r-MVt T C3 .1 i , I H t s . ) 9 h K nut And Now JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mllm Ottoman, freight agonl for tin Southern Pacific, wan at tlio court houso ii business ono day this week. Attorney M, Purdlu of Mcdfnnl tranttnilml htnilncim at thu county aunt Tuesday. Mm. Josephine ltuHull ninl Minn Frnucvn Nuiiian left for Colcittlu Frl tiny wlicio they will spend a mouth camping. A. Liindgrcn left for tlio Blue Ledge Tumilrty morning. Clinit. I'rlin, Jr., hns gone to Now port for a mmith'st sojourn at tho bench. Editor drier of tho Anhlatul Tid ings wan hi town several dayn thin week. Mr. Illnluo Klum of Medford wan llio gueitt of .Mm. Ilnrry l.uy ono tiny ilurliiK tho week. Among thoitu from lioro who took advantago of tho excursion to Colmtln Inst Huiulay were: llcujn lulu Collins nuit family, II. l.uy and fnuilly, Gene Thompson nutl family, MIssoh Flora Thompson, Em in n WeinM, Olndys Hone, .Mr. Minnie Kelly, Mr. Lewis Ulrlch. Mrs. Krnnk lltiiiit'lt, Mlc Oia nutl Km Hum phroy. Mauilo Newbury, Jlla I'rlm ami other. MlSrKrnifpPirKf'ihpy linn returned from a vlnlt with lir brother, Chris Konney at I'ortlniul, Mr. Mnort and koii of Onklautl, Calif., aro i:iifto of ChnrHo N'lrallo nl Knlrvlow. Ml nit Jotiulo Klttn In vlttlliic her Hittr, Mm. William onn nt KiiKono. Mr. and Mm. Wllhur Jonon and MIkh Mauilo Nowluiry aro itpondliiR tho wovk nt tho J on on ranch. Mrn, l.ttwU Ulrlch vntcrtnlnod tho itowltit; club and n fow Invited ih'nlfl Friday afternoon. Thono pntHvnt weru: Mm, It. 14. (loldun, Mr. I'rtM Kick, Mm. M, M. Taylor. Mm, Harry l.uy, Mm. John K. Mil ler, Mm. Heiijnmlu Colllnn, MIkh Iilla Prim, Mr. Krnnk Ilennett of II.mhI, Ore., and Minn Null Williams of Iowa, I i- ( RIVERSIDE RIPPLES Mm. II. f. Sleatl ninl Mm. D. II. HI tiI euloiiiiiiictl the uiriiilitTh of tlio Itecu'iition eliilt at tlieir bomo hist Trumilny evening in u iniiht ohanuiiiK muuiicr. About twenlv-fise atli,eK wero iim.soiit iiii'luiliiiu Mm, Wnlil, Mm, Aitkcn ninl Mih. Kvert ol Mi'il lord, Mm. Nina Smith or (lold Hill, llui MinHc Itulli iiml Mary Wnllucu of ('oiiiicil Hlnfl'rt, lown who wio iiiviletl Kiiehtn, Mm. (lay wiih iihho I'iiile lioHtcxri nutl piCHeuteil u l'lorul coittcHt for tho lu lion to puxxlu tlieir wi(H over. Mm. I,ynn Smith nutl MittK Mary Wullueo lied on having thu, Ki'onlent numlier of correct an HWiurt, Moh( dainty nutl tlelicioiiH tnfi'UHlimoiilH wero hcivciI, Ihuu nil wore invited o I he funil porch nutl Mi. J). II. Kluiiil ik u uinup pioturo of ijio (iitiMil. All votetl it ono of tho moHt onjoynlilu ineliiiKH. NSJr, Woolvoilon 1h iiinrkuliii his cmly hwopI corn lliin week. Tho wilier visitetl Mr. Chimin Hitters fruit raiieh Suuiluy, Tho mummotli liluokherrieH nutl Iokiiu her liert wero juhI reuily for piokom and wero a wonderful Hiht to ono un lU'oiiKltuuud to Oickoii lieirloH on thu IiiihIi, Mr. ninl Miri. II, . Nvo, Mins Aiinii MoKuou, Mr. and Mrs, 1). II. Slead, Mm, Ilutlcr nutl Mr. Cliumpliiiu went on I lie excurhiou to Coltmtiu Sunday. Tlioy report a iiiohI onjoynlilo trip iiml u thoroughly od tiuio. Mr", and Mrn, V.nlil( fr. and Mrs. Miller woro nt tho.Annjtit duin Fiulay. Thu picuio part of tho trip wiih nil ouu could doHirp, thp i'ihhiujr wjjh not ho k'mmI. limn. Oaka on July 22 to ,), y, tlirpii, u'bou, At floyoii Mr.'imjl l, . - - - - M1 rnrtian , I ' Uw.,www vni,.Vull,,uA " ( Tpcyrn. pick and wasnt n "W lSFtw,ndoW ' tmb cop aotui M itiNUOLUft JBSJESS5? JteiiJ liyK'11-- i lflPJ IM, .!; - i n - . i 1 i . j .i I. 1 1 1 1 .in .. i hi i i i ; i ' I I iii 'i ' ' ' ' . i i ii i i .i i i i ii 1a "1 nniirvr unimr iiruin iiniinr raiTrnrn business opportunities. , for sale lands business directory nnnnrnnminriinr I'lllllli UllllvL nlLlllv Ul II IV L. Lni ILIJLII. - ' KKrMNrMr OUUni nuuoc nciio nuuoc cm lilu