Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 26, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    '"' !( Mil
KfryMiMoinl Yrnr.
Dully Mnvimlll Vrnr
District Attorney Whitman Places
Full Rcsponslhllity (or Conditions
Which Led to Rosenthal Murder
Upon Commissioner's Shoulders
Police Lieutenant Costluan Said to
Hnvo Told All to Grand Jury
Ho Denies This Later
NKW YORK. .July 2. Charged
point lilanl: by an nyo witness of tho
iiiunUir of llnrinnii Rosenthal, gam
blur, who was nhol ilown horn In
front of tho Hotel Motropoln, Jack
Kulllviui, an Knst Kldu gambler, was
arrested fur the. murder horu thin
Louis Krcso, n waiter, win the
limit who pointed out Htilllvaii, Ho
was produced nt tint Inquest by I Unit-let
Attorney Whitman mm an actual
i')'n witness of tho killing which linn
rotmilsml the, Now York police force.
Kroso na Id ho was passing tho
Mi'tropolo whim ho mw a group of
men standing In tho entrance ami
n big automobile stationed nearby.
A man slopped out from tho group
ninl told lilm to " niovo on unless ho
wuh looking for troiiblo."
Krcito said ho moved on nt once.
Then raiuo n volloy of shots and ho
imw "llrldgo" Webber, one of tho
suspects arrested, running away.
NKW VOHK. July 2H. Pint doohir
ntion thai iiMi Hie nhiiiiMcrK of New
YorkV Mtlitu eoiiunitiniier, Rhino
lander Wnlilo, icstx lint rcKHUiihiitv
for tlie u-aiiildiiii,' VouilltlouK that etil
minated In the gunn murder of In
former Herman lioWiilhiil. v'mh mniltt
today by District Alloniev'WliitiuuM.
1)11 liVl Attorney Whitman will
give Commixaiuucr Within nn oppor
tuiiitv to le.Mily iik to hi Mnnd on
giiinbliiii: ntnl iih to Iiih power in
its tcgululinu liefoto the rnnd jury
on Moiuliiy, Tint urniiil juror linto
expressed it desire to hear wliit
Within hu to Miy.
Whitman dcolmcd (hat Police Lieu
leniint ('oMuau luifoie the grund
jury, declared tlmt no gnuibliiie; Iioiino
could rciiinin imii in New York un
leu licnw triliulo wiih paid to the
police; that the solo nullioiilv i
gumhllnc; regiilnliiiu rested with
I'ommiHMoncr Wnlilo; thai Wnldo
alone knew what resort ucio to lie
milled; I hut the entire renpniihibilily
for keeping the lutvti "clocil" loslod
with tint eoiutniisluiier, and (hut the
town today wiih more "wide open"
than ever in CoHtian's experience.
Deny Statement
Immcdiatelv lifter publication of
Whitman' htntomciit CommiHionef
Waldo iiiul CntiKun held u confer
ence today and .inter both denied
Hint such ritnlcuicnjH hail heeii made
hy CostigUU.
Kverv mini connected with the Uo
entlial minder, the pidice mi,, in ul
(Coutli)iiod nu Page -I)
WASHINGTON, July till.-Willi
tho idea of "puttiui,' the president in
the holn" tini'lioiiMt leiiilei'H admitted
today lluil they intend to accept bod
ily or to modify only Hliuhtly tho l.n
Kollullti wool luril'f rovirtinn hill piihh
ml lute hiHt uluht ly Ihu Heiiule.
Thin hill in practically identical with
tlm hill vetoed a your huo l.V Piesi
ilent Tuft. I'leHident Tuft 1h expeet
ml to veto tho newly punned hill iih
well. Ah Senator ,v Kollullo uihnit.i
that tho muiiHiuo i ImihikI nlinoKt on
tiiely on (ho report of the tariff
hoard, Priwldont TuIVh pet hody of
(ixpurtH, the (thiol' executive will hu
pill In tlm position of nullit'yliiK him
hoII' whotluir he felgux (hu hill or not.
