PAGE TWO MEDFORt) MATE TRTBUOT, MTCDFOttD, OR KG OX. WlOnNlCSDAY. ,1ULY 21, 1JH2 Midford Mail tribune m&mm. . SUNDAY. 11T T onpriUNTrNa Co th TIm I4Wnerftllp Tlm, Tho M0ford MllT 'MMfofd Trlbunf, The South Wn Or(Rr.lH. ,Th Ashland Trjbuno. 'Offle MMI Trlbun Bulldlnp. J5-IT-S9 Norm Kir llotnn 7. treat: phone, Mnln 1021; ft. QHOHOH PUTNAM, IMItor and Manager Kntnred a 'ibiBrf-cJ inn matter M Mrdrord, Orison, andtr tha act of March I, 1B7. OfflolnJ Paixr of the City of Medford. Official roper of Jackson County. THE VALLEY'S OPPORTUNITY A BMOxxraoir mats. f)n ytar, ur man. ...5... ...... ...IB.OO'i Ona month, by mni,..,, .......... .to Par .month, delivered' by carrier In Medfwrt. Jacksonville and Cen tral Xdlnt .. ...... ,B0 Haturday, enly, by mall, per year.. S.oo nrruri per yvnr . . .... i., If M'MAHONPLACEOF sod re sold TO MISS 0 CONNOR I "TTT For a consideration of considerably more than $200,000 Miss Kale O'Con nor jnd Kdward ltnttcrfield of Hook ford, Illinois, have purchased the MrMtilion ranch of l."00 acres lying about thro miles enst of Talent. They will improve and subdivide the prop erty with the intention of disposing of it in small tracts ranging from five to twenty nrrwA The property was purchased from fester V. David if the David Lumber company of Seattle. Tre property rs well known in the valley ami comprises some or the best pear soil in this (ection. The soil was carefully examined by ex perts previous to the purchase nnd their report to the purchaser is said to hay been mot flattering to the property. Miss Q'Connor is one of the fotv most suffrage workers in the United States and has long been active in Women's club circles. She controls nnd directs a large mil etate busi ness with headquarters at Roekford and will direct the sale of the prop erty in small tracts from that office. Mr.' BuHcrfield is a prominent busi ness man of northern Illinois and will be actively associated with Miss O'Connor in the deal. He will remain in the valley and direct the improve ment of the property. C. J. Blake of Seattle and P. It. Kennedy 'of Los Angeles are in Med ford with Miss O'Connor nnd Mr. Butterfield. They looked over the property and furnished the purchnsh ers with an opinion in regard to it. Mr. Kennedy is a land expert nnd is interested m ertensive holdings on this coast. Miss O'Connor became interested in the Rogue River valley some months ago. She visited Med ford about two' mouths ago and at that time made preliminary investigations w)iich resulted in the deal Tuesday. DISPATCH from Yale status that between 1(5,000 and J 8,000 acres of, land have been siirned up at $S0 ah tiere for irrigation under a projected .system in the Malheur district. The dispatch reads as follews: "Itcsldents of Vnlo nnd rancher of the tributary country who are to bo benefited by the llully creek Irrigation project are Jubilant over the progress in the Mnnnclng of the project, promoters having given out that the Lnmberson reaerwilr would bo put In this fall. "A deed of trust filed with the county clerk shows that tho Colonial Trust colnpnuy of Philadelphia has accepted the trusteeship and aecurttteR of tho Vale-Oregon Irrigation company, and that urrnngomunts hav boon completed for the selling of the bonds, amounting to $2,000,000. Tho mortgage Mutes that tho project nhnll bo completed by December 1, 11' It. Tho price of water per acre will be $S0. lletween 17,000 nint 15,000 aeros have already been signed up. , "Tho reservoirs of the project will store enough flood waters for the 10,000 acres that can bo covered by tho project." A project of still greater magnitude is offered the Rogue River valley. The Rogue River Canal company offers to extend its irrigation system to cover the entire valley from Talent north at an estimated cost of $2,o00,000. Only 10,000 acres are required to be sjgned np at the low price