pt'W! i w r- PXGB TWO MEDFORD MATC TRIBUNE, MEDFOttD, ORKUOX, THROAT. ,71LY M, 1012 ttj iJ;'f-vf ' tw-r- to rt"i "ixv&v M lei m 4 Mbdiord Mail tribune l OON :Wr 0l1Nl'mN'Tl"o CO, ,i MslTThTTC'TrlMin. The South- rn orefosian, ine vninu iiou. tJffree'Mnll'Trltninti Bulhllntf, SB-ST-l North 1'lr street; phone. Main 3021: Home 7. OROnOBUTNAM. EJItor and Manager Meifor On'Kom'sufHaer' the act of VUroh l 7, . Offlalftl Paper of; the. City pf Mcdford, fjffc'fu ,hr ot Jsckimh County. wf f. , vniKimvniox JUS.TW. Jfflf, My mnn. On --- . - --. . --.- . ., ria'tinnltii ttv mftll. ... . ... . , Per month, delivered liy carrier In Meaford. Jacksonville una Cn- triil Point 15.06 q .80 BAtunlsy only. ly mall, pr jwir.. t.go WtrVly, tr year ...h 1-Bq CWOKX CIRCUUk.TIOW. DMlv avornff twr eiewn ntonthe end Inn November 30. 1911. 27 10 IS IMS" Ti FANATICAL FOLLY. HP HEROISM SOUTH nEND. Wash., July 30. L A. Lucas, 51, of Lake County. Cal., and J. V. RomioIb, aged r.2 of Al bany, Ore., are dead today, drowned whlfe attempting to swim nshoro for assistance to aid fn the rescue of Sirs, F. A, Lucas, and Mrs. II. C Courier and her two children, all ot orliand, who were clinging tb an upturned launch, which, had been wrecked, by colliding with a sub erged' tftb trap piling In tho Bear Rlxe'r Straits. The women, and. children were latertaken ashore by F. A. Lucas, husband" of one of the survivors. The accident, occurred late Sunday, hut the news was slow In reaching outh Bend on account, of tho Iso lated location of tho scene. Before effecting the rescue, F. A. Lucas was compelled to swim to tho mud flats, race over tho sharp stones for three miles, barefooted and naked, scale a bluff and run through slash ings for another mile, before he reached tho anchorage of tho row boat. It was then a pull ot two miles to where the launch was stranded. IECKER ACCUSED BY GAMBLER (Continued from page 1.) Lewis); Louis Rosenzcweig (Lefty Luoie), and "Dngo Frank" Cirofici. the gangster, who rode to the Jletro pole in the mysterious gray auto mobile and Mint down Rosenthal ) cold Ijlqod aa he ennic out of the hotel. 'H.Q50, swore that just ns soon ns Bpsentlinl was murdered he called Becker on the telephone and told liitn of, the fact, saying: "My God, thir is n.wfuj' 1"Ari"d Tfose declared that Becker, o;er; the telephone, replied ;w "Oh, don't orry. I will protect you,. I will come right down." Assured of Safety Reap 'and Webber both declared that when Beeker came down town be stood with thorn on th street than two blocks from where Itnsen- thnl ieJI, mid assured them that no trouble would come to them. "Don't worry," they swore ho declared. "I ntn btrong enough to take care of tho' police.'? When Beeker was arrested on the grand jury indictment in his police uniform, he was at once taken before Judge Mulqueen, and, on the grand jury indictment, was at once com mitted to he Tombs. District, Aitpmey Whitman declar ed today that the arrest of Becker by no means 'satisfied him. He de clared certain evidence Juid been un covered to show that a. .number ..f prominent f.portiug men, several police , officers higher than Beeker and certain )M)!iticiiins of known iwwer are "involved in the system" which has been long Mispecled, but only definitely revealed in the Rosen thal killing, Not until every man possible to reach who was n part of this ! graft web, has been captured, Whitman d lured, will ho ceiue to ljt'yij, to lunu