It Isn't Always Best to Change Your Mind, , , ,j ; I - ' ' !.' ' j 1 : ; : ' tf TAWSTeNTWs-iTddn' 9-A Vowit Voo MJm. $5 with voo f in ew ?ocPT jtS) '- Tfm-mDs.BwrTooY , Y didn't iwiq tmo W lTv alutmsti If "US ' - rl aVG CMfWteO KV( MIND SSe MONGt J J -' . O'jU L J H WfJv 'll IB ) !rV MBFtV-i itnowJ HbrWfc i :n 'tiJiifffilfllifiT '". Our Correspondents I I EAOLE POINT EAGLETS. Ml km Oram Colby of llrownnboro who hint been teaching at Bougie, npoiit I Im night wtlli tin Inttt week on her way to Trail. Hint reported (lint hor brother Hoy lunl rallcu utiil broke bin arm. Ilitv. (ioorgn K. Paddock I), I),, of Portland, ennui out Inat Friday lo visit your correspondent. Dr. Pad look I it atatn niiMrlu(iitil4tit of tint Congregational eliurelion lu Oregon mill president of tlm International S. S. society, ho who out In IIiIh part ol tlm Htato looking nfttir (tut inter cntn of lilii church. Mts Mnmli) Cliatinaii recently of (Ilondalo spent tint night with iih on her way to liko Creek. J. V. Melnlyro uinl wife necotnpn n l.'il by Mm. P, J. NVff of Medford, cal lei) for supper al tho Sunny Hlilu Hiiliirtlay evening. Mm. J. I'rarik Ilrown nccoinimnloil by Mm. W. A. Bobbins of Mmlfortl called for dinner hint Saturday, Mm. UoIjIiIiin Hiilil that i)i ti liutl tiiHtu r'utl ItiK tho IJiihKiI for hoi no tlino nutl hail u viirloNlly to nifft with tin au thor, Nitld that ulif lunl platiirnil him nit an cltlorly. (nil, hIIiii iiiuii with a Ioiik (Inwlnit linrl mill lo, wIumi hn found him ho provtl to tn a iiiuii pnt SO yvum or nRo with no bitaril and hIioiii 6 fft't, t Si Inchon tnll ami wearing jmntii 2 Inchon wnUt menu un. Word on mo to mo Monday Mint Mr. Ilriulwliaw, who hnK ohnrco of tho Commercial Orchard, linn hail two nortoiiM nruldotitH lu IiIh family. Klrnt oiio of IiIh ohlldrvu, by wuuio mcarm r.ol hold of a hottlu of carbolln acid mid hail bin fnco badly htirnod, and tho next day or two liU llttlo jtlrl tiK'd (liriHi yoam wan lout. Kant Hat urdny tho llttlo Klrl wont to ht'r uiothor about olovon o'clock and nuked for homi'thluK lo oat, but wiih told lo wall until dinner whom upon ttho went out and when dltiunr wan ready itho tailed lo count lu and the pareutH thought that perhapn who had i;oun to itlenp. but Inter when ho railed to jiul lu an appearance, Honrch wan heituu by all hnndn. (hero nro mivornl men workliiK Ihoro ami tho flrnt pluro to look wiih tho IrrlKatliiK tlltcli that rutin near tho house, they druuKcd tlmt and finally turned tho water out, not flndlnn her there they went to another ditch lower down from tho home, fished nut tho well nil without any hiicchhh, by that time It watt KottluK Into lu tho nfternon and Ihn alarm wan ulvon In tho ueli;lilior hooil when about thirty pomoim, men mill women, with lanturna nnd Heiirched nil iiIkIH, Ht HI with no clue, then men Htarted out on horuuback and about eleven o'clock' n, iu hIio was found I think by Mm Von dor llollen, near tho Waltch place Hh had torn all of hor elothoa off crawl lug OiroiiKli tho brunh, and wan taken to Mi'H Von der UoIIoii'h and talteu raro of. 3ho had Rlopt tuitloi n tno Baturilay nlht. 8I10 did not boqiii to bo frlKlitoued and now tho wonder In how alio kept from chilling that cold rainy night, Tho pnrontn or tho child wore nlmont wild over hor Ub npiiearnnco, I omitted to state that they had boon linullug hay that nf turuoou nnd had filled n nhod with hay and tho thought occurred to them that perhapH nho had gouo Into the nhod niiil gone to Moon ami boon cov ered up with hay, no thoy wont to, work and mnvod all tho hay out of tho Hhed In thnlr soarch, Well horo I niu at tho clone of my ninth nheot and have hardly com menced but tho next 1 1 1110 will tell noiuothlng about what wnn douo and who wnH horo Hiimlny ami about tho Huffragn mooting to lie hold tonight Our dauglitor llnttlo waa' called Flat urduy over tho phono to go to Kla math Fulls to euro for hor Hlfltor, Mrs. Mllllo Iloyt, Htnrtlug Bunday morn ing. A hitter Jimt recolvod otutuH tlmt she la bettor, 1 ' .1 EDEN PRECINCT Mm, (I. ( Me.Millnii wiih tin AhIi IiiiiiI vihitor Friday, .Mm. Hob AnilorHon of Mi'ill'onl wiih v t h i t ! 