Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 02, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    " it mt vt " ?& if
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Medford Mail Tribune
Fair and wrn Mux
Mln 51 ( Hot Hum M,
ririymronri Yuar.
Dully Hnvitnlli Vnr.
Prices of Meat Soaring Followlnu
Dissolution of Combine Greed of
Trust Officials as Well as Scarcity
of Cattlo Rlnmed-
Restaurants Ralsn Prices to Cus
tomers Hlyticst Prices In History
arc Oclnii Paid Today
rillCAUO, Auk. is. Willi ii''-
lit Clio Chlohgn Hlouk yuulH higher
tlimi ut tiny other Hum In (ho liUinry
of the city, lliu warning- of tho "beef
liiiriuiH," tluil prices wilt Hidir unnii
niter lliciliHHdliitlon of Hie beef trnt
wiih brought homo to every American
today with HlrildiiK force.
('Illirll'rt JllllOH, pr-'Sllll'tlt of lilt'
l.ivodoolc Kxchiiugn here mid a cut tin
expcit, (liritriliuti'ti tin blame, mmhoM
ing tlmt whlht t ho grasping official
of tin bcof (omimiilfH am inrlly re
IiiihIIiIi, i-oiimIiIitiiIiIh rcHHtiMibility
for tin MMirini; price renin with tin1
opening of wcrfterit breeding nnil
priming IiiihIh to Keltlcment.
Tim prices of ini'iit hero today an
finiu ilvo to fifteen per cent higher
I Iiiiii Inn iiiontlm ago ami tint uml
U Niiiil not ot to Imi in .wight. l)in
t'tHhiiiK tint prevailing Muntion today
JoiH'ri Haiti;
"Of iMiiirmi son roily of ml tin it
hoiiml to have Hh effect mi priooH.
Tin Miltuition h extremely serious.
It 1h up to euiigrCMH ami tlio state
IrgiNluhircw (o ai't Htoii. Thoy iiiiihI
encourage entile ruining or tin meat
problem will ho the moHt difficult
willt which w have to contend."
Iti'oinuniotn HjiImi Price
NKW yOHIC, Auk. 'J. That butch
ern am! other middlemen do not in
trod to Jmvo tholr profitH during the
heef boom and, that im uxunl, tlio
"dear public'' will foot tint entire hill
with Indicated in a uollco mirved oil
the palnnirt of reHtiumuilH today.
"Starting tomorrow," lh notice
read, " .ill meat order will ho mined
from fi u to fifteen colli or xr
tiou." Record l'rloo Prevail
DKNVKH, Coin., Aug. -'.-With
tint record prion of .B per hundred
for oornfed ciittht prevailing In tlio
Mock market horo, ami expected to
Hoar ctill hiher, Denver today h
paying tho hlgho! price in its history
for Htonkft mid other mcntH. OrnM
fed.cnttlo reaoher $7.75 thin morning
ami tho Hiipply wan not sufficient
to natirify the demand. Cattlo dealers
hero nay a shortage hi tho cattlo
minim; Minted in Iho went and north
wont is responsible for tho boont in
prices of tlrcmcd montu, and that no
relief Ik in night.
TOKK), Auk. '-'.To show their
love and devotion for MiitHiihito, the
Into emperor of Japan ami , their
grief over his dealh, many Japanese
are planning Hpioido, according to a
Htory published horo today hy tho
AhoIiI, ii lending nowHpapor. Tho
police, tho nrtlolo niiyn, have heon
ordered to Ink" prccimtioiiM to pre
vent Iho onrryiiiK out of thin plan of
vvholortiilu Hclf iIohI ruction.
Now that llnrikari, a .Inpaneso
method of ripping out tho IiovvuIh, a
considered 'obsolete, It U said tho
ilupamiHo will resort to a American
uiolhod of ftolf doHtruotloii.
8AN KHANOISCO, (Jul., Antf 2.
FoIIowIiik hor urroHt for ombozsliH
inout or funds nniouutliiK to fl.OOQ,
Miss Kathryu Hmltli, booltkeeitor for
tho Ban KrauclHco Art Glnsa Works
declared toduy that hIio had niiulo
falso outrlea in hor hooka at -tlio In
HtlBatlo'n of hor employer, W, H.
