'M r r t- Oregon HUMcal ' Cltv Mall .4 it. , MEDTORD MAIL TRffiUNE SECOND EDITION WEATHER Showers tonight nml Tomor-run- Mux Hit Mln -B. -iiV ,. Korlynmmil Yimr, Ifnlly -Hnvniitli Yenr. BURNS PROBES POINDEXTER TO MYSTERIES OF FIGHT COINER'S MURDER RING ' APPOINTMENT Defectives Employed to Ferret Crime by the district Attorney Attempt Made to "Wlpo Out" Lawyer for Witnesses Who Confessed Threats to Kill Scare Whitman Murderers of Rosenthal are Still Undiscovered and Freo Ni:V YOHIC, July 3 4. That other iinmlitrH nitty follow tlio sominttnnal l 1 1 1 In k or llurmuM Rosenthal to pre vent revelation of thu alleged com pllelty of Now York pollro with tho gniuhltirn rliiK In generally bollovod horn todny following nil allowed nt tempt to 'wlpo nut" nttornoy Levy, roiiimol for I.oiiU Mhby ft ml Wllllnm Hliuplro, now In tlio louitut for com pllrlty In tlio KoKoiithul crlmo, Levy, whono clients nro bollovod to liuvo roufmsHi'd thnlr nlinro la thu gang murder, dorlnroii thnt Inst night IiIh honun wuii J I in in toil nml ransacked In hi absence. Ho bollovos his Ufa wi sought. Tlio hiirglarUIng of Iovy'n homo, following upon receipts of various throat by anonymous poraoiin to kill DUtrlcl Attorney Whitman unions tiU flKht on tho poll c In dropped, U wild to bo canning Whltninn tho grent- t unemdnom. Dcspnlrlng of ob taining tho evidence ho seek ngnlust Hoto'iilhnl'it slayers through tho mod lino of hi own detectives Whltmnn U nld to hnvo roncltidod arrangements with Wllllnm J. Iliirnn to tnko tholr trail and nil tho acumen of Hunt' tiKi'iu-y In' uudorntood to hnvo boon brought Into piny todny to aolvo what It Htlll ono of tho greatest mysteries uncovered In tho Now York city In your. NEW YORK, July 21. A now theory conrornlirK tho pcnpo of tho murderer of Rosenthal wits advanced toilny by District Attorney Whltmnn. Ho thinks It possible thnt tho inurdor nutomobllo wi purposely loft whuro tho license numbor would bo discern ible iih n "blind" thnt tho accomplices of tho murderers outorod It whllo tho real slayers wnlkod away unnoticed. Thnt tho dlctitKrnph Iiiih played an Impurluut pnrt In tho collection of ovldouco against tho men aliened to bo roncornod In tho romplrncy to put Itoitnnthnl out of tho wny wan fully established todny. Deputy I'ollco CouimlHlonor Dougherty assorts thnt a "murder purse" was collected nml paid over to tho murderer on tho night of tho crlmo. Tho mon who received tho money and tho amount ouch received lit known to both Whit man nml Doughorty. TIiIh ovldouco wiim secured through tho dictagraph, Dougherty resorting to n ruse to rig Wobhor'H house with tho lUBtrumoiit. When Webber wan brought down from bin houso to hnvo a talk with with Doughorty ho wn8 treat oil court eously, tho commissioner explaining "thnt wo merely want you ns a wit ness." PoUKhorty wan quIto.wlllInK when Wobhor'H nttornoy BUKiteatod . (hut ho bo released on S100 bull. The coinmlHsloner wanted to kIvo AVebbor tlmo to bring bin miBpootod alllort Into tho rnso. So on Saturday tho commlHRloner Rent ngnln for Webber nml lutor two vollod women worn brought down to houdqunrtorH. It later ilovolopod that thotto womon wore conneclod with tho Wobhor hoiiHohold. Whllo Wobbor nml tho members of hlHvfnmlly woro nwny from homo tho dlntiiKrnph was bolnp InHtullod, nml CommlHHlonor DotiKh orty deolnroB that It Iiiih done ItH wofk tboroiiHlily. L USU WAUFIAU, Win., July 24, Scoren of farm housod woro wanliod away and property In mirroundliiK rural illHtrlutH (lamiinud to tho extent or $1,000,000 by tho bronklUK of two da in ii oarly today In tho Wisconsin River north of hero. Although no dentlm Woro roportoil lioro, It lu fenrod fntnlltlea ooourroil lu tlio outlyluit dlBtrlotfl. Buburbnu lulopliono Ilium nro crippled. WHEN BREAK Choice of United States Attorney as Successor to Hanford Arouses Op position