1 1 lt lo'r ilaugliler, .Mm. II. 1 1 iilmu i.C 'I'hIi.iiI lit kl Kiiiitnliiv. j S. S. SleplieiiM won nut esereixlug hn lino young trolling mare Momluy. Mrx. (lurdeuer U xhiiiiug large ounlllillcH of Iierrii'M dally I'mm Iter 1 line berry rnnn in N'orlli Tnlent. Allen IliHli mill wife of Moilfonl were lu Talent .Momluy viHiting fiit'inlM. .Mr. 11ml .Mm. Joe Kmlei miloed lo .Mi'ilforil Momluy on lniiii(M. J. ?!,, Talent gtireeryinau, wiih lu Mfilfnnl Mniiiliiy rtlid lirouglit out n loml of groccrii'M. Mniiy IMen I'reeiuet roMdciilx joined 111 the exeiiminu to Colcxtiu Hiimlny, Mr. uinl Mm. I'ele HaruebiirK of North MfiU'oril nmiiI Sumlay ut I In IHI lioue Willi Mm. llnrnebtirgV mother, Mm. T, .1. IMI. H. S. SlrplieiiK anil fmnily e!it Siiudii.v with Mm. StopliiniH piirentH a( Itoekv Konl oreliunl, Mr. mid Mm. K, I'nlhimn. Mr. nnd Mm. (Icorgo Hover nnd daughter of IMen Vnlloy left lust week of Lake county where MUc I'elirl licit, nnd Arthur Mover have Hcciircil IioiihIoiiiIh in the new tract Hint wiih thrown open lo settlement. Mm. I,oiik mill miii lliliuer, and ilmighter, MIhm Ilnclicl, arrived n( the home of her cousin. John (I nil' for of North Phoeniv, liiKi'week fnun Sae rmueulo, Col. Mr. mid Mm. Win. II. (lore .f M oil ford were vinjlom nt the Under home Sumlay. Mr. Itoc is 11 half brother to Mr. dure. (luefttt nt the pleusuut home of Mm. A. S. Furry Sumlity were Mm. Mnrgeret lol; itiitl daughler, MinH Ituejiel, Mr. ami Mm. .lilm (Iniffer, Mm, J. Kpno mul Mrs. (.'. X'uiey mid Mm. Mury MeVeigli. Oils Kieueh, 11 nephew of Hen IVeneli of North Talent, mul Kny Hell a r rived nt Hie home of Mr. mid Mm. Men Kreneli liiht wcoU'iimI will visit awhile. Mi-ri Alhertia Senmmi of Talent is vixiling hor iinele, t'lmrles Terrell mid fmnily If Krowiihhoro for 11 few week. Your oorreMiiiilout mul huliaml liavo been mil fur a week's outing .it MoAlistcr Springs, stopping over night ut tho Intake of MedlVtrd's pipe line. Wlillo viewing Iho fine wnlor h.vhIciii 1 Ihoiight what a gruiiil thing it would have been to have gouo four mile further tip lliitto Creel; mul along with the, big piw lino mul 111 the name trench to Inive laid a one inch pipe mul tapped Hint fine sodu spring mul hrotiglit 11 poitlon of (lie wuler to Moilfonl. That would have hoeii siiuielhliig thul no city (he hiiu If Moilfonl eouhl boast of. And uu nttruetioii of untold worth in health giving mluoriiln! If miynntt doulitfi H10 purity of MoilfordV wnter nyhleni thoy have lint (0 no up In the intake mul hou for tlicuiHclvcrt, Tho watchman eloaun the three RotH of wiro hereout throo times a tlay or ofioilor If iieedoil, The water in cold mul clour where it on tern tho largo jiipo. t KANE CREEK ITEMS. Mr. and Mm. IlousuhoUlor were trammeling lniHlnoHa In Moilfonl nnd Central 1'olut on Monday. Kvorybody la btiny cutting tho bcc ond crop of alfalfa hay which prom Ibch to bo hotter than tho first, Cloorgo Mardou ina'tlo' a bimlnoaa trili to tho Hub City 011 Monday, Fred McClelltin will leave tho first of tho month for Portland where ho luiH employment, Woathor Prophet 'Foster predicts cooler woathor which la welcome by till. Mr. and Mra. Qodlovo lmvo ro tul'itod to tholr homo uoar Modtord 3VTEDF0RD MKTTJ TRTRTINDMEDFOTIT), OKTCCION, HWRflDAT, JULY 25, '1912 after linrventlng their cherry crop which waa an unuaiially largo one, John Opp the mining man of Jack noiivIIo made a trip to tho Hrndcn on Monday roturuliig (ho naiint tlay. Wo are glad Ut any that Mm. Cook la libit) to bo about again ufler a wcok'u IIIiiowi, ' Knnoa Creek bmiliiomr vlaltnra to Jloltl IIIH t IiIh week wero Mr. and Mru.J.ewlH, Mr. nnd Mra. John Mar tina, Jamea Lawrence, Mr. JoIiiihoii, Mr. l-'oater, Katie Foley, Margin Iiwla. Marvel' Illgglnbothtim, Al Hlioton, Mra. Hoggin. Frank Avery ami mother. Mr. Htrlrtland of Tolo was lu thla neighborhood Tucnday dlnpoElng of (tome flue vegetablea from hla garden from Iho abovu mimed place. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. I.ciHcr I,ow!k li'fl Tiibndny morn ing fur Klamutli Falls mid Modoo country lo spend the summer. II. II. I.umpman of AsIichIok spent Momlav night here. , MisH Mnrteiia Neal of Seven Oaks was shopping hero Tuctolny nl'lor- IIOOII. Miss Mnry McDowell, Miss lluller, Mis lliibbunl, Miss Kusley, Mm. IJ. II. I 'ax 1 011. M". .1. 0. Isuncsoti. Win. Cliuinbem, S. A. I'uttison. II. C. (IJen soii, Oeorge mid Homer I'earl. II. W. Lindsay were miitmir Contrnl Point people nt Medftird Tuesday. Horn, to Mrs. Joe Mmiii Monday nriernoon, July '11, 1 n son. Tho uK'thcr mnl child nro doing nicely. Miss Maude Loc of Ashland is here visiting relatives- mul friends. Mm. Mnry. Kelsoe is spending this week at Koelc Point. Mm. Klliott has t,ftue to Demi In dian where ho will spend 11 month or more. Mrs. Miller of Lake Creek is here visiting friends. DEBENGER GAP J. II. Plymiro of the Willows ranch wns n business culler nt Iho Debcnger flap much last Wediuifday. Mm. A. Jewitl bus returned (o her homo ut Kivcrtlale after mi ex tended visit nt Sufi Francisco. Cougrnt illations to Mr. fl. W- Stray mul family wliott cow presented them wiih a pair of twin calves last Saturday. They nro reported us heing line specimens of enltlo. Dr. C. Kirehgossor of Hie Kiveidale ranch made a professional trip to Medford last Saturday mul also Sun day and Momluy. Norman flngo of Dobongor Gap is engiigetl in binding wheat for J. H. Plymiro ut his much east of Mod ford. ASK GRAND JURY TO PROBE HANFORD CASE SIJATTLK, Wn., July 2."i. Ki. lotions endorsing the proposal of Congreshnmu Victor Hergor, to nalc for 11 grand jury invostigntion of tho alleged relations hetwon Judge C. II. 1 Ian Ford and prominent at torneys mul business interests hero, wore paused hy Iho central labor council here .and forwarded to the members of Washington's delegation in contrross. The labor neoitle' call particular attention to the .need of invoslignliou of the llautord dealings with Iho Northern Pacific railway. Modtord Priming ompany carry a full line of logal blanks. 1U1HINKSS OPPOHTUNITINS. 11USINESS OPPORTUNITY Anyone wishing to cngago In tho billiard bitaluoBB can purchnso nil or n half Intorest in tho Owl Illlllard pnr lora na qwnor wlahos to go nwny, Baiuo'cnn bo purchuecd nt n vory roaaounldo figure. S. I. Ilrown. FOU SALK-"Tho MoHrldo Store," cialr not necessary It you lmvo bo curlty. - 8eo mo, Win. Ulrlch, Uo colver. . ' lit LOUT LOST Ono watch, 1015 for at tached, Waltham, opon faco, Ho 1 11 ru Jamea llamrluk, Central Point. IDS SaysMutt FOH ItKNT OI'KKJKH FOIt ftKNT Over tho p'oatofflw, with limit nnd light. Kco A. A. Davln. FOU HUNT Large, comfortablo of fli'o niotiiM with elevator uervlco, Hteaiu lioilt, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Ilitw. Co. FOIt IlKNT FL'ltMKIIKII AITS. FOIt ItKNT Smith Aula. 217 8. Illv. FOU RUNT Funiltilied apartment, jtiat llko a bungalow. Iargo porchea, private bntha, new, Tint llerheii, corner Quince and W. Main ntreot. "Phono .'M7-L. V O It It i: S T HOUHKKFKPI.VO HOOMH FOU UKNT FiirnUlicil boiiackecp I11K rooinii, llghta, rub. AIbo bed room, 34 enat lull. 10'J FOIt UKNT Furnlnhcd boiiDekecp Ing rooms. 'S (Seucsco street. Phono Pacific -I22L 131 FOR RENT FURMSrtKD ROOMS FOU UKNT Largo Bleeping room, $1.50 and $2 per week. Modern hotihokeeplng apartments. SIC and tlC. Home phono 2GC-K. 222 South Holly. FOR KKN1 noDSKS FOU UKNT A two room furnished hotiae, screened porch. 220 South Orape. 109 FOR RKNT 5-rooni fiimlslied bun galow, 121 W. 11th. Phono r.0!il for particulars. 