' y WEDFOTir) MTATL TRIBUNE, MKDF011D, Of?KOQN, FRIDAY, ATFOUST 2, 1012 rad$ Tint VS "' M- WAITING WAITER IS STILL WAITING FOR CHANCETOBEWAITER John Mums, waiter, H a in out mi. iiiy inaii. Kor forty movoii yonrM ill illlH ItVlMl II WIlllllIK l!f1 In Illlll vnlo i( toui-M, mill ho Is Mllll wall Ink Ho lilts Imnii wmUIiik for it inoiiKU) IIvIiik which tin uot mill for IimiiIim'm which linn nlwuy riillil o wait onK uitiRlifor Hid wnltliift until (o catch tip. Hiirnit Ih now waltliiK for a chiinco to r,'l out nf town ImvliiK Imnn tolu to iiilt waiting ami inovo on, tlm olmrno IidIhk vaitrmicy, With llrovvu ln, 1 1 ii in n U a belluvor In tlm theory that "Thity itlao servo who only nlmiil anil wnlt" it ti it Hums Imx tin Ititcui tlou of tu'rvluK In the city Jail This Ih tint tearful tain of waiting toltl while ln wan wiiIIIiik for 222 lo pull In ami pull out -with hint uiloVit lo tlm rarjioj "I toll you kid I'vo not always boon a hum waiter. Onct I walled In or place wlir they 1ms er jjuy to servo tlUh from do koiip lo il fluKr howls. Ilit 1 hnvo hhl Kootlhyo to thiiiu nappy iluys, I'm Just .r waiter whet I koU ilc cliunct In tlo ttoup Jolunt whom pnachcil cjjkh In known as 'Adam ninl Kvn on or raft.' "I hnvo Iiiwii nr waller nil my llfo. I tlltln't wait onct. I didn't wait (III I Rot through school, hut I waited one uljjlil until the 12:02 freight pulled out ami I not lo er town anil waited around until I got er chanct to wait. I've Iipmii waltliiK over luco." 1. Inner Ih a kouiI synonym for wait hut llncnr Is not In llunm' vornhu lary. Neither I HiiKcrlu any more. Linen, clean line, wan onrn hut ll hait httcn forgotten In the iluitty yearn of waiting, "I'm waltliiK hero for 22 to pull out. I roI mo beat It ordnm thin morning. I novor had no chnnct, not hIiico 1 wan er kid. I nover loved nobody and nobody over loved mo, (Juhhh ef I'd ever warmed up to hoiiio good Kir) I I'd been different, hut what girl want to tdlp or Millie ter or i;uy what coutcH round and wlpcti off the rrumliit and yell 'noup?' " HuriiN In an unhappy man iih has beep Natd. I lo hn wiped away the rrumlm nil through life and ho a'H ho linn lived upon crumb. Ho will Hpetut a waiting llfo eking mil nn ox Utauoo nwn)H waiting for iiccm that dona not arrive. . Nutnlicr 2S2 whlntlcd In tho ills tanro. "Bay" ho added by .way of good bye, "Voii-itll ain't got no match and tonkin', han yor?" WTfn'-i,11, , BMIT-Tf .at;.TT-' -t-t-- - Louisiana Lou to Open Theatrical Season at Med ford Theatre August 6th HALO CHOWXS Till! KEWMdDOXXA C0)K iiK f V V V LIB y & iBka v'y yj L B' I ! H f I H iHc 1 B k v I hH kW 1 r kV - H The liixl nllnirlioii of Ihe weiiHon of HU'J-l.'l u( the Mcdforil thnil n !ll lie (lie iipeititttii' llieti! on Tin'" day, AtigiiMt lltli ( llniry Awkid'H hlg "I.oiilniauii l.ou" urgiiuizaliDii from (lit) Lit Knlle Opera IIoiim', Clilengo. where it Iiiih just eoiupli'tfi! it wonderful run of II.VI peiTntm- uueeH. SUPREME COURT REVERSES KANSAS COURT DECISION NKW YOUIC, Aug. 2,Thn action of the Kantian rnurtH In rcfiiHlug to oritur tho tinmen or eight Itotmuvolt caudldatcit for prottldeiitlal clectoin atrlcknit from Ihu rrptiblli'ttu primary ballot wait ruvernod tonight by Jtin tlccri Vaii.Devautur and I'ltnoy of tho federal Mtipremo court. While the JiiNtlccii grnulcd tho application of the Taft mirn for n writ of error