tlieiji behind the bars and to clean the city once and for all of ihe cunccr of thiU alliance between thjPplico and tjie underworld which Kur ilomiimtcd thu night life of New Xork. ' No Inuuutilty I'rouilhcd Whitman issued a htutement today warmly defending tho rank and file of tho New York police department, which lie assorted, i generally dean o'f'nll iilliunccs of powers that prey., lie asserted that in no circumstance would any of fho four men who nie njloged to have actually fired at Rosenthal be given immunity. Bolieo Inspector Hughes was advised- today that u man arrested at Tnnierfiville, nenr Syracuse, on the ciarga qf caniyiuK concealed weapons movers closely to the de scription of Harry Ilurrowifg (flyp the Bipod), one of tho four gangsters alleged to Jmvo pilot down Rosonthal. A7 invostignHon, of, the nuspecs iihjiiljt is' being iiiiide. B Y IfllK raimtival folly ol il lendcra, tho t-jwiso of equal I suffrage i, Oivnt Britiiui has won sot back ami in doFinitdy "dolayod. s A inaction1 of 'public stMitiiucut has (inevitably followed the! camiaij;n JFT criminal vitilcncc and the wanton destruction of1 property. The use of the bomb and the torch, as threatened by the more rahid will only further damage the cause. The lenders in the movement in equal suffrage hae demonstrated their incapacity togrsisp the essentials of moulding public opinion and creating favorable sentiment. They luive, embraced the urogram of "direct action" championed by anarchists, nihilists, and I. YV. Y.s, namely uainely ot' resorting tj violence and vandalism, of defying Jaw and order, of forcing the innocent to suffer a pro gram of farce and intimidation anddest.rucliveuess, which always causes revulsion in the conservative Anglo-Saxon, and defeats the object of the movement, and brings the cause its contempt. Lucia Ames Mend, a life long 'Worker in cause of equal suffrage in an article in the Jsw York Independent, in common with most suffragists, deplores the situation in England. She remarks: "Two wrongs neer made a rlfiht. Do not the condonors of vandalism show an astonishing. Incapacity to perceive rolatlvo values when they cry out that 'Parliament should remember that the, blood of tho martyrs Is the seed of the church? l'raj when have martyrs ever thrown stones at the men who sent them to tho rack and stake? Was It not their ChrlstUke willingness to suffer without reprisal thdt placed th halo around their heads The perxerso ratiocination which creates euphemisms like the word 'protest' for throwing brickbats, which conjures up llons of thumb screws and Iron Virgins b the word "torture" na applied to forcing nourishment upon would-be prisoners and would-be suicides, does not com mend the militant sense of fairness to the public, which Is Inclined to ask. 'It they choose voluntarily to go to prison, why don't they act like good sports and not complain when they get what they want' "Spite or our pity for, their suffering and gratitude fur tho great holp they earlier gave the moemeut, loyalt to our cause and love for certain militants who may be charming personally does not require us to repress our condemnation, of recent methods, never deliberately employed by English men to attain their vote and never by English women In attaining the political rights thnt they already possets, which Include sitting on County Councils and being majors." The writer points out scores of legal methods the suffragettes