ffroioti .Ilsforfea. Sak any tiau .. Medford Mail Tribune tx&t SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair Hint HHrni, !h tfdf JJlii OS; Hot Hum UM, l''nrty-nnriiMi) Viur. Iiiillv- Movfiilll Vfiir MFSDirOUD. OHKaON.TlIt'HSDAV.Arni'ST 1, 1012 NO. 112 TAFT SEES SOCIALISM IN TRIUMPH OF EITHER OF HIS TWO OPPONENTS SOUNDSKMTEiflBWI KANSAS THEFT G.O. P. CAMPAIGN bI CASE IS ARGUED News of Nomination Drokon to Presi dent who Accepts In 6000 Word Speech Fears Popular Govern ment Will Result In Nc(ll(cncc Spectre of Socialism Haunts Tad, Who Sees Salvation tor Nation In His Own Success WASHINGTON, Ant,'. 1. Willi United Stud' Seiuilor Klilm Hoot, I'ltiiinnmi of tin) tcrrnl republican iiiitiiiniil iioini'iitinii, noting a HMiklMtllllt, I'lltoillflll William I low a til Titf I wits fniiiiiilly notified nl the white Imiiihc today of his noniiii nlon for tin ptcsiilouoy. In u ri'ply, which exceeded ten IKomhiiimI word in length, tho pienidonl fonimlly in copied the iioiniiintion nnil while ho attacked dm lender of Ihi' new pro gressive party, no personal oicntion whm imtiln of Colonel Theodore IfoOHCWlll. Today's ceremony won liulil in I ho east loom of Hat while house. I'ri idont To ft originally intended lo speak froin tlio Hiiutli Hirtico of Hid while house, hut changed Huh pliin oil iicoiint of Hid possibility nf in clement weather. Tim iiotirii'itlioii committee wax i'imiihihci1 of oiin representative from iit'h Mluti'. At wtnotly II oVIook the parly marched front Hat iweeit tio offices (o Hut hnll room, where llav wero nail liv I'rtvddonl iital Mrs. Tuft. Clinrln Tiifi. Hai president' mm, was Hit only other mouther of Hit! fitinily present. .In" I before Ha eoioinonios began I'M'iiili'iil 'I'h II mill Senator Hoot woro photographed to golhor. Moro Hum 10,0011 guest wore gtouped Iliforiniilly ulioiit Hid east iooiii, Following la eoroiimiiy u re ri'plinii nial buffet luncheon was laid. Toft' Aitlptnnto WASHINGTON, Aug. i. l'rosldonl Tail's speech of iiecoplanco was Hi purl iu follew: "I accept tlat nomination you ton tier with profound gratitude to tho republican party which Iiiih thus hon ored into twlru. I incept It as np provnl of what I have ilono uialor lt inutalnto tool hb nil expression of con fidence thiil In a Bocund ndnilnlstrn Hon I .will tiorvo tho public wnll. "Tho Ihhiio prosonteil nt tho con vention over which your chnlriniin presided with Biirh n Jimt nial ovon liniiil, innilo n crisis In tho llfo or tho purty. A faction no unlit to forco tho purty to vlolnto it vnliitihlo nial tlmn houoreil national tradition hy en trusting tho power of tho prniihtuiiny for inoro than two tonus to nun man, """(Coiitlnuoi! on I'iiro (I) MACON, On., AiiBUHt 1. ThoiiB uuilii of nU;natuii!H unvo hoott nddod today to u potillou itHklnR comit'oua to ItivoatlKiitu c)mVKm niitdo iikiiIiihI tliillod Htatoii JiiiIko lOnuiiy Spoor of tho iioiithoin illBt,rhit of (loorAhi hy ronnor Mnyor Huff of Mnoon, Huff Ilurr (diatKOH Hint Bpoor Ih iibIiik hht judicial poidtlou for poreount and fliiauolal nalu. Huff, who wiih iirriiHtitd hy ordoia of JikIko Rpoor on rotttoUipl ohnrKoa following u lottor ont to tho Jurlnt, hlttorly orltUilHliiK hl roconl on tho honnh, wan iidntlttod lo bull today by JiiiIko Spoor, Tho court nlwi an noiiiirod that nitothor fodoral JikIko vould hear tho coptonipt olmnso IIKUlllBt Huff, Tho'Bympathy of Macon roBldont Ju with Huff, ItuudrodH'of cltlzoiiB tjocoiindlii' IiIh homo horc- last nluht. request mm TO PROBE IUDGE SPEEROE GEORGIA rtiTO hAwiii ,ia.ii .w NEWS BROKEN TO PRESIDENT BY T WAHIIINfSTON'. Auu 1 In ,t brief and formal nprTlt by Hettiuor Klilm Hoot of Now York, TreKldenl Tnfl wan