directed to the Kniihitn Htiprcmo court their iIccInIoii did not coimtltiilo a final victory for tho regular repub lican organUallou. Under Kh terniH tho right of the Itooitevelt cautlldatoji to have placca on tint primary ticket will bo decided by a full hunch of tho ttuprouiu rotirt In October. Mi'iinw'lille the nninc of tho ltoot velt men will appear at tho Kaim.iM primal dm uoxt Tuenday. Tho effect of tho ilorlnlon really la to leave tho wholo controverny Hiiitpendotl until October when It Ih expected tlio mipreiiu), court will net tlo It bofort),tlio national olcrtluu, Tho ntn'Ktlon at Until) In of national litiportaui- In that It Involve tho question whether olectora aro ntata or federal offlcern. Theatregoer tlm time will gel tli genuine Xiii article. The l.a Katie rat nml iiioilui'tioit eoum eouipiete nml iutiiel. Thin m one of tho nil too hcliloin oiruMioiiM that a coinpiiny of Hiieli iiumerieal maguiltiilc mill i-.pi:iiN(! in peoonuel ax Mr. Ankiu ih pending, playn hero wilhout cur- tmlment in (iiulily or iiiniility. third party ticket wan In th6 fluid. DKNVKU, Colo., Aug. 1. I)e iiunclntlon of berth tho republican and democratic partlcn, eitdornemonl of tlio principle enunciated by Itoonuvelt mid the nclccllon of a dele gation to tlio Chicago convention with liiKtrurted votn for Hooituvolt, wore tho principle foam run of the ntuto progrennlvo ronvontlon In Colo rado today. There watt a total of .117 do'egaten from 23 out of C2 counties proHont. From nil ureoiiiil of the muxienl comedy mid the li'gli cIiikk f tn priueipnlH and cliorut., it proxjteetK for n banner cngugcmenl arc most (lilt le ring, f'hicngo Ino liml nothing like it hiiiee tlio WorldV Fair period of tlm Davit! JJcnilerxnn extravn giin.io. Humpy-Henuinl and Sohie Tucker arc nt tho lici'il of a glitter ing iirrny of coinedianfi, dingers nml dnncerK. Hoth of (liexe t-tellar nrt HtH nre prime fiuorites locally and their welcome in n brand new vehicle with novel mn-ieal comedy xiirroiind ingK U ntistircd. San Fruncineo eugolizcd the perfonnancc, with n fervid enlliuftiii-ui rarely displayed in newspaper criticism. Seat wilo tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock nt JlnnkiiiK Drug More. MRS. GRACE'C FATE IS NOW IN HANDS OF JURY ATLANTA, On., Aug. 2.-After a brief iirgumcut by I'ro-cenfor Dor m'.v, the ciimo of Mrs. Dnihy 0. Oraee, acetincd of nttemptiiig to murder her liiinlniml, went to the jury Ihin after noon at '2 o'clock. WALL OF WATER SWEEPS AWAY NEVADA TOWNS STATES THIRD PARTY WILL HELP WILSON SKA OIKT, Aug 2.-- Oov. Wllnou nindo clear tonight bin Intention to t.nko no part In factional nuarreln and to keep hln hamln off any din agrvMiicut democratri of any ntuto might havo anioiig thouiMolvon. Ho nnltl hln aunwer would ulno apply to Now York, Tho miiiomtcomitnt wan mado af ter n conforonrit with Senator O'CJor niaii, tho latter commoutlng on thai Htato, bald In wan Hiiro of democra tic Hiiccci'H there cnporlnlly nlnco tho THE MADONNA DGESS AND HAT Lutein tho ".Muiliiniin" eositiuie FiiHhlon, ever prlvllegcil in lutliii In till nurtn of vngiirlti.s, chunc lo pi eut HoiiiDthlug entirely new In H ilreHriiuiiklug win Id, Hut why Minimum? Ir I'm Hi pliito the Minimum div In white, for l'urlt.Vi It hi tiliiiinril will heiiveuly blue, fin Tnilli. anil the Iihc oiio tuulied lulu tho belt u ml