Mutt Favors the Nhv t'jwen Tom I'otomon vn. Ohnrlca ;tohb niid W. A. Meno. Action to recov er inoooy. ' - r Jnveulltt Omrt Order rommlttliiR Kthol May (I reus to lloyn' and Cllrlit' aid noclety. J'rohalo Kt. KlUalioth Btowart. Order to inako tlood.. lint. !. K. (Sarduitr. Order net ting AukurI 3rd an day for final hoarlnc Knt. Olo KrlckMin. Order np nppolntluR Julln ICrlckson ntlmlnln tor and John A. NorlliiK. O. .V. Ncl hoii nitd.lt. 0. Joffory apprnlnorii. Itfitl i:ttc Traiihfcm W. C. Klnp to Mnlliorn Ilco ron, n 2 lot 1 Woolen Add AHl)lnnd A. M, Heaver to Kloronre A. I'dKo Inud In twp 39 1 o .. . . City of Jacknonvlllo to Henja intn CollltiH. property In Jncknonvlllu cemetery Dnnlol Corlwtt to Trail Lum ber Co., Innd In nee. 10 twj' 3 f n ll,,M.M,I.I..IMIHU Trait Lumber Co. to M. h Alford nw 4 cc 10 twp SI 3 Bnrnb Hophlo MnrKtiret MrCall ti to JobirWIilcrn 100 ncfc In twp 33 1 w . 10 1(1 15 10 10 L. I'. -iJliick to Adoldh Knauer property In Crentbrook Or rhnrda tract Itebcrrn KHRleston to L. K. Oardnor Innd In twp 3ii 2 w Andronn Weldner to MIh ICttn Jewell lot 3 tdk K Woldner'H Add Talent Martin Mnhull to Kmtnet S. Palmer laud In DI.C r0 twp 3G 2 w . Kmmct 8. 1'nlmer to Uobcrl II. Paxnon Innd In twp 3d 2 w Ira,. Mnmhall to ICmmol H. j'almer land In twp 3C 2 w Ira Mnmhall to ICinmot H. Palmer land In twp 3fi 2 w Jnmcn O. Smith to Slitter of Charity, properly In blk t Medford llclRhta Add .1. 11. Fuller to O. W. McKad tleii laud In twp IIS 1 w.... .1 W.T. Mntlock to It. J. Allen land In 1)1.0 o Up 37 1 v.-. no r.oo 10 tooo 10 A. It. IthodcH to John K. Whlto lot 0 nnd H 2 lot S hlk 70 Mndford .. ..T.. . I.oiiIho Kntjm to John K. Whlt,o ot ul 11,07 uorea In twp 37 2 w .., . .. , 1500 JGOO Peevish Children Suffer With Worms Don't bo an;ry with your child bo caiiHo ho or nho Ih continually Irri table. In uluoty-ulno out ot ono hundred casos you will find that tljo trnuhlo In woiiuh. AmnnK tho common Hymplonis 6f tlio iircnenuo of fund worms aro ?ior vousness, which often leads to epilep tic forii) attackx; dlxtlposH, vurtlKO, caprlcloiiK appotlt,o, restloHs sleep, ItohliiK of tho oyofl and noso, naiiHcu nnd ofLou hyntetin. UquiuI worms aro Mivornl Inchon In lopth liud In fest tho Htmuacli. Occnslonnlly Boy oral hundred aro found In n sluglo person. Thrend worijis aro smaller, often not loiih'or than a qunrtor of an Inch. Tho symptoms donotliiR their prcHeneo aro ubout tho samo, but In this cauo tho child hua no nppotlto. Jayn.o'n Tonic VormlfUKo Js unsur passed In romnvliiK worms. Not only will It destroy thorn, but Its tonlo offects will restoro tho stomach to healthy activity. As Jayno's Tonlo VormlftiRo soldom purees, tho ludlcu tlonw ot Its beneficial effects will bo tho (uprpyoi) condition pt tho porspiy uhIiik jtji , , . , , Millions of pnronts liavo jtralsod thls.modlclno for inoro thnn olRhty years, Insist upon Jayno's Tonlo Vormlfuito, and accept no ollior. Bold vby driiBRltH 9vo.rywl10.ro, l?r. D, Juyuo a apn, rtiuaaoiiun, vu. WEDFOUT) MffTTJ TTtrBUNR OTrWORT), OJTKaON, ftATttttPAy, JITY 27, 1012 Recall of Judges $1.25 SECURED The residence of K. K. Miner at KJr olid Fourth Ktrcet wiih entered Friday oveiiliu; by iiuknowu parties, believed to ho lloyn. Only l 25 In c ii h wan mlKxctl totlny. Ono of thu burKlnrn loft trackH In ouo of tho roouiH and from Uiuho trackti It In believed that tho hoiiBO was eutorcd by ono .or two boyn from 13 to 15 yearn of ae. 'Hie marauders wero bnrefoooted and tho tracks wero canned by wet feet, duo to tho croxs Ing of thu lawn. Kntraiico was first effected through a window In which ouo of Mr. Mluer'n Riiests was sleeping., Tho Riiosl's trouscm wore removed but nothing of ynliio secured. Tho burKlar then left this room and en tered tho hoiifto by a front window. The pollen are Investigating. LOST LOST Ono watch, 1015 for at tached, Wnltham, open fnce. Re turn James liamrlck, Central Point. 