could have employed to keep their cause before the public, such as every suffragist wearing mourn ing, with no ornament but a '"'Votes for Women"" badge, to abstain from all amusements, to purchase from suffrag ists alone, to strike as in the plav "How the Vote wits on or a aozen outer tilings mat coma nave proven their devotion and retained for them the world's respect. She concludes as follews: "At a time when the world generally is working to supplant the hoary old methods of force by the methods of law and order, it is singularly untimely for a cause which has heen peculiarly based oil right reason and right feeling to seek to reverse the process'; and it is doubh culpable for those seeking to do this to fortify thuir con duct by false appeal to history." American women have too much common sense to resort to the militant program of their English sistei-s and consequently, by merely appealing to the sense of fair play implanted in man, to the justice and righteous ness of their cause, they are peacefully winning victory after vietoiy as state after state swings into line to make this a government of. for niid'by all the people. "BEVEI1Y OF tfllAUSTARK" AT THE MEDF0RD FRIDAY NIGHT v-- v. ' ':' " "" ""w iff gbMAV criKv vov mmm ,?; a$C &s ..i '-- v-w, rtSsal the I'm The Little Doetpr Tor Sore Thwmt nt Mao I. menu Mmitiiid (Vinle ' Dm Utile doctor llnttor than eampltornletl nil. tur pentine or lord. (Uuh niompt ie lief from Quia ami, unuueHtlou. Your dtUKWUl . luiH Mil". Liviciih Mnelaid OoraS--iri' ean Qt It for Milt. Two fclxo lift anil tO emit Jam. Uel a Jar today. Keep it In hi. Imurfn. 1L himza tnullllllde of .-, ....,..- - ! ' ----- linen una It liw: n6ld w hmi s yon tl limn aV iinintnlil A" it iiiiixlnrd pliiitler'M wood f InnlKt on the Oilhml It It's Vt'lllllt In l hoed it. Holler itRfdr for anythuiit MAC J..ARir,NS WILL NOT bLISTUK. 1 The Cincinnati, Ohio Tribune of Tuesday. September 14. says: 'llev orly" at the Grand this week hftR created tho most favorable Impres slou of any of the productions that has been seen at the theater this seasou." In prepmlng Heyrly" for tho stage, tho muntiger, Mr. A. O Uelamutrr, has t.iKtn great rare to Am-pt N' Hiihxlltiito Medford l'harinacy nnd other drug- k'lnts. Orcyoti Ayrlciiittiriil Colloyo This great Institution opium Its door for the ral) nemter on Sep tember SOth. Cnuirimt of liimtriielloii Include: Cetiural AgrltMilturo. Agrott oni. Animal Utulmndr. Dairy llurt luinilry. Hiintorlotogy. Ilotnuy and Plant I'nthology, Poultry, lluitlmndry, lltirtlculture. iCntoiuoloKv. Vntorlimry Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical EiiKlueerlng. Mechanical Knglneer- und I In. Mining Engineering, Highway SMitiw appearing In tho book, and! !'rliiij. Ih.iuimtle Srloiice Jjiii . ... .. ,.. ... ,i ntuutle Art, Comtiiorcn, horoittry, Has iiiiiHiuiiy rtM'ruu. ,r.m uiii.u iiwrmncri '...ology. ClieinUtry, h. the atUKe. Tho wimo great company Hlcs, Matheiiialloi, EnglUh Uingunge rotulu all ot churnctor Mild scenic production that delighted Cincinnati at tho Med fold Theater. August 2. is on route to llrondwny. New York. "Popular siimnier prlc, Jl.uo, 7.. and r.o coutt. B ON OFFIG KEN QUALITY UN Fl OF ALERT AS OYSTERS SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., July ?0. Burning criticism of tho women of San Francisco Is voiced here today by Mrs. Gcrtrudo Atherton, tho noted novelist and writer, in which she de clares