wTm ) - '' - " " - --, ' " " 1 f k lUhll44ltttV. - 1, fe t 4 - . -a 4 V H k - . I I, ' ! ) t f . ir A PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIE TRTjBTJOT. MTCDFORD, OTWOOtf. FRIDAY. AUGUST 2. 1012 J Murphy & Co. will move tho Snug "BEVERLY" AT THE MEDFORD TONIGHT JM.WBMi.iiwmji' piMi ' " ' i ! i i iinwii mi ), iWi unr iroin iih preseni lornuon on south ,Kront atreet to tho now loca tion t adjoining Tho Qui Saturday. Tho "new liar will b& It now as The Stag nid halt boon handsomely filled Tho itogno llivor Valley Abstract company iian moved to No. C, South Central. m mw " i. .... . , , . . -j "vtj .1 r, ft. h: Ik ft'. '1 frl John Jackson of Phoonlx spent Thursday In Medford ou business. H. C. Ilron or Sprinkled, Ore, Ir in Medford on a short business trip. Mayor Canon 11 '! 1 John McCu'ltock Of Eugene la vis iting frlcnd.A la Medford. C L. Hughes of llornbrook was a recent visitor In Medford. Save money now-on rcJrlRerators and porch furniture. M.'p. & Jf. Co. ;pcter Applcgato of Salem la vis iting friends and relatives in tho val ley ' ' ' ' ' F.J JIk Vlatnpman, tho merchant nt Tablo Rock was recent visitor in Medford. Mammocks, sporting goods, blue flame, ordorleas oil stoves, refrigera tor etc. Prices ' right. Shaplelgh Hardware Co., 28 South Central. John C. .Stlnson of Rogue River spent Friday In Medrtrd on a short business trip. He recently returned from an extended eastern trip. "B. V. Johnson of Grants Pass spent Prlday Jn Medford on business. Save" money now on refrigerators and porch furntture. M. F. & II. Co. 114 Mr. and Mrs. A. C Allen returned Thursday evening from an extended automobile tour of California. They motored dowju.the Sacramento valley to an Francisco and'returned up tho coast to Eureka and Crescent City thenco inland to Medford. , Crawfish Portland Stylo Satur day at Manhattan. 114 W.H. Dodge and -Mrs. J. W. Dodge of Cor.vflllls have returned home af ter a visit in 'Medford. E. T. Butler of Portland has re turned homo after a visit with friends in 'Medford. 'Heavjr discounts on porch furniture and, refrigerators. M. P. & H. Co. 114 Mrs. E. A. Dodge and P. P. Dodge of .Ashland were recent visitors in Medford. . J. II. Burns of the Leland mining district Is in Medford on a ekort busi ness trip. Ho reports mining active in that section with several good ore bodies uncovered. Moved to 31 N. Grape street The Medford Conservatory for Basic and laagaages. O. Tailiaadler, director. Opes all HBiaer. Mr. iad Mrs. D. E. Evans of Horn brook, Cal.,".are visiting friends in thte'clty having motored over the Sisklyous. They will visit Crater Lalce and returne by way of Klamath Falls. .Mr. 'and Mrs. William Gerlg and family bare left for a camping trip to Rogue River. WeJ.want to Yent a small house close la 'furnished or unfurnished. Will H. Wilson & Co.. 106 '. Front street. IIS J. W. aad T. L. Wilson have left for an outing la the Butto Creek district. They will fish and hunt for two weeks. E. J. Parke of Salem is in Medford on a short bttslaetis trip. There is always a big sale going on .at 10 N. Front it,, tho cheap est store ia the west. 113 . Captain R. W. Collins. U. S. A., who has boee here Instructing tho local cospany of the National Guard left Thursday evening for the north. Crawfish Portland Style Satur day at Manhattau. 