of 50 per acre, $)0 an acre less than the .Malheur people are eager to pay. .Moreover the local project is not an experimental one and not a gamble on futurity. The company is owned by wealthy, smressfnl business men with large invest ments in the connnnnitv. The have shown their irood faith and Remonstrated the value of water to the properly eovereu. The price asked for water is extremely low. lower tlian is asked in Tdaho, Montana, eastern Oregon or other sections. The water is alreadv flowing through- miles of 1 lit 1 ll ! t minus .urn mere js amnio in signi tor all demands. JiiVery farmer, even orchard ist, everv owner of idle land should jump at the chance to increase his output and double the value of his property by irrigation. In the not far distant future, the only land that will always be in demand and readily sold will be that covered bv water. ORDER SURVEY STATE HIGHWAY TO OREGON Li -The and traverse (lie Sacramento tut llio eastern bank, Tho t-niul will lilt lliu MoCloud ill a point iioiu' I li I nl. It will not ;o nVivr- the MoCIoml rilngO, it will liavorM it Suoriiinoutn nmlhwiu'd i'rom Antler where n (missing will ho iniide. Tubed closed at tho bottom and provided with flnpa for hoiiIIiu; tho top.havo boon Invented by a Now Yorker to tnollltuto wrapping coIiih. SACHAMKXTO, Julv State Highway 0otnmUlou has !- Mied an older dirooliux tluit a miiv ho made of n iirflTmMeil route for the state highway, stttrtW at a point a TfWTXf lUnP ! short atoliiiii'i north of Koiltlmv. A VJlN lYXO. X J . i i WHERE TO GO i m M. spy s H KLAMATH GERMANS DFPLOR E WW WHIN VANCOUVER. B, C. July 24. That war between Great Britain and Germany would not only bo unthink able but a crime against the white race was the sentiment generally ex pressed and loudly applauded at the banquet given by tho Germany Club of Vancouver last evening In honor of Dr. Herman Paasche, vice-president of tho Germany Reichstag, who Balls for the Orient today ou the Em press of Japan. Dr. i'uasche, said ho was delighted that bo had changed his itlnefary from San Francisco to Vancouver. Ho wn$ delighted to onco more visit Canada. It was a country of unlimi ted possibilities. Ho was glad to seo. so many Germans dolug well in tho Dominion. Thero was a tlmo when Germany was threatened by tho danger of tho United States imports crowding out homo products but that was now passed, Tho time will como when Germany will not bo able to supply Its own tmarket and when it did ho hoped Canada would sup ply tho demand. Tho Southern Pacific railroad company has granted a reduction in rates on potatoes from Klatnnth Fall- to points in the Hogue Hiver vall-.'y. The new rates are u follews: From Klamath Falls to Ashland $4.00 per ton. Points north of Ash land to Afedford. $4,125 per ton; points north of .Med ford to Grants Pa.- $4JiO per ton. .Minimum car load weight 13 tons. The former rale was $G a ton from KJnmatJj Falls to all points north as far as Portlaud. There are more potatoes being grown in the Klamnth country just nov than ever before. K.liuiate. show that more than four times tliy amount of ground is planted this year than In-t year and more than a dozen cars were shipped out last season. This reduction comes along the line of u lower rate recently received from shipment of grain from Klamath Falls to tho oguc river country. Heretofore the freight rate have been almost prohibitive while tho new rate will raako it nossiblo to ship grain to the Itoguc river mills where tt can be worked into flour as well as the shipment of potatoes to the mar kets of this country instead of having to depend exclusively on the Cali fornia markets for Klamath county products. VOLCANIC ASH FILLS AIR ABOUND KQDIAK TACOMA, Wash., July 2 . Cap tain M. M. Jensen of tho steamer Ad miral Sampson which returned lust night from Kodiak, Alaska, reported that there was