from Roosevelt Supporters Because Lorlmcr Favored Taft No Word Received In Seattle of Tail's Acceptance of Hauford's Reslunatlon Latter Still on Bench WAHIIINOTON. July 2l.An linunroiiionl that ho would oppose tho confirmation of tho nomination or Hovurly W, Coluor of Tncoiun to ho United HtntoH attorney for tlio west urn district of Washington to succeed Judge II. C. 1 1 u n ford wan tundo hero todny hy Honutor MIUii PulmUutler of Washington. U Ih reported that Polndextor linn received uumoroiiH loltorH from Roonovolt ' loaders In WaHhltiKtou urging him to fight tho nppolnt mout. Koonovolt men chnrKo Colnor with having favored tho Tuft dele gates In tho Washington atuto re publican convention. BKAATI.K. Wash., July 24. No word Iiiih yot been received hero of I'renldent Tnft nrcoptnnco of tho roHlRnnllou wired by Judo C. II. linn ford Monday morning which catued tho Impeachment proceedings ncnltiHt him to bo dropped. Judge Hanford occupied IiIh former chamber In tho fedornt court thin mornlttK. Hov oral attorney- called to hnvo hint ulcii document! that enmo tinder bin Jurl-dlctlon prior to tho resignation. FUEO FOLLOWS L ;irl MACON. On., July 24. Kxtonnlvo prepitrntloiiB to prevent bloodnhed In tho little town of DawHon, near here, nro under wny todny ns a. rcHiilt of n fued there which U tho outKrowth of tho brutnl whlppliiK Klveu MIbb KIhIo Carter, a pretty younic woman, by tbreo men, wbo dntKKOd hor from bed last Sunday nt midnight. ThO Klrl Is In n hospital hero covered with welts and bruises, and may die. Tho residents of Dawson hnvo taken sides lu tho affair and reeling Is running high. MIhh Carter's version of tho treat ment to which sho was subjected was given to tho authorities today. W. S. Dozler, clork ot tho superior court, MIhh Cnrtor assorts, wielded tho wh1j because ho objected to her engage ment to his son, Vo'gt Dozlor. Last Hnndny night, tho girl declnred, Dor.ler, his son James nml another man dragged hor front bed. took hor to n grove, stripped nml gagged her nml whipped Iter until sho fainted. James Dozlor, sho asserts, pleaded with his fatlior to stop. During tho .whipping, MIbs Cnrtor assorts, Vogt Dozlor was kidnapped. Ho now tlircatonn to Bhoot his fathor on sight. Tho mon mentioned by tho girl have not boon arrested, but nro under police surveillance LOHR PRATES OF HIS INNOCENCE CUICAC10, July 21. An attempt to hIiow the voters of Illinois Unit lie witH wrongfully deprived of Ids seat in tlio United States senate will ho niiulo hy William 10. I.oriiner, who sorved two years in tlio tipper house of congress before ho was expelled, Liriiuer today is elntcd over tho ova tnm lu) received hy thousands of ids friends last night at Orchestra Hall. Ho was cheorod for 18 miuutos, "I am not u oandidnto for any of fieo," Lorimer told Ills friends, "hut I propose to talk to tho pcoplo of every section of Illinois until every voter knmys tlio rooord in my ease. I want them to see on what flimsy pretexts tho senators liuvo noted," A WHIPPING GIVENGEORGIAG MIDDFORD, BULL MOOSE TO NOMINATE FULL TICKET National Projircsslve Party of Oregon to he Born Tomorrow When Mass Convention will Elect Delegates to National Convention at Chicago Fred W. Mcars of Mcdford Mentioned as Delegate Most Counties of the State to he Represented PORTLAND, Ore., July 24. Tho imtlounr progressive part); of Oregon will eouio Into being tomorrow, when u mass convention called for tho choice of flvo delegates to tho na tional convention at Chicago will meet In Portland. Aside from tho election or dele gates to Chicago, tho action or the meeting Is difficult to forecast. Home of tho leaders want n full ticket, nominating cnudldntes ngnlnxt all republican nominees wbo fall to declare for lloosovelt. Others con Hliler It would not bo good policy, and favor nominating only an elec toral