10U FOR RENT Furnished C-roora house, modern. k(5 IS King st. FOR RENT Modern five-room bouso. M. A. Rader, at M. F. & II. Co. FOR RKNT Six room house, mod ern, paved street, $16.50. W. T. York & Co. FOR RKNT Closo In C room hohuso with modern plumbing nnd elec tric lights. On paved street, with lawn and cement sidewalk. Call Hell phono 3401. FOU RKNT 10 room house rear of Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, suitable for business, real estate, lxtardlng or rooming house. Gold Ray Realty Co , Cth and Fir sts. FOR IlKNTMISCKLliAXUOUH FOR RKNT- 40 acres on uppor Rogiio River, beautiful mountain home, flue hunting and fishing, good bouse and barn, alfalfa field, garden nnd Irrigation ditch. Ad dress P. O. Ilox 702, Medford, Oregon. FOR SALE tiAND FOR SALK Uy owner, SO ncroB nil fenced nnd cross foncod, now 5 room house and barn, two chlckon ' houses, gootl spring, flno young or chard, good horse, wagon and har ness, chickens, household goods nnd tools, 12 acres In crop. Every thing goes tor $1500 quick sale, $700 caah, balance one or two yearn. W. L. Howland, Coleatln, Orogon. 124 NEW TODAY A five room hoiiso, with bath nnd pantry.lot 45x127, suwer and water on tho place nnd paid. Just off paving near the north school. Tho lot la nicely lmnroved.nnd tho plnco la offerod for $1050.00. Two hun dred" of thla may romnln as a loan on tho place, nnd tho owner will tako n team as part payment. Look this up. I linvo n flno bearing peach, npplo, nnd apricot twelve, uero fruit ranch near Talent for sale for $0000.00, Terms on part, and would tako a Binall placo In trado. Tho placo haa a nice five room houso, with gna In tho houao for light-and cooking, and tho placo Irrigates nlcoly from a gaso line pumping plant. It should bo soon to bo upproclatod, Ton ncroa a mllo north of Central Point, llungnlow with largo porch. Half of thla Is cultivated, and halt raw land, flno deep soli, nnd wnter right gooa with tho plnco. Will tnko n town property for. $1500.00 nnd $2000.00. Can bo paid $500.00 a year, C por coat. C. D. HOON Room 12, Jackson Ci. Bank Bltlrj. ' Phenes: Pacific 781, Home 78K . Residence Pnone 26H FOR HAMv LANDS FOR BALK $35.00 buya S acres best California laud. Klght trnlnn dally, schools, etc. $5,00 month ly pays balance of $315.00 on each tract. Near Ban Francleco. See Stone at Moore Hotel. 10!) FOR SALK 80 acrca or Improved land 2 m I lea from market. 5 room furnished bouse, stock and Im plement)), etc., good water. Price $3000'. See It while crops nro growing. Address Box 02, Jack sonville, Ore. 117 FOB BAIiB ACltBACm FOR 8ALI3 Eight ncren, Just out side city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples; small house, good well; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE SnSCKOiANKOUH FOR SALc Prune nnd npplo or chard. 25 acres prunes, 15 acres Italians, 10 Petltes, 8 years old, all on black bottom land, G acres Newtown apples. C years old on slight raise. If Interested ad dress box 93 Youcalla, Ore. 114 FOR SALE Cnnarr nirds. Resi dence 843 East 9th St., Pacific phono 3596. 106 FOR SALE Ilerrles by crate. Call Home phone 319-R, or Dooth 5, public market. Ill FOR SALE A-l Jersey cow. 3-ycars old, perfectly gentle, genuine fam ily cow. C22 Second. 109 FOR SALE Fruit Jars cheap, gallon. 53C N. Fir. 110 FOR SALE Peach plums, tele phone 597. Party J-6. 110 FOR SALE- New 2S Inch H. & J. Centrifugal pump. Address Box 15 Mall Tribune. 108" FOU SALE Flno apricots, delivered Foot Hills Orchard. Pacific 1181. FOU SALE Gaa range, child's mat tress, porch and kitchen chairs. Inquire 22 Uoso Ave., telephone 7304. 107 FOU SALE Alfalfa hay. Phono Pacific 732-J-4. 108 FOU SALE Good teapi, light horses, harness and back. Address Hox 60, caro Mnll Tribune FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE Good 7-room house, modern, with two lota on South Central avenue, east front, also lot nnd barn joining placo. Four room house with two lots closo In, con nected with acwer and city water. See owner, T. L. Taylor. Phono Hell S6-R-4. 