10S Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency 120 acres In Bams Valley, 00 acres In cultivation, ninall house, will trade for city property. 100 acres flno deep noil In Sams Valley. $J2.50 per aero. 80 acres on Knus Creek, C miles from IloiiKO Itlver. 10 acres In cultivation, house nnd other out hulldlupK, small pumping plant. Prlco $3500. 100 acres with water on Kvnns Creek, good location, largo house, will noil this plnco for $4500. 98 neros, 114 miles oast of Phoe nix. 15 acres In apples ami pears, 10 acres In alfalfa, tho rest In grain, 3 good wells, hoiiBo nnd other out buildings. $200 per ncrc. Wlnrhoator rlflo, $9.00. Winchester nutomntlc, $1X.00. Kavage 30-30, $12.00. 3S Colts, $9.00. Kniplo)tncut Clrln and women for general house work, , Man and wife on much. Kxporlcuccd men In box factory. MRS. EMMA BITTNER Phono Jilt; Home, II. Opposite Nash Hotel llOMS 0 and 7, Af.M 1ILOCK. NEW TODAY t Huro Is a chance to get n garden and berry proposition lualdo tho HmltH ot Jacksonville. Ten acres lying north ot tho depot, nnd very sightly, land, for platting or making Into a flno homo. About twouicrea In bearing fruit troes. Good ahado. A flno well for Irrigating purposes, or can bo wittered from city plant. $3000. 00 takes tho ten acres. Terms. Thlrjtieii and a halt acres, chotco hay or garden land, hotwooit Phoe nix and Talent. This dlntrlct will bo Irrigated soon, Tho tract Is now In liny, and for salo tor $300,00 nn ncro. TorniH to suit. I havo soino fine orchards listed, and would llko to take sookora out. and domoiibtralo that .they aro money makers. llow would you llko to Jmyo u flno house, with five largo looms, bath, olosoti and screened porch, fluUhott right nnd strictly modorn, liullt In book caao, Hoorotury, buffet and cup boards, closp to pavomont, Flno largo lot 70x135, torrnco(J nnd parked nicely, lit cool and sightly Sjskl- you? $2300.00, Loss than cost, Tonu"d. M G. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phones; Pacific 781, Home 7ilK Resilience Phone 26H HUBINKBS OPPOnTUNrrVAnyonc wishing io ngago in ho billiard buslncis can purchase nil or a half Interest In tho Owl Illlllard par lors as owner wishes to go away. Saiuo can bo purchased nt n very re.iKontib'to Jguro. S. I. Drown. FOIt SALIC "Tho Mcllrldo Store," cash not necessary If you havo se curity. Sea mo. Win. Ulrlch, lie cclver. Ill FOIt Hi:.T FUK.VlK!fi:i AITH. FOR RENT Smith Apis. 217 S. Rlv. FOR RENT Furnished npartment Just Ilko a bungalow-. Large porches, private baths, new, Tho Ilcrhcn, corner Qulnco and W. Main street. Phono 347-L. FOR ItK.VT FUItMSUiai ROOMS FOR RUNT Largo sleeping room, $1.50 nnd $2 pec week. Modern housekeeping apartment. JIG nnd $10. Home phono 2GC-K. 222 South Holly. V O It It E N T HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, lights, gas. Also bed room, 234 cast 9th. 109 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 21 Genesee Htrcet, Phono Pacific 4224. 133 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Call Sunday, 322 S. Cen tral or tolcphono 403-R-2. 108 FOR REN riUCSE FOR RENT Furnished. modern bungalow, cheap to permanent renters, 1121 West 10th. Phono 2813. 108 FOIt RENT 5 rooms modorn, lawn and shade, EaNt'Sldc. $18.00 0 rooms modern, paved street, West Sldo, $18,00. G rooms, modern, furnished, East Side, $10.00. .1 rooms, mooern, iiirnisucu, West Sldo. bungalow, $25.00. Phono Hell 0G81, Home 279. Sunday, Hell 1,302. FOIt RENT 3 room hbiiho, flno garden, water and sewer In house, electric lights. 7HT W. 14th street. Rent cheap, largo chicken yard and house. 1 10 FOR RENT 4-room house. $7.00, also 3 room houso with garden and trull $5.00. Call Sunday nt 322 South Central or telephone 4 03-R-2. 