Hocolvlng n salary of MO n month,
MIhh Smith Ih alloKed to liavo rlddon
In automoblloH, wlitcli nrousod tho
Hiupldou of tho firm, and nu export
accountant was plnood oil hor books,
Bho wua roalowd on S200 CuUU uui,
It Iw HUely tlmt I'llnte Knlxiirn. who
U at prencni on a lour of ICumpe uml
Iho I'nlleil Male, will become linul
of the Jiipiiiieiiu (.'iibluet on hU return
CUICA(H), Aug. -. -That the pro
greHHives hove unlimited funds with
which to carry on their campaign
wiih the stalcmciil today of (leorxc
W. I'crkuiH of New York, former
partner of .Morgan and official of the
htccl triihl, who added: "Ah long an
the party keep- on the right track
it will hit the proper bxit."
Perkins iiIko predicted that Koose
velt would lie elected.
Senator Dixon nf Montana, cam
paign manager for Itoosevclt, re
ceived today a telegram from Minn!
nsippl saying that the progrenhives
had elected twenty white men an
delegates to the Chicago convention
from thai wile. According to Dixon,
no iicgroc wilt be seated ii the third
party convention.
Senator llovciidgit of Indiana, who
will he temporary chairman of the
convention, has arrived here, as has
also Henry Cochems, llm Wisconsin
leader, who has deserted Senator I. a
Follelte and is now helping the
UMAi OF ltl-:COUI)3, l.OS AN
fJKLlJS, Cat., Aug, 2. -Cluirpea of
trickery anil lunllcloua uilarcprononta
tlon were hurled at Anxlxtanl Dis
trict Attorney Ford by counsel for
Clarence Onrrow whllo tho prosecu
tion wiih plying tho defonilant-wll.
iicbk with searching questions dur
ing his croHS oxnmlaattoa of the nc
cuaud lawyer today. Although Har
row ahowed tho effects of tho trrlblo
strain In tho deeper Hues on his faco
ami a bored-lrrltiiblo maunor, noth
ing of Importance was dragged from
him hy Ford's patient examination.
Tho boat point brought out was
that narrow sent ii telegram to Wil
liam J. Turner, a former Investiga
tor for him In tho lloywood-Moyor-Pottlbono
trial, tolling him to niako
the beat arrangomoiita ho could with
"a party who was leaving Chicago
booh for L'on Angolea with Import
ant mattora," presumably Ouy Uld
dinger, n UuriiB onoratlvo who was
brining McNamara exhibits to Los
Tho atnto endeavored to show that
tho Turner tolograms bear out BUI
dlugor'B testimony of an ngreomont
botwoen hlmsoir and Darrow to somo
oxtont. Ford had n hard tlmo with
his cross examination during tho
morning. Dofonao nttornoya blocked
him nt ovory point with objections,
and Darrow, In ft cool, qulot man
nor, managed to mnlco lila roplloa of
very llttlo sntlafttctlon to tho prose
BOM13, Aug. 2. QuarrolllHB ovor
a boiuitlful woman with whom both
woro Infatuated, Count Francesco Ap
plgnanoat ahot and fatally "wounded
his brother Unrlco at Glngola, noar
A patbotlo roconclllatton ocourrod
when tho dying man forgavo lila
brothor and willed lila largo fortuno
to tho ohlldron of his assailant.
Tho count's wlfo Is n Blator of ouo
of tho klng'a otiuorrlOB, PaBqualll.
Report of Stanley Investigating Com
mittee 'Made Public Gary Dinners
Scored Roosevelt Censured for
Permitting Absorption by Rival
Result of Fifteen Months Probe Com
prises Large Printed Book Labor
Conditions are Scored
WASIIINUTON, Aug. 2. Fifteen
month' Investigation of tho "fltoel
Truat" by the special committee of
tho House, wero Hiimmarlod In re
ports Hilhtnltted to that body today
ono set cotldemlng the United Htates
Hteol Corporation -us a gigantic
monopoly In restraint, of trade, tho
other, although accusing It of sharp
practices, holding that It Is not a
monopoly. All tho reports submit
voluminous suggestions for amend
ment ami rehabilitation of the anti
trust lawn, based on evidence de
veloped during the hearing.
Tho reports all refrain dlrOctly
from expressing tho opinion that the
United Btatca Hteel Corporation has
violated the Sherman law. An
agreement to omit reference to thla
phase of their lnvstlgatlon was
reached berauso of the present
pendency of tho (lovcrnment's suit
to dissolve tho corporation. The
majority report, howovor, brtatlo
with denunciation of tho comblno'a
method of "atlfllng competition,"
of "exerting monopoly," and of
"controlling M'rlcea," through owner
ship of railroad and practical
monopoly of all tho ore fields now
Our)' Dlniii'm Scored
TJio no-called "Gary Dinners" at
which tho heada of all tho steel cor
porations' subsidiaries met with tho
chairman of tho board of directors,
Judgo K. H. qary are bitterly
scored In tho main report.