Sflll volcanic ash in the air at Kodiak friin tho recent eruption hut that (he vegetation an- Icared greener nnd tho ash on the ground was rapidly disappearing. WASHINGTON DODGE RESIGNS TO BECOME BANK OFFICIAL SAN FRANCISCO, Cal July 24. Dr. Washington Dodge a survivor of the Titanic disaster and for fourteen years assessor for tho city and coun ty oi ban f rancisco today has re signed hg position to beconio vice- president of tho London and Anglo ParJs-AmerJcan Bank, RACE RIOT MARS Y AM MANEUVERS i-1 . ..!,. .. !.. . Miii-Mii v oiiuiy vviioro i ui man, pass- ,,,,, ing through the city of KtxMing and tho one Koitu over tho rivet at Pw ItnMyc inect on tho cant Ulo ami up to the McCloitd river, oriKMtur tin Sacramento at Allthf and th"in ) truverniug'tho htiuk'of the Saorainon to to lhtusumir mid ou to SinMii'i and tho Oregon lino. It has boon dufimfelv decided by tho mmiiniftdot) that if llu oily of Redding mid thd county of Simula constructs thu proposed hrhliio iit'nws tho Snoranu'iito at ltotid's Ferry, that tho "tate highway lo 1) const nicled under tho fl.S.UOll.gOO bond i.ue wiljl go (hrough th Shnnta countv sent. He fore the coininiwtUm orders I ho uney accepted or rails for bfds on thiR work, howovar, tho oily of Ke-1-ditig iniiKt show that it will coitbtrui't this bridge. TlJi- action will im-an that tho road to bo coiistnntcd bv tho sjuJo will not Redding to the cant STAR THEATRE Under direction Pcoplc'a Amuijomcitl Company, A1AV.WS IN Till: I.KAIl Tho placo whwro jou net your inou oy'u worth ou bulh aldwt of thu dliiui. .Nothing Itul Itlg llilghl Photoplays IVntiito CKN'TRALIA. Wn., July 21.- The red array under coinmaud of Colonel Keunou broke ennip at Montesnno at 8 o'clock this morning and inarched to Ford's prairie, eight miles vast of Khun. The weather today was idnl for inarching. The red army will re main in camp at Ford's prairie until tomornjw morning. The blue army, under command of Colonel Young will remain in camp at Gate City, Kl miles we-t of Cenlralia, today, tho evident intention of the commander beinr to wait the advance of the red army. The advance skirmishers of the two armies may meet late today, but it will be Friday at least, before thu two main bodies go into action. A near-race riot occurred last night between colored troopers of the 2.rth United States infantry and a number of Idaho guardsmen. A battalion rf infantry was called from camp nnd quelled the disturbance but not until more than 150 soldier were involved. The initial offender, will he court ranrtiallcd. The outpo-ts of the two armies were- within two mile of each othci today. REALTY DEALER SOUNDLY THRASHED BY A WOMAN RICHMOND. Cab, July 24. "Not since my kneo pants days havo I suf fered such a whipping as that woman gavo mej' This was tho assertion hero today of A. C. Parsons, wealthy real cstute operator of Oakland and Los Angeles, who alleges that ho was lashed with a horsewhip by Mrs. L. Jacob), a realty saleswoman of .Richmond, fol lowing an argument over a business deal. Parsons alleges Mrs. Jacob) signed documents undor two names and when he remonstrated, got busy with tho lnsh. Mrs. acobi waH re leased on $50 ball for a hearing later in tho week. CARDUi WORKED LiKEA CHARM After Operation Failed to Help, Cardui Worked Like a Charm. Joncsrille, S. C "I suffered with womanly trouble," writes Mrs. J. S. Kcndrick, In a letter from this place, "and at times, I could not bear to ctand on my feet Tho doctor cald I would never bo any hotter, and that I would havo to havo an operation, or I would havo a cancer. I went to tho hospital, and they oper ated on me, but I got no better. They said medicines would do mo no good, and I thought I would havo to dlo. At lost I tried Cardui, and began to lmprovo, so I continued using It. Now, I am well, and can do my own work, j I don't fool any pains. I Cardui workod llfeo a charm." I There must bo merit In' this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for women I Cardui for It has bcon In successful ujgo for moro than CO years, for tho treatment of womanly weakness and disease. Please try It, for your troubles, N.ll. Write te: USn' Advljory Dol. OutU. roofi MrJklnaCn.. Qutunooca.T'nn.. torbixcinl Irutruetiont, nJ W-r took, lions TrttUuol br Wooes," Mat la cUia wrppr, oa imuuL "VOTIN FOU WOMII.N" A drama lii two reels. 