iiiiulhi' ncalllng op the hut brim. hiuiiiI (m Love, The coitiituo linn a fnuiitlittlou uf Mifi nipple tvhltu hiiIIii ninth) with a iiuilluu width xklrt cut ntrnlgtil moiiiul um uhlrrcd to the wnlnl. Over lliU nkln In hung ituoilicr pliiln dnpcr.v or iliu 'llte not Inning n ni'iiiu down tin centre of I lie front which U oiillluci wltli n row of white utitlu covcrcil bin tviis. Freckle Face Vow Heineily That Henttnen I'n'cUlen Or Col Nothing lloro'n a chanco Minn Freckle-Faco, to try a now remedy for frocklen with tho guarnuten of a rnllahlo deal er that It will not rout you a penny tiulcBH It romoven tho frocklen, whllo If It tloen glVo you n clear complex ion, tho expound In trifling. Hlmply get an oiincn of othlno double ntrength, from any flrnt-clitHH drugglnt In Medford an one nlght'n troatmcut will hIiow you how eimy It Ih to rid yourself of tho liomoly frock Ion and get a bountiful complexion. Itaroly In moro than ono ounco needed for tho wornt cano. Ilo Hiiro to link any flrst-clmm drugglnt In Mcdford for tho douhlo Hlrengtli othlno, nn thin In tho only pioHcrlplloiifl Hold umlor gunrantep of money buck It It fatlu to romovo frocklen. IlKNO, Aug., 2. Delajed and mcagro udvlceH from Lovelock, Htato a high wall of water awept away Uivoloek and Maztiuiu thin afternoon and font the terrified Inhabitants to tho hllln. It In not known whether any wero killed an telephone and telegraphic communication to livc lork In Interrupted. Tho mcKxago from Iovelock ntaten tlio water In novcii feet la Mazitma and mont all tho able bodied men havo gone In automobiles to nearch for victims and render aid. It In believed In lovelock Hevonil wero killed but there In no confirmation. MONEY LEADS-WOMAN TO CHANGE HER MIND KKNO. Nev.Aug. 2. -Her lithaiid linviiii; fallen heir to an estate worth ..")0t),00l), Ilohc 'Martin is speeding neroHS tho continent today lo context, the divorce Htiit of Leo .1. ChryHlal, belter known jis Leo Hell, an actor. After a hhort period of wedded life the couple separated, mid eight moutlitjigiJtc filed suit for divorce in Meno, while his wife went eat to continue dramatic worl;. The death of Cliry.xttilV; father nml the uewK of bin fortune is said to htuo ciiiimm! the wife's eonteit. Emma Goldman Busy (lllCAdO, Aug. 'J Kcecnt reot dihturlianccs in vifrioun sections of the. city here are attributed toduy by tho police to r'uiirm (loldmuu mid Hen Keitmnn, tlnarf!hits, who under the guixe of j-ociiiliKtwtii- mectingx, have inspired hitter attack upon the ciy police department. .Mi.t Ooldmuti and Itcitmau have been keeping in the background since their arrival hen, but nccorlling to the iHiliec, nre secretly conducting a street speaking campaign, which in against the city regulations. SIX FOUND GUILTY OF VIOLATING SPEECH ORDINANCE SAN DIEGO. CaL, Aug. 2. Sen tence lll lo pronounced next Mon day by Judge Sloan on tho Ix de fendants found guilty last nlgh of conspiracy to violate the city ordin ance prohibiting street speaking in certain districts of the city. Tho six found guilty are Attor ney E. R. Kirk, formerly counsel for the I. W. V.: Harry M. McKcc. Jack White, H. Kiner, F. W. Hubbard and Robert Gauden KIght other defendants who wore arrested for street spcaklng but who did not attend a meeting at Kirk's office whero the conspiracy plans aro alleged to have been mado wero