they have a low order of In telligence and havo been petted and spoiled until their minds arc about as alert as those of deep sea oysters. In the same statement Sirs. Ather ton lauds, tho women of Oakland, Derkelejv Los Angeles and other cities to the sklcn, asserting they are so keen oii public questions and bo earnestly devoteM to their country that they aro now willing to dlo for tho right of suffrage a right for which men have willingly died. Mrs. Atherton Is angry over the alleged lack of Interest of San Fran cisco women in municipal and state questions. ITS CAUSED E i FACE COURT WIALi OF APPLES SHOWN and Literature, Public SpeakluK, Modern Laiigttagmi, tllHtory, Art. Arultlttiature. luduutrlnl Pedagogy, Ph)lcut KducMtlnn, Military Helmut' and Tactic, niiiKMuHlc. CitlaliigiiH and llltiHtrnted Itlern , t'tr.. untiled free mi application. Ad ili lli?l rnr, Oregon Agricultural 1 Colli n' t''lii, Oregon t SiIiimiI vir Opcim Sep''uber Utltit 0t the OrllnRl and Genuine HORLICK'S MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. FofInfnnU,lnvnlkl,antlGtov!nKcliijilrcn. I'litoNutriiiou.niibuiklmKtltewliolonotly. InviHoralrjlKomiiMiiinotliminlllionctl. Ulsli '"'1, ""l'l liisilif M lwJcr forui, A quick lunch prepared h n minute. Takcntnulililuk.AsltforllOKLlCK'.S. Nat hi Atpy Milk Tmat "if Vj f- f 1 r ji nt Announcement . Nil) (,' Colli go Open Nt'ptemhei' tii- Und. Tl.i' e depurllllelllHt N'U'llllll. Illlnl- .-. and UiiHliivt'ijiiK) 't'he Noriiinl rJiiiiilho n tmiig"eflrtini(i rnr tmntli ntx hn wiill t'Htiihort revhjw ulinoit i'.i iniiuth In I Ih ynr; (lio HuhI iiimn ftiiime coiiliilim linoklMtepliiif, Hliottlmud. tuiwritluK. mid all com laeiclitl woih; the UugllHi'illliK eon men are, t'Mli I'leotrlwl, uioohniiU out, ami iiiliiii(. Tho oolltigo In open thu fliitlrjt year of (woImi moiltliH. Special (iNtnliuiH fur dupui'l nieiit. Thi)rniiKhueii In nil llnott or wot It. OritdiuitiMi will ho aided In ure'ir- llll; pOHlltOIIH. young limit am) young woniuu got indy for thu wnmlerful dovulop' uieilt of tlilrt Hoctlou or the Plicltlo count. ' roc Information uttilruM poiiVtkciinu' coi.i.kok AihhtiK Oii'goii, BOX OF JEWELRY JOLIKT, III., July 30. A box of Jewelry stolen threo weeks ago from the home of 31Ihs Josephine Sehultz hero was found today In the stomach of a cow butchered at the Adler slaughter house. Tho cow came from a farm eight miles from Jollet and no clow can be found to truce tho Journey of tho Jowolry from tho Schultz homo to tho farm, Tho box contained two brooches, ono diamond ring nnd a gold watch. BY BULL PEN CHARLESTON, W. Va July 30. With their wives and children prom ised relief from alleged Insults and mistreatment by private guards sent hero by mine officials to guard tho mines, tho situation In tho Paint Creek section today Is reported quiet. Investigation shows tho guards in stituted tho "bull pen" and othor re pressive actions against tho strikers, and this, coupled with alleged In dignities to their women, Is said to havo forced them to retaliatory meas ures. "Wo aro glad," said ono of tho Paint Creek striker leadora today, 'that tho soldiers aro Here. We only wanted fair treatment for our selves and wives and daughters, nut for the arrival of tho troops, Hell would havo been to pa)." $1 5.000 STEWART'S CUP WEST COMPLETES RIDE 'CROSS OREGON TO BOISE nOISR, Idaho. July 30. Gover nor Oswald West of Oregon, Is today In UoIbo after completing his horse back rldo across tho state of Oregon, a distance of -ttiO miles. Governor Hawley of Idaho met the Oregon exe cutive at Caldwell, but was forced to. abandon his original Idea of accom panying Governor West into Dolso on hprsoback, on account of an injury received last week whllo on a fish ing trip. Governor West Js In nolso to at tend tho western conference of gov ernor which -meets horo August 1. LONDON', July 30.