2000 fcot, featuring Dr. Anna Khaw, MIsh Juno Addaum, Mltta I nor. Mllholtaii and a luoro of other lroiuIunut miffrugo loaders' of national prominence. "IUM, HAS HIS OWN IIAOIC" All Comedy "MlfKKV'S PA I." A powerful drama with thrilling optsodo '.it.iti:i,i, v Joins tiii: h. p. a.' A rich and laughable comedy Ali SATI I KitIn Bong Rest of iuuhIo ami realistic effects. MATINKKS DAILY Admission 10f. Children Cc IPYPT0K Q) INVISIBLE Jgigtifa bi-focal JACKSON COUNTY FAIR DATE? ARE CHANGED Uccauso of-Roseburj' Kivliig uplift fulr, tho Juckson county fair will Ik held from September' 17 to 21, Jn te'ad of from October 1 to 5, as originally lutended. Tho change was made In order to secure tho raco horses and other features intended for tliafclty. Tho fair will bo tho largest and most uusplclous over held in 'southern Oregon from every standpoint. 'For the "Mud In Medford" ex hibit prize aggregating $200 will-be glyu. Tho prltos for thp pear cx hlbH.Awlll 9tal f'25Q, wh $30 for th' best, oblbH' of not less thnu thr'flo' vtt'ilotIe of thrco boxes each, TRAIN CREW BLAMED FOB LACKAWANNA WRECK CORKIKO, N. Y July 24. A cir opcr'H jury here today found that negligence by FJitgman Lane and En gineer Schfirodcr was respoiiHildo for thu Fourth of July wreck on tho Lnckuwnuiiu railroad ncur hero in which forty persoiiK were killed. Coroner Smith issued warrants for tjip arrest f both men. FQURJEEN MINERS PEBSH IN FRICK COAL MINE UNIONTOVVN,' VA July 2. Offi cials of the naltlhioro and Ohio rail road hero this afternoon confirmed reports that 14 inlaers wero drowned In the Frlck coal nilno near Evan's Station. A later report was chn;iged to "fourtcon lives probably lost" al though It was certain that from 35 to 40 minors woro endangered. Wires to Kvan's Station are down and it is difficult to confirm tho rumor afloat. FEMALE WIRELESS OPERATOR EMPLOYED WASHINGTON, July 2 l.-IJccniiso Jfnybelle Kelso, the only woman holding iv government certificate as a wireless operator, has accepted the position of wireless "man" in the liner MnrpoHii out of Han Friuicisco, it is probable congress will bo nsked (o legislate to bar women fnlm hiHi positions livrenfU'r. Tho department of commerce, and labor ndinittcd today Hint no law ex iHts which will bar Miss Kelso from her job, and it is declared possible that the whoju mailer will be put up to President Tail, SUFFRAGETTES PLANNING WARLIKE DEMONSTRATION ( J.ONDON, July 'J-!.-'lipped off by rJcotlnnd Yard doteclivcs tjial uu ini prccedeiiled demonstration v mili tant hiiffragctles is pear, additional police w'cro detailed today to tho tak of guarding cabinet officers, their luniit's and plemhers of their families. Dospito denials by miffmgolto lead ers, the police insist that J)r. J'thul Smyth, thy musical composer, was involved in tho allempt op July lenses enable him topee near and far with the same glasses. I Yet there arc no cemented pieces and no lines of separation consequenllynoclouded vision, no dropping apart and no col leclinp; of dirt. J Kryptoks are as graceful on the face as ordinary glasses and equally practical the most wonderful bifocals yet produced. Come in and see them. DR. RICKERT KVKSir'UT SI'l'CIAMHT Over Kciiliier'N. CO.MI.NM. CO.II.N. Friday and Snturtlny, July 2G and -T Tho feature of fcaturos. "TIIK I'.U.LOI' ItLACKILXWU" ISIS THEATRE mo iieuitLi: hill I.OPIS llVltl) Tho Singer Southern