ticket. United, States senator and congressmen. The convention will bo called to order nt ten o'clock tomorrow, with Dan Kelluher. president of tho Na tional Progressive Club In tho chair. After temporary organization and appointment of committees, It Is said adjournment will bo taken until af ternoon wben tho real business or tho convention will ho undertaken. Among tlioso mentioned for dele gates to Chicago uro Henry W. Coo or Pertland: K. Hofer or Salem, and Kred W. Mcars or Medrord. Coo was u delegate to tho republican national convention nt Chicago. Responses reoelved rrom over tho Into by President Kcllnbor Indicate thnt most or tho counties or the stnto will bo represented. XKV YORK, July 21. Thnt Dor ciih MundgniHH, the misii) Mount Vernon heiress whose disappearance in ii pnrellel to the Dorothy Arnold ono, iB still in New York is declared today y Phoebe Cimiininps it Mount Vernon lady's maid. The girl mih ulio Hnw M1k Snodgiiiss in Wet Twenty-tltird strtet Monday after noon mid nt tho time called the in cident lo the attention of her em ployer, Mm. C (libsou. Tho police hnvo bodn nnitblo to verify the tfirlV identification. It wuh learned liero todny tluit n pli.Vsieiait whoso name Ims been eoit neoteil with tlio disappearance of Mis Snodgruss Hniled for Kurope Inst Thursday hut the girl wns not aboard Unit liuer. Tlio itoliee admit they nro baffled hy tlio mystery. ER1CAN MASSACRE . FEARED IN MEXICO EL PASO, Toxns. July 24. Feara thnt a massneru or Amorlcans may bo tho outcomo ot tho situation lu Ma dera, Chihuahua state, woro Intensi fied horo toduy when word was ro colved rrom thnt place that 400 mu tinous Mexican rebels had arrlvod thoro, and thnt tho efforts mado to send American womon nml chlldrou out of tlio region hnvo fallotl. Tho robols, It 1. reported, nro loot ing tho homos or' American residents and threatening to kill nil who re sist. Ilorao nml 'nack'-mulos aro bo lug Bolzod whorovor found nml tho gravest apprehension la felt that n murderous outbreak may occur nt any hour, KEPT STILL FOR 2 YEARS BUT INSANTY IS FEIGNED 8A0HAMENTO, Cal, July 21. Charles Carson, under sentence of death at Folsont for participation in tho jail break, was declared smno, by a hoard of oxaminiiie; physicians lioro today. Carson has not spokon i word for two yeavs, hut tho physi ciuns doolnro ho is foigiiiui;. N MB H A 1 OHIMON". AVIODNKHDAV, PROBING BIO POLICE SCANDAL Bhinelander. Waldo r1to?o ttnmam mm itc mikcx) Police CuiumUaloUvr Waldo, of New York, bus bis baud full tbi-ae Uujh lu what unty develop to bo one of the most sensational scandals In the city's history. It Ims beeu hinted thut a high police official mny be able to throw Nome IIkM ou tho benwitlouiil killing of or Herman Ronctitlinl, n iioturloiit gambler, who wns mysteriously uliot down. In rront of a ISroudwny hotel. TAKES A SLUMP SEATTLE, Wash.. July 24. Stock In tho third party movement In this stnto hns taken a decided slump to day ns tho result of the overwhelm ing decision against It In the first district vote of the pcoplo on that question at Kent lmt night. Tho meeting, attended by about 300, was culled to organlzo a progres sive Republican club. It was ad dressed by Loron Qrlnstcnd, tho at torney who presented the Roosevelt argument for tho stato at Chicago, Daniel I-amlon, president ot the Roosevelt club here and progressive candidate for congross, Otto A. Case, a progressive candidate ror governor, and a numbor or others. Attorney Thomas D. Page offered a substitute resolution calling upon tho meeting to nftllluto with tho national pro gressive party. Chairman D. A. Mor rison ruled It out of order. Page np pealed from tho chair. Tho chair was sustained. J .ess than 20 voted ror tho third party resolution. The feeling was general, that Inas much ns tho progressives wero In control In this state, tho new