Throo hills, outlining trust curbs,
woro presented with tho report. Ono
provides for amendment of tho
Sherman law to place tho burden of
proof upon defendant corporations
charged with restraint of trade Con
trol of 30 por cont of any business
la mado prima facto cvldenco of
evldonco of guilt. Anothor provision
gives each stato and any Injured In
dividuals tho right to bring Injunc
tion aults against n trust.
A socond bill la dealgnod to pre
vent "Interlocking directorates'
among railroad and Industrial Incor
noratlons. It Is proposod to prohibit
any officer or omployo of an Indus
trial corporation In tho cool Industry
or manufacture of structural stool
and rolling stock, from acting In a
miliar capacity for a railroad.
Anothor bill aeoks dlvorco of In
dustrial and commdn carrlora by pro
hibiting mining or manufacturing
companies from owning stock In any
Bureau of Corporations
Tho committee also recommonds
that tho Bureau of Corporatlona re
port to Congresa In addition to tho
Preatdont, providing publicity of cor
porate combinations.
That J. P. Morgan and Co. re
ceived ft fee of IG2.G00.000 for un
derwriting tho steel ayndlcato la as
sorted. "Tho Stool Corporation's capitali
sation In fl,71G,73-l,884.49l" tho re
port doclaroB, but thla sum, hugo na
It la, In no degroo dotormlnos Ha
actual power."
Continuing tho report oltos wboro
tho vast holding of directors of tho
"trust" In other corporations totals
up Into staggering billions,
Tho Morgnn-aary-Porklns plun for
federal Incorporation tind prlco fix
ing, tho democrats declaro Is "soml
BOclollBtlc," and tho prosont situation
Ih best romodlod by publicity and
strict onforcomont of Ihwb.
Bitterly criticizing ltoosovolt for
this morgor, tho roport profossos Its
Inability to undorstnnd how a panic
which resisted tho utmost oudoavora
of Morgan, and Hockofoller o quoit,
should suddenly lmvo passod ftwny
with tlio absorption of ft fow paltry
millions, at Roosovolt'a pormlsalon.
Tho Stool Trust was not watered,
tho ronort saya) "It was dolugod"
Stanley oplgrammlcally puts, It. Tho
roport purports to glvo tlio "Htory
of Stool" from tho first hoarth fur
unco down to tho big mills of tho
prosont day.
Suspect Accused of Being One of
Four Rosenthal Assassins Being
Sweated by Police Commissioner
Waldo Wakes Up
Whitman Will Mot Press Graft
Charges Urttil Gambler's Murder
Mystery In Untangled
NEW YOltK, Aug. 2 Charged
with being ono of the four assassins
who slew, (Inmbler Herman Rosen
thal In front of the New Mctropolo
Hotel hero on the morning of July
1C, "Whlley Lewis," whoso real
name Is Frank Bledcnahue. Is being
sweated today by Deputy Police Com
missioner Dougherty as to his knowl
edge of the crime which has con
vulsed New York.
"Lowls" Is tho second of tho al
leged assassins raptured. "Dago
Frank" Clroflcl was first. "Lefty
Louie" (Loulso Itowisewelg) and
Harry Horrowltx (Oyp tho Blood),
tho other two who are alleged to
havo killed Rosenthal at tlio com
mand of Police Llmitennnt Charles
Becker, are still at large. Tho polico
declare both of them were with
"Lowla" near Flelschmann, N. Y..
whero he was captured Inst night,
and that they are sure soon to be
Waldo Wakci Up
Stirred by tho widespread criticism
of tho DOltco bIhco the Rosenthal mur
der and by tho declaration of District
Attorney Whltmon that If ho wishes
to rehabilitate theredlt of tbo force
ho will catch Rosenthal's slayers.
Commissioner Rhlnelandor Waldo
sent out a general order today to his
10,000 men. and specifically stated to
his Inspectors, that Horrowltz and
Rosenscwelg must bo caught at onco.
Failure ho threatened, would result
In a cloan vcop f the detective bu
reau and tho Installation of new
men, "who will get results."