Tho' coalition of proAieshives mid
ilemoorats which piihHeil the wool bill
hiHt niht Ik expeeted to endure, mid
to lake united notion to pans the hii
Kiii' tariff revision ind the income tax
Blamed by Whitman
rtwro toK-ixiairt ij ntc maxcivsu
AIAWKO.V, Win.. .Inly -Ml. Hill'T
ileiiiincialion of Thcdon Kooxctc't
iiinl u uniuiuir to pnt;reHHiMM to sac
rifice nM'rythiui: to keep the proKf""'
ive ort;miirntion ttitlun the icpubti
emi pally in xoiecd liv Si'iiutor Holi-
eil M. I.a I'ollclli' today in it signed
editorial in he muKiiriiic, l.n I'ol
lettnV Wcoklv. After nierlintf Ihnl
Koohotclt in not u u'til proies.ivi'.
l.n r'ollcltc hnyi:
"it wiiri not until five niontliH ayo
Unit KooHcvelt iuiiiIo the ho-ciiIUmI
deehirulion of hit principles. Shortly
thereafter he abandoned nil nttcmplh
to dihciihH liis Vrlll,'i,,tcH.'
"Iguorinu' tlie ixtnir of pntreH
hitiHin IfooHevcIt lured the pi evident
l into u cmupiiipi fo liitterle pei'Minul
Ihnl, nt the time of ho Chicago con
vention the l'rciivy iiinl pUMHion
untiiHcil Mihonliimtcil eMr.vthiiig to it
fiiirtj kOiiiblij,lo fce;il, ilelejjntert nml
HcAiro the uou'iiiintion. Upon Ihi-i
mpialdile for office it i. pnipoMd to
ileKlroy Hie hoiiml and vital proicw
Hivo movement."
NKW YOUK. July 2C. -OpcnhiK
with fairly active trndluR todny'n
Htork market, after tho first hour,
slumped anil thorn wns practically
no activity except In Amalgamated
nml Utah copper, tflilch made ono
point galtiH. (icuoral Klcctrlo de
clined almost seven points from yes
terday's bent fglure ami National Ills
cult wiih heavy. DurliiK tljo onrly
trailing lllll Ikkiics worn strong as
wan Union raclflc, Canadian Pacific
and Heading. DiiIIucsh Incrcnned
during tho midday and standard Is
hiiph mined very Hlowly,
Tho market closed light anil Irre
gular. UoiuIh worn lendy.
TAfOMA. Wiim.1i., July 2 I)r.
Kilmuuil Kllilnger. nf,enttlo 1 iK"t.
MUh I.iiella Davis Is 'sufWrnig from
Internal Injuries' nud. Mfi' Ollvo M.
Itlulngor Is nuridui; sllglit wounds
today us n result .of n cblllHlonn bo
twoon tholr autonuibllp tiaNi Ta
coma South hound limited train of
tho Pugot Hounil Klectrlo Itnfttvny nt
Itlvortnn, 28 miles from horn yestor
ilay nftornoon. 'Hio party woro up
proncblng n crossing when Chituf
four llrodnlx heard tho dunging of
tho olcjctrlo train's boll. Ho lm
medlatoly appllod tho brakes mid bis
machine skidded oito tho crossing'
Just as tho limited, iipproachlng CO
foot away, crushed Into tho pnrty.
WHiri'l PLAINS, N. Y., July 2fi.
nrry K. Thaw Is still Insane.
This was tho Judgmont of Justice
Krogh hero today In finally pnsslng
on tho latest application of tho slay
er of Stanford White Hint ho bo do
ubled competent nnd roloased from
Tho decision of Justice Keogh
comoH us tho latest of many Judicial
decisions unfavorable to Thaw nnd
innrhQ tho culmination of tho fight
i - . ' ' ,,m
i "-- ---ti
San Francisco Labor Council Char
yes that Solitary Confinement Is
Due to Influence of Burns' Men
Who Want Confession
Burns' Operative Disguised as Deputy
Sheriff Said to have Visited Prison
Prison and "Fixed Thlnus"
HAN I'ltANCIHCO, Cl July 2U.