party would prove an nld to the standpat ters more than anything else. MIKADO BETTER; NEXT FEW DATS TOKIO, Jnlv 21. An official bul letin isMied this uioritiug hy the physicians in utteudniiee on the em peror nmiouneo that his condition is much improved mid that he is expect ed to he out of critical condition within three or four days. Tho feeling throughout the empire is one of general relief and confi dence in his ultiuiato recovery. Tito crown prince visited tho sick room this morning. The blilletiu .states that tlio Mikado has taken about half a pint of milk and light gruel within tho lut twelve hours mid thnt the albumen and dia betic condition is much improved. Tho pulse this morning; was OH, the rof.pirntion 512 mid the temperature 81). L IS NEW YOKK, July 24. With opon iiiR declines of a small fraction to day's stock market rallied nud show ed especial activity in General Kleo trie, which gained nearly throe points. Later the market reached its uncertain tone, nt times verging on heaviness. Somu lendors were pres sed for sale, hut eary roonsious were soou overcome. National lliseuit was tho weak feature of tho day will uToss of five points," TradiiiR was extremely dull ami operations wero largely jirofossionul. Thu market closed quiet and sternly. Bonds wero steady i -i ... ' r IJUIIUU UHWWMi W HI III! I mi 111 III ' mill IMjl'll ammHr BANDANA STOCK WA1BN PASSES CRISIS ,IV,Y 21, 1912 PLAY FAN TAN ALL THE WAY i Men and Women of Exclusive Smart Set of Both Continents Crowd Gambling Tables Operated hy Chin ese on Pacific Mail Liners Thousands of Dollars Chanye Hands and Finyers of Social Leaders Touch Greedy Palms of Chinese SAN FRANRISCO, Cal.. July 24. Men and women or tho exclusive smart se,t or two continents crowding about fan tan tables operated by slant eyed celestials on board tho Pacific Mall Liner Korea during the entire voyage from tho Orient to Sin Fran cisco were tho conditions that ob tnlned on shipyard night and day during tho entire trip, according to depositions by prominent passengers filed hero today with United States District Attorney John L. McNab. Chinese members of the crow operated from eight to ten fan tan tables on the main deck, among tho first class passengers, nnd in full view ortho promenade deck at all hours or tho night and day, state the depositions. Women high In social circles nnd men whoso names aro known around the world crushed qbout the Chinese gamblers for a chance to play. Society l'ntroni7Cs Tables The patronage or the tables Is sala to have been almost exclusively from tho first cabin passengers. Thous ands or dollars changed hands, and rrequently the bejeweled ringers or social leaders touched tho greedy palms or tho Chinese wbo manipu lated tho cards. When mesh purses wero drained, borrowing and ex changing or I. O. U.'s wero resorted to. The scene was a miniature Monto Carlo, according to tthoso who watched the play. According to tho depositions or passengers, the Chinese members or tho crew, who were not hindered by the ship's otricers, aro paid a wago of $7 per month by tho Pacific Mail Company and passengers .making the depositions declaro their belief that tlio officials ot tho company make no apparent attempt to prevent the poorly paid crewsmen from swelling their Incomo over tho gaming tables. J'asseiigers Protest A score ot pasengers, according to United States District Attorney Mc Nab, drew up resolutions of protest ngatnst what they termed the dls- graceful conditions that obtained aboard and 03 soon as tho Korea had landed placed tho protest in the hands or Pacific Mall officials. They as sort that they received no answer to their communication. Tho chlof deponent wns John M. Mills, promi nent business man ot Evorston, In diana. McNab declared today that ho would mnko n thorough Investigation of tho afralr and tho