114 B. V. Mulkey has returned from a short business trip to Salem. The anuual'exoduB to the hills has opened now in earnest. Automo biles and tlfa by the score are leav ing tho" 'city ilally loaded with camping equipment. Atl of the popular camping grounds in tho county are said to be crowded with rapjpera. Ca'rkln Jk Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-Iaw, over Jackson County p&nk Building. Medford,' . ' ip. and Mrs. W, T. Young of Grants Pass spent Friday in Medford vlsllng with frieuda. Mr. Young owns and operates' several mining properties In Josephine county. James B. Lewis of Big Butte Is lu Medford on a short business trip. Mr. Lewis is a well known hunter and reportfi many deer In the moun- laiasuis year, no suties maiererpr i j j JiUBLar should bo aulo to pag tne limit this' year. , Savow$2 to 10 by buying your trunk and suit caso at IOC N. Front atreot, Will H Wilson & Co. 113 8am L. Saudry, district game and fish warden jspont Friday in Medford on a snort "buslileba trip. He rportb .1... -I.ji U.illl...(.. M - -. .. will leave August; 12 for Portland In order to attend n pesslon of tho Democratic state com- ihltteu of which ho la a member. This session of tho Btnto committee will ho devoted to pains for the com ing campaign In this state. The! committee mceta August 14. I K. D. Weston, commercial photojj-. raphcru, negatives made any time ori placo by appointment. Phone M. 1471 1 During thq past few days proper ty owners by the score hae been engnged lu burning tho dead grass on vacant lots and' -danger of fire from this source has In consequence been greatly reduced. Owing to th6 great quantity of rain which fell this season tho grass menace In the city took on a serious aspect. However, the flro department has responded to but one call for gross fires. Owjng to the Jbackwnrd season I hnyo mado a reduction of Id cents per pound on all kinds of ve-hlcle rubber. Now is the tlmo to get a first-class Job dono at a reasonable cost. J. W. Mitchell, No. 3G, S. Riverside. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richardson left Friday morning for Wolf Creek lu Josephine county where thc will spend tho next two weeks oti nn an outing. Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store. Frank Poole left Friday morning for Tolo where he Is engaged In erecting a new building. , Heavy discounts on porch furniture and refrigerators. M. F. & H. Co. 114 M. A. Rader of tho Medford Fur niture Hardware company left Friday morning for a short visit at Woodville. S. A, Newell, ladles' tailor, 4 th floor M. F. & H. bldg. W. A. Messner has purchased the Shirley property on south Grape street and will reside the"re. His family has just arrived from Mc Mlnnville. Ore. Mr. Messner recent ly purchased land near Talent which he intends to improve. Get Mrs. Reynolds home mado bread at DeVoo's. Word has been received from Tuson, Ariz., of the marriage of Wil liam Hansen and Miss Ina Throch martln. Both of tho contracting parties were residents of this sec tion and have a host of friends here who wish thorn well. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Butler have loft for an outing at Colestln. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Rosenbaum will leave Monday for a week's outing at Colestln. Rosey says ho is duo to take the rest cure. Soda Fountain at DeVoe's. Mrs. S. S. Smith has returned from a short outing at Colestln. Sho ex pects to return to her camp there soon. Fred Dougherty has returned from a short visit In the southern end of tho valley. Miss VIrgle Houston has returned from a visit with friends at Cottago Grove. Out of tho high rent district. Will II. Wilson & Co.. tho cheapest store In th west. 113 Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Amen havo returned from a visit with friends and relatives at Seattle. Mr. Ames states that Medford has them all dis counted as a place to live. Mrs. Sarah James of Ashland spent Friday In Medford visiting friends. Hk& "jIh 'iE(LBdiSZ!ik vMLwJiBH Sill LLmBiLLLLjat' e ' alkauAkkMK: V"HVQlHHBttui9BPi w fflHlf!KOsr Traaasr rm mums $& 4 i Big 1 . t Cut Sale ROLLER TOWEBS In 00(1 mmlily oTorftsli, yVl'VtlM, longlUt' alut, Huvclaf 1 , 2U)t4 AT Mann's ConCv&l 'Aiiaiv P. 0. OIL O'LOTH 2.")c vii l,i n1, Hpt'i'inl i0s Direct from its long engagement at' Ing plot, plenty ofvgonl