found not guilty. Tho attorneys for the defenso have announced they will movo for a new trial, and If this Is refused, will appeal tho case. DUFFALO. X. Y.. Aug. 2. The oicn golf chnmpionshi of America was won here this afternoon by J. J. McDermolt of Atlantic City. He totalled 'JIM strokes for 7'J holes. McDermolt won lite championship lnxt year a No. A R O u N D T H E W o R D TWO I'ltUIHKH on tlm (' 1, K V K h A N (17,000 Tomt) 4 I'toiu Now Vork Oct. IP, 1IUU Front Kan Kraiiclscti Feb. (I I III a Wilt visit Mndelrn, Spain, Italy, Kgypl, Imllii, Coylon, Straits Soltlemonts, .lava, l'lilllpplnoH. China, Japan, with Overland American Tour, INLAND KXOVltNIONH AND HM)I0 THII'H A Duration 110 Days lOacli $(ino and up, Including nil ngc esnary oxpohHOH aboard and tinhoro, railway, hotel, uhoio oxcuibIouh, carrlngon, gulden, fees, etc, "Auk nnyono who Iuih mado tlio CrulBO." Wrlto for Ilooklot IIA,MIl'HO-AMi:iU()AN LINK 1(10 Powell St., Hun Francisco or local ngents The Always Welcome Beverage IT is Blue Ribbon time when you are hot, thirsty or tired. A' most healthful beverage that both refreshes and invigorates. No other beer can approach it in flavor or in all around deliciousness. Its popularity is due to the successful and honest efforts of its makeYs to produce a pure, wholesome and refreshing beverage. Bottled only at the brewery in crystal clear bottles, showing at a glance that it is clean and pure. Phono or xvrlta fqr a case ifi&Mi v fl Aft. Mdrord lc ' Slors Co. iesse noucK Phono 2641 Medford, Or. KsUblfshcd 1878 Incorporated 1904 f. ' t FRUIT D. OROSSLEY k SONS Commission Merchants aol Franklin Ht Now Vork Our Hpeelalty APPLES and PEARS Wo havo our own houses In NKW YOltK, MVKItrOOL, LONDON AND OLAHOOW Dlroct consignments solicited or sco our rtoguo Hlver roprcsontatlvo, CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon ICE, CREAM PURE and WHOLESOME AT TDK IUflllTPIUOK In carton, 2ft cents per quart. 26 cents extra tor packers of any slzo up to ono gnllon. Any ordor over ono gallon at $1 per gallon. Dellverlca of packers to any part of tho city. Ice cream served at tho creamery at & cents per dish. Medford Cream & Butter Co. Medford Theatre Friday Aug. 2 a A. G. Dclmater Presents GEO. BARR McCUTCHEON'S Beverly of Graustark" Staged by Oscar Eagle Director for David Bclasco The Best Romantic Drama on the Stage Interpreted by a Splendid Cast Special Scenery Gorgeous Costume Every character in the book appears in the play A stirring romance of Love and Laughter Popular Summer prices: $1.00, 75c and 50c. GROWERS OF PEACHES Do you want your fruit handled by expert salesmen! Do you want the BEST TRICES the Pacific Coast market af fords T Do you want to line up with '.'The House of a Square Dealt" If so, Ret in touch with us NOW. ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. Medford, Oregon Pac. 5621. Homa 307 Nearly a quarter of a century Under the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of ' Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vnwter president G. E. Limllcy, Vice Pies. C. "V. McDonald, Cashier ICE H -i-V t as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. Our wagons deliver to allst parts of the city. t. T Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 20 Medford Ice & Storage TV S '1 .' -. t s , II -ijo - l"t It, -j,fcj! . rm . V