho public demand and necessities; the kind and num ber of 'vehicles; tho qualification and, compensation of employees;, would ho worked out tho same as it has to ,bo in any gigantic business; but with tho enormous royonuo certain to o-' cruo in 11 business that reduces the present) expenditure for tho uniuo service i by the 'hundred fold, It is .reasonable to suppose that employes who reduced public expense so milch would fbo liberally rewarded for their services, Thd-Postal Express would requlrp years of operation beforo It could possibly eoyr tho yvholo torrltory of iho United States, 'and all tho ramifi cations, cannot ho predicted; but It Is absolutely certain that the present express companion would disappear, by the natural law of atrophy. They, If an old sore existed simply booaus tho flesh wis tUooasad at that particular spot, it would bo aa oosy matter to apply sorao remedy directly to tho place that would kill tho norms; or tho diseased flash might bo removed by a jsurgioal operation and a cur offeotad. nut tho very fact that old Bores resist ovory form of local or oxtornal troatmont, nnd oven return after bolng out awny, shows that back of thom -is n morbid causa which must bo removed botoro a euro can rosult. Just ns long ns the pollution continues in tho blood, tho ulcer remains nn open cesspool i jr the deposit of Impurities which tho clrculaUon throws off. S. 8. 8. cures Old Soroi by purifying tho blood. It romovos ovory trnco of impurity and taint from tho circulation, and thus complotely does away with tho cause. When 8.S. 8. has clounsod tho blood, the soro begins to houl, and it Is not a surface euro, but tho hoallng procoss begins at tho bottom; soon tho du charge ceases, tho inflammation loaves, nnd tho placo fiUa In with firm, healthy flosh. Undor tho purifying and tonlo offects of S. 8. 8. tho systom Is built up, and thoao whose hoalth has been Impaired by tho drain and worry of an old sore will be doubly bonofltod by its uso. Boel: on Scras and Uloers and any modical advico froo to all who write. TB3 SWIFX 3PECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. rZEROLENEl v ' '"" Jfyr Salt) Evcrywhdrc ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY J ' -rOBTLAMD (lwnrnnnttcri) HAW TRKHCIHCO . Is an aching tooth, nnd wo aro tho people to do tho palncn extracting, as soon as you want "an unruly member" drawn. Wo aro export In nil branches, of OttntUtry and have made K reputation for good work nnd fair dealing. You will find us dependable In ovory respect. Ask your friends who luivo patronised us In tbo patyou will find wo stand high In their estimation. Lady Attendant DR. BARBER THE DENTIST Ovor Daniels for Duds, Pacific Phono 2528. Home Phono 3C2-1C i'Ndeh iwi.ni; pmkti:.nni;h genuine thriller and sterling Cow , boy play. Till: OXIK t'AMI! HACK A hurlcuqiio comedy scream AL HATIIIOIC tn song Our iiiuhIo and effects for thu photo play aro unexcelled. MATINEES DAILY Admission 10o, Children He. Thermos Just what you wiml on (hat auto trip Always hot or cold hi you desire MEDFORD BOOK STORE WATCH I'OH COMINU l'EATIJItlH They are rolling In right along. Sunday and Monday, Aug I mid 5 'I'HA mAVOMl" Tho grand photo opera THEATRE Advanced VniiUoWllo Llci'iiM'd I'liotoplnjN ii MAN WOMAN l'ENNEIt AND I'O.V Comedy singing, miking and dancing act A SNAP 60 acres, six miles from Medford, good graded rpad crown tho tract, all freo noil, at 50 per aero. $1000 will handle, easy tonus on balance. Part Is croot bottom land, suitable for alfalfa. Rovoral springs on tho placo. Tlmbnr onoiigh topay for tho tract. No buildings. In tho Griffin crook district'. W. T. York & Co. WJIKX THE I'lilt: HELLS tiuiui'Uy the runs Comedy KAMJ thi: PIUSHIMAOE Drama. This is n flim (kTiiinu stir. THE HIIEHIFI'' AND IIIH MAN Drama A western hummer ' COOt) Mtiaio . 7 l, Evening performance, 7:30 Admission 10 and ID cents. Hpeclnl matinees Halurday nnd Sun day at 2 p. in. " V. Vrt n v'Vi Delightful Newport ON VAQl'I.VA HAY AND THE VAVWlO Join tho crowds, whothor you wnut rest and quiet or clean, wholesome lively fun. You will find olthpr at Newport. Wealth of natural scenery. Splendid fishing, boating and bathing. Delight ful drives. Pretty trails through the wood or. along iho ,bou,ch Abundanco of vsoa food-oysters, clams, crabs, rock cod, groupers, ptc. Plenty of fresh palatable vegetables and table supplies. Inviting nooks tor calipers, .Heasonablo rates In rooming houses, cotuges and hotels. All modern conv'onfoncVs. "' .SPECIAL LOW HOUND Till!' HEAHON KAliEH .i FHOM .MEDFOHD Jj(t!,D(,t, Call on our ngont-for Information rofaClvo to train" Hcho'liileu,' etc, Ask for illustrated literature and our special folder "Vacation Daya lu Oregon, M V mW i .TOIi'nm HVmH', (Tenr:.'rJ'mHeiig(i' Agl'nt, POH''fNDTjHEN, IV9ln SUNSET F1 I (OGOEM&SHASTAl I I V ROUTES I I xfciity Crater Lake Auto Line Car will loavo Hotel Medford, (or Crater Lake at 8 a. m, Tuesdays and Saturday. He turn Mondays and Thursdays. Spend Sunday At Crater Lake. Reservations mado nt Medford Ifotol office. MORTGAGE . LOANS, Money on liondf at all times to loan on improved ranches and city jroporty at lowcrii rates' With "on or boforo privilege." - . t JAMES CAMPBELL , Phone 3231 . 320 a -0. Bldg. te IP n 'II i i n , i i--;'t .- . ,. , PLUMBIP Steam and Hot Wator Hoating All Work Ouitrnntnflil rrfocrt HcnftoimTite I CJTfc COPFEEN & PRICE SS Howard Slock, sntraae on 6th M. VaelIo ftoai, Homfl4t..i Watch Ourlw Addition Grow JackHon and Siiiumlt t Medford Realty and y. v. Improvement Company M. V. it H. Co, llldff. i Clark & Wright LAWYERS WAHIIINOTON, D. O, Public Land Matters! Filial Proof, Dcsort Lnnds, Contest nnd 'Mining CascH, 'Scrip. i MY PATRONS aro uum SATISFIED PATRONS Dr. Rickert Eyesight Specialist Ovor Kcmtnor'H ? Draperies 'Wo curry a vory comidnto Htm ,of drapeiloH, U m mirtalns, rlvturoii, uto, and do all oIuhmoh of unholstorliiK. A spiiclul iimu to look urior this work exclusively nurt will kIV bm kooiI Horvlco ait Is iiosslblo to gpt lu uvea Dm largest oft bin. Weeks & McGrowan Co. ,i