cUmn wholo- tho Studobaker Theater, Chicago, Geo. Uarr McCutcheon'A "iTovorb" will be seen for the first time In thU city at tho Medford heater tonight. Beautiful women, gorgeous scenery, elaborate costumes, a stirring, thrill- some comedy, nil of the. go to innku n production that slll delight tho eyo, plonso the understanding, give rlsu to mirth, and stir every drop of rod blood lu tho vlons. Popular aumiiier prices will prevail. $1 00, 7G nud 60 conts. i NOTICR. Persons desiring reliable Informa tion concerning Alberta Canadn, its natural resources, coal cheap, farm lands, soil, good crops, healthful climate, address Eggen & Oleaberg, Bawff, Alberta, Canda. 115 Notice to Contractors. School district No. 100 Is now ready for 'bids for a school house to be erected between Medford and Central Point. Apply to V. F. Loader for plans. Bids will bo opened August 10th. LOUIS BENNETT, Clerk. L CATCHES A CAI Paul Jtevere's Ride was a walk compared to tho ride of Robert Ruhl, editor of the Medford Sun, who fled homeward Tuesday night nltor a vain endeavor to catch and tamo a pretty little black and white cat found peaceably trotting bj tne way side. Visions of long winter night with no tabby dozing by tho Knhl flrt'sldo accomplished It u Ill's ruin as astride his pert steed he ambled at a fox trot under the soft light of a July moon. Tho "cat" and Mr. Ruhl discov ered each other about the same tlmo. Tho next tlmo Mr. Ilub discovers a cat for family selection It will be at a cat show with a catalogue. Medford peacefully slumbering dreamed not of the cataclysm enact ed Siskiyou Heights were. duled ad- mlsslou to houfo and homo Robert ! Ruhl eitcut the balance of tho night in tho woodshod studying natural history. Between times with pencil nud paper, he figured tho dimensions of a grave for his new flannel trousers while tho family with smoke hel mets on said things through cracks In the door. Riihl's saddle marc has been turned over to tho Medford Fire Department who are testing sonio new hose the cat a Polo by birth. Is still at large. BARTLETTS REACH $3.05 ON NEW YORK MARKET Il.irtlett pears range from Jit. 05 to 1 Jl with tho New York market giving tho highest quotations. Peach es are still a drug on tho market due to the large crop lu tho south and Koultnvost. Yesterday's juotatloiiH received by tho Northwest Fruit Ex chnuge nre ns follews: Mluneapolis, $1.50 Jl.CU. Chicago, $l.r.G. Cincinnati. J1.21, $1-13. Buffalo. $1.S0. New York, $1.7013.05.. Boston, $1.71. BIG CUT SALE IN NOTIONS ' SalVty pins, all hp.uh, (Ho bent, wtf ular fit' si'llor, spoiMal . . 2 for 5 Cube pins, 10c si'.f, 100 pins in a paclvUtrp, all colors, special . . .5 Hair niii cabinets, 10c si'.o . 8 IVarl buttons, all si'.cs, tho 10c value, special at Wire hairpins, 5c ratle 2 for 5 Collar supporters ,0c grade, 2 for 5 Ladies' hose supporters, 10c grade, special at "10 4t4 Wash trimming, liutj piece, . .. 15( Common pins, oc paper .. .. 2 for J Dress shields, .'luc grade, sizes !2-:t-J-3, special 2J? rugulur Cunl f TIiuiiVh. We wish to thanc'oiif friends and nnlghhors who so kindly assisted us during tho sickness and death of our son. Walter. Also for the floral of ferings. G. C. SEYMOUR. 'f i t t t T t t V SAVE 1-2 ON WASH GOODS 29o PbpHuH, 10c I'opllnsand Ueps in a large assort -2!ic grade, special 35c Voiloa, 20c Col inn voiles in all colon, with silk stripes and suitablt Tor every w.car, Jl5c grade, special 35c' Tl8auoa;"10o h'ine sheer iial ily ol" silk ami cotton tissues, ox qiusite put.leruy, Il5c values, Hpec'l ! 10c Wuuh GoodJ 0c lleauliru'l printed Liiwiih and Jia listes that will wash and war, J ()c value, special Rare Bargains in White Goods 1214c India Linons, 9c 200 yards of fine sheer India Linou, suitable for waists, dresses, aprons, pet t icoats, etc. A J J ' grade, special 9 25c Persian Lawns, 18c Dainty IVrsian Lawn I(J in. wide, fine .sheer quality for 1 i it gc r i e drosses and waists, 25c s, special 18; grade 18c Flaxon, 15c Klaxon cloth in All col ors in stripes, checks and designs, 18c valuu, special . 