- With .Tockoy Danny Mahor up, Golden Hod, owned by P. N. Elkcs today won tho stew ards' cup, at six furlongs, which was tho opening ovont of the Goodwood raco meeting. Tho race was worth 115,000 to tho winner. Poor Hoy, qwned by J. 11. Joel was second, and Uncle Pat, owned by George Kaber, was third. Thoro wgro 21 starters. PORTLAND. Ore , Tuly 30.- Fac ing court martial, which may rotult In their dishonorable i1IsiiiIkiI from tho service, the five Oregon National Guard officers who rofinwd for a time to obey orders issued by Gen eral Marlon P. Maus, U. S. A., tiro to day In Portland. Thoy aro Htlll un der arrest pending of flcWf disposition of the charges against them. The officers Involve! are: Mayor It. O. Scott. Lletitennnt II. C. nriimhaugh. Captain 11 M. Wil liams, Captain Walter L Tooe. Jr.. and Lteutonnnt Richard I)Mch. According to ono of the officer It was simply a ease of tho officer assuming full responsibility for the situation out or consldentMon for tho enlisted uiftt, who, ho state, were physlrallv unable to comply with the order to retroat. IDAHO DIN STATE PRIMARY IIOISK. Idaho, July 30. Tho sec ond fllntoW'Ide primary Is being held In Idaho todny, .tho principal liwiio being tho iiomluaf,oii of :t republican candidate for governor. Tho demo crats havo no oppoHllion within their ranks and tholr prljnary oocUon w-lll result In tho nonflnatlng of Ocivornpr ilawloy nnd n fuljj Btnto ticket. Contesting for tho republican nomination for govqrnor are: John T. Morrison nnd 'John M. Ilnlues, of llolso; Paul Clngstono, of Clngstone, and Ron l T woody of Lowlston. There aro flvo caudldutos for tho two seats In congress. T)io Ihsiio In tho counties Is tho selection of legislators Irjendly to the candidacy of Senator Uorah for re-election. V.. V Seutiilin lm ilennuntrali d the'ijli'g il'i.ilily of Uogtie nvi Now twn iiJi ii u ourtniiily. I.a-t vnr tltiritiK Hid liarMxtiit n ) tii4Mtl it Melf iHHtttliuilig .1111111 liir uf rtppUw ilitu the eomor of Iiih Kitnto NMd forgot ilium. YuHttirdny liutpidhtul-nii(hu'4iiih nml Jiinide to lii (MMaiMRhifteiil J'uiumI n litryn number of Ihe applet in cM'sllont iMuiditiun. JACK JOHNSON SAYS HE WILL FIGHT NO MORE : 'I f CIIIPAOO, Julv '30. Chnmplon Jack Jwhiuiui aiiiuiuurvd tonight he lMit fought, his hiHt right, tin said thi promotem outd not give him tils price foiWIglittng now niul If he wirlU k yufir ho will pndiabl) not be In ooiulillnu to put up a fight worthy of a rhumplon. lovely Hair I'm Ihlnn huge Ifiiuicdlately Itunlnliei 11,'inilnifr, hl(H Smlp Idli nml .Makes din Ilalr Railianl niul flianiilng PARISfAX fjngo Is not. n ilyn U iloos not Vonlnlii'iioUohoiiH sugar of load.' pr any other f'j dangerous In giodIoi. l It'lura ihlgh grade tsclentlflc rom Idniitlou that will jjut nfq liiHlor and l'6ait I nip any; lift Ir Ufa minute It Ik fjifnjhn!. Rchli Itch goij4'oVor night; dand ruff disappears; hair Htops falling and tho nrnlji becomes Immaculately clean and treo from germs. Thero'ii'it delightful treat coming to your 'scalp If, you