120 FOU KXCIIANRb FOR TRADE Flno lot on College Hill, best residence section of Cor vallla, close to now ear line, for soveral acres In Medford. Box 522, Pacific 5062. 107 FOR EXCHANGE Lot with 4-room houso for Seattle property. Acre age or city lot. White & Trow bridge. 107 TO TRADE 50 acres land with souio improvements for small tract closo in. R. I-. -9 Knight Bt. 10S HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Five first-class pear and npplo packers. Apply' to Bear Crook Orchards. Wn. Rolfo. WANTED SIlSCKLTiANKOUS WANTED Single buggy or light wagon nnd light slnglo harness, also good now milch cow. James Campbell, 320 Gamett-Corey Uldg. 107 WANTED One-Inch socoiidihaud pipe. Medford (Ireenhouso, 923 oast Main street. Want 500 or 000 foot. IPS' WANTED Forty or fifty April or May hatched pullets, White Log horn or Rhode Island Reds pre ferred. Inqulro Janes Bros., Home phone 301-X, WANTED Fresh much eggs, wo pay cash for them. Tho Park Grocery, 423 West Mnln street. AUTO LIVERY Cheap rates for all day servlco, for picnics and fish ing. Phono S16-F-4. 10C BUSINESS DIRECTORY Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING CivR Engineer and Surveyor. Wator filings aud irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, coucroto work, pump nnd canal systems. Room 2, Palm bile, Modtord, Oregon. I'.USLVKSS I'IRKOTORY Attorneys D. W. BAGBHAW Attornoy-at-Lnw, Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank lildg"., second floor. Phone: Pa cific. Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER OffiO.o Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NBFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postbffice bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Oarnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Title Examiner. 320 Garnctt-Corey Bldg. Accountant 1). It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited und kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office. Medford Mali Tribune bldg; phone 6C11; resi dence phone C302. DIIHnrt! Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Upstairs. Yonng &. Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend the hot afternoons. Brick untl Cement. The Medford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tile porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys lawn vases, jardinieres, flower pots Phono Main 541, corner 10th and Kir streets. BUI rosters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A, R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise K. Hedges', Mechano-Thernplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplats. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both ncuto and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nervo specialist. E. 9t: 1 ud So. Riverside. Vapor baths and scien tific massage gtven, advice lu die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phone Home 1CS-K. Main 7973. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chineso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and nil kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble,, constipation, indigestion, womb nnd bladder troubles. Seo me at 241 S. Front at., Medford. Ore., to 4, G:3Q to 7:30. Residence phono Main 42. Contractor ami Builder O. M. ROSE. Contractor aud Builder Country work n spoclnlty. Plans and estimates free. Box 522, Med ford. Phono Main 5CG2. Dentists " DR. W. M. VAN SCtfYOC DR. C. C VAN SCOYOO Dentists Gnrnott-Coroy bldg.. sulto" 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. Office lu Riulto bldg.. 