Charges that James II. McNnmurn,
confcHurd dynamiter of tho Los An
geles Times, Is being kept In soli
tary confinement In Ran Quentln
prison nml Is iibtiHil by keepers an
part of it plot by tho Hums detec
tive rigonry anil tho National Krect
ors' Association to iniiko him "como
through" with Information they do
sire Is being freely mudo by labor
loaders here today following a visit
of the Han Krnnrlaci) labor council
' to Han Quentln.
Headed by former Mayor McCarthy
of Han Francisco, O. A. Tvoltmoo and
1 Hiigeno A. C'lnncy, tho labor council
committee Interviewed Warden Ilnylo
at Han Quentln yesterday to ascor-
I tain Just why James Mc.N'nmara Is
i kept In .solitary confinement. They
, told Warden Ilnylo of their suspicions
; declaring that Malcom .McLaren of
the lliirus Dctectlvo Agency had
I been secretly at tho prison.
foiifern-il Willi Onuril
Warden Hoylo ul first denied that
i McLaren had Ikm-ii thoro but an ex-
inmlnatlon of the records of tho
, prison showed that In tho gulso of
(:t deputy sheriff from Ios Angeles
tho Hums operative had visited San
i Quentln. Tho labor men asserted
jthnt on that, occasion McLaren and
Captain of tlm. Guard Kills held con
vere for more than an hour.
"llils In tho first time I know that
this lliirim detectlvo had been hero,"
Warden Hoylo Is quoted as declar
lug, "nnd I want to say right hero
and now that I am free to admit that
I believe ho was hero for no good
porposn and that If bo comes again,
even s nn nlloged deputy sheriff,
he will not bo permitted to con'crso
with nuyono In tho prison."
Wnrdon Hoylo wits nlso informed
by tho Inbor loaders that tlioy baa
proof that a guard named Grub baa
on at least one occasion cruelly
prodded Jim McNnmnrn with a slick,
drub, tlioy declared, stated beforo
tho McNamarns arrived at San Quon
tln that ho hoped thoy would bo put
hi bis ward nnd Hint If they were bo
"would raise Hell with thorn."
Ilo)lo Doubtful
Hoylo declared ho hnd not boon
Informed of the fact and that ho did
been Informed of tho fact nnd that
ho did not believe tho story of tho
alleged outrage wns true.
"Wo know It to bo true," sal
McCarthy. "And wo hrfvo witnesses
to prove It."
When tho lnbor loaders asked to
bo permitted to talk with Jim Mc
Namarn, Warden Hoylo refused to al
low It. Ho declared Mini tho rules
of tho prison would not permit nnd
alleged that McNumarn was bolng
kept "In solitary" soloy becauso ho
was mutinous and refractory, Hoylo
refused to say when MoNnmara
would bo permitted tho samo froo
dom ns tho othor prisoners.
Suspect Arrested
VANCOUVKH, H. C .luly an.
The police have iinoMed u rchide'it
of South Vaneouver'nn the suspicion
Hint ho is ono of tho men who hold
up tho Northern Ciowu IJuiiU here
yohlonluy afternoon.
' Harry Woodruff Is to nnponr In
a new opera next soasou.
to froo him which Is said to huvo
cost tho Thaw estntu moro than $1,
000,000, It Is (loolnred that It has cost tho
statu of Now York close to $G00,000
to koop Thaw In Mattowoan. For.
sorvlco hh spoclal attorney for tho
state In tho trial hoaiinrt Just ondod,
William T. Joromo of Now York, who
ns district nttornoy, first eonvlctod
Thaw, la said to have proBontod n bill
for JIO.QQO, (
OW0C1ON, Vi DA Y, Jl'hV
WASHINGTON, July 26. Dub
bing Woodrow Wilson the "antl
Jofforson. antl-KoroIgn, anti-labor,
nntt-soldlor, jiro-Chlneso cnudldnto
for tho presidency," Congressman
Hodonburg of Illinois 'discussed lit
tho houso today the writings of tho
democratic presidential nominee.
Hodonburg quoted Wilson's "His
tory of tho American People," nml
refcrrod especially to- tho statement
made thoro In that Jefferson was
"an aristocrat, who deliberately prac
ticed tho arts of tho politician.