forntally notified today that ho had roMJhoil tint lepubllenn nomi nation for tho prwtldniioy nt tho re cent convention In Cliloaco. Hoot, In IiIh Hpccch, laid particular Htruoa on tho claim thai Tnft'c title to the nomination was :w "clear and iinlmpenchablu an tho tlllo of any cnudldato of any party alaro political ronvtMitloiiH bcr.au." HefcrrliiK to HoomovoU. Hoot raid: On U'Heolt' I'lnlia Tor Hio ncconil time In tho bin- tory of Iho rbiitibllcan party, part qf ilia dclurateii rofiiKoil ;o bo lioitno ay Iho action of Hio ronvontlon. Tho reafon nMlKttud for this roitrno Is dls Bnllnfncllott with tho decision of cer tain content In mnltliiK tip tho temp orary roll of tho convention. Those routoBtn wero decided by that tribun al upon tho law which ban Kovrrnod tho republican party for moro than forty yoarn, which Imponed tho duty of deciding Much contorts. "Ho Iouk aa Htcso decision woro mado honestly and Hi pood faith, all persons nro bound to accept thent as concluslvo In ntnhliiR up n totnpnrr.ry roll of tho convention. Neither In tho facta nor In tho urKiiuieittH pro duced boforo tho national couimtttco, tho commlttoo on credentials, the convention Itself, nor otherwise does there appear Just ground for lm penehtnK tho hotioHty and riood faith of the cominlttleo'n dcclBlons." Halo of I.iuv "Von bollevo In n rulo of law, rather than In a rulo of men nial roalUo that safety of nntlons of In- dlvlduitlH Is to establish and nbldo hy declared principles. You nro In sympathy with Iho groat prnctlrul riilert for tho right conduct of tho Amorlcan people, sot up for RUldanco and self roHtralut tit constitutional limitations. You know thnl to hwoop away.thoBo wlso rules of aolf restraint would not ho progrcHH hut decadouco. "You know tho grout declarations of prlnclplen In tho constitution can not ho an effectual guide to conduct In any other way than hy judicial Judgment upon nttomptH to vlolnto thoiti, nnil you mnlntnln Independ ence, dignity and authority for tho courts ot tho United States." MNC'OLN', Neli., Aug. I. -That the impuiicliiueul proceedings against United. Slates Judge llnaford hud opened Iho way for Hiinilnr iiapiiry nil along tho lino mid Hint there should not ho any turning hank now, is Williniu .1. Hryuu'H opinion of the Huilt'ord iuipiiry, expressed in to day's, issue of tho Coiiimonor. "Ifuufoid resigned," suys the eilit lriulf "ovidoiilly ti' ehoupo the oxpoH mo Hint would ho incidental to im puiiulimoiit proueeditign. Several coiigreHKnien have oxpressed, the opinion Hint further proceedings nro inuieeeHsivry, Umuu'ttiiniitihly Huu ford Iiiih Hiiffered uiiffioient diHgruee, "Hut tlioio is another sido of this onsu. Investigation. a diauluscd SENATOR BRYAN WAN Attempt of Thin! Party to Appro priate Republican Electors Argued Bpforc Federal Supreme Court on Writ of Error' Appeal from Stale Jtistlco Vandcvawtcr Says Real Issue Is Whether Roosevelt Runs as Re puhllcan or Third Party Candidate Ni:V YORK, Aug. 1. The Katun electoral eiiM'H, involving the legality of flit ii 1 1) iifliiiii of prexidvutinl eleeitirx in Hlnten where the ilirtvl pratnirv prevnils, were liil.cn up hero inlay hv .lunliecs Vniali'vunler mat I'iluey of Hie United Slate supretta.' court. Tho prneei'diugs ri'ulteil from Hie KmiHiiH xiiprmiie onurt'K ileeiiiiMi Hail Hie inimcrt of eight Kk'umik prehiilcutinl elcelorH hhoiilil go a the oflieinl priiiiurv ballot in the repub lican column, although it wns nii tiouueei the elector would not sup lrl Tnft nial Sheniian. Ak u ii'Miilt of the Kiiiimis hiiprcnu: coin I'm decision tin; Tnft holder up- plied for a writ of error. Tho ciao of the Tnft (H-ople is being prosculcd by ('oiigrcM.uinn 01mteiul of I'can- Myhitnia nial ItiehanI I lite of Topckn. h. V. Ivepplingcr of IChiihuh City mid K. S. JaekMoa of Topoka nro tho ItooM'tcIt attrneyH. ' I'r HMioelt Aloao 0iigresninu OhithliMnl tihsortvti thai Hiu KniiHiis delegates went to Chicago determined to aapport Col onel HooHowdt regardlc" of whelher ho wiih (ho republican nominee. Olinsteitd tend a Idler indicating this wiih tho attitude of the delegates. Ho explained tho alleged nccensity of changing tho rulings of tho Kansns court. In arguing the Koosovolt sido of Hie naiH A Homey V. S. Jaoksuti of Topeka Miid: "TIiIh eiiMt contniiirt moro lyiui- niito than nay to cmuo before tho Htiprcmc. court sineo the reconstruc Hon period. Tho matters involved tiro those that have plunged Mate into war." Justice Pitney interrupted Jackson at this stage in his argument to dryly letnnrk that he did not think there would he wnr over the matter. Should Stop Theft Here Jaekhon mid Justice I'iluey and Vaudevanter heeamo engaged in a running argument, Justice Vuttde vitittcr cnyitig: "There ought to ho it law to pre vent llooMivcIl people form Htunling Tnfl electors." Justice Vnndevunter insisted the real isntio is whether Uoosuvelt rinin us a lepuhlieun or a third party enn iliilulf. t'ppcr IValusala IMrcinea OhADSTONH, Mich., July .Tl. Thu mitttinl convention mat tnurtai incut of tho Upper Peninsula Fire tneu'H iiBBoclatlou began bero today with an attendance of flro fighters front many towns. Tho tournament will continue until tho end or tho week. that Uanfoid used his position to aid the speeiul intetesls. H is freely ehnrged Hint represeutalives of thce inletests iHH'siiuded Huiiford to re sign that there might not ho further exposure. Congiessiuau Horger in sists that hero shall ho a thorough investigation of tho disclosures concerning- thin federal judgfn agency for corporation concerns. "Hurgor is right. A thorough in vOHlignlioii along (his lino may open mi investigation with reaped to other fodoral judges, No one could de sire further humiliation of this un happy mini, who has hrought disgrace on the hcuch, hut there ought not to he any turning book, now Hint a way hud hoon opened for inquiry nil along tho lino' JUDGES B TRAILING ASSASSN ASKS LIFE BE SPARED NKW YORK, Aug. r..irg.iimt.g only that his life he spared, "IJago Frank" Cjrofict. olio of tho assas sins of (hunhtcr Ifosonthal. the fir. I mail killed in the itolicc-gnmhliag-murder scandal, weakened today lif ter eye witnesses to the murder had iudcnttficil him as one of Hie oc cupants of the gray automobile in which the slayers escaped after the crime, and aolilli'd District Attorney Whitman thai he will make a full confession. Cirofici declares Hint either "Whit ney Lewis" or "Lefty Louie" did tho actual shooting of Rosenthal. Ho i expected to tell sufficient of the fuels at once to suhtnutiate the story told hy Hurr Ynllon, "Hriilgie" Webber and "Hiild Jack" lio-o, who declines that, through Hen Schepps, Police Lieutenant .Charles Hooker paid the gangsters to kill. Important do elopements ns to Meeker's shale in Iho murder plot wero foreshadow eil toilny in the fact that John Hart, Hooker's attorney, was subpoenaed forthwith before the grand jury. S E I.OS AN(5Ul.i:S. Cn., Aug. 1. Crnsoil with rugo iih tho result of Joshing" of his fellow prlsouors, John Vnshllk, n Greek trusty, run amuck In tho county jail hero today, mid, h doing a Knifo from tho break fast table on which ho wiih waiting, stabbed to death O, ll. Mullen, nlso u trusty, and seriously out two othor prisoners, Louis Nool mid Mnrtln .Moiuloiui. Vashllk was overpoworod by Turnkoy Keed after a desporato struggle. Coming In from tho kitchen with a trny of food, Vnshilk secrotod a long butcher kulfo in his clothing mid, approaching tho tnblo whoro tho trusties woro eating, plunged It Into Million's hack to tliQhllt. Tho blndo penetrated to tho heart mid Mullen foil, from nm cnnir, trying almost in stantly, tho blood KU8hlig from tho wound, FOR CONFESSION NR IN RN AMUCK WTH KNF THE DULLY BULLY LAWYERS EXPRESS SYMPATHY WITH F TACOMA, AYash , Aug. 1. Highest recommendation for tho "conscien tious work ho did on tho bench and regret over his resignation, was voiced late yestorday afternoon In a resolu tion adopted by a three to ono vote of tho Washington State Har Associa tion convened in Its annual meeting. Tho resolution follews: "Whereas Honorable Cornelius II. Hanford, n member ot this association has lately tendered his resignation ns Judge of tho United States district court for tho western district of Washlugon, u position which ho has occupied with honor and credit to tho nation for a period of approxi mately a quartor of a century, ,nov therefore, bo It "Hesolved: That wo express that tho nation shall loso so valuable and conscientious n servant and oxpress our appreciation of tho earnest work which has beon performed by Judge Hanford while ho has been upon tho federal bench." wioir.u i. , .. I.. iVH i. Colonel Hoosevelt declnrod hero to day thai ho would take a radical stand on tho negro situation, "which ,.. I.-,.,.. .. i. ........ ., -. 0t.,., .. t X X- 4... t wuiiiii iruii.iuiy nuv uu (iuiuai. Tho decision as to whoro ho stands lit 1.. k.tit.Ttiilin.t nm. X-lt, !. r t W Ot lllllnilt'l DtlWU. .UltilUI Ul tho dolumit parties, ho said had (Uin'ii a inn iiunuuu uu wiu ijiies tlon " LOS ANGELKS, Cal., Aug. 1. Sub jecting Claronco Harrow to a sovoro cross examination regarding his ac tions nt tho time Bert II. Franklin wns arrested, Assistant District At torney Ford mado tho accused labor attorney flush nngrlly on sovorul oc casions during tho morning sosslon of tho Dnrrow brlbory trial today, Darrow denied any knowledge of Franklin's using money to Influence jurors, saying ho was tho most sur prised man In tho world whon told , ot tho reason for Franklin's nrrost. -x . i i - i ' uarrow wns moro surrea oy I'ora s quostlons rogardlng tho Franklin ar rest than ho wns by others concorti' lag his telegrams to Loo M. Rappnp- port, his Indianapolis associate. When court convened Darrow admitted giv IUDGE HAN AW Gi MOOSE. New Toft nr1.i TEDDY III I CHICAGO, Aug. 3. A slight ehnnge iu the program ot the national progressive convention which n scmhlos hero next Monday to noini nato u national ticket was announced hero today. Instead of speaking Monday night as was originally in tended, Colonel Koosevelt will deliver his "declaration of faith" Tuesday. Governor Hiram Johnson of Cali fornia will call the convention to order at noon Monday. Then former United States Senator Albert Bever idge of Indiana who will act as tem porary chairman will address the delegates, delivering the keynote .pceoh of the convention. This will be followed by permanent organiza tion. Colonel IJooscvelt's nddrcss will come immediately after the invocation Tuesday. This will ho followed by committee reports nnil consideration of a platform. Oa Wednesday the nominations and speeches of accept ance will conic. NKW YOHK, Aug. 1. necauso tho foreman and othor malo omployes of a Hrooklyn fnctory wero addictod to profanity, 400 girls, members of tho Dressmakers' Union, today aro on strlko, Tho girls hopo to Induce walk outs In other factories, and to put a stop to tho uso of profanity and nbttso in tho work rooms. ing Instructions to some ono lit his office to telegraph Hnppnpport tho day aftor Frankllu's arrest, giving his permission to spoiul $l, 000 Iu se curing snino McNmuara ovtonco In tho hands of tho federal offlcors, de spite tho dofeuso's clal that tho Mc Namnra enso hod alroady reached a conclusion, In an agreement botweon tho state and defotiso attorneys. Ho also admitted telegraphing Knppupport tho day tho McNamuras pleadod guilty, telling Mm not to spond tho nionoy, Darrow sneorod when Guy BIddlngor, a Bums opera tive, was asked about, admitting that ho gavo tho Burns man his tolophono uddress nnd tho nitmbor of his room In a Sun Francisco hotel, while BId dlngor was working for him and for Burps nt tho sanio tmo, SPEAK CONVENTION NEX TUESDAY N A REBEL S CRIME T Hnnfjlnfi of Americans hy Orozco and , the Contemplated Massacres Stir Washlnrjton to Prompt Action Situation Extremely Grave Battle Impends Between Rebel and Federal Forces Hanged Ameri cans are Identified WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Amerl caij consuls in Moxlco woro ordered by tho state department today to thoroughly Investigate reports that two American citizens wero hanged by Mexican rebels In tho stato of.So nora Mexico, Officials of tho de partment regard tho Mexican situa tion ns extremely grave, and If It Is shown that the hanging was the cnrnjlruc ot of threats made hy Gen erals 'Oozco anil Salaiar, of tho rebel forces, to inassacro American residents, tho government may de cide trj Jntervene. The expulsion of tho Mormon colo nists by General Orozco has aroused bitter feeling in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. It Is believed that Orozoco deliberately planned to loot tho Mormon colonies to rc-flnance, provision and efptlp his army, but later deemed It Inadvisable to carry out this plan. EL PASO. Tex., Aug. 1. Dis patches received hero today oay that tho Americans reported hanged by Mexican rcbols In Sonora h'avo, been Identified as S. Schubert, formerly of Douglas, Ariz., and S. Hurtling. AVASIIINGTON. Auk., .Url?jredle tlon of a serious battle In "Northern Mexico soon between the federals and tho forces behind General Orozo co was made today In despatches from Colonel Steever, commanding tho United States troopa at El Taso. Stiver said tho country io dally growing moro turbulent. BELLINGHAM, Wash.. Atiff. 1. Cheered by thousands of spectators IJarvey Haggard stnggored from tho Delllagham Bay and British Colum bia railroad train to tho chamhor of commorco this morning and with Joo Frnucovlso but ten feet bohind him was declared tho winner of tho 1912 Mount Baker Marathon and of tho first prize of $000 and cup which goes therewith. Vcltor Galbralth, who ha4 ar rived at tho train at Glacier thrco minutes behind Haggard, was tho third man to nrrlvo at tho chamber. Haggard's time for tho comploto round trip was 9 hours nnd CI minutes, as compared with 13 hours and 2S minutes mado by Joo Gal bralth over tho Doming trail lust year. E TO PAY TIFF BOARD WASHINGTON', Aug. 1. By u vote of il.'i to lOUt tho house this .afternoon tefiisod to concur with the senate amendment to tho htindry civil hill appropriating $225,000 to continue tho tariff board this your. Every republican voted to retain tho board. Tho bill was returned to tho senate with a request for a joint conference. t IvniANArOLIS. Ind., Au. l.- Former United 8tti; BfMtqrv Bev erldgo vuo will 'preside over5 th temporary organization of the pro gresslvQ convention Monday lit Chi cago was today nominated for gover nor of Indiana. Former Congri man Fred Landls was nomlBitd for lieutenant governor Jjy t prosrw slvo republican onvwjHea. - RESULT N N N N NOMINATED RNOR 'i - a :.! 1 I t Wj ' rl Vf