alleged preval ence or gambling aboard Pacific Mall Liners, although ho has not ns yet determined what jurisdiction his of fice may havo In handling tho situa tion. ICERS E CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo.. July 24. Charged by President Charles II. Moyor with attempting to turn tho or ganization against tho officers or the contral body, Thomas Campbell ot Dutto union No. 1, stands today ex pulled rrom tho Western Federation ot Miners, Tho voto was 232 to 1G. Campbell had protorred charges against Moyor In which ho nllogod that Moyor and othor officials woro guilty or corrupt practices In tho managomont or tho nutto local. Tho charges woro not substantiated, Resolutions condemning Campbell also woro presontod from tlio Butto local to tho convention and tuoso probably will bo adopted, It Is understood that Campbell, who is a inomber ot tho Industrial Workers ot tho World, is rostorlng. n movomon't to havo that body secodo from tho federation. A OSSPACIFIC CKAMBERLAN FAVORABLE TO TARIFF BOARD Oreijon Senator One of Three Demo crats Votes to Retain Appropria tion of $225,000 to Continue Ex perts so Body Will be Retained Measure Previously Vetoed hy Presi dent Taft Because Tariff Board was Cut Out of Existence WASHINGTON. July 24. Tho en tire sundry civil appropriation bill was filially agreed to by tho senate this afternoon. The measure carries a total of SUC.000.000 WASHINGTON, July 24. Ry a vote ot 34 to 19 tho senate deter mined today to rctnln In tho sundry civil bill an appropriation of $225, 000 toVontlnue tho tariff board. Thirty-one republicans and three democrats Newlands, Chamberlain and Thornton favored tho appro priation so that- the tariff board should not be abolished. The sundry civil bill was previous ly vetoed by President Taft because the tariff board was cut off by tho house. The sundry civil bill also contains an appropriation for $100,000 for Crater Lake park improvement. In serted by Senator Bourne, which will probably pass the house. Forecasting a possible resumption or the democratic-progressive coali tion in the senate, Senator Cummins today Introduced a wool revision measure wherein ho Indicated that tho progressives' views will bo ror ntally discussed .tomorrow when the consideration of the house bill begins. Tne cummins measure takes a middle course between the house bill and the existing law. How the parcels post regulations embodied In the pending post of fice appropriation bill will charge ror the transportation or small pack ages was explained hero today In a statement by Senator Bourne of Ore gon, H rinally approved by the hous and senate conteres and by President Tatt tho rates will be: For city and rural delivery, tlvo cents tor tho first i pound anil ono cent tor each additional pound. For a 50 mile zone. 5 cents ror tho first pound and threo cents tor each additional pound. For tho 300 mile hundred, 9 cents tor the tlrst pound and seven cents tor each additional pound. For tho 1,800 mil zono, 11 cents tor tho tlrst pound and ten cents tor each additional pound. Above tho 1.S00 mile, zono, 12 cents riat ror each pound. L CLEVELAND, Ohio, July 24. "Home ain't nothing llko this," was tho comment hero today of George Morris, marshal of Nottingham Vil lage who is lolling about tho country homo of Patrick Calhoun, millionaire traction magnate, to collect a bill ot $7, 910.93, awarded In a judgment against Calhoun lu favor ot a Cali fornia building firm. Calhoun ami his wlfo aro away rrom homo and Morris says ho will remain until they como back, "I don't caro It thoy stay two months," Bald Morris, "Miss 'Martha Calhoun is doing her best to mnko my stay pleasant, and, bclievo mo, she Is somo hostess. I llko It so well that I am going to stay until Calhoun settles or enough of his proporty Is sold to satisfy tho