Washington found In "him a guide
who needed watching."
Tho Illinois congrcsamnu quoted
nn old Wilson letter criticising Wil
liam J. Hryan, and added:
"This Is his honest opinion of
Uryan nnd Urynuitun. Yet today ho
Is prepared to dou sack cloth and
ashes nnd to eat out of tho hand of
tho man ho denounced ns an 'untried
olatmer.' "
Hryan nlso en mo In for a share
of llodenburg's denunciation.
"For sixteen oars," ho said.
"Hryan has been democracy's Old
Mnn of tho Sea. Disregarding overy
consideration of decency and fair
play, ho succeeded In robbing Champ
Clark of tho nomination. Tho im
partial historian will write of his
betrayal nt Haltlmore ns mm king tho
actno of perfidy and as tho culmina
tion of political treaohory."
CHICAGO. Jul) 20,--It was do
.'inl'ely learned at national progres
slti headquarters today that tho pro
yresclvo convention will not adopt n
l ioiiu In the usual sonso of tho
term, but that It will 'frame a "con
tract with tho pooplo," pledging tho
party to restore roprosontatlvo gov
ernment. This will contain tho pnr
i s vlowa on tho Inltlntlvo, referen
dum and recall and on'auch gonernl
,nrma ns will toiuY'to hnprovo
living condltloiis," r'
20, 1012.
Tho little brothor or tho big
steamroller operated so successfully
In Chicago to flatten all opposition
to Protddont Tnft was brought out
at a mooting of the county republican
committee bore last night, and to
day, with its boiler cold and badly
battered nnd smashed, it was rele
gated to tho junk pile. Its driver,
Chairman V. O. Sanborn, a redhot
Taft man, bad literally to fight his
way from tho meeting, and after ho
had gono ho was read out of tho
party, and Philip Itnncroft, a
Hoosevolt man. was elected chair
man. Tho meeting wns anything but a
love feast, tho Taft and Roosevelt fac
tions clashing from tho stnrt. After
resolutions denouncing Taft and com
mending HooFovolt had boon adopted
and tho date for tho county conven
tion set for September 1C, Sanborn
brought the "Uttlo brother" Into
play. Ho wanted to adjourn be
cause only Cu of tho 88 committee
men woro present nnd a majority of
these woro Roosevelt men. Ho put
tho motion to adjourn and ordprod
It carried before It wns voted upon.
Thou ho started from tho hall but
the exits woro blocked by tho Roose
velt mon.
lnunedlntoly tho 10 other Taftltes
In the hall rushed to Sanborn's nld
and literally fought tholr way from
tho building.
Tho gathering got down to busi
ness after Sanborn dspartod, fixed
the number of dologatos to conven
tion at 02, named a campaign com
mittee nnd ndjournod nftor ndoptlng
a motion to moot again nt tho call
of the chnlr. '
CllARLKSTON, W. Va., July 215.
In u clash with striking minora In
tho Paint Crook section near Mud
low, today, seven detectives of tho
Haldwln agency nnd throo minors
woro killed by tho dynamiting of a
Haldwln machlno gun, according to
reports received horo.
Tho situation nt Pnlnt Creek Is
procarlous, additional bloodshed bo
lng almost certain beforo tho day
-kti 1UU tJAtl
OYSTKIt DAY, N. Y July 2C-
Rusbing to tho defense of the sen
ate In tho controversy with the house
over tho battleship construction pro
gram, Colonel Roosevelt hero today
bitterly attacked the policy of the
democratic members, declaring that
"If they vote down the proposed plan
to build two hnttlcbhlps to bo logical,
they should also voto to abandon tho
Panama Canal." Ho said:
"It would bo an understandable
policy to advocate tho abandonment
of the canal, and this country would
then become tho China of tho west.