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of tooth. Telophono Main 681. Night phono 4432. Employment Agency VALLEY EMPLOYMENTOFFICFv Goo. Hacker, Prop. 33 South Front St. All kinds of help . f urplshed nnd positions obtained free to tho omployer. Bell 1581. Home 270 R. 118 (intuitu Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nnglo. Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick nnd lime. Otflco nt their brick yard, West Jacksou st, Phono No. 3401. (Inrbago GARBAGE Got. jour promises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city gnrhngo wagons for good Borvlco. Phono Malu 6251, F, Y. Allou. PAGE FTV1 i iiifiniHi inn in By "Bud" Fisher .j i . BUSINESS DIRECTORY Furniture MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner Slh and Holly sts., Medford. Mission furnlttiro mndo to order. Cabinet work of nil kinds. A'trial order solicited. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic. Bring your work to mo nt tho sign of Tho Mall Trlbuno. Numeric QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our Btock la not irrigated. Wo gunrantco everything put out. AVo nro not In' tJiw trust. II. B. Patterson, Offlco removed to otflco Hotel Ndsh, In side entranco next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of htgh-grndo nursery stock. Offlco 104 S. Fir. Both phones. I'rlntent mul Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho uesi equipped job offlco In southern Oregon; book lilndlng, looso lent systems, cut paper, etc., ete. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. 1 'altering INTERIOR PAINTING AND DECO RATING Bob Taylor. 815 Tay lor st. Phono Pac. 3843. Physicians ami Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212, Office phorea 501. resldenco phono C12. Office hours 9 a. ra. to 8 p. tn. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA .MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 arid 417 Gar-nott-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and Bur geon. Offlco Garnett-Coroy bldg.. rooms 211-212, phono 5501; real-, denco 307 S. Oakdale, phono 7171, Home phone, resldenco 109, offlco 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases of wojneiit Offices over Huskies Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Resldenco Phenes: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 216 B. laln st., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours 8:30 a. in. to S p. in. Both phones.' E B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack; son County Bank. Office phono M. 432; Res. phone, M. 58L. : DR. E. II. PORTER ' Physician and Surgeon, St. Marks? Block Offlco phono 4901. Residence 705lt. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 aud 0 Kentuer bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone. Bell 271 Residence phono Bell 273 Home 347-X. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prat tico limited to Chronic Dlseauos. Offlco Hotel Holland. Wednesdays 10-3. Both phonos. Rcsidonca phenes: Fnrmor lfixxC Eagle Point and Roguo Rlvor lino. HERMANN F. RATTB. M. D. Of fice over Medford National Bank. Qffieo phono G70I. Ilea., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D Brae"- tlco llmltod to Eye, Ear, Nose und Throat. Eyes scientifically testod nnd glasaea furnished whon needed; Garnett-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Oro, Real Estate GEOUGE L. DAVIS, timber lands, room 205, Home phono 131-R. Ovor Fruitgrowers Bank, REAL ESTATE L. N. JU'dd, Talent, Qre., fruit,, alfalfa aud garden luuda. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm "bleck: Stonogrnphlo work done quickly nnd well. ) Transfer ' EADTRAT5SFBlt&'Tn'OlLrGai'Cd;T Office 16 South Fir. Phone Bell 3102; Home 350tK. Prlcon right. Service guaranteed. Ui 1 dcrtitkers " JOHN A. PERI, UudertKr and' Embalmer. Office 28 South. Bart-, lott st. Telephenes: I)y, R 471; night, residence, Bell 473', Home 179-L. Calls aiiHWrd,filtfkti 4 or day, Ambulancq sorvlw. ;v j$ , .- '1 I v. 0