10S FOR RENT A two room furnished . hniiKo, screened porch. 220 South Grape. 109 FOIt RENT 5-room fnrnMied bun galow, 124 W. 11th. Phono 5051 for particulars. 109 FOR RENT Furnished ti-room house, modorn. 5 IS King st. FOR RENT Modorn five-room houso. M. A. Under, at M. P. & H. Co. FOIt RENT Six room houso, mod ern, paved stroct, $1G.50. W. T. York & Co. FOR RENT Closo In C room hohuso with modem plumbing and oloc trlc lights. On paved street, with lawn nnd cement sidewalks. Call Roll phono 3401. '' FOR RENT 10 room houso roar of Farmora & Frultgrowors bank, nultablo for business, real estate, boarding or rooming houso. Oold Ray Realty Co., Gth and Fir ats. FOR RENT OFFICES FOIt RENT Over Urn postofflco, with heat and light. Sco A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Largo, comfortnblo of flco rooms with olovntor sorvlce, steam boat, hot and cold witter. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. vqn jrknt MisoKiiiiANKous FOR RENT 40 acres on upper Rogtio River, beautiful mountain homo, flno hunt lug nnd fishing, good houso nnd barn, alfalfa ftold, gitrdon and Irrigation ditch. Ad dress P. O. Box 702, Medford. Oregon. FOR BAIiR UXHB FOR SALE By owner, so ncros all J feucpd nnd cross foncod, now 5 ropm htma nnd barn, two chlokou housos, good sprlng.'.flno young or chard, good horse; wagon nnd har ness, chickens, household goods nnd tools. 12 aores in crop. Every thing gooa for $1500 quick! palo, $700 cash, balance ono or two yours, "W, h. Howlnml, Colostln. Oregon, ' 13-4 FOR SALE SO acres of Improved land 2 miles from market. 5 room furnished house, stock nnd Im plements, etc., good water. Prlco 13000. See it whllo crops aro growing. Address Box 52, Jack sonville, Oro. 117 FOR SALE $35,00 buys 5 acres best California land. Eight trains dally, schools, etc. $5.00 month ly pays batanco ot $315.00 on each tract. Near San .Francleco. Sco Stone at Moore Hotel. ' 109 rOB SAIiR ACKKAflW - FOR SALE Eight acres, Just oat- sldo city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples: small house, good well; $2000. W. T. York tc. Co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Fresh cow cheap If taken at once, 1118 W. Sth. 108 FOR SALE Rlpo nprlcotu. J. W. Klrpatrlck, Coker Dutte, Pacific 591-.T-2. Ill FOR SALE Cheap, good team, har ness nnd wagon, $125.00 If taken nt once. 523 North Riverside. Phono 5472. . 112 FOR SALc Pfuno and apple or chnrd, 25 acres prunes, 15 acres Italians, 10 Pctltcs, S years old, all on black bottom land, GS& ncres Newtown apples. 6 years old on slight raise. If Interested ad dress box 93 Youcnlla, Ore. 114 FOR SALE Uerrles by crate. Call Home phone 319-R, or Uooth 5, public market. ill FOR SALE A-l Jersey cow. 3-ycars old, perfectly gentle, genuine fam ily cow. G22 W. Second. WJ FOR SALE Fruit jam cheap, gallon, 53G N. Fir. 110 FOR SALE Peach plums, tele- phono 597, Party J-G. 110 FOR SALE Now 2 Inch P.. & J. Centrifugal pump. Address Rax 15 Mail Tribune. IPS FOR SALE Flno apricots, delivered Foot Hills Orchard, Pacific 1131. FOR SALE Repeating Winchester rlflo 32-40. Phono 50G2, call 514 South Crape street. 108 FOR SALE Youug Jersoy cow. .fresh, gentle nnd an easy milker. Phono Hell 500-R-2. 