Hut It would be an unpardonable
policy for us to Incur tho responsibil
ity of building tho canal and then
decline to adopt tho means necessary
to eunblo ns to meet this responsl
tlllty. "I regard It as an outrage, front
tho standpoint of national honor and
Interest, to go on with tho canal at
nil unless wo fortify it and keep an
adequate navy. Furthermore, any
talk regarding what wo Intend to do
about tho Monroe doctrine, tho canal
nnd for the protection of Hawaii
would be contemptible It wo aband
on tho keoplng up of tho navy. It
would bIiow that wo have neither tho
power nor tho will, If need come, to
mnko words good by deeds. I hope
our people will always net with
8crupluous jiiBtlco and with tho ut
most generosity to our other nations,
by thoy weak or strong, but also
hope wo will niako It ovldont that
such action Is not duo to timidity but
to tho Jovo of Justice Wo will bo
come Impotont, If wo stop bulldlug
unour nnvy now."
The tntuora have been sullon since
tho mlno officials sent Haldwln de
tectives Horo to guard mlno proper
ty, but no actual clashes ocourrod
until ysstorday, whon detectives Wll
lain Sprlngor and William Slump
wont through Mudlow on n handcar.
Without a word of warning tho
minors oponod flro nnd Sprlngor.
tiddlod with bullets, rollod off tho
car ami down an embankment,
MIMoHca! Snclftty
Fair nml warm, Mux HI
Adti 5H Jlel Hum ii.T.
NO. 107
"I Do Not Sec Where it Will Result
In Greater Prorjrcss Toward tho
Things We Ought to Do" he Writes
in Letter to a Friend
"I Do Not Believe it Possible to Build
up a Third Party to Gain Control
Before 20 Years Have Passed
LKW1STON, Jdaha, July 26. In-
a letter to a Lcwlston friends, Sena
tor W. E. Borah of Idaho today ,
clearly defines his attltudo In tho
coming campaign.
After stating that ho would
to return to tho senate for nnathcr
six years to participate In what ho
declared would be tho most Import
ant In constructive legislation In tho
history of tho country, Senator
Borah added:
"Now as to tho third party, 1 do
not belle vo thero Is anything to bo
gained by a third party. That Is to
say, I do not Ixsllevc It will result
In greater progress toward tho things
which we ought to do or will result
In more Immediate legislation upon
those things about which wo ought
to legislate I cannot see any fruits
to bo gathered from that effort. I
do not bollevo that It Is possible to
build up a third party In this coun
try which can get hold of tho legis
lation within tho next twenty years. .
If I thought that by joining a third
party I could more effectually do ,
what ought to bo dono that we
could moro effectually legislate for
what peoplo ought to havo, I would
not hesitate tp Join ItBut JUdo t-Mf,
not believe that It Is the best way to' T
accomplish It." ,'
WASHINGTON, July 26. Tho ex
cise tax bill was made a special or
der in tho senato today and a voto
on tho ntcasuro Is expected by to-
Tho bill proposes to extend tho ex
cise tax, which now only applies to
corporations, to Individuals with a
tax on incomes beginning at $10000
tho tax graduating from two to six
per cent.
Senator Borah presented his ln-
conio tax bill substitute but In a cau
cus by tho democrats It was de
cided to oppose any purely Incomo
tax amendments to tho houso bill.
MKXK'O 1'ITY, July 2. -Porfirio t
Diaz, former prcMilent of Mexico, is
seriously ill in l'tiri nnd his recovery
doubtful, uecordint; to u spcciul eublo
reeoicd hero today.
Responding to tho call of George
West, forest rangor la charge of tho
Prospect district of tho Crater Na
tional fotout, tho Honor Mon sta
tioned ut Wcstvlllo on tho Crater
Lake road, have won now laurels for '
thouisolvcs by saving Uncle Sam
thousands of dollars by extinguish
ing tt forest flro near Union Creek
about 20 miles cast of tholr camp. -
fho mon provod to bo oxcollent help
according to reports from Prospect
nnd whon tho (liintos. wero extin
guished returned to tholr camp ou
tho road.
Had tho honor men been stationed
nt Prospect In 1010 It Is highly proh-
ablo that tho flro lowoa Is that
section thtt year would lve baeq -cut
down to a groat ext'epi aifii
lack of men atone allowed tu ilrej'
to get beyond contrQl,
f i