Nlghtingalo PK.MIL A.NI) (JASSIDV Singing, talking and dancing. You will havo to laugh to hear Mins Pearl sing her laughing song. TURKU Pliotophi)S TIIRKK KVPT AS IT WA.S IX TIIK 1l.1IK OK .MUSKS ludustrlnl DIAMOND CL'T DIAMOND Farce Comedy In which Joliu Runny play tho ond ing part. TIIK RAILROAD K.NOI.NKKR A rattling good drama Hhowlug the brnvory of tho uiuii at tlut throttlo. (1001) MUSIC Kvonlng performance, 7:30 Admission 10 and lb contn. Special matlnncs Saturday and Sun day at 'I p. m. Medford Parcel Delivery Express piil Transfer TRUNKS HAULED 25c PACKAGES 10c, 15c, 25c i'heiica: Pacific 3C21. Home 351 Messenger Scrvico JfiN.ITir. SC C py O. O. VEGETABLE Tho absolute vcgotaVIo purity of . S, B, has alvaya .tjoon ono qi tho ntrongest points in its favor, nnd hi oiio of tho principal reasons why it Id tho most widely known and imiycrsally used of all blood medlolnca. A great many of Ujo uo-callcd blood purillera aro Really nothing moro than strong minora! inlxturog which act so uuploaaantly and disastrously ou tho dellcato membranoa and tlsauos of tho utomaoh nnd bowoln, that ovou It such troatmont tmrlflod tho blood, tho condition in which tho dlgcsttvo system is loft would ofton bo moro dnmaglng to tho houlth than tho original troublo. iTpt so with S. S. S. It Js tho groatost; of oil blood purlflors, and at tho oamo tdno 1$ an absolutely oafo and harmluHs roniody, It Is mada ontlrely of tho healing and cleansing oxtractu nnd julcos of roots, horba and barks, oach of which is In dully ubo in somo form by physicians in their praotico, Years of work mid roaourch Jmyo provon S, B, R. to contuiu ovorythiug uocossary to pitrlfy tho blood and ut tho same tlmo (inj)ply tho eystom with tho purest nnd best tonlo oifootH, 0, H, 8, euros Ulioiinmtlsm, Catarrh, Soros und Ulcors, Skin Diselsos, Scrofula, OoutaglousJXIood Poison und nil other blood troubles, und it loaves ho systom in porfoot cQndltlon wnon u nus puruiod tho uioou, jhooic containing inuoii vuiuuuio liuormu III Jo burp, (lio imnro o Colonel Seo- tlon on tho blood and unv medical udvlco doslrod sont froo to all who write. rotary iriircourt. ' I' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. Notice to )Vater Users CJoininoilfin loMny, .uly I7lh, ihn tiHnof waloi' I'oi' HprinkliiiK will bo roHlrii'lotl lo llin fol lowing (HHh'ictH (luring llm liotiw ilesigiialoil imlil fui'llior notice: All that portion or (ho oily north of llio (junior of Main sirooi, fiion p. in. to J) p, in. only. All (lint portion of tho pity hoiiIIi of llio oonloi' ' of Main alroot from d a. m. lo 10 a. in. only. irrigating a v i 1 1 1 opon hoso or allowing will oi io run from any tap or faucet for irrigating willi out using a Iioso on which Ihoro is a .sprinklor.or a no,7.lo, is an olTuiiu Jim! puniHhahlo an cilod in ordinance No. (KM). Thu above rules will hu most rigidly enforced. Nonrly a quarler of a century undor llio hAiiio niiuiagomont THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment. Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 AV. T. Vawtor .President (, U. Liudlev, Vice Pros. C. r, iMeUonald, Cashier Flour? Coffee? Tea? OR WHAT? Anything you buy from us in tho Gro cery lino will bo right. Our Bakery Do- partmont is a sourco of prido to us investigate. Allen Grocery Co. GROWERS OF PEACHES Do you wnnl your fruit handled by export hiiIchuiciiT Do you want li WV.WV IMtlCHS io Paoil'iu CoiihI maihet nf fordrt? Do you uyuit to lino up wilh "Tim Hoiihii of a Hcpiaro Dealt" Jf ho, gel jn loueh with iih NOW. ,- Pac. 5021. ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION CO. 1 Mc'dford, Oregon Home 307 j , , , , t , IGE as clear and hard as diamonds Storage rooms right for all kinds of goods. .u ; j 1 ' . - Our wagons deliver to all parts of the city. - Phenes: Pacific 2641, Home 240 Medford Ice (2b Storage Co. it , - - ,m , . f T-T '"M "j