112 FOR SALE Going East soon, will glvo avay our fine $500 piano $125. $25 down, balance payments. Also complete furnishings 5 rooms worth" $300. $J25. Make offer at once. Phono 303-W. 10S FOR SALE Alfalfa Pacific 732-J-4. hay. Phono 108 FOR SAL"E Good team, light horses, harness ami liuck. Address Uox 60, caro Mall Trlbuuc. FOR SALE OR KXCHANGfl FOR SALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE Good 7-room house, modorn. with two lots on South Central avenue, ent front, also lot nnd barn joining plnco. Four room houso with two lots closo In, con nected with bower nnd city water. Sco owner, T. L. Taylor. Phono Hell SC-R-I. 120 FOR KXCIIANGR TO TRADE 50 acres land with somu Improvements for small tract closo In. R. F., S29 Knight nt. 108 HELP WANTKD 3tALK WANTED Five first-class pear nnd applo packers. Apply sto -Bear Crook Orchnrls. Wm. Rolfo, HELP WANTED FEMAMi WANTED Exporlonced maid Hotol Nash. chnmbor tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED $1000 at 8 por cent Tor two years: secured by first mort gage on woll located Medford rcsl donco property. Address P. O. Box 421, Medford, 109 WANTED Ono-luch secondihaud plpo. Medford Greenhouse. 92". east Main streot, Wapt 600 or G00 foot, 108 WANTKD Fresh ranch eggs, wo pay cash for them. Tho Park Grocery. 422 W03t Main stroot. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a snoclRlty; surrJ voys, sumuvuung, uuuuing grades, city englnjoiini;, limiting, sower design, coneroto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blkV) Motlfordi Oregon. ' " Attorneys D. V. UAG3HA.W AUornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Oro. Office: Dank bldg., second floor. Phone: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. RBAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Rank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFK, WM. P, MEALBY Attornoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 1, Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnctt Corcy bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (It. F. S1UL KBY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Hank bldg. U. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 320 Garnctt-Corey Bldg. Accountant D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited unci kopt for a reasonable figuro; your business solicited. Office. Medford Mall Tribune bldg; phono CG11; resi dence phono G302. Dllllanl Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards. Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nlco, cool place to spend the bot afternoons. Brick nnd Cement. The Medford Hydraulic Cement, Br!rjc and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tlio porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, jardinieres, flower pots Phono Main 5 1.1. comer 10th and Fir streets. JI1I1 Potter VERNE T. CANON Hill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A, It. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E, Hedges, Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors. Spondytothcraplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results in both acuta and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 n. m. to 5 p. in. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, norvo specialist. E. 9te nd So. Riverside Vapor baths and scien tific ruafmngo given: ndvteo In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. J .any attendant. I'uono Home 1GS-IC. Main 7973. Chinese Mcdlcjncp CHOW YOUNG'S Chluc&o medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, (hroat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, prlvnto diseases nnd all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomnch trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb ami bladder troubles. See mo at 211 S. Front St., Medford, Ore., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Contractor and Builder O. M. ROSE, Contractor and Buildor Country work a specialty. Plans and estimates free. Box 522, Mod lord. Phono Main 5GG2. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DR. C. C VAN SCOYOO llontlsts Gnrnett-Coroy bldg., suito 310, Modfprd, Oregon. Both Phnnps. DR. ART-EMUS W, DEANE Dentist. Offl.co in Rinlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gus admintstoruil for extraction ot tooth. Toloohono Main C5l. Night phono 4432, Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENT OFFIOBr- Gpq. IIuckor Prop. 33 Spiith Front St. ' All kinds of holp furnished and positions obtained free to .tho omployor. Bell ,15S1, Home 270 R. . . j1R ' ' 1 : f Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. qeb. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geq. T. O'Brlei) Contractors and manu facturers ot brick; dealers in pressed brick and Hmo. Offlco a.t their brick yard. West Jackson st'. Phono No. 31GJ. (iailiago GARBAGE Gel jour premlaofl flennod up for tho Bummer. CalJ on tho city garbapo jvhgons for good sorVlco, Phono Main OdCl, R Y, Allou, PAGE JTVJL By "Bud" Fishbf a HUSINESfl PIRKOTORY" Funilturo MISSION FURNITURE "WORKS Corner Sth and Holly sts., Milfrfrd. Mission furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all Jclnds. A trial order solicited. notary TutiHc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pul llc. Bring your work to ment tho sign .of Tho Mall Tribune Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not irrigated, We guarantee everything put out. We are not In tho trust. H. B. Patterson. Offlco removed to offlco Hotel Nash, In Bide entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of htgh-grado nursery stock. Office 104 S. Fir, Both phones. Printers anil Publishers MEDFORD PJIIJSTJNG CO. jhas tho best equipped job, of flee in southern Oregon;' bopk binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N Fir -at Papering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac 3843. Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppa bldg., rooms 210-311-212. Office phone 501, resldeuco phono G12. Offlco hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nott-Coroy bldg. Phono Main G351. DIU STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212. phono 5501;" resi dence 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171. Home phone, residence 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. 1). Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Rcsldcnco Phenes: M. 79S1. Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to oyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 21 G E. Main st ovor Med ford Hardwnro company Hours S:30 a. m, to S p. in. Jtoth phones E B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Offico phono M. 432; lies, phone. M. 582. DR. E. H. PORTER Physician and Surgeon, St. Marks Block Offlco phono 4901. Rcsldonco 705,1. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 0 Keutner bldg. Offlco hours '10 io 12, 2 to 5. Phono, Bell 271. Rcsldonco phono Bell 273 ' Home ai7-x E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prnc tlco limited to Chronic Diseases. Offlco Hotel Hollnnd, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phono.i. Residence phenes: Farmer IGxxS Eagle Point and Roguo River lino. HERMANN F. RATTE, M, D.--Or-fico ovor Medford js'atlopal Bank. Offlco phono G701. ' Res., Hotel Holland. J CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. 1)., Prac tice limited to Eyo, Ear, Noao and Throat. Eyes scientifically, tested and glnssea furnished when ueedod. Gurnott-Coroy Bldg., 2nd flopr. Both Phones, Medford, Oro. Real Estate GEORGE L: DAVIS, tlmbor lands, room 205, Home phone 131-R. Ovor Fruitgrowers Bank, r REAL ESTATE L.'N. Judd, TaUitl, Ore., fruit, alfalfa and garden lands. , tQiiographcrH ELLA M. ,GAUNYAV-VtCtta blok. Stenographic- .work doim (julckly undNvell ' ""' J Traiutfer EADS TRANSFER & BTORAQHt20, Offlco 1G So.uth Fir. Phoie Bell 3152; Homa S50-K-. Pre right, Porvlcii gitaranttwd, UHhrtakw v JOHN"A." PERL 0HaarKf 'vlffia' Kmbalnir. Office U jtout)i Uitr ' lott st, Tetephunw: My, .JU M71: tilRlii, rittilHee,TiU 4fi. Home 179-L. Cut Is answered Hlght v't iny, AtubulttM wrvlw, ' 1. '! ..l! : ' i ? . f i i t f II i , i i ".