Judgment." SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.., July 24. Patrick Calhoun, tho mllllonalro trac tion magnate, is In San Francisco, but refused today to become excited when told that Marshal Morris ot Notting ham was camping jon tho Calhoun estnto near Cleveland awoltlng set tling ot a mechanic's Hon In favor ot John a raw, a California contractor, Calhoun dcclluod to discuss tho af ralr lu uny way, OWN MARSHA 11 lilKIF ATCAUSMA NO. 105 T. R. IS GRILLED BY HELL A3 A PIRATE Congress Hears Defense of Republi can Party and Arralngement of Roosevelt Asserts There was Mo Fraud in Taft's Renomination Says Roosevelt Prepared Fake Con tests Without Merit to Prejudice Public Against President Taft WASHINGTON, July 21. I)o nouncinjr Coloiiel RoHcvelt ns "n pi rate, who deliberately mifllenda tho people," nnd nswerting- thnt nCuHCvclt contents nt Chicago wero 'trumped up nnd faked," Congressman Mondoil o Wyoming in the house todny der niel that there wns nny frnml in Tnft's renomination, nnd fired tho opening gun or the campaign in the president's defense. Congressman Bartholilt of Miss ouri will follow Mondell in presenting the cuse of the Tnft people, Mon dell's speech wns filled with deniin cinting epithets. Ho said: Persistent Prevarication "Roosevelt and his supporters have repeatedly, in tlio most -violent nnd intemperate language, made serious oharges of fraud nnd wrong-doing in connection with tho sentin nndelec tian of delegates. Few persons real ize how men muy he led by nn over zealous man and his unscrupulous supporters nnd subordinates. Truth is nt a disadvantage in the presence of persistant prevarication. "It is now proposed to steal the, livery nnd secure the benefits of-republican state organizations while repudiating the party. It is difficult to conceive of n more shameless pro posal of pure piracy. The local boss of the new crew is n cautions pirnte, but the chief repudiates nny such mushy procedure. Quoth he: 'If you are ft pirnte, bo n pirate, Carry tho flag as long as it is to your interest, but eventually make them walk tho plank and scuttle the ship.' " Misleading tho Public y Mondell declnred thnt Speaker Clurk had ns much right to desert the democratic party ns Roosevelt, asserting thnt the nomination Tras "ruthlessly snatched from him, with- ' out warrant, justification or excuse.''. Referring to Roosevelt's 238 con tests, Mondell said: "This overwhelming numper, -jwns brought for the purpose of confusing tho issue, misleading tho public nnd to Iny the foundation for outrageous charges. Tho southern contests we're' too raw for tho stomachs of even tjio most prcdjudiced of tho lloosovelt supporters." E LONDON, July 24, Renewed vlo lenco marked the progrosa ot tho dock strlko hero today. Stone's wer ex changed and auany on both sides were huit In a tight between strikers and strikebreakers at tho Clydo company's docks, when thousands of strikers tried to demolish tho walls surround- -ing tho proporty. Tho pollco final ly took a hand and restored a sem blanco or order, Bon Tlllott, strlko leader, address ing a mass mooting at Tower IIIH, publicly prayed to God to strike Lord Davonport dead. Lord Davenport lu rogardod ns tho most bitter enemy ot the strikers among tho employors. Suffering among tho ramllles ot tho strikers today was dreadtul. The streets In tho dock districts are tilled with gunnt womon, plainly showing tho torrlblo effects of the struggle Many liayo actually, starved to death. Tho authorities admit they aro unablo to care for all. ILLNESS AGAIN POSTPONES CLARENCE DARR0W TRIAL ' c LOS AN0EM3S. Cnl., July 2. Juror Lonyitt still being tumble to resume, his duties when court' crtit vened toduy in the trial of CUreiicA S. Dnrrow for nllegsd $uvy bribing'" adjournment wns again taken until 10 o'clock tomorrow mornliiK. RENEWED W MARKS DOCK STRIK t: