' I P- I 3-' -a f li ' : 1 1 : i K ' i i I - l " i f ft 1 t Little Sweethearts (His Father Must Be a UT jjl' V '; n 0MErH0Nyi ?n"f OK Wh Vjlll OCT RVM OYC"! cem: o! Mr CAR Jft fOM- UJ'i ' 'I1U, SWUTV '..N' - "4 'l.iifcM- wni ai li TRYING TO CHECK BUGGY PEDDLING Tint Kpiinliliug CuiiMiiv (if Ohio li yearn 11150 mi1iIIci Imclm tuttl liugginH In dmikoii enmity without tilltllitllllSJ llot'llhl) Do (O lo O IcqUlt'l'll by tint Oregon law. When prtwcni- llonn vn initiated befom Horvioo of fWiirninl their agent lul't- for tliwtntil 'fieMll, "TlllH HIIIIIIIHT llgnlll till M'(I- tlliug begun mill uirrnnl were ! nucil for tilt- urroat of two of their Illil'lllH, llllM'll (III Mllll'M lllllllo to Ap- 'plegnto fanner. Again II won ffounil ihni tlit coiiipniiy liml IniiiH- f mi cil iIh liiixit of oiMTiiliniiM lo .Mnr- iiou itouuly where itirnHtH were mtulo (for iM'ililliitf.' without llciriiHi', On the UL'imI of July K. If. Ilimiiiwny, 11 I'nilltiiiil attorney, ii?iirinl from llit uYnittl ewul of Mnrioif county nil injunction oritur litinpTinirily to- ntnilning tin1 pioeeuliiig ultoiiiuy of jlliuJliinl tlistiiol mill (lit! firnt lin- ilrint from iiihtiliilimr proceeding riiKitiimt llio .Hpuuliliiig I'oiiipiiny for llllll'UI'll llCllllllIlL', Ha' motion lo il'H- Itiolvtt tint injunction will lie itrgiicil .lie fori' Jilil)pi (Inljowny npxt Weillltw tluy, Mliu-xliito being lflprL'hiuitml by M0I111 A. .McNuiiv of SiiU'in ntnl II. l Mitlkov or M.'iironl. Nollro of Knlo of $nil(l(l.O( Kcluxil 1 IIiiiiiN, ItUt. No. 100, .InrliMOi ' Count)', On'Kou. IlliU will I10 ri'dtlvi'il up to AtiRiut 1 10. lit II!, tit tlio hour of 'J o'clock p. tin. of ttultl tiny, by Jiunoa M. Onine iinlllfr, TroftHiiror of JhcUhou County, Ori'Kon, nt ttitri officii ot tlio County TrimHtiror, In thu city of Jnckiton (vlllo, OroRon for tlio piiroliimo of jr.000.00 (Klvo Thoiittantl Dollar), jroupon linniU of $1000.00 ilonoinlim ' t Ion. to ho IhhiioiI hy School Dlnlrlct No, 1000 of Jnchnon County, Ort'fton, liayahlii In. ton yearn, flyo yonra op tional, bcarliiK IntttrfHt nt nix por cont per nnnutn, Intercut pnynblu bciiiI nuniiully. IIMh to bo accompanied hy certi fied clutrlc for five por cent of tho nmonntf thn.hhl, Tlt511mril of piroctora qt nUl bcIiooI tlltl let No.'lOO 'remirvti tbo 'rlchLto-roJi't't any nml nil bl(l. . lAH, M. CItONKMIM.Kli, ' Trpnnufer of Jackson County, Oro- 15011. lDato.1 thlH until day of July, ltll'J. NOTICE. Notice In hereby kIvoii that tbo tin Merslisued will apply to the city coun 'cll at, Its mpntliiK to bo bold Aui;ust 0, 1012, for a license to sell malt, tmlrltuouH nml vIiioiih liquors In NEW TODAY A five room house strictly modern nmfwlth nil built-in conveniences, location nil tbnt could bo ilvslrotl, imtl nil pavement and aHsessmouts paid. Parties will oxchniuto for fjoml proilucllvo alfalfa laud. I$f!d00. 10JD." iturtm layliiB this way from Hold Hill, mid on the proposed lu terurhnn rnllwny lino. 00 acres Is In fluo penm and apples that will jtoon ho In boniiiiK. Fltteon ncron nro In IrrlKatod alfalfa, md thuyo hi uonio flno khiIii lnm. ,Tljo liouso Is flno and lariio, mid barns and other bulldlut;n would suit anyone. Thluja"nd,.laynl!fiiq for n)iiiUvlRoii( it ml'- Is A-lch' In 'mluorhl values. Will bo idad to show It to aiiyono Inter osted In a flno subtly place. $27, 000.00, A flno laws strictly, modern buiusnlow In south MoifQrd, In tho iirehartl district. Commit walk city .water nd Klip. Roautlful locntn, for salo or oxehaiiKo lot hlllto pro perty In tho vicinity of Snn Franols-1-0, Call oud boo photos, . fy p. HOON Room 12, Jnckson Co. BnnK Bid". , Plionos:. Pnclflo 781, Home 7QK WAHT70 5TAY J ?.;-POOK MAMA SSus' TH Ik "howCP GOING To jiUSi i JS iPJ? J, ! J 1 sjjj Jpfp$yj J?pSffl jllSBiy lr?MiJ ipitiutltleit leHH than a cnllou nt IIh phuo of hiiHlni'MH 011 lot 11, block 20, city of Meitfortl for n porloil ot nix lllOlltllH. W. M. KUNNIJUV. Dnttid July 20, 1912. III'KINKSH OI'l'OUTDMTIISK, IH'HINUHH OITOUTUNITV Anyomi wIhIHiik to mi;ni;ti In tlio billiard himlui'HH can niircliuin) atl or u half Ititurtmt In tlio .Owl llllllard par lor an owner wlnhfB to ko nwny. Haiiio can bo purchased nt n very roiiHonnblo figure. H, I, Drown. I'OU HAM:-,"l'm Mcllrlilo Htore." ciitth not iiecHnry If you Imvo im cnrltY, Reo piv. Win. Ulrlcli, Ito Solver. IU MONKV TO I.OAV, MONl-JY To loan nil fnrm property. Mulkey tk Cherry. Jncltiou County Hank hulltlltiK. Hfi FOR RENT FURNISHED A ITS. FOR RENT Smith Apia. S17 H. Rlt. FOU RENT FurnlBhed npartment. Juitt Ilka a buiiKutow. Larxn pornlii'ti, prlvato balliH, mtw, Tbo llerhuu, corner Qulnco nml W. Main Htrent. Phono .117-L. FOU RENT FURNISH KI) ItOOMH FOR RENT lirsn ttlwpluK room, JlTiit mid $2 iit week. Modorp lioiiMekfiipInt; upartmoulH, $1C and $10. Home phono 2GG-K. 222 South Holly. V O 11 It i: N T HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT- - FurnlHhed hounekwtjv. Iiik rooiim. 21 Oeiieneo tttnot. Phono Pacific -1221, 133 FOR RENT Suite ot 2 or 4 fur nished hounokt't'pliiK rooms on first floor. Inuulro 72J West 11th street. FOR ItENl IIOT3HKU FOR RENT -Modern S-room dwel ling with nil conveniences. Phone Doll 5232. Home 121-L. J. J. Haitrl, near corner- Roouovolt mid east Jncksou. 114 FOR RENT -.1 room furnished liouso fluo Kardon, wnter and sower In house, olnctrlo llKhts, 710 W. 11 tb street. Rent cheap, lnrf;o chicken yard and bouse. 113 FOR RENT Furnished C-room house, modern. 5 IS King it. ' FOR RENT Modern five-room hopso. M. A. Rader, nt M. F. & II. Co. FOR RENT Six room bouso, mod orn, paved atreot, $10.50. W. T, .York & Co. FOR RENT Close In 0 room liohuso with, modern plumbing and elec tric lights. On paved street, with lawn and ceuiont sldowalka. Call Doll phono 3401. FOR RENT- 10 room liouso rear of Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, sultnbln for' business, renl estate, boarding or rooming liouso. Cold Ray Realty Co., 0th and Fir tits, FOR RENT OFFICES 1 , FOR RENT Over tbo postoffiw, with heat and light. Sco A. A, Davis. FOR RENT Lnrgo, Oomfortablo of fice rooms with elevator norvlce, Htcnm beat, hot and cold water, Low ratos. Apply .Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOU RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT, 10 aores on upper ' Rogue Rlvur, beautiful mountain homo, fluo hunting and fishing, good house and barn, alfalfa field, garden and'lrrlgatlou ditch. Ad dross IV O. llbx 702, Medford, Oroffoti. FOR HALE ACHEAOM FOR BALK Eight ncre, Just out Btdo city limits, all plantod to 3 .year old apples; small bouse, good wujl; $2500. jW; T. Yqrk ft Co. i FOR HALE HOUSES. FOR HALK $2100 .nrtlstlo modern bungalow) -lmllt In furniture, beautiful lnwn; pavod stroot, ln qulro 300 Houtb Nowtown. FOU 8ALU LAND FOR SAIfW-r-llM oyndr, SO acres all fotiuod mid cross foncod, now 6- , roon house and barn, two uhlokon liouBbs, good spring, flno young or chard, good horse, wagon and har ness, clilolcmiH, housohpld goods and toqlsalU aores In, crop. Every thing goes forf $1500' quick salo, $700 cash, batnnro ono or two years. fYV h. llowlnnd, Golestlnj OroKontt ' .$ .t v ' o-1M mpFORDjvraxn trtbuot, ansDFOftP, othwon, Tuesday, july no, 19.12 vou ham: u.sm FOR HAM: - SO ncro.n of Improved In ml : mlle from inarltut, ft room ftirulMhed Iioiim". ptock nml Im pbimtMitH, etc., Kood wntor. Price 93000. Boo It wlillo cropn nru Krowlnc. Add reus ISox 02, Jnck ruiivIIIo, Ore. 117 FOR BALK MIHCKUiANKOCS KOIt SALK Jlnhy tprltoyB, 40 cctiln ench . Orchard Home, route No. 1. Itobert Oiittou. 110 KOU HAI.Ii A rood piano now, lined hIx moiithn. r:tf, N. Kir. Ill FOR HALE Rlpn nprlcotB, J. W. Klrpatrlck, Coker Itutte, Pacific nyi-J-2. 111 FOR HALE Cheap, irnod team, har ni'KH and wiikoii, $125.00 If taken ni once. &23 North Riverside. Phono Ti 1 72. 112 FOR SALc- Pruno nml npplo or chard, 25 acres prunes, IS ncres UnllnnB.,10 PetltcK, 8 years old, nl on black bottom html, C.& acres Newtown apple, Q years old on slight, raise. If Interested ad dress box 33 Youcnlla, Ore. 114 FOR SALE Uorrles by crnto. Call Home phone 310-R, or Uooth 5, puhllo market. Ill FOR HALE I'rult Jars cheap, ',4 riiIIoii. C3C N. Fir. 110, FOR SALE Pench plums, tcle phono 097, Party J-C. 110 FOR SALE Flnv apricots, delivered Foot Hills Orchard. Pacific 1131.' FOR HALE Young Jersey cow, fresh, Kentlo nml an ensy milker. Phono Hell r.OO-R-2. 112 FOR SALE Goodtenm. llKbt horses. Itnrness and buck. Address Rex CO, caro Mali Tribune. FOR SALE 25 horsepower nuto, Ovorlnm! 38, prlco $350, llox 75. llhoenlx.- 115 FOR SALE Must sacrlflco second hand auto. Pliono Pacific 7352. 112 FOR HALE--One No. 3 Cyphers Insulator. 3 stylo "A" "brooders, nearly new, ono Winchester auto matic rifle, new. Write llox 00, Mod ford R. 2, or phono Pacific 3C2. Ill' FOR SALE Now seven horsepower motor cycle. In perfect condition. Cost $330.00. Will sell for $250. Good trade considered. Adrcss llox II. C. caro Mnll Tribune, ill" FOR SALE Maxwoll four passenger, 4 cylinder nuto, good condition :uiiHt bo sold or shipped at onoc. Snap. Powell Auto Co. Ill FOR HALE OR KXCHANOE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Rig bargain In S room bungalow and gnrago, partly furnished If de sired. Will accept' automobllo In good condition as part payment, bnlttnco two years. Call 304 south Holly, Phono Pacific 151. 112 FOR BALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE Good 7-room liouso, modern, with two lots on South Central avenue, east front, also lot and bam Joining place. Four room liouso with two lots closo In, con nected with sower nnd city wnter. Suo ownor, T. L. Taylor, Phono Roll SCR-4. -120 FOU EXCHANGE FOR TRADE 4-room bouse,, elec tric llgbtB, sowor In, on paved st nnd sldu walk In, will trado for acres or small ranch. 311 west Jackson st., no ngout, 155 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Five fljst-class ponr and applo packers. Apply to near Creole Orchards. Win. Rolto, " 1IELV WANTICOr-FipLUJI WANTED Exporloncod maid Hotol Nash. chamber tt WANTED MISGKTiTiANKOUB WANTED Washing , to tako homo and work by tho dny, colored -Indy. '530 N. Front. v 110 WANTED Frosh ranch eggs, wo pay cash for thorn. Tho Park Grocery, 422 West Main street. WANTED Hrood ' sows or gilts, Phono or address H. W. Elden, Central P6lnt. Ill RUHINESS DIRECTORY Civil Engineer' iTOTjIWmTTKo cTvTTEnglneor and Surveyor, wntor filings and Irrigation work' a, specialty; Btjr voys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, .'drafting, sowar, design, eoncroto?work, pump 'find cnnul systeniH. Room 2, Palm bile, Medford, Orogou, Bird)' ncHi.Niws Dijti:cToitr Attorney h 1). W. JiAUBHASV Attornoy-at-I.aw. JucknouvJHe, Ore. Offlce: Hank bltlu., BeconU floor. Phone: Pa cific, Main .13. O. L. UMAMKB, LAWYKItOfflco .Mud ford National Hank building, BKoud floor. POHTKH J. NKIT, W.M. P. MBAhBY - Attornoys-at-Law. Nob, 1 and 2, PoBtofflco bldK. A. 12. ItKAMKS, LAWYER CJunleU Corcy bld. r.Ml'LKEY & CHERRY (It. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Rank WilK. II. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 320 Ganiett-Corey Uldg. AcrouiilauiM I). It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reusouablo figure; your business solicited. " Office, Mthlford Mall Tribune bldg; phono 'CC11; resi dence phono C302. Itllllnrd Parlor S. T. 1JROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs. Young & Ilall bldg. A nlco, cool placo tq spend tho hot afternoons. llrlek and Cement. Tho Medford Hydraulic Cement, Rrlck and Block NVorks. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tlio porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, Jardinieres, flower pots Phono Main 541, corner 10th and Fir Btreots. Rill' PoitiTn VERNE T. CANON lllll Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 20 Jackson County Hank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso E. Hodges, Mechaiio-Thcrnplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcraplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-therapy. etc , produce results in both acuto and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Rnrtlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 c. m. to 5 p. in. Other hours by ap pointment. Hell pliono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, norvo specialist. E. 9th and So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; advice in dio totlcs, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1GS-K. Main 7973. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goituro, throat and lung trouble, deafnes8 paralysis, prlvato diseases nnd all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation,' Indigestion, womb and bluddcr troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front Bt., Medford, Oro., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Resldonco phono Main 42. Contractor and Rulldcr O. M. ROSE, Contractor n'nd Dullder Country work.n spoclalty. Plans nnd estimates Tree, llox 522, Med ford. Phono Main 5002. ' Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C VAN SCOYOO Dontlsts Gnrnctt-Coroy bldg., sulto 310, Medford, Oregon. HoUi Phones. DR. ARTEMl'S W. DEANE DonUs.t. Offlco In Rialto bldg.; 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of. tooth. ToleiiliouOjMaliijGSl, .Night phono 4432. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Geo. Ilockor, Prop. 33 South Frdnt Bt. All kinds' ot. help 'furnished and positions obtained treo to tho employer. Hell '1581, Home 270- , .. . . US nintoW6rks , MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. PViddy, O. 1). Nnglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors nnd manu facturers ot brick; dealers In pressod brick ami llmo. Offlco at tholr brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 3101. Garbage GARBAGE GotJ if our premises cloanod up forv'tbo summbr Call - on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phono Main 0251. F. Y. Alleu. . J HUSINEHH DIRECTORY Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sis., Mvdford. Mission furniture made to order. Cabfnctt work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Hrltiff your work, to mo at the sign of Tbo Mall Tribune. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. We nro not in tho trust. II. D. Patterson. Offlco removed to office Hotel Nash. In- sldo entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Offlco 104 S. Fir. Roth phones. Printers nml Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc Port land prices.. 27 N. First. Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Hob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac. 3843. Phynlcltint and Surgeons DRS. CONROY ft CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlitns bldg.. rooms 210-211-212. Offico photos 501, resldonce phone G12. Offlco hours 9 a. m. to S p. m. DR. V. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 nnd 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phone Main. 0351. DR. STEARNS Physician nnd sur geon. Office Garnott-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phono, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practico limited to diseases nf women. Offices over Hnskius Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001. Home 2S. Resldcnco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician nnd Surgeon. Practico limited to eye, ear. noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 210 E. Main st., over Med ford Hurdwaro company. Hours 8:30 n. m. to S p. in. Rath phones. E H. PICKEL. M. D. Offlco Jack son County Hunk. Offlco phono M. 432; Res. pliono. M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Marks Block Offlco phono 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offico rooms 5 and G Kentner bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5. Phone. Bell 271. Residence phouo Bell 273 Home 