haven't tried PARISIAN Sago. Girl with Auburn hair on oveiy carton and bottle. GO cents at Chits. Strang's and donloru ovorywhoriiy jTho.Wchcnt point of woman's hap piness is reached only through moth erhood. Vet tho mother-to-lm in often fearful of nnturo'H ordeal and shrlukn from tlio suffering Incident to Its con miminatlon. In Mother's Frlmul In to bo found n medloluu ot great valuo tu every expectant mother. H Is liituudud to prepnro thu syatom for tho crlnltt, mid thus relle)o, In gruut part, thu ituiferliig through which tint mother usually jmsai'H. Tho regulnr tmo of Mother's Krlend will repay nny mother In tho comrort It affords before, and tho helpful restoration to health and ntrength It brings nlmut nfier baby coition. Mother's IVjend in for snlo nt drug stores Write' for our free book for expectant mothers whlrh contalnu much valuable Infor mation. BHADFIFXD REGUUTOR CO., AtUl. Co. PfW Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency y 10 nennt. 2. mtlt'O tint. 11 itcroA In lieitm, m.xuo apiiles, I acres In alfal fa now 6 rout bungalow and nil other out buildings, will uonslder noiuo good city property. -10 nrrcn, S miles out, saw mill and over) thing complete, 115111). ! acres, 1 Mt miles east tit Plum tilt. IT. acnut if npples and pears, tho rest Is la hay" nml grain, 7 room hntnm, good tutrit nnd othor mil buildings, 3 good wnlls, (K00 per aero, wll sell a part. IttO acre on Kvans Crek tiiod water right, largo hoimo, prim Mumi will take ioiiio good city property Wo havti somo good city property to frndo for acreage. Don't forget In list your proper ty with us, Kmptimi'iit Girls and women for gniirnl limine work. .Man and wife to work on much, Kxperleiired men In box factory. Men In mtw mill. W(iltreoM In mid out of tho city. Ranch hands. MRS. EMMA BITTNEIt PlionnlHI; Home, II. ()pM)hl( NaMi Hotel ItOOMH II and 7. PALM lll.OOIf. a Medford Theatre Friday Aug. 2 'A. Cj. Delninlci' PppkciiIh GEO. BARE McCUTCHEON'S Beverly of Grausfark" Stnod by Oscar M.-itlc DiroHorfor l)aid l.elii.sco Tho Best Romantic Drama on tho Stage ", Tjitorprotod by a'Splonclid Cant Special Sconory Gorgooiw Costumes f s I'JvtM'y cliurnclcr in the book iiiipcai's in Uio piny i A Htiiring I'omaiuio of .lovo andtliuliloi' I'ojulur Siininior prices: $1.00, 7nc and f)0;. M v ' ' ' i.. NEW IAD BEGINS WORK TOKIO, July 31. Kinporor Yon hoshito today plans to call an extra session parliament to outllno policies for continuing thu miodernlatlon of Japan Inaugurated by his father, MutsuhRo, who died hero early Tues day morning. Wearied as tho lcsult of his vigil ut his father'H bedside, no oluhorato ceremonies nio making Yoshoshito's accession, V T ? T T t t T T T ? T T T T T T t T T" V' y vSTOP AND LOOK !' i t. hi. i f Special this week 'New, largo 7-rooin niodoni, ddtiblo'iided, i'inoly rinisliod,' $l,200,00, iip-l,o-dalt' bungalow on boRiiiil'iil Uoho avonnc i'oi'$2,'ino.00. Greatest bargain ovev olTorod in Mod ford in Inst ton yogi's, (v'nt sfone fonndntioii, 12-in wrIh, lorgo slono iiorcli piors, Laundry hya, all walls bcauI'M'tilly linl(ll, Oo.Hdy, dim vjnoor pauols in dining room, elm voneej' (Ioqi'h, china cIohoIh, heain coilings, firo . pjAox walks and lawn all in, sonieUiing extra l'ino,. You will liavo to sue it lo . ajipni- .jitj(. ' r , H U t TL. GATES. 23 Rose Avenue ; ( M i l 4t i t T: T t T ? ? T T T ? T t T ? T T I . . M t ' I ( . 1 1 ill. " n in . ' l. 'J. ...,-ti,. 1- " " '"