15 13 I'm The naie. Doctor SISKIYOU COUNTY GETS NEW PACIFIC HIGHWAY tho river comparatively free of II- loga'l "isherraen at present. Baa K. A, Hdlmes, The fosuranco Man, over Jackson County Bank. iHf . JfertsijMcCowanCo, vT UNDERTAKERS sr ob mi JBHffM VkWMf (,, W, yrm SW71 W" SocIullKtH Attention. Your jiresenco Is requested at tho regular meeting of J,ocal Meford, Sun- ay, August t, X v. in. Jniportant matters Jn regard to tho campaign will ho considered and full attendanco Is desired. O. It. BATCH WELL, 113 Secretary. KOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to the city coun cil at Us meeting to he held August C, 1913, for a Mcenso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In quantities less than a gallon at Its place of business on lot 11, block 20, city of Medford for a period of six months. W. M. KKNNICDY. ' Patod July 20, 1912.' I J - 'J. At a meeting of Uio f'nlifYriwi fitnto liighnny coiuiiiiwion Iiit week the ronilnixriinii decided on Hie route to follow from Iteililiug into Siskiyou, and Jlie western route up the Knernmento river was (.elected. The iluClotid roule vvJiieli uh rritifh fuvorcd by the Sun FruwuKCo mil lionaires who luivo htiiniiicr Iiouiom nlong the ifcCJoud river wiih iiIjuii doued.' This in a grcal vidtury for .Sixki you county. The 1S,(IO,000 nlnU; liighu'iiy wil now come lip the Sacra ineuto river couyon rm Itedding to DiiUhinuir, tlioiibu tliroiigh SinMHi, Oiizelk'j Yrcku, Cole, over tho Sis kiyou mountuiiis lo Oicxoii. Yreka, will (iMiiiedly Jjc on tho map wjicn tlio county" roads tliruuli wtslcm Kihkiyou connect with tliu IiikIiw.u from San 'rmicicii lo Kurcku, mill. ing a loop tliroiiKli tlic noil hum part of tho btnte. MILITANT SUFFRAGETTES CUT TELEPHONE WIRES KDINIlimO, Aug. 2. Owing to Hie action of borne niilitniil Hil'lnicttcH in cutting wiii-H, the tclcplione ss em here will ho out of coiumiHuion for kovci'iiI duyb. That little coiikIi. that BeomliiRly Inslulflrant cold tuuy ho tho start of a serious perhaps fatal Illness. You can't affcyd to neglect a .cold or cough. Oot "tho jlttlo doctor" Mac Larcu's .Mustard Cerate. Your dniKgist has It two sizes 25 and CO cent Jars. You should ul wuya hne it In tho house .Mac Iaren's Must.-ird Ccruto kIvcs prompt nud sure relief from Neouralgla, Uiiuumatlsm. Lumbago, Colds, Sore Throat, Headaches, Horo Muscles, otc. It's hotter than a mustard las tor for anything a mustard plnster'a kooiI for. Insist on the: Original MAC LARE.N'S WILL HOT DLISTER- 2 Accept No Suhstltuto .Medford I'liurmacy nnd other druggists. BASE BALL IN Sunday, Aug. 4 Purse $500 for Championship of Southern Oregon and Northern California Weed vs. Medford at Medford II W I r f I ' Game Called at 2:30 p. m. Special Train Service North and South "i-l" JL II t MX Y 1 ' TP0 LATE TO CLASSIFY KOIt SALK-TCIieap, good two-room tent house. Sultnhlo for winter and summer 'use, 'Address fi08 J'Jum street. 113 A Y ! f X t Y T Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y J T Y Y ' ;. BUNGALOW BARGAIN Last chance of tlic nw$oi-i'flvi ovory ccnfc.ot' $3,000.00, to bojRold at Ukj oxtromoly low price of $2,1150.00. Jlantlsonie rillB with bnilt in china o'losot, nmplc l'loors, laro slcujijug porch, livij) room" 12 x 28 i'eot witli biiHl brick J'ireplaco, Jargo'lot 50 x 140 J'ccjjd, jiic(Jlawn, donblo (jonstriudod, gnarjuitodO 50 peal's. H. ELATES, Owner ' R03p AVE., f. . . J .. I i is' - V ', fr$tM V ? Y ? ? t V Y Y Y v Y Y r Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y -Y .Y Y y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y w t Y Y Y Y $ Y 'A Y i J t Y . H. O 'K