347-X. E. KIRC1IGESSNER. M. D. Pruc tico limited to Chronic Diseases. Offico Hotol Holland, Wednesdays 10-3, Both phones. Resldcnco phones Fanner 1Gxx5 Eagle Point and Rogue River lino. HERMANN F, RATTE, M. D. Of flco over Medford National Bauk. Office phono G701. Res., Hotol Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D Prac tico limited to Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat.' Eyes scientifically tested au glasses furnished whon needed. Garnott-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Oro. Heal Estato GEORGE L. DAVIS, timber lands, room 205, Home phono 131-R. Over Fruitgrowers Bank. REAL ESTATE L. N. Judd, Talent, Oro., fruit, alfalfa and garden lauds. Stenographers ELLA, M. GAUNYAW Palm block, Stonographlo work dono quickly nnd well. Transfer EADSTRANSFElC& SlWLXGBCO Offlco 1G South Fir. Phono Bell 3152; Home 350-K. Prices right. Sorvlco guaranteed.' Undertakers JOHN A. PERL UndortaKor nnd Embulmer. Offlco, 28 South llavt- l lett PL Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; nlghtjreslderico, Bell 473, Home 170-L. Calls answered night or duy, Ambulance service, By Winsor McCay Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, D. C. Public Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. The Best Thing Out 'ivomMiiY . j&fOjtftP Is an aching tooth, and wo aro tho people to do tho painless extracting, as soon as you want "an unruly member" drawn. Wo aro experts In all branch?.-, of Dentistry and bava made a reputation for good work and fair dealing. You will find us dependable in every respect. Ask your friends who have patronized ns in the past you will find wo stand high In their estimation. Lady Attendant DR. BARBER THE. DENTIST Over Daniels for Duds. Pacific Phono 2528, .Home Phono 352-K Wc aro now serving OUR OWN lee Cream HERE IS OUU FORMULA Cream Milk l Sugar . . , "T Pepaln Flavoring .... u No.Star.ch. No Flour V". ' .'..'. 1 No Ice- Croam Powders No Gelatin of any kind. HASKINS for HEALTH Thermos Tust what you want on that auto trip 'Alwavs hot or cold m you tlesh'o MEDFORD BOOK STORE '- W j I Kmggmt FSBE TFRJG! Oh Mama! Why don't yoti ring up tho grocor and havo him bring ns (onto Hot Bread and Rolls on first delivery or call on Medford Bakery on South Central street nnd get Hot Bread and Rolls for breakfast. Ho has It In tho morning at fi a'clocn-nd It Is just Ilka homo made. It. C. JORtJENSEN, Prop. Draperies W carry a wry cotnpleto line of droprrletr, laco c'rtnln, flvturni, etc., and do all clancn of uptioliUerlnK. A Iclal man to look artnr tills work exclusively anil will Klvo an Kood norvlco as Is posiilblo to get In oven tho largest cities. Weeks Is McGowan Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Money, on. Land at all times to loan on improved, ranches and city property at lowest rates with "on, or before privilege.' ' JAMES CAMPBELL Phone 3231 320 Q.-O. Bldg. Good Home AT A BARGAIN r " Eight room house, corner lot, on paved street. IIouSo modern and hew. Will sell on easy termsonly $100 down, Wrlto or telephono ownor. W. J. Hartzoll, R. F, D. No. 1. Phono 4G8-J-1. Watch Our Addition Grow ( Jackson and Summit Medford Bealty and Improvement Company M. P. & II. Co. Bldg. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work Guaranteed ' Prtceu Rcdsonabla , COFFEEN & PRICE 23 Howard Block, Entrance oh etb M. Paclllo S031. Jtoma U4. Crater Lake Auto Line Car will loavo Hotol Medford, for Crater Lnko at 8 a. m. Tuesday and Saturday. Return Moudaya and Thursdays. Bpond Sunday at Crater Lake. Reservations 'fisade at Me'dford ttotol office. , ' !MM. m A SNAP GO acres? six mtloH" from Medford, good graded road crosses the tract, ai frpo soil, nt $50 par aora., $1009 will handle, easy terms on balaaw. Part Is creek bottom 1?&1 fHtlMVl for alfalfa. Several spriues" on th place. Timber enough tff'iy.''for tU tract. No buildings, la the Orlfti 'croek district: ,, W. T. York 8?&i . ,v, H 1 i -It K, 'I - XI n t 9 i