Basing his action on tho truism
"murder Is worso than graft," Dis
trict Attorney Whitman let It bo
known todny that, until tho slayers
of Rosenthal nro found and their
guilt established, ho will not press
further tho polico grafting charges
already made.
To Convict Becker
Tho full strength of his forces,
which Includo tho William J. Burns
Detective Agency, will bo used to
connect with tho Rosenthal plot Po
lico Lieutenant Becker, tho nllogod
planner of tho crime; Rose, Vallon
and Wobbor. his alleged gambler
toola; Shapiro and Ltbby. owners of
tho "murder automobile;" Jacjc Sul
livan, tho alleged betrayer of Rosen
thal to his 8layera, and tho four
gangsters who aro alleged to havo
dono tho actual killing.
Reports that "Dago Frank" Clro
flcl, tho enptured thug, had con
fessed to Whitman were denied to
day. "Whltoy Lowls," tho latest
capture, when taken, also doclarcd
that ho was not In New York tho
night Rosenthal was killed, and so
far tho caso of Whitman rests large
ly on tho tho eonfesslona of Rose,
Webbor and Vallon, who havo Impli
cated Becker and tho gangsters taken
and sought as tho actual movors In
tho crime.
EL PASO, Toxas, Aug. 2. Robels
south of Casas G ramies turned back
it Moxlcan north westorn train today
bearing Mormon rofugess and dis
tributed army rations among thorn.
Two thousand federals havo
reached Madera. They aro proparod
to ttiko Juarez tind then attack tho
rebels ut Casas Qramles.
Rebels Rob Train
MEXICO CITY. Aug. 2. Advices
rocolvod hero today aay that on
Wednesday night rebels hold up nn
Inter-Ocoatilo railroad train north of
Vora, Cnu, looted the express car of
?8,000, robbed tho passongors and
thou ejected them from tho train.
Dodges Bull Moose Decision
MrA ACterssa
LiaiW liBiiiiiiiHiiiiBBiBeaiiiiiiiiBLIr ffSaHBaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH
v lmEZ? - .''nawBHH
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiVbbbkI bbbhbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLbbbbbbbW . bbbbbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
Libb .', JSIbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. By their
decision not to Interfero with the
Kansas state primaries but to' let
the full court decldo the Issue next
October, Justices Pitney and Vnnde
vanter of tho United States supreme
court today are considered here to
have given partial victory to the sup
porters of Colonel Roosevelt through
out tbo county In their contention
that avowed support of Ills candidacy
for tho presidency does not Invali
date their standing as republicans.
After hearing nil tho evidence
available in tho case Justices Pitney
and Yandevanter refused to Inter
fere with tho designation ot tho
Roosevelt men as republicans on
tho primary ballot, but declared that
tho wholo dlsputo would bo taken
up by tho United States supreme
court en banc next October and
a final decision rendered as to
whether tho Roosevelt men should
rotaln tho republican designation on
tho electoral ballot In the national
election In November.
WASHINGTON, Anjr. 2. Voting
fl to A the senate this afternoon
adopted the lodge resolution warning
foreign nation-) not to establish naval
or military on the American
The negative voles woro ca&t hy
Cummins, McCinnbor, Percy ntul
Stone. McCumberV attempt to tone
down the hands off policy enunciated
in tho resolution was rejected.
Aged Woman Defiant
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 2.
Chipper ami defiant desplto hor 104
years Ellzaboth Lowls, n fugitive
from tho relief honuj, was brought
to polico headquarters hero today.
"I can easily support mysolf,"
sho deelurod, but desplto her pro
tests she was sent back to tho alms
Canned Eggs Tried
TACOMA, Aug,'J. Down wiih tho
cold utorngo tritut, tho farmer's wife
is going to ho the real queen of egg
at lust. Under the direction of
Professor II. L. Klaiiclmrd of tho
Western Wunliingtou 0-sporiiuoiit sta
tion, farmer..' wives in the Puyallup
valley canned eggs lat full which
will ho tosded at tho Puyallup Valley
fairj tlio first week in October.
Wool Bill to Pass
WASHINGTON, Aiir. 2,Soniito
and house conference on tho house
wool hill announced this afternoon
Hint an ngreeinont hud been reached,
insuring tho passage of tho mousuvo
in botli houses.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 2. Grave un
easiness ts felt herb today by all na
tlonallUes other than tho British
over the announced appointment ot
Dr."Mo?rI3n' correspondent ot tho
Loudon Times, to be chief political
I adviser to President Yuan Shi Kal. It
Is eblleved the appointment will
clinch tho British grip on China and
will lessen proportionately the In
fluence of other nations In tho de
velopment of the newest and most
populous republic.
Morrison's advice to Yuan Is ex
pected to bo strongly pro-British ana
It Is more than hinted that the poli
cies ho will dictate will be those ot
practically hostility to all other na
tions having or hoping to gain a
foothold In China.
SAN DIEGO. Cat., Aug. 2. Almost
tho eutlro city detective force was
today engaged in searching tor a
fiend who yestorday mado an at
tempt to polnson tho eight small
children ot A. B. Rodgers, ft brick
mason. Poisoned marshmnllows,
each containing enough strychnlno
to kill several adult persons wore
thrown Into tho front yard of the
Rodger's homo and ono was partly
eaten by Rodger's five year old
Only promt application of antidote
saved tho child's life and sho was to
day declared to bo out of danger.
A hole had been punchod In tho
marshmnllows and tho poison In
serted. The candy had been strewn
In a llttlo pathway running from the
door of tho Rodgora home.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Canadian
Pacific with a ono point loss was tho
only chaugo of importance in to
day's opening stock markot. Othor
dealings woro uoarly all of sniull
fractional gains with Erlo and tho
coppers showing slight heaviness.
Later Lohlgh Valley gained two
point. Tho publication ot tho Stan
ley report was t ho causo ot a small
backwardness In United Statos Stool.
Profit taking caused recessions and
stool and St. Paul foil under yeBtor
day'a closing.
Tho market closed Bloody.
' Bonds were firm.
NO, 113
Master Fish Warden Clanton In
spects Conditions at Ament and
Gold Ray and Proceeds to Carry
Out Instructions of State ,
Engineer Foster Drawing Plans
Which Will Make Two Ladders at
Each End of the Dam
Master Fish Warden R. E. Clan
ton, and Chief Deputy Sam Sandry
ot Roguo River accompanied by En
gineer Harry Foster went to Gold
Ray Friday to locate and draw up
plans and estimates for a now :Ish
ladder to bo constructed on the south
side of the dam, which was ordcrad
by the state and fish commis
sioner some time since, but which it
was Impossible to begin work on un
til low water.
This ladder will tnatfo two fliV
ways at the dam and provide an
easy way for tho flah to got above
the obstruction and end for all time
the volume of protests that has
poured Into the commission for years.
The California-Oregon Power Co.,
present owners of the power plants,
have agreed to construct the ladder
under supervision of the state au
thorities, but submitted another pro
position namely tho raising of the
dam at the south Bide to force the
current over the north face of the
dam. and thus avoid a second ladder.
This proposal has not roet the ap
proval o"f tho fish warden and the
company will bo ordered, to carry
out the Instructions ot the commis
sion. But little excavation will be seed
ed for the new fish ladder, which
will be built of concrete and'eost ap
proximately S1500. At the same
time tho present fishway will be
repaired, the flood of last winter
having carried out some of the con
croto wall.
Mr. Clanton also Inspected and
approved the new flah ladder con
structed at the Ament dam, giving
two flahways at thiB structure, with
a. third available through the dam.
A largo run of flah la reported at
tho mouth of the river and five de
puties are kept busy patrolling for
poachers. Several nets have been,
seized and arrests are expected.
Sentiment at the mouth of tho river
Is against tho -poachers, as the peo
plo hope by law enforcement, to se
cure an amendment to tho presont
law, permitting salmon fishing to be
resumed. ,
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., Aug. 3.
Personal appeals to tho doctors ot
forty states will mark tho campaign
of Colonel Theodore Roosevolt for
tho presidency. Thla was an
nounced hero today with tho further
dotall that ho expocta to deliver 500
speeches during tho tour.
Colonel Roosovelt today said that
Presldont Tuft's speech of accept
ance, discussed "dead not llvo Is
sues." Tho colonel's declaration on tho
negro question will bo published to
morrow. Ife has Indicated that will
stand for Illy whltoism in tho south
hut will demand wore liberal treat
ment of tho northern negroos hy
tho politicians.
SEA GIRT, N, J Aug. 2, Gover
nor Wilson today annouueed that' he
will not resign tho New Jersoy gov
ernorship before election. Hut; deci
sion followed a series of eonferenoes
with stnto loaders.
"I am gratltfled," WUsohsIiI to
day. ','at the receipt of a number of
